A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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168. SCENi15 CF PILGIIIMS !Scenes <strong>of</strong> pllgrIns landlngon Pl,ymouth Hock.Sltlrrnlshes 1v lth Indiane.Stockades, constant wlden-1ng <strong>of</strong> Amerlcals terr itoryanld sacrlflc€ anci devot ion<strong>of</strong> God-fearlng people.169. DI,]CLARATTOI.I OF I'I.IDEP D}]T{CE:Scene showlng the monvrho drew up the docuxlent,a CLOSI UP <strong>of</strong> the docu-]ient, as it is beingslgned: rr,luf y 4th, 17?6.'l43.FRA}IIiI,TI\ I S VOICNTwo hundred. years fater, thePlltrlns londcd on PlymouthRock and the colonlzatlon <strong>of</strong>Auelica began..,.. .<strong>FRANKLIN</strong> I S VOICE.,..Aftelr moro than onehundred. yeals <strong>of</strong> oppre s slon,t)re colonlsts, demandingfreedorn <strong>of</strong> thought and freedom<strong>of</strong> exp!ess1on, rebelled agalrEtthe nother country, Eng1and.It was then that the Declaretion<strong>of</strong> lndepenalence was!ffltton, .rh icn stends rodayas one <strong>of</strong> the nost notableclocu4ent s 1n all history....170. CT,oSE UPGLlmpse <strong>of</strong>alocument.volcn..,. a document l?hlch readst" ri'e liold ihese truths lo beself-evident, that all men arecleated equal; that iihey areendovr'ed by thelr Creator vrtthcertaln lnall€nable rlghts;that a]nong these are llfe,Iiberty aird the pursult 01'happlness." It 1s l-or suchrlghts, gentleiron, thet Humanl-tyhas shed lts bloodthroughout the ages. . .truthsthat lmbuo d the colonists tothrow <strong>of</strong>f the yoke <strong>of</strong> donlnarionanai, under Ll-e fearless1e aderslr.lp <strong>of</strong> George lilashlngton,establish a new forn <strong>of</strong>governnent, guarante e lngtheir freedon....Soon aftertl-io war ol xebelllon 1n Arnerlcaended., revolutlon brokeout ln France. The klng ardqueen and -lilousand.s <strong>of</strong> theroyaLty and lrobll-ity weretrehoadod by the lnflaned pop-1?1. SCENLS OF NAPOI,]IONFlashes <strong>of</strong> trlapoleonr s career,both publtc and prlvate.Napoleonts liratarlooand ex11e.VOTCB,. . . .A d, out o-C Llre I rencl:itevolutlon sprang Nepol?onBonaparte,

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