Cosmetic Surgery & Beauty #73
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ISSUE 73 • AUG-OCT 2016<br />
TO MAKE<br />
LOOK<br />
BIGGER<br />
WHAT’S<br />
KEEP<br />
YOUR<br />
BEAUTY<br />
‘ SECRETS’<br />
UNDER<br />
WRAPS<br />
THE NO<br />
SWEAT<br />
WAY TO<br />
The proven Regen Lab PRP system concentrates powerful growth factors, contained in your own<br />
blood, to be used for reinjection to promote tissue regeneration.<br />
Regen Lab PRP accelerates and increases tissue regeneration by stimulating production of<br />
collagen and new blood vessels; stem cell migration, differentiation and proliferation; and<br />
production of nutrients, antioxidants and the other components of the extracellular matrix.<br /><br />
Skin<br />
Hair<br />
Loss<br />
Sports<br />
Injuries<br />
Fat<br />
Transfer<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
Gynaecology<br />
<strong>Surgery</strong><br />
and Wounds<br />
P 1800 201 760 E<br />
Brought to you by MD Cosmedical Solutions<br />
Total Facial Makeover<br />
Minor Surgical & Local Anaesthetic Procedures<br />
Astarte Threadlift Facelifts<br />
Non-Surgical Mini Facelifts & Neck lifts<br />
• Revolutionary new Absorbable Threads<br />
• Simple non-surgical clinic procedure<br />
• Minimal discomfort or downtime<br />
• No general anesthesia or skin incisions<br />
• Immediate results lasting 3 – 5 years<br />
• Treatment for Facelifts, Neck Lifts, Brow<br />
Lifts, Jowl Correction, Cheek Augmentation BEFORE AFTER<br />
Eyelid Hooding <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
Blepharoplasty Eyelid <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
• Treatment of unsightly Eyelid Hooding<br />
• Minor surgery with minimal bruising,<br />
discomfort or downtime<br />
• Treatment performed under light sedation<br />
& local anaesthetic<br />
• No hospitalization or general aneasthetic<br />
• May be combined with Threadlift Facelift<br />
Bat Ear Correction Procedure<br />
Non-Surgical Bat Ear Correction<br />
• Reduction of unsightly Bat Ears<br />
• Simple procedure utilizing the most<br />
advanced techniques<br />
• Minimal bruising, discomfort or downtime<br />
• No risks of unsightly scars<br />
• Treatment performed under local anaesthetic<br />
• No hospitalization or general aneasthetic<br />
Why choose<br />
MD Cosmedical Solutions …<br />
• Over 5,500 Facelift Treatments<br />
• Over 35,000 Laser Treatments<br />
• 100% Safety Record<br />
• Renowned Worldwide Reputation<br />
• Australia’s Leading <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
Medical Team<br />
BEFORE<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER<br />
AFTER<br />
Anti-Ageing &<br />
Rejuvenation Specialties<br />
• Threadlift Facelifts<br />
• Thermage CPT Facelifts<br />
• Eyelid Hooding <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
• Bat Ear Correction Procedures<br />
Fraxel Repair CO2 Laser<br />
• Fraxel Repair Dual Laser<br />
• Fraxel Restore Laser<br />
• Wrinkle Injections & Fillers<br />
• Vein Removal Lasers<br />
• Lipomedix Body Contour<br />
• Mesotherapy Injections<br />
• Acne & Scar Treatments<br />
• Pigment Treatments<br />
• Stretch Marks Treatments<br />
• Excessive Sweat Injections<br />
• Tattoo Removal<br />
• <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattooing<br />
• IPL Photorejuvenation<br />
• Laser Hair Removal<br />
• Hair Stylists<br />
• Make-Up Courses<br />
NEW Blepharoplasty Eyelid <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
Specialist Doctors & Registered<br />
Nurses performing cosmetic medical<br />
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Australia’s Leading <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Clinics<br />
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Sydney CBD Sydney Sheraton, CBD Sheraton Wahroonga & Wahroonga & Canberra<br />
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Award winning Threadlift Facelift, Thermage CPT & Fraxel Clinics
The first clinically proven<br />
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ASK YOUR<br />
FOR MORE<br />
and treatment of<br />
stretch marks.<br />
Available in pharmacies<br />
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Body Balance<br />
Dr John Flynn<br />
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Dr John Flynn<br />
skin clinic<br />
Reshaping can create<br />
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the look you want<br />
skin clinic<br />
Breast augmentation can<br />
enhance the natural size<br />
and shape of your breasts<br />
Refi nement in <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
With breast augmentation, your natural form can be<br />
enhanced and complemented. This results in a balanced<br />
and symmetrical effect that suits your individual body type<br />
and achieves a feminine silhouette.<br />
Liposuction to Shape and Contour<br />
With liposuction, Dr John Flynn can reshape and contour<br />
your form to achieve balance between your body’s<br />
proportions. Areas such as the abdomen and inner and<br />
outer thighs respond particularly well to this procedure.<br />
Dr John Flynn<br />
M.B., B.S., Dip. R.A.C.O.G., F.R.A.C.G.P.<br />
Dip. P. Dermatology., F.A.C.C.S.<br />
Fellow of the Australasian College of <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
Certifi ed by the American Board of Laser <strong>Surgery</strong><br />
Dr John Flynn has over 20 years of experience as<br />
a medical practitioner on the Gold Coast<br />
AD Flynn.indd 1<br />
20/4/09 9:01:39 AM<br />
AD Flynn.indd 1<br />
For more information or to make an<br />
appointment call Cosmedic and Skin Clinic<br />
07 5588 4777<br />
Southport | Gold Coast<br />
Level 2, Pivotal Point<br />
50 Marine Parade, Southport QLD 4215<br /> |<br />
Dr John Flynn<br />
cosmedic& skin clinic<br />
Dr John Flynn<br />
20/4/09 9:01:39 AM
regulars<br />
8 Editor’s letter<br />
10 Newsfront<br />
features<br />
16 New cosmetic surgery<br />
guidelines crackdown: what<br />
does it mean for you?<br />
18 The new trend in breast<br />
augmentation<br />
26 Keep your ‘beauty secrets’<br />
under wraps<br />
30 Eyes wide open<br />
Your options for larger looking<br />
eyes<br />
58 The simple way to lose<br />
weight<br />
76 No incision ear correction<br />
eyes<br />
34 Defy gravity with the instant<br />
non-surgical eyelid lift<br />
Lids By Design are ingenious<br />
correcting eyelid strips that<br />
instantly take years off your<br />
appearance<br />
face<br />
54 Need a lift?<br />
Get tighter, firmer skin<br />
with Ultherapy, the facelift<br />
without the downtime.<br />
56 Spotlight on...the<br />
Hydrafacial<br />
Elevating the traditional<br />
facial to a whole new level<br />
body<br />
64 Put the freeze on fat<br />
Cool-Sculpting is the no-surgery,<br />
no downtime treatment that gets<br />
rid of fat - permanently!<br />
90 The spa treatment that<br />
loses inches off your body<br />
The fool proof way to lose fat<br />
skin<br />
36 Sustainable beauty<br />
How are the products in your<br />
beauty cupboard impacting the<br />
environment?<br />
40 Skin typing<br />
Find out your skin type with<br />
our easy matrix<br />
44 Big results, minimal downtime<br />
Minimally invasive procedures for<br />
maximum results<br />
46 A winning combination for<br />
skin beauty<br />
Maximise skin tightening by<br />
combining Infini and Healite<br />
49 Breathable, buildable,<br />
beautiful coverage<br />
All-day, lightweight tint to<br />
smooth out imperfections and<br />
even skin tone<br />
50 The revolutionary role<br />
of Platelet Rich Plasma<br />
in healing and skin<br />
rejuvenation<br />
Regen PRP is gaining a loyal<br />
following with its new applications<br />
cosmetic tattoo<br />
80 Life-changing results with<br />
medical tattooing<br />
Medical tattooing is improving<br />
appearances and self-confidence<br />
88 The first lady of cosmetic<br />
tattooing<br />
Val-Glover Hovan remains at the<br />
forefront of her field in Australia
intimate procedures<br />
70 All about laser vaginal<br />
rejuvenation<br />
We look at genital rejuvenation<br />
and female empowerment<br />
74 The 5 minute vaginal<br />
rejuvenation treatment<br />
All about the MonaLisa Touch<br />
laser tightening treatment<br />
breasts<br />
22 Corrective breast surgery<br />
We look at breast rejuvenation<br />
options<br />
beauty & spa<br />
66 Hair today, gone tomorrow<br />
We look at the best de-fuzzing<br />
choices<br />
82 The beauty lover’s guide to<br />
makeup<br />
We bring you the bona fide killer<br />
buys that have earned cult status<br />
92 Bathtime bliss<br />
Lather up with our fave bath and<br />
shower gels<br />
96 Thirst quenchers<br />
Kick winter skin to the curb with<br />
these thirst-quenching products<br />
104 Reignite your glow<br />
Say goodbye to that dull wintery<br />
complexion!<br />
110 Hair extensions = super<br />
sexy hair<br />
Ooze confidence with bigger,<br />
bolder, more beautiful hair<br />
112 World’s weirdest spa<br />
treatments<br />
We take a look at some<br />
of the world’s most bizarre<br />
spa treatments – and if they<br />
actually work!<br />
116 Editor’s favourites<br />
Our favourite products<br />
showcased for you<br />
cover stories<br />
RRP $14.95 (incl. GST) (NZ $15.95 incl. GST)<br />
ISSUE 73 • AUG-OCT 2016<br />
TO MAKE<br />
LOOK<br />
BIGGER<br />
WHAT’S<br />
KEEP<br />
YOUR<br />
‘ BEAUTY<br />
SECRETS’<br />
UNDER<br />
WRAPS<br />
THE NO<br />
SWEAT<br />
WAY TO<br />
SHED FAT<br />
18 What’s trending in<br />
breast implants<br />
26 Keep your ‘beauty<br />
secrets’ under wraps<br />
30 Options to make your<br />
eyes look bigger<br />
58 The no-sweat<br />
way to shed fat<br />
Read the FREE online version at<br />
It’s that time of the year when we start thinking of laying off the<br />
hot chocolates and comfort foods and shedding some of that<br />
extra winter layer. Summer is in our sights and we haven’t quite<br />
started to panic yet at the thought of baring ourselves on the beach<br />
– but it’s close!! On page 58, we simplify the diet mumbo-jumbo<br />
so you can wade through all the misinformation and myriad of<br />
diff erent food band-wagons, by retraining your brain and avoiding<br />
those fad diets, in time to lose weight for the warmer weather.<br />
It’s also that time of the year when our skin is crying out for<br />
moisture after the chilly, windy winter months. On page 101 we share our best beauty buys<br />
and tips to revive dehydrated post-winter skin.<br />
These days, the aesthetics industry is constantly evolving and, like fashion, trends come<br />
and go. Head to page 18 and fi nd out about the new trend in breast augmentation and why<br />
women are ditching the ‘bigger is better’ attitude.<br />
In line with this, beauty trends can also be quite confusing and the choice of skin care<br />
products can be overwhelming for the average person. Often we end up using the wrong<br />
products for our skin because we don’t know our own skin type. On page 40 we bring you<br />
expert advice on how to categorise your skin, what products you should be using and which<br />
ones you should avoid.<br />
The last few months have seen the Bella Media offi ce brimming with the latest and<br />
greatest products, including the must-have beauty staples in our Cult Classics (page 83),<br />
the best in bronzers and fake tan (page 110), and some luxurious bath and shower products<br />
(page 93) to help you unwind and step into relaxation mode.<br />
Visit us online and head to where you can download your free<br />
edition of this issue. You’ll also fi nd a heap of great beauty tips and tricks, Australia’s largest<br />
practitioner and product directory and weekly articles on beauty, cosmetic surgery, lifestyle<br />
and fi tness.<br />
Michelle Kearney<br />
Editor-in-Chief<br /><br />
Issue 73<br />
Aug-Oct 2016<br />
Editor-in-Chief<br />
Michelle Kearney<br />
Editorial Director<br />
Aimée Rodrigues<br />
Production Coordinator<br />
Camila Kawashita<br />
Art Director<br />
Debbie Pilarinos<br />
Writers<br />
Tara Casey, Erin Docherty, Aimée Rodrigues<br />
Photographers<br />
Debbie Pilarinos, ShutterStock<br />
Distribution &<br />
Subscription Enquiries<br />
Bill Dunk<br />
Phone 02 9398 2755 Fax 02 9398 2855<br />
Email<br />
Advertising Enquiries<br />
Michelle Kearney, Emma Tune<br />
Phone 02 9398 2755 Mob 0419 624 246<br />
Email<br /><br />
Editorial Enquiries<br />
Michelle Kearney, Aimée Surtenich<br />
Phone 02 9398 2755 Fax 02 9398 2855<br />
Email<br />
Produced & Published by Bella Media<br />
ABN 86 082 157 695<br />
Managing Director<br />
Michelle Kearney<br />
Chief Operating Officer<br />
Bill Dunk<br />
Public Relations, Marketing<br />
& Event Organisation<br />
Phone 02 9398 2755 Fax 02 9398 2855<br />
find us on<br />
Facebook<br />
australian cosmetic<br />
surgery magazine,<br />
cosmetic beauty<br />
directory<br />
follow us<br />
on Twitter<br />
@cosmetic_beauty<br />
@bellamedia<br />
Michelle Kearney is sole director of The Bella Media Group and no other parties or individuals have any fi nancial interest in the<br />
company or in Australian <strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong> & <strong>Beauty</strong> Magazine (ACSBM). Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without<br />
the written authorisation of the publisher. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders. All manuscripts and<br />
articles submitted for publication remain the property of The Bella Media Group. This magazine contains general information only and<br />
does not purport to be a substitute for medical advice. All readers are advised to seek medical advice from a doctor if considering<br />
cosmetic surgery. The publisher and the authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in<br />
reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Except where specifi ed in captions, photographs depict models who have<br />
not necessarily received treatments described in this magazine.<br />
Advertising Policy ACSBM follows and upholds the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Guidelines to<br />
Advertising Medical Services, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) advertising regulations for therapeutic goods and services,<br />
and individual state Medical Board guidelines. All reasonable effort is made by ACSBM to ensure that all advertisements accepted<br />
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Read the online edition at<br /><br />
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Cos<strong>Beauty</strong><br />
Office address<br />
Level 1, 42a Frenchmans Road<br />
Randwick, NSW, 2031<br />
Phone +61 2 9398 2755 Fax +61 2 9398 2855<br /><br />
All ‘before and after’ photographs in<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong> & <strong>Beauty</strong> Magazine<br />
articles are of genuine patients. It is<br />
important to understand that they represent<br />
one person’s experience and there is<br />
no guarantee that any other patient will<br />
experience similar results.<br />
Improved Healing, Proven Outcomes<br />
Combining best in class INFINI, High Intensity Focused RF,<br />
with HEALITE II, Low Level Light Technology provides<br />
a winning combination therapy with superior results.<br />
Distributed by Advanced Cosmeceuticals Medical<br />
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| SA | NSW | WA | QLD | VIC |
newsfront<br />
New study:<br />
We all know that drinking plenty of water throughout the<br />
day is good for you, but did you know that staying wellhydrated<br />
could prevent weight gain?<br />
New Research from the University of Michigan suggests<br />
that people who have a higher body mass index (BMI) and<br />
considered obese and more likely to not be properly hydrated.<br />
“The link between hydration and weight is not clear. Our<br />
study further explains this relationship on a population level<br />
using an objective measure of hydration,” says lead author<br />
Tammy Chang.<br />
The fi ndings, published in the Annals of Family Medicine,<br />
are composed of a nationally representative sample of 9,528<br />
adults from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s<br />
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.<br />
The survey ranged in age from 18-64 years, and found<br />
about one third of participants were inadequately hydrated.<br />
Although the association between hydration and weight<br />
needs further investigation, Chang makes reference to current<br />
recommendations that hydration may assist with weight loss<br />
due to individuals misinterpreting thirst as hunger.<br />
Chang and colleagues are unable to say at this stage<br />
whether inadequate hydration causes obesity or if obesity<br />
causes inadequate hydration, as more studies need to be<br />
conducted.<br />
However, their fi ndings show a correlation between the<br />
two and suggest that those with a higher BMI may possess<br />
behavioral traits that lead to insuffi cient levels of hydration.<br />
Mesoestetic Clinic<br />
of the Year announced<br />
newsfront<br />
Dr Anh Nguyen’s Perth medispa and wellness clinic was<br />
recently announced as the Mesoestetic Clinic of the Year<br />
by Advanced Cosmeceuticals.<br />
Dr Anh is a leader in cosmetic surgery and off ers a<br />
range of treatments including tummy tuck, liposuction<br />
and breast enhancement, as well as non-surgical<br />
cosmetic injectables and skin rejuvenation treatments.<br />
Mesoestetic is a global leader in the medical aesthetic<br />
skincare industry with its professional depigmentation<br />
treatments, including the world’s best-selling skin<br />
brightening treatments, Cosmelan and Dermamelan.<br />
Mesoestetic is becoming the gold standard in the topical<br />
treatment of pigmentation.<br />
The Mesoestetic Clinic of the Year prize is a trip to<br />
Barcelona to visit the Mesoestetic Head Offi ce, and Dr<br />
Anh nominated her beauty therapist Charmaine Mallasch<br />
to receive the prize.<br />
Linda Christian from Advanced Cosmeceuticals,<br />
Australian distributor of Mesoestetic, presented the clinic<br />
with certifi cates and a trophy.<br />
‘We are so happy to present Dr Anh and Charmaine<br />
with this award and we thank them and all our<br />
mesoesetetic accounts for their ongoing support and<br />
commitment. We are so pleased to be able to present<br />
Charmaine with this incredible opportunity to visit<br />
mesoestetic in Barcelona,’ says Catherine Biedermann,<br />
Managing Director of Advanced Cosmeceuticals.<br />
Charmaine Mallasch receives the award
newsfront<br />
TRENDS<br />
WORLD<br />
According to the Independent UK (online), some of the<br />
global surgery hotspots have revealed surprising new<br />
trends. Though some counties operate as destinations<br />
for cheaper (although not always regulated) procedures,<br />
some emerging markets are seeing a boom for some<br />
very particular operations.<br />
INDIA<br />
Often undergone in a bid to improve career and marriage<br />
prospects, painful limb lengthening procedures are on<br />
the rise in India, and can add as much as 7.5 cm to<br />
someone’s height.<br />
The procedure has been adapted from techniques<br />
used in major trauma or in children with stunted growth.<br />
Limbs can be encouraged to lengthen using pins<br />
and an Ilizarov frame, which can be slowly adjusted.<br />
The section of bone supported by the frame is<br />
surgically ‘broken’ and over subsequent weeks the<br />
frame is made longer.<br />
The gap that develops fi lls with new bone. In<br />
elective surgery, bones that don’t fuse, because of<br />
chronic infection or poor wound healing, can lead to<br />
amputation.<br />
“This is one of the most diffi cult cosmetic surgeries<br />
to perform, and people are doing it after just one or two<br />
months’ fellowship, following a doctor who is probably<br />
experimenting himself. There are no colleges, no proper<br />
training - nothing,” said Dr Amar Sarin, an orthopaedic<br />
surgeon in India.<br />
The cosmetic surgery industry in South Korea is<br />
booming. <strong>Surgery</strong> is cheap and effi cient, while the<br />
facilities, which have come out of the old American<br />
hospitals, are excellent and now cater for the global<br />
medical tourism market.<br />
South Korea has the highest per capita rate of<br />
cosmetic surgery in the world, which has led to it<br />
being called the global capital for plastic surgery.<br />
Facial surgery is widespread and is used mainly to<br />
create more V-shaped chins, smaller noses (the<br />
second most common operation, perhaps because<br />
nasal bridges in Asia tend to be fl atter and it’s easy to<br />
insert implants) and to alter eye shapes. South Korea<br />
has wholeheartedly embraced the fact that cosmetic<br />
procedures make for profi table business, whether for<br />
domestic or foreign patients.<br />
IRAN<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> surgery is on the rise in Iran,<br />
so much so that it is now among the top<br />
countries for procedures. Liposuction,<br />
permanent eyebrow tattooing and nose jobs<br />
are some of the most popular procedures. In<br />
a more conservative country where women<br />
dress more modestly, accentuating facial<br />
features can be one way to enhance beauty.<br />
Javad Amirizad, a member of the<br />
Iranian Association of <strong>Cosmetic</strong> and Plastic<br />
Surgeons, says that of the 40,000 annual<br />
cosmetic procedures in Iran, more than 60<br />
per cent are rhinoplasties. The dressings<br />
on noses after surgery are an increasingly<br />
common sight in Tehran and have even<br />
been nicknamed “bandages of honour.”<br />
elvistudio /<br />
newsfront<br />
Brazil<br />
Brazil was the second biggest performer of cosmetic<br />
surgical and non-surgical procedures worldwide in 2014<br />
– its 10.2 per cent share came only second to the US<br />
(20.1 per cent). The majority of surgical requests are for<br />
‘improvements’ to breasts, abdomen and buttocks.<br />
Brazilians lead the world in aesthetic surgery<br />
developments and ideas, from new types of breast<br />
implants to Brazilian abdominoplasty – where excess flesh<br />
is removed from the abdomen – and the famous ‘Brazilian<br />
butt lift’.<br />
Worldwide<br />
<strong>Surgery</strong> for female genitalia includes the ‘designer<br />
vagina’ and labial reduction – which some argue comes<br />
close to being FGM (female genital mutilation) when it’s a<br />
cosmetic rather than a necessary gynecological procedure.<br />
Although some serious problems can occur if<br />
inappropriately performed, it is becoming more popular<br />
in many countries.<br />
Safer and also increasingly common is mons pubis<br />
reduction, which targets the area of skin in the pubic<br />
area, which some women find embarrassing, especially<br />
when wearing swimsuits. The ‘camel toe’ effect can<br />
be significantly reduced by some form of liposuction and/<br />
or skin excision.<br />
There is also a wave of new laser devices on the<br />
market, which tighten the vaginal wall and increase<br />
sexual stimulation.<br />
Brain stimulation<br />
may curb your<br />
food cravings<br />
Recent research suggests that noninvasive<br />
stimulation of a specific brain area can reduce<br />
food cravings, especially for foods high in carbs,<br />
according to a review in the Psychosomatic<br />
Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine.<br />
The researchers analysed previous stimulation<br />
studies evaluating the effects of noninvasive brain<br />
stimulation on food cravings and food consumption.<br />
Stimulation studies have targeted a brain area<br />
called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC),<br />
which appears to play a role in the “conscious<br />
regulation of food craving and consumption of<br />
calorie-dense foods.”<br />
The review identified eleven studies evaluating<br />
the effects of DLPFC stimulation on food cravings<br />
and/or consumption. The studies included human<br />
volunteers in laboratory settings – most often<br />
women who reported “strong and frequent” cravings<br />
for high-calorie snack foods. All studies used an<br />
appropriate sham (inactive) stimulation procedure.<br />
Of eight studies providing data on food cravings,<br />
all but one showed a significant effect of brain<br />
stimulation. Meta-analysis of pooled data from<br />
these studies suggested a “moderate-sized effect”<br />
of DLPFC stimulation on food cravings - roughly half<br />
a point on a four-point self-rated scale.<br />
Just one of the two types of stimulation studied<br />
had a significant effect on food cravings – a<br />
technique called repetitive transcranial magnetic<br />
stimulation (rTMS). The other technique evaluated,<br />
transcranial direct current stimulation, did not<br />
significantly affect cravings.<br />
In contrast, the results of nine studies providing<br />
data on actual food consumption were inconsistent.<br />
The pooled data analysis suggested no significant<br />
effect of brain stimulation.<br />
The available data support the conclusion that<br />
DLPFC stimulation reduces food cravings, Dr Hall<br />
and coauthors believe. “These effects seem to be<br />
strongest for rTMS neuromodulation methods and<br />
are moderate in magnitude,” they write.<br />
Dr Hall and colleagues make suggestions for<br />
future research in order to show the potential<br />
benefits of repeated sessions of rTMS and focusing<br />
on actual food consumption – especially caloriedense<br />
snack foods.<br /> 13
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26/02/2016 12:51 pm<br />
newsfront<br />
BELLA<br />
BOOK<br />
CLUB<br />
the<br />
essential<br />
skincare<br />
guide<br />
understanding active cosmeceuticals<br />
terri vinson<br />
(BSc. DipFormchem. DipeD. AScc)<br />
The Essential Skincare Guide<br />
Terri Vinson from Synergie Skin has<br />
recently released a new book The<br />
Essential Skincare Guide, explaining<br />
active cosmeceuticals and how to<br />
reverse ageing skin.<br />
Go to<br />
au to purchase your digital copy for<br />
only $10, with all proceeds donated<br />
to the Luke Batty foundation.<br />
Synergie Skin is an innovative<br />
Australian cosmeceutical company<br />
committed to creating clinical grade<br />
skincare and mineral makeup.<br />
Vitamin A Skin Science<br />
This in-depth book Vitamin A<br />
Skin Science reveals the essential<br />
ingredients and care techniques to<br />
keep skin radiant and youthful at<br />
any age.<br />
Written by the esteemed<br />
Dr Des Fernandes, founder of<br />
Environ Skin Care, and Dr Ernst<br />
Eiselen, the book arms skincare<br />
professionals with the facts about<br />
what really works when it comes to<br />
solving common skin concerns –<br />
from pigmentation and breakouts,<br />
to lines and wrinkles.<br />
The book combines the<br />
know-ledge of these two dedicated<br />
and experienced medical<br />
practitioners who share a fi rm<br />
belief in the benefi cial properties<br />
of Vitamin A and other antioxidants<br />
for the skin.<br />
An Ordinary man,<br />
An Extraordinary Life<br />
After suff ering serious burns to his<br />
hands that would later require surgery,<br />
Dr Malcolm Linsell set his heart on<br />
becoming a plastic surgeon.<br />
In 1993 he was introduced to<br />
Wesley Koni, a young boy from Papua<br />
New Guinea. Wesley was brought<br />
to Australia for life-saving medical<br />
treatment after suffering horrifi c,<br />
disfi guring burns when he fell into<br />
a fi re. More than two decades later<br />
Malcolm accompanied Wesley and a<br />
60 Minutes team as Wesley returned to<br />
Papua New Guinea to be reunited with<br />
his family for the fi rst time in 22 years.<br />
Malcom Linsell’s book is an open<br />
and often painful exposè of his life and<br />
lessons learnt. It is an inspirational<br />
memoir of a plastic surgeon making<br />
an incredible diff erence.<br />
Love it or hate it, emojis are the digital language dramatically aff ecting the way<br />
we communicate online. Beaumoji is the latest in a line of digital-based inventions<br />
made by beauty giant L’Oréal. It is another way for the company to encourage<br />
beauty-oriented conversations, as well as engagement with its growing population<br />
of consumers.<br />
A range for the beauty obsessed, the 130 icon development is organised into<br />
categories including It Girl and Pampered Life.<br />
“We know the online conversation around beauty is huge and continuing to spike<br />
along with the shorthand language of emojis. We saw an opportunity to provide<br />
expressions and tools for our beauty community that refl ects the daily conversations we<br />
see happening,” says L’Oréal USA Vice President of innovation and entrepreneurship<br />
Rachel Weiss. “With Beaumoji, our goal is to provide emojis that beauty enthusiasts<br />
crave and speak to their unique passions, lifestyles and personalities,”<br />
newsfront<br />
Eating your<br />
fruit and<br />
veggies makes<br />
you happier<br />
A new study has found that eating fruits and vegetables<br />
may help you feel happier and more optimistic.<br />
Researchers from UK’s University of Warwick and the<br />
University of Queensland found that happiness increased<br />
with each extra portion of fruit and vegetables, up to eight<br />
portions per day.<br />
“Eating fruit and vegetables apparently boosts our<br />
happiness far more quickly than it improves human<br />
health,” said Professor Andrew Oswald in a statement.<br />
“People’s motivation to eat healthy food is weakened by<br />
the fact that physical-health benefi ts, such as protecting<br />
against cancer, accrue decades later. However wellbeing<br />
improvements from increased consumption of fruit and<br />
vegetables are closer to immediate.”<br />
In the study, researchers looked at more than 12,000<br />
people in Australia. The participants’ diets were recorded<br />
and their psychological wellbeing tracked over two years.<br />
It was found that people who went from a diet that<br />
included barely any fruit or vegetables to one that<br />
included eight portions per day had the same increase in<br />
life satisfaction as someone who went from unemployed<br />
to employed.<br />
The results of the study took into account other<br />
infl uencing factors, including changes in people’s<br />
incomes and life circumstances.<br />
Previous research has suggested that greater levels<br />
of pigments called carotenoids found in some fruits and<br />
veggies are linked to higher levels of optimism. Studies<br />
have also suggested that an increased intake of vitamin<br />
B12 may also play a role in regulating mood.<br />
The new fi ndings may help doctors convince people<br />
to eat more fruits and vegetables. Less than 10% of<br />
Australians meet the current guidelines recommending<br />
fi ve servings of vegetables every day, while less than half<br />
meet the recommendation of two servings of fruit.<br />
“Perhaps our results will be more eff ective than<br />
traditional messages in convincing people to have a<br />
healthy diet,” said Dr Redzo Mujcic, a research fellow at<br />
the University of Queensland. “There is a psychological<br />
payoff now from fruit and vegetables – not just a lower<br />
health risk decades later.”<br />
The number of consumers admitting to having treatments<br />
at home has doubled.<br />
The latest fi ndings from the <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Physicians<br />
College of Australasia (CPCA) annual survey has found<br />
that one in ten Australians (10 percent) admit to having<br />
non-surgical cosmetic treatments performed in a “home”<br />
environment – almost double the number compared with<br />
the 2015 survey.<br />
The risk to patients of infection, or worse, through<br />
visiting unaccredited practitioners is incredibly high – and<br />
that’s why the recent warning by NSW Health is so timely.<br />
Monitoring Australians’ attitudes to cosmetic medicine<br />
for the past nine years, the survey also found that 87 per<br />
cent of those who had received non-surgical cosmetic<br />
treatments had visited a doctor with a focus on cosmetic<br />
treatment or visited a beauty salon for treatment.<br />
Happy birthday,<br />
Designer Brands!<br />
Designer Brands celebrated its 10th<br />
birthday in style, throwing a lunch<br />
party at QT Sydney before hosting<br />
an evening media party at Sydney’s<br />
Gowings Bar & Grill.<br />
Launched in 2006 by husband<br />
and wife duo Tony and Sharon<br />
Rechtman, the brand was created<br />
to challenge the idea that aff ordable<br />
cosmetics are not as good as<br />
high end brands. Fast-forward ten<br />
years and the brand is available in<br />
over 4,000 pharmacies throughout<br />
Australia and New Zealand and<br />
has seen 20% growth year-on-year<br />
over the last three years. There are<br />
now close to four products sold<br />
every minute.<br />
The brand is proudly Vegan and<br />
Cruelty free and does not include<br />
parabens, talc and bismuth.<br /> 15
feature<br />
New cosmetic<br />
surgery<br />
guidelines<br />
crackdown:<br />
What does it<br />
mean for you?<br />
The Medical Board of<br />
Australia has recently<br />
issued a set of new rules<br />
to protect patients seeking<br />
cosmetic medical and<br />
surgical procedures.<br />
The new set of guidelines introduced by the Medical<br />
Board of Australia focus on consumer protection<br />
and patient safety for cosmetic medical and<br />
surgical procedures. The new rules will apply to all<br />
medical practitioners and have been developed to protect<br />
consumers who decide to undertake cosmetic procedure,<br />
with a particular focus on vulnerable and young patients<br />
(aged 18 and under).<br />
What are the new rules?<br />
The guidelines were developed in consultation with the<br />
cosmetic surgery industry and the community to evaluate<br />
the best way to protect consumers seeking cosmetic<br />
medical and surgical procedures from medical practitioners.<br />
Some of the new rules include:<br />
• A seven-day cooling off period for all adults before<br />
undertaking major procedures<br />
• A three-month cooling off period before major procedures<br />
for under-18s and a mandatory evaluation by a registered<br />
psychologist, general practitioner or psychiatrist.<br />
feature<br />
• A seven-day cooling off period before minor procedures<br />
such as injectables for all under-18s and, when needed,<br />
an evaluation by a registered psychologist, general<br />
practitioner or psychiatrist.<br />
• Medical practitioners must personally take responsibility<br />
for post-operative patient care and ensure that there<br />
are emergency facilities when they are using sedation,<br />
anaesthesia or analgesia.<br />
• For patients seeking minor procedures that involve the<br />
use of Schedule 4 medications (such as injectables),<br />
there must be a mandatory consultation with a medical<br />
practitioner either in person or by video consultation.<br />
• Medical practitioners must provide patients with detailed<br />
written information about costs.<br />
How will these changes<br />
affect you?<br />
One of the main points that will affect<br />
prospective patients are the coolingoff<br />
periods. The guidelines provide<br />
a nationally consistent approach<br />
to cooling off periods. They prescribe<br />
a seven-day cooling-off period for all<br />
adults before major procedures (such<br />
as surgery) and a three-month coolingoff<br />
period before major procedures for<br />
all patients under 18 and a mandatory<br />
evaluation by a registered psychologist,<br />
general practitioner or psychiatrist.<br />
The guidelines also introduce a<br />
seven-day cooling-off period before<br />
minor procedures (including cosmetic<br />
injectables) for all under 18s, and<br />
when clinically indicated, evaluation<br />
by a registered psychologist, general<br />
practitioner or psychiatrist.<br />
Associate Professor Stephen<br />
Bradshaw from the Medical Board of<br />
Australia explains, ‘This cooling-off period gives people<br />
some time to consider the procedure. These are sometimes<br />
very major procedures that can be body- and life-altering,<br />
so there is a wide concern that some patients were going<br />
into procedures without knowing the risks, especially<br />
younger people.’<br />
‘Another major concern was that there was no<br />
psychological base and that some people may not have the<br />
maturity needed to make an informed decision,’ he says.<br />
‘We’re not preventing people under the age of 18 from<br />
having cosmetic surgery; we just want to make sure that<br />
they make the right decision. So it’s not about preventing,<br />
it’s about supporting people through it to make sure it’s the<br />
right thing to do.’<br />
The guidelines also prohibit medical practitioners from<br />
providing or offering financial inducements, either to<br />
patients or agents, and prohibit finance schemes being<br />
offered to patients (such as loans or third-party payment<br />
arrangements).<br />
‘We don’t encourage or believe people should take thirdparty<br />
finance arrangements. It’s fine to do it by credit card<br />
and it’s fine to say you can pay in instalments, but finance<br />
companies are not advisable and such an arrangement<br />
would not comply with the guidelines,’ says Dr Bradshaw.<br />
‘We are also concerned that some patients were putting<br />
quite large deposits down even before they decided to go<br />
ahead. Patients shouldn’t be putting down any deposits<br />
until after that cooling-off period.<br />
Nothing should be paid for until the<br />
The new<br />
guidelines are<br />
aimed to help<br />
keep patients<br />
safe, without<br />
imposing an<br />
unreasonable<br />
regulatory<br />
burden on<br />
practitioners<br />
patient comes back and says, ‘I’ve<br />
been to my psychiatrist or I’ve been<br />
to my GP and we’ve discussed it<br />
and I’m still keen to have procedure<br />
X’,’ he says.<br />
Another important aspect of<br />
the guidelines is the requirement<br />
for face-to-face consultations<br />
for doctors prescribing cosmetic<br />
injectables. ‘Consultations can<br />
be done by Skype or video – but<br />
it still needs to be a face-to-face<br />
consultation. It can’t just be a phone<br />
call, etc,’ says Dr Bradshaw.<br />
Patients will benefit particularly<br />
from the improved informed consent<br />
provisions. <strong>Cosmetic</strong> medicine and<br />
surgery are almost always selfreferred,<br />
and there is a greater need<br />
for the stronger informed consent<br />
guidelines announced by the<br />
Medical Board of Australia.<br />
Although cosmetic injectables have become more<br />
common, people should not forget that they are still medical<br />
procedures that require supervision from a qualified medical<br />
practitioner in a safe environment and medical protocols<br />
need to be followed.<br />
Overall, the new guidelines are aimed to help keep<br />
patients safe, without imposing an unreasonable regulatory<br />
burden on practitioners. csbm<br /> 17
feature<br />
The<br />
new<br />
trend<br />
in breast<br />
augmentation<br />
feature<br />
In search of the<br />
perfect breasts,<br />
it appears many<br />
women are ditching<br />
the ‘bigger is<br />
better’ attitude<br />
for smaller, more<br />
natural-looking<br />
implants.<br />
From the robust bodies and smaller breasts revered in<br />
the Renaissance period to the thin and flat-chested<br />
‘Twiggy’-inspired beauty in the 60s to the gravitydefying<br />
breasts of the 1990s and early 2000s, feminine<br />
curves have crept in and out of fashion over the past<br />
century like an item of clothing. And 2016 is no exception.<br />
Smaller breasts are making a big comeback. Surgeons<br />
are seeing a shift in the look many breast augmentation<br />
patients are asking for, away from the round, prominent<br />
oversized breast towards something more in keeping<br />
with their natural shape, to balance their figure rather than<br />
dominate their appearance.<br />
5 factors for<br />
natural-looking<br />
breasts<br />
1<br />
A<br />
gentle slope from the shoulder<br />
to the peak of the breast at the<br />
nipple (roundness at the top of<br />
the breast is an implant giveaway)<br />
Why the shift?<br />
Whether they have lost volume from having children and<br />
just want to restore their breast shape and size, or simply<br />
want to get rid of their padded bras without significant<br />
change in their appearance in clothes and in the workplace,<br />
women are increasingly moving away from the ‘bigger is<br />
better’ attitude when it comes to breast augmentation<br />
surgery. The trend has shifted from the prominent to the<br />
au naturel look.<br />
Changing body ideals and our culture’s increased<br />
focus on fitness could well be fuelling this trend. Female<br />
participation in sports and fitness programs is on the rise,<br />
and alongside this many women are feeling that large<br />
breasts may interfere with their active lifestyle and prefer<br />
smaller implants for a more fit, athletic look. Indeed,<br />
disproportionately large breasts can also cause neck,<br />
shoulder and back problems.<br />
2<br />
The<br />
3<br />
A<br />
4<br />
A<br />
5<br />
A<br />
nipple is located on the centre<br />
of the breast mound and tilted<br />
slightly outwards and upwards<br />
gentle arc from the nipple to<br />
underneath the breast (not too<br />
big and full making the breast<br />
appear saggy<br />
good cleavage<br />
silhouette line so that when<br />
standing front-on, a gentle<br />
bulge is apparent on the side<br />
of the chest wall<br /> 19
feature<br />
The fine<br />
art of<br />
natural-looking<br />
breast<br />
augmentation<br />
Breast surgery is more customisable than ever before.<br />
Research spanning decades has helped formulate surgical<br />
and aesthetic techniques that have placed breast surgery at<br />
the forefront of today’s plastic and reconstructive arena.<br />
The expertise garnered through years of investigation from<br />
leading surgeons around the globe means breast surgery<br />
today offers more individualised results, with less scarring and<br />
reduced downtime following surgery.<br />
The implants used in breast augmentation have been<br />
improved and refined through both design and manufacturing.<br />
Features to reduce the risk of capsular contracture and prevent<br />
implant rotation, gel diffusion and implant rupture help achieve<br />
superior results with fewer incidences of complication.<br />
Surgical techniques have also changed. Different implant<br />
placement and incision sites afford breast augmentation patients<br />
more options in scar placement and aesthetic outcomes.<br />
Surgical advances in breast reduction have lead to improved<br />
results, with less downtime. And a greater understanding<br />
of breast anatomy and aesthetics has made correcting<br />
deformities, such as tuberous breasts and asymmetry, more<br />
effective than ever before.<br />
Factors that need to be assessed before undergoing a<br />
breast augmentation include the size of the existing breasts<br />
and the width of the base of the breasts. The width of the<br />
base determines the most suitable implant size and volume<br />
the patient can have to enable their new breasts to look<br />
proportionate to the rest of their body.<br />
When considering implant shape, texture and size in<br />
breast augmentation, a decision is made with reference to a<br />
woman’s individual body type and aesthetic goals. During the<br />
consultation process, measurements are taken to determine<br />
the anatomical limitations and allowances of the breasts,<br />
chest and soft tissue, and patients are able to express their<br />
motivations, concerns and expectations going into surgery.<br />
The choice of projection is a very personal one. A woman<br />
who is happy with her shape and has sufficient breast tissue<br />
may opt for a low profile implant that will simply increase the<br />
size of her breasts. Another patient may favour a high-profile<br />
implant to reduce sag and generate cleavage.<br />
feature<br />
Implant fill<br />
There are two types of implant filling – silicone gel and<br />
saline solution – and both are encased within an outer shall<br />
of silicone.<br />
Silicone gel implants are touted to have a more natural<br />
feel than their saline-filled counterparts, and the gel’s<br />
cohesive consistency helps retain implant shape following<br />
insertion. In comparison, saline-filled implants are firmer to<br />
touch, and have a greater chance of rippling after insertion.<br />
If implant rupture occurs with saline-filled implants,<br />
the saline solution will be absorbed into the body and the<br />
rupture will be immediately noticeable to the patient. When<br />
using silicone gel-filled implants, rupture is less noticeable<br />
and can remain undetected for longer periods of time,<br />
which is cause for concern to some doctors and patients.<br />
Implant shape<br />
Implants come in round, teardrop (anatomical) and conical<br />
shapes. The round and teardrop options are the most<br />
popular in modern-day breast surgery.<br />
Round implants come in smooth and textured shells, and<br />
will usually lend more upper pole fullness than anatomically<br />
shaped implants. When the patient is upright, a round<br />
implant can assume a defined, round shape or a teardroplike<br />
contour, depending on its fill.<br />
Anatomical (teardrop) implants have a fuller lower pole,<br />
and the shape more closely resembles that of the natural<br />
breast. Their design gives them greater projection in relation<br />
to the size of the base, making them particularly suitable<br />
for women with little breast tissue. A precise degree of<br />
accuracy is needed when positioning anatomical implants,<br />
because if they shift after surgery the shape of the breast<br />
may be noticeably distorted. To reduce this risk, anatomical<br />
implants will always have a textured surface to enable<br />
adherence to surrounding tissue.<br />
Implant texture<br />
The surface of breast implants can either be smooth or<br />
textured. Smooth-shelled implants are acclaimed for their<br />
natural movement and feel, they are relatively easy to<br />
insert during surgery and have a thinner shell than textured<br />
implants. There is a downside to smooth implants, however,<br />
as they have a greater chance of capsular contracture<br />
(hardening of the breast), which is a common reason for<br />
revision surgery.<br />
In comparison, textured implants – usually coated<br />
with polyurethane foam – exhibit greater adherence to<br />
surrounding tissue, meaning there is less friction between<br />
the implant and breast pocket. This reduces the change<br />
of capsular contracture and protects against implant<br />
movement following surgery.<br />
Implant placement<br />
Breast implants can be placed either above or below the<br />
pectoral muscle and, in some cases, a dual plane approach<br />
means the implant is partially placed in both fields.<br />
Subglandular placement is when the implant is positioned<br />
above the pectoral muscle, beneath the glandular breast<br />
tissue. This implant positioning is best suited to patients<br />
who have adequate existing breast tissue, as this tissue<br />
will cover the implant’s edges after insertion. Subglandular<br />
implant placement often causes a pronounced “roundness”<br />
to the breasts, and the implant moves relatively naturally in<br />
this position following surgery.<br />
In patients with less soft tissue in the breast area,<br />
implants placed underneath the pectoral muscle –<br />
called submuscular implant positioning – are often less<br />
conspicuous. This placement helps camouflage the implant<br />
edges and can create a more natural-looking contour at the<br />
top of the breasts.<br />
In dual plane placement, the implant is placed partially<br />
beneath the pectoral muscle in the upper pole, while the<br />
lower half of the implant falls in the subglandular plane. This<br />
placement will camouflage upper implant edges and provide<br />
full projection in the lower pole, suited to women with a high<br />
degree of sag or an accentuated breast fold. It will reduce<br />
the defined ‘roundness’ usually associated with subglandular<br />
implants and will offer a natural breast contour.<br />
The incision site<br />
The incision site will determine the visibility of scars and is<br />
generally decided based upon the personal preferences of<br />
the patient and surgeon. There are surgical advantages and<br />
drawbacks for each site.<br />
The inframammary incision is the most common incision<br />
site for breast implant placement and it is made in the<br />
inframammary fold, or the crease under the breast. The<br />
periareolar incision is made on the border of the areolar - the<br />
area of darker skin surrounding the nipple. A transaxillary<br />
incision is made in the armpit fold, and a channel is created<br />
to deliver the implant to the breast pocket. And, finally the<br />
transumbilical incision, which not so commonly used, is<br />
made on the rim of the navel and an endoscope is used to<br />
tunnel to the breast.<br />
Ultimately, a thorough understanding of the implants,<br />
their shapes, fills and placement will help ensure a<br />
satisfactory outcome. csbm<br /> 21
corrective<br />
breast<br />
surgery<br />
easts<br />
Sagging<br />
or heavy<br />
breasts?<br />
We chat with<br />
Dr John Flynn<br />
about your<br />
breast<br />
rejuvenation<br />
options.<br />
Anti-ageing is the new frontier in cosmetic practice, and we are constantly<br />
being given new arrays of options to address signs of ageing.<br />
While these advances are often focused on facial enhancements and<br />
general body health, age-related changes also occur in the breast.<br />
While the popular conception of breast surgery is that it usually applies<br />
to younger women, there are a number of age-related issues that occur<br />
quite naturally.<br />
‘The issues to consider are loss of volume, the texture and tone of breast<br />
tissue and the inevitable sagging of the breasts,’ says Dr Flynn from Cosmedic<br />
& Skin Clinic on the Gold Coast. ‘All women will be affected by some of these<br />
issues at some stage of their lives because of the ageing process.’<br />
There are various approaches to restore breasts to their former glory and<br />
some can be combined to provide solutions in certain cases. ‘Certainly restoring<br />
volume using breast implants is a key measure, however there are times when<br />
lifting and tightening of the breast tissue is of equal importance and sometimes a<br />
combination of procedures is required,’ says Dr Flynn.<br />
The overall purpose, he says, is to create body balance, where the proportions<br />
are in harmony.<br />
Volume restoration<br />
According to Dr Flynn, a breast implant is the obvious solution to volume<br />
restoration. ‘Much has been written about the different shapes and styles of<br />
implants available, and the reason there are so many options to choose from is<br />
because breast augmentation is not a one-size-fits-all issue,’ he says.<br />
‘There needs to be a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from because each<br />
woman is different and it is important to find a solution to suit every individual.’<br />
Dr Flynn says there are further choices in terms of the surface of the implant,<br />
namely whether to use a smooth or textured finish. ‘Each has its own advantages<br />
and disadvantages and should be addressed in detail during consultation with<br />
the doctor,’ he says.<br />
Breast tone & sagging<br />
Sometimes if there is sufficient volume remaining in the breast, a procedure<br />
called a mastopexy can be used to lift the breast. By doing this the available<br />
breast tissue can be compressed and lifted to help restore a fullness of texture<br />
and tone. The lifted breasts will have a more pert, youthful appearance.<br />
Dr Flynn says there are various methods for achieving this but patients do<br />
need to be aware that mastopexy involves a different pattern of approach from<br />
breast implant surgery. ‘Typically this type of surgery involves an incision around<br />
the nipple, and in some cases there may also be a vertical scar from the nipple to<br />
the inframammary fold (the breast crease),’ he says.<br /> 23
feature face<br />
Body<br />
balance<br />
The overall aim of breast<br />
rejuvenation/correction<br />
procedures is to balance the<br />
body’s proportions into a<br />
pleasing feminine silhouette,<br />
Dr Flynn says. One thing<br />
to consider is the effect of<br />
reducing abdominal girth<br />
through liposuction.<br />
‘The cosmetic benefits of<br />
breast surgery can be greatly<br />
enhanced by skimming excess<br />
fat off the tummy,’ he says.<br />
‘Improvements can also be<br />
made by using liposuction to<br />
re-contour the hips, thighs and<br />
buttocks. The ultimate aim is<br />
to improve body symmetry<br />
and proportion and achieve a<br />
pleasing form.’<br />
Whether augmenting or<br />
reducing parts of the body,<br />
Dr Flynn says it is critically<br />
important to maintain an<br />
eye for total body balance<br />
as this concept is central to<br />
successful cosmetic surgery.<br />
Size reduction<br />
‘Many articles published about breast sagging<br />
concentrate on increasing volume by using implants, but<br />
there is also a large number of women with the opposite<br />
problem of too much breast tissue,’ Dr Flynn says. ‘This<br />
can be accentuated as they grow older, partly due to<br />
genetic background and family history and partly due to<br />
certain hormonal effects.’<br />
The larger volume of the breast creates a greater<br />
weight. This can result in back and neck pain, skin<br />
irritation under the breast, shoulder grooving from bra<br />
straps and even headaches.<br />
In these circumstances a breast lift can be combined<br />
with a breast reduction, called a reduction mastopexy.<br />
As well as removing excess bulk and weight from the<br />
breasts, Dr Flynn says it is also important to lift the breast<br />
to restore a more pert and youthful appearance. csbm<br />
BEFORE AFTER breast augmentation by Dr Flynn<br />
BEFORE AFTER breast augmentation by Dr Flynn<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER breast lift by Dr Flynn<br />
profile<br />
Meet the new doctor at<br />
Cosmedic & Skin Clinic<br />
Dr Ian Chinsee is an Australian-trained<br />
cosmetic surgeon, originally hailing from<br />
Los Angeles. Following a bachelor’s<br />
degree at UCLA, he studied medicine<br />
at the University of Queensland in 2003<br />
and then spent the next seven years in<br />
the QLD health system training in the<br />
fields of plastic and reconstructive,<br />
general and maxillo-facial surgery. He<br />
then completed advanced training<br />
specifically in cosmetic surgery through<br />
the Australasian College of <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
<strong>Surgery</strong> (ACCS) and received his<br />
fellowship in early 2016.<br />
This year he joined Dr John Flynn’s<br />
team at the esteemed Cosmedic &<br />
Skin Clinic on the Gold Coast. We<br />
caught up with him to ask him his<br />
thoughts on beauty, cosmetic surgery<br />
and the future of the industry.<br />
On being a<br />
cosmetic surgeon<br />
I feel that cosmetic surgery is the<br />
perfect blend of art and medicine.<br />
Certainly there are formulas and<br />
protocols to follow, but within a certain<br />
set of boundaries a great deal can be<br />
achieved if one is prepared to think<br />
laterally. It’s for this reason that I see<br />
a lot of great innovations happening<br />
within this field by people who are not<br />
afraid to think outside of the box.<br />
By far the most rewarding thing<br />
is seeing a patient’s happiness once<br />
they have healed from surgery and are<br />
starting to see results. It makes me feel<br />
good to have played a part in boosting<br />
their confidence, and in some cases<br />
their overall outlook on life. Of course,<br />
I’m also rewarded by the technical<br />
aspects of the surgery itself.<br />
I’m involved in pretty much all kinds<br />
of cosmetic surgery. The majority<br />
of my work comes from breast<br />
procedures (mainly augmentation and<br />
lifts) as well as facial procedures such<br />
as blepharoplasty. Something that<br />
seems to be trending is the Brazilian<br />
butt lift, which I enjoy performing<br />
because of the artistry involved to<br />
obtain a pleasing result. I liken it to<br />
sculpting; a patient’s silhouette can<br />
be enhanced simply by adjusting the<br />
body to achieve aesthetic proportions.<br />
On beauty<br />
I’ve always been fascinated by the<br />
concept of beauty and how appearance<br />
plays such a significant role in our lives.<br />
Much of my undergraduate work was<br />
in the humanities subjects, looking<br />
specifically at art, philosophy and the<br />
beauty in nature. Aesthetic surgery<br />
gives me the opportunity to combine<br />
that knowledge and interest with my<br />
medical knowledge and skills. To me,<br />
it feels like the most complete practice<br />
I could be doing.<br />
On a typical day <br />
Something I love about my job is how<br />
variable it can be from day to day. It<br />
really depends on the day of the week,<br />
but it typically consists of consulting for<br />
surgery and/or treating patients with<br />
cosmetic injectables. I’m accredited<br />
at several hospitals around the country<br />
and on a surgical day most or all of it<br />
will be spent operating on different<br />
cases. I travel a lot with my work and<br />
it’s also nice to spend time with different<br />
clinics and staff. A change of scenery is<br />
always refreshing.<br />
On the consultation<br />
The consult is one of the most<br />
important aspects of any procedure<br />
as it’s a chance for the patient and I<br />
to get to know each other. My goals<br />
are to educate the client in different<br />
treatment options, calm their nerves<br />
about upcoming procedures, and let<br />
them know that they are in safe hands.<br />
The process is very relaxed and some<br />
of my patients have commented on<br />
how the process has differed from<br />
other visits to the doctor in that it’s not<br />
at all cold or clinical. There has to be<br />
a mutual trust and understanding that<br />
comes out of the consult before any<br />
surgical plans can be made.<br />
On the future of<br />
cosmetic enhancement<br />
The area of regenerative medicine is<br />
definitely the future of this industry.<br />
We’re only scratching the surface<br />
with treatments such as platelet rich<br />
plasma (PRP) and stem cells. As<br />
our knowledge of these treatments<br />
increases, we will find more and better<br />
uses for them. I don’t think they will<br />
ever replace surgery for certain things,<br />
but they will be a powerful adjunct in<br />
the quest for youth and beauty.<br />
Another direction I can see the<br />
industry going is with enhancements –<br />
it’s purely science fiction at this stage,<br />
but combining technology with the<br />
human form is something that has<br />
already been talked about. I feel that<br />
a high proportion of the trailblazers<br />
will come from the aesthetic surgery<br />
field. csbm<br /> 25
feature<br />
feature<br />
Keep<br />
your<br />
‘beauty<br />
secrets’<br />
under<br />
wraps<br />
Had a cosmetic<br />
treatment and don’t<br />
want the whole<br />
world to know<br />
about it? We hear<br />
you! Our helpful<br />
hints will make sure<br />
your beauty secrets<br />
don’t end up the talk<br />
of the town.<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> surgery, done for the right reasons,<br />
can be a huge boost to your self-esteem<br />
and give you the confidence to be the best<br />
version of yourself. However, the decision to undergo<br />
aesthetic treatments can often be a very personal one<br />
– and one you’d probably rather not share with the<br />
world, thank you very much!<br />
Whether it be a dramatic sudden transformation<br />
you wish to keep under wraps or telltale scars you<br />
wish to minimise, we’ve brought together some useful<br />
tips and the products you’ll need to help keep your<br />
‘beauty secrets’ under wraps!<br />
keeping cosmetic<br />
treatments a secret<br />
1Start small. It can often be difficult to hide results<br />
from your significant other, however non-surgical<br />
treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and fillers<br />
are the easiest treatments to conceal due to the quick<br />
procedure and minimal downtime.<br />
2Keep them guessing. For more invasive procedures,<br />
such as breast augmentation, it’s often better to<br />
have them performed in the cooler months so you<br />
can wear scarves and bulkier “concealment” clothes<br />
as you heal. You can also take the attention away<br />
from your procedure by distracting people with a new<br />
haircut or colour, or even a new makeup look.<br />
3Less is less obvious. Seeking subtle enhancements<br />
in incremental stages will result in a more gradual<br />
transformation that will be hard for others to pinpoint.<br />
4Caring is sharing. All qualified practitioners should<br />
be able to provide patients with quality results,<br />
appropriate after care and proper guidance on how to<br />
keep procedures as private as possible.<br />
5Camouflage is key. Arm yourself with products to<br />
help conceal redness and bruising and special<br />
topical formulations that help you heal faster (see next<br />
pages for our picks!).<br /> 27
feature<br />
after laser or<br />
face surgery<br />
Conceal redness or bruising with a quality,<br />
soothing camouflaging makeup and skincare<br />
range. Lycogel is a standout in this arena – the<br />
range provides buildable, breathable coverage with<br />
real therapeutic benefits to speed up the healing<br />
process after face surgery or laser treatment.<br />
Lycogel is formulated with advanced skincare<br />
technology to aid in the healing of post-procedural<br />
skin, helping bruising, inflammation, redness and<br />
tightness, as well as helping to prevent excessive<br />
scar formation.<br />
Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, Lycogel<br />
delivers moisture and prevents the skin from<br />
becoming dehydrated by reducing trans-epidermal<br />
water loss. This helps to reinforce the skin’s natural<br />
defence system, while protecting the skin barrier.<br />
Lycogel products also contain non-chemical<br />
UVA and UVB protection, which are essential for<br />
healing skin.<br />
Oxygenetix is another breakthrough makeup<br />
and cosmeceutical line designed specifically to<br />
help make patient downtime more comfortable and<br />
functional. The moisturiser and foundation can be<br />
used directly post-procedure on aggravated skin,<br />
concealing recovery and also expediting healing.<br />
Even broken and extremely sensitive skin seen<br />
in some patients immediately post-laser can be<br />
directly covered with Oxygenetix. The foundation<br />
acts as a second skin, and its ‘breathable’ capacity<br />
helps initiate and optimise the healing process.<br />
The foundation is based on a patent-pending<br />
formula dubbed the Ceravitae Complex. This<br />
has been shown to generate an aerobic effect,<br />
stimulating skin cell production and promoting the<br />
healing process.<br />
More specifically, Ceravitae is designed to<br />
speed up connective tissue reconstruction,<br />
systemically build collagen layers and reinforce<br />
natural skin healing. This helps accelerate recovery<br />
and reduce scar formation following more invasive<br />
aesthetic procedures.<br />
Wound healing &<br />
scar prevention<br />
While the skin has an amazing ability to repair and<br />
rejuvenate itself, sometimes scars are unavoidable. While<br />
the benefits of surgery and certain non-surgical procedures<br />
can help rejuvenate the face and revitalise the complexion,<br />
the possibility of scarring post-procedure can sometimes<br />
detract from the final result. This is why wound healing<br />
and scar management is critical following surgery or post<br />
laser therapy.<br />
Any scar tissue that you have is affected by several<br />
factors, including the nature and severity of the injury,<br />
the thickness and colour of your skin, and how you were<br />
treated medically.<br />
During the first stage of scar formation the scab is formed<br />
and is almost always accompanied by swelling, redness<br />
and some tenderness. In the second stage, new skin tissue<br />
is formed under the scab. The skin’s inner and outer layers<br />
then begin to rebuild and reform.<br />
DNA Scar Therapy is an intensive healing treatment<br />
that minimises the appearance of scars by infusing silicone<br />
gel with DNA repair enzymes and active botanicals. It is<br />
designed to help support the skin’s natural healing process<br />
and reduce the appearance of recent scars from minor<br />
burns, cuts or surgery.<br />
DNA Scar Therapy should be applied nightly after<br />
cleansing. Once applied, this light, potent serum restores<br />
skin’s smoothness and tone. The skin is moisturised<br />
and revitalised and scars will appear smoother and<br />
less noticeable.<br />
Hiruscar is another breakthrough skincare treatment<br />
which reduces the appearance of new and old scars.<br />
Absorbed immediately, Hiruscar is a non-oily gel that is<br />
suitable for facial scars and can be applied under makeup.<br />
It is specially formulated with five cosmetic active<br />
ingredients that work to moisturise, smooth and soften the<br />
scar’s appearance. It can be used as soon as the wound<br />
is closed, on all areas of the skin. The key to obtaining the<br />
best results is being consistent in your applications (two to<br />
three times a day is ideal).<br />
Keep in mind that a scar is not necessarily a bad thing -<br />
rather it’s a sign that your body’s repair system has kicked<br />
in so the damage to your skin, no matter how big or small,<br />
closes up and mends. Early management of scars will help<br />
reduce redness and discomfort and prevent abnormal and<br />
excessive scar formation.<br />
feature<br />
Early management<br />
of scars will help<br />
reduce redness and<br />
discomfort and<br />
prevent abnormal<br />
scar formation<br />
Stretch mark<br />
prevention<br />
Not all women will get stretch marks after a breast<br />
augmentation, but it can happen. Also known as “striae”,<br />
these imperfections can appear on any parts of the body,<br />
including the breasts.<br />
Patients who naturally have weak or thin skin are more<br />
susceptible to developing stretch marks on the breasts<br />
after an augmentation, but there are ways to avoid the<br />
chances of them appearing. Bio-Oil has been used by<br />
women for over 20 years to help prevent the formation of<br />
stretch marks by keeping the skin well-hydrated and supple.<br />
Bio-Oil’s unique formulation combines Vitamins A and<br />
E to promote the formation of new collagen, assisting in<br />
skin renewal and increasing elasticity. Vitamin E also<br />
increases the moisture content of the epidermis, reducing<br />
the itch of stretching skin and improving the skin’s overall<br />
texture and tone.<br />
To help prevent the formation of stretch marks, it is<br />
recommended that Bio-Oil be applied twice daily by<br />
massaging in circular motions until fully absorbed into the<br />
skin. Treatment of existing stretch marks is most effective,<br />
although older stretch marks can also show improvement<br />
with regular use of Bio-Oil. Best results are seen after using<br />
twice daily for three months. csbm<br /> 29
feature<br />
Eyes<br />
wide<br />
open<br />
feature<br />
Tired-looking<br />
eyes dragging<br />
you down? With<br />
these popular<br />
treatments<br />
and tips, your<br />
peepers will be<br />
poppin’ in<br />
no time!<br />
Dubbed the ‘windows to the soul’, the eyes play a<br />
huge role in expressing our emotions and greatly<br />
impact the way we are perceived by the world.<br />
With age, the upper and lower eyelids can become heavy<br />
and wrinkled, contributing to a tired, aged or even angry<br />
expression. With fewer oil glands and less subcutaneous<br />
tissue, not only is the skin around the eyes thinner, it is also<br />
naturally less hydrated, leaving the eye region prone to<br />
premature ageing.<br />
Treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical, is dependent<br />
on your individual needs, desires and expectations.<br />
Advanced surgical and non-surgical techniques and<br />
treatments can improve your appearance, brighten your<br />
eyes and combat the signs of ageing.<br />
Blepharoplasty<br />
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, removes excess skin and<br />
fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids, reducing bags<br />
under the eyes and countering sagging, hooded lids. The<br />
procedure essentially “opens” and brightens your eyes,<br />
removing a heavy, tired appearance.<br />
In addition to improving your appearance, upper eyelid<br />
surgery can also help improve vision and expose the<br />
eyelashes. It is performed via an incision that is hidden in<br />
the upper eyelid crease, where skin, muscle and fat are<br />
removed to reduce hooding in the upper eyelid. It can<br />
be performed alone, or in conjunction with lower eyelid<br />
blepharoplasty for more holistic results.<br />
Lower eyelid surgery involves excising or redistributing<br />
fat in the lower eyelid to counter puffiness below the eyes.<br />
Incisions can be made either inside the eyelid or just below<br />
the lower lash line.<br />
The skin is often tightened to smooth out the under-eye<br />
area, helping reduce the appearance of “bags” under the<br />
eyes and revitalising the appearance.<br />
Most patients experience only mild pain or discomfort<br />
following eyelid surgery, and recovery usually takes between<br />
one and two weeks. Results are long lasting.<br /> 31
feature<br />
Makeup tips<br />
Smokey, defined eyes can add glamour to any look.<br />
Most of us choose to stick within our safety zone,<br />
applying the same eye shadows and lipsticks we<br />
have for months, even years. This isn’t normally<br />
about a lack of creativity; it usually comes down to a<br />
lack of confidence.<br />
Try subtle changes, such as a dab of highlighter in<br />
the corners of your eye to reflect light and brighten<br />
your whole face.<br />
To identify eye makeup colours that work for you,<br />
use your hair as a guide (not your eyes). Blondes<br />
tend to suit creams and taupes, while mochas and<br />
chocolate browns flatter brunettes. If you have auburn<br />
or red hair, go with coppers, peaches, reddish-browns<br />
or cool tones like pink and lavender.<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
6<br />
simple eye<br />
opening<br />
makeup tips<br />
Don’t over-colour the eyes<br />
Too many bright hues can be distracting<br />
and ageing.<br />
Avoid mascara clumps<br />
It might have been the look in the 1960s, but<br />
it’s not hot today. The best way to achieve<br />
thick lashes is to apply several thin coats of<br />
mascara.<br />
Soften hard edges<br />
You should not be able to see where one<br />
colour ends and another begins. Remember<br />
to blend, blend, blend.<br />
Avoid wearing bright pink<br />
eye shadows<br />
They can make your eyes look tired<br />
and irritated.<br />
De-emphasise fine lines<br />
Avoid shimmery shadows, which draw<br />
attention to creases and wrinkles. Instead opt<br />
for silky matte finishes.<br />
Don’t match your eyeshadow to<br />
your eye colour<br />
For example, if you have blue eyes, blue<br />
eyeshadow will make your eyes appear dull.<br />
Anti-wrinkle<br />
injections<br />
Fine lines and crow’s feet can detract from an otherwise<br />
youthful appearance, and the use of anti-wrinkle injections<br />
around the eye area can act as both an anti-ageing and<br />
preventative measure.<br />
These injectables work by temporarily paralysing the<br />
underlying muscles to reduce the appearance of dynamic<br />
wrinkles – or wrinkles that occur due to facial expression.<br />
Anti-wrinkle injections can be placed strategically around<br />
your eye area to help combat fine lines, crow’s feet and<br />
deeper furrows.<br />
A relatively fast and minimally invasive treatment, antiwrinkle<br />
injections deliver fast, visible results with minimal<br />
downtime. The results usually last about four months, but it<br />
depends on your individual reaction.<br />
Lids By Design<br />
If you want the look of an eye lift, without going under the<br />
knife, Lids by Design are the answer for you.<br />
Distributed in Australia by Bella Aesthetics, Lids By<br />
Design is a medical-grade adhesive strip applied to the<br />
eyelid crease to instantly lift sagging eyelid skin – it’s quick,<br />
temporary and can easily be incorporated into your daily<br />
beauty regime. See page 34 for more details. csbm<br />
Your Clear Choice<br />
Picosecond + Nanosecond + Dual Wavelengths = The High-powered Choice<br />
Introducing enlighten — the world’s first — and only — dual wavelength (1064nm + 532 nm) and dual pulse duration<br />
(750 ps + 2 ns) laser system fearuring class-leading treatment parametresand customisation.<br />
Now available for tattoo removal and the treatment of benign pigmented lesions.<br />
GO Where it Counts<br />
enlighten has the power to take you where you want to go:<br />
up to 3X greater energy with 1064 nm (600 mJ) and up to<br />
1.5X greater energy with 532 nm (300 mJ)*.<br />
GO Deep!<br />
High pulse energy + large spot sizes<br />
GO Fast!<br />
2 minute start-up and real-time calibration<br />
GO Beyond!<br />
Broad and precise fluence control at all spot-sizes<br />
Our Independent Spot-size<br />
and Fluence Adjustment<br />
Fluence (J/cm 2 )<br />
8<br />
6<br />
4<br />
2<br />
enlighten<br />
Competition<br />
2 4 6 8<br />
Spot Size (mm)<br />
*Compared to competitive systems<br />
2 8<br />
Wide Spot-size Range<br />
Adjust spot-size on-the-fly<br />
from 2 - 8 mm<br />
2 minutes<br />
Fast Start-up Time<br />
System ‘ready’ in 2 minutes<br />
Zero Wait-time<br />
Real-time calibration allows<br />
instantly selectable parameters<br />
.<br />
Explore More.<br />
eyes<br />
the<br />
no-surgery<br />
eye<br />
lift<br />
Lift and brighten<br />
your eyes and take<br />
years off your<br />
appearance with<br />
Lids By Design,<br />
the temporary<br />
correcting strips<br />
that instantly<br />
create the look of<br />
an eye lift.<br />
Do you have hooded, sagging or asymmetrical eyelids? Do you<br />
want an eyelid lift but don’t care for the surgery? Or are you<br />
considering a blepharoplasty and want to “trial” how it will<br />
look? If you answered yes to any of the above, Lids By Design is set<br />
to become your most favourite beauty weapon.<br />
Lids By Design are temporary adhesive correcting strips to<br />
instantly lift eyelids and widen eyes, hiding the excess skin in the<br />
natural fold of your lid. They are completely customisable to your own<br />
eyelid shape and available in a variety of different sizes depending on<br />
the lift required, ranging from 3mm (slight) to 8mm (maximum). The<br />
product can be used on any eye, any shape and any ethnicity.<br />
Distributed in Australia by Bella Aesthetics, Lids By Design is the<br />
new, non-surgical way to instantly to lift your eyelids without the<br />
lengthy downtime of surgery.<br />
How do they work?<br />
When used correctly, the strips hide the excess skin in the natural fold<br />
of your lid and instantly lift the eye, making you look younger.<br />
Quick and easy to apply, Lids By Design are specifically designed<br />
to uplift the look of your eyes and temporarily help:<br />
• Loose, sagging skin hanging over your lashes<br />
• Asymmetrical lids making you look and feel uneven<br />
• Excess skin covering the natural fold of the lid<br />
• Heavy lids disturbing the natural contour and sometimes<br />
impairing vision<br />
eyes<br />
Made of medical-grade quality tape, Lids by Design is a<br />
hypoallergenic, latex-free, organic product that blends in with the<br />
skin. Due to the wearable technology, the adhesive is breathable and<br />
virtually invisible – it is soft, comfortable, easy to use and makeup can<br />
be applied over them.<br />
Designed for one-time use, simply apply a strip to your eyelid<br />
each morning before your regular skincare and makeup regimen and<br />
dispose of them before you go to bed.<br />
Lids By Design equips you with a fast and simple way to<br />
defy ageing, hooded, sad-looking eyes, offering a very effective<br />
alternative to surgery. Get ready to look at yourself in the mirror with<br />
fresh pair of eyes! csbm<br />
LIDS BY DESIGN is completely<br />
customisable to your eyelid<br />
shape and needs.<br />
3MM = SLIGHT<br />
4MM = SUBTLE<br />
5MM = CASUAL<br />
6MM = MODERATE<br />
7MM = DRAMATIC<br />
8MM = MAXIMUM<br />
BEFORE<br />
Before<br />
If the strip is too long for the<br />
size or shape of your lids, you<br />
can trim the length down to<br />
achieve your desired results.<br />
Before<br />
Where to buy<br />
Lids By Design is distributed in Australia by Bella Aesthetics.<br />
Visit to purchase online<br />
or call 02 9398 2755 for more details.<br />
Lids By Design RRP $69.95 for 80 strips (40 days’ wear)<br /> 35
skin<br />
skin<br />
beauty<br />
(BSc.DipForm Chem.<br />
DipEd) FOUNDER &<br />
Sustainability in business allows for the needs of the<br />
consumer to be met without jeopardising the balance<br />
of our delicate eco-systems. This environmental<br />
awareness must extend into our beauty industry, and skincare<br />
manufacturers need unite in our commitment to minimise the<br />
impact we leave on our environment and its natural resources.<br />
It’s not just about using recyclable packaging; it’s about<br />
understanding the ingredients inside the bottle and their eff ect<br />
on our eco-systems.<br />
There are currently major concerns with the eff ect of<br />
microbeads in our waterways, the impact of chemical<br />
sunscreens on our coral reefs and the careless pillaging of our<br />
environment for ‘natural ’but often non-sustainable ingredients.<br />
Microbeads may be microscopic, but they are causing a stir in<br />
the beauty industry by creating serious problems for our aquatic<br />
environment. These tiny plastic beads serve no benefi t to the<br />
skin and are used as cheap alternatives to eff ective mineral and<br />
plant-based exfoliants.<br />
Many consumers may not even be aware that the products<br />
they are using contain microbeads. Most commonly they are<br />
added to facial cleansers, scrubs, body washes and even<br />
wrinkle-fi lling facial creams.<br />
Environmentalists and scientists have discovered large<br />
quantities of microbeads in Australian waterways that are<br />
causing long-term damage to marine life. The beads enter<br />
our waters via sewerage systems and are non-biodegradable.<br />
Every day, billions of these plastic particles are being fl ushed<br />
down our drains and into our lakes, rivers and oceans.<br />
Microbeads act like sponges and are capable of absorbing<br />
toxic by-products from our waters. If eaten by our marine life<br />
these toxins can make their way up the food chain, back to you<br />
and me as consumers.<br />
Numerous countries across the world including the USA,<br />
Europe, Canada, Sweden and now Australia are in the process<br /> 37
skin<br />
Recently, the concern regarding chemical sunscreens<br />
has been further magnifi ed with one of the most popular<br />
chemical sunscreens, oxybenzone, contributing to the<br />
death of coral reefs around the world. A 2015 study<br />
by the NOAA’s National Ocean Service discovered that<br />
oxybenzone causes mutation of DNA in adult corals<br />
rendering them sterile.<br />
Recently popular aerosol sunscreens are also a serious<br />
concern as they produce airborne particles that can travel<br />
signifi cant distances to the ocean. The reef areas aff ected<br />
are consistent with tourism-dense hot spots and include<br />
our astonishing Great Barrier Reef. This is yet another<br />
reason to avoid chemical sunscreens and opt for natural<br />
zinc oxide as a physical sunscreen.<br />
Terri holds a Bachelor of Science from Monash<br />
University (Immunology and Microbiology) and has<br />
obtained a post-graduate Diploma of Formulating<br />
Chemistry and a Diploma of Education in Biology &<br />
Senior Science. She is the founder and formulator<br />
of Synergie Skin, a leading manufacturer of<br />
cosmeceutical skincare and mineral makeup.<br /><br />
of banning polyethylene microbeads in personal care<br />
products. Leading Australian supermarket chains have<br />
pledged to withdraw products containing microbeads from<br />
their shelves by the end of 2017.<br />
There are many alternative naturally derived materials<br />
that can be used for exfoliation such as walnut husks,<br />
coff ee grinds, sugar and salt, and premium aluminium<br />
oxide crystals.<br />
Another major concern that I have as a formulator is the<br />
eff ect of chemical sunscreens on the human body and now<br />
to the environment. There has been documented evidence<br />
that many ingredients in chemical sunscreens are able<br />
to mimic oestrogen and this may contribute to hormone<br />
imbalance over time.<br />
There is often a push for using 100 percent natural<br />
ingredients in skincare. I believe in combining the very best<br />
of laboratory made ingredients with natural ingredients<br />
whilst avoiding questionable additives.<br />
An example of this is the use of a complex sugar<br />
naturally produced by a bacteria living on the surface of<br />
seaweed found exclusively off the coast of France. Rather<br />
than directly harvesting the seaweed and compromising<br />
the delicate ecosystem in this region, scientists are able to<br />
take the bacteria from the seaweed back to the laboratory<br />
and create bacterial clones that are bio-identical to what is<br />
found in nature.<br />
This ingredient is able to improve regeneration of healthy<br />
skin and address premature ageing whilst at the same time<br />
being 100 percent sustainable and having no impact on the<br />
environment. Furthermore, this ingredient is 100 percent<br />
pure as it is laboratory manufactured and does not need<br />
to be purifi ed as is the case when ingredients are taken<br />
from a natural environment. The use of this biotechnology<br />
has positive and far-reaching consequences for formulating<br />
many skincare products of the future… what this space!<br />
There is no doubt that sustainability is at the forefront<br />
of all aspects of business and manufacturing, and as<br />
formulators we must also be aware of sustainability and<br />
harness our knowledge to create ethical and sustainable<br />
products that do not have a negative impact on our delicate<br />
eco-systems. csbm<br />
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feature<br />
feature<br />
Where<br />
does<br />
your<br />
skin<br />
fit in?<br />
Get to know your<br />
skin type for your<br />
best skin yet!<br />
Knowing your skin type is a no-brainer in order<br />
to choose the right skincare products and<br />
treatments for you. But accurate skin typing<br />
goes way beyond the traditional (and antiquated)<br />
‘dry’, ‘oily’, ‘combination’ and ‘sensitive’.<br />
‘The traditional skin type categories are<br />
inaccurate and incomplete. Not only can a person<br />
be both dry and sensitive (or oily and sensitive),<br />
these broad categories do not account for an<br />
individual’s tendency to wrinkle or form excess<br />
pigment,’ says US dermatologist, researcher and<br />
author of the best-selling book The Skin Type<br />
Solution Dr Leslie Baumann.<br />
‘I set out to develop my skin typing system<br />
[see over page] as a way to clear up confusion.<br />
My fellow dermatologists were confused about<br />
the products and treatments to recommend to<br />
their patients, and patients were confused by all<br />
of the skincare options and misinformation. This<br />
confusion led to frustration and my goal was to<br />
simplify and demystify skincare once and for all,’<br />
says Dr Baumann.<br />
Terri Vinson, cosmetic chemist and founder and<br />
formulator of Synergie Skin, says the ideal skincare<br />
regimen involves a base of essential products that<br />
are suitable for all skin types. ‘These ingredients<br />
include retinol, niacinamide and antioxidants such<br />
as L-ascorbic acid. From this point we can then<br />
introduce specialised serums and products to<br />
target each skin profile specifically,’ she says.<br />
‘For example, oily skin will require ingredients<br />
to address oil flow, bacteria and congested<br />
pores,’ Vinson explains. ‘Sensitive skin will require<br />
ingredients to combat redness, pruritus, stinging<br />
and inflammation. Pigmentation involves controlling<br />
excess melanin production and wrinkled skin<br />
requires anti-ageing ingredients, which stimulate<br />
collagen and hydration.’<br /> 41
feature<br />
Why you should<br />
know your skin type<br />
In a nutshell, if you don’t know your skin type, you may wind<br />
up using the wrong skincare products for your skin. Caring<br />
for the wrong skin type can aggravate existing conditions,<br />
or even cause new ones.<br />
‘Knowing one’s skin type is most important for<br />
establishing and maintaining skin health,’ says Dr Baumann.<br />
‘That’s really the first goal. From there, knowing your skin<br />
type – and the ideal ingredients for it – helps prevent wasting<br />
money on the wrong products, wasting time waiting for<br />
results that won’t happen and, the worst-case scenario,<br />
harming the skin.’<br />
‘Most people are not equipped to self-diagnose their<br />
skin type, particularly when it involves multiple concerns. In<br />
this case, it is recommended to seek advice from a qualified<br />
skin professional,’ says Vinson.<br />
Determining your skin type can be confusing, and<br />
most people misdiagnose themselves. Instead of trying<br />
to pinpoint the traditional skin type categories, think of<br />
your skin as a hybrid of categories. It is also important to<br />
remember that your skin type can change due to variances<br />
like environment, lifestyle and age.<br />
‘Nowadays there are excellent diagnostic tools available<br />
in clinics such as electronic facial scanners, which are<br />
able to identify skin concerns that are not always visible to<br />
the naked eye such as deep pigmentation, fine lines and<br />
high blood flow close to the skin’s surface which can result<br />
in redness,’ explains Vinson.<br />
How to care for<br />
your skin type<br />
Today there is an abundance of beauty treatment options,<br />
which can be as much a curse as a blessing. Using<br />
the wrong products may trigger reactions such as<br />
redness and flaking, causing people to incorrectly label<br />
their skin as sensitive or dry. Dr Baumann highlights that<br />
your skin type does more than affect the recommended<br />
skincare and treatments; it dictates them.<br />
‘For example, a “sensitive” skin type won’t be able to<br />
tolerate a cleanser with glycolic acid but a “resistant” skin<br />
type could use the same cleanser with a sonic cleansing<br />
brush and apply a retinoid every night without a hint of<br />
redness or irritation. Other examples would be that “tight”<br />
skin types don’t need to waste money on anti-ageing<br />
products, and “pigmented” skin types need to be careful<br />
with in-office treatments such as lasers and peels,’ says<br />
Dr Baumann.<br />
‘In terms of treatments, sensitive skin types should<br />
avoid chemical peels (although low-level salycylic acid<br />
can be recommended for certain sensitive skin types),<br />
skin needling and any aggressive clinical treatment,’<br />
advises Vinson.<br />
‘Pigmented skin should also be cautious of highly<br />
irritating ingredients and strong chemical peels as this may<br />
result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). This<br />
risk can also be reduced by using tyrosinase inhibitors for<br />
two weeks prior to treatment as this will reduce the risk of<br />
PIH,’ she adds.<br />
As for diet and lifestyle, Dr Baumann believes that if<br />
you’re prone to acne you should minimise your intake of<br />
dairy. ‘I also tell my patients to avoid sugar (as well as refined<br />
carbohydrates), especially if they are concerned about<br />
visible signs of ageing, since research has established that<br />
high blood sugar levels may damage the skin’s supportive<br />
collagen and elastin,’ she says.<br />
Oily skin types should avoid ingredients containing<br />
comedogenic oils and waxes such as coconut oil, as this<br />
will cause blockage of the pores. It is also recommended<br />
to avoid certain algae extracts as these can also<br />
be comedogenic.<br />
‘It is also not well publicised that SLS (sodium lauryl<br />
sulfate), the most commonly used foaming agent in facial<br />
cleansers, is highly comedogenic. Reach for cleansers<br />
that use naturally derived foaming agents instead. It is<br />
also wise for oily skins to avoid rich facial salon treatments<br />
as this can also cause skin congestion,’ Vinson says.<br />
To check for sensitivity and avoid skin reactions, always<br />
perform a patch test on the side of your neck when<br />
trying new products over a one-week period. ‘Anti-irritant<br />
ingredients should be added to the skincare regimen such<br />
as aloe vera, allantoin, Canadian willow herb and some<br />
of the new anti-redness and anti-inflammatory peptides,’<br />
says Vinson.<br />
No matter what your skin type, it’s important to remember<br />
that you should be religiously applying sunscreen, at<br />
all times of the year. Protecting your skin from incidental<br />
sun exposure is vital for helping to prevent skin cancer and<br />
the effects of ageing that come from the sun’s powerful<br />
UV rays.<br />
‘There is one product that is essential to all skin types:<br />
sunscreen. Opt for physical sunscreen in the form of zinc<br />
oxide or apply mineral makeup containing high levels<br />
of large-particle zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These<br />
products will act as a physical barrier to UV light, and will<br />
protect you throughout the day; sunscreen is truly your<br />
defense against ageing!’ concludes Vinson. csbm<br />
Work out<br />
your<br />
Baumann<br />
Skin Type<br />
Dry (D) vs Oily (O)<br />
Your skin’s oil production and ability to<br />
hold onto water determine your skin’s<br />
hydration status and tendency toward<br />
enlarged or clogged pores.<br />
Sensitive (S) vs Resistant (R)<br />
Sensitive skin types experience acne,<br />
redness, burning, stinging or frequent<br />
rashes. Resistant skin types rarely<br />
suffer from inflammation, and need<br />
stronger ingredients.<br />
Pigmented (P) vs Non-pigmented (N)<br />
Pigmented skin types experience<br />
discoloration, while Non-pigmented<br />
skin types are even in colour. This<br />
parameter is independent of ethnicity.<br />
Wrinkle prone (W) vs Tight (T)<br />
Wrinkle-prone skin types require<br />
anti-ageing ingredients, while<br />
Tight skin types are teenagers and<br />
others who are not yet ready for<br />
ageing prevention.<br />
Skincare<br />
recommendations<br />
based on the<br />
Baumann skin type<br />
Baumann<br />
skin type<br />
OSPW<br />
OSPT<br />
OSNW<br />
OSNT<br />
ORPW<br />
ORPT<br />
ORNW<br />
ORNT<br />
DSPW<br />
DSPT<br />
DSNW<br />
DSNT<br />
DRPW<br />
DRPT<br />
DRNW<br />
DRNT<br />
Recommended<br />
skincare products<br />
feature<br />
Should contain sunscreen, retinoids,<br />
depigmenting ingredients, antioxidants<br />
and anti-inflammatory ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, retinoids,<br />
depigmenting ingredients, and antiinflammatory<br />
ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, retinoids,<br />
antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory<br />
ingredients.<br />
Should contain retinoids, and antiinflammatory<br />
ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, hydroxy acids,<br />
retinoids, depigmenting ingredients, and<br />
antioxidants.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, retinoids,<br />
hydroxy acids, and depigmenting<br />
ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, retinoids,<br />
hydroxy acids, and antioxidants.<br />
Should contain sunscreen and retinoids.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, barrier repair<br />
moisturising ingredients, retinoids,<br />
depigmenting ingredients, antioxidants<br />
and anti-inflammatory ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, barrier repair<br />
moisturising ingredients, retinoids,<br />
depigmenting ingredients, and antiinflammatory<br />
ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, barrier repair<br />
moisturising ingredients, retinoids,<br />
antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory<br />
ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, barrier repair<br />
moisturising ingredients retinoids, and<br />
anti-inflammatory ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, moisturisers,<br />
hydroxy acids, retinoids, depigmenting<br />
ingredients, and antioxidants.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, moisturisers,<br />
retinoids, hydroxy acids, and<br />
depigmenting ingredients.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, moisturisers,<br />
retinoids, hydroxy acids, and antioxidants.<br />
Should contain sunscreen, moisturisers,<br />
and retinoids.<br /> 43
face<br />
Big<br />
results,<br />
minimal<br />
downtime<br />
Sydney <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Physician Dr Buddy Beaini<br />
says minimally invasive procedures can<br />
achieve significant results.<br />
face<br />
Minimally invasive procedures have become the<br />
go-to option for beautifying our looks and defying<br />
the signs of ageing. From minor surgeries to<br />
non-surgical face lifting, you no longer have to have major<br />
surgery to notice a big improvement in your looks.<br />
Sydney cosmetic physician Dr Buddy Beaini says there<br />
is a range of minimally invasive options to reverse the<br />
outward signs of ageing and delay surgery. ‘When selected<br />
appropriately and used in combination, minimally invasive<br />
procedures can make a patient look five to 10 years<br />
younger,’ he says.<br />
Dr Beaini offers a range of light therapies, thread lifting<br />
procedures and injectable treatments at his MD Cosmedical<br />
Solutions clinics in Sydney’s CBD and Wahroonga, and<br />
Barton in Canberra. The combination of these modalities<br />
delivers an individualised approach to effectively address<br />
each patients’ needs and concerns.<br />
‘Patients of all ages have been treated with excellent<br />
results,’ he says. ‘With the current advanced technology and<br />
techniques, facial rejuvenation has developed dramatically,<br />
giving patients the options to look and feel younger without<br />
the need for major surgery. In particular, thread lifting,<br />
blepharoplasty and bat ear correction (otoplasty) are less<br />
invasive procedures that can achieve significant results,’<br />
explains Dr Beaini.<br />
During consultation, Dr Beaini asks patients to describe<br />
their main concerns and he will outline the advantages,<br />
disadvantages, success rates, downtime and budget<br />
involved with a number of relevant treatment options.<br />
‘For those patients who are less specific, and are hoping<br />
to look younger, fresher, rejuvenated or “happier”, I make<br />
an assessment of how we can improve the patient’s overall<br />
image and appearance,’ he says.<br />
Thread Lifting<br />
Thread lifting is a minimally invasive procedure used to lift<br />
the brow, face and neck, as well as reposition the cheeks,<br />
reduce the jowls and enhance the lips.<br />
Lifting the skin on the face achieves a younger and<br />
more contoured appearance and counters the inevitable<br />
effects of gravity. Thread lifting is suitable for those<br />
patients hoping to reverse the descent of facial soft tissue<br />
associated with ageing, or even to delay the need for a<br />
surgical facelift.<br />
The procedure involves inserting dissolvable threads<br />
into the skin’s dermis. This, in turn, triggers the production<br />
of new connective fibres and acts as a scaffolding, lifting<br />
Eyelid hooding<br />
surgery<br />
This procedure involves excising excess fat and skin<br />
from the upper and/or lower eyelids to open the eyes<br />
for a fresher, more alert appearance. The day surgery<br />
is performed under local anaesthesia, and can be used<br />
in conjunction with other treatments such as brow<br />
thread lifting, non-invasive skin tightening and laser skin<br />
rejuvenation.<br />
‘When we look at an individual’s face, our attention<br />
first focuses on the eyes, and any abnormality or<br />
asymmetry,’ Dr Beaini explains. ‘If an individual has<br />
droopy, tired and ageing eyes, the first impression is<br />
that is individual is sad, tired or unwell,’ says Dr Beaini.<br />
‘Eyelid surgery is a very effective and long-term<br />
solution for such individuals, and automatically has the<br />
effect of revitalising the entire face.’ For this reason,<br />
blepharoplasty – or eyelid hooding surgery – can<br />
achieve significant results in rejuvenating the entire face.<br />
Bat ear correction<br />
‘Any abnormality and asymmetry in facial appearance will<br />
attract attention, which is particularly relevant to individuals<br />
with bat ears,’ says Dr Beaini.<br />
Dr Beaini offers a permanent non-surgical treatment to<br />
correct and reshape protruding ears (bat ear correction).<br />
He performs the procedure with a mild sedative and local<br />
anaesthesia; no hospitalisation, general anaesthetic or<br />
surgical incisions are required.<br />
‘These patients were born with this problem and, in<br />
most cases, are burdened with underlying emotional issues<br />
relating to the appearance of their ears. The joy and relief<br />
they experience once their ears are corrected makes this<br />
treatment extremely desirable.’ csbm<br />
and bolstering the tissue for a noticeable anti-ageing and<br />
rejuvenating effect.<br />
Dr Beaini has been performing mini-facelifts and neck<br />
lifts with threads over the past two years and has been<br />
seeing some great results, ‘We have seen exceptional<br />
face lifting and rejuvenation results in more than 95<br />
percent of our patients,’ says Dr Beaini.<br />
Thread lifting is commonly used to address midface<br />
drooping, deep cheek wrinkles, deep nasolabial<br />
lines, excessive jowling and neck laxity. Other concerns<br />
may include brow droop, facial asymmetry and loss of<br />
cheek positioning.<br /> 45
skin<br />
A<br />
winning<br />
combination<br />
for<br />
skin<br />
beauty<br />
skin<br />
Maximise skin tightening and radiant skin by combining<br />
Infini and Healite treatments – a proven way to reclaim<br />
smoother, plumper skin.<br />
The HEALITE II and INFINI from Lutronic, distributed<br />
by Advanced Cosmeceuticals in Australia, are two<br />
devices that work beautifully together to tighten<br />
lax skin, plump out fine lines and wrinkles, and smooth<br />
out skin imperfections, as well as shorten healing time<br />
of wounds.<br />
Using a combination of devices means you can<br />
tackle different concerns or “problem areas” at the same<br />
time, usually with enhanced results and shorter recovery<br />
period. The combination of HEALITE II and INFINI, in<br />
particular, has been proven to provide a synergistic effect<br />
and improve results in healing and overall skin rejuvenation<br />
and tightening.<br />
INFINI is an innovative microneedling fractional radiofrequency<br />
device for skin tightening, skin rejuvenation,<br />
acne scars, and active inflammatory acne, while HEALITE<br />
II is a light-emitting diode (LED) therapy to improve lines<br />
and wrinkles and other signs of photo ageing – with<br />
no downtime and no side effects. It is a therapeutic<br />
system that boosts skin health, heightens cellular activity,<br />
increases blood flow and stimulates collagen production in<br />
the dermis.<br />
In a paper on the benefits of combined microneedling<br />
fractional radiofrequency and LED low-level light<br />
therapy, Dr Glen Calderhead, director of scientific affairs<br />
at Lutronic, said: ‘Excellent on their own, the combination<br />
of these two non-laser technologies is capable of<br />
producing synergistic results, superior to either of the<br />
systems used independently.’<br />
What is INFINI?<br />
INFINI is unique in how it treats both the superficial and<br />
deeper layers of the skin. It uses microneedling fractional<br />
radiofrequency (MFR) to create a stronger skin structure,<br />
and a firmer and more youthful-looking complexion.<br />
Microneedling fractional radiofrequency systems have<br />
attracted attention for achieving good results in both<br />
rejuvenation and tightening, with minimised side effects and<br />
very short downtime.<br />
INFINI uses insulated gold-plated microneedles to deliver<br />
RF energy to the dermis (the connective tissue layer of the<br />
skin located below the epidermis). This causes controlled<br />
areas of coagulation, or tissue shrinkage, and triggers<br />
the body’s natural healing response, promoting collagen<br />
production without damaging the skin’s superficial layers.<br />
The use of microneedles in MFR, as microneedling, even<br />
without radiofrequency technology, can stimulate collagen<br />
production in the dermis and improve skin tone, structure<br />
and texture. In this unique amalgamation of technologies<br />
and delivery levels, INFINI affords a 3-D facial rejuvenation.<br />
What can INFINI treat?<br />
‘INFINI treatments commonly address wrinkles, facial<br />
and neck skin quality, and acne scars, though it’s also<br />
been tested on stretch marks and skin laxity,’ says<br />
Dr Calderhead.<br />
During treatment, multiple passes of the INFINI<br />
handpiece are performed to target different levels in<br />
the skin and address specific skin complaints. More<br />
aggressive parameters are used on areas of concern –<br />
for example to refine the jaw line or combat wrinkles on<br />
the forehead. ‘<br />
Patients can generally expect some swelling, redness<br />
and sensitivity in the days following treatment. In some<br />
cases, INFINI will induce mild bruising, particularly under<br />
the eyes. However, on the whole, the INFINI procedure has<br />
a quick and easy recovery with little downtime.<br />
What is HEALITE II?<br />
The system harnesses light energy at a particular<br />
wavelength to stimulate cellular activity and enhance<br />
microcirculation. Blood, oxygen and nutrients flood the<br />
treatment area, increasing cellular activity for non-ablative,<br />
and painless, skin rejuvenation. HEALITE II is used to help<br />
treat active acne, reduce the appearance of wrinkles,<br />
scarring and photo ageing, and improve skin tone, texture<br />
and luminosity.<br /> 47
skin<br />
It bio-stimulates the skin at subcellular, cellular and tissue<br />
levels to help existing cells work better, repair damaged<br />
ones and stimulate collagen production. As well as skin<br />
rejuvenation to address lines and wrinkles and other signs<br />
of photo-ageing, it is well recognised for its ability to improve<br />
wound and soft tissue healing and reduce inflammation as<br />
well as treat acne, chronic pain such as arthritis, muscle<br />
spasm, superficial skin lesions and more.<br />
Rejuvenation with HEALITE II uses both yellow and<br />
infrared light. The yellow light, at 590nm, is designed to<br />
‘precondition’ the tissue before treatment with infrared,<br />
at 830nm. This preconditioning’ enhances dermal<br />
responsiveness and maximises treatment efficacy.<br />
At the same time, 830nm light emitting diode (LED)<br />
phototherapy has recorded excellent results in wound<br />
healing after surgical or traumatic wounds, attenuation of<br />
postoperative discomfort and light only skin rejuvenation.<br />
During treatment, the first minute involves only yellow<br />
light, which targets the epidermis. Following this, infrared<br />
is introduced to afford deeper penetration. Total treatment<br />
time with HEALITE II is 11 minutes.<br />
What can HEALITE II treat?<br />
HEALITE II is considered a therapeutic and healing<br />
treatment and is commonly used following more invasive<br />
procedures such as laser treatment or cosmetic surgery.<br />
It assists in reducing post-procedure bruising, swelling<br />
and redness and can help prevent scar formation. Because<br />
of its regenerative properties, HEALITE II can help maximise<br />
results and minimise recovery time after certain procedures.<br />
Arguably, one of the most remarkable results of treatment<br />
with HEALITE II is the way it boosts the body’s natural<br />
reservoirs of anti-ageing constituents. When it targets<br />
fibroblasts (which produce collagen and elastin), HEALITE<br />
II doesn’t just improve skin structure but also boosts the<br />
reservoir of collagen-producing stem cells. Similarly, the<br />
infrared light triggers the release of antioxidants in the<br />
dermis, which provide protection against UV stress.<br />
‘When the infrared light hits mast cells in the dermis, they<br />
release a product called Superoxide dismutase (SOD),’ Dr<br />
Calderhead says. ‘This is a super antioxidant that remains<br />
in the tissue for up to six months. The minute you’re<br />
exposed to some UV oxidative stress, the damaging effect<br />
is quenched because the SODs are waiting.’<br />
Treatment with HEALITE II improves skin radiance and<br />
fuels the body with energising cellular activity. By targeting<br />
the body’s natural regenerative processes, HEALITE II<br />
enhances skin structure, texture and resilience, improving<br />
skin health, stimulating collagen production and increasing<br />
cellular activity.<br />
HEALITE II enhances<br />
skin structure and texture,<br />
improving skin health,<br />
stimulating collagen and<br />
increasing cellular activity<br />
In a nutshell<br />
HEALITE II enhances the already very good to excellent<br />
reported efficacy of INFINI, accelerating the wound healing<br />
process and enriching the final result. HEALITE II and INFINI<br />
work uniquely together, ensuring superior and long-lasting<br />
results in rejuvenation and tightening of the face, neck and<br />
décolleté as well as other areas of the body. csbm<br />
Where to get it!<br />
To find your nearest clinic, visit www.<br /><br />
or call 1800 242 011<br />
skin<br />
breathable, buildable,<br />
beautiful coverage<br />
the Lycogel range of foundations and tints delivers<br />
perfectly flawless coverage without any hidden nasties.<br />
Lycogel products combine beauty with benefits,<br />
providing natural-looking buildable coverage with<br />
quality non-irritating and skin-soothing ingredients.<br />
Ranging from natural-looking camouflage to a sheer tint to<br />
blend out skin imperfections, the products can be used on<br />
all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin, as<br />
well as immediately after laser treatment or facial surgery.<br />
Combining the best in cosmetic and skincare<br />
technology, Lycogel is the first breathable colour corrective<br />
foundation treatment to immediately camouflage redness<br />
and imperfections and promote healing of damaged or<br />
post-procedure skin.<br />
Lycogel is formulated with active ingredients designed<br />
to deliver oxygen, moisture and nutrients to the skin. All<br />
products feature the revolutionary LYCO-Complex, a<br />
carefully balanced set of 12 active ingredients that work<br />
together to deliver oxygen, moisture, and nutrients to the<br />
skin including hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and peptides.<br />
Each Lycogel product is designed to target a variety<br />
of skin types, delivering a range of nutrients for ageing,<br />
blemish-prone, pigmented and sensitive skin. The products<br />
increase tolerance of over-reactive skin, promote skin repair<br />
and provide anti-ageing properties whilst being gentle and<br />
non-irritating for sensitive skin types.<br />
Lycogel is also suitable for immediate post procedure<br />
application. Loaded with antioxidants, it aids in the healing<br />
of damaged skin, helping bruising, inflammation, redness<br />
and tightness after cosmetic procedures, as well as helping<br />
to prevent excessive scar formation.<br />
Hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, Lycogel delivers<br />
moisture and prevents the skin from becoming dehydrated<br />
by reducing trans-epidermal water loss. This helps to<br />
reinforce the skin’s natural defence system, while protecting<br />
the skin barrier.<br />
Lycogel foundations<br />
promote skin repair,<br />
delivering oxygen,<br />
moisture and nutrients<br />
to soothe the skin<br />
The promotion of skin repair results in younger looking<br />
skin, whilst the delivery of oxygen soothes the skin and<br />
helps to minimise the look of fine lines. Lycogel products<br />
not only let the skin breathe and do not clog pores but<br />
also contain non-chemical SPF, which offers both UVA and<br />
UVB protection.<br />
Lycogel’s designer gel base is specially formulated to<br />
deliver each and every one of the LYCO-Complex’s 12<br />
active ingredients to the skin for maximum benefits. It’s also<br />
water-resistant, providing long-lasting wear. csbm<br />
Visit for stockists<br />
in your area.<br /> 49
skin<br />
The<br />
revolutionary<br />
role of PRP<br />
in healing<br />
and skin<br />
rejuvenation<br />
skin<br />
Regen PRP is<br />
gaining a loyal<br />
following with<br />
burgeoning new<br />
applications in<br />
skin rejuvenation<br />
and POST-SURGERY<br />
healing.<br />
Today more and more people are turning to Regen PRP for facial<br />
rejuvenation, attracted by the possibility of drawing on their body’s<br />
own natural resources.<br />
Given that platelets in the blood play a key role in the body’s natural<br />
wound-healing response, the role of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in skin<br />
rejuvenation, either standalone or in conjunction with procedures such<br />
as laser and injectables, is gaining a loyal following among aesthetic<br />
practitioners for its ability to rejuvenate and smooth the skin.<br />
However PRP extends well beyond skin rejuvenation. The tissuerepairing<br />
effects and the various kinds of growth factors released by PRP<br />
regenerate tissue, and a growing body of literature is reporting its ability to<br />
help tissues heal after certain types of surgery.<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> surgeon Dr Mark Attalla from Chelsea <strong>Cosmetic</strong>s in Victoria<br />
has been using Regen PRP for both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic<br />
procedures. ‘I’ve had some great results using PRP to help improve tear<br />
troughs under the eyes, nasolabial folds and for overall skin rejuvenation,<br />
as well as before stem cell (fat transplant) procedures to improve the<br />
survival of the cells after transplant,’ he says.<br />
What can Regen PRP treat?<br />
As well as being used as a primary procedure to tighten the skin and<br />
address fine lines, Regen PRP can be used to complement other facial<br />
rejuvenation procedures such as laser resurfacing, dermal fillers or antiwrinkle<br />
injections.<br />
PRP injections are known to stimulate fibroblasts, which can be useful<br />
when preparing the skin for surgery, as well as after surgery to facilitate<br />
healing and help reduce scars.<br />
Plastic surgeon Dr Mihaela Lefter from Brisbane Waters Private<br />
Hospital in NSW has been using PRP for five years and describes it as<br />
a healing material that optimises surgical results and delivers high patient<br />
satisfaction. ‘I mainly use Regen PRP to enhance the results of facelifts, fat<br />
grafting for breast reconstruction, and scarring,’ says Dr Lefter.<br />
‘You cannot perform a surgical facelift without the preparation of the<br />
skin and most patients are not aware of this. So I found that PRP could<br />
be used before a facelift procedure (usually two months before) both to<br />
prep the skin (as it has an incredible healing effect) and to give the patient<br />
confidence before undergoing a facelift.’<br />
‘I then use Regen PRP during the facelift surgery (usually mid-face and<br />
neck) and then again after the surgery from 6 to 8 months. Usually my<br />
patients will have three PRP sessions in the first year, with one session a<br />
year to maintain the results.’<br />
‘I have been using PRP for many surgical and cosmetic reasons. I use<br />
PRP in treating medical skin conditions such as severe eczema and Lichen<br />
sclerosis with great results. PRP helps to reduce the inflammation and has<br />
a great effect on atrophic skin of dermatitis patients,’ says Dr Attalla.<br />
‘Also I have used PRP in fat/stem cell transplant, acne scars, female<br />
pattern hair loss, impotence in men and lack of orgasm in females. There<br />
are many research works on the effect of PRP in reducing incontinence<br />
and in improving sexual sensation in both sexes,’ he says.<br /> 51
feature skin<br />
After two months<br />
of microdermabrasion and<br />
Regen PRP, some of my<br />
patients no longer wish to<br />
have a facelift<br />
Platelet Rich Plasma is used to describe blood plasma with a higher concentration of platelets<br />
than the patient’s baseline. Platelets are components of blood that are integral in blood clotting<br />
and tissue repair. These concentrated platelets contain special proteins that are not only pivotal<br />
in the repair and regeneration of tissues but also in initiating new blood vessel formation and<br />
connective tissue repair. This stimulates new collagen and hyaluronic acid production, improving<br />
skin health and creating a more vibrant appearance.<br />
For skin rejuvenation, Dr Attalla says, ‘The ideal Regen PRP candidate is middle-aged with<br />
mild to moderate degree of skin ageing or sun damaged skin.’<br />
Treatment typically lasts about 40 minutes and involves taking two small tubes of blood from<br />
the patient. The blood is fi rst centrifuged to concentrate and separate the plasma and cells.<br />
The concentrated plasma is then injected into the target area in small amounts using a very thin<br />
needle, so the process involves minimal discomfort. Numbing cream can also be used to make<br />
the procedure as comfortable as possible.<br />
RegenLab’s gentle harvesting ensures viable dense platelets are captured that, in turn,<br />
release abundant growth factors in an orchestrated manner.<br />
There may be some swelling and bruising at the injection points after the procedure, however<br />
this generally subsides overnight.<br />
Results are gradual, taking about two to three months for full eff ects to become clearly visible,<br />
however, improvement in skin texture, tone and hydration is usually visible within a few weeks.<br />
‘Results usually last for two years and patients will typically come back for a top-up treatment in<br />
a year’s time to maintain the results,’ says Dr Attalla.<br />
Regen PRP therapy is achieving great things in aesthetic medicine, most notably a younger<br />
looking and more luminous complexion. It provides gradual, natural-looking results for patients<br />
who want the complete package.<br />
Regen PRP treatments work on all three layers of the skin – the epidermal, dermal and<br />
subdermal layers – so skin appears fresh and more youthful looking with improved quality<br />
and texture.<br />
According to Dr Attalla, ‘Regen platelets have a higher content of growth factors than other<br />
products. I have been achieving excellent results when I use PRP before fat/stem cells transplant<br />
skin<br />
RegenLab’s gentle harvesting ensures viable dense<br />
platelets are captured that, in turn, release abundant<br />
growth factors in an orchestrated manner<br />
in the breasts, buttocks and the face, for acne scarring, after laser, as well as for<br />
treating impotence in males and incontinence and lack of orgasm in females.’<br />
With a high level of patient satisfaction and minimal downtime, Regen PRP is<br />
the proven approach, appealing to patients seeking an increased and natural method<br />
to rejuvenation.<br />
‘I am seeing some really good results in the improvement of deep wrinkles. I<br />
have had some great patient feedback with some of my patients deciding that after<br />
two months of microdermabrasion and Regen PRP, they no longer wish to have a<br />
facelift,’ says Dr Lefter.<br />
‘I think it’s a holistic thing; they notice some big changes in their skin – the tone,<br />
texture, no more blemishes and less lines and wrinkles. People like the fact that<br />
they can go back to work and their colleagues won’t notice that they’ve had<br />
anything done – they just compliment them on how glowing or healthy they look,’<br />
says Dr Lefter.<br />
‘PRP is becoming a very popular skin rejuvenation treatment,’ says Dr Attalla.<br />
‘Patients can see great and gradual natural results with minimal downtime.’<br />
‘I was actually pushed by my patients to start performing PRP treatments,’ says Dr<br />
Lefter. ‘I wasn’t convinced at first – because I’m a plastic surgeon I like to see results<br />
straight away, but sometimes results can take a bit of time. Regen PRP results are<br />
subtle and natural looking and I have some really happy patients.’<br />
Whether it is skin rejuvenation, hair loss, fat transfer or wound healing pre or postsurgery,<br />
Regen PRP possesses a beneficial and exciting effect for a wide range of<br />
different indications within the specialty of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Be<br />
sure to ask your practitioner for the TGA approved PRP harvesting system. csbm<br />
To find a practitioner in your area, visit<br />
A natural approach to rejuvenation<br />
The natural healing power of the body is captured with Regen PRP, a treatment that seeks to restore lost volume<br />
and rejuvenate the skin in all layers using the patient’s own platelet cells. As we age, a depletion in collagen,<br />
elastin and blood supply occurs and is represented in the formation of deep lines, wrinkles and dehydrated skin.<br />
Regen PRP therapy uses the patient’s own cells to refresh the complexion, providing overall rejuvenation by<br />
repairing the quality of the skin and restoring plumpness to fine lines, scarring and crêpey skin.<br />
Regen PRP treatments work on all three layers of the skin – the epidermal, dermal and subdermal layers – so<br />
the face not only appears fresh and more youthful looking but is also improved in its skin quality and texture. This<br />
is especially apparent in those who have had PRP injections underneath the eyes and around the neck area, two<br />
areas which are hard to correct non-surgically and respond well to PRP therapy.<br />
The term ‘PRP’ is used to describe blood plasma with a high concentration of platelets. Platelets are<br />
components of blood that are integral in blood clotting and tissue repair. These concentrated platelets contain<br />
special proteins that are not only pivotal in the repair and regeneration of tissues but also in initiating new blood<br />
vessel formation and connective tissue repair. This stimulates new collagen and hyaluronic acid production,<br />
improving skin health and creating a more vibrant appearance.<br /> 53
skin<br />
Need<br />
a lift?<br />
Get tighter, firmer skin with<br />
Ultherapy, the face lift without<br />
surgery or downtime.<br />
A<br />
lowered brow, sagging eyelids and a softening at the<br />
jawline are often the first signs of facial ageing. While the<br />
lines, wrinkles and loss of volume that contribute to an<br />
aged appearance can be corrected with cosmetic injectables,<br />
the treatment of sagging features needs a different approach if a<br />
patient doesn’t want, or isn’t yet suitable, for surgery.<br />
The Ultherapy system is the first ultrasound device cleared<br />
for skin ‘lifting’ in a facial aesthetic medical application. Essentially<br />
it uses ultrasound technology to address the same muscles<br />
of the face and upper neck that are affected in a surgical facelift<br />
or brow lift.<br />
Conceived in the laboratories of Harvard Medical School,<br />
Ultherapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses microfocused<br />
ultrasound energy to tighten, lift and firm skin.<br />
Ultherapy can be effective in creating a more defined jaw line,<br />
firming the skin under the chin and on the neck, tightening the<br />
skin on the brow and cheeks and reducing sagging around the<br />
eyes and mouth.<br />
Well known to be highly effective for lifting skin on the face<br />
and neck areas, more recently Ultherapy can also be used on<br />
the traditionally hard-to-treat décolletage, targeting wrinkles and<br />
sun-damaged, leathery skin with no surgery and no downtime.<br />
skin<br />
How does Ultherapy work?<br />
One of the most impressive features of Ultherapy is the way<br />
it uses ultrasound energy. First, it uses imaging technology<br />
to see beyond the skin, allowing the practitioner to see key<br />
areas to be treated. Then, similar to a magnifying glass,<br />
it delivers this energy to its precise target, leaving the<br />
surrounding skin intact. Through ultrasound imaging, the<br />
practitioner can literally see beneath the skin about 8mm<br />
deep, which allows for unprecedented control. Ultherapy is<br />
the only treatment to allow this level of visualisation.<br />
During the procedure, section by section the practitioner<br />
moves the flat surface of the ultrasound applicator over<br />
each region of the face and “fires” a series of shots. These<br />
sound waves deliver small, controlled amounts of energy<br />
into the deep layers of skin and soft tissue while sparing the<br />
upper layers.<br />
The treatment is well tolerated and most patients report<br />
a hot prickling feeling during treatment. Some parts,<br />
especially around the bony areas like the cheekbones and<br />
temples, can feel more sensitive.<br />
The procedure itself takes around 60-90 minutes<br />
for a face and neck procedure, while a chest treatment<br />
takes around 30 minutes. Ultherapy requires minimal (if<br />
any) downtime and patients can usually return to normal<br />
activities immediately after the procedure, without any<br />
post-treatment restrictions or requirements. The skin may<br />
appear red immediately after treatment, however this often<br />
disappears within a few hours. Some patients experience<br />
a slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch, but these<br />
are mild and temporary in nature.<br />
The beauty of the procedure is that it forms new,<br />
naturally occurring collagen, which continues to form for<br />
two to three months after treatment. Initial plumping effects<br />
may be seen right after the first treatment, however the<br />
effect will build gradually as new collagen begins to lift and<br />
tighten the skin on the neck, chin and brow, as well as<br />
smoothing the skin on the chest. In this way, Ultherapy<br />
provides a discreet, incremental enhancement, perfect<br />
for people who want to keep their anti-ageing procedures<br />
under wraps.<br />
An exciting alternative to cosmetic surgery, Ultherapy is<br />
fast becoming the treatment of choice for targeting ageing<br />
and sagging skin both on the décolletage, neck and under<br />
the chin. With minimal downtime and improved comfort,<br />
Ultherapy offers patients seeking non-invasive treatments<br />
effective skin toning and tightening for a rejuvenated,<br />
natural-looking appearance. csbm<br />
To find a clinic in your area visit<br />
Who can have<br />
Ultherapy?<br />
Ultherapy is ideal for both<br />
men and women, of all skin<br />
pigmentation types, with mild to<br />
moderate wrinkles and skin laxity,<br />
loose neck skin and wrinkles<br />
who desire a natural degree of<br />
firmness and minimisation of<br />
wrinkles and lines.<br />
The treatment is suitable<br />
for those in their early 30s<br />
onwards who want to maintain<br />
higher levels of collagen and<br />
elastin in the skin and help delay<br />
the ageing process.<br />
Ultherapy can also be used<br />
to help prolong the effects<br />
in patients who have already<br />
undertaken surgical options<br />
or as a complement to nonsurgical<br />
procedures.<br />
BEFORE<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER Ultherapy treatment<br />
AFTER Ultherapy treatment<br /> 55
skin<br />
Spotlight on...<br />
The HydraFacial<br />
The HydraFacial elevates the<br />
traditional facial to a whole<br />
new level of hydration. We<br />
investigate how it works.<br />
HydraFacial has quickly cemented itself in the spa and beauty scene as the<br />
next-gen facial. It is a technology-driven non-invasive gentle resurfacing<br />
procedure that delivers instantly noticeable improvement to the look and<br />
feel of the skin.<br />
HydraFacial elevates the facial to the top of its game, deeply cleansing,<br />
decongesting and nourishing the skin for a more beautiful complexion. It<br />
combines exfoliation, acid peels, pore extractions and antioxidant infusions to<br />
cleanse, nourish and brighten the skin – and all in around 30 minutes.<br />
‘Every patient should see the benefits from their very first HydraFacial. It<br />
instantly leaves the skin with a plump, well-hydrated healthy glow, visibly clear<br />
skin<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
5<br />
The 5<br />
steps<br />
Cleansing and<br />
Exfoliation<br />
Dead skin calls are removed<br />
to reveal healthy new skin<br />
Acid Peel<br />
This gentle peel helps loosen<br />
dirt and debris from pores<br />
without irritation<br />
Extractions<br />
Automated extractions<br />
use vortex suction to clean<br />
out pores<br />
Hydration<br />
Antioxidants and hyaluronic<br />
acid are vortex-fused to<br />
nourish and protect the skin<br />
Protection<br />
The HydraFacial Daily<br />
Essentials skincare helps<br />
maintain and protect results<br />
pores and irresistibly “soft to the touch” refined skin. The procedure is soothing,<br />
moisturising, non-irritating and immediately effective,’ says Queensland cosmetic<br />
physician Dr Linda Williams.<br />
The HydraFacial system uses five steps: cleansing and exfoliation removes<br />
dead skin cells, an acid peel dislodges grime from the pores, and a vortex suction<br />
extraction system unclogs the pores completely. This cleansing is followed by<br />
the infusion of a highly active hydrating serum to nourish and protect the skin.<br />
The treatment is soothing, hydrating, non-invasive, non-irritating and has no<br />
downtime. It works to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested<br />
and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation and brown<br />
spots – it’s the perfect introduction to anti-ageing procedures or a reliable skin<br />
refresher if you’re after a quick complexion pick-me-up.<br />
‘The HydraFacial is great for skin maintenance, or skin “fitness”,’ explains<br />
Sydney cosmetic doctor Dr Bruce Williamson. ‘It noticeably decongests and<br />
shrinks pores, and then plumps skin with antioxidant and hyaluronic acid<br />
infusions. The skin is left healthier and glowing after a HydraFacial treatment.’<br />
‘The HydraFacial system uses the benefits of glycolic acid, salicylic acid and<br />
peptides to soften the bonds that bind our dead cells together and to decongest<br />
the blockages within our pores,’ explains Dr Williams. ‘It provides cleansing,<br />
exfoliation, extraction and hydration using antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic<br />
acid. From the patient’s perspective, it’s a quick 30-minute treatment with<br />
immediate results and no downtime.’<br />
The non-invasive nature of HydraFacial means anyone is suitable for treatment.<br />
‘The five-step process can be adjusted depending on the needs and concerns of<br />
the individual patient,’ Dr Williamson explains. ‘First we cleanse and exfoliate the<br />
skin. Then we perform an acid peel where the level of peel is chosen according<br />
to the patient’s skin type. The vortex suction comes next, which vacuums out<br />
the plugs in congested pores. Again, the strength of the vortex system can be<br />
tailored to the patient’s skin sensitivity.’<br />
‘In some situations, removal and decongestion of blocked pores may be the<br />
main focus whereas, at other times, the treatment may be modified to give an<br />
overall skin revision with a focus on refreshing texture and improving hydration.’<br />
Dr Williamson recommends patients undergo treatment with HydraFacial<br />
every two to four weeks, and says the results can be seen and felt immediately<br />
following treatment.<br />
To extend the results and retain the skin’s lustre and brightness between<br />
treatments, the final step in the HydraFacial is the introduction of the ‘daily<br />
essentials’ skincare. Tailored to certain skin complaints, the range incorporates<br />
topical moisturisers, refining eye gels and daily sun protection. Each product<br />
is infused with select concentrations of the same active ingredients found in<br />
the salon treatment, providing detoxification, rejuvenation and protection in<br />
between visits.<br />
‘The easy monthly maintenance programme is convenient for the patient<br />
and easy to maintain and is also great for ongoing continuity of care,’ says<br />
Dr Williams. ‘I liken the HydraFacial to vacuuming the floor; you are not making<br />
major changes in the skin but you can see the difference straightaway.’<br />
The same way congested pores and an oily surface can leave the skin<br />
looking dull and lacklustre, a deeply cleansing facial can fuel the complexion<br />
with vibrancy, luminosity and youthfulness. ‘At the end of the treatment patients<br />
can see the cloudiness in the vortex solution; this is the blackhead plugs<br />
and congestion that was initially in the skin. The results from such a deep<br />
cleansing, combined with antioxidant nourishment, can be seen for months<br />
after treatment,’ Dr Williamson concludes. csbm<br /> 57
skin<br />
Enlighten<br />
Whether it’s a regrettable tattoo or stubborn skin discolouration,<br />
treatment with the Enlighten laser quickly clears the skin of unwanted<br />
tattoos and skin discolouration.<br />
Developed and manufactured by Cutera USA, Enlighten is a laser treatment<br />
that uses a combination of nanosecond and picosecond technology to target<br />
tattoo ink, pigmentation (in the form of brown spots, age spots, freckles<br />
and melasma).<br />
“In my experience, Enlighten achieves a significant improvement with fewer<br />
number of treatments. It is highly effective in shifting stubborn pigmentation<br />
and for treating skin types at greater risk of hyperpigmentation from laser,” says<br />
Sydney dermatologist Dr Liang Leow.<br />
Tattoo removal<br />
Traditionally, tattoo removal has been very challenging due to diverse range of<br />
tattoo colours and particle sizes. However, Enlighten’s pico and nano technology<br />
combination allows the treatment of all skin types and all tattoo colours.<br />
This is due to its multiple wavelengths (532nm/1064nm), high power and its<br />
ability to target and treat at different depths of the skin.<br />
US plastic surgeon Dr Rick Green says, “For tattoo removal, the laser has<br />
two wavelengths which allows treatment of the broadest range of ink colours.<br />
In addition, I can treat both large, dense ink particles and also very small, less<br />
dense particles which results in total clearance of the tattoo.”<br />
Enlighten delivers premium clearance of tattoo ink and is a completely<br />
customisable treatment. It is efficient and flexible and is easily adapted to offer<br />
different treatment parameters for different ink colours.<br />
skin<br />
“The 1064nm wavelength is absorbed well by black and blue ink, while<br />
absorption by melanin is significantly less. This helps reduce the risk of<br />
de-pigmentation. At this longer wavelength, deeper pigment can be targeted<br />
easily,” says Dr Leow. “The 532nm wavelength offers flexibility to treat various<br />
colours used in tattoos.”<br />
In terms of the number of treatments required, Dr Leow says he has been<br />
able to make darker tattoos barely noticeable within only one or two treatments.<br />
For complete removal Dr Green says, “We are averaging 6-8 treatments for<br />
complete tattoo removal, which is a vast improvement from older technology.”<br />
Pigmentation<br />
Enlighten is a quick and effective treatment for a wide range of skin concerns,<br />
including benign pigmented lesions, and can be used on all skin types due to its<br />
dual wavelength (1064nm for all skin types; 532nm indicated for skin types I-III).<br />
Typically between two to three Enlighten Pico Genesis treatments will achieve<br />
the best results, and ongoing maintenance treatments may be required.<br />
“The number of treatments required for skin rejuvenation depends on the<br />
patient, although my patients have invariably noticed an improvement following<br />
just a single treatment,” says Dr Leow.<br />
“We have had a really good response to treatment with Enlighten, and I<br />
have particularly been seeing some great results in the treatment of melasma<br />
(something which traditionally has been very challenging), using what is known<br />
as a “Pico Genesis” technique,” says Dr Green.<br />
Offering no downtime and minimal discomfort, Enlighten is a highly effective<br />
solution to tattoo removal and Pico Genesis for stubborn skin discolouration.<br />
“The main advantage of the Enlighten laser is that we can achieve very<br />
impressive results in benign pigmented lesions using the Pico Genesis modality<br />
and the complete clearing of a tattoo in the vast majority of cases. This was not<br />
always the situation with older technology and, in my opinion, this is what makes<br />
Enlighten stand apart,” Dr Green concludes. csbm<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER treatment with Enlighten.<br />
Photos courtesy of Cutera Clinical Research<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER treatment with Enlighten.<br />
Photos courtesy of Cutera Clinical Research<br />
feature<br />
Want<br />
to lose<br />
weight?<br />
It’s<br />
simple!<br />
feature<br />
Losing weight<br />
doesn’t have to be<br />
complicated. Forget<br />
calorie counting<br />
and fad diets; it’s<br />
time to start from<br />
scratch and retrain<br />
your brain!<br />
When most of us want to lose weight, the<br />
option to follow some kind of fad diet is<br />
usually the choice taken. The truth is, the<br />
majority of us will fail to stick with it and – worse still –<br />
our bodies will usually be in poorer shape than when<br />
we started.<br />
Losing weight doesn’t need to be complicated.<br />
Put simply, you need to use more energy than you<br />
consume. The catch here is using the energy. By<br />
choosing a low-calorie intake only, you promote<br />
muscle loss instead of fat loss, and by decreasing<br />
your muscle you also decrease your metabolic rate.<br />
This means that when you return to your normal<br />
pattern of eating you rapidly gain weight.<br />
Fad diets also prohibit you from eating certain<br />
types of food, which can lead to serious nutritional<br />
deficiencies. We usually turn to this method because<br />
it promises quick results. Although certain sections<br />
of the sliming industry promote fast weight loss with<br />
minimum effort, no such thing exists.<br />
Lifestyle<br />
changes<br />
In order to achieve our health goals, some very<br />
basic facts should be considered. Most people have<br />
neglected their bodies for years, and it takes time<br />
to correct the behaviour that has made them out of<br />
shape in the first place.<br />
Achieving your target weight requires lifestyle<br />
changes. These changes include regular exercise,<br />
a sensible approach to healthy eating and the right<br />
mental attitude. It is best to start with an exercise<br />
program that aims to lose fat without losing muscle<br />
and without reducing your metabolic rate. The exercise<br />
needs to be customised to each person’s appropriate<br />
fitness level and specific goals. A combination of<br />
aerobic exercise and resistance training are the ideal<br />
exercise choices to achieve fat loss and are also a<br />
great addition to your lifestyle.<br />
Aerobic exercise burns (metabolises) calories at a<br />
rate of about 300 per hour (depending on fitness level)<br /> 59
feature<br />
and raises the metabolic rate. Ideally<br />
your heart rate needs to be raised to a<br />
comfortable level for 20 to 30 minutes<br />
at least three times a week. Your<br />
metabolic rate stays raised for up to<br />
24 hours after this type of exercise,<br />
helping you burn even more calories.<br />
Ideally, resistance training should<br />
be incorporated into your program two<br />
to three times per week for 30-minute<br />
sessions. These sessions also burn<br />
calories and raise the metabolic rate,<br />
although not usually to the same extent as<br />
aerobic activity.<br />
Good nutrition is also an important part of<br />
fat loss. Focusing on healthy eating and healthpromoting<br />
foods is far more productive than<br />
denying your body food.<br />
For the best guidelines appropriate for each<br />
individual, you should start with consulting a<br />
qualified personal trainer. A complete program<br />
can be outlined and implemented to start you<br />
on your journey towards a better and longer life.<br />
What’s<br />
the best<br />
exercise?<br />
Struggling to find time to work out? There are<br />
no more excuses! New research has discovered<br />
that short bursts of intense exercise are just as<br />
good as endurance training.<br />
This is the reality of high intensity interval<br />
training (HIIT), an exercise regime that not only<br />
works but one which demands less of your time.<br />
And if you think this sounds too good to be true,<br />
think again. Because scientists and exercise<br />
professionals around the world have built on<br />
years of research, and have proven the benefits<br />
of short bursts of intensive exercise.<br />
In a recent study carried out by researchers<br />
from McMaster University in Canada and<br />
published online in PLoS Medicine (the Public<br />
Aerobic exercise<br />
burns calories at a<br />
rate of about 300<br />
per hour<br />
feature<br />
Library of Science), it was found that brief bursts<br />
of exercise can be used when time is limited, and<br />
the greater the intensity, the more calories to you<br />
will burn.<br />
The research examined the benefits of sprint<br />
interval training – exercise characterised by brief<br />
intermittent bursts of relatively intense exercise<br />
separated by periods of low-intensity exercise<br />
for recovery.<br />
Study participants trained around three times<br />
per week over 12 weeks. One group performed<br />
interval training, including three 20 second all<br />
out sprints spread out over 10 minutes, while<br />
another group exercised at a moderate intensity<br />
for 50 minutes.<br />
The results demonstrated both groups<br />
achieved similar benefits in various measures<br />
of health and fitness, including insulin<br />
sensitivity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscle<br />
cell adaptations.<br />
One prominent difference between the groups<br />
was the duration that the sprint interval group<br />
exercised for was five times less in total.<br />
How to<br />
train in<br />
short<br />
intervals<br />
Incorporating sprint intervals into your training<br />
routine is simple and effective.<br />
The following regimen was used by participants<br />
in the McMaster University research project and<br />
repeated three times a week. You can replace<br />
cycling with a range of other exercises including<br />
swimming, skipping, running and boxing.<br />
• 2 minutes – Warm up<br />
• 20 seconds – All out 100% effort cycling<br />
• 2 minutes – Active rest (cycling very slowly at<br />
10 – 20% effort)<br />
• 20 seconds – All out 100% effort cycling<br />
• 2 minutes – Active rest (cycling very slowly at<br />
10 – 20% effort)<br />
• 20 seconds – All out 100% effort cycling<br />
• 3 minutes – Cool down by cycling slowly and<br />
stretching<br />
The total duration of the workout is 10 minutes,<br />
although it’s only a total of 60 seconds all-out<br />
effort, or three minutes a week. Lack of time is no<br />
longer an excuse! csbm<br /> 61
feature<br />
The nosweat<br />
way to<br />
shed fat!<br />
feature<br />
Have you done the hard yards with your diet and<br />
exercise but your tummy’s still more tubby than<br />
taut? There’s now a way to lose fat for good –<br />
without any surgery, needles or downtime.<br />
Welcome to the era of non-surgical body contouring.<br />
These are non-surgical procedures performed in-clinic in an<br />
hour or less, clinically proven to permanently destroy fatty<br />
deposits on the body.<br />
Most non-surgical body contouring devices harness<br />
some form of energy – be it radiofrequency, ultrasound,<br />
freezing temperatures or hyperthermic laser – to penetrate<br />
the skin and break down underlying fat. The destroyed fat<br />
cells are then eliminated naturally by the body’s normal<br />
metabolic process over the ensuing couple of months<br />
after treatment.<br />
One of the technologies<br />
making waves in this space<br />
is cryolipolysis. Clatuu is the<br />
latest fat-freezing device utilising<br />
cryolipolysis to eliminate those<br />
hard-to-get-rid-of pockets of fat.<br />
‘Clatuu uses targeted freezing<br />
temperatures to kill fat cells which<br />
are then naturally metabolised by<br />
the body,’ says Dr Ritu Gupta,<br />
a leading dermatologist from<br />
Platinum Dermatology Skin<br />
Specialists in Sydney.<br />
Dr Gupta says just about any<br />
area with a pinchable inch of fat<br />
can be treated. ‘The most popular areas are under the<br />
arms, handlebars or love handles, saddlebags or area near<br />
the buttocks and the front of the abdomen or tummy area,’<br />
she says. ‘Another advantage of Clatuu is that two areas<br />
can be treated at once.’<br />
During treatment, a gel drape is placed onto the<br />
target area to protect the skin before the applicator head<br />
is placed onto the fat pocket, where it remains for around<br />
60 minutes.<br />
The applicator acts in a similar way to a vacuum, sucking<br />
the treatment area into position and directing the cold<br />
temperature to the target fat cells under the skin.<br />
A gradual cooling sensation is felt, similar to placing<br />
the area in iced water, but this subsides as the body<br />
gets used to the change. The initial suction may be<br />
uncomfortable, but any discomfort usually subsides about<br />
10 minutes into treatment.<br />
There is no downtime after Clatuu but the area treated<br />
may sometimes be bruised and there may be some<br />
mild, transient numbness and itching that settles down<br />
over the following days.<br />
Fat cells<br />
in the treated<br />
area can be<br />
reduced by<br />
30 percent<br />
‘In our experience, typically only one treatment per area<br />
is required, which is an amazing advance in the area of<br />
body sculpting,’ says Dr Gupta. ‘Results are seen at three<br />
months, with further improvement at six months.’<br />
Clatuu can also “sculpt” a more feminine (hourglass) or<br />
masculine (V-shaped) shape. ‘This is operator-dependent<br />
so specialist trained staff are important. Here at Platinum<br />
Dermatology Skin Specialists we assess the anatomy of<br />
the area to be treated, mark it out and then sculpt it using<br />
Clatuu,’ she explains.<br />
As with liposuction surgery, for optimal results you should<br />
be in good health with skin that has sufficient elasticity. The<br />
best candidates are usually those with small to medium<br />
localised fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise,<br />
rather than those seeking largevolume<br />
fat removal.<br />
‘Clatuu is a great advance in<br />
the field of body contouring that<br />
I am delighted to be able to offer<br />
my patients,’ says Dr Gupta.<br />
‘Rightly or wrongly, how we look<br />
and perceive our “problem” areas<br />
play a big role in how we feel about<br />
ourselves and our self-esteem. For<br />
the right patient, Clatuu is a great<br />
alternative to bigger procedures<br />
such as liposuction to remove<br />
excess fat’.<br />
And perhaps the best part<br />
of the treatment? The results<br />
are permanent. ‘In the treated area, the fat removal is<br />
permanent,’ says Dr Gupta. ‘If you do gain weight in the<br />
future, fat will still accumulate but not to the same extent<br />
in the treated areas because those fat cells have been<br />
permanently destroyed.’<br />
‘My patients are loving Clatuu treatment; they’re seeing<br />
results in areas that have previously been impervious to<br />
diet and exercise,’ she adds. ‘I’m looking forward to<br />
having a treatment myself – I haven’t worn sleeveless<br />
tops since I was 20 as I’ve always felt self-conscious<br />
about my arms. With Clatuu, now I too can aim for Michelle<br />
Obama arms!’ csbm<br />
Where to get it!<br />
Platinum Dermatology Skin Specialists<br />
Call 02 8014 6500 or<br />
email<br /> 63
ody<br />
Putthe<br />
freeze<br />
on fat<br />
Losing the battle of the bulge?<br />
Get to know CoolSculpting,<br />
the no-surgery, no-downtime<br />
treatment that freezes away<br />
fat cells – permanently!<br />
The phrase ‘freezing your bottom off’ has taken on a whole new meaning<br />
with CoolSculpting. One of the biggest breakthroughs in non-surgical body<br />
contouring, CoolSculpting now makes it possible to remove fat and slim<br />
down without surgery.<br />
‘CoolSculpting is a clinically proven non-invasive body sculpting technology that<br />
uses freezing temperatures to target areas of the body which are reluctant to shift<br />
fat, resulting in smoother contours, a more sculpted body and a more proportionate<br />
physique,’ says Sylvia Down, practice manager from Skin Renu Laser & Skin<br />
Rejuvenation Clinic in Balmain, Sydney.<br />
‘The demand for non-surgical body sculpting treatments is growing exponentially<br />
as it offers suitable patients a very viable option to eliminate fatty deposits on areas<br />
such as the tummy, love handles and inner thighs in the space of a lunch break,’ she<br />
says. ‘We only offer our clients the crème de la crème of treatments that have been<br />
tested and proven to deliver consistent and measurable results – CoolSculpting<br />
definitely fits this brief.’<br />
Developed by Harvard University medical scientists, the technology behind<br />
CoolSculpting was reportedly inspired by the observation that babies given ice<br />
blocks to suck over a prolonged period of time lost fat in their cheeks. This sparked<br />
years of research into the role freezing plays in the destruction of fat cells.<br />
Renowned US dermatologists Dr Dieter Manstein and Dr Rox Anderson and<br />
their team of researchers from a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School spent<br />
four years researching this phenomenon. They demonstrated that, under carefully<br />
controlled conditions, subcutaneous fat cells are more vulnerable to the effects of<br />
cold than the surrounding tissue.<br />
ody<br />
They also showed that, once a certain level of cooling has been achieved, a<br />
natural ‘cascade’ of fat destruction begins – known as cryolipolysis – with the<br />
body going on to expel the destroyed cells over a two to four month period.<br />
This discovery, called selective cryolipolysis, led to the development of<br />
CoolSculpting, which freezes and destroys targeted excess fat deposits on the<br />
body while leaving surrounding tissues unharmed.<br />
Introduced to Australia in 2010 with TGA approval, practitioners and patients<br />
alike continue to be impressed with the results achieved by CoolSculpting, with<br />
the majority of patients experiencing a reduction in fat of between 20 and 25<br />
percent in the treated areas.<br />
CoolSculpting does more than eliminate fat – it’s also remarkable in the way it<br />
can reshape the body. With a customised CoolSculpting treatment plan, areas of<br />
excess fat can be strategically targeted and destroyed to sculpt a waist or create<br />
a more hourglass shape.<br />
The treatment itself is non-invasive, well-tolerated and performed in-clinic in<br />
around an hour. During the treatment a gel drape is placed onto the target area<br />
to protect the skin before the applicator head is placed onto the fatty pocket. A<br />
suction cap is applied to the target region which then slowly gets cold. This is left<br />
on for an hour while the patient can lie back and relax. This vacuum-like suction<br />
draws the area into the applicator head so that the cool temperature is directly<br />
delivered to the underlying fat cells.<br />
Patients typically report the skin and underlying fat layers to feel stiff and cold,<br />
which dissipates after around 30 minutes as the treated area warms to its normal<br />
temperature. Because fat cells are more susceptible to lower temperatures than<br />
skin cells, the skin is left intact while the under layers of fat are aff ected.<br />
Generally two or three treatments are required, performed six to eight weeks<br />
apart, although some people see fantastic results after just one treatment.<br />
‘CoolSculpting is an excellent option for the average modern-day person who<br />
is within the healthy weight range but has some “problem” areas that just won’t<br />
budge with diet or exercise alone,’ says Down.<br />
Like any aesthetic treatment, for optimal and consistent results, it’s crucial<br />
your practitioner is skilled and experienced in performing the treatment. Skin<br />
Renu staff members have the benefi t of being personally trained in all aspects of<br />
the treatment at the CoolSculpting University in Sydney.<br />
With minimal downtime, CoolSculpting off ers suitable patients a non-surgical<br />
means of refi ning and sculpting their contours. In as little as one hour, stubborn<br />
pockets of fat can, quite literally, be frozen to death and, with the help of a healthy<br />
diet and exercise, a slimmer physique can be maintained. csbm<br />
Skin Renu Clinic<br />
Balmain, Sydney<br />
Ph 02 9555 9506<br /><br />
BEFORE<br />
8 weeks after CoolSculpting® Session. Photos courtesy of<br />
Leyda E. Bowes, MD<br />
BEFORE<br />
10 weeks after CoolSculpting® Session. Photos courtesy of<br />
Jeffery C. Dawes, MD FRCSC<br /> 65
feature<br />
air<br />
oday<br />
gone<br />
tomorrow<br />
feature<br />
After months of<br />
jeans and jumpers,<br />
our hair removal<br />
routine often<br />
requires some<br />
attention as spring<br />
replaces winter. We<br />
look at the best<br />
de-fuzzing options.<br />
With bikini season just around the corner, the<br />
thought of slipping into shorts after winter can be<br />
daunting. It’s easy to neglect hair removal when<br />
you’re covered in layers, but it’s not so easy to hide while<br />
you’re sitting at the beach.<br />
Being hair-free no longer seems to be a trend, but the<br />
norm. Doctors have seen a steady increase in the number<br />
of patients requesting permanent hair reduction, with the<br />
‘Brazilian’ still among the most popular treatments for<br />
female patients.<br />
Depending on whether you want to fight the war on<br />
body hair every few days or no more than once a month,<br />
there’s a hair removal method that’s right for you.<br />
Shaving<br />
Shaving is a quick, convenient option for those of us who<br />
live busy lifestyles. However, shaving only cuts the hairs, it<br />
doesn’t remove them from the root. The hairs also tend to<br />
grow back much faster than other hair removal methods.<br />
You’ll probably find you need to shave every day or so to<br />
maintain silky smooth skin.<br /> 67
feature<br />
Waxing<br />
After waxing, you will generally be left with silky,<br />
smooth legs for up to six weeks. However,<br />
when hair does grow back, you’ll need to let<br />
it grow to a certain length (at least half an inch)<br />
before the next wax. Because waxing removes<br />
hair from the root, hair shouldn’t feel spiky as it<br />
returns and regular waxing has the potential to<br />
reduce the amount of hair that does grow back.<br />
Depilatory<br />
creams<br />
Once known for their nasty odour, depilatory creams<br />
have come a long way. Now these creams smell like<br />
tropical blends or spa treatments, and they commonly<br />
possess moisturising and nourishing properties. Like<br />
shaving, depilatory creams fail to remove hair from the<br />
root, so hair will grow back quite quickly. It is important<br />
to use depilatory creams towards the end of your<br />
shower or bath, as hydrated hair is easier to remove<br />
than dry hair.<br />
How to<br />
prevent<br />
ingrown<br />
hairs<br />
Ingrown hairs are hairs that have curled around and<br />
grown back into your skin instead of rising up from<br />
it. Sometimes, dead skin can clog up a hair follicle,<br />
forcing the hair inside it to grow sideways under the<br />
skin rather than upward and outward.<br />
For those pesky red bumps and other irritations<br />
caused by shaving and waxing, the best product<br />
we’ve tried to date is Hovan’s Gold Ingrown<br />
Hair Cream ( Using<br />
an exfoliating scrub or pumice stone on soapy<br />
skin should also help reduce the occurrence of<br />
ingrown hairs.<br />
Epilator<br />
Delivering the same smooth results as waxing,<br />
epilators feature tiny tweezers that grasp<br />
multiple hairs and pull them out as you roll the<br />
epilator over your skin. Be sure to exfoliate<br />
before and after epilator treatment, as dead<br />
skin cells can clog the affected hair pores to<br />
form pimples and irritation on the skin.<br />
feature<br />
Laser<br />
The most permanent method of de-fuzzing, laser<br />
hair removal lends long-term results in achieving<br />
silky, hair-free pins.<br />
Today, a variety of lasers and light-based devices<br />
can be used to reduce hair growth in unwanted<br />
areas. Although not a permanent solution to hair<br />
removal, after a treatment cycle only occasional<br />
maintenance is needed.<br />
The laser designed for hair removal releases<br />
a wavelength of energy which is absorbed by<br />
the pigment in the hair follicles. By targeting the<br />
pigment, the surrounding skin is not damaged as<br />
the energy is absorbed by the hair follicle only.<br />
Prior to laser hair removal, it’s important not<br />
to wax or pluck the treatment area for at least six<br />
weeks. This ensures hair is present, as without it<br />
the laser will not achieve the desired effect. The<br />
hair growth cycle plays an important role in the<br />
success of laser hair removal, and therefore multiple<br />
treatments will be needed in order to achieve longterm<br />
hair loss.<br />
Hair follicles grow in a cycle, which is commonly<br />
described in three stages. The first stage is referred<br />
to as anagen, or the growth phase. Around 85<br />
percent of all hairs are in the growing stage at any<br />
one time and, depending on the individual, this may<br />
last for between two and three weeks. Anagen is<br />
followed by catagen, or the transitional phase,<br />
when the follicle shrinks, and is partly destroyed.<br />
Finally, the telogen phase describes a period of rest,<br />
when the hair does not grow.<br />
Laser has the greatest effect on growing hairs.<br />
Because not all hairs are growing at the same time<br />
– some are in transition, and others are resting –<br />
it can take a number of treatments to successfully<br />
reduce the hair in any one area. Multiple treatments<br />
are therefore typically spaced several weeks<br />
apart to ensure the growth phase of the hair is<br />
targeted. csbm<br />
After laser hair<br />
removal, only<br />
occasional<br />
maintenance<br />
is needed<br /> 69
genital<br />
all about<br />
laser vaginal<br />
rejuvenation<br />
The Australian Centre for Female<br />
genital<br />
Pelvic & Vaginal Rejuvenation<br />
gynaecologist and pelvic<br />
reconstruction surgeon<br />
Dr Oseka Onuma talks on<br />
the increasing popularity<br />
of vaginal rejuvenation –<br />
and how it is empowering<br />
women to live happier,<br />
fuller lives.<br />
The function and form of the different parts of the<br />
vagina are closely linked to the female psyche and<br />
the perception of self in terms of attractiveness.<br />
All women are born with differently shaped genitalia,<br />
however the effects of childbirth and ageing can cause<br />
many to suffer from problems that make them selfconscious<br />
and unhappy, often affecting relationships with<br />
their sexual partners and stopping them from participating<br />
in many everyday activities.<br />
Sexual health has a huge influence on mental health<br />
and psychological wellbeing. Oversized, elongated or<br />
asymmetrical labia minora can lead to self-consciousness<br />
and even embarrassment. It can cause discomfort during<br />
sex and hinder certain activities such as bike riding and<br />
horse riding, and often makes wearing certain clothes such<br />
as swimwear, jeans or tights uncomfortable.<br />
Vaginal rejuvenation – both surgical and non-surgical<br />
procedures – can help alleviate pain, improve form and<br />
function, and enhance quality of life for many women.<br />
‘Questions surrounding the appearance and function<br />
of the vagina and urinary system can plague women of<br />
all ages, yet talking openly about these concerns can be<br />
challenging for some women,’ says Adelaide gynaecologist<br />
and pelvic reconstruction surgeon Dr Oseka Onuma. ‘A<br />
blanket of taboo means there is a lack of open and honest<br />
public dialogue that makes it difficult for some women<br />
to seek successful treatment – or even know there are<br />
treatment options available.’<br />
Even now, with the relatively recent arrival of laser vaginal<br />
rejuvenation and all its media attention, more coverage<br />
is given to the aesthetic component of the procedure<br />
rather than the improvement to vaginal function and overall<br />
quality of life.<br />
‘The majority of my patients seeking vaginal rejuvenation<br />
are not motivated by the aesthetic but, rather, a growing<br />
dislike of pain during intercourse or discomfort when<br />
participating in everyday activities,’ says Dr Onuma. ‘I<br />
believe in empowering women through knowledge, choice<br />
and access to the best treatments.’<br />
Empowering women through<br />
knowlege, choice and access to<br />
world class care<br />
Dr Oseka<br />
Onuma<br />
Gynaecologist & Pelvic<br />
Reconstructive Surgeon<br />
BSc. (Hons), MJur., CCST,<br />
4 Robe Terrace, Medindie SA 5081<br />
08 8344 6085<br />
Facsimile 08 8344 6087<br />
Email<br /><br /> 71
genital<br />
‘As women become more aware that it is possible to<br />
correct potentially “embarrassing” problems, female genital<br />
procedures are increasing in popularity,’ he adds. ‘These<br />
days women are less willing to accept changes in genital<br />
anatomy resulting from pregnancy, childbirth and ageing.<br />
They are less likely to have the attitude “it’s just part of being<br />
a woman”.’<br />
Every organ within the female pelvic fl oor is subject to<br />
stress – from gravity or from the delivery of a baby. Muscle,<br />
connective tissue and epithelium can break, tear, stretch<br />
and lose their elasticity, resulting in functional impairments.<br />
The organs within the female pelvic fl oor that can be<br />
subject to prolapse include the urethra, bladder, uterus,<br />
vaginal walls, perineum and labia minora. All can present<br />
as a lump or mass that was not previously visible or noted<br />
by the woman.<br />
Common symptoms of vaginal wall prolapse or<br />
relaxation include a lump, a ‘dragging’ within the vagina<br />
or lower back, urinary incontinence, the need to empty<br />
the bladder frequently and/or with urgency, pain and/or<br />
reduced sensation during intercourse.<br />
Another problem is female stress urinary incontinence,<br />
caused predominantly by an improperly functioning urethra.<br />
When a woman suff ers from this condition, weakened<br />
muscle and pelvic tissue don’t adequately support the<br />
urethra. As a result, the urethra doesn’t maintain a tight seal<br />
during exercise or exertion such as coughing or laughing<br />
and urine may escape.<br />
‘Beyond pelvic fl oor retraining and physiotherapy, there<br />
is now a range of minimal-access surgical options available<br />
that can address and hopefully resolve these problems,’<br />
says Dr Onuma.<br />
Laser reduction labioplasty can sculpt the elongated or<br />
unequal labial minora as desired, as well as reconstruct<br />
conditions that are a result of the ageing process, childbirth<br />
trauma or injury. The procedure can provide a youthful and<br />
aesthetically appealing vulva. The structures of the vulva,<br />
which include the labia minora, labia majora, mons pubis,<br />
perineum, entrance to the vagina and hymen, can be<br />
surgically enhanced, both functionally and aesthetically.<br />
Laser-assisted vaginal surgical procedures can enhance<br />
vaginal muscle tone, strength and control. According to<br />
Dr Onuma, the laser techniques deliver gentle precision<br />
procedures with controlled accuracy and result in rapid<br />
healing, minimal pain and relatively fast recovery and allow<br />
for improved sensation and resumption of daily activities in<br />
a relatively short period of time.<br />
The procedure is performed in a fully accredited hospital<br />
to monitor any discomfort. After the procedure, the<br />
amount of time away from work depends on the type of<br />
work the patient does. ‘An offi ce worker could return to<br />
work after two weeks; someone doing more physical work<br />
such as lifting or remaining on their feet for long periods<br />
normally returns to work after four to six weeks,’ he says.<br />
Total healing of surface and connective tissues along with<br />
damaged muscle may take up to six weeks.<br />
Most patients report mild discomfort which can be<br />
controlled by analgesics and cold packs to the area during<br />
the fi rst week after the operation.<br />
Non-surgical laser vaginal treatment is not a surgical<br />
approach. It is not the same as traditional or laser-assisted<br />
labioplasty and may not be the most suitable avenue<br />
The best approach is to<br />
discuss your symptoms with<br />
a doctor who has a clear<br />
understanding of all the<br />
modalities of treatment<br />
available<br />
of treatment for some patients. The best approach is to<br />
discuss your symptoms with a doctor who has a clear<br />
understanding of all the modalities of treatment available<br />
and is able to guide you towards the mode of treatment that<br />
might off er you the best outcome.<br />
‘Whilst non-surgical laser vaginal treatment shows the<br />
most promise for improving or curing symptoms related<br />
to atrophic vaginitis, it is of little value in correcting pelvic<br />
organ prolapse,’ says Dr Onuma. ‘Whilst non-surgical laser<br />
vaginal treatment can improve very mild stress incontinence<br />
or reduce vaginal wall relaxation, it is unlikely to cure any<br />
signifi cant stress urinary incontinence or improve sensation<br />
during intercourse where the vagina and the vaginal<br />
introitus are patulous because of detached or torn muscles<br />
and fascia.’<br />
‘No woman should suff er embarrassment or feel inhibited<br />
in her relationship with her partner due to the appearance<br />
of her vagina or physical sexual dysfunction,’ he stresses.<br />
‘The importance of reassuring my patient that she is not<br />
alone in her genital issues and that there are options for<br />
improving her quality of life cannot be over-emphasised,’<br />
he concludes. csbm<br />
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brachioplasty?<br />
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genital<br />
The 5<br />
minute<br />
vaginal<br />
rejuvenation<br />
treatment<br />
MonaLisa Touch is<br />
a groundbreaking<br />
laser treatment<br />
offering relief<br />
from vaginal<br />
atrophy symptoms<br />
such as dryness,<br />
laxity and painful<br />
intercourse.<br />
genital<br />
Vaginal atrophy affects around half of all postmenopausal<br />
women, manifesting as dryness,<br />
itchiness, burning, painful intercourse, poor<br />
lubrication, laxity and urinary incontinence, which can all<br />
seriously impinge on quality of life.<br />
MonaLisa Touch is a non-surgical, non-hormonal<br />
treatment of vaginal atrophy. It is quick, pain-free, requires<br />
no downtime and provides patients with relief for up to 12<br />
to 18 months.<br />
MonaLisa Touch can also be used for aesthetic<br />
purposes, to counter the effects of ageing and achieve a<br />
rejuvenating effect by restoring vaginal tissue.<br />
‘MonaLisa Touch has been developed to help patients<br />
suffering from symptoms such as urinary incontinence,<br />
painful intercourse, dryness, itchiness, burning, vulval<br />
and vaginal pain, prolapse and laxity or looseness,’<br />
explains Dr Fariba Behnia-Willison, a gynaecologist from<br />
South Australia. ‘These symptoms are part of a common<br />
condition known as vaginal atrophy. Additionally, because<br />
of how the treatment works, it can be used for vaginal<br />
aesthetic rejuvenation.’<br />
‘Although many of my patients are going through<br />
menopause or are post-menopausal, there are also many<br />
younger women suffering from similar symptoms,’ she<br />
says. ‘I have found the treatment particularly effective for<br />
women who find it painful to have sexual intercourse.’<br />
How it works<br />
MonaLisa uses specialised laser technology to improve<br />
the genital mucosa and restore proper function in<br />
the treatment area. Using fractional laser light, the<br />
MonaLisa Touch probe – which is inserted into the vagina<br />
– delivers thermal energy into the deeper layers of the<br />
vaginal tissue.<br />
This kick-starts the body’s natural processes to increase<br />
blood flow and stimulate the formation of collagen, which<br />
improves the integrity and elasticity of the genital mucosa.<br />
This can be effective in alleviating vaginal pain in those<br />
patients experiencing gynaecological problems or vaginal<br />
atrophy, or in simply tightening the vaginal walls for a<br />
rejuvenating effect.<br />
The fractionated effect means there are areas of<br />
untouched tissue left between laser columns. This healthy<br />
tissue helps promote healing and reduce downtime<br />
after treatment.<br />
‘The advantage of the MonaLisa Touch procedure, for<br />
both results and safety, is that it uses a fractionated CO 2<br />
laser, which means the heat is deposited at the ideal<br />
depth in the tissue,’ Dr Behnia-Willison explains. ‘And<br />
because it is a fractional laser treatment it leaves most of<br />
the superficial layer untouched, which is important from a<br />
safety perspective.’<br />
The treatment takes around five minutes, is non-invasive<br />
and no anaesthesia is required. Often a series of treatments<br />
is recommended. ‘The published research has shown<br />
that the best results are obtained from three MonaLisa<br />
Touch treatments, performed a month apart,’ says Dr<br />
Fariba Behnia-Willison. ‘Most patients notice a significant<br />
improvement after the first procedure. I also recommend to<br />
The stats<br />
Treatment to improve vaginal function is sought by a<br />
growing number of patients, of many different ages.<br />
In Australia, more than 10,000 patients have been<br />
treated with MonaLisa Touch since it was introduced<br />
in 2013. In a survey of 200 patients, 99 percent<br />
reported an overall improvement of vaginal atrophy<br />
symptoms and would recommend to their friends.<br />
patients they may need a follow-up procedure every year or<br />
so, after the initial course of treatments.’<br />
As with any medical procedure, there are some potential<br />
risks with the treatment. ‘In my experience, which is similar<br />
to that of overseas practitioners, the likelihood of posttreatment<br />
complications following a MonaLisa Touch<br />
treatment is minimal,’ she says. ‘The worst side effect<br />
I have seen has been some mild discomfort for 12 to 24<br />
hours following the procedure, but this is in only a handful<br />
of patients and I have now performed more than 2,500<br />
MonaLisa Touch treatments.’<br />
Whether you’re looking to relieve the symptoms of vaginal<br />
atrophy, or seeking a rejuvenating effect, MonaLisa Touch<br />
offers a clinically backed solution that’s proven to work.<br />
‘Simply put, the MonaLisa Touch procedure stimulates the<br />
body’s natural processes,’ Dr Behnia-Willison explains.<br />
‘It creates more hydrated and healthy cells which help to<br />
increase vascularisation, hydration and acidity, which are<br />
important components of vaginal health.’<br />
‘Almost all of my patients have noticed a significant<br />
improvement following the MonaLisa Touch procedure –<br />
some have even described the treatment as life-changing,’<br />
she concludes. csbm<br />
Where to get it<br />
To find a clinic near you visit<br /> 75
feature<br />
The no incision ear<br />
correction changing<br />
children’s lives<br />
Dr Zurek’s no incision procedure is helping bullied children<br />
smile from ear to ear. Erin Docherty reports.<br />
Australian schools are among those with the highest<br />
rate of bullying in the world, with one in four school<br />
students being a victim of bullying.<br />
Children with physical differences even as minor as<br />
protruding ears, can attract bullying, which as a result can<br />
have a tremendously negative impact on their self-esteem.<br />
However, a simple procedure could stop these children from<br />
carrying a psychological and emotional burden for the rest<br />
of their life, if they have been bullied .<br />
Eight-year-old Moses recently underwent a no-incision<br />
ear correction procedure (otoplasty) to put playground<br />
bullying to an end.<br />
“My ears were sticking out and the kids at school would<br />
make fun of me. I didn’t want to be teased anymore,” says Moses.<br />
Moses’ parents Katherine and Steven said they had<br />
considered surgery early because they feared bullying could<br />
have an emotional impact that lasted throughout his life.<br />
“Moses would come home from school with really red<br />
ears because the kids would be pulling them and twisting<br />
them. There was also a lot of name calling and teasing,<br />
which was really distressing for him – and for us. It was so<br />
awful seeing him go through that,” says Katherine.<br />
“Moses continued to go to school every day, but I<br />
knew what was going on and that he was very upset. He<br />
is a very proud child, but we could see the effect the<br />
bullying was having on him. It was slowly chipping away at<br />
his confidence.”<br />
After considering plastic surgery, the family decided<br />
to opt for a no-incision otoplasty procedure instead, at<br />
the hands of Sydney cosmetic surgeon, Dr Longin Zurek.<br />
Moses’ older brother Sol, who is 13, also underwent the<br />
procedure at the same time.<br />
‘The main reason that influenced us to choose Dr Zurek’s<br />
no incision technique, rather than plastic surgery was simple<br />
- the kids wouldn’t have to undergo invasive surgery. The<br />
downtime would have been much longer and I didn’t want<br />
the boys to miss school and for Sol to miss cricket, as it was<br />
his representative season,”says Steven.<br />
“We were also already impressed by Dr Zurek’s otoplasty<br />
results – when I was in the waiting room at Dr Zurek’s office<br />
I got chatting to a guy, who was actually quite handsome,<br />
and he had recently undergone a no-incision otoplasty<br />
procedure. The results looked amazing.”<br />
The otoplasty procedure is relatively simple and is<br />
positively life changing for young children.<br />
“If we hadn’t undergone the procedure I think it would<br />
have really affected him going through high school. My<br />
husband predicted this would happen, so we had thought<br />
about undergoing the procedure before. However, we<br />
are happy that Moses was old enough to understand he<br />
was being bullied and could participate in the decision for<br />
surgery, ” says Katherine.<br />
Pleasing and permanent results have been achieved with<br />
the no-incision technique. Dr Zurek says patients appreciate<br />
the relative simplicity of the procedure: no dressings, minimal<br />
swelling and discomfort, as well as a short down time.<br />
“Since the otoplasty the bullying has stopped. Moses<br />
made a special announcement to his class after the<br />
procedure to explain that he had his ears corrected and that<br />
the children had to be very careful.”<br />
“I would say it is definitely better to have the procedure<br />
at an earlier age as opposed to later on – to stop the<br />
bullying as quick as possible. Sol was very self-conscious<br />
throughout school about his ears, so it would have<br />
probably been better for him the have the procedure done<br />
earlier,” says Katherine.<br />
“I highly recommend this procedure and I would certainly<br />
recommend Dr Zurek for his understanding and kind nature<br />
– he made everything so easy and smooth - you don’t need<br />
to think twice or hesitate.”<br />
While in an ideal world children would not be bullied,<br />
we know all too well that it can happen and this simple<br />
procedure is making an instrumental difference in the life<br />
of a child.<br />
“I feel good now they’re fixed, the kids don’t pull them or<br />
call me names anymore,” says Moses. csbm<br />
feature<br />
Case study 1<br />
Moses (8 years) – before procedure<br />
Immediately after no-incision otoplasty by Dr Zurek<br />
Moses (8 years) – before procedure<br />
Immediately after no-incision otoplasty by Dr Zurek<br /> 77
feature<br />
Case study 2<br />
Zack (6 years) – before procedure<br />
After no-incision otoplasty by Dr Zurek<br />
The instant<br />
eyelid lift<br />
sweeping<br />
America is<br />
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LIDS BY DESIGN ® is a non-surgical<br />
correcting strip, available in different sizes,<br />
to instantly lift eyelids and widen eyes, hiding<br />
the excess skin in the natural fold of the lid.<br />
Virtually invisible, quick and easy to apply, they<br />
last all day and makeup can be applied over<br />
the top. They are ideal for:<br />
• Loose sagging skin hanging over lashes<br />
• Asymmetrical lids<br />
• Excess skin covering the natural fold of the lid<br />
• Enlarging the appearance of the eyes<br />
Before<br />
After<br />
To purchase or to become a stockist:<br />
visit<br />
Distributed by<br />
email or call<br />
02 9398 2755 AESTHETICS
cosmetic tattoo<br />
LIFE-<br />
WITH<br />
Tattooing is more than just creative expression. It<br />
can also be used to camoufl age scars, create the<br />
look of hair for alopecia suff erers and even repigment<br />
an areola.<br />
Sydney cosmetic tattooist Rita Porreca pioneered one<br />
of Sydney’s fi rst cosmetic tattoo clinics and has worked<br />
with more than 10,000 clients from around Australia since<br />
opening in 1991. With more than 25 years of experience,<br />
Porreca has today become a highly sought after expert in<br />
certifi ed medical tattooing.<br />
According to Porreca there has been a 50 percent increase<br />
in medical tattooing bookings over the past two years.<br />
She attributes this to growing awareness of the lasting,<br />
realistic-looking results that her techniques can achieve for<br />
many men and women aff ected by cancer or other medical<br />
conditions aff ecting their appearance.<br />
Used to disguise scars and to give patients a new sense<br />
of confi dence after having a mastectomy or reconstructive<br />
surgery as a result of an accident, medical tattooing can be<br />
a life-changing procedure.<br />
Porreca and her team of highly qualifi ed and experienced<br />
practitioners work together with leading surgeons in<br />
delivering eff ective post-operative care treatments for<br />
clients who require areola re-pigmentation and corrective<br />
camoufl age.<br />
‘Doctors and cosmetic surgeons will regularly refer their<br />
patients to see me once they have the all-clear after, for<br />
example, fi nishing chemotherapy treatment for cancer.<br />
Patients come to us feeling self-conscious after eyebrow or<br />
hair loss, and leave feeling amazing again,’ she says.<br />
Areola reconstruction can greatly improve the lives of<br />
women who are uncomfortable with the appearance of<br />
their nipples, especially if they have undergone breast<br />
reconstruction after a mastectomy.<br />
Areola re-pigmentation is the fi nal stage of breast<br />
reconstruction and is also considered by those with areola<br />
colour loss. After the nipple reconstruction is completed,<br />
the tattooing process may begin, 6-12 weeks post surgery.<br />
Considered one of the relatively simpler medical<br />
tattooing procedures, a natural areola can be mimicked<br />
using a tattoo gun or pen to apply the colour on a carefully<br />
measured region on the top layer of the skin.<br />
feature<br />
Corrective camouflage<br />
SPMUC FP(NEW) 30/4/07 1:30 PM Page 1<br />
Corrective camouflage tattooing is an intricate procedure<br />
which can bring a natural skin colour back to scars and<br />
burns in areas such as lips, eyelids, feet or limbs.<br />
The skin’s natural pigmentation is microscopically copied<br />
and the colour is injected beneath the skin. The matched<br />
timeless and<br />
effortless beauty<br />
timeless and effortless beauty<br />
colour pigments are then infused within the scar to create a<br />
customised disguise.<br />
Prior to the procedure, Porreca and her team will<br />
discuss with each client the best result that is possible for<br />
SPMUC their FP(NEW) circumstance 30/4/07 and 1:30 the amount PM Page of 1treatments that will ‘In When 1984 it my comes dream to eyes, was to lips, create face, a<br />
be required.<br />
Centre body, skin that and provided training, personalised we are the<br />
beauty experts’ solutions expert. With with more natural than and 25<br />
lasting years’ experience results – a world we have above developed<br />
Alopecia<br />
traditional<br />
an excellent<br />
beauty<br />
reputation<br />
salons.’<br />
with doctors<br />
For people suffering from alopecia, cosmetic tattooing – and Rita surgeons. Porreca, We Founder also work & MDclosely<br />
timeless effortless<br />
with surgeons in post-operative<br />
beauty<br />
provides a solution to the loss of brow hair and eyelashes.<br />
care.<br />
Porreca shapes the eyebrows with a pencil first before When it comes to Eyes, Lips, Face, Body, Skin and<br />
– Rita Porreca, Founder & MD<br />
implanting the most appropriate colour. The brows and eyes Training we are the experts' expert. We also work closely<br />
are designed for each individual face shape to enhance the with surgeons on post-operative care.<br />
client’s best features.<br />
There are three different methods to choose from: hair ‘In 1984 my dream was to create a<br />
stroke for a more natural look; solid method for a more Centre that provided personalised<br />
dramatic SERVICES look; WE or PROVIDE soft shading for a more full look. For<br />
beauty solutions <strong>Cosmetic</strong> with natural Tattooing<br />
and<br />
lasting results – a world above<br />
eyebrows, <strong>Cosmetic</strong> touch-ups Tattooingare required every two years; other<br />
traditional beauty Medical salons.’ Tattooing<br />
medical Eyebrows tattoos Hair can stroke last much to shaded longer. brows to give you more of a<br />
natural appearance<br />
– Rita Porreca, Founder Skin & Needling<br />
Porreca also performs a range of other reconstruction<br />
MD<br />
services BEFORE<br />
Eyeliner including Subtle Multitrepannic to Dramatic or Collagen to define Actuation your eye (MCA), shape<br />
Dermal Planning Peels<br />
a skin relaxation treatment that rejuvenates scar tissue and When it comes to Eyes, Lips, Face, Body, Skin and<br />
Lips From lip liner to full lips & blends we make your lips look good with Non Laser Tattoo Removal<br />
stimulates Training we are the experts' expert. We also work closely<br />
an ideal shape<br />
the skin<br />
and<br />
to<br />
colour<br />
produce<br />
all<br />
its<br />
the<br />
own<br />
time.<br />
melanin in areas<br />
with surgeons <strong>Cosmetic</strong> on post-operative Tattooing care. Courses<br />
where surface scar tissue is present.<br />
Medical ‘We also Tattooing have been trialling a new technique of tattooing<br />
on Areola hair for re-pigmentation balding men, which Is the I am final continually stage of refining,’ breast reconstruction and is AFTER FULL LIP TATTOOING<br />
says also Porreca. considered by those with areola colour loss.<br />
Corrective For more Camouflage before and Can after bring photographs, a natural head skin colour to back to scars<br /> <strong>Cosmetic</strong> and burns Tattooing<br />
to see what<br />
Eyebrows Hair stroke to shaded brows to give you more of a BEFORE FULL LIP COLOUR<br />
medical tattooing can achieve and how it helps people feel<br />
better natural Skin Needling<br />
about appearance their appearance. csbm<br />
Eyeliner<br />
Needling<br />
Subtle<br />
treatment<br />
to Dramatic<br />
for wrinkles,<br />
or to<br />
acne<br />
define<br />
scars<br />
your<br />
&<br />
eye<br />
scar<br />
shape<br />
relaxation<br />
BEFORE<br />
BEFORE<br />
Lips Skin From Rejuvenation lip liner to full lips & blends we make your lips look good with<br />
an Is ideal for shape the rebuilding and colour of all new the collagen time. and lightening pigmentation.<br />
Medical IPL Hair Tattooing Removal<br />
Areola Enables re-pigmentation hair removal from Is nearly the final every stage part of of breast the body reconstruction quickly and is AFTER FULL LIP TATTOOING<br />
also and efficiently considered by those with areola colour loss.<br />
Corrective Camouflage Can bring a natural skin colour back to scars<br />
BEFORE Medical Skin Peels/Microdermabrasion<br />
AFTER cosmetic tattoo by Rita Porreca<br />
and burns<br />
Skin treatments ranging from Green Peel, CosMedix Peels<br />
Skin & Microdermabrasion Needling to give you a natural healthy glow.<br />
Needling treatment for wrinkles, acne scars & scar relaxation<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> Dermal Fillers & Mesotherapy<br />
02 9712 4133<br />
BEFORE<br />
follow us on<br />
Skin Bella Building, Shop 4/239<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> Rejuvenation Tattooing Courses<br />
Is Learn, ideal up-skill for the and rebuilding expand of with new professional collagen and cosmetic lightening tattooing pigmentation. Great<br />
training.<br />
North Rd, Five Dock<br />
located in Cosmedic Professionals<br />
BEFORE<br />
AFTER cosmetic tattoo by Rita Porreca<br />
IPL Hair Removal<br />
Email:<br />
Enables hair removal from nearly every part of the body quickly<br /> Web:<br />
81<br />
and efficiently
eauty & spa<br />
the<br />
beauty<br />
lover’s<br />
guide to<br />
makeup<br />
<strong>Beauty</strong> products can come and<br />
go, but the classics stick with us<br />
through thick and thin. We bring you<br />
the bona fide killer buys that have<br />
earned cult stardom.<br />
This is the beauty lover’s guide to makeup. From the miracle foundations<br />
and lust-worthy lippies to eyeliners and blushes we feel lost without,<br />
these are the must-have beauty staples that every girl should have in<br />
her makeup bag.<br />
eauty & spa<br />
3.<br />
1.<br />
4.<br />
2.<br />
Foundation<br />
When it comes to your makeup base, the most important<br />
thing to remember is you want your skin to look like skin.<br />
It should look clean and fresh, not like you’re wearing lots<br />
of product. Don’t forget to use a primer to keep the skin<br />
hydrated and prep the complexion such as 1. Napoleon<br />
Perdis Auto Pilot Radiance Boosting Primer, $55 or 2.<br />
Colorescience Face Primer SPF 20, $49.<br />
Selecting the right base shade is key. Make sure the<br />
colour matches your skin tone exactly. When you’re<br />
buying a foundation, test it on the side of your face, not<br />
the back of your hand. The skin on your face is a very<br />
different shade to the skin on your hand. Yellow-based<br />
foundations such as the Bobbi Brown ones are great<br />
because they take any pink or red tones out of the skin.<br />
People often try to alter their skin tone with makeup<br />
but if you go a shade or two lighter it can end up looking<br />
ashy and if you go darker it won’t match your skin and<br />
you’ll fool nobody. Instead, match your skin tone exactly<br />
and then warm it up with bronzer or blusher if you need it.<br />
Foundation comes in a variety of forms, with the<br />
four main types being liquid, cream, stick and powder.<br />
The right foundation can even out your skin tone, give<br />
you a healthy complexion and conceal flaws and<br />
pigmentation. With each type comes a different finish and<br />
level of coverage.<br />
Liquid is typically the most popular everyday foundation<br />
due to its sheer natural finish, while cream foundations<br />
are the number-one choice for makeup artists. To set<br />
makeup apply a finishing spray such as 3. Skindinavia<br />
The Makeup Finishing Spray, $39.95.<br />
Try<br />
4. Shu Uemura Blanc Chroma Cushion Foundation, $72,<br />
5. Napoleon Perdis Camera Finish Powder Foundation,<br />
$69, 6. Napoleon Perdis Foundation Stick, $69, 7.<br />
SCOUT <strong>Cosmetic</strong>s Pressed Powder Compact in Latte<br />
21, $49.95, 8. Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay in-Place<br />
Makeup, $52, 9. Lycogel Breathable Tint, $125, 10.<br />
Designer Brands Longwear Foundation, $14.99, 11.<br />
Designer Brands Flawless All-in-One Stick Foundation,<br />
$14.99, 12. Designer Brands Natural Ground Minerals<br />
Foundation, $19.99.<br />
7.<br />
10.<br />
9.<br />
5.<br />
8.<br />
6.<br />
11.<br />
12.<br /> 83
feature<br />
EYES<br />
Liquid eyeliner is a great way to make your eyes “pop” but applying<br />
it can be intimidating. An easy way to test out liquid liner is to fi rst<br />
use a taupe eyeliner pencil to lightly trace a line just above your<br />
upper lash line. This trick lets you make sure the lines are even and<br />
accurate before next applying the darker, liquid liner colour directly<br />
on top of the taupe “practice” line.<br />
Our favourite makeup trick is to use eyeliner to fi ll in the tiny<br />
spaces between upper eyelashes. This really helps eyes look fuller<br />
and more alive and lends an amazing frame to the eyes.<br />
Liquid eyeliner is a great way to make your eyes “pop” but Jillian<br />
says women are intimidated when it comes to applying it correctly.<br />
Kohl eyeliner – Want to feel sexy and sultry but don’t know how<br />
to avoid ‘panda eyes’? Creating that sexy ‘rock chick’ look is easier<br />
than you think. Kohl or pencil eyeliners are the genesis of the smoky<br />
eye. The trick is to build the look in layers and to keep the application<br />
smooth and soft. A true smoky eye starts with the intensity at the<br />
centre of the eye, billowing out into softer application. Start by<br />
framing the eye with a black kohl pencil at the upper and lower rim.<br />
Dot the same pencil into both the top and bottom lashes and blend<br />
using a cotton bud or a small round-tip blender brush to create a<br />
smudged but defi ned line.<br />
TRY<br />
1. Designer Brands<br />
Kohl Liner in Black, $5.99<br />
2. SCOUT<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong>s Mineral<br />
Eyeliner Pencil $24.95<br />
3. Lancôme<br />
Grandiôse Liner, $56<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
Like almost every cosmetic these days, there are several options<br />
when it comes to lining your eyes – and it’s all about picking the one<br />
you’re most comfortable with.<br />
1.<br />
Mascara<br />
Every girl knows the beauty benefits of mascara, but<br />
learning the right technique can make all the difference<br />
for lashes with flair.<br />
Hold the brush at a horizontal angle if you want thick<br />
lashes, or turn it vertically for a more natural finish. The<br />
way you hold the brush when applying your mascara can<br />
make a huge difference. Holding the brush horizontally<br />
and wiggling it back and forth will give you voluminous<br />
lashes, while holding it vertically and running the tip of the<br />
brush along the length of your lashes will leave you with<br />
longer, more natural look.<br />
The best way to hold a curl is to apply a thicker coat<br />
of mascara at the root of your lashes and a lighter ones<br />
towards the end. Wiggle the brush back and forth at the<br />
base of your lashes and then swipe to the tips.<br />
If you have thin or light coloured lashes, coat both<br />
sides by alternating between looking up and looking<br />
down while applying mascara. That way, the hairs are<br />
fully covered and appear much thicker.<br />
Try<br />
1. Asap Pure Mineral<br />
Mascara, $35<br />
2. Designer Brands<br />
Extend A Lash,<br />
$19.99<br />
3. Designer Brands<br />
Beyond Amplifying<br />
Mascara, $14.99<br />
1.<br />
beauty & spa<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
Try<br />
1. Givenchy Eyebrow<br />
Pencil Dark Brunette, $39<br />
2. Lancôme<br />
Sourcils Styler, $46<br />
3. Designer Brands<br />
Extend a Brow, $12.99<br />
Brows<br />
There ain’t nothing cool about sparse, unkempt brows.<br />
The best eyebrow products can mean the difference<br />
between a polished look and a messy one. In order<br />
to recover from the great over-plucking epidemic of<br />
the 90s, we must rely on eyebrow products to ensure<br />
natural, perfect eyebrows.<br />
Whether pencil or powder, filling in your eyebrows<br />
can be tricky and we’ve all Googled it more than once.<br />
Whatever happens, don’t choose a shade that exactly<br />
matches your brow hair; for example, blondes should<br />
choose shades that match the base of the hair colour,<br />
not their highlights, to prevent looking washed out.<br />
When filling in your eyebrows the best place to start<br />
is under the arch, then continue filling in outward toward<br />
the tail (the important part of the brows that frame the<br />
eyes!). Make sure if you are lowering your arch, the<br />
shape should be angled and rectangular, not rounded.<br />
Be careful because if the arch is too high, it can make<br />
you look angry!<br />
Once the arch and tail are filled in, move to the top<br />
of the brow and to the inner edge. The line on the inner<br />
edge should be perpendicular to the brow and line<br />
up with the middle of the nostril. Viola! Thicker, more<br />
symmetrical and completely natural-looking brows!<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
1.<br /> 85
eauty & spa<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
3.<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
Lips<br />
Everyday colour<br />
With lip liner, try to draw the line just slightly over the<br />
edge to create a fuller mouth. If you go inside the lip<br />
line you are cutting yourself short. Use gloss just into<br />
the centre of the mouth. As this is the bigger and more<br />
forward part of the mouth, light will hit there first and give<br />
a great reflection to make your lips appear more plump.<br />
Opt for a natural-coloured lip pencil and outline, then<br />
lightly feather the colour into your lips, leaving the centre<br />
of your lips lighter – this creates a 3D effect so your lips<br />
appear fuller.<br />
Get your lips looking full and juicy by slicking on a<br />
gloss with some plumping properties. A sheer lip gloss<br />
with a high shine finish or some multi-dimensional colour<br />
will have lips looking lush and well conditioned.<br />
For the best nude lip, foundation out your lip slightly<br />
first so your own lip colour is not coming through or<br />
competing with the nude shade of lip colour that you<br />
choose. This way you are getting the truest colour on<br />
your lip and not your own pink tone coming through.<br />
But be warned, less is definitely more with this look!<br />
Nothing looks worse than a lipstick that is super matte<br />
and nude and applied thickly to the lips to look like<br />
liquid paper! You want it to look as natural as possible<br />
– whenever we are envious of Angelina we are noticing<br />
her fabulous lips, not her makeup!<br />
Opt for a nude lipstick with a slight shine and build<br />
up light layers with a lip brush. Pop a nude gloss over<br />
the top that has a slight hint of pink or peach running<br />
through it.<br />
Try<br />
1. Napoleon Perdis Gloss it! Lipgloss $19,<br />
2. Lancôme Juicy Shaker, Mangoes Wild $34,<br />
3. Asap Pure Mineral Lipcolour, $30, 4. Maybelline<br />
NY Babylips ColorLip Balm in Rose, Addict,<br />
$3.95, 5. Sisley Paris Phyto-Lip Twist (Nude,<br />
Soft Beige), $55,<br />
Red lips<br />
Scar-Jo always has us blushing with her rosy red mouth, a<br />
look that many of us wish to emulate but don’t know if we<br />
can pull it off. The good news is that anyone can actually<br />
wear red.<br />
Cool skin tones and pale milky tones are generally suited<br />
to blue-based reds, whereas olive tones are better suited<br />
to brick reds.<br />
Firstly, apply a light-textured light reflective concealer<br />
along the outline of the lips to eliminate any uneven tones<br />
– use a very small amount as it’s essential that it appears<br />
very natural. Then fill in your lips with a lip primer to allow<br />
longevity and prevent the lipstick from moving or bleeding.<br />
One way to apply a red lipstick is with your fingers. On<br />
a clean, moisturised lip, use your ring finger to dab on the<br />
red lipstick, turning your finger to fit into your lip shape. This<br />
actually melts the lipstick onto your lip, saves you time and<br />
will last longer. Now that you have a base, edge and polish<br />
off the shape of the lip perfectly with a matching red lip liner.<br />
Blot the lip colour with a tissue and re-apply – layering is the<br />
key to long-lasting colour.<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
Try<br />
1. Designer Brands<br />
Longwear Lipstick<br />
in Coral Desire, $10.99<br />
2. Gilded Cage Unleashed<br />
Lipstick in Singular Red, $40<br />
3. SCOUT <strong>Cosmetic</strong>s<br />
Mineral Lipstick in<br />
Flame, $29.95<br />
3.<br />
feature<br />
1.<br />
Illuminators<br />
Luminescence is a stealth beauty effect, lighting<br />
up your face like a light bulb under your skin to<br />
enhance all your features. There are a huge number<br />
of products that deliver glow, in formulations you<br />
can simply skim over bare skin or your makeup.<br />
Luminisers look great above the cheekbone and<br />
around the inner corner of your eyes. Sweep a veil<br />
of luminescence over the tops of your cheekbones,<br />
your forehead, the outline of your upper lip or a dab<br />
on your chin or nose. Keep it away from areas with<br />
wrinkles; it will just bring attention to them. You can<br />
also use them on the brow bone. Don’t forget to<br />
blend, blend, blend!<br />
A highlighter is perfect to dab small amounts<br />
on top of your cheekbone - from the apple of the<br />
cheek and up through to the hairline. This adds<br />
light-reflectors, and makes your skin look fresh and<br />
youthful. Use small amounts on the inner corner of<br />
the eye to add a “pop”, under the brow bone to<br />
lift the eye, on the cheekbones for added definition<br />
and down the T-zone to add light to dull skin.<br />
Blend with fingertips to create an even and flawless<br />
complexion.<br />
Try<br />
1. Napoleon Perdis<br />
Reflective Refiner Bright Light<br />
Highlight Powder, $50<br />
2. YSL Touche Eclat Radiant<br />
Touch $55l<br />
3. Napoleon Perdis<br />
Hide it! Concealer $29<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
Blush<br />
No matter how old you are, wearing blush is a must. It<br />
enhances facial features and replaces luminosity of the<br />
skin that fades with age.<br />
Generally speaking, peach-based tones work well<br />
with just about any complexion. They add warmth and a<br />
‘lift’ to the appearance and work nicely with illuminators<br />
and bronzers.<br />
Apply to the apples of your cheeks and across the<br />
temples when a warmer colour is used. Blush is very<br />
feminine, pretty and natural, and we love a pretty, soft<br />
pop of colour on the apples of the cheeks for that<br />
gorgeous glow.<br />
Try<br />
1. Maybelline NY Babylips Lips Balm and Blush,<br />
$9.95, 2. Designer Brands Natural Ground Minerals<br />
Blush, $14.99, 3.Napoleon Perdis Use it! Lip and<br />
Cheek Tint, $29.<br /> 87
cosmetic tattoo<br />
acsm43_Hovan_AD 29/1/09<br />
acsm43_Hovan_AD 29/1/09<br />
acsm43_Hovan_AD 29/1/09<br />
The first lady of<br />
cosmetic<br />
tattooing<br />
Val Glover-Hovan remains at the forefront<br />
of cosmetic TATTOOIng in Australia, both as a<br />
practitioner and educator.<br />
With more than 31 years of<br />
cosmetic tattoo treatments,<br />
the matriarch and pioneer<br />
of cosmetic tattooing in Australia, Val<br />
Glover-Hovan, is certainly a renowned<br />
name in the beauty industry. She has<br />
been at the forefront of education in<br />
the industry and has earned a swag of<br />
accolades from organisations, here and<br />
around the world, for her contribution<br />
to the cosmetic tattoo industry.<br />
‘Makeup that won’t wash off has<br />
many beauty benefits, not to mention<br />
the economic and time-saving factors,’<br />
she says. ‘Its roots trace back to the<br />
1930s and, while both the technique<br />
and its popularity have advanced<br />
considerably since this time, the<br />
reasons for its continued popularity<br />
remain the same.’<br />
As a leader and educator in cosmetic<br />
tattooing, Glover-Hovan evaluates<br />
facial proportions and symmetry, as<br />
well as hair and skin colouring, before<br />
creating a design that will complement<br />
and enhance each client’s features.<br />
‘<strong>Cosmetic</strong> tattooing can enhance<br />
and beautify a woman’s looks,’ she<br />
says. ‘This might include creating<br />
defined, well-groomed eyebrows,<br />
enhanced eye shape with eyeliner, and<br />
more youthful-looking lips with colour.<br />
The great thing is that these treatments<br />
last for many years.’<br />
Lip talk<br />
Leading the way<br />
COSM<br />
C<br />
THE SPEC<br />
THE SPEC<br />
THE SPEC<br />
DE<br />
DE<br />
Glover-Hovan began the first<br />
Australian <strong>Cosmetic</strong> tattoo<br />
Training Academy, educating<br />
students in Australia, New<br />
Zealand and America.<br />
Her opinion is regularly sought BEFORE<br />
BEFORE<br />
after by practitioners and she<br />
(As seen on Channel 9 Bo<br />
BEFORE Dramatic (As seen on Transformat<br />
Channel 9 Bo<br />
provides ongoing support to (As Eyelift seen Without on Channel Surg 9 Bo<br />
those working professionally. For a Softer Co<br />
For Softer Co<br />
Glover-Hovan is recognised as a For a Softer Co<br />
cosmetic tattoo trainer worldwide<br />
and has trained hundreds of<br />
people who have gone on to run<br />
their own successful businesses.<br />
For a Stronger C<br />
Glover-Hovan has served For Stronger<br />
on the committee of leading For a Stronger<br />
Australian <strong>Beauty</strong> Associations<br />
and American Associations.<br />
Her continual desire to enhance<br />
her skills as a <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattooist<br />
has led her to attend educational In the Medical are<br />
In the Medical In the Me are<br />
congresses around the world, both In the Medical are<br />
For women afte<br />
It is Glover-Hovan’s lip work in particular<br />
which has gained much national and<br />
international attention. She delivers<br />
regular educational presentations<br />
on optimising results in the lips, and<br />
tailoring treatment to each patient.<br />
speaking and demonstrating her<br />
techniques particularly in regards<br />
‘Lip liner is suited to people to medical tattoo procedures. THE ACADEM<br />
who have no definite lip shape, or The latest demand for PROFESSION<br />
THE<br />
for pale, sun damaged or uneven<br />
ACADE<br />
treatments and training has<br />
Valís PROFESSIO<br />
high standar<br />
lips and those that have lost shape been the feathering technique Australia Val’s high and standa the<br />
as a result of cold sores or injury,’ – creating hairstrokes. Val and the<br />
Val’s Australia world<br />
high and<br />
standa the she<br />
Australia<br />
she explains. Lip line can also simply<br />
the world and and the<br />
her practitioners are fulfilling the She<br />
sh<br />
the world offers and training sh<br />
add definition for women who want to demand of these treatments. Importer She offers trainin<br />
She offers<br />
and<br />
trainin<br />
Dist<br />
put more emphasis on their lips.<br />
Over the years, Glover-Hovan Importer and Dis<br />
Importer and Dis<br />
Full lip colour blends the colour has established an outstanding<br />
all over the lips so all you need is lip relationship with many in the BASIC ADVANCED TRAININ<br />
gloss and you are ready and out beauty and medical professions. MEDICAL<br />
TATTO<br />
TR<br />
the door. ‘This is the most popular In short, Glover-Hovan has MEDICAL TATT<br />
treatment,’ she says. ‘Once you’ve had carved a career out of making<br />
it done, you can kiss without leaving a Australian women look and feel<br />
trace – no more worry about lipstick more youthful and vibrant. For<br />
marks on your teeth, glassware or many clients her work gives them Free Consultat<br />
other people.’ csbm<br />
a life-changing makeover. <strong>Cosmetic</strong> FOR FURTHER Tattoo A<br />
696 FOR Pittwater FURTHER Roa<br />
TEL 02 99<br />
T: (02) 9938<br />
88 TEL 02 2111 99<br />
TEL 02 99
9:40 AM Page 1<br />
9:40 AM Page 1<br />
9:40 AM Page 1<br />
TATTOO<br />
TATTOO<br />
OUR<br />
Val Glover-Hovan<br />
Director of <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattoo<br />
Australia, The Academy<br />
of Image and <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
Corrective Tattoo and<br />
Hovan’s Group<br />
For AESTHETIC PURPOSES, tattoos<br />
For can AESTHETIC flatter the existing PURPOSES, features tattoos of the tattoos<br />
EYEBROW tattoos<br />
can face, flatter achieving the existing a natural features look. of of the<br />
can<br />
TATTOO<br />
flatter the existing features of the<br />
face, Reshaping achieving and colouring natural EYEBROWS<br />
look.<br />
face, Powderfill / Microblading feather strokes<br />
achieving a natural look.<br />
Reshaping will give you and instant colouring face EYEBROWS<br />
lift,<br />
Reshaping and colouring EYELINER<br />
will EYELINER give you defines an instant the eye face shape,<br />
lift,<br />
will give you<br />
defines<br />
an instant<br />
Gives the definition eye<br />
face<br />
shape,<br />
lift,<br />
EYELINER LIPS can be reshaped, defines the made eye shape fuller,<br />
to the eyes<br />
defines the eye shape,<br />
LIPS outlined can or be coloured reshaped, like lipstick. made fuller,<br />
LIPS Val Glover-Hovan<br />
LIPS can be reshaped,<br />
like<br />
made<br />
lipstick.<br />
fuller,<br />
outlined Colour lasts or coloured for years. red like lipstick.<br />
Director Val Glover-Hovan<br />
of <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattoo<br />
AFTER<br />
outlined Lipline<br />
or coloured /<br />
like<br />
Lip<br />
lipstick.<br />
blend / Full lip colour Director<br />
Val Glover-Hovan<br />
Colour lasts for years.<br />
Australia of and <strong>Cosmetic</strong> The Academy Tattooof<br />
dy AFTER Work)<br />
Colour lasts for years.<br />
Director<br />
Australia<br />
of<br />
and<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
The Academy<br />
Tattoo<br />
of<br />
ion AFTER<br />
Image & <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Corrective<br />
dy Work) following Eyebrow tattooing<br />
Australia<br />
Image & <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
and The Academy<br />
Corrective<br />
of<br />
ery dy Work)<br />
Tattoo is the mother of <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
lour Result<br />
Image &<br />
is<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
the mother<br />
Corrective<br />
Tattoo in Australia which of <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
lour Result<br />
Tattoo<br />
Tattoo is<br />
Australia<br />
the mother<br />
which<br />
of <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
lour Result<br />
she introduced in 1985. She<br />
“I had my first treatments over Tattoo<br />
she 20 introduced years in Australia ago in 1985. with which Val. I was so thrilled with how they<br />
has been recognised worldwide She<br />
made me look. I had all the treatments she<br />
has<br />
introduced<br />
been recognised done in 1985. – brows, worldwide<br />
She<br />
for her excellence in practice<br />
eyeliner and full lips! I maintain<br />
the colour of my eyebrows every has<br />
for her<br />
been two excellence<br />
recognised years, and in practice<br />
worldwide<br />
and education. Her team I only of have to refresh my eyeliner and<br />
my lip colour about every 8 years... for<br />
and<br />
her<br />
education.<br />
excellence I love the Her<br />
in freedom team<br />
practice<br />
highly skilled and experienced of it gives me. It really has been<br />
and<br />
life changing!” – Sharon highly<br />
education.<br />
skilled and<br />
Her<br />
experienced<br />
team of<br />
olour Result<br />
practitioners assist her to<br />
highly<br />
practitioners<br />
skilled<br />
assist<br />
and experienced<br />
Colour Result<br />
fulfil the demand for her quality, to<br />
Colour Result<br />
practitioners<br />
fulfil the demand<br />
assist her<br />
quality,<br />
to<br />
hygienically performed<br />
fulfil<br />
hygienically<br />
the demand<br />
performed<br />
for quality,<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattoo procedures.<br />
hygienically<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattoo<br />
performed<br />
procedures.<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattoo procedures.<br />
Throughout the past 31 years, Val has specialised in performing cosmetic tattoo treatments<br />
and training professionals in all aspects of this art. Classes are small with no more than<br />
a, tattoos can three be used students. to camouflage the white scars on face and body. For women after a mastectomy and<br />
a, dical tattoos area, can be used to camouflage the white scars on face and body. For women after a mastectomy and<br />
Since tattoos introducing can be these used beauty to camouflage treatments to the beauty white industry scars on at the face 1985 and <strong>Beauty</strong> body.<br />
a, tattoos can<br />
breast<br />
be used<br />
reduction,<br />
to camouflage<br />
colour is<br />
the<br />
tattooed<br />
white<br />
to<br />
scars<br />
create<br />
on<br />
an<br />
face<br />
areola<br />
and body.<br />
and nipple.<br />
For women after a mastectomy Trade and<br />
Our r a <strong>Cosmetic</strong> mastectomy Show breast in reduction, Sydney, and breast performing colour reduction, is tattooed thousands to colour create of treatments is an tattooed areola and and to nipple. training create hundreds an areola of practitioners and nipple.<br />
breast<br />
Tattoo<br />
reduction,<br />
treatments<br />
colour<br />
are<br />
is<br />
available<br />
tattooed<br />
in<br />
to<br />
Sydney,<br />
create an<br />
Melbourne,<br />
areola and<br />
Brisbane<br />
nipple.<br />
and Perth.<br />
Our <strong>Cosmetic</strong> with Tattoo great treatments success, Val arehas available gained respect Sydney, throughout Melbourne, the Brisbane beauty and and Perth. medical industry for<br />
Our <strong>Cosmetic</strong> Tattoo treatments are available in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.<br />
Y OF IMAGE her work. AND This COSMETIC is the reason so CORRECTIVE many professionals TATTOO have chosen to learn the art of cosmetic<br />
MY OF IMAGE tattoo at AND Val’s Academy, COSMETIC knowing CORRECTIVE her training techniques TATTOO are unique, up to date and aimed at the highest level of competency.<br />
MY AL<br />
NAL<br />
IMAGE Val also AND IN THE<br />
imports IN THE<br />
and ART distributes OF COSMETIC<br />
quality pigments, TATTOO<br />
TATTOO cosmetic tattoo machines and all accessories.<br />
NAL d of training TRAINING is accepted IN by THE <strong>Beauty</strong> ART and OF <strong>Cosmetic</strong> COSMETIC Tattoo Associations TATTOOin<br />
rd USA. of training Her expertise<br />
Val accepted has<br />
as<br />
gained<br />
a presenter by vast <strong>Beauty</strong> experience<br />
and and educator <strong>Cosmetic</strong> from<br />
is Tattoo treating<br />
sought Associations after<br />
thousands<br />
from around in of clients, with ages ranging from 12 to 93, all with different skin types<br />
rd USA. continually<br />
of training Her expertise and keeps accepted colourings. abreast as a by presenter and<br />
<strong>Beauty</strong> She up has to and and<br />
date travelled educator <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
with information extensively is Tattoo sought Associations after for throughout the from profession. around inthe world to further her knowledge, attending conferences and<br />
e USA. continually Her expertise training keeps abreast as in the a presenter US, and France, up and to date educator Netherlands, with information is sought Germany, after for the from Italy, profession. around Austria, Switzerland, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. She also<br />
e programs continually in<br />
g programs in lectures, keeps all aspects abreast of<br />
all aspects teaches and <strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
of <strong>Cosmetic</strong> and up to Tattoo.<br />
attends date with Individual<br />
Tattoo. two information Tuition,<br />
Individual conferences for<br />
Tuition, each the profession. year in the USA.<br />
g<br />
ributor<br />
programs<br />
of quality<br />
in all<br />
Machines<br />
aspects of<br />
&<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong><br />
Pigments.<br />
Tattoo. Individual Tuition,<br />
tributor of quality Val Glover-Hovan’s Machines & Pigments. name is known and recognised around the world by fellow cosmetic tattooists, beauticians, cosmetic and<br />
tributor G of quality BROWS, Machines & Pigments.<br />
plastic surgeons,<br />
doctors<br />
and laser specialists. She is respected as a leader in cosmetic tattoo.<br />
GINING<br />
AINING G<br />
BROWS,<br />
and PETITE BLUSH, her cosmetic BODY EYESHADOW, TATTOOS artistry empowers DESIGNER women with a new career path.<br />
AINING<br />
BREAST<br />
OOING<br />
Treatments RECOLOURING,<br />
WRINKLE Brisbane,<br />
BREAST<br />
PLUMPING Gold Coast, Melbourne and Perth<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong> RECOLOURING, Tattoo SCAR Australia RELAXATION ClinicAND WRINKLE PLUMPING<br />
696 Pittwater Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100<br />
ion – Sydney, Brisbane,<br />
CONSULTATIONS Gold Coast, Melbourne<br />
ARE FREE<br />
ARE FREE and Perth<br />
INFORMATION ustralia Tel Clinic 02<br />
9938 2111 CONSULTATIONS<br />
THE<br />
Fax<br />
02 9938<br />
STAFF<br />
5988 ARE FREE<br />
SUITE<br />
d, Brookvale, Email CONTACT<br />
12, 2ND<br /> Web<br />
Like on Facebook Like on Twitter<br />
SUITE NSW 12, 2100 THE<br />
FLOOR,<br />
22 DARLEY<br />
STAFF<br />
ROAD,<br />
MANLY<br />
TATTOO<br />
NSW 2095<br />
77 6655 FAX 02 2ND FLOOR, 22 DARLEY ROAD, MANLY NSW 2095<br />
77 F: 6655 (02) FAX 9938 SUITE<br />
9977<br />
02 9977 5988 12,<br />
0666<br />
2ND<br />
EMAIL<br />
0666 FLOOR,<br /><br />
NSW<br /><br />
2095<br />
77 6655 FAX 02 9977 0666 EMAIL WEBSITE
eauty & spa<br />
THE SPA<br />
After the hot chocolates and lazy couch days that<br />
pretty much sum up winter (or is that just me?),<br />
most us need a little helping hand to kickstart a<br />
rocking springtime bod.<br />
They say there’s no such thing as a quick fi x but I<br />
think I’ve found it. If you want to ditch the baggy jumpers<br />
and slink into your favourite party dress – but you’ve<br />
conveniently forgotten the healthy eating and exercise<br />
part of the deal – the International Body Wrap may be<br />
just the ticket.<br />
This relaxing spa treatment is essentially a body<br />
detox wrap. It hydrates and slims your body (yes, you<br />
read that right), eliminating toxins and revealing radiant<br />
glowing skin. It’s ideal as a one-off treatment to fi t into<br />
that special occasion dress or as a course to gain<br />
optimum results. The beauty of this treatment is that if<br />
you don’t lose a minimum of 15cm off your total body<br />
circumference, it’s free!<br />
Nicole’s <strong>Beauty</strong>, Double Bay<br /><br />
02 9327 7728<br />
The International Body Wrap involves wrapping your body<br />
from head to toe (a bit like an Egyptian Mummy) with<br />
special contour bandages which have been soaked in an<br />
all-natural dead sea clay solution. This solution acts like<br />
a giant poultice and draws out toxins and impurities from<br />
your body while cleansing your skin and leaving it feeling<br />
softer, smoother and more toned.<br />
The clay leaves the skin tissue compressed and<br />
the soft fatty tissues compacted, which results in the<br />
measurable centimetre reduction. In this hydrated form,<br />
each clay particle expands, enabling it to pick up many<br />
times its own weight in various body toxins. Clay has<br />
amazing detoxifying properties; it’s a magnet for many<br />
toxic elements present in the body such as free radicals.<br />
After an hour the wraps are removed to reveal skin that<br />
is more toned with an overall improved appearance. Your<br />
body ends up smaller and trimmer without any weight<br />
loss. Importantly, the centimetres lost are not a result of<br />
water loss and therefore results should last around 30<br />
days – and up to 12 months if you have a healthy lifestyle<br />
and don’t put on any weight. The loss of centimetres<br />
isn’t the only star of the show – the wrap improves your<br />
circulation and helps to put a real spring back into your<br />
step. csbm<br />
Nicole’s <strong>Beauty</strong> Salon offers only the very best treatments available,<br />
including the International Body Wrap which improves the appearance<br />
of cellulite, stretch marks and scar tissue and is guaranteed to take 15<br />
centimetres off your entire body size - or your money back!<br />
With highly trained aestheticians and stunning surroundings, any<br />
treatment you have at Nicole’s <strong>Beauty</strong> Salon will be a luxurious<br />
experience you’ll long for time and time again.<br />
02 9327 7728<br />
mobile 0410 627 767<br /><br />
Shop 8, 401 - 407 New South Head Rd,<br />
Double Bay NSW 2028<br />
eauty & spa<br />
bliss<br />
eauty & spa<br />
Whether it’s an<br />
uplifting and<br />
zesty morning<br />
shower gel<br />
or a calming<br />
aromatherapy<br />
bath before bed,<br />
lather up with<br />
our fave bath and<br />
shower gels.<br />
1.<br />
It can be a mammoth challenge on a chilly morning to resist<br />
the urge to stay under the covers. Put some zing in your<br />
daily routine by hitting the shower armed with products to<br />
invigorate and give you a much-needed energy hit (that’s better<br />
than your morning coffee!).<br />
Your senses influence how you receive and respond to things<br />
day to day – your sense of smell being the biggest culprit. A<br />
creamy body wash with a nostalgic scent such as lavender or<br />
honey can send you into a deeply relaxed state, a fresh citrus<br />
scent paired with a foamy texture invigorates the senses, while<br />
fruity scents such as mango, strawberry or coconut will trick<br />
you into holiday-mode.<br />
Skin is soft and has enlarged pores post-shower, which<br />
is the best time for skin to be moisturised. The steam from<br />
a warm shower relaxes the surface of the skin and allows<br />
the moisturiser to infiltrate the deeper layers to really boost<br />
hydration levels.<br />
2.<br />
Shower gels<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
Instead of hitting the snooze button, give yourself a hit of<br />
energy by lathering up with a freshly scented shower gel.<br />
Citrus oil is said to have anti-anxiety and anti-depressive<br />
effects in aromatherapy, so a fresh citrus-smelling shower<br />
gel will invigorate the senses to give you that get-upand-go.<br />
Other scents such as mint, lime, peppermint,<br />
eucalyptus, tea tree, grapefruit and orange are zesty and<br />
invigorating scents to liven you up for the day ahead.<br />
The soft textures of body foams and mousses lather<br />
easily and lend themselves to being applied energetically<br />
– great for circulation!<br />
Opt for a wash-off moisturiser if you’re looking for<br />
something that will soothe dry post-winter skin.<br />
1. MOR Bella Donna Hand & Body Wash with Goji Berry<br />
Extract and Coconut Oil, $29.95 for 500ml,<br />
2. Antipodes Nirvana Hand & Body Wash, $32 for<br />
500ml, 3. Sisley Paris Eau de Campagne Gentle Bath &<br />
Shower Gel with Botanical Extracts, $90 for 250ml,<br />
4. Biology No. 303 Moisture Therapy Body Wash, $27<br />
for 375ml, 5. Jurlique Citrus Shower Gel, $29 for 300ml<br /> 93
eauty & spa<br />
Baths are the Holy Grail of relaxation. Indulge in scents such as<br />
lavender, honey, vanilla, rose or jasmine to soothe the senses after a<br />
long day at work. Use a bath oil to indulge in a night of aromatherapy,<br />
or a bubble bath for mid-week decadence.<br />
A soothing bath is a proven mood elevator and relaxation activity<br />
to help prevent muscle injury and aches, and has long been used for<br />
internal healing therapy in Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Japanese<br />
bathhouses. Blended essential oils are defi nitely not a lost art and<br />
are still used to relieve pressure points of tenseness and stress,<br />
even cold and fl u symptoms.<br />
Milk has also been a body beautifi er for centuries, used by kings<br />
and queens to keep them looking as youthful as possible. Bath milk<br />
lightly moisturises the whole body and blankets the skin with nutrients.<br />
1. Thalgo Indoceane Precious Milk Bath with<br />
Eff ervescent Sugars, $41<br />
2. Jurlique Revitalising Blend Essential Oil, $35 for 10ml<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
Body scrubs are a great way to get rid of dry<br />
skin and get the blood circulating around the<br />
body. Sea salt body scrubs prime the skin for<br />
moisturisers by removing dead skin cells and dirt<br />
particles, ensuring that the active components<br />
of the product are deeply penetrated into the<br />
layers of the skin.<br />
No time for a total body scrub session?<br />
Chemical exfoliators contain mild acids that<br />
remove dead skin cells, creating a slight tingling<br />
sensation on application that only lasts a few<br />
minutes. Scents in exfoliating creams are often<br />
activated as they are applied to the skin – which<br />
make for an energising start to a slow winter<br />
morning.<br />
Exfoliation is an important part of rejuvenating<br />
the skin (not to mention imperative for winter<br />
faux-tan prep). Whichever exfoliator you use,<br />
make sure to follow it up with a moisturiser for<br />
skin that is soft and smooth.<br />
2.<br />
1. Sukin Renewing Body Scrub, $12.95<br />
2. Sanctuary Spa Hot Sugar Scrub, $19.95<br />
3. Biology No. 351 Skin Smoothing Buff , $40<br />
4. Thalgo Indoceane Sweet & Savoury Scrub, $91<br />
1.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
eauty & spa<br />
Sinking softly into a warm bubble bath is not just an exercise in<br />
self-indulgence, it can actually enhance your body’s function<br />
and mental health. Often cited as a form of meditation,<br />
taking some ‘me’ time to close your eyes and be soothed<br />
by the scent of a warm bath for half an hour is a powerful<br />
way to realign your thoughts, declutter your mind and quash<br />
negativity. While a clear defi nition of meditation is hard to pin<br />
down, research has shown that daily meditation lessens the<br />
production of the stress hormone cortisol. It also activates<br />
the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for<br />
involuntary functions such as digestion and blood pressure,<br />
often negatively aff ected by stress.<br />
1. Bathefex SoftSole Epsom Salt Foot Bath, $9.99<br />
2. Jurlique Calming Blend Aromatherapy Mist, $35<br />
3. Koko Lemongrass & Sage Candle, $39.95<br />
2.<br />
1.<br />
3.<br /> 95
eauty & spa<br />
THIRST<br />
eauty & spa<br />
1.<br />
Dry skin is winter’s worst side eff ect. A build-up of<br />
dead skin on the surface means moisture sits on the<br />
outside and doesn’t penetrate to the deeper layers.<br />
It’s time for some more heavy duty skincare products<br />
that will protect, calm and soothe skin as well as protect<br />
against the elements – think of it as comfort food for<br />
your face.<br />
Barrier is the word of the day. In healthy skin the epidermis<br />
(top layer) has a seal around the cells to trap the moisture,<br />
known as a barrier function. However, dryness, cold and<br />
sensitising products wreak havoc on this natural function,<br />
so you need products to bolster your skin’s defences. Up<br />
the ante by using or adding a richer cream or oil into your<br />
routine – it will help to nourish and nurture your skin back<br />
to health. Get religious with your eye cream at night and lip<br />
balm during the day.<br />
Blood and lymph fl uid naturally nourish your skin but<br />
in the winter months circulation fl ows less freely because<br />
you’re cold, so you need to compensate by giving your skin<br />
extra protection and nourishment to repair your skin cells<br />
and combat ageing.<br />
Use regenerating day moisturisers and night creams,<br />
massaging the skin in a light circular motion to improve<br />
circulation and keep the skin’s outer layer active and healthy.<br />
Don’t drop sun protection from your routine – maintain at<br />
least an SPF 15 each day with UVA and UVB factors.<br />
2. 3.<br />
4. 5. 6. 7.<br />
1. Medik8 Glow Oil $89 for 30ml, 2. Aspect Hydrating Serum $124 for 30ml, 3. Antipodes<br />
Divine Face Oil, $33 for 30ml, 4. Antipodes Joyous Night Replenish Serum, $59 for 30ml,<br />
5. M.A.C Prep + Prime, Essential Oils, $36, 6. Paula’s Choice Skincare Resist Moisture Renewal<br />
Oil Booster, $50 for 20ml, 7. Sanctuary Spa Therapist’s Secret Facial Oil, $30 for 30ml<br /> 97
Complexion<br />
Dryness is one of the top skin concerns amongst<br />
women. Just as you would layer your outer garments<br />
to keep warm, try layering your your products to<br />
lock moisture into your skin. A hydrating serum used<br />
underneath your moisturiser will penetrate deep into<br />
the skin, helping to nourish the bottom layer of cells so<br />
when they come to the surface they will be hydrated,<br />
plumper and brighter. Multiple applications during the<br />
day, with products high in active ingredients, will ensure<br />
your skin is receiving the extra attention it needs.<br />
It’s also essential to incorporate sunscreen into your<br />
daily skincare all year round (UV rays are still a very real<br />
threat no matter the season). Layer sunscreen under<br />
moisturiser every morning or choose a moisturiser that<br />
contains a broad spectrum SPF. And make sure you<br />
don’t forget your lips - use a lip balm with sunscreen<br />
protection and apply it frequently.<br />
Of course, it’s just as important to hydrate your<br />
body from the inside as it is from the outside. Staying<br />
on top of your 8-glass a day water consumption will<br />
visibly improve the appearance of your skin, making it<br />
less susceptible to dryness and improving its health by<br />
flushing toxins from the body.<br />
1.<br />
8.<br />
2.<br />
9.<br />
5. 6.<br />
10.<br />
3.<br />
11.<br />
14.<br />
7.<br />
13.<br />
4.<br />
12.<br />
10.<br />
perfection<br />
23. 24.<br />
16. 17. 18. 19.<br />
22.<br />
15.<br />
20. 21.<br />
Moisturisers<br />
1. Kerstin Florian Correcting Rescue Crème, $149 for 50ml, 2. Obagi Hydrate Luxe Moisture Rich Cream, $79.95, 3.<br />
Bliss The Youth As We Know It, $89.95 for 50ml, 4. DNA Renewal Restoring Mask, $89 for 60ml, 5. Asap Ultimate<br />
Hydration, $85 for 50ml, 6. Asap Super B Complex, $89 for 30ml, 7. Aspect Gold SMC Super Moisturising Complex $88,<br />
8. Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ Cell Power Crème, $85 for 30ml, 9. Napoleon Perdis Auto Pilot Lip Service,<br />
$28 for 12.5ml, 10. Aspect Hydrating Lip Balm, $16, 11. Mesoestetic Radiance DNA Intensive Cream, $148.50 for<br />
50ml, 12. Mesoestetic Hydra Vital Factor K, $129 for 50ml, 13. Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisture Cream, $95 for 50ml,<br />
14. Clarisonic Mia 2 Facial Sonic Cleansing, $199, 15. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair, Synchronized Recovery<br />
Complex II, $145 for 50ml, 16. Germaine de Cappuccini Timexpert Rides Absolute Nourishment Elixir, $110 for 30ml,<br />
17. Lancôme Advanced Génifique - Youth Activating Concentrate $97 for 30ml, 18. Jurlique Nutri-Define Restorative<br />
Hydrating Emulsion, $150 for 50ml, 19. Avène Cicalfate Repair Cream, $25.95 for 100ml, 20. SkinFaktor DermiaSolution<br />
Hyaluron Complex Plus, $105, 21. Skinstitut Glycolic Scrub 14%, $45 for 200ml, 22. Skinstitut Moisture Defence<br />
Ultra Dry, $45 for 50ml, 23. Stem Organics Hydrating Face Fluid, $46 for 50ml, 24. Sisley Paris Express Flower Gel<br />
Mask, $160 for 60ml, 25. Lancôme Énergie De Vie Nuit, The Smoothing & Plumping Pearly Lotion, $60 for 200ml,<br />
26. Lancôme Énergie De Vie Nuit, The Overnight Recovery Sleeping Mask, $80 for 75ml, 27. Lancôme Visionnaire –<br />
Advanced Multi-Correcting Cream, $139 for 50ml, 28. Sukin Moisture Restoring Night Cream, $19.95 for 120ml,<br />
29. Napoleon Perdis Multi-Hydration Gel Cream, $59 for 50ml, 30. Avon Nutraeffects Ageless Multiaction Cream, $15,<br />
31. MUSQ Face Moisturiser, $52, 32. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair, Powerfoil Mask 4 Pack, $120.<br />
26.<br />
29.<br />
31.<br />
32.<br />
28.<br />
30.<br />
25.<br />
27.<br /> 99
Body beautiful<br />
Moisturising your body with a quality<br />
product will help protect your skin<br />
and lock in the moisture. Very dry<br />
skin is well suited to honey and shea<br />
butter-based body products and<br />
nourishing body oils. But if your skin<br />
is ultra sensitive, choose an all-natural<br />
product without synthetic perfumes to<br />
prevent triggering a reaction.<br />
Everyone’s skin behaves differently<br />
from season to season, so you might<br />
find that you’ll use a moisturiser for<br />
dry skin in winter and a lighter one<br />
in summer.<br />
Scented moisturisers can be a great<br />
substitute for perfume, and chances<br />
are your favourite brand of perfume<br />
has a lotion in the same scent. If<br />
it’s not heavy duty enough for your<br />
skin, mix it with a rich fragrance-free<br />
lotion to keep your skin smooth and<br />
smelling sweet.<br />
Regular exfoliation in the colder<br />
months will prove to be as beneficial<br />
to your skin as keeping it moisturised,<br />
buffing away the dead cells that might<br />
otherwise leave your skin looking dull.<br />
The use of a gentle exfoliator once<br />
or twice a week will simultaneously<br />
eliminate dry and flaky skin, as well<br />
as aid in the absorption of body<br />
moisturiser. Even better, experts<br />
believe the very action of removing<br />
the redundant top layer stimulates the<br />
production of new skin cells further<br />
down in the epidermis. The result?<br />
Brighter, healthier skin.<br />
eauty & spa<br />
1. Garnier Body Ultimate <strong>Beauty</strong> Oil, $11.95<br />
for 150ml, 2. Palmolive Oil Infusions Body<br />
Moisturiser, $9.99 for 400ml, 3. The <strong>Beauty</strong><br />
Chef Hydration – Inner <strong>Beauty</strong> Boost Elixir,<br />
$39.95 for 500ml, 4. The Jojoba Company<br />
Powerful Nautral Moisturiser, $29.95 for 85ml,<br />
5. Thalgo Source Marine – Hydra Marine<br />
24HR Cream, $111.50 for 50ml,<br />
6. Ultraceuticals Ultra Retexturising Body<br />
Complex, $89 for 250ml, 7. Biology No.<br />
303 Body Wash, $27, 8. M.A.C Mineralize –<br />
Charged Water Face and Body Lotion, $55 for<br />
10, 0ml, 9. PCA Skin Body Therapy, $94.60,<br />
10. Bio-Oil Specialist Skincare $14.95 for<br />
60ml, 11. Sukin Ultra Hydrating Body Oil,<br />
$19.95 for 100ml, 12. Sanctuary Spa<br />
2 Day Moisture Shower Oil, $12.99 for 250ml,<br />
13. Thalgo Source Marine – Hydra-Marine<br />
Serum, $118 for 30ml, 14. Stem Organics<br />
Nourishing Body Lotion, $39 for 500ml,<br />
15. Sukin Hydrating Facial Masque,<br />
$15.95 for 100ml.<br />
3.<br />
1.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
2.<br />
6.<br />
7. 8. 9.<br />
14.<br />
15.<br />
10. 11. 12. 13.<br /> 101
EXTRA<br />
beauty & spa<br />
5.<br />
Our hands are often neglected as<br />
recipients of much-needed TLC.<br />
Chapped fi ngertips and cracked knuckles<br />
can cause hands to suff er the most in<br />
the cooler months, so take a moment to<br />
massage a heavy-duty hand cream or<br />
cuticle cream into dry crevices around<br />
the wrists and fi ngers. Exfoliation can also<br />
be a key element to hand care, but make<br />
sure you don’t get too scrub-happy on<br />
raw areas of skin. If your hands are ultra<br />
dry, use an extra layer of hand balm and<br />
wear cotton gloves for a few hours to let<br />
the moisture soak in properly.<br />
And let’s not neglect the feet. After<br />
all, it’s your feet that carry you through<br />
life so it’s important to keep them<br />
happy and looking good. Dry skin is a<br />
common problem which may cause other<br />
symptoms such as itching, redness and<br />
cracked heels. Some people tend to have<br />
naturally dry skin that predisposes them<br />
to cracks, and thickened dry skin around<br />
the heel (that is more likely to crack) is<br />
often due to increased pressure.<br />
The best way to prevent and treat dry<br />
skin is to keep your feet hydrated with<br />
refreshing lotions and moisturisers. Feet<br />
get a rougher deal than the skin on your<br />
body or hands so it’s worth investing in a<br />
specialised product to take care of them.<br />
Some regular exfoliation and buffi ng<br />
will stop the build-up of hard, dry skin.<br />
A range of foot scrubs is available from<br />
the luxurious to the down-to-earth, along<br />
with buffi ng stones and other products.<br />
There’s no better way to treat your<br />
feet after a long day than a soothing foot<br />
soak. Throw in some Epsom salt or your<br />
favourite aromatherapy oils and soak for<br />
10 to 15 minutes. csbm<br />
CARE<br />
& FEET<br />
beauty & spa<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.<br />
1. Antipodes Joyous Hand & Body Cream, $34 for 120ml, 2. Antipodes Saviour Skin Balm, $48,<br />
3. Mesoestetic Radiance DNA Hand Cream, $69.50 for 75ml, 4. Jurlique Rose Hand Cream Handpicked<br />
2016 (Limited Edition), $69 for 150ml, 5. Avène Cicalfate Hands Repairing Barrier Cream, $27.95,<br />
6. Thalgo Cold Cream Marine, Deeply Nourishing Foot Cream, $35 for 75ml, 7. Thalgo Cold Cream Marine,<br />
Deeply Nourishing Hand Cream, $29 for 50ml, 8. Palmolive Oil Infusions Liquid Hand Wash, $7.99 for 500ml<br /> 103
eauty & spa<br />
Reignite<br />
beauty<br />
Glow<br />
your<br />
Say goodbye to<br />
that dull, wintery<br />
complexion and say<br />
hello to a healthy,<br />
natural-looking<br />
glow! here’s<br />
how to become a<br />
beacon of light, all<br />
year round.<br />
Self-tanning<br />
We all know how harmful the sun’s rays can be, so why<br />
not bluff your way to being a bronze goddess? There’s<br />
nothing like a faux tan to make legs look longer, leaner,<br />
shapelier and detract attention from lumps, bumps, veins<br />
and other perceived imperfections.<br />
In the past few years, fake tans have come a long<br />
way so there’s less chance of turning out the colour of<br />
a carrot. The first rule of a flawless fake tan is exfoliation.<br />
The night before your tan, use a body scrub or exfoliating<br />
lather to remove any dry, flaky skin. This will ensure that<br />
your tan is applied to a smooth, even canvas, resulting in<br />
a consistent, natural-looking glow.<br />
Before applying fake tan, slip on latex gloves or a<br />
tanning mitt; orange palms are an obvious fake-tan<br />
giveaway. It’s also important the gloves fit tightly, as loose<br />
gloves may leave streaks when applying tan to skin.<br />
Wait at least 15 minutes for the fake tan to dry before<br />
putting clothes on. Most tans take between two to eight<br />
hours to develop, so try to stay dry – don’t shower, swim<br />
or work out – before then.<br />
And remember: by keeping your skin hydrated with a<br />
quality moisturiser everyday, your skin will be less likely to<br />
peel and the precious pigment will be sealed in for as long<br />
as possible.<br /> 105
the perfect home tan<br />
1.<br />
1. DE-FUZZ<br />
It rather defeats the purpose of self-tanning if you’re<br />
sporting stray hairs or stubble on your legs. Shaving<br />
remains Australian women’s most popular choice of hair<br />
removal, but using your man’s razor is really not ideal<br />
(health concerns for both parties aside!). Shaving is<br />
known for stripping skin of essential moisture, leaving it<br />
dry, dull and irritated. Even when applying a moisturising<br />
shave gel or lotion after shaving, skin stress can take<br />
place during the actual shave, making it more likely to<br />
see patchy results as the self-tan starts to develop.<br />
Choosing a razor that is specifi cally designed for<br />
women’s needs will help achieve a closer shave and<br />
avoid patchy results.<br />
Deeply hydrate the layers of your skin in preparation<br />
for exfoliation. This is best achieved with oil, massaged<br />
vigorously into your legs (or, indeed, wherever your skin<br />
needs buffi ng).<br />
3.<br />
2.<br />
3. EXFOLIATE<br />
Since self-tanners react with the upper layers of your<br />
skin, if certain areas have thicker skin than others, your<br />
colour will be more concentrated there. In other words,<br />
you’ll be splotchy. Give scalier areas, like your knees and<br />
feet, extra attention. There are many excellent exfoliating<br />
mitts designed specifi cally for use before applying a selftan,<br />
as well as dozens of body scrubs to suit all skin<br />
types and budgets.<br />
4.<br />
A thin coating of moisturiser smooths the surface of<br />
your legs and helps prevent streaks. It dilutes the selftanner<br />
a bit – but what you lose in intensity you make up<br />
for in uniformity.<br />
eauty feature & spa<br />
The directions on the self-tan pack might tell you to start<br />
from your feet and work up – but don’t. Think about<br />
where the sun hits – start off in the middle of your thighs<br />
and the middle of your calves and blend out. Your feet<br />
and knees should get only whatever is left over. Also,<br />
do the job standing up – when your knees are bent, you<br />
might apply too much to the stretched skin.<br />
After the product has dried, try another light<br />
application of moisturiser to milk your tan to the max for<br />
long-lasting bronze.<br />
TRY<br />
1. San Tropez Gradual Tan In Shower Lotion,<br />
$39.95 for 200ml, 2. San Tropez Gradual Tan<br />
Tinted, $33.99 for 200ml, 3. Sunescape Instant Self<br />
Tan Mousse (Month in Maui), $39.95 for 180ml, 4.<br />
ModelCo One Hour Tan Mousse, $20 for 200ml, 5.<br />
J Bronze Medium Tanning Mousse, $39.95 for 150ml,<br />
6. Sisley Paris Self Tanning Hydrating Body Skin<br />
Care, $140 for 150ml, 7. Sukin Sunless Bronzing Gel,<br />
$17.95 for 200ml<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
After your self-tanner has done its work, blend a slightly<br />
iridescent lotion or oil over the front and back of your<br />
thighs, along your shins and down to your feet, for<br />
extra special eff ects. The strategically placed shine has<br />
a slimming eff ect and also gives your skin a beautiful,<br />
healthy glow.<br />
TRY<br />
Cocoa Brown by<br />
Marissa Carter<br />
Golden Goddess<br />
Shimmering Dry<br />
Body Oil, $24.95<br />
for 50ml<br /> 107
eauty & spa<br />
Bronzers are like sunshine in a jar. A subtle golden<br />
glow in the cooler months can add a touch of<br />
radiance and highlight your own beauty.<br />
A strategic and gentle application will create soft<br />
diffused warmth. Try using a metallic bronze as a<br />
soft liner under your lower lash line. You can also<br />
lightly sweep a dusting of shimmery shadow on<br />
upper lids – but try not to go above the crease line<br />
with highly metallic shades.<br />
One of our most favourite looks is softly<br />
highlighted cheeks. Dust on a powder bronzer<br />
with a fan brush first, then go over it with either a<br />
shimmery cream blush or another powder blush in<br />
a bright shade.<br />
It’s fine to mix textures – creams can work in<br />
tandem with powders if the application is light.<br />
Dab a bit of shimmer on the top of your cheeks to<br />
instantly brighten and illuminate your face.<br />
Be sure to choose just one feature to accentuate<br />
so your shimmer stays subtle and undetected. It’s<br />
all about slowly building layers of colour, so avoid<br />
heavy application of metallic shadows!<br />
A nifty highlighter is perfect to combat dull or<br />
dehydrated skin (especially after work). Dab small<br />
amounts on top of your cheekbone – from the apple<br />
of the cheek and up through to the hairline. This<br />
makes skin look hydrated while the diffused light<br />
decreases the look of fine lines. Also use small<br />
amounts on the inner corner of the eye to add<br />
freshness and under brow bone to lift the eye.<br />
Accentuate your cheekbones by applying a<br />
bronzer under them, to create a more sculpted look.<br />
Bronze all over in all the spots the sun would<br />
touch (if we’d let it!). Do it in a number 33 pattern –<br />
forehead then under cheekbones then down to the<br />
jaw line and finally under the chin for sculpting.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
beauty & spa<br />
1.<br />
TRY<br />
6. 7.<br />
5.<br />
10.<br />
8. 9.<br />
11. 12.<br />
1. Asap Pure Mineral Bronzer, $40,<br />
2. Charlotte Tilbury Beach Stick in<br />
Ibiza, $55, 3. Colorescience<br />
Pressed Mineral Bronzer, $49,<br />
4. Sisley Paris Phyto-Touche<br />
Illuminator, $120, 5. Designer Brands<br />
Instant Face Bronzer, $12.99,<br />
6. Designer Brands Contour Kit,<br />
$11.99, 7. Estee Lauder Revitalizing<br />
Supreme + Global Anti Ageing Wake<br />
Up Balm, $98 for 30ml, 8. Designer<br />
Brands Hi-Lights Bronzing Illuminator<br />
(in Bronzing and Starlight), $9.99, 9.<br />
Givenchy Prisme Visage Compact<br />
$78, 10. Napoleon Perdis Matte<br />
Bronze, $60, 11. Gilded Cage<br />
Revelation Eye Shadow (in metallic<br />
gold), $38, 12. L’Oreal Infallible<br />
Sculpt Palette, $29.95, 13. SCOUT<br />
<strong>Cosmetic</strong>s Mineral Illuminate, $44.95<br />
14. Physicians Formula Bronze<br />
Booster, $29.95<br />
14.<br />
Fancy getting your<br />
glow on from the inside<br />
out? Try The <strong>Beauty</strong><br />
Chef GLOW Inner<br />
<strong>Beauty</strong> Powder, $59.95,<br />
packed with superfoods<br />
and prebiotics to<br />
nourish skin.<br />
13.<br />
Hardware<br />
Artiste by Manicare Professional – A01 Mega Powder/<br />
Bronzer Brush, $39.95<br />
Manicare Bronzing Brush, $19.95<br /> 109
eauty & spa<br />
HAIR<br />
= SUPER<br />
feature<br />
Hair extensions are, very possibly, the greatest accessory you will ever<br />
wear. Whether you have short hair that you want longer, wispy fi ne hair<br />
you want thicker, or you just want to go from drab to absolutely fab,<br />
professional hair extensions do not disappoint.<br />
Hair extensions allow you to have long, thick, lust-worthy hair in a matter<br />
of hours. In the right hands, they are virtually undetectable, can be worn up or<br />
down and can last months on end, even up to a year. But, like most things in<br />
life, it’s worthwhile to invest in the best.<br />
For seamless results and the best quality human hair on the market, Joseph<br />
Mourad, from his eponymous salon in Double Bay, Sydney, has long been the<br />
go-to guy. In addition to being the consummate hair professional, he’s widely<br />
sought after for the particular method he employs for applying hair extensions:<br />
the ultrasonic cold fusion technique (more on that later).<br />
Indeed, his hair extension methods are highly coveted the world over – with<br />
celebrity clientele including entertainer Mel B and Grammy award-winning<br />
recording artist Mya.<br />
‘Hair extensions are about giving people beautiful and strong hair,’ says<br />
Mourad. ‘Extensions provide volume, length and manageability – and make<br />
getting ready for a night out or special occasion so much easier. It’s also<br />
surprisingly aff ordable.’<br />
Mourad prides himself on using only the highest quality human hair<br />
extensions. He is skilled in all hair extension techniques but his preferred<br />
method is the innovative ultrasonic cold fusion technique.<br />
The cold fusion method uses ultrasound technology to attach the hair<br />
extension to the client’s natural roots. The result is natural-looking hair<br />
extensions that are virtually non-detectable.<br />
The ultrasonic cold fusion technique allows for multi-strand bonding, making<br />
the whole process effi cient and, importantly. Bonding clinical keratin with<br />
keratin found in the hair shaft, the extensions are attached to the natural hair<br />
very close to each other so there are no telltale signs.<br />
‘The technology is so advanced and the bonding so seamless,’ says<br />
Mourad. ‘It achieves impeccable results and the extensions can be completely<br />
undetectable to the eye. And, because there is no use of heat, glue or clips to<br />
bond the extensions, the client’s natural hair is not compromised or damaged.’<br />
When applying the extensions, emphasis is placed on properly blending<br />
colour and thickness with the natural hair. Attached strand by strand, the<br />
extensions can be attached to long, short, straight or wavy hair as long as the<br />
natural length is more than 2cm.<br />
Each strand has about 20 hairs in it and a full head can take from 100 to<br />
300 strands, depending on the required thickness. In just a few hours, hair is<br />
transformed from short, thin strands to thick, long locks. ‘The latest advances<br />
provide long and voluminous hair without the need to wait for natural hair to<br />
grow out,’ says Mourad. ‘It can completely transform your look.’<br />
Extensions can last anywhere between six and 12 months. Once attached,<br />
the extensions can be treated as normal. ‘Care for your extensions the way<br />
you would your natural hair,’ Mourad advises. ‘It’s important to be particularly<br />
careful when combing and blow-drying your hair. However, hair extensions<br />
can be cut and coloured just like your natural hair.’<br />
When applied by a hair extension specialist, you can enjoy a full head of<br />
fl owing, thicker hair – and look forward to a good hair day, every day. csbm<br />
BEHIND<br />
Sydney hair extension specialist<br />
Joseph Mourad with Mya (top) and Mel B<br />
s_bukley /<br />
Featureflash /<br />
PH 02 9328 2277<br /> 111
feature<br />
World’s<br />
weirdest<br />
spa treatments<br />
feature<br />
From bathing in<br />
beer to breast<br />
milk facials, we<br />
take a look at some<br />
of the world’s<br />
most bizarre spa<br />
treatments – and<br />
whether they<br />
actually work!<br />
While most spas pamper with the standard facial<br />
and massage, others are pushing the boundaries<br />
and offering some avant-garde treatments in the<br />
pursuit of beauty. Today there are just about as many spa<br />
treatments as there are stars in the sky. Many are fabulous,<br />
but some are just plain wacky.<br />
We go down the road less travelled and take a look at<br />
the endless weird and wonderful spa treatments to try (or<br />
avoid) at your next spa visit.<br />
Gold facials<br />
Cleopatra is rumoured to have covered her face in a<br />
pure gold mask in hopes of maintaining her youthful<br />
appearance. It turns out she wasn’t alone in thinking the<br />
precious metal contained anti-ageing properties. The<br />
gilded stuff has long been a symbol of luxury and wealth,<br />
but lately beauty brands have embraced its anti-ageing,<br />
pro-radiance powers.<br />
A gold facial is a therapy involving the application of a<br />
sheet of 24-karat gold leaf to the face. Said to have been<br />
an age-old Ayurvedic skin treatment, advocates of this<br />
treatment claim improved skin elasticity, relaxed wrinkles,<br />
blemish and scar lightening, and a youthful glow.<br />
Gold facials are touted as the ultimate in luxurious skin<br />
treatments, with modern techniques such as nano-misting<br />
and healing light therapy added to boost the absorption of<br />
beneficial minerals.<br />
Some skin experts say the post-facial glow is most<br />
probably due to the moisturising, massage or exfoliation<br />
that comes with the gold facial. But modern-day celebs<br />
like Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, and Bar Rafaeli have<br />
all tried solid gold facials and, if it’s good enough for a<br />
supermodel, it’s good enough for us!<br /> 113
feature<br />
Beer spa<br />
Do you love beer so much you could bathe in it?<br />
At Chodovar Brewery, Hotel and Spa in Czech<br />
Republic, you can take a relaxing soak in a tub full of<br />
hops, herbs, active beer yeasts and plenty of foam.<br />
Kept at a steady 37 degrees Celsius and continuously<br />
bubbling to ‘promote dissolution of ingredients’, it is<br />
said to release vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins.<br />
These “real beer baths” are warm, encouraging<br />
circulation and opening pores, while the hops act as a<br />
peel and the yeasts add vitamin B.<br />
The treatment is sold as a chance to treat your<br />
body ‘from the inside and outside’ and leave you<br />
invigorated at the end.<br />
‘It is a very old and unique spa therapy, where<br />
only natural materials are used,’ the company<br />
says. The beer served in the Beer Spa is produced<br />
using a traditional technique from the best variety<br />
of Czech hops. According to the spa, the benefits<br />
of bathing in beer have been proven since the<br />
Middle Ages.<br />
The beer baths fit couples or singles and if the<br />
experience wasn’t beer-soaked enough by the end,<br />
each visitor gets a bottle of Beer Bernard as a parting<br />
souvenir. But be warned: for the full benefit of the beer<br />
spa, you won’t be able to shower for 12 hours after<br />
your visit.<br />
Breast milk<br />
facial<br />
Breast milk beauty treatments are being offered at a spa called<br />
Mud in Chicago, which sources breast milk from a local milk bank<br />
to enhance skin texture.<br />
Approximately 60 to 80 percent of all protein in human milk<br />
is whey protein. These proteins have great infection-busting<br />
properties. The antibodies in breast milk can help heal minor<br />
illnesses and injuries, such as pink eye or an ear infection, and<br />
it can also soothe sore nipples. Breast milk has great infectionbusting<br />
properties, being so high in antibodies and whey protein.<br />
It’s also resplendent in a type of fat called lauric acid – also a<br />
component of coconut oil, which has been shown in studies to<br />
help improve acne.<br />
Given all that magical power, it only makes sense that someone<br />
would want to incorporate it into your next spa experience.<br />
The breast milk is mixed with a white clay packed with vitamin<br />
E to create a mask which is then applied to the face for around<br />
30 minutes. The end result? Skin is said to feel hydrated, smooth<br />
and rejuvenated.<br />
As for where this milk comes from, Mud purchases it from<br />
gracious mothers who stick to an all-organic diet.<br />
feature<br />
Diamond facials<br />
have amazing<br />
exfoliation<br />
effects, not to<br />
mention the<br />
“wow” factor<br />
Diamond<br />
treatments<br />
We all know that diamonds are a girl’s best friend,<br />
but did you know that a diamond can do more<br />
than sparkle on a ring? A diamond facial is a peel<br />
treatment that is claimed to be one of the latest<br />
breakthroughs in skin beautification, stimulating<br />
cells below the surface to provide radiant, softer<br />
skin with fewer lines and wrinkles.<br />
Diamonds are widely used as exfoliating agents,<br />
offering a longer exfoliation effect to the skin in<br />
comparison to some other ingredients. Delivering<br />
amazing exfoliation effects to the skin, diamond<br />
facial removes dead cells resulting in a youthful<br />
radiance and glow to the skin.<br />
Diamond facials are also touted as age-busters.<br />
Diamonds help to remove toxins, which in turn<br />
purifies the skin and helps in oxygenation. Activating<br />
the dormant skin cells, it boosts the metabolic<br />
functions of the skin and promotes regeneration<br />
of cellular life. So, in this process it can control the<br />
effects of age on the skin.<br />
As well as smoother, more even skin, the ‘wow’<br />
factor of having a diamond treatment is certainly a<br />
big drawcard!<br /> 115
e<br />
F<br />
beauty & spa<br />
o<br />
ditor’s<br />
av ur<br />
tes<br />
BeneFit Hervana Blush,<br />
$51. A blissful swirl of four<br />
complementary shades lifts<br />
your look to cloud nine!<br />
M.A.C #133 Small Cheek<br />
Brush, $70. This ultra-soft<br />
brush is a must for applying<br />
blush, highlighter and bronzer.<br />
YSL Le Cushion<br />
Compact in #50, $88.<br />
We are in love. YSL<br />
has delivered with this<br />
masterful foundation<br />
innovation.<br />
i<br />
Our Bella beauties have<br />
taken their pick. Get your<br />
list ready, because these<br />
are the kind of beauty<br />
products you’ll want to<br />
add to your routine ASAP!<br />
MOR Emporium<br />
Classics Belladonna<br />
Hand and Body Lotion,<br />
$29.95. Enriched with<br />
Goji Berry Extract<br />
and Coconut Oil, this<br />
softens and leaves skin<br />
delicate and scented.<br />
Estee Lauder<br />
Sumptuous Bold<br />
Lifting Mascara, $48.<br />
This mascara delivers<br />
daringly full, sensuously<br />
curved, all-out seductive<br />
lashes.<br />
BeneFit They’re Real<br />
Mascara, $42. This<br />
longwearing formula<br />
won’t smudge or dry<br />
out. It lengthens, curls,<br />
volumizes, lifts and<br />
separates for an out-ofhere<br />
look.<br />
Von Blair <strong>Beauty</strong> Lipgloss in Black Cherry, $19.68. Straight<br />
from New York we just can’t get enough of this sultry colour,<br />
perfect for a winter vamp!<br />
Von Blair <strong>Beauty</strong> Matte Liquid Lipstick in Phoenix, $31.51. A<br />
bold to-die-for shade, this creamy formula glides over the lips<br />
like a gloss and sets to a true matte finish. Yes, please!<br />
Sisley So Intense eyeliner, $78. A felt-tip eyeliner that delivers<br />
an intense black line for an instantly beautified look.<br />
Sisley Phyto Kohl Perfect eyeliner in Navy, $65. Enriched with<br />
oil and waxes, this eye pencil has a firm and ultra-smooth tip<br />
that leaves a perfectly accurate line.<br />
M.A.C Face and Body Foundation, $49. This<br />
lightweight foundationprovides a natural satin finish.<br />
Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation, $92.<br />
We’re a big fan of this lightweight liquid foundation<br />
that achieves a radiant silky finish.<br />
Colorescience Sunforgettable Brush $79.20.<br />
This self-dispensing powder-meets-sunscreen<br />
makes sun protection application simple throughout<br />
the day, while also delivering flawless coverage.<br />
Elie Saab Rose<br />
Couture EDT, $107<br />
for 50ml. Experience<br />
a whirlwind of white<br />
flowers and rose petals<br />
with this delicate and<br />
addictive fragrance.<br />
Rimmel Glam Eyes Professional Liquid Eyeliner Black,<br />
$11.95. For the ultimate cat eye with minimum effort.<br />
Max Factor Excess Volume Extreme Impact Mascara,<br />
$26.95. Extreme volume meets intense dark lacquer<br />
for large luscious lashes!<br />
Jo Malone English Pear and Fressia Cologne, $195<br />
for 100ml. Luscious and golden, this sensuous<br />
freshness is quintessentially English – with just-ripe<br />
pears and freesia charms.<br />
Balenciaga Florabotanica, $125 for<br />
50ml. Inspired by Balenciagea’s floral<br />
collection, it features a dark wood base<br />
with notes of rose and carnation for an<br />
enchanting and inviting scent.<br /> 117
eauty & spa<br />
Dr Spiller Celltresor Ultimate Peptide Serum, $297.<br />
Enhances collagen and elastin within the connective<br />
tissue for skin restructuring and fi rmer facial contours.<br />
Dr Spiller Celltresor Intense Rebuilding Cream, $397.<br />
Supports the skin’s natural regeneration by acting on the<br />
cellular level to visibly improve skin volume and hydration.<br />
Mesoestetic Energy C Peel-Off Mask,<br />
$69.50 for 6 x 5ml. This is a new dualsolution<br />
detoxifying and anti-ageing mask,<br />
eliminating impurities and dead cells for<br />
fresher, more luminous skin.<br />
Mesoestetic Stem Cell Body Serum,<br />
$120. An amazing rejuvenating body<br />
treatment with a tightening and fi rming<br />
eff ect. Say goodbye to sagging skin!<br />
Go-To Pink<br />
Nudey Lips! $17.<br />
Boasting all of<br />
the conditioning,<br />
hydrating and<br />
restorative powers<br />
you could ever hope<br />
for, this fl attering<br />
pink-nude tint has<br />
SPF 15 and is our<br />
everyday staple.<br />
Obagi Nu-Derm Gentle Cleanser $49.95. One of our ultimate<br />
favourite cleansers, this is a lightweight gel that helps eliminate dirt<br />
and oil, leaving skin clean and comfortable. Obagi 360 Retinol 0.5<br />
$74.95. Part of the new Obagi360 System, this gentle encapsulated<br />
retinol is the ultimate anti-ageing, skin-smoothing weapon. Obagi<br />
360 Exfoliating Cleanser, $49.95. This cleanser polishes skin and<br />
cleans out the pores, revealing a healthy, clear complexion.<br />
SkinCeuticals<br />
Hydrating B5 Gel, $129.<br />
Enriched with vitamin<br />
B5, this replenishes the<br />
skin to feel smooth and<br />
appear younger.<br />
Mesoestetic<br />
Collagen 360-degree<br />
Essence, $129. Get<br />
that amazing velvety<br />
smooth feeling with this<br />
lightweight serum that<br />
improves skin elasticity<br />
and smoothes the<br />
appearance of fi ne lines<br />
and wrinkles.<br />
Sisley Paris Crème pour le Cou Neck Cream,<br />
$200. This wonder cream combats the loss of<br />
fi rmness in the neck area by fi ghting the visible<br />
signs of ageing.<br />
Antipodes Manuka Honey Skin Brightening<br />
Eye Cream, $54.95. This luxury formulation<br />
introduces Persian silk fl ower blended with<br />
revolutionary Vinanza grape seed and kiwi skin<br />
to brighten delicate skin around the eyes.<br />
Active cosmeceuticals • 100% Australian made and owned • Free from any questionable ingredients<br />