update NewS from dNv to the tANker INduStry No 02 2011 - Hays

update NewS from dNv to the tANker INduStry No 02 2011 - Hays

update NewS from dNv to the tANker INduStry No 02 2011 - Hays


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eDitOriala challeNgiNg DecaDeJan korenBusiness direc<strong>to</strong>r tankersJan.Koren@dnv.compiracy and very high bunkerprices are at <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>pof many tanker owners’agendas right now. <strong>the</strong>sefac<strong>to</strong>rs, combined withdepressed freight rates, aremaking life very challengingfor people in <strong>the</strong> tankerindustry. with <strong>the</strong> curren<strong>to</strong>versupply of <strong>to</strong>nnage andsignificant volume of deliveriesof additional tankers,<strong>the</strong>re is little chance ofsustainable improvementsin <strong>the</strong> short term. as aconsequence, we will seemore cases of restructuring.younger vessels than beforeare candidates for scrappingand lay-ups are alsobeing discussed.new rules and regulationsare now being implemented,and this trendwill increase in <strong>the</strong> years<strong>to</strong> come. significant reductionsin emissions (nOx,sOx and CO2) <strong>to</strong> air will berequired and ballast watertreatment systems are alsoon <strong>the</strong> agenda. <strong>the</strong> implementationof new regulationsis going ahead despite<strong>the</strong> general and seriousdepression in <strong>the</strong> market.Compliance with <strong>the</strong>se regulationsis no “quick fix”.making <strong>the</strong> right decisionswill require understandingand insight plus <strong>the</strong> allocationof suitable humanand economic resources <strong>to</strong>allow serious considerationand planning. those whocan see <strong>the</strong> new regulationsas opportunities andhave <strong>the</strong> resources <strong>to</strong> actaccordingly are, of course,fortunate. some are evenintending <strong>to</strong> stay ahead of<strong>the</strong> market.in this issue of tanker<strong>update</strong>, we have a specialfocus on energy efficiencyand <strong>the</strong> new energy efficiencydesign index(eedi), which significantlylimits CO2 emissions. this isbasically about fuel saving.initially, <strong>the</strong> formal implicationsare limited, but<strong>the</strong> ultimate consequence,as we see it <strong>to</strong>day, is thatabout ten-year-old vesselsmay have <strong>to</strong> compete in<strong>the</strong> marketplace with vesselswhich are at least 30%more fuel efficient. somewill consider such competition<strong>to</strong> be quite dramatic,particularly with <strong>the</strong> fuelprices we may see in <strong>the</strong>coming years. in <strong>the</strong>irefforts <strong>to</strong> cut costs and meetcharterers’ expectations,tanker owners in particularmay <strong>from</strong> now on be lookingfor more fuel efficientvessels when planning neworders. this will drive innovation<strong>to</strong> a greater extentthan we have seen before,and make it more challengingfor owners <strong>to</strong> decide ondesign alternatives whenordering ships in <strong>the</strong> years<strong>to</strong> come. new concepts willbe developed. designers,yards and owners shouldplan for this developmentnow, even ahead of <strong>the</strong> formaldeadlines. <strong>the</strong> winnersmay be those that are able<strong>to</strong> meet market requirementsand expectationsahead of <strong>the</strong> majority.we in dnv have in-depthknowledge of existing andnew regulations and <strong>the</strong>irimplications. dnv does notdesign ships. we will, however,continue <strong>to</strong> presen<strong>to</strong>ur innovative ideas andconcepts <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> industryso that anybody who finds<strong>the</strong>m of interest is free <strong>to</strong>do <strong>the</strong> necessary engineeringwork and developdesigns and specifications.<strong>the</strong> industry feedback hasbeen very positive and wehave won awards for ourwork. we are pleased <strong>to</strong>share our ideas and knowledgewith existing andnew clients. we have alsodeveloped and are offeringinformation and servicesthat support <strong>the</strong> industry inorder <strong>to</strong> meet <strong>the</strong> importantchallenges facing usin <strong>the</strong> coming decade. youwill find more about this on<strong>the</strong> following pages.enjoy <strong>the</strong> read!THEPOWERTOEXCELIN OILAND GASTRANSPORTATIONat dnv, we understand <strong>the</strong> tankerbusiness and offer services designed <strong>to</strong>assist owners and management in <strong>the</strong>irquest for safe, efficient and competitiveoperations.Ship classification • offshore classification •Technology qualification • Winterisation •Ice management • Competence & training• Safety, health & environmental riskmanagementwww.dnv.comit takes strength and agility <strong>to</strong> excel in <strong>the</strong> face of demanding transportationmarkets and <strong>the</strong> maritime safety regime. technical, economical and environmentalissues must be addressed on a day-<strong>to</strong>-day basis.<strong>tANker</strong> updAte NO. 2 <strong>2011</strong> | 3

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