IMAGE - God's Puzzle Solved

IMAGE - God's Puzzle Solved

IMAGE - God's Puzzle Solved


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Chapter 7Seek GodGod’s, only, purpose for mankind is tomake everyone in His own image (Genesis1:26). What does God expect of you? Adamand Eve had to make a free choice betweenGod as their Master Rabbi and eatingfrom The Tree of Life or The Tree of TheKnowledge of Good and Evil. They had todecide whether to serve God or decide goodand evil on their own. In this context, whatdoes God expect of you?Isaiah 55:6-13“Seek you the Lord while he may be found” (Isaiah55:6). God makes a poignant request of mankind. Hewants you to search for The One True God while Heis available. Your mission is to seek and, then, findThe One True God. What are the directions you areto follow? “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteousman his thoughts: and let him return to theLord and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God,for he will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:7). You areto seek God and love Him, as any little child looks totheir father.The Hebrew word “rasha,” when translated into Englishmeans, “doesn’t know how to live right.” These

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