Winter 08 - Nelson Tree Service

Winter 08 - Nelson Tree Service


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N E W S F RO M T H E F I E L D<br />

National Grid Safety Walk Through<br />

Submitted by Don McKillips, General Foreman, Region 461<br />

Bruce Pope, general foreman for region 463, made<br />

quite an impression on National Grid Superintendent<br />

of Distribution Forestry, James Maloney.<br />

Mr. Maloney recently observed a safety orientation<br />

conducted by Bruce for employees who were new to<br />

Nelson Tree Service, and to National Grid Central<br />

Division property.<br />

“Mr. Maloney was interested to see how we prepared<br />

our new hires to work safely and professionally,”<br />

explains Bruce. “So he decided to sit in on the process.”<br />

“I had ten new guys, plus a new general foreman,<br />

starting on the same day,” continues Bruce. “Rather<br />

than go through the orientation process individually,<br />

I decided to address the group all at once.”<br />

Bruce noted several advantages to presenting the<br />

safety information in a group setting as opposed to<br />

the individual orientations of the past.<br />

“Typically, when we met with a new employee, the<br />

orientation took about an hour,” says Bruce. “When<br />

we sat down as a group, one thing kept leading to another<br />

and the orientation was still going strong after<br />

two hours. It was much more thorough than what<br />

we’d been achieving previously.”<br />

Bruce attributed this thoroughness in part to the<br />

fact that the group setting fostered more participation<br />

among those attending the orientation.<br />

“National Grid recognizes Nelson Tree Service as one<br />

of the safest contractors on their property. As long as<br />

I’m a general foreman, I plan to do everything I can to<br />

maintain that level of safety and professionalism!”<br />

– Bruce Pope, General Foreman<br />

To: Kip Erickson, Regional Manager<br />

Nelson Tree Service<br />

Bruce Pope,<br />

General Foreman<br />

From: James P. Maloney, Superintendent, Distribution Forestry<br />

National Grid, Central Division<br />

A short time ago I had the opportunity to join your General Foreman, Bruce<br />

Pope, as he walked a group of new employees through a company orientation.<br />

I was impressed by the meeting that morning and I thought I’d pass along my<br />

observations to you.<br />

Rarely does a contractor take the hours required to properly orient a new<br />

employee as to what is required of them. But this instance was different. Pope<br />

walked his new people through each point, using paper documents and DVDs<br />

shown on a laptop, noting areas of particular attention and Nelson’s required<br />

courses of individual study and their due dates. He covered, along with other<br />

topics, PPE, WZTS, MAD, and B2B - everything from the commonplace to the<br />

rarely seen. The entire process lasting better than 2 hours. A very thorough job.<br />

What I found most noteworthy about all this was that productivity expectations<br />

were never mentioned.<br />

Every company constructs a safety program that either excels or degrades depending<br />

upon the person presenting it. Nelson provides its GFs and employees<br />

with a timely, comprehensive and fluid safety program. Pope’s championing of<br />

your corporate directives shows not only does he understand that safety must<br />

come before production but he desires his people to know that too.<br />

“Some people are uncomfortable asking<br />

questions and they may hesitate to speak up,”<br />

explains Bruce. “In a group, chances are<br />

someone else may ask the question for them. Also,<br />

sometimes one individual’s question prompts<br />

another question from another participant and you<br />

can go further with a topic.”<br />

The experience was so positive, that Bruce plans to<br />

stick with it in the future.<br />

“As we continue to grow<br />

and bring in new people, we’re going to continue with<br />

the group orientation,” says Bruce. “We’re definitely<br />

heading down the right road.”<br />

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