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126 • Fifty Shades of Tax Dodging<br />

dering/Documents/Report%20on%20Anti%20Money%20Laundering.<br />

pdf, p.4.<br />

705. Central Bank of Ireland. (2015). Central Bank publishes report on<br />

Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism and<br />

Financial Sanctions Compliance in the Irish Banking Sector. Published<br />

17 February 2015. Accessed 12 September 2015: http://www.centralbank.ie/press-area/press-releases%5CPages%5CCentralBankpublishesreportonAnti-MoneyLaunderingCounteringtheFinancingofTerrorism.aspx<br />

706. Department of Finance response to research questionnaire for 2015<br />

Stop Tax Dodging Report – June 2015.<br />

707. Central Bank of Ireland. (2015). Report on Anti-Money Laundering/<br />

Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Financial Sanctions<br />

Compliance in the Irish Banking Sector. Accessed 12 September 2015:<br />

https://www.centralbank.ie/regulation/processes/anti-money-laundering/Documents/Report%20on%20Anti%20Money%20Laundering.<br />

pdf, p.13.<br />

708. Central Bank of Ireland. (2015). Report on Anti-Money Laundering/<br />

Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Financial Sanctions<br />

Compliance in the Irish Credit Union Sector”. Accessed 12 September:<br />

https://www.centralbank.ie/regulation/processes/anti-money-laundering/Documents/Report%20on%20Anti%20Money%20Laundering%20May%202015.pdf,<br />

p.5.<br />

709. Written answer to Parliamentary Question 35267/14 – Money Laundering<br />

by Finance Minister Michael Noonan. See: KilareStreet.com. (2014).<br />

Written answers: Department of Finance. Money laundering. Published<br />

23 September 2014: https://www.kildarestreet.com/wrans/?id=2014-<br />

09-23a.358<br />

710. Communication with Department of Finance officials as part of the<br />

research for 2015 Stop Tax Dodging Report.<br />

711. Oireachtas. (2015). Public Accounts Committee Hearing – 12 March<br />

2015 – Opening Statement, Revenue Chairman, Niall Cody. Published<br />

12 March 2015. Accessed 12 September 2015: http://www.oireachtas.<br />

ie/parliament/media/committees/pac/correspondence/2015-meeting1541203/PAC-R-1756---Opening-Statement-Revenue-Commissioners.pdf<br />

712. Ibid.<br />

713. See ICIJ. (2015). Swissleaks data. Accessed 22 May 2015: http://www.<br />

icij.org/project/swiss-leaks/explore-swiss-leaks-data<br />

714. See Oireachtas. (2015). Correspondence re: revenue investigation<br />

of HSBC offshore accounts. Dated 24 February 2015: http://<br />

www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/media/committees/pac/correspondence/2015-meeting1541203/PAC-R-1732-Correspondence-3A.5---Revenue-Investigation-of-HSBC-Offshore-Accounts.pdf<br />

715. Ibid.<br />

716. Department of Finance response to research questionnaire for 2015<br />

Stop Tax Dodging Report – June 2015.<br />

717. Ibid.<br />

718. Ibid.<br />

719. Ibid.<br />

720. See, for example, Irish Independent. (2015). EU probe poses fresh<br />

threat to our 12.5pc corporate tax rate. Published 16 March 2015.<br />

Accessed 12 September 2015: http://www.independent.ie/business/eu-probe-poses-fresh-threat-to-our-125pc-corporate-taxrate-31069030.html<br />

& Business ETC. (2015). The EU is considering<br />

a minimum corporate tax rate, and that’s bad news for Ireland. Published<br />

26 May 2015. Accessed 12 September 2015: http://businessetc.<br />

thejournal.ie/eu-minimum-tax-rate-ireland-2125341-May2015/<br />

722. See Irish Department of Finance. (2014). Ireland is confident that<br />

there is no state aid rule breach. Published 11 June 2014: http://www.<br />

721. Irish Times. (2015). Enda Kenny says Ireland opposes European corporate<br />

tax plan. Published 19 March 2015. Accessed 12 September 2015:<br />

http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/enda-kenny-says-ireland-opposes-european-corporate-tax-plan-1.2145777<br />

finance.gov.ie/news-centre/press-releases/ireland-confident-thereno-state-aid-rule-breach<br />

723. See Houses of the Oireachtas. (2015). Written answers nos. 82-91:<br />

state aid investigations. Published 17 June 2015: http://oireachtasdebates.oireachtas.ie/debates%20authoring/debateswebpack.nsf/<br />

(indexlookupdail)/20150617~WRH?opendocument#WRH00950<br />

724. Department of Finance response to research questionnaire for 2015<br />

Stop Tax Dodging Report – June 2015.<br />

725. European Commission. (2015). Questionnaire for EU-PCD Report 2015:<br />

Contributions from Member States. Questionnaire filled out by the Irish<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Accessed 12 September 2015:<br />

https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/reply-ireland_en.pdf<br />

726. Irish Aid response to research questionnaire for Stop Tax Dodging<br />

Report – April 2015.<br />

727. Irish Aid response to research questionnaire for Stop Tax Dodging<br />

Report – April 2015.<br />

728. Department of Finance response to research questionnaire for 2015<br />

Stop Tax Dodging Report – June 2015.<br />

729. Government of Ireland. (2014). Competing in a Changing World: A Road<br />

Map for Ireland’s Tax Competitiveness: http://budget.gov.ie/Budgets/2015/Documents/Competing_Changing_World_Tax_Road_Map_final.pdf<br />

730. Debt and Development Coalition Ireland. (2011). Driving the Getaway<br />

Car – Ireland, Tax and Development. Published March 2011: http://<br />

www.debtireland.org/download/pdf/driving_the_getaway.pdf<br />

731. International Business Times. (2014). Fisco, Renzi: “Finito il tempo dei<br />

furbi”. Ma il governo si prepara a depenalizzare. Published 27 November<br />

2014: http://it.ibtimes.com/fisco-renzi-finito-il-tempo-dei-furbi-ma-il-governo-si-prepara-depenalizzare-1369892<br />

732. Camera dei Deputati, Italian Parliament. (2014). Legge delega per un<br />

sistema fiscale più equo, trasparente ed orientato alla crescita. Law<br />

23. Published 11 March 2014: http://www.camera.it/leg17/465?tema=la_delega_per_la_riforma_fiscale_e_assistenziale<br />

733. Tax-News.com. (2015). Renzi promises extra EUR45bn in Italian tax<br />

cuts. Published 21 July 2015: http://www.tax-news.com/news/Renzi_Promises_Extra_EUR45bn_In_Italian_Tax_Cuts____68650.html<br />

734. Excite/Economia & Lavoro. (2014). Umberto Tozzi evasore fiscale, condannato<br />

a 8 mesi in appello: 800mila euro sottratti al Fisco. Published<br />

19 November 2014: http://finanza.excite.it/umberto-tozzi-evasore-fiscale-condannato-a-8-mesi-in-appello-800mila-euro-sottratti-al-fisco-N154585.html<br />

735. Il Corriere della Sera. (2015). Gino Paoli indagato per evasione fiscale:<br />

“2 milioni di euro in Svizzera”. Published 19 February 2015: http://www.<br />

corriere.it/spettacoli/15_febbraio_19/blitz-finanza-casa-gino-paoliaccusato-evasione-fiscale-ded46934-b81f-11e4-8ec8-87480054a31d.<br />

shtml<br />

736. Libero Quotidiano. (2015). Flavio Briatore, evasione fiscale: chiesti<br />

quattro anni di condanna. Published 12 May 2015: http://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/italia/11788685/Flavio-Briatore--evasione-fiscale-.html<br />

737. La Repubblica. (2014). Cannavaro, frode fiscale: sequestrati beni per<br />

900 mila euro. Published 22 October 2014: http://www.repubblica.it/<br />

sport/calcio/2014/10/22/news/cannavaro_frode_fiscale-98727442/<br />

738. Reuters. (2015). Italy prosecutors wrap up tax probe into Apple –<br />

sources. Published 23 March 2015. Accessed 27 September 2015:<br />

http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/24/italy-apple-tax-idUSL6N-<br />

0WP4LN20150324<br />

739. RaiNews. (2015). Padoan: “Impegno del governo a ridurre la pressione<br />

fiscale”. Published 9 May 2015: http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/ar-<br />

ticoli/Padoan-Impegno-del-governo-a-ridurre-la-pressione-fiscale-<br />

6400ca19-1edd-4e26-bdac-f8e4a73745fe.html<br />

740. UNIL Université de Lausanne. (2013). Council of Europe. Annual Penal<br />

Statistics. Space I. Survey 2011. Published 3 May 2013: http://my.unil.<br />


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