A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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F'RANK],1IiItls really sel:ved ne veryr/e 11 .14. CLOSE IIPDr. laar iuns his procti-sedflngers along a falnt illcisionl1l]e begiiuing ove! thelcft crr sill aurullng aroundthe back ot' irrankllnrs headunder the liair.DR. GXAN(pufflng hinls el f0h, not so bad -- lorlclone qulckly - behindup)a JobthoFRANKT,lNYos, youlr operation was allrigiit, I cAino much closexto dying afterv{ards - Ln anenemy prisoa calllp.].3. GROU,D SI]OTAs Paul lndlcrtos chairsfor thon alL lPAULLotls not 11ve over i,]re war.14. CLoSI riPAs Dr. OearFrantr(1ln:s tudlesDR . Gr.A.]ilTls a sLgn vre are growlngold, Pau1.FRA1IKLIN$ - not we, ctoctorlDR. GEAiI( s lgniflcantly)Just the satne, fau1, I shouldadvlse you not'to permii yourselfto get too 6ncited.].5. CLOSE UP0f ?aul Fnanklln, S!.!'RANI{LIN( smt 1lng )I see - you are af1'ald <strong>of</strong> ashort c.ircult? -- No?(he taps his head )Doctor, outslde <strong>of</strong> occas i.or]aldlzzy spefls, I woulclnl ttrrnow Lhair Bry head lyas <strong>of</strong>f bhegold sl,Einiiard.

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