A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman

A Stlrrlng Photo Drama of PAUI, FRANKLIN, JR - Harold Sherman


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72. XMDIUM SHO T:Franklln, Sr. i9 seen unsteadllylesvlng the s Peaker I stable anld boo3. ne headstowerds an exlt fr'om thebenquet hal-l as the dlners areIn sn uproer, wltb GenerslBockner trylng to quleten them.2r,v0lcEsliow dd1'o hel -- I'Iho lnvitedhlm? - - r.!ho s a ld hc wa sloval? ..Shut hln upl --Th; tra ttor t --13,, F0LLoI'{ :lHCTrPau 1, lesvlng tabl e;sta?ts to folloN after hlsfs ther. Norma fo]10ws afterhlm hys ter lc a l-ly.PAULI must go wlth hln--NO RI{APsul., dear t -- iilalt I7 4 . PA N CA }ItrRI{ :Follow !'rsnkL1n snd Paulout <strong>of</strong> the bsnquet hafl,!'vlth Norma lntercePted bYhei fother, lrho keeps herln the r" o or1:Pau I ls Feraltted tobrush by and con tlnueafter hls fathe!, amld anupr@ r.GHN!RA], EOC KNER( graspln6q llorma--)IOU SiEy nere rNORMAB1r t, father, Paulrs --here IGTN!:ruL BOCKNtrR?5. MEDIJITI SHOT: (PAN CAI/EFA )The PeuL Frankllns , fatherand son, orrtslde 1n corrlalor.Paul crtches uP t<strong>of</strong>ather snd tal

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