Where the Growth Is

Where the Growth Is - Van-garde

Where the Growth Is - Van-garde

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Changing Printersin Midstreamby Walt “Stryke” ClaytonAfter I decided to self-publish my parodyof nature field guides, <strong>the</strong> secondcritical decision I made was that productionvalues would be <strong>the</strong> highestattainable. Stryke’s Buns Guide: A FieldGuide to Buns of <strong>the</strong> World had to becomparable in every way to <strong>the</strong> superbvinyl-covered guides used by millionsof naturalists worldwide. And in caseyou’re asking yourself, Does he mean<strong>the</strong> kind of buns I’m thinking he means?Yes, I do. I got <strong>the</strong> idea for my clean,fun guide when I was leading a groupof birdwatchers and wildlife photographersthrough Patagonia, but it doesn’tfeature birds or plants or snakes; itfocuses solely on female behinds.I no longer feltconfident that I’dget <strong>the</strong> beautifulbook I knew waspossible, and I lost alot of sleep.Back in 2002, I queried several domesticprinters and quickly determined that<strong>the</strong> one best suited to deliver <strong>the</strong> specialcolor printing and vinyl cover I absolutelyhad to have was <strong>the</strong> companyalready producing <strong>the</strong> most popularbirding guides. This was a huge globalJapanese firm, and, in addition to specialexpertise in printing field guides,it offered a price amazingly lower thanany U.S. quote. So, even though I hadhoped to keep production in <strong>the</strong> UnitedStates, its offer was too good to refuse.Trouble in ParadiseThen, a series of events graduallychipped away at my confidence in thisprinter and <strong>the</strong> technical expertise ofits U.S. reps.The first major problem occurred overtime and centered on simple communication.My first reps understoodclearly what I was trying to achieve andsaid <strong>the</strong>y could deliver. But frequentturnover of reps within <strong>the</strong> U.S. divisionmeant that once I had a good relationshipgoing with one and we hadsolved language-barrier problems, thatperson would leave <strong>the</strong> company or betransferred elsewhere. So it was backto square one, often with a rep whosefirst language was nei<strong>the</strong>r English norJapanese. Inevitably, things got lost intranslation. Confusion reigned.It was critical for me to get preciseanswers to technical questions from<strong>the</strong> rep and plant. I was using QuarkXpress,and I needed exact specs to becertain that no major last-minuteglitches would shut down <strong>the</strong> projector require a total redo. That wouldhave been catastrophic.One set of problems involved colorprofiles. It took several inquiries tonail down <strong>the</strong> specs, and I still had mydoubts. Then color proofs of photoswere slow in coming, and not free; <strong>the</strong>printer’s accounting department hassledme repeatedly for a resale number thatwasn’t really necessary; and when <strong>the</strong>color proofs did come, <strong>the</strong>y weren’t spoton, which meant <strong>the</strong>y had to be redoneat extra expense and with ano<strong>the</strong>r delay.I was diverting far too much time,money, and mental energy away fromwhat I should have been doing—polishingtext and imagery. I no longerfelt confident that I’d get <strong>the</strong> beautifulbook I knew was possible. I dreaded amajor error, and I lost a lot of sleep.What saved me was pure serendipity.Acting on a New CueI was in my local Barnes & Noble lookingat nature guide covers for ideas to24 | IBPA Independent | February 2013

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