A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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CL0SE- UP !0f Geneiaf Bockner as heIooks on coldly.11.GRoUP SlioT r0f e11 four Prlncipals:<strong>FRANKLIN</strong>fhere you sre, Peul I -- NothlngIlke stsrtlng the day out rlght.l,{ekos me feel twenty yearsyounger.(He plnches I'lorns I s cheek,then looks to Oenera 1Bocknerfwl-o 13 wa t.h lngby-ple y )shels a wondex, Fellx. Must getall her" chsrm from her notrrer. -He wss a r:ascal as a boy, NormB.,rNORIIIA-+4',: o Jrve he"rd norhcr ssy.30. CLoSE-UP iCAMXRA sh tfts to GenerEIBockner, who revea ls slightlrope tlence benea th apolsed ex terlor.l'nA l{ltT,1i r(Joshlngly)And !r he knows IOENERAL BOCKIiEIt(gruffly lripor. tant )1.,. a .,. I have not muchtLme thls rnor"nlng, Peu1. Ittrlfl please me if ,./ou...31..GROUP SHCT:0f the forrr Pr lnc lps ls .FRANKIIN0h, certalnlyl -- I thought thlswas a soclel ca1I. Peul., 1fNorma and you wlll excuse us....qENERAL BOCKNT|RThs t 1s not necessary, IFIt}.NTLTN(w inklng )It nay not be nec-ssary, l lt.,.perhaps advlsable.(He nollons to I sul ,Jr'.rsprlva te <strong>of</strong>flce )Norma, amused, ta kesPsu1ls alm and smlles backove! her shouLder as theyexlt lnto s prlvate <strong>of</strong>flce.PAULCone, Norma ...

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