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Fifty Shades of Tax Dodging • 127<br />

741. ICIJ. (2015). Explore the Swiss Leaks Data. Published 8 February 2015:<br />

http://www.icij.org/project/swiss-leaks/explore-swiss-leaks-data<br />

742. ICIJ. (2014). Explore the Documents: Luxembourg Leaks Database.<br />

Published 9 December 2014: http://www.icij.org/project/luxembourg-leaks/explore-documents-luxembourg-leaks-database<br />

743. Tax-News.com. (2015). Italian Large Companies Saw 10 Percent<br />

Tax Cut In 2014. Published 29 July 2015: http://www.tax-news.<br />

com/news/Italian_Large_Companies_Saw_10_Percent_Tax_Cut_<br />

In_2014____68726.html<br />

744. Il Fatto Quotidiano. (2015). Fisco, Renzi allarga ancora le maglie. Soglie<br />

di punibilità più alte, multe ridotte. Published 27 June 2015: http://<br />

www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/06/27/fisco-renzi-allarga-ancora-lemaglie-soglie-di-punibilita-piu-alte-e-multe-ridotte/1820397/<br />

745. Camera dei Deputati, Italian Parliament. (2015a). Schema di decreto<br />

legislativo recante disposizioni sulla certezza del diritto nei<br />

rapporti tra fisco e contribuente. Government Act 163. Published<br />

June 2013: http://www.camera.it/leg17/682?atto=163&tipoatto=Atto&leg=17&tab=1<br />

746. Fisco Equo. (2015). Abuso del diritto, per Visco “Norme illogiche”. E sul<br />

raddoppio dei termini Greco ammonisce: “E’ un condono nascosto”.<br />

Published 22 May 2015: http://www.fiscoequo.it/2015/attualita/<br />

item/1149-abuso-del-diritto-per-visco-norme-illogiche-e-sul-raddoppio-dei-termini-greco-ammonisce-e-un-condono-nascosto.html<br />

747. PwC. (2015). Italian international tax legislation includes major<br />

changes to APA rollbacks, taxation of branches and transaction with<br />

tax havens. Published 7 May 2015: http://www.pwc.com/en_GX/gx/tax/<br />

newsletters/pricing-knowledge-network/assets/italy_-_international_tax_legislation_05062015.pdf,<br />

p.2.<br />

748. Camera dei Deputati, Italian Parliament. (2015). Schema di decreto<br />

legislativo recante misure per la crescita e l’internazionalizzazione<br />

delle imprese”. Government Act 161. Published June 2015: http://www.<br />

camera.it/leg17/682?atto=161&tipoatto=Atto&leg=17&tab=1<br />

749. PwC. (2015). Italian international tax legislation includes major changes<br />

to APA rollbacks, taxation of branches and transaction with tax<br />

havens, op. cit.<br />

750. EY. (2015). Italy issues new black lists for cost deduction and CFC regimes.<br />

Published 3 April 2014: http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLU-<br />

Assets/Italy_issues_new_black_lists_for_cost_deduction_and_CFC_<br />

regimes/$FILE/2015G_CM5357_Italy%20issues%20new%20black%20<br />

lists%20for%20cost%20deduction%20and%20CFC%20regimes.pdf;<br />

IOMToday. (2015). Isle of Man removed from Italian blacklist. Published<br />

17 April 2015: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/business/isle-of-manremoved-from-italian-blacklist-1-7215564;<br />

KPMG. (2015). Revised<br />

double tax treaty with Italy signed. Published 26 February 2015: http://<br />

blog.kpmg.ch/revised-double-tax-treaty-italy-signed/; Accountancy<br />

Live. (2015). Italy clamps down on use of offshore tax havens. Accountancy<br />

Live. Published 3 May 2015: https://www.accountancylive.com/<br />

italy-clamps-down-use-offshore-tax-havens<br />

751. Il Fatto Quotidiano. (2015). Rientro dei capitali, partenza deludente.<br />

“Troppe incertezze e calcoli complessi”. Published 15 April 2015:<br />

http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2015/04/15/rientro-dei-capitali-partenza-deludente-troppe-incertezze-calcoli-complessi/1589158/<br />

752. European Commission (2014). A study on R&D tax incentives, op. cit.<br />

753. European Commission. (2014). European Economy. Tax expenditures in<br />

direct taxation in EU Member States. Published December 2014: http://<br />

ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/publications/occasional_paper/2014/<br />

pdf/ocp207_en.pdf<br />

754. PwC. (2015). Italian international tax legislation includes major changes<br />

to APA rollbacks, taxation of branches and transaction with tax<br />

havens, op. cit.<br />

755. European Commission. (2014). EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum. Statistics<br />

on APAs at the end of 2013. Published October 2014: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/resources/documents/taxation/company_<br />

tax/transfer_pricing/forum/final_apa_statistics_2013_en.pdf, p.2.<br />

756. La Repubblica. (2015). Renzi come Juncker, via agli accordi delle<br />

imprese col Fisco. Published 13 January 2015: http://www.repubblica.<br />

it/economia/2015/01/13/news/renzi_come_juncker_via_agli_accordi_delle_imprese_col_fisco-104882256/<br />

757. Camera dei Deputati, Italian Parliament. (2015). Schema di decreto<br />

legislativo recante misure per la crescita e l’internazionalizzazione<br />

delle imprese”. Government Act 161. Published June 2015: http://www.<br />

camera.it/leg17/682?atto=161&tipoatto=Atto&leg=17&tab=1<br />

758. International Tax Review. (2015). What Foreign Investors Need to Know<br />

about Italy’s draft “internationalisation decree”. Published 4 June 2015:<br />

http://www.internationaltaxreview.com/Article/3459752/What-foreign-investors-need-to-know-about-Italys-draft-internationalisation-decree.html<br />

759. Marzulli.it. (2015). Il trust in Italia: http://www.il-trust-in-italia.it/<br />

index.php?mod=area&mid=4<br />

760. OECD. (2015). Implementing the latest international standards for<br />

compiling foreign direct investment statistics – How multinational enterprises<br />

channel investments through multiple countries. Published<br />

February 2015. Accessed 25 September 2015: http://www.oecd.org/<br />

daf/inv/How-MNEs-channel-investments.pdf<br />

761. Tax-News.com. (2015). Italian patent box to be implemented. Published<br />

21 July 2015: http://www.tax-news.com/news/Italian_Patent_Box_To_<br />

Be_Implemented____68767.html<br />

762. IPSOA. (2015). Patent box: in attesa del decreto alcune riflessioni sul<br />

nexus approach. Published 7 May 2015: http://www.ipsoa.it/documents/fisco/imposte-dirette/quotidiano/2015/05/07/patent-box-in-attesa-del-decreto-alcune-riflessioni-sul-nexus-approach<br />

763. Redazione Online Repubblica.it. (2015). Popolari, portabilità c/c, patent<br />

box e investimenti: le norme del decreto banche. La Repubblica. Roma.<br />

24 March 2015: http://www.repubblica.it/economia/2015/03/24/news/<br />

il_governo_stringe-110268936/<br />

764. Gazzetta Ufficiale. (2015). Legge 24 marzo 2015, n.33, conversione<br />

del decreto-legge 24 gennaio 2015, n.3 recante misure urgenti per<br />

il sistema bancario e gli investimenti. GU n.70, S.O. n.15. Roma. 25<br />

March 2015: http://www.normattiva.it/uri-res/N2Ls?urn:nir:stato:legge:2015-03-24;33<br />

765. Eurodad research. See Figure 4 and Table 5. The analysis has been<br />

conducted using a combination of data shared by ActionAid International,<br />

Martin Hearson of the London School of Economics and Political<br />

Science, from the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD)<br />

Tax Research Platform (http://online.ibfd.org/kbase/), and from the<br />

15 European governments’ websites containing their tax treaties<br />

(links to all these websites can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/<br />

taxation_customs/taxation/individuals/treaties_en.htm). The data only<br />

covers treaties that entered into force in 1970 or later. The data reflects<br />

the information that was available until 20 September 2015. In a few<br />

instances it was not possible to determine the relevant information<br />

regarding the statutory withholding tax rates or the rates contained in<br />

the treaties due to lack of publicly available information or language<br />

barriers. In such cases the treaties were either omitted from the<br />

calculation of the average rate reduction (as was the case with a treaty<br />

between France and Malawi) or additional information was sourced<br />

from the following two websites: http://www.treatypro.com/ and<br />

http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/<br />

Tax/dttl-tax-withholding-tax-rates-2015.pdf. The category ‘developing<br />

countries ‘ covers the countries that fall into the World Bank’s categories<br />

of low-income, lower-middle income and upper-middle income<br />

countries (which covers the span of GNI per capita from $0 to $12,735.<br />

Please refer to: http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lendinggroups).<br />

766. Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze. Convenzioni per evitare le<br />

doppie imposizioni. Published 27 January 2015: http://www.finanze.it/<br />

export/finanze/Per_conoscere_il_fisco/fiscalita_Comunitaria_Internazionale/convenzioni_e_accordi/convenzioni_stipulate.htm<br />

767. Ibid.<br />

768. ENI. Eni signs cooperation agreement with Republic of Congo and<br />

reaffirms its historic commitment to the country. Press release.<br />

Published 20 July 2014: http://www.eni.com/en_IT/media/press-releases/2014/07/2014-07-20-congo.shtml?shortUrl=yes

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