The Path Orthodoxy




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<strong>The</strong> word catechism (κατηχέω, meaning - to teach orally) derives from the Greek language. It refers to a<br />

summary or exposition of teachings (doctrine) and serves as a learning introduction to the Mysteries<br />

(Sacraments) traditionally used in catechesis, or Christian religious teaching of children and adults.<br />

<strong>The</strong> book No Faith is More Beautiful than the Christian Faith, written by Bishop Danilo Krstich<br />

of blessed memory, and then Hieromonk Amfilohije Radovich, now Metropolitan of Montenegro<br />

and the Coastlands accomplishes that and more. <strong>The</strong> book shows the Faith as the path on which<br />

an encounter takes place between Orthodox Christians (those reading the book particularly) and<br />

God; our encounter with God as the response to His call. <strong>The</strong> book is highly recommended. It was<br />

published in Serbian in 1982, and for the first time, Sebastian Press of the Western American Diocese,<br />

published it in English and it is available for purchase at: www.westsrbdio.org.<br />

Orthodox Christian Catechism<br />

No Faith Is More Beautiful Than<br />

<strong>The</strong> Christian Faith<br />



Belgrade 1982<br />

Copyright ©Sebastian Press 2015<br />


Who was Moses?<br />

He was selected by God to be the liberator of the Hebrews<br />

from their slavery in Egypt. An angel appeared to<br />

him on Mount Horeb in a burning bush that was not consumed<br />

by the flame. <strong>The</strong>re Moses was the first man to<br />

learn the name of God: I am the one who is (in Hebrew:<br />

YAHWEH). <strong>The</strong> one who appeared to him was God the<br />

Logos, God the Word. This is He Who in these latter times<br />

was born of a Virgin, who after giving birth remained a<br />

Virgin, just as the burning bush was not consumed.<br />

How did Moses lead the Hebrew people out of their<br />

captivity in Egypt?<br />

He led them out with God’s help. God sent plagues upon<br />

the Egyptians and caused Moses’s staff to have miraculous<br />

powers. Moses struck the water of the sea with that<br />

staff and the waters divided allowing the Hebrew people<br />

to escape from Egypt into the Promised Land.<br />

What did the Hebrews eat during their forty-year<br />

wandering in the desert?<br />

God miraculously sent them Manna and a flock of quail.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Manna was a prefiguration of the Holy Sacrament of<br />

Communion of Christ’s Body and Blood, the Bread that<br />

comes from heaven and gives life to the world.<br />

Where did Moses receive God’s Ten Commandments?<br />

He received them on Mount Sinai. <strong>The</strong> Ten Commandments<br />

are:<br />

1. I am the Lord your God. You shall have no<br />

other gods besides me.<br />

2. You shall not make for yourself a graven image,<br />

or any likeness. You shall not bow down to them<br />

or serve them.<br />

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord you<br />

God in vain.<br />

4. Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six<br />

days you shall labor, and do all your work; but<br />

the seventh day is a day of rest to the Lord your<br />

God.<br />

5. Honor your father and your mother, that your<br />

days may be prolonged, and that it may go well<br />

with you.<br />

6. You shall not kill.<br />

7. You shall not commit adultery.<br />

8. You shall not steal.<br />

9. You shall not bear false witness against you<br />

neighbor.<br />

10. You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s.<br />

Who were David and Goliath?<br />

David was the King of Israel, and Goliath was a Philistine<br />

soldier of colossal size and strength. At their duel, David,<br />

although still a boy, killed the giant, Goliath, with a stone<br />

from his sling.<br />

What are the Psalms of David?<br />

Psalms are prayers in verse. David composed them in<br />

times of joy or sadness. <strong>The</strong>re are 150 psalms in all. In<br />

some of the psalms David repents for his sins, in others<br />

he glorifies God, in still others he foretells the coming of<br />

the Savior of the world. So in one of them he describes<br />

His beauty, as if looking at Him, saying: “You are fairer<br />

than the sons of man; Grace flows from Your lips.” (Ps.<br />

45:2) Throughout the ages, and even today, the psalms<br />

have been the favorite prayers of Christians, and the<br />

Book that stirs and arouses from spiritual sluggishness<br />

the stoniest of human hearts.<br />

Who were the Prophets?<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prophets were holy men of God who proclaimed<br />

the will of God to the people of Israel and the other nations<br />

of the Old Testament. Best known are the four great<br />

prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. By their<br />

words and deeds, and by their writings, they eradicated<br />

evil and sin, and preached repentance and virtue through<br />

the fulfillment of God’s Law. Centuries in advance God<br />

revealed to them Christ’s Divine Likeness, His Nativity,<br />

His suffering for the sins of the world, and His glorious<br />

Resurrection.<br />

What is Pascha?<br />

Pascha is the Old Testament feast of Passover that the<br />

Hebrews celebrated in spring commemorating their miraculous<br />

liberation from bondage in Egypt. On that day<br />

they ate a sacrificed paschal lamb, together with yeast<br />

less bread and bitter herbs. In this way they remembered<br />

the bitter bondage and the exodus to freedom through the<br />

Red Sea. <strong>The</strong> New Testament Church also has a Pascha,<br />

Easter. <strong>The</strong> Old Testament Pascha was the preparation<br />

for this Feast of feasts that celebrates the Lamb of God,<br />

Christ the Lord, who by his own death and resurrection<br />

freed sinful humanity from enslavement to the devil and<br />

the bonds of death.<br />

Where is the fulfillment of the Old Testament?<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Path</strong> of <strong>Orthodoxy</strong> Winter 2016 • 15

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