A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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].79. DISSOLW I}ITOlvhlte bL.rtr] through lrllicir iresee the lollowlng oventsqulcl.ly enactecl:Groa L cannoo Loo!,ihr -sllells ,lu.le ilnB in"rir -As sasslnzrt lon <strong>of</strong> ArchclukeFrancls i eld j.non.1, hei.c Lothe Russi.gn t5rone. . . .Gorr4any declaring n,ar uporiIlusc;c, /.ugusL 41n, Lr14, vin-icrL3lreediIy 1nvo1v.: rr, : ncr- ,Be1F,iur.r, 1L a' T, Bi_r1iDr- e,Great IritaIu....l?e se€, gxaplric higblights <strong>of</strong>the confllcli frou evol:y outstarldlngcoulrtnyls vieivpoint...scencs tvploal <strong>of</strong> theirpartlclpsblon.,..4'7 .180. C0uTit.4sTlli0 srIoTSJIuL,,!e 3cL 6rrnpowd, r', uscd,ulul.Ior blasLi,r8 to bui_l'] found- ltts one ol the gr.eatestabions, use!1 to blor up criines <strong>of</strong> :e a6!sltlenches irilliirtjItnen.... nevor. sltoulc!- haie haplresee tractor$ Lu'neci iili"ri;;'#{ii'*l; ifi^i{r"in.to Arrili baiills.','/e see rilles in t,he l:rand.s<strong>of</strong> huntexs suddenfy becorierlf les in the hancls ol ..rolctie tB..,.snipers . . . airning at lrur4e.n prey. . .:':c sec p6sscl]dur -c,:].pou I irnillsbccol,-e Lr'uoL, lt rirlj, ,j...,1 ,oL i:-nsoldiers. . ..11€ see ou! greai, occalr vessel.spackeC to the raii i,rlth soldie]'boys ln piaco ojl lrirc usual happylPavelers. . . .::e see 1lr..s -; co..o..un1caliunbGin[j fald behlnd trer] ci1es,i-',i.th nc,r boltl:ld b-ru ficr ir, s:Ltin6ncrvouslT LBpt)i-.r, .1 !e1e-This and other devious uses <strong>of</strong>oth€rul-se constr.uctive de ve 1opmentsaro seen. . . .a11 necessar':lt,o play the gaixe ol' tle ft6nd.1shwar 1ord, r,'ho sh..rffles thesemlnirture l]ctj-vit ie s al1 iiogetherl1ke so olanjr toys and laughsI,aucously es he does it...,.nlarvelous invcntioDs againsthiuse l il

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