A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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39.I51. DISSoO\E INTo rWhlte bfur throuAh ',{h1chaPPeaIs scene <strong>of</strong> trhe !.l1se I'fengulded by the stor.,..Scenes 1n the life <strong>of</strong> Chrlst.R1s rnost drariatic momcnts.Hls cruc l flx 1cn.152. DISSO],V1i OUT & INTO:EDIUl,l :lli0T:The Llbrarl/, w 1th Frankllnfaclng serlous ly considers te.NBN.lIRANI{],Ili.., It lraB Cbrlst, who -repe!tlng the vords <strong>of</strong> Confuclus,sald: rAlL thlngs,therefore, lrha ts oever yewould thst men should do untoyou, even so do ye also untothemr I ...153. CLCSIi VTET:0l oenera I Boclmer andJoseph Salter, as Salterturns tro Boclrner:SAI,TEFl',4-la t do we care rho llvedbefore -- or what they dld?Chrlst Is just a fslry tale !--ulelf,l r,alie our own hitrtorlr.154. CLOSE-UP:As Flsnklln makes ferventan6wer. --Takes up e book,holds 1t ,lranatta.lly ulo't:eI'RANK.LINBut you canrt I .., {4n*q3."':fer|,J.now-"trh€ t-"f o\r' Ls*€.*d@{'n6*$filu'$fl.:.:. you I J.l -d*t be r:!:gq-Ii! hlstory. -- lo you-Tfili[thts 1s the flrst tlnre thatItan has ever trled to destroyknovrledge? -- Ilhy, 1n Chlna -the cradle <strong>of</strong> clvlllzatlon -&11 hlstorlca1 boohs wereoldered burned by the ruler,Che iivrang-tse ..,..(cont rd. )

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