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University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Scientific Report ...

University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Scientific Report ...


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The Program has evolved into an important example ofbi-directional translational research, with ideas movingfreely between bench and bedside.Overview & GoalsThe overall goals of the Immunology and CancerProgram are to understand the interface betweenthe host immune system and malignant tumorsand, ultimately, to manipulate the interaction topromote immune-mediated tumor destruction inpatients with cancer. The Program has evolvedinto an important example of bi-directionaltranslational research, with ideas moving freelybetween bench and bedside, and consists of 21members (one of whom is a Howard Hughesinvestigator) derived from 6 departments.therefore, span the following domains: (1)fundamental investigations in immunology thathave relevance to the cancer context; (2) mousemodels of anti-tumor immunity; and (3) clinicalstudies of human anti-tumor immunity and novelimmunotherapies. Observations made in studiesof basic immunologic concepts direct the design ofpreclinical and clinical investigations, and resultsof clinical studies generate new hypotheses thatare being addressed back in murine systems.Immunology& CancerThe Immunology and Cancer Program aimsto understand all definable aspects of immuneresponse against tumors, which will be vitalfor developing and optimizing immune-basedcancer therapeutics. The scientific goals,Program Leader:Thomas Gajewski, MD, PhDUCCRC SCIENTIFIC REPORT 200945

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