A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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9R. CLOSE VTE!"J;Interlo! <strong>of</strong> PeuIrs hous e.Franklln lnd lgna nt IY confrontlngs oldlers 1n llbrary,,rho are tearlng books frornIl.blary shelves end contemptuouslythrowlng ln Pl1es onfloor. Franklln runs Pathetlca1lyfrom one soldler to theother 'p16adlng eSsinst thelrdes troylng these rare volumesbryt he 1s c\rffed roughlY aslde'(NoTE: D ts logu- lo ^arry6ctlon. )T'RA NKLIN. . .You mustnlt desiroy thesevolun]es, . s ome <strong>of</strong> them canltbe ret-laced l-- Thls 1s arare oo1lectlon...98. MEDN]M SHOT:I',len contlnue des tructlon<strong>of</strong> booLs.CUI TO:99, MEDIUIVI SHoT:General Bockner and strff com-1ng up steps wl th crovd closlng1n behlnd. r's they stare throughiloorway, we sec that door has beenspllntered and wlndow-panes snashed.Gusrds take posltlon at dooi' andhold cro\rld back "'1th flxed bayonets'CUT BACK TO:fOO. FUIL SHO?I0f Llbrary. Soldler"s are contlnulngto thiovJ out books' wlthFranl.lln orrbraged, now aba ndonlnghls pleadlng snd denounclng thero1n vlgorous ls ngua ge.Into the flblsry strldes GeneralBockner,followed by Dr. Gear,(con t I d. )

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