A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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39. (C ont t d. )be ell rlght. Then, esthe 0ene rs I ex1ts, Paulgclueezes Nor"ms I s hand andthey exchange e rdent glances.As llorlra soes outthe door, PauI follows he]'lovlngly !! 1th h1s eyes,s lowly closlng the door.then, trrrnlng back lnto theroon, h1s expresslon chg ngesas he glves lvay tp hls sgltated feellngs and rushesto$'ard his f.l ther lPAULDad - General Rooknei 1s ruthless.You thlnk you know hlrn--b\rt you dontt. Helll stop atnothlng - even to breaklng olfny engbgement .\'11r Norma l--FRAl.IfiLlIi( 1leht 1y )Uetfl do nothlng <strong>of</strong> the k1nd.You lenve thlngs to ne. Ikno$ how to take care <strong>of</strong> hlm.--(he looks about h1n )40. I'{EDTUM SIIOT:As Franklln, grea tly peppeduP, 60es t,o the desk, grobsa Pencll lrnd sone papels ands ta rts in wrltlng:DISSOLVL OUT:As Paul s tands starlng a lerinedsnd perplexedly st hls father.FRANI{I,INNcw lct me Bet to ,norkcpeech tor tha t dlnneron my41, DISSIoLVU INToi |ULL VInl'[ -0f Bsnquet R o ord.Paul 1s slttlng beslde Normaet a I1ttlo tabl.e Just lnfront ol the speakerts table,He ls starlng now, just sseppleheng1vely, et Genor8 1Bockner, who ls on his feet,concludlng bhe lntroductlon<strong>of</strong> the guest ol honor, PBulFrank1ln, Sr. A dls tlngulshedgstheilng <strong>of</strong> men andwomen, lncl-udlng Dr. G6sr endCoLoneL Sa lter, Is prosent,Everyone ls l-n evenlng clressor .fufl dress unlfor,ms.Severa 1 nlcrophones heve beenpleced on the speakerls tablc.

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