BBK annual report eng 21.5.5

BBK annual report eng 21.5.5

BBK annual report eng 21.5.5


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30 Interest rate risk management (continued)The Group’s interest rate sensitivity position, based on the earlier of contractual repricing or maturity dates, is as follows:As of 31 December 2004Not exposedLess than 1 month 3 months 1 year Over to interest1 month to 3 months to 1 year to 5 years 5 years rate risk TotalBD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000 BD ’000Cash and balances with central banks - - - - - 35,682 35,682Treasury bills 9,965 9,965 5,505 - - - 25,435Trading investments - - - - - 2 2Deposits and due from banks and other financial institutions 165,642 14,258 6,900 - - 353 187,153Loans and advances to customers 336,406 114,480 135,921 66,769 97,908 13,205 764,689Non-trading investment securities 30,311 128,818 133,477 17,627 19,587 46,311 376,131Investment in associated company - - - - - 5,812 5,812Interest receivable and other assets - - - - - 11,291 11,291Premises and equipment - - - - - 14,580 14,580Total assets 542,324 267,521 281,803 84,396 117,495 127,236 1,420,775Deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions 123,671 80,025 11,228 - - 13,928 228,852Borrowings under repurchase agreements - 72,176 - - - - 72,176Term loans - - - - - - -Medium term deposits from banks - 47,125 47,125 - - - 94,250Customers’ current, savings and other deposits 472,690 159,695 100,118 11,452 2,680 97,867 844,502Interest payable and other liabilities - - - - - 23,217 23,217Shareholders ' equity - - - - - 157,778 157,778Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 596,361 359,021 158,471 11,452 2,680 292,790 1,420,775On-balance sheet gap (54,037) (91,500) 123,332 72,944 114,815Off-balance sheet gap 23,411 54,488 (25,545) (52,354) -Total interest rate sensitivity gap (30,626) (37,012) 97,787 20,590 114,815Cumulative interest rate sensitivity gap (30,626) (67,638) 30,149 50,739 165,554Annual Report 2004 54 | 55

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