IMAGE - God's Puzzle Solved

IMAGE - God's Puzzle Solved

IMAGE - God's Puzzle Solved


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6 Testimony Of The MessiahGod plans to do, “Declaring the end from the beginningand from ancient times the things that are not yetdone, saying My counsel shall stand and I will do all mypleasure” (Isaiah 46:10). Paul and Isaiah are in totalagreement when you read, “In whom also we have obtainedan inheritance, being predestinated according tothe purpose of him who works all things after the counselof his own will” (Ephesians 1:11).God is life and has no death in Him. Death is yourchoice. It is the reason why God wants you to chooselife. Your human life is your experience, so you canbecome like God (kind after kind). Just as you receivelife (temporarily) through your physical parents, youare adopted by God to become His Son. God is destinedto be All In All (I Corinthians 15:28). At thattime, God will give you The Gift of Eternal Life because,then, a literal Paradise will become a reality.You will be just like Him and you will be able to walktogether, eternally (Amos 3:3).

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