8 September 2016
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Thursday <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
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R5 2871 Port Alfred - (046) 624 4356 or (046) 624 2293 - E-mail advertising: hansteina@timesmedia.co.za or editorial: houzetj@timesmedia.co.za<br />
Wheelchair races<br />
Disabled patients<br />
celebrate Casual<br />
Day the fun way<br />
Need for speed<br />
ISABILITY was the last thing on<br />
anyone's mind as wheelchairs raced<br />
pell-mell around the netball courts at<br />
Dthe Titi Jonas multipurpose centre on<br />
Casual Day last Friday.<br />
A total of 15 patients came from Alexandria,<br />
Marselle and Kenton-on-Sea and seven patients<br />
from Bathurst. Friends and family were also there<br />
to support them.<br />
“Four wheelchair races and no accidents ...<br />
except for one plaster,” said ambulance driver<br />
Karin Romans who was on standby.<br />
The rain did not impede the speed, and TotT<br />
watched Mongezi Shweleni winning the third heat<br />
with Thembalethu Malethu pushing his wheelchair.<br />
In contrast to the wheelchairs whizzing around<br />
the makeshift track, spectators drifted slowly but<br />
surely onto the indoor basketball court to watch<br />
the prize-giving.<br />
Student volunteers from Stenden South Africa<br />
handed out soft drinks and iced cupcakes as<br />
people watched a film on autism.<br />
Then, occupational therapist Amy Diedericks<br />
gave a demonstration of a patient with Parkinson’s<br />
who filled in a form with a trembling hand.<br />
Audiologist Jodie Africa also gave a<br />
demonstration on hearing disabilities while<br />
Mzukisi Phahlwa translated.<br />
The event was sponsored by Pick n Pay and<br />
Twizza who sent representative Liesl Hulett to<br />
attend the event. New Ndlambe mayor Phindile<br />
Faxi was a guest of honour.<br />
Organiser and occupational therapist Teri-Lee<br />
Baartman sent out a big thank-you to her team,<br />
including Diedericks and audiologist Africa, for<br />
helping her organise the event.<br />
Aside from promoting the event with posters and<br />
a radio announcement, they contacted patients<br />
directly who came from the Port Alfred Hospital's<br />
outpatient department and seven mobile clinics.<br />
Baartman also thanked the municipality for<br />
preparing the grounds for the influx of people and<br />
transporting the 22 patients to the event in<br />
N e m at o .<br />
“Also thank you to the hospital for providing the<br />
wheelchairs,” she said.<br />
ON A ROLL: Coming first in one of the wheelchair races during the Casual Day celebrations at the Titi Jonas multipurpose centre last week, was Mongezi<br />
Shweleni (with Thembalethu Malethu pushing his wheelchair). Occupational therapist Amy Diedericks cheered them on Picture: LOUISE KNOWLES<br />
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Double Cheese Burger<br />
2 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
Crime stats show increase<br />
POLICE Minister Nathi<br />
Nhleko released the<br />
crime statistics for<br />
2015/16 last Friday, and<br />
the general consensus<br />
among analysts is that<br />
crime is escalating at a<br />
pace all around the<br />
countr y.<br />
For example, murder<br />
is up by 4.9% in<br />
comparison to the<br />
2014/2015 statistics,<br />
translating to an<br />
average of 52 murders<br />
occurring in South<br />
Africa every day. With a<br />
daily average of 363<br />
incidents of aggravated<br />
robbery, and 57 houses<br />
being broken into,<br />
together with 57<br />
car-jackings, South<br />
Africa seems to be in<br />
the grip of an<br />
escalating crime spree.<br />
Crime stats are taken<br />
from June to May the<br />
next year.<br />
On the local front, of<br />
the five stations<br />
reporting crime – those<br />
being Alexandria,<br />
B at h u r st ,<br />
Kenton-on-Sea, Port<br />
Alfred and Seafield –<br />
Alexandria has the<br />
highest crime rates in<br />
almost every category.<br />
The murder rate<br />
across Ndlambe, as<br />
published, stands at 15,<br />
with nine having<br />
occurred in Alexandria<br />
and six in<br />
Kenton-on-Sea. This is<br />
up from last year, when<br />
only six murders were<br />
reported in total.<br />
Attempted murder<br />
cases totalled 24, with<br />
17 cases reported in<br />
Alexandria, two each in<br />
Bathurst and Port Alfred<br />
and three in<br />
Kenton-on-Sea.<br />
However, the crime<br />
statistics make no<br />
reference to Nemato,<br />
and their accuracy is<br />
therefore called into<br />
q u e st i o n .<br />
As for assault with<br />
intent to commit<br />
grievous bodily harm,<br />
this figure has<br />
increased from 263<br />
reported cases in 2015<br />
to 276 this year. Again,<br />
Alexandria had the<br />
most cases, 86, closely<br />
followed by<br />
Kenton-on-Sea with 82.<br />
There were 55 cases<br />
reported in Bathurst<br />
and 49 in Port Alfred,<br />
with just four reported<br />
in Seafield. Still, these<br />
figures are significantly<br />
down on the figures for<br />
10 years ago when, in<br />
2006, there were 745<br />
reported cases.<br />
Sexual offences such<br />
as rape are down to 93<br />
from last year’s high of<br />
136. The highest<br />
incidents of sexual<br />
crimes occurred in<br />
Alexandria with a total<br />
of 41, with 27 in<br />
Kenton-on-Sea, 16 in<br />
Bathurst and nine in<br />
Port Alfred.<br />
Common assault<br />
cases are up slightly on<br />
last year with 224 cases<br />
reported as opposed to<br />
201 last year. Once<br />
more, Alexandria leads<br />
the way with 81 cases,<br />
followed by Port Alfred<br />
with 69.<br />
¿ <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Malicious damage to<br />
property cases were<br />
down from 168 last year<br />
to 131. Burglary at<br />
non-residential<br />
properties was slightly<br />
up at 136 cases as<br />
opposed to 126 last<br />
year. Burglary at<br />
residential properties<br />
was slightly lower than<br />
last year’s figure of 742,<br />
with 735 cases.<br />
Cases of theft of<br />
motor vehicles, and out<br />
of motor vehicles, had<br />
both decreased slightly<br />
and were both well<br />
below the average of<br />
the past 10 years.<br />
Having reached a<br />
peak of 172 cases in<br />
2014, drug-related<br />
crimes have also<br />
decreased slightly. Last<br />
year there were 146<br />
cases and this year, 128.<br />
Driving under the<br />
influence of alcohol has<br />
also decreased from<br />
almost 150 cases in<br />
2009 and 2010, to just<br />
98 cases this year.<br />
Commercial crime<br />
has increased from 81<br />
cases last year to 92<br />
cases. Shoplifting has<br />
shown a steady<br />
decrease over the last<br />
10 years, from 86<br />
incidents in 2005 to 49<br />
this year.<br />
Finally, robbery at<br />
residential premises<br />
was down from 25 last<br />
year to just 18 this year.<br />
Kenton-on-Sea suffered<br />
most with seven cases.<br />
For non-residential<br />
property there were 26<br />
reported cases, one less<br />
than last year.<br />
CARS: Two<br />
people died in<br />
a head-on<br />
collision<br />
between this<br />
VW Jetta and a<br />
Mercedes-Benz<br />
on the R67 on<br />
Sunday<br />
after noon<br />
Picture:<br />
JD VAN<br />
ST R A AT E N<br />
Two die in third<br />
fatal R67 collision<br />
TWO people died in a<br />
head-on collision on the Port<br />
Alfred to Bathurst road near<br />
the Mansfield turnoff on<br />
Sunday afternoon.<br />
One of the deceased has<br />
been identified as local<br />
businessman Callie<br />
Rademeyer. Police have not<br />
revealed the name of the<br />
other victim as they said they<br />
were awaiting formal<br />
i d e n t i f i c at i o n .<br />
Two other people sustained<br />
injuries.<br />
Police are investigating a<br />
case of culpable homicide.<br />
According to a<br />
MultiSecurity report, a silver<br />
Mercedes-Benz coming from<br />
the direction of Bathurst<br />
overtook another car and had<br />
a head-on collision with a<br />
white VW Jetta.<br />
The driver of the Mercedes<br />
and one of the occupants of<br />
the Jetta were killed. A<br />
passenger in the Mercedes<br />
sustained a broken leg and<br />
was taken to hospital.<br />
Gardmed, Metro<br />
Ambulance, the Ndlambe fire<br />
department, Nemato SAPS,<br />
Bathurst CID, Kowie Towing<br />
and Crash Towing all<br />
responded to the scene.<br />
Posting photographs of the<br />
accident on Facebook, JD van<br />
Straaten described it as “out<br />
of a horror movie”.<br />
“My heart goes out to the<br />
family and friends affected by<br />
today's events,” he said.<br />
It was the third fatal<br />
accident on the road in a<br />
matter of months, with a man<br />
dying in a two-car collision<br />
near the Rocky Ridge farm<br />
stall in May, and another<br />
death near the Mansfield<br />
turnoff in July.<br />
Numerous other accidents<br />
have been reported on the<br />
road, some involving stray<br />
cat tle.
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 3<br />
War on waste escalates<br />
K E N TO N ’S waste<br />
disposal woes are not<br />
over yet, despite a<br />
public meeting<br />
convened by Ndlambe<br />
Municipality to<br />
address residents’<br />
needs last Wednesday.<br />
The meeting was<br />
attended by members<br />
of the media, Kentonon-Sea<br />
Ratepayers<br />
Association (Kosra),<br />
other residents and<br />
st a ke h o l d e r s .<br />
Ndlambe director of<br />
community protection<br />
services, Nombulelo<br />
Booysen, introduced<br />
retired engineer Johan<br />
de Wet to explain<br />
developments since<br />
Kosra took the<br />
municipality to court<br />
over mismanagement<br />
of the unlicenced<br />
Marselle/Bushman’s<br />
River landfill site.<br />
Kosra won a high<br />
court judgment<br />
against the<br />
municipality in June,<br />
compelling it to take<br />
all reasonable steps to<br />
prevent the burning of<br />
rubbish and extinguish<br />
such at the dumpsite,<br />
to ensure waste was<br />
confined within the<br />
dump, and to collect<br />
windblown refuse in a<br />
1.5km radius.<br />
It had to report to<br />
the court on progress<br />
every 90 days.<br />
The court also urged<br />
the municipality to<br />
find an alternative<br />
site, with a view to<br />
closing the Marselle<br />
site.<br />
A decommissioning<br />
licence for the<br />
dumpsite was already<br />
granted to the<br />
municipality in March<br />
last year.<br />
Ndlambe decided to<br />
stop using the dump<br />
i m m e d i at e l y.<br />
De Wet said the<br />
municipality had<br />
obtained a licence of<br />
closure, in terms of<br />
which it must formally<br />
close the dump by<br />
March 2018.<br />
Complying with<br />
legalities will take 18<br />
months and will cost<br />
R6- to R8-million.<br />
Meanwhile, the<br />
municipality is looking<br />
for a new landfill site,<br />
which will cost<br />
between R10- and<br />
R12-million, depending<br />
on the size of the<br />
proper t y.<br />
This raised the<br />
question whether it<br />
would not be more<br />
economically viable to<br />
continue to take<br />
Kenton’s household<br />
refuse to Port Alfred<br />
rather than buy new<br />
land.<br />
But Booysen’s<br />
deputy, Fanie Fouche,<br />
said the Port Alfred<br />
dumpsite also had a<br />
limited lifespan.<br />
The Marselle/<br />
Bushmans’ municipal<br />
dump had already<br />
reached its capacity.<br />
The cost of<br />
transpor ting<br />
household rubbish<br />
from Kenton to Port<br />
Alfred would be borne<br />
partly from a<br />
municipal<br />
infrastructure grant<br />
(MIG), partly from<br />
rates and taxes, and<br />
partly from a business<br />
plan the municipality<br />
had drawn up to<br />
obtain funding,<br />
Booysen said.<br />
In response to a<br />
query, Booysen said<br />
central funding for<br />
large projects such as<br />
the RO plant and<br />
Amatola Water project<br />
would be used.<br />
Roads, water,<br />
sanitation and waste<br />
management were all<br />
part of the MIG, of<br />
which 5% was for<br />
waste management,<br />
she said.<br />
Another issue raised<br />
was the absence of<br />
the glass skip from<br />
the Kenton CBD<br />
parking lot, which was<br />
removed after<br />
residents complained<br />
that people were<br />
putting everything,<br />
including dead dogs,<br />
into the skip.<br />
Integrated Waste<br />
and Recycling<br />
Services (I wa r s )<br />
JOINT EFFORT: Iwars project manager Mark<br />
Price, left, chats with Kenton resident Chester<br />
Wilmot at the meeting Picture: LOUISE KNOWLES<br />
project manager Mark<br />
Price, said it was<br />
possible to separate<br />
the glass from other<br />
recyclables, as long as<br />
it was not broken<br />
glass, and Iwars was<br />
designing a new skip<br />
with a special glass<br />
chute.<br />
Booysen said refuse<br />
dumps should not be<br />
located within the<br />
CBD, although the<br />
skips were only a<br />
transit area for<br />
recyclables.<br />
Neither Iwars nor<br />
the municipality could<br />
decide where to put<br />
the skips and referred<br />
the decision to<br />
ratepayers to decide at<br />
an open meeting.<br />
Residents can<br />
submit proposals to<br />
i n f o @ i wa r s . c o . z a<br />
Last year, before the<br />
dump was closed,<br />
Iwars received 24.8<br />
tons of glass, five tons<br />
of cardboard paper,<br />
2.6 tons of PET plastic<br />
and other plastics, and<br />
888kg of cans per<br />
month. Waste pickers<br />
brought in R8443 of<br />
wa st e .<br />
Last December,<br />
Iwars received 70 tons<br />
of waste, but the<br />
tonnage has now gone<br />
down to zero and<br />
Iwars is in danger of<br />
closing down unless<br />
households increase<br />
their production of<br />
recyclables, Price said.<br />
“If Kenton residents<br />
put out their<br />
recyclables, we will<br />
send out the truck,”<br />
said Price. “We need<br />
full trucks otherwise it<br />
is not viable.”<br />
Booysen said<br />
Kenton residents<br />
should put out their<br />
rubbish and<br />
recyclables on the<br />
same day (Tuesdays),<br />
as the Iwars truck will<br />
follow the municipal<br />
refuse truck.<br />
The two-bag system<br />
is working in Boknes<br />
and Bushman’s, and<br />
Kenton resident Justin<br />
Wilmot called on all<br />
Kenton residents to<br />
prioritise recycling.<br />
An Ekuphumleni<br />
resident said the<br />
community could not<br />
afford to buy black<br />
bags, let alone<br />
expensive see-through<br />
bags.<br />
Booysen said the<br />
municipality would<br />
issue see-through<br />
bags to test the<br />
viabilit y.<br />
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4 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
... vox pops on the street<br />
What do you want from your council?<br />
TALK of the Town asked a random<br />
sampling of men and women in the<br />
market place what they were hoping<br />
for from the new Ndlambe council.<br />
A Bathurst mother of adult<br />
children, Florence Gcayiya, said that<br />
she hoped for clean water, and that<br />
the roads in Bathurst, especially the<br />
R67 from Port Alfred, would be<br />
upgraded.<br />
She also hoped that the low<br />
standard of RDP houses would<br />
improve and that they would do<br />
renovations on existing houses.<br />
Another woman, Kholeka Ntozini,<br />
said she also wanted a house, with<br />
affordable electricity, and good<br />
quality water, as well as good<br />
sanitation services from the council.<br />
A natty young adult, Kevin Gutsu,<br />
responded when his friend<br />
Simphiwe Seti asked us to clarify<br />
our question. “What kind of<br />
councillors are you talking about?<br />
The DA, the EFF or the ANC?” Seti<br />
a s ke d .<br />
Gutsu said: “There is only one<br />
council. All the councillors form one<br />
government. What do you want them<br />
to do for you?”<br />
His inquiring friend, Seti, explained<br />
that they came from a village and so<br />
he did not know if they had the same<br />
council as people in Port Alfred. But<br />
if it was all the same, then he said<br />
he would like better service delivery,<br />
refuse collection, and more business<br />
for young people, as well as free<br />
education from the beginning all the<br />
way to high school and on to<br />
universit y.<br />
An elderly man who resides in<br />
Nemato, Zola Qokose, said he would<br />
like the municipality to fix the roads<br />
and fill the potholes in Nemato. He<br />
also said he would like them to solve<br />
more crime and to prevent crime<br />
from happening to give people more<br />
securit y.<br />
Grandad Wellington Qutywa<br />
expressed a wish not many had<br />
thought of.<br />
“There are too many red lines on<br />
the R72,” he said. “There are no<br />
places for trucks to stop in Port<br />
Alfred if they want to come to the<br />
Pick n Pay and buy something. They<br />
can't stop anywhere.”<br />
He also expressed the wish that all<br />
the councillors, both ANC and DA,<br />
would work together for the good of<br />
the town. He added that he would<br />
like the town to be well-maintained<br />
to attract more tourists.<br />
His friend, Zinyusile Makeleni,<br />
said he wanted better roads,<br />
including the R72 between Port<br />
Elizabeth and Port Alfred, better<br />
quality water, and for council to use<br />
the money they had to get the<br />
necessary equipment to purify the<br />
water, and to be accountable in the<br />
way that they spent their money.<br />
“They have got the money,” he<br />
said.<br />
A young man, Alfred Mbatsha,<br />
said he wanted councillors to come<br />
together to fix the roads and provide<br />
good quality water.<br />
“All the councillors must work<br />
together to make things better for<br />
the town,” he said.<br />
Stern warning as three rapists<br />
handed down hefty sentences<br />
Good work by Port Alfred detectives sees culprits put behind bars<br />
DETECTIVES from the<br />
Port Alfred Family<br />
Violence and Sexual<br />
Offences Unit secured<br />
hefty sentences for<br />
rape offenders in the<br />
Port Alfred Regional<br />
Court recently.<br />
Manana Olwethu<br />
Nocucu, 24, of<br />
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Showing from Friday 09 <strong>September</strong> - Thursday 15 <strong>September</strong><br />
ΈΉ<br />
Tom Brand is a daredevil billionaire at the top of his game but he has become<br />
disconnected him from his family. His daughter’s birthday is here, and she wants<br />
the giftshe wants every year, a cat. Tom hates cats, but he is without a gift and<br />
time is running out. An eccentric pet store owner presents him with a majestic<br />
tomcat, named Mr. Fuzzypants. A terrible accident takes place and when he regains<br />
consciousness he discovers that somehow, he has become trapped inside the body<br />
of the cat. Adopted by his own family, he begins to experience what life is truly like.<br />
SHOW TIMES: 16:00, 18:00 (FRI), 14:00, 17:45 (SAT)<br />
14:00, 18:00 (SUN), 16:00, 18:00 (MON, TUES, WED, THURS)<br />
ΈΉ<br />
The true story of two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, who won a $300<br />
million contract from the Pentagon to arm America’s allies in Afghanistan.<br />
SHOW TIMES: 15:45, 18:00 (FRI), 13:50, 17:50 (SAT)<br />
14:00, 18:15 (SUN), 15:45, 18:00 (MON, TUES, WED, THURS)<br />
ΈΉ<br />
Amy has a seemingly perfect life - a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and<br />
a career. However she’s over-worked, over-committed and exhausted to the point that she’s<br />
about to snap. Fed up, she joins forces with two other overstressed moms on a quest to<br />
liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities going on a wild, un-mom-like binge of<br />
long overdue freedom, fun and self-indulgence putting them on a collision course with PTA<br />
Queen Bee Gwendolyn and her clique of devoted perfect moms<br />
SHOW TIMES: 14:00, 20:00 (FRI), 12:00, 15:45, 19:30 (SAT)<br />
12:00, 15:50 (SUN), 14:00, 20:00 (MON, TUES, WED, THURS)<br />
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Arthur Bishop thought he had put his murderous past behind him when his most<br />
formidable foe kidnaps the love of his life. Now he is forced to travel the<br />
globe to complete three impossible assassinations, and do what he does best,<br />
make them look like accidents.<br />
SHOW TIMES: 14:00, 20:00 (FRI), 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 (SAT)<br />
12:00, 16:15 (SUN), 14:00, 20:00 (MON, TUES, WED, THURS)<br />
R50 Adults - R40 Children (U/13). 3D Movies - R65 per person.<br />
Pensioner’s Special Wednesdays - R30<br />
Times are subject to change due to demand.<br />
Like our FACEBOOK page and stay informed of<br />
For further information: Tel: 046 624 1558<br />
Bathurst, was found<br />
guilty of assault with<br />
intent to do grievous<br />
bodily harm,<br />
kidnapping, two<br />
counts of rape,<br />
housebreaking with<br />
intent to commit an<br />
offence unknown to<br />
the state and<br />
possession of a<br />
dangerous weapon.<br />
He was sentenced<br />
to a year each for<br />
assault and<br />
kidnapping, two years<br />
for housebreaking and<br />
six months for<br />
possession of a<br />
dangerous weapon.<br />
For one charge of<br />
rape he was<br />
sentenced to 15 years<br />
in prison and for the<br />
other, 10 years.<br />
The sentences for<br />
assault and<br />
kidnapping will run<br />
concurrently with the<br />
15-year sentence for<br />
rape, and the<br />
housebreaking and<br />
possession of a<br />
dangerous weapon<br />
sentences will run<br />
concurrently with the<br />
10-year sentence for<br />
rape.<br />
Police spokeswoman<br />
Captain Mali<br />
Govender said one of<br />
the incidents took<br />
place in Bathurst on<br />
June 29 2014, when<br />
at about midnight,<br />
Nocucu entered the<br />
<br />
<br />
home of his 22-yearold<br />
victim, who was<br />
asleep while her<br />
boyfriend went to buy<br />
drinks.<br />
Nocucu stabbed her<br />
on her arm with the<br />
knife that he was<br />
carrying and raped<br />
her. The victim<br />
managed to grab the<br />
knife and threw it<br />
away, after which the<br />
suspect fled.<br />
She then called out<br />
for assistance. During<br />
an intensive search,<br />
police arrested<br />
Nocucu about 12<br />
hours later.<br />
While the<br />
investigation was<br />
going on, it was<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
established that<br />
Nocucu was linked to<br />
another Bathurst rape<br />
case that occurred on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 15 2013.<br />
The case was<br />
provisionally<br />
withdrawn and the<br />
DNA results were<br />
o u t st a n d i n g .<br />
In this case, the<br />
victim, who was 25 at<br />
the time, was on her<br />
way home in the early<br />
hours of the morning,<br />
when Nocucu<br />
allegedly<br />
grabbed her<br />
and accosted<br />
h e r.<br />
He took the<br />
beer bottle that<br />
she was<br />
carrying, and<br />
beat her over<br />
the head<br />
several times in<br />
an attempt to restrain<br />
h e r.<br />
He then took her to<br />
a house where he<br />
repeatedly raped her<br />
throughout the night.<br />
She was rescued by<br />
members of the<br />
community the<br />
following morning.<br />
A second rapist,<br />
Luvuyo Baren Ntluka,<br />
26, of Nemato, was<br />
found guilty of a<br />
charge of rape,<br />
housebreaking with<br />
intent to commit an<br />
offence unknown to<br />
the state, assault and<br />
possession of a<br />
dangerous weapon.<br />
He was sentenced<br />
to 10 years<br />
imprisonment for<br />
rape, four years for<br />
the housebreaking,<br />
one year for assault<br />
and six months for<br />
possession of a<br />
dangerous weapon.<br />
Half of the sentence<br />
for housebreaking is<br />
to run concurrently<br />
with the rape<br />
sentence, and the<br />
sentence for assault<br />
and possession of a<br />
dangerous weapon is<br />
to run concurrently<br />
with the rape<br />
sentence.<br />
The incident took<br />
place on August 4<br />
... it was established<br />
that Nocucu was<br />
linked to another<br />
Bathurst rape case<br />
2014.<br />
The victim was<br />
asleep in her room,<br />
when Ntluka broke<br />
open the door and<br />
entered.<br />
He then tried to<br />
rape the victim and<br />
when she resisted, he<br />
stabbed her twice on<br />
the arm and raped<br />
h e r.<br />
Ntluka fled when<br />
the victim’s boyfriend<br />
arrived. The police<br />
were alerted and the<br />
suspect was arrested.<br />
A third man,<br />
Vulindlu Jamani<br />
Siyabulela, 20, was<br />
found guilty of the<br />
rape of a 35-year-old<br />
woman and<br />
sentenced to 10 years’<br />
imprisonment, of<br />
which three years is<br />
suspended for five<br />
years. Govender said<br />
the incident took<br />
place on April 4 this<br />
year, after midnight.<br />
The victim was on<br />
her way home with<br />
Siyabulela, who was<br />
known to her.<br />
As they approached<br />
her home, Siyabulela<br />
dragged her into a<br />
bush inside her yard<br />
and raped her. Her<br />
cries for help caught<br />
the attention of her<br />
young son, who<br />
aler ted<br />
neighbours.<br />
The victim<br />
was rescued<br />
while<br />
Siyabulela was<br />
still in the act of<br />
raping her. He<br />
fled the scene<br />
prior to the<br />
police arriving.<br />
He was<br />
arrested that day at<br />
about 3pm.<br />
The sentences were<br />
welcomed by c l u st e r<br />
commander, Brigadier<br />
Morgan Govender,<br />
who said: “I would<br />
like to commend the<br />
investigating officers<br />
for their perseverance<br />
and dedication to<br />
dut y.<br />
“Crimes against<br />
women and children<br />
remain a priority and<br />
I’m hopeful that these<br />
sentences will send<br />
out a message to the<br />
community that we<br />
will continue to bring<br />
perpetrators of these<br />
heinous acts to book.<br />
“We have a close<br />
and great working<br />
relationship with the<br />
NPA and the justice<br />
depar tment.”
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 5<br />
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4 3 4<br />
West facing home with wide expanse of water, boathouse<br />
and slipway.<br />
Asking Price: R5 500 000<br />
Lilian Neave 076 124 6965 lilian@sirpa.co.za<br />
Port Alfred<br />
DE-FENSIVE DRIVING? A minibus taxi drove into the fence of a property in Smith Street, close to the corner of Wesley Hill, in Port Alfred last<br />
Thursday morning. Police were on the scene and there were no reported injuries Picture: ROB KNOWLES<br />
Ndlambe exco members<br />
struggle to find their feet<br />
WHEN the new<br />
Ndlambe executive<br />
committee (exco) met<br />
on Tuesday, with new<br />
mayor Phindile Faxi in<br />
the chair, the<br />
members sometimes<br />
struggled to find their<br />
feet with their new<br />
duties.<br />
The other exco<br />
members are<br />
councillors Ray<br />
Schenk, Thembani<br />
Mazana and Nosicelo<br />
Xhasa. Following the<br />
local government<br />
elections in August,<br />
only Schenk has<br />
survived as an exco<br />
member, and the new<br />
members seemed<br />
excited but a little<br />
unsure as to what<br />
their roles would be in<br />
the newly constituted<br />
exco.<br />
Faxi began by<br />
admitting that he had<br />
a problem in<br />
proposing and<br />
seconding the<br />
minutes of the last<br />
exco meeting as only<br />
Schenk was present.<br />
“Will you both<br />
propose and second<br />
the adoption of the<br />
minutes?” Faxi mused.<br />
This matter was<br />
resolved when<br />
infrastructure director<br />
Noluthando Vithi, who<br />
was standing in for<br />
municipal manager<br />
Rolly Dumezweni,<br />
seconded the minutes.<br />
Faxi gave an outline<br />
of what he expected of<br />
the exco, and how<br />
services to the people<br />
would be improved.<br />
Firstly, Faxi wants to<br />
identify the owners of<br />
the land parcels lying<br />
along the R72, east<br />
and west, to build<br />
houses for the<br />
middle-income groups<br />
such as nurses, police<br />
officers and teachers<br />
who are currently<br />
renting RDP properties<br />
in the area.<br />
Faxi also mentioned<br />
the problems of<br />
encroachment, and<br />
how this has caused<br />
considerable<br />
bitterness in<br />
neighbours who used<br />
to be friends.<br />
The challenge of<br />
underground water is<br />
also an issue raised<br />
by Faxi.<br />
“This happens<br />
throughout Ndlambe,”<br />
said Faxi. “In some<br />
areas there are doubts<br />
whether this is not<br />
caused by old<br />
underground pipes.”<br />
As far as revenue<br />
collection is<br />
concerned, Faxi wants<br />
to begin “healthy<br />
competition” among<br />
councillors to<br />
encourage better<br />
revenue collection and<br />
to reduce the<br />
outstanding money<br />
owed by residents.<br />
“I further request a<br />
comprehensive report<br />
on all revenue<br />
collection activities or<br />
service performed by<br />
various groups of<br />
people,” said Faxi.<br />
Faxi also spoke of<br />
the centralisation of<br />
supply chain<br />
management, the<br />
establishment of the<br />
intergovernmental<br />
relations structure, the<br />
establishment of dates<br />
for organisational<br />
strategy planning<br />
sessions, and a review<br />
of the delegation<br />
r e g i st e r.<br />
Faxi also wanted to<br />
establish training<br />
committees to ensure<br />
that all employees<br />
working in the<br />
municipality, have<br />
adequate training.<br />
<br />
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<br />
Another issue Faxi<br />
raised, was that of<br />
mainst reaming<br />
HIV/Aids awareness<br />
throughout the<br />
organisation, saying<br />
the pandemic was not<br />
an individual’s<br />
problem, but one that<br />
affected the entire<br />
o r g a n i s at i o n .<br />
He said he would be<br />
investigating the<br />
relationship with other<br />
sectors in combating<br />
the spread of the<br />
disease.<br />
<br />
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NOTES<br />
... the municipality’s voice<br />
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<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
Who can<br />
stop road<br />
car nage?<br />
WE have written before about the “road<br />
of death” that the R67 between Port<br />
Alfred and Bathurst seems to be earning<br />
a reputation as.<br />
Not because of any flaws in the<br />
condition of the road, or because of<br />
dangerous bends (it is a fairly straight<br />
road the entire way to Bathurst), but<br />
rather because of human error.<br />
There have been a number of<br />
accidents involving stray animals,<br />
especially cattle on the road, which of<br />
course is the fault of the owners of<br />
these often unbranded wandering<br />
beasts and the municipal authorities,<br />
who do nothing about it.<br />
But the most serious accidents on the<br />
R67, the ones that have resulted in<br />
death, are due to the recklessness of<br />
drivers. Since June there have been<br />
three such fatal crashes – all were<br />
head-on collisions.<br />
Alcohol is suspected to have played a<br />
role in some of these accidents, which is<br />
an issue all by itself, but in the<br />
experiences related on social media of<br />
commuters who use that road, speeding<br />
and general recklessness seems to be a<br />
problem.<br />
There are a few blind rises along the<br />
R67, and this is where aggressive<br />
drivers take risks, passing other vehicles<br />
which are moving too slowly for their<br />
liking. I too have experienced such<br />
tailgaters on that road.<br />
In their shock and commiserations<br />
expressed under a Facebook post of the<br />
latest accident on the TotT group,<br />
several people said they feared for their<br />
safety every time they used the R67.<br />
The same was said of the R72, which<br />
is a much busier national route, and has<br />
seen its share of accidents. But lately all<br />
the fatal accidents in our area seem to<br />
be taking place on the R67.<br />
The grisly aftermath of Sunday’s<br />
head-on crash was described as a scene<br />
from a horror movie, with cars twisted<br />
out of shape, debris scattered and other<br />
commuters helping to carry the dead<br />
and dying from the wreckage.<br />
Seeing something like that up close<br />
and personal should jar each of us into<br />
being sober-minded and responsible<br />
road-users. But how quickly we forget,<br />
and try to take a chance to pass a<br />
slow-moving vehicle ahead of us, when<br />
visibility of the oncoming lane might not<br />
be that good. The trucks on the R72 are<br />
a particularly vexatious example.<br />
And even if we are careful, defensive<br />
drivers, we encounter other road users<br />
who are not, and so our lives are placed<br />
at their mercy.<br />
Something needs to be done, but who<br />
has the answer?<br />
– Jon Houzet<br />
8<br />
9<br />
10<br />
11<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
Tide Guide<br />
Kind courtesy-SA Navy<br />
HIGH<br />
0705 1923<br />
0753 2022<br />
0929 2210<br />
1153 –<br />
0005 1302<br />
0109 1344<br />
0154 1420<br />
0233 1455<br />
L OW<br />
0057 1303<br />
0138 1353<br />
0247 1541<br />
0514 1801<br />
0646 1905<br />
0733 1948<br />
0810 2025<br />
0844 2102<br />
GRAVEYARD RUBBLE: A resident visiting the cemetery next to the old Settlers Church on the east bank noticed a gravedigger contractor had<br />
bulldozed through a bush separating two portions of the graveyard, and in the process of laying a new grave and replacing an old headstone, simply<br />
left the rubble of the previous tombstones on site along with garden refuse. TotT asked the municipality a week ago who would have given<br />
permission for the gravedigger contractor to plough through the bush, and who would clear up the tombstone rubble. No response has been received<br />
Picture: HELMUT HARTLEB<br />
Letters to PO Box 2871, Port Alfred - or e-mail to houzetj@timesmedia.co.za<br />
This is an open forum for readers to express their opinions. However, the publishers reserve the right to shorten letters. Those printed are not necessarily the views of Talk of the Town. Although noms de plume may be used,<br />
letters must be signed and have an authentic contactable address & telephone number. Talk of the Town reserves the right to not publish letters. Please limit letters to 250 words or less.<br />
PARSC clears air on regatta<br />
THERE has been much talk and<br />
speculation with regards to the<br />
hosting of the university’s rowing<br />
regatta by the Port Alfred River and<br />
Ski-boat Club (PARSC).<br />
The PARSC committee hereby<br />
wishes to acquaint the community<br />
of Port Alfred with the basic facts.<br />
The regatta has relocated.<br />
Happily the event is to remain on<br />
the Kowie River.<br />
The PARSC will not be hosting<br />
the rowers, their coaches and<br />
officials. The facts may be stated<br />
briefly:<br />
ý Historically hundreds of<br />
rowers, coaches and officials have<br />
used the club’s facilities without<br />
paying fair and market-related hire<br />
charges. Members give up<br />
privileges attached to their<br />
membership in order to<br />
accommodate the students for a<br />
week.<br />
Emergency numbers<br />
Port Alfred hospital – (046) 604-4000<br />
Police station – (046) 604-2001/2<br />
Multi-Security – (046) 624-2508<br />
Chubb Security – (046) 624-4810<br />
Sky Alarms – (046) 624-2806<br />
NSRI – 082-990-5971<br />
Electricity (a/h) - (046) 624-1111<br />
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) – 10177<br />
Gardmed –082-759-2134<br />
Holistic EMS – 063-460-0042<br />
Fire Department – (046) 624-1111<br />
ý An attempt to put the<br />
relationship on a proper footing<br />
was initiated by the club in March.<br />
The idea was to accommodate the<br />
rowers, meet their requirements<br />
and extract fair compensation.<br />
ý Through numerous e-mails<br />
and meetings with unauthorised<br />
“r e p r e s e n t at i v e s ”, nothing was<br />
achieved, other than repeated<br />
requests to escalate the issue to<br />
those in charge of university<br />
rowing. It was made clear, that the<br />
club was not prepared to host the<br />
regatta, unless an agreement was<br />
achieved.<br />
ý Ultimately on July 22 a “final”<br />
meeting was convened. The<br />
universities were represented by a<br />
professor and an attorney.<br />
ý The rowers offered a payment<br />
of R25 000. The PARSC had<br />
calculated fair payment for the use<br />
of its facilities for the week (based<br />
on market-related venue hire) was<br />
R45 000, after taking into account<br />
the current financial constraints of<br />
universities, social responsibility<br />
and a funding model of R100<br />
entrance fee per participant.<br />
ý Now this is important! The<br />
PARSC accepted the tender<br />
totalling R25 000 made by the<br />
professor and the attorney and<br />
agreed to every stipulated usage<br />
required by the universities. A<br />
binding agreement was achieved<br />
and everyone left the meeting<br />
having put in place a<br />
comprehensive agreement which<br />
was subsequently reduced to<br />
writing, signed by the club and<br />
sent to the attorney and professor<br />
for signature.<br />
ý When the agreement was not<br />
signed and returned,<br />
correspondence followed. The club<br />
wanted to know where the signed<br />
DA abides by conduct code<br />
WITH reference to Charles Pellew’s letter “Time<br />
for DA to deliver on vision” in the Talk of the<br />
Town dated <strong>September</strong> 1, I wish to highlight the<br />
following: Chapter 7 of the Constitution of the<br />
Republic of South Africa defines the objects of<br />
local government. (Section 152).<br />
The DA’s vision is based on freedom, fairness<br />
and opportunity, and within this framework,<br />
conduct our business in council.<br />
As the official opposition in Ndlambe, with six<br />
seats as opposed to 13 for the ANC, it is<br />
unlikely that we could outvote the ANC in<br />
council and therefore rely on our ability to<br />
debate issues with clarity, based on our vision<br />
to achieve outcomes that will benefit all<br />
residents of Ndlambe.<br />
Schedule 1 of the Local Government:<br />
Municipal Systems Act, defines the code of<br />
conduct for councillors and all DA councillors<br />
fulfil their duties in terms of these codes.<br />
It is the duty and obligation of all councillors<br />
to challenge any recommendation that is not<br />
consistent with legislation<br />
It is also the responsibility of council to hold<br />
municipal officials to account according to the<br />
preamble of the Local Government: Municipal<br />
Systems Act No. 32 of 2000 and Chapter 3 of<br />
the Municipal Structures Act, read with chapter<br />
7 (Section 152) of the Constitution of the<br />
Republic of South Africa. We have done so<br />
vigorously whenever the need has arisen.<br />
The development of the IDP is an open<br />
process wherein all residents have an<br />
opportunity to participate – and contribute –<br />
through open meetings and ward committees.<br />
This is also true of the budgeting and approval<br />
process and it is here that, particularly the<br />
Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum and PA Residents<br />
and Ratepayers Association, have been of great<br />
assistance in the past year.<br />
DA councillors appreciate all interaction with<br />
the community. Healthy debate and input from<br />
concerned residents assisted in putting<br />
together a budget for <strong>2016</strong>/17 that was realistic<br />
and sustainable. My contact details are:<br />
083-558-3195 and e-mail ra y @ s e a f i e l d . c o . z a<br />
agreement might be.<br />
ý What followed, two weeks<br />
later, was a list of 12 further<br />
requirements and usages to which<br />
the club could not agree. Most<br />
additional requirements were<br />
irreconcilable with the binding<br />
agreement.<br />
ý On August 9 the trustees of<br />
SA University Rowing made<br />
themselves known for the first<br />
time. They stated in a letter that<br />
they would not be using the<br />
facilities of the club.<br />
Those are the facts. There the<br />
matter ends.<br />
The PARSC committee is<br />
satisfied we negotiated in good<br />
faith and had the interests of the<br />
club and the Port Alfred community<br />
at heart.<br />
Wink fundraising tea a<br />
success, thanks to all<br />
A VERY sincere thank<br />
you to all who<br />
supported the<br />
fundraising tea for<br />
Wink (We’re<br />
Individual, Normal<br />
Kids) on August 26.<br />
Your generosity is<br />
greatly appreciated.<br />
The total raised was<br />
R2 75 8 .<br />
Congratulations to<br />
Louisa Samuels who<br />
won the hamper<br />
raffle.<br />
The other winners<br />
were Grace Pearce,<br />
Laura Perry and<br />
Marygold Harman –<br />
c o n g r at u l at i o n s !<br />
Many thanks to all<br />
who helped make it a<br />
great success.<br />
GUILD<br />
Slight on integrity<br />
of journalists unfair<br />
THE letter under the heading ‘’spread the<br />
coverage” by Colin Barnard last week refers.<br />
Why this unwarranted slur on the journalistic<br />
integrity of the TotT reporters? Surely the freedom<br />
to photograph and write in the interest of the<br />
whole local community is paramount? Many of us<br />
appreciate seeing and reading features of the<br />
charming young ladies in Ndlambe.<br />
His alternative of a report and picture of an<br />
oversize pumpkin on the front page is unlikely to<br />
increase the circulation of our local paper.<br />
Viva the freedom of the press.<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 7<br />
RECALLING THE PAST: Sheila Riddin has asked if other TotT readers can<br />
help fill in the names of the people in this old photograph of the Shaw<br />
Park branch of the South African Women’s Auxiliary, taken in 1946<br />
Do you know any of these<br />
SA Women’s Auxiliary faces?<br />
I CAME across this amazing old<br />
photograph of the Shaw Park<br />
branch of the South African<br />
Wo m e n ’s Auxiliary taken in March<br />
1946 outside the Shaw Park Hall.<br />
This group of talented ladies<br />
supported the war effort by hand<br />
knitting items such as socks,<br />
balaclavas and scarves, which they<br />
sent off to the South African<br />
soldiers – often with a little<br />
message stuck into the toe of a<br />
sock or with a letter of<br />
encouragement to the recipient.<br />
I feel sure that many of your<br />
readers will be very interested in<br />
this photograph.<br />
Ena Clayton and Jean Haselhurst<br />
(daughter-in-law and<br />
granddaughter of Florence Clayton)<br />
have delved back into their<br />
memories to put names to the<br />
faces in the photograph, but some<br />
elude them – perhaps your readers<br />
would be able to fill the gaps?<br />
The back row, from left, are: Mrs<br />
Evershed, Mrs Elliott, Mrs<br />
Evershed’s sister?,<br />
_____________,<br />
_____________, Ruth Lansdell,<br />
Winnie Hopper, Nel Bradfield,<br />
___________, Mrs Potgieter,<br />
____________, Florence Clayton,<br />
Ruby Bradfield<br />
The middle row: Genieve Arnold,<br />
Jean Preddy, Kay Bradfield, Stella<br />
Lansdell, Olive Jones, Joy Mandy.<br />
And the front row: Doris Clayton<br />
and Shirley Hounsell.<br />
Question: Tell us about<br />
your job.<br />
Answer: My wife, Jean,<br />
and I have a B&B and I<br />
design and build things. I<br />
am creating an industrial<br />
lift presently which is very<br />
exciting but I am too busy<br />
to work as I much prefer<br />
building people and see<br />
the Christ invested<br />
potential in them.<br />
Q: What made you get<br />
into that line of work?<br />
A: All my life I have<br />
designed innumerable<br />
machines and devices in<br />
my farming and quarry<br />
d ay s .<br />
Q: Describe the most<br />
memorable experience<br />
that you have had in<br />
your line of work.<br />
A: My whole life has<br />
been a wonderful journey<br />
of discovery and it’s still<br />
happening.<br />
Q: What do you do to<br />
unwind when you are<br />
not working?<br />
A: Being at home with<br />
Jean and listening to<br />
good music but,<br />
ultimately, savouring the<br />
presence of God.<br />
Q: What is your motto<br />
in life?<br />
A: The day one is not<br />
building – people or<br />
things for people – one<br />
begins to die!<br />
Q: What makes you<br />
happy?<br />
A: There is no greater<br />
joy than to see and<br />
FA C E 2FA C E<br />
experience love being<br />
shared, especially when it<br />
comes from the Father’s<br />
hear t.<br />
Q: What makes you<br />
angr y?<br />
A: Selfishness.<br />
Q: What do you think<br />
... with Chester Wilmot<br />
about the youth of<br />
South Africa? Do you<br />
have any advice for<br />
t h e m?<br />
A: Find a father to cover<br />
you. All natural trees grow<br />
up in the protection of the<br />
forest canopy until their<br />
heads can break through.<br />
Only exotic trees can grow<br />
out in the open and they<br />
are just water thieves and<br />
only fit for the fire.<br />
Q: What do you like<br />
most about Kenton?<br />
A: The hand of God that<br />
covers us and His<br />
promises that are<br />
happening.<br />
Q: If you could change<br />
one thing about<br />
Ke n to n . ..<br />
A: I’d unlock the<br />
enormous wealth of<br />
knowledge and<br />
experience in our retired<br />
folk to share into the<br />
deficit of our community.<br />
Q: Name three people<br />
you would like to invite<br />
for dinner (dead or<br />
a l i v e) ?<br />
A: My father, my<br />
grandfather who died<br />
many years before I was<br />
born and my great<br />
grandfather. They left me<br />
a legacy of family and<br />
spiritual values for which<br />
they should be honoured.<br />
Q: Who would you like<br />
to take on ‘The Amazing<br />
Race’?<br />
A: I would take my<br />
children every time: the<br />
only question would be,<br />
which one? And we would<br />
win!<br />
Q: Three wishes for<br />
South Africa?<br />
A: Need only one: That<br />
we would learn the value<br />
of honouring one another.
8 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
Port Alfred<br />
DRIVING SPIRIT: Ford, through Eastern Cape<br />
Motors, brought several vehicles to Port<br />
Alfred High School on a recent Saturday as<br />
part of the Drive 4 UR School promotion.<br />
Every car test-driven earned the school<br />
R100, up to a maximum amount of R10000.<br />
Starting at 9am, and with about 130 test<br />
drives, the school earned its maximum<br />
donation by 11.20am. The team were<br />
amazed at the support shown for the<br />
school, and said this was definitely the<br />
best Drive 4 UR School event they had held<br />
so far. The team, from left, were Willie<br />
Scheepers, Bianca Avis, Rob Avis, Firgil<br />
Barthers, Vanessa Avis, Clive McMurtrie,<br />
Stephen Theodosiou, Daniel Louzada and<br />
Betsie Vorster<br />
Catch up with what’s happening on the PA business front<br />
Bigger, better Build It Garden Centre<br />
HAVING commenced business in<br />
<strong>September</strong> 2013, the past three years<br />
have seen the selection of garden<br />
plants, pots and other garden goods<br />
steadily increase at the Build It<br />
Garden Centre.<br />
With new extensions currently in<br />
progress, the Build It Garden Centre<br />
will be the biggest garden centre<br />
between Port Elizabeth and East<br />
London. It is run as part of Mega<br />
Build it, which opened in 2007, but is<br />
managed as a separate business.<br />
The centre’s focus is on providing<br />
best prices and quality service to all<br />
its customers.<br />
With unlimited land available, and<br />
having its own dam from which to<br />
source water used in the garden<br />
centre, the ability to further expand<br />
the operation is limitless.<br />
Build It Garden Centre offers a wide<br />
selection of plants, pots, garden<br />
furniture and other garden goodies,<br />
and continually strives to expand its<br />
range, by bringing in new<br />
cost-effective merchandise.<br />
WINNING TEAM: Build It staff members,<br />
from left, Luncendo Makhize, Khuselwa<br />
Tsho, owner Louis Hattingh and Lucky<br />
Cengani in the expanded garden centre at<br />
Build It in Kenton-on-Sea<br />
Picture: MITCH HAUPT<br />
MONEY<br />
M AT T E R S<br />
... with Nico Human<br />
Who you<br />
invest<br />
with can<br />
be critical<br />
WHEN it comes to investing one’s hardearned<br />
money, especially a retirement/<br />
pension fund, it has really become a<br />
rather tricky situation.<br />
People are bombarded daily by endless<br />
TV, radio, newspaper and glossy<br />
magazine advertisements presenting their<br />
services and offering fantastic growth<br />
oppor tunities.<br />
The only comment I have is: “B e wa r e ”<br />
and first take the time to think very clearly<br />
before making any rash decisions.<br />
Here are a few handy hints for investors<br />
to ponder before committing their hardearned<br />
capital into any investment:<br />
1. Is the company offering their services<br />
a well-known, established and reputable<br />
business or are they fairly unknown and<br />
offer returns that may sound too good to<br />
be true?<br />
2. Is there an established professional<br />
local office where you could visit in the<br />
event that you may experience any<br />
problem or need some information or<br />
advice in future?<br />
3. Is the local representative an<br />
established, well-known and respected<br />
individual in the community?<br />
Always remember that it is most<br />
certainly your prerogative to obtain<br />
references of others who may have<br />
experiences with the person in question.<br />
4. Does the local representative own<br />
property in town or does he/she operate<br />
from some rented apartment, in other<br />
words, will he/she still be there in a few<br />
months from now, or can they just pack<br />
up their laptop and leave.<br />
If the person offering their services is<br />
new to town, where does he/she come<br />
from and why the sudden move to our<br />
beloved Sunshine Coast?<br />
A further question: Why would one give<br />
up a successful financial advisory career<br />
somewhere else to enter the “unknown<br />
wat e r s ” of Port Alfred?<br />
5. It is important to make sure that your<br />
investments are only entrusted to a wellestablished,<br />
qualified and trustworthy<br />
investment advisor of good standing in<br />
the local community.<br />
6. When planning one’s retirement, it<br />
becomes even more important to make<br />
perfectly sure that one’s retirement funds<br />
are invested with the utmost care.<br />
We have been serving the Port Alfred<br />
and surrounding Sunshine Coast<br />
community with the utmost care and<br />
compassion for many years and will be<br />
proud to supply references of clients who<br />
have entrusted millions of rands to our<br />
careful management.<br />
Our wheelchair-friendly offices are<br />
conveniently situated at 20 Southwell<br />
Road (corner of Becker Street).<br />
To ensure that all your financial needs<br />
are expertly and diligently taken care of,<br />
please feel free to phone our offices on<br />
087-805-7712 for a confidential<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 9<br />
GLITZ<br />
AND<br />
GLAM<br />
THE<br />
NIGHT<br />
AW AY<br />
NIGHT OUT: Shona and<br />
Charls Mason<br />
thoroughly enjoyed the<br />
recent Round Table 101<br />
Dance<br />
Immaculate, freehold, freestanding home in the popular<br />
estate, Misty Waves. Exceptional finishes and simple yet<br />
practical design ensure this home is very comfortable, with<br />
open plan living area, large indoor / outdoor undercover<br />
entertainment area.<br />
Warwick Heny 082 491 2020<br />
RE/MAX Kowie Tel: 046 624 1110<br />
Web ref RXAC-0582<br />
Well positioned, very comfortable and immaculate home<br />
with beautiful outlook over the ocean and golf course, with<br />
plenty of accommodation. The living areas are all on the<br />
top floor and comprise a lounge, a study, a separate openplan<br />
dining room/kitchen. A very worthwhile home to view.<br />
Kathy Botha 082 551 1197<br />
RE/MAX Kowie Tel: 046 624 1110<br />
Web ref RXAC-0669<br />
Jess Marais, left, and<br />
Xavaux Kuter looked<br />
fabulous at the recent<br />
Round Table 101 Dance<br />
This lovely face-brick home is situated in an elevated position<br />
in Forest Downs with beautiful sea views. Modern & open<br />
plan with a covered thatch roof patio ideal for entertaining<br />
& outdoor living. The back garden has a wendy house and<br />
pool. Guest suit on the lower level.<br />
Sonja Norden 083 270 6411<br />
RE/MAX Kowie Tel: 046 624 1110<br />
Web ref RXAC-1054<br />
Modern spacious family home offering value for money with<br />
3 spacious bedrooms. The lounge dining area is spacious<br />
and has sliding doors to an under cover patio and garden.<br />
Separate cottage of 72sqm. The property is fully enclosed<br />
and sea viewing is excellent. Call me to view<br />
Shaun Uys 073 243 3730<br />
RE/MAX Kowie Tel: 046 624 1110<br />
Web ref RXAC-1062
10 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
N E I G H B O U R LY NOTES<br />
THE Universities’ Boat Race is on at the Kowie<br />
River at the moment, with the finals being<br />
contested on Saturday. A total of 40 teams will<br />
take to the water and attempt to navigate the sand<br />
banks, the sharp corners and the current, as they<br />
compete for the main title. This year the races will<br />
be hosted by Halyards Hotel, together with the<br />
Small Boat Harbour Company and, despite the<br />
obvious logistical issues of moving the event from<br />
the established Ski-boat Club on the other bank of<br />
the river, it is hoped it will be just as successful.<br />
We wish all the rowers the best of luck and remind<br />
them of the special prayer service to be held at St<br />
Pa u l ’s Anglican Church at 10am tomorrow.<br />
UNIVERSITIES around the country are again in<br />
chaos as the #FeeMustFall campaign regains<br />
momentum. It is difficult to understand how<br />
anyone thinks that burning down university<br />
buildings is going to assist with free education.<br />
Fortunately, Stenden South Africa is a private<br />
institution, so we will not see the same mayhem in<br />
Ndlambe as is evident at Rhodes University.<br />
WHILE it might not be local news, the fight<br />
between the National Treasury and the Hawks is<br />
causing absolute chaos in the markets as<br />
investors worry about how safe their money is<br />
going to be in such a highly volatile environment.<br />
This will affect employment opportunities all over<br />
South Africa and, in the vulnerable rural areas like<br />
Ndlambe, will prevent potential investors from<br />
developing new businesses in the area. This<br />
nonsense must stop, or else the entire country will<br />
find itself with a growing population with no jobs<br />
to offer them.<br />
B E ST wishes and birthday greetings to everyone<br />
who is having a special day in the week ahead,<br />
especially Mason Dell, Taylor Naude, Julia<br />
Painting, Jean Atkinson, Rosemary Nelson,<br />
Herman Breetzke, Pen Schultz, Nicolas Cock,<br />
Timothy Rudman, Elzette Reed, Derryn Willis, Eben<br />
Groenewald, RJ Swart, Marion Barnard, Patrick<br />
Kenny, Kelly Bradfield, Lionel Wilson, Matthew<br />
Neethling, Keith Cunning, Stephanie de Bruin,<br />
Heather Tyson, Trish Versfeld, Jordon Faca, twins<br />
Natalie and Caroline Ross, Pam Hopper, Clare du<br />
Plessis, Colin Wiggett, Ryan Owsley, Lydia Gimbel,<br />
Dee Squires, Veronica Mansfield, Alfred Weyer,<br />
Corrie Groenewald, Joan Greaves, Helen Emslie,<br />
Anne McCreath, Nigel Difford, Val Thorncroft, Tony<br />
Versfeld, Lionel Hunt, Jonty Payne, Phindiwe<br />
Albany Vintage and Classic Motor Club Museum<br />
opens on the last Saturday of each month from<br />
9am-12 noon at Hawkins Industrial Park, Alfred<br />
Road, Port Alfred.<br />
Bathurst Farmers Market – Every Sunday rain or<br />
shine at Yesterday Today and Tomorrow Nursery,<br />
Kowie Road from 9am-12.30pm.<br />
Birdwatching Tours and Three Sisters Saunter.<br />
Book with Anne (046)675-1976 or 083-719-4950.<br />
w w w. a n n e s b i r d i n g . c o . z a<br />
Bonsai Club meets once a month on a Saturday.<br />
For more information, contact David Brewis on<br />
076-457-3218. Or e-mail d a v i d b re w i s 7 7 @ g m a i l . c o m<br />
Duck Pond Morning Market every Wednesday,<br />
Friday and Saturday from 9am-2pm, between<br />
Buksies Coffee Shop and Penny Farthing restaurant.<br />
Jams, pickles, secondhand books, cakes, quiches,<br />
secondhand clothing, crochet knitting, plants. All<br />
stallholders welcome. Contact Wendy 081-347-9562.<br />
FAST (Forum for Astronomy, Science and<br />
Technology) meets on the first Thursday of each<br />
month at the cellar of the Wharf Street Brew Pub at<br />
2.30pm. Visitors welcome. For more information,<br />
contact Shirley Marais at s h i r l e y @ t h e a n n o u n c e r. c o . z a<br />
or on 082-928-8671.<br />
First Port Alfred Scout/Cub meetings. Every Friday<br />
at the Girl Guide Hall, from 3pm-5pm. Visitors<br />
welcome. For more information, contact Dot Fethers<br />
on (046)624-3192.<br />
Kenton Pub Quiz – 6.30pm – first Sunday of each<br />
month at Kenton Bowls Club. Cash bar available.<br />
Cash and other prizes. Teams of four to six. All<br />
welcome. Enquiries: Walter Grisdale<br />
(046)648-2440.<br />
Kowie History Museum, at The Old Railway<br />
Station, Pascoe Crescent. Open 9.30am-12.30pm<br />
Tuesday-Saturday. Closed Sunday/Monday and<br />
public holidays.<br />
Lower Albany Historical Society meets third<br />
Thursday of the month – some meetings in Don<br />
Powis Hall, Settlers Park, others, outside trips. For<br />
more information, contact Suzette on 083-581-5777.<br />
Lower Albany Woodworkers’ Guild, meets first<br />
Tuesday of each month. For more information,<br />
contact Brian Edwards on (046)624-2945 or John<br />
Moss on 082-829-5484.<br />
Memory Book Scrapbook Club meets twice a<br />
month on a Thursday afternoon. All welcome.<br />
Contact Cheryl (046)624-2733 or 083-556-7562.<br />
National Sea Rescue Institute practices every<br />
Wednesday at 5pm. To join the NSRI visit the base<br />
in person to undergo an evaluation.<br />
TOUCHING MOMENT: Settlers Park frail care resident, Margaret Gilbert, receives a flower from Port<br />
Alfred Pre-Primary School pupil Niamé Lamsberg on Spring Day<br />
Picture: LOUISE KNOWLES<br />
Kuhkana, Jamie Kleinhans, Jenna Rowe, Thabisa<br />
Vukuza, Pietie le Roux and Dawn Nelson.<br />
ALL good wishes and congratulations to Noni<br />
Wilkinson on her 95th milestone birthday on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 13. May you enjoy many more while<br />
enjoying great health, wealth and happiness!<br />
CONGRATULATIONS to Con Kingsley Worrall from<br />
St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown, for winning a<br />
study bursary to the value of R15 000 at the CTCA<br />
Young Creatives Awards <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
BUSINESS anniversary greetings and<br />
congratulations for many more years to come to<br />
Highway Motors and Buddy’s, Vanessa’s Nail Bar,<br />
the Sikhulise Skills Development Programme and<br />
Coral Cottages, The Holistic Oak, NF Wood Worx<br />
and Bathurst Woodmill.<br />
FIGURES announced by Statistics SA on Tuesday<br />
indicate that the South African economy has just<br />
E-mail Rob Knowles at knowlesr@timesmedia.co.za or fax (046) 624-2293<br />
or drop in at 29 Miles Street from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday<br />
E-mail houzetj@timesmedia.co.za or fax (046) 624-2293 or drop in at 29 Miles Street from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday<br />
Night Scrapbooking classes every fortnight at<br />
BCreative Scrapbooking Supplies at Shop 12,<br />
Rosehill Mall. Wednesdays from 6.30pm-10pm. Call<br />
Nicolene on (046)624-3096 to book your spot for<br />
the next class or for more information. Saturday<br />
morning and weekday scrapbooking classes also<br />
available. Bookings are required.<br />
Port Alfred Garden Club meets on the first Tuesday<br />
of every month – 9.30am at Red Leaf Nursery.<br />
Port Alfred Bridge Club – Now at the Lodge on<br />
Albany Road (the Old Vic Hotel). Meets every<br />
Monday and Thursday: 1.15pm for 1.30pm start.<br />
Port Alfred Floral Art Group meets on the third<br />
Saturday of the month at Settlers Park hall at<br />
2.30pm. For more information, contact Hennie de<br />
Bruin on 082-464-4606. All welcome.<br />
Probus Club of the Kowie meets on the second<br />
Tuesday of each month at 10am at the Port Alfred<br />
River and Ski-boat Club.<br />
Richmond House Museum and Music Room.<br />
Private non-profit museum established in 2007. The<br />
building (1948) is a replica of the Castle, and the<br />
displays trace 175 years of owners and alterations.<br />
No admission fee, but donations welcomed. Tours<br />
by appointment only: 082-456-7437. Classics at the<br />
C a st l e classical/jazz concerts check press or<br />
w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / r i c h m o n d h o u s e m u s e u m m u s i c<br />
Rocky Ridge Farm Market opens every Saturday<br />
and Sunday from 9am with a variety of home made<br />
delights, “egg-cellent” free-range eggs, honey,<br />
biltong, droëwors, as well as its very popular<br />
morning breakfast. Contact Desia Holmes on<br />
083-589-0765 for more information.<br />
Rosehill Mall Art znd Crafters Market, the first<br />
Saturday of every month, from 9am- 4pm. A true art<br />
and craft market. Only handmade items available by<br />
our local crafters. Large selection of goods.<br />
Scottish Country Dancing at Don Powis Hall,<br />
Settlers Park, every Wednesday from 5.30pm-7pm.<br />
For more information please phone (046)6 0 4 - 0 478 .<br />
Sunshine Coast Women’s Forum meets every<br />
fourth Tuesday in the Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park<br />
at 2.30pm. Come and join us. Visitors welcome. For<br />
more information contact Muriel MacGregor on<br />
(046)624-1963.<br />
The Riverside Ramble: a new self-guided tour<br />
(map R10 from Sunshine Coast Tourism or Kowie<br />
History Museum) of historic Wharf Street and Van<br />
der Riet Streets.<br />
The Village Green Market – first Sunday of every<br />
month. Join us in the garden at The Village Green in<br />
Bathurst for a festival of antiques, books,<br />
collectables, junk, bric-a-brac, crafts, art and other<br />
avoided a technical recession. Having suffered<br />
through a net shrinkage of the economy<br />
(euphemistically termed “negative growth”) of<br />
1.2% in the previous quarter, and with an economy<br />
battling with drought, strikes and the constant<br />
threat of electrical shortages, growth of the<br />
economy has certainly slowed down. This news<br />
was better than the expected 2.8% growth rate as<br />
projected and was boosted slightly by the hiccup<br />
when Britain exited the EU, and global currencies<br />
fell. However, South Africa is not out of the woods,<br />
and international ratings agencies will still be<br />
making decisions regarding the possible<br />
downgrading of the country’s economy at the end<br />
of the year. With last year’s figures in brackets to<br />
compare against, the rand was trading at R14.01 to<br />
the dollar (R13.64), R18.79 to the pound (R20.95)<br />
and R15.77 to the euro (R15.27), gold trading at<br />
$1 347.72 per fine ounce ($1121.15), platinum at<br />
interesting stuff. From 9am-2pm. For more<br />
information or to book a stall, contact Lynette on<br />
076 - 3 4 9 - 2 2 4 6 .<br />
U3A – Port Alfred Branch meets on the fourth<br />
Thursday of every month at 10am at the Don Powis<br />
Hall, Settlers Park village. All welcome.<br />
Woodlands Market, every Saturday from 8am-12<br />
noon at Woodlands Cottages and Backpackers, just<br />
outside Kenton on the R343 Grahamstown Road.<br />
Yummy breakfast and treats, fresh produce, arts<br />
and crafts. There is no charge for traders of local<br />
arts and crafts and produce – an attempt to<br />
encourage and support local tourism and<br />
businesses. For more information, contact<br />
082-808-5976 or info@woodlands.co.za<br />
To d a y<br />
Port Alfred Art Club – (IN) Demonstration by Jane<br />
Foote. Looking at Positive aspects of negative<br />
space. Bring your own materials.<br />
Memory Book Scrapbook Club – 2pm-5pm –<br />
Presbyterian Church Port Alfred. All welcome.<br />
Contact Cheryl (046)624-2733 or 083-556-7562.<br />
Special Boat Race Service – 10am at St Paul’s<br />
Anglican Church.<br />
Tomorrow until Saturday<br />
Annual Universities Boat Race on the Kowie River.<br />
To m o r r o w<br />
Special Boat Race Service – 10am at St Paul’s<br />
Anglican Church.<br />
Saturday until Sunday<br />
Ke n to n ’s Men’s Classic at Kenton Bowls Club.<br />
Sunday<br />
Oldenburgia Club Charity Hike at St Cyprian's<br />
Church and Highlands Farm. Meet at Grahamstown<br />
Peppergrove Pick n Pay car park at 8am, to hike at<br />
8.30am. Difficulty: A beautiful hike on a local farm,<br />
taking in some expansive views, fynbos, a church,<br />
and an historical railway station and bridge. The<br />
walk, including stops, should take about three<br />
hours, requires a basic level of fitness and is<br />
suitable for all ages as it is a leisurely 6.5km. Bring<br />
good hiking shoes/boots, hat and sunscreen, water<br />
and refreshments for morning tea. Cost: R30 per<br />
person (minimum donation), plus R10 for fuel,<br />
payable on the day. Proceeds go to the Mary Waters<br />
High School Interact Club to support their project to<br />
remove alien vegetation. For more information,<br />
contact hike leader Helen Averbuch on<br />
082-841-0790 or helen.dogflower@gmail.com<br />
Tuesday <strong>September</strong> 13<br />
Probus Club meeting – 10.30am for 11am – Por t<br />
Alfred River and Ski-boat Club. Includes spouses.<br />
$1 099.70 per ounce ($1004.15) and Brent crude oil<br />
at $47.78 per barrel ($49.63).<br />
SPECIAL thoughts and prayers are with all those<br />
folk who are not well, who are having or have<br />
already had tests, operations and treatments.<br />
"Sterkte" to Roy Potter, Andrew de Vries, June<br />
Hart, Linda Hulley, Val Kilian, Ben Kember, Blake<br />
Squires, Llewellyn Wicks, Philly Dell, Myrna Keet,<br />
Barbara Tee, Bevan Edwards and Brenda Shelton.<br />
WEDDING anniversary congratulations and<br />
continued joy for many more years of happiness<br />
together, especially to Fred and Heather Tyson,<br />
Dave and Jacqui Parsons, Ian and Erna<br />
McPherson, Andrew and Judy Elliott, Rafe and<br />
Debbie McKinnon.<br />
CONGRATULATIONS to our local dentist, Dr Natalie<br />
Okonski and her husband Carl Wantenaar on<br />
being blessed with a precious baby boy, Alexander<br />
Sigmund Wantenaar, born August 31<br />
WE were saddened to hear the news that Callie<br />
Rademeyer died in a tragic car accident on Sunday<br />
close to the Mansfield turnoff on the R67.<br />
Commiserations to his family, Susan, Janine,<br />
Simone, Eben, Quintis, Mia, Logan and Carter.<br />
SO sorry to hear that well-known singer and<br />
guitarist of the Silver Creek Mountain Band, JP<br />
Fúss, passed away last Monday morning. You will<br />
be missed.<br />
WE were sorry to hear of the death of Nan Hanly,<br />
mother to eight children, who passed away<br />
peacefully last Sunday morning. A church service<br />
to be held at St James Catholic Church, Port Alfred<br />
at 10am on Monday <strong>September</strong>11.<br />
BAD news for all the South African kwaito fans is<br />
that Mduduzi Tshabalala, better known as<br />
Mandoza, is suffering from a brain tumour, but the<br />
great news is that nothing stops the 38-year-old,<br />
and he is planning to be performing at the concert<br />
at Orlando Stadium on Saturday.<br />
A MEMORIAL service will be held for the late Mary<br />
Hechter at the Presyterian Church, Port Alfred,<br />
today at 10am.<br />
THOUGHT for the week: “Peace is not a<br />
relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind<br />
brought about by a serenity of soul”.<br />
BEST regards as always,<br />
The Team.<br />
The Probus business part of the meeting will be as<br />
brief as possible before handing over to hosts, the<br />
Distell Group, who will conduct a wine tasting<br />
event. Afterwards there will be a finger luncheon<br />
and more drinks and fellowship.<br />
Wednesday <strong>September</strong> 14<br />
Rhodes Department of Music and Musicology<br />
lunch-hour concert at Rhodes, Beethoven Room,<br />
1.15pm. – piano recital by dynamic young DSG<br />
matric pupil Tegan van der Merwe. A participant in<br />
a number of national music competitions (Samro,<br />
Atterbury, NGMC), Tegan was a finalist and<br />
prizewinner in the 9th National Grahamstown Music<br />
Competition last year. Entry: Free.<br />
Thursday <strong>September</strong> 15<br />
Port Alfred Art Club – (OUT) Settlers Church –<br />
let’s do some black and white sketches of this<br />
historical building. Bring materials, refreshments<br />
and chairs.<br />
Friends with Compassion – Caring for those who<br />
are mourning a loved one. Presbyterian Church Port<br />
Alfred, at 3.30pm. All welcome – join us for a cup of<br />
tea and a chat. Contact Cheryl (046)624-2733 or<br />
0 8 3 - 5 5 6 - 75 6 2 .<br />
Saturday <strong>September</strong> 17<br />
Flame and Rob Spring Show – 7pm – Get to<br />
Guido’s for lots of comedy and song. Wear<br />
something flowery for spring and get a free shooter.<br />
No cover charge.<br />
Port Alfred Floral Art Group monthly meeting at<br />
2.30pm at Settlers Park Hall (please note starting<br />
time). Homework: A design from the demonstration<br />
on the work of Gregor Lersch, Five Days, Five<br />
Themes. Bring your toolbox with for an imposed<br />
workshop, “The Focus is on Me”. Inquiries: Hennie<br />
de Bruin 082-464-4606. All welcome.<br />
Thursday <strong>September</strong> 22<br />
Port Alfred Art Club – (OUT) Fish River Sun –<br />
breakfast . Bring your art materials. Bring an extra<br />
easel to display a work for sale.<br />
U3A meeting – 10am at Don Powis Hall, Settlers<br />
Park. Geoff Antrobus on “Wind Farms – Experiences<br />
of a Landowner”.<br />
Memory Book Scrapbook Club – 2pm-5pm –<br />
Presbyterian Church Port Alfred. All welcome.<br />
Contact Cheryl (046)624-2733 or 083-556-7562.<br />
Friday <strong>September</strong> 23 and Saturday <strong>September</strong><br />
24<br />
Joy activist and laughter coach Sue Jameson at<br />
Red Leaf Nursery. “The transforming power and joy<br />
and laughter”. R80pp. Friday from 2pm to 3.30pm<br />
and Saturday from 10am-11.30am. More information<br />
and bookings on (046)624-8530.<br />
Amazing Race in Bathurst.
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 11<br />
ON PAGE 20<br />
Shop online at www.picknpay.co.za<br />
Also at HYPERMARKET<br />
GIDDY-UP: James Munro as one of the cowboys<br />
R<br />
34<br />
PnP NO NAME TM Frozen<br />
Chicken Braaipack 1.8kg<br />
16% OFF<br />
41 50<br />
PnP NO NAME TM Fresh<br />
Chicken Braaipack 5s or<br />
16s Per kg<br />
20% OFF<br />
R<br />
69<br />
29% OFF<br />
R<br />
58<br />
PnP Uncooked<br />
Lean Beef Mince<br />
Per kg<br />
PnP Tenderised<br />
Steak Per kg<br />
SAVE<br />
1.5<br />
LITRE<br />
NOT BAA-AD: Luka Taskov as one of the black<br />
sheep<br />
30% OFF<br />
19 90<br />
Jungle Oats<br />
1kg<br />
BUY<br />
2<br />
FOR<br />
30% OFF<br />
R<br />
38<br />
Tastic Long Grain<br />
Parboiled Rice 2kg<br />
20% OFF<br />
87 90<br />
Jacobs Krönung<br />
Regular or Mild<br />
Instant Coffee 200g<br />
or Regular 250/300g<br />
Refill (Excluding Decaf)<br />
Each<br />
89 90<br />
First Choice<br />
Long Life Milk<br />
Assorted<br />
6 x 1.5 Litre<br />
Per Pack<br />
BUY<br />
ANY 2<br />
FOR<br />
24% OFF<br />
37 90<br />
Cadbury Dairy Milk<br />
Chocolate Slab<br />
Assorted 150g<br />
(Including Bubbly)<br />
Size 2 44s – R2.63<br />
Size 3 52s – R2.22<br />
Size 4 50s – R2.31<br />
Size 4+ 48s – R2.41<br />
Size 5 44s – R2.63<br />
23% OFF<br />
115 90<br />
Cuddlers Comfort<br />
Disposable Nappies Value<br />
Pack Assorted Per Pack<br />
BUY<br />
ANY 3<br />
FOR<br />
30% OFF<br />
22 80<br />
Lifebuoy Soap<br />
Assorted 175g<br />
38% OFF<br />
90<br />
Ariel Auto Washing Powder<br />
2kg Assorted, Liquid 1.5 Litre<br />
Assorted or Capsules 15s Each<br />
Three Ships Select<br />
Whisky 750ml<br />
15% OFF<br />
R<br />
118<br />
Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.<br />
Including Plettenberg Bay, Knysna, Groot Brak, Hartenbos and Oudtshoorn. Liquor not for sale on Sundays in George and Mossel Bay. Excluding Express and Local<br />
store. Promotional stocks are limited. Prices include VAT, where applicable. Smart Shopper terms and conditions apply. No traders. E&OE. Selected products may<br />
not be available at all stores. Selected products have been styled for photography. Visit www.picknpay.co.za, or call 0800 11 22 88. Cellphone rates apply.<br />
Carling Black Label<br />
Cans 24 x 330ml or<br />
Non-returnable Bottles<br />
24 x 340ml Per Case<br />
13% OFF<br />
R<br />
179<br />
Get<br />
Double<br />
Points<br />
FLUFFY FEATHERS: Lilly Lange as Henny Penny<br />
12 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Septembe<br />
Fast forward to Antarctica<br />
FORMER Ndlambe councillor, the<br />
globe-trotting Louise Swanepoel,<br />
recounted her recent voyage to<br />
Antarctica to a meeting of the Forum<br />
for Astronomy, Science and<br />
Technology (Fast) at the Wharf Street<br />
Brew Pub’s underground cellar on<br />
Thursday last week.<br />
Swanepoel joined the South African<br />
expedition aboard the Seabourn and<br />
the Quest which took place in January.<br />
On boarding the two ships, the<br />
expedition made the dangerous<br />
crossing from Argentina, through the<br />
“roaring forties”, “the frightening<br />
fif ties” and “screaming sixties” in two<br />
days. Thirty-four South Africans and 16<br />
scientists were on board, Swanepoel<br />
said. Over the loudspeaker their<br />
Scandinavian captain explained, as he<br />
circumnavigated a tabular iceberg, it<br />
had broken off the Ross ice shelf and<br />
drifted unusually far to the north.<br />
“It was beautiful, full of icicles,<br />
arches into it and pools,” S wa n e p o e l<br />
said. Dressed like a yeti and wearing<br />
sealed gumboots, Swanepoel had to<br />
wash her feet in a foot-bath before<br />
going on land.<br />
“The ships are very respectful of the<br />
r e g u l at i o n s , ” she said.<br />
No soil is allowed to be taken to<br />
Antarctica, where food is cultivated<br />
hydroponically at the bases. Even<br />
sewerage is radiated, placed in<br />
containers and compressed to be<br />
taken home.<br />
“Antarctica is pristine and<br />
unear thly,” Swanepoel said. “But the<br />
winds are a torment.”<br />
Scientists have the technology to<br />
see through the ice to the topography<br />
below and found volcanic rocks only<br />
ever found in Kenya – evidence of the<br />
existence of a former supercontinent,<br />
known as Gondwanaland.<br />
Antarctica is a desert and the<br />
snowfall freezes and never melts, so<br />
that it is believed to be 720 000 years<br />
old in places, Swanepoel said.<br />
Snow accumulates and covers any<br />
structures, so the American base at<br />
the South Pole, for example, is built on<br />
hydraulic stilts, she said.<br />
The hole in the ozone layer is visible<br />
from the Antarctic during spring. “It is<br />
the canary in the coal mine,”<br />
Swanepoel said.<br />
Large parts of Antarctica were<br />
claimed by Britain especially the<br />
islands, and are still administered to<br />
this day by the government of the<br />
Falklands, Swanepoel said.<br />
The 20-odd members of Fast were<br />
left with the words from the Rhyme of<br />
the Ancient Mariner.<br />
And now there came both mist and<br />
s n o w,<br />
And it grew wondrous cold:<br />
And ice, mast-high, came floating<br />
b y,<br />
As green as emerald.<br />
S wa n e p o e l ’s next talk at Fast, which<br />
meets on the first Thursday of every<br />
month, will contain further fascinating<br />
facts about the flora and fauna of<br />
Antarctica.<br />
ALL ON BOARD: South African Robin<br />
A West, expedition leader of the<br />
Seabourn voyage to Antarctica in<br />
Januar y<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
ON<br />
THURSDAY: 15TH SEPTEMBER <strong>2016</strong><br />
VENUE: The House Kitchen, Kenton<br />
TIME: 5 for 5.30 pm<br />
THEME: “Good Things Happen in<br />
Kenton/Bushmans”<br />
Guest Speakers:<br />
Pollos Purdon – The House Planners’ New Developments<br />
Francois Theron – The Building Industry<br />
and Neville Loader – Accommodation<br />
Wine/Fruit Juice and snacks<br />
All welcome<br />
To facilitate catering please RSVP on<br />
(046) 648 2411 or email<br />
tourism@kenton.co.za<br />
COOK IT UP: Second-year hospitality students from Stenden South Africa were out in force at the Heritage Mall on <strong>September</strong> 2, selling boerewors rolls<br />
and cupcakes as part of their fundraiser for their annual Cape Town tour.<br />
From left are Shannon Stap, Arno Steenkamp, Jessica Pfotenhauer, Shené<br />
Coetser and Tawana Muratu who will again be selling food as part of a<br />
pre-boat race ‘jol’
8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 13<br />
C U P PA<br />
TEA FOR<br />
THE<br />
MASSES<br />
IN DEMAND: Serving<br />
the tea at the St<br />
D av i d ’s Church spring<br />
fair at the Kenton<br />
town hall last<br />
Saturday were, from<br />
left, Joan Biggs, Flick<br />
Beaufort, Gail<br />
Lovemore, Grace<br />
Ballantine and Ali<br />
Budler<br />
Picture: JON HOUZET<br />
advertising feature<br />
Time to spring into action<br />
Check out these<br />
fresh spring specials<br />
SPRING into a career in<br />
beauty with Charisma A –<br />
aspiring beauty therapists<br />
no longer have to travel to<br />
East London or Port<br />
Elizabeth to learn the skills,<br />
as Adelina Snyman has<br />
opened a new beauty<br />
academy at Charisma A,<br />
Rosehill Mall, and will<br />
provide certified training<br />
right here in Port Alfred.<br />
The beauty academy is<br />
currently accepting student<br />
applications for next year<br />
and also offers module<br />
courses. The one-year<br />
programme includes<br />
training on: skin care,<br />
facials, facial machines,<br />
manicures, pedicures,<br />
massages, waxing and<br />
make up. “It is really a<br />
three-year course, but<br />
certificates are handed out<br />
each year as each course is<br />
completed,” Snyman said<br />
“Each year can be treated<br />
as a course on its own. The<br />
first year is all about skin<br />
care and includes facials,<br />
waxing, manicures and<br />
pedicures. The second year<br />
is all about the body and<br />
includes massage and<br />
exercise and the third year<br />
takes you through the<br />
business side of beauty<br />
t h e r a p y. ”<br />
The course is certified by<br />
the South African<br />
Association of Health and<br />
Skincare Professionals<br />
(SAAHSP) and Snyman is<br />
currently in discussions<br />
with the British City and<br />
Guilds institution to have<br />
the certification<br />
internationally recognised.<br />
Students are required to<br />
have a matric and kits are<br />
provided. Specials currently<br />
running at Charisma A<br />
include 30% off all<br />
treatments on Mondays and<br />
Tuesdays, as well as Spring<br />
specials from Stila.<br />
Buy two or more Stila or<br />
Make-up for Life products<br />
and receive 10% off, buy<br />
two foundations and receive<br />
a beauty blender.<br />
For more information<br />
about Adelina’s Beauty<br />
Academy, call Charisma A<br />
on (046) 624-8286.<br />
After cold winter days,<br />
the warm spring weather<br />
makes it very tempting to<br />
leave doors and windows<br />
open. With house robbery<br />
on the increase, however,<br />
personal safety is a major<br />
concern, preventing us from<br />
taking advantage of our<br />
wonderful climate. There<br />
are ways, however, of<br />
letting in the light and air<br />
without compromising on<br />
safety, and Trellidor Port<br />
Alfred has the perfect<br />
solution.<br />
Trellidor Clear Guard<br />
security screens provide<br />
great protection for doors<br />
and windows, helping to<br />
keep out intruders without<br />
obstructing views of the<br />
outdoors. They assist with<br />
internal climate control by<br />
helping to block out<br />
extreme weather, including<br />
high winds, the sun’s UV<br />
rays, dust and excessive<br />
heat or cold, while still<br />
allowing airflow and light<br />
penetration into the home.<br />
These are not your<br />
average burglar bars or<br />
security gates. They are<br />
classy aluminium frames<br />
that encase a woven<br />
stainless steel mesh screen,<br />
that you see right through.<br />
They take your home style<br />
up a notch, improving the<br />
visual appeal of any<br />
window or door design.<br />
These screens are, first and<br />
foremost, security barriers<br />
and have been tested for<br />
strength under attack,<br />
passing with flying colours.<br />
But their other attributes<br />
will delight local residents.<br />
They stop a whole host of<br />
other nuisances such as<br />
reptiles, flies, mosquitoes,<br />
monkeys and baboons from<br />
getting inside the house.<br />
Local residents are<br />
welcome to visit Trellidor<br />
Port Alfred’s showroom to<br />
see what these door and<br />
window barriers look like<br />
and how they operate.<br />
For all your DIY, building<br />
needs and more, Buco Port<br />
Alfred is where you will<br />
find everything you need to<br />
spruce up your home and<br />
garden this spring season.<br />
Buco is offering less 15% on<br />
all garden equipment and<br />
fertiliser on Friday and<br />
Saturday, so make sure not<br />
to miss out for all those<br />
with a green thumb to make<br />
your garden a magical one.<br />
As spring is a time of<br />
change and rejuvenation,<br />
there is much more at Buco<br />
to ensure that your home<br />
improvements can be<br />
achieved, from paints, tools,<br />
DIY equipment, electronics<br />
and much more; there is<br />
something to suit any job<br />
and task.<br />
In keeping with spring,<br />
remember that Buco also<br />
offers outdoor equipment<br />
for all those camping and<br />
fishing enthusiasts to make<br />
every outing a memorable<br />
one.<br />
1 Year Program<br />
Skin Care<br />
Facials<br />
Facial Machines<br />
Manicures & Pedicures<br />
Massages<br />
Waxing<br />
Make Up<br />
SAFE AS HOUSES: Trellidor<br />
Clear Guard screens will<br />
protect you from intruders<br />
when you leave doors and<br />
windows open to the warm<br />
spring weather<br />
Picture: BRYAN SMITH<br />
Now accepting Student<br />
Applications 2017<br />
Modules also available<br />
Specials:<br />
Mon & Tues – 30% off<br />
treatments<br />
Buy 2 or more Stila or Makeup<br />
for life products and receive<br />
10% off<br />
Buy 2 foundations and receive<br />
a Beauty Blender<br />
Let’s get rid of the winter fur –<br />
all waxing done at Charisma A<br />
Kits provided - Must have Matric<br />
Less 15% on all<br />
garden equipment and<br />
fertilizer this<br />
Friday and Saturday<br />
only<br />
Promo ends 10/09/<strong>2016</strong><br />
Main Street, Tel: 046 624 1103, Fax: 046 624 2115
14 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
TEA FOR FEW: St David’s Church held its annual spring fair at the Kenton Town Hall last Saturday. Enjoying some tea and<br />
cake were, from left, Rob and Di Wilmot and David and Lynne Mullins<br />
Pictures: JON HOUZET<br />
advertising feature<br />
Get into outdoor mode<br />
Wide range of brands at Quest Leisure & Gear<br />
QUEST Leisure & Gear continues to<br />
stock a wide range of branded<br />
clothing for both men and women,<br />
with the hands-on owners Tony<br />
Pieterse and Chante Long ensuring<br />
that customers find all they need.<br />
Among the many other products<br />
available, are gadgets, handbags,<br />
wallets, purses, multi-tools, LED<br />
torches and headlamps, knives from<br />
Kershaw and CRKT, ladies and<br />
men’s clothing, as well as quality<br />
brands such as Jeep, Caterpillar,<br />
Khakibos, DriMac Khaki, Polo,<br />
Rogue, Leatherman, LED Lenser,<br />
Bushnell and more.<br />
Over the course of three years,<br />
much has changed for Quest<br />
Leisure & Gear which has grown to<br />
offer a wide array of products since<br />
it was opened by Pieterse and his<br />
fiancée Long on <strong>September</strong> 1 2013<br />
at the Heritage Mall.<br />
With the business relocation and<br />
expansion has come new products<br />
and brands, such as The North Face<br />
and Wolverine, Rouge and Tsonga<br />
shoes, Oregon Scientific Weather<br />
Stations. Also new in stock are the<br />
Tread Leatherman Bracelet and Leap<br />
L e at h e r m a n ’s for kids.<br />
Spring is here and ladies can<br />
brighten up their outfit with a new<br />
handbag. Not to forget that<br />
specialised orders are just one of<br />
the services they offer.<br />
“Our main objective is good<br />
customer service and happy<br />
customers. We are strong believers<br />
in supporting local business,” said<br />
Long, who gives thanks to the<br />
community and customers for their<br />
loyal support and looks forward to<br />
the continued success of the<br />
business in the future.<br />
“We have had an amazing<br />
end-of-season sale and would like<br />
to thank all our c u st o m e r s , ” said<br />
Pieterse, reminding customers that<br />
new stock is on the way.<br />
“We are enjoying the new<br />
premises; it allows us to offer more<br />
to our customers”.<br />
Quest Leisure & Gear now also<br />
has a beverage station for<br />
customers to enjoy coffee or tea<br />
while they shop.<br />
Visit and “l i ke ” Quest Leisure &<br />
Gear’s Facebook page to be kept up<br />
to date and not miss out on specials.<br />
IMPORTANT JOB: Trish Reid, left, and Mary Cunningham looked after the<br />
cash for the white elephant table at the St David’s Church spring fair<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
BIGGER AND BETTER: Quest Leisure & Gear is<br />
celebrating its third year in business, having<br />
relocated to Rosehill Mall earlier this year to<br />
shop 21 with expanded premises. Co-owner<br />
Tony Pieterse is pictured at the front of the<br />
store<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 15<br />
Grants Valley, a<br />
church no more<br />
Ruins and neglected graves all that remain<br />
Common<br />
oral tumours<br />
in dogs<br />
VET’S<br />
VOICE<br />
... at your service<br />
ONE of the saddest relics<br />
to note in the region has<br />
to be the old churches<br />
and graveyards.<br />
Somehow, these resting<br />
places are often<br />
incorporated into growing<br />
towns or cities, and only<br />
the memories linger.<br />
All that is left of one<br />
little church in the region,<br />
Grants Valley, are<br />
neglected graves, and the<br />
ruins of the building.<br />
The farm, Grant’s Valley<br />
was approved in 1825 to<br />
John Grant, a colour<br />
sergeant of the 72nd<br />
Regiment, who had been<br />
discharged on pension in<br />
1823.<br />
Grant, a bachelor,<br />
remained on the farm<br />
until his death on October<br />
30 1854, at 84 years-old.<br />
He is buried on another<br />
part of the farm (and has<br />
a gravestone) but one is<br />
unable to visit the site as<br />
it is accessed by a locked<br />
g at e .<br />
The church was built in<br />
1869 and services were<br />
... with Bev Young<br />
GONE NOW: The ruins of the Grants Valley Church, pictured when more remained<br />
of the 1869 building<br />
conducted by visiting<br />
ministers from Southwell.<br />
Because of transport<br />
difficulties, regular<br />
services ceased before<br />
the end of the 19th<br />
century and the very last<br />
service was held at Easter<br />
in 1920.<br />
The church, from then<br />
on, fell into disrepair and<br />
in the late 1960s all but<br />
the front walls were<br />
demolished.<br />
The Burial Register of St<br />
James shows that 37<br />
people are recorded as<br />
being buried at Grant’s<br />
Valley. Three have stones<br />
in this churchyard and<br />
three have stones in other<br />
places on the farm.<br />
In the main graveyard,<br />
there are 14 graves and<br />
the remaining 14 burials<br />
must then be in unmarked<br />
plots within the grounds<br />
of the church or<br />
g r av e ya r d .<br />
It is also possible that<br />
certain burials could have<br />
been on farms close by.<br />
According to Doris Stirk,<br />
who wrote The Southwell<br />
Set tlers, in the second<br />
cemetery on the farm<br />
situated in very thick bush<br />
there are 14 marker stones<br />
and one marble stone to<br />
the memory of George<br />
Gravett (October 14 1823<br />
– October 20 1922), his<br />
wife Hannah (died March<br />
25 1880, aged 39 years)<br />
and their son Edwin<br />
George (died August 30<br />
1924 aged 53 years and<br />
buried at Port Alfred).<br />
Of the 14 marked graves<br />
there are 11 members of<br />
the McDougall family, two<br />
Futters (brother and<br />
sister) and one Estment.<br />
AN EPULIS is a benign (meaning it does not<br />
spread to other parts of the body) tumour of the<br />
gums.<br />
It is the fourth most common tumour that can<br />
occur in a dog’s mouth – the cause of which is<br />
still unknown.<br />
It is very rare in cats.<br />
The tumour is more common in<br />
“brachycephalic” breeds, which have a very short<br />
nose and muzzle, such as boxers and bulldogs.<br />
Mostly middle-aged dogs are affected, with the<br />
average age at the time of diagnosis at about<br />
seven years.<br />
Some of the clinical signs that a dog may show<br />
besides an obvious mass in the mouth include:<br />
drooling, halitosis (bad breath), trouble eating, a<br />
bloody discharge from the mouth and loss of<br />
weight.<br />
Depending on how aggressive the tumour is,<br />
there may also be displacement of teeth or<br />
deformity of the facial features.<br />
These signs are not specific to epulis, but<br />
could be a result of many other conditions.<br />
Therefore, it is always best to have a<br />
veterinarian examine your pet in order to confirm<br />
a diagnosis.<br />
The treatment of choice for epulis is surgical<br />
excision, although recurrence is very common as<br />
it is difficult to remove all the tumour tissue<br />
most of the time.<br />
Always consult your veterinarian if you suspect<br />
your pet may have any form of illness.<br />
Complete this Sudoku and be in line to win a R50 voucher<br />
from Beavers. Entries must be in by 3:30pm on Tuesday<br />
ſ<br />
voucher (must show ID) ſ<br />
ŏ<br />
Name:...................................................................................................<br />
Tel No:...................................................................................................<br />
<br />
week’s crossword:<br />
Fish River Sun<br />
<br />
for Two –<br />
Mike Phillips<br />
PA River & Ski Boat<br />
Ō<br />
Joy Hill<br />
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collect voucher<br />
(must show ID) from<br />
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16 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
MAN TALK: From left, Andre Behr, Adrian Ford<br />
and Shane du Plessis at the re-opening of<br />
Burksies restaurant last Friday night<br />
GOOD FOOD AND CONVERSATION: From left, Lynn Coetzee, Brigitte Hyde<br />
and Ginger Daubermann, enjoy chatting at the re-opening of Burksies<br />
restaurant last Friday night<br />
SHOWING SUPPORT: Gareth Nissen and Maureen Adlem at the re-opening<br />
of Burksies restaurant last Friday night<br />
Pictures: JON HOUZET<br />
CHILLING AT BURKSIES: Ronnie, left, and Len Steinhardt, right, with<br />
Jacquie Kieck at the re-opening of Burksies restaurant under new<br />
ownership last Friday night<br />
New owner of<br />
Burksies, Nelita Behr,<br />
left, with former<br />
owner Chris Burke<br />
Picture: BRYAN SMITH<br />
ŚĂĨĞĞ<br />
Ğů<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
advertising feature<br />
Wo m a n ’s<br />
finesse for<br />
Burksie’s<br />
PA duck pond coffee<br />
shop boasts new owner<br />
WOMEN in business<br />
are often celebrated<br />
during Women’s<br />
Month in August but it<br />
is never too late to<br />
c e l e b r at e .<br />
Burksies, the ever<br />
popular coffee shop at<br />
the Port Alfred duck<br />
pond, has a new<br />
owner, Nelita Behr,<br />
who officially took<br />
ownership on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 1.<br />
The business, which<br />
has been a part of the<br />
community for the<br />
past seven years, has<br />
been sold by Chris<br />
Burke to Behr who will<br />
Wishing you all the best<br />
for the future.<br />
Trading Hours SUPERSPAR Rosehill: Mon– Sat: 8am – 7pm Sun 8am - 5pm | Tel: 046 624 3542<br />
www.rosehillsuperspar.co.za<br />
Trading Hours SPAR Nemato: Mon– Sat: 7am – 7pm Sun: 7am - 6pm | Tel: 086 002 1039<br />
be continuing with not<br />
only the business’<br />
name, but also in<br />
providing quality and<br />
delicious food, as well<br />
as some superb<br />
changes and additions<br />
along the way.<br />
Already the business<br />
has undergone a<br />
refurbishment, having<br />
been painted.<br />
“The business has<br />
received a women’s<br />
touch on the<br />
decorations and new<br />
menu design. Behr<br />
has managed to take a<br />
man’s artwork and<br />
turn it into a women’s<br />
finesse,” Burke said.<br />
New on the menu<br />
will be such<br />
scrumptious items as<br />
tortilla wrap,<br />
quesadillas, as well as<br />
finishing touches on<br />
each dish with the<br />
introduction of<br />
hollandaise sauce and<br />
an emphasis on<br />
smoked salmon<br />
dishes. The essence of<br />
the business will<br />
remain as well as that<br />
of the coffee, from<br />
filter to cappuccino.<br />
With a wealth of<br />
knowledge and<br />
experience in the<br />
TREATS: The staff<br />
members at Burksie’s<br />
everyone has come to<br />
know and appreciate,<br />
from left, Pummy<br />
Mjacu, Vuyo<br />
Magquntulu and<br />
Agnes Ngqobo, are<br />
staying on with new<br />
owner, Nelita Behr<br />
industry, Behr looks<br />
forward to the future<br />
and thanks the<br />
community for their<br />
continued support.<br />
“I saw an<br />
opportunity to return<br />
to my roots. I am very<br />
excited; we have a<br />
good team here,” Behr<br />
said.<br />
Last Friday, the<br />
business hosted an<br />
opening evening with<br />
friends and customers<br />
where Behr thanked<br />
everyone for their<br />
suppor t.<br />
“It has just been a<br />
blessing from God.<br />
Since the first day I<br />
heard about this<br />
business opportunity,<br />
it has been smooth<br />
sailing – from the<br />
people who have<br />
helped everywhere,”<br />
said an overwhelmed<br />
Behr who also gave<br />
thanks to the staff of<br />
Burksies Coffee Shop.<br />
“We are going to work<br />
hard and give good<br />
fo o d . ”<br />
Burksies also offers<br />
pensioner specials as<br />
well as catering<br />
services. Make sure to<br />
visit and see the new<br />
menu and specials.
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 17<br />
Foodies’ delight<br />
at MyPond Hotel<br />
Lily chef serves a taste of what to expect<br />
IT WAS an evening to<br />
remember last<br />
We d n e s d ay, when the<br />
media descended on<br />
MyPond Hotel to taste<br />
the culinary delights<br />
of chef Sharmila<br />
Simon, who is busy<br />
finalising the menu for<br />
Lily Restaurant.<br />
“I love making<br />
beautiful food,” said<br />
Simon. “I cook as I feel<br />
and, being partcoloured<br />
and part-<br />
Indian, I like spice.”<br />
Together with<br />
second- and third-year<br />
Stenden students who<br />
assisted in the<br />
preparation and<br />
serving, Simon<br />
produced a delectable<br />
assortment of dishes,<br />
both in terms of<br />
flavour and<br />
p r e s e n t at i o n .<br />
“I have been told to<br />
‘downsize’ some of my<br />
dishes, as they might<br />
not go down well here<br />
in Port Alfred,” she<br />
said.<br />
Simon was talking<br />
about the spice and<br />
herb variations she<br />
uses to infuse her<br />
food. However, she<br />
had nothing to worry<br />
about as every dish<br />
she served was a<br />
delight to the palate.<br />
The canapés were<br />
substantial in<br />
themselves.<br />
The first dish, one of<br />
three starters, was a<br />
rich and creamy<br />
butternut soup, with<br />
just a hint of orange<br />
and lemon to, as<br />
Simon put it, “kick it<br />
out”.<br />
Another big bowl of<br />
that and this reporter’s<br />
appetite would have<br />
been fully satisfied.<br />
The second starter<br />
was a Cajun prawn<br />
salad, which was hot<br />
and spicy, and queensized<br />
prawns.<br />
BELLY UP: Slow-braised pork belly was just one of the amazing main<br />
courses served last week at the chef’s canapés evening to finalise the<br />
new menu for Lily Restaurant at MyPond Hotel Pictures: ROB KNOWLES<br />
The third starter was<br />
baked Camembert<br />
cheese, served with a<br />
herb salad and<br />
cranberry foam.<br />
I am not particularly<br />
partial to the modern<br />
trend of “fo a m i n g ” jus,<br />
but this was a<br />
masterpiece and one<br />
of the evening’s best<br />
dishes.<br />
The mains began<br />
with a delicious and<br />
interesting pan-fried<br />
potato gnocchi served<br />
in a roast butternut<br />
and caramelised onion<br />
sauce, topped with<br />
Parmesan cheese.<br />
Next was a slowbraised<br />
pork belly with<br />
crispy bacon, and<br />
served with baby<br />
onions, potato lentils<br />
and a thyme jus.<br />
The pork was soft<br />
and melted in your<br />
mouth, while the<br />
thyme set the dish off<br />
per fectly.<br />
However, for me, the<br />
bacon could have<br />
been a little crispier.<br />
At this point I was<br />
beginning to feel quite<br />
full, but there were<br />
still some culinary<br />
delights left to<br />
sample, so I bravely<br />
continued.<br />
The next main dish<br />
was grilled lamb<br />
chops and, as a novel<br />
addition, a toasted<br />
onion and tomato<br />
sandwich, served with<br />
mint sauce and salsa.<br />
The lamb was, for<br />
my tastes, a little<br />
over-cooked (I like<br />
lamb rare, and this<br />
was well-done), but<br />
the strong mint sauce<br />
gave a sharp<br />
counterpoint to the<br />
meaty lamb flavour,<br />
providing an<br />
interesting contrast.<br />
Next was the<br />
Gremolata line fish,<br />
served on a bed of<br />
roasted vegetables<br />
and, once more,<br />
thyme, this time in the<br />
form of one of the five<br />
“mother sauces” of<br />
French cuisine, a<br />
veloute.<br />
The fish was<br />
excellent, giving a<br />
strong but perfectly<br />
balanced taste of the<br />
sea.<br />
Finally, and just in<br />
time, the final course<br />
arrived; a marinated<br />
chicken breast layered<br />
with melted feta<br />
cheese, spinach and<br />
sweet potato gratin.<br />
By this time, many<br />
of the media<br />
r e p r e s e n t at i v e s were<br />
struggling as the<br />
portions were all more<br />
than adequate, and<br />
dessert was still to<br />
come.<br />
Fortunately, we were<br />
only asked to select<br />
one of the three<br />
dessert dishes<br />
available, which<br />
included MyPond<br />
sticky toffee pudding,<br />
served with a dollop of<br />
fresh cream, Bar One<br />
cake served with<br />
vanilla ice-cream and<br />
the dessert of the day,<br />
my selection, which<br />
was a cheesecake with<br />
crushed nuts and a<br />
granadilla jus.<br />
Absolutely delicious<br />
and definitely a<br />
dessert to be<br />
recommended.<br />
If this is the<br />
standard of food<br />
Simon intends to<br />
serve then the<br />
restaurant is a must<br />
for anyone who enjoys<br />
a fine-dining<br />
experience.<br />
The Stenden<br />
wait rons’ excellent<br />
service made the meal<br />
even more enjoyable.<br />
Newsdesk: (046) 624-4356 (Jon Houzet) Advertising: (046) 624-4356 (Mauneen Charter)<br />
This<br />
butter nut<br />
soup was<br />
almost a<br />
meal in<br />
itself, when<br />
the media<br />
descended<br />
on Lily<br />
R e st a u r a n t<br />
to taste the<br />
chef’s<br />
culinar y<br />
delights<br />
SAY CHEESE: Baked Camembert with a micro herb salad and homemade<br />
cranberry foam was one of the delicious starters from the chef’s<br />
canapés evening at MyPond Hotel last week
18 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
Errors reported before Tuesday will not be charged for. Deadline: Friday 10am<br />
1. DOMESTIC<br />
1010 Births<br />
1040 Engagements<br />
1050 Marriages<br />
1070 Deaths<br />
1100 In Memoriam<br />
1220 Congrats / Best Wishes<br />
1230 Birthday Greetings<br />
1290 Thanks<br />
2. PERSONAL<br />
2070 Health & Beauty<br />
2110 Lifts<br />
2140 Lost<br />
2142 Found<br />
2240 Personal Services<br />
3060 Entertainment General<br />
5010 Education & Tuition<br />
5090 Plumbing<br />
5100 Electrical Services<br />
5120 Building Services<br />
5122 Home Maintenance<br />
5160 Walls / Fencing<br />
5190 Painting / Decorating<br />
5210 Pools, Spas, Accessories<br />
5260 Computer Services<br />
5330 Photography<br />
5360 Garden Services<br />
5380 Special Services<br />
5451 For Sale<br />
5480 Horses<br />
5510 Kennels and Pets<br />
5550 Misc Wanted<br />
5551 Wanted Known<br />
5570 Removals and Storage<br />
5630 Services Offered<br />
5640 Shuttle Services<br />
6140 Education & Training<br />
6150 Employment Wanted<br />
6151 Employment<br />
6170 Estate Agents<br />
6370 Employment Wanted Domestic<br />
7020 Accomm. Off / Wtd<br />
7060 Flats to Let<br />
7090 Houses to Let<br />
7151 Holiday Accommodation<br />
8. PROPERTY<br />
8010 Flats For Sale<br />
8050 Houses For Sale<br />
8161 Business Premises To Let<br />
8163 Business Premises For Sale<br />
9. MOTORING<br />
9070 Used Car Sales<br />
9440 Motorcycles<br />
2180 NOTICES<br />
2<br />
2070<br />
Health & Beauty<br />
<br />
<br />
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ĖıĢĴĞįıĕĬĞġēĬįıĄĩģįĢġ<br />
Advertising<br />
Deadline:<br />
Friday 10am for the<br />
following week’s<br />
publication.<br />
Tel: 046 624 4356<br />
Personal<br />
2230<br />
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2240<br />
Personal Services<br />
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Finance<br />
2260<br />
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Ğůů<br />
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<br />
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ůŝŶĞŝĚŽŶ<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
GUIDE<br />
Plumbing<br />
5<br />
5090<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
5120<br />
Building Services<br />
Advertising Deadline:<br />
Friday 10am for the<br />
following week’s publication.<br />
5122<br />
Home Maintenance<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
5360<br />
Garden Services<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
For Sale<br />
<br />
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ŬŐŽ<br />
ĞůŝĞĂĞ<br />
ĞĞŵďĞ<br />
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ĨŽŵŚŚĂ<br />
ůĨĞĚĞů<br />
<br />
<br />
5451<br />
5510<br />
Kennels and Pets<br />
5550<br />
Misc. Wanted<br />
5570<br />
Removals & Storage<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Advertising Deadline:<br />
Friday 10am for the<br />
following week’s publication.<br />
5630<br />
Services Offered<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />
ŶůŵŽďŝůĞĐĂĂŚ<br />
ĞŝĐĞŝŶŽŶ<br />
Ğů<br />
6<br />
6150<br />
Employment Wtd.<br />
is looking for work. Has<br />
code 10 drivers licence<br />
with PDP. He is reliable,<br />
friendly and honest.<br />
PHONE:<br />
060 8888<br />
478<br />
ANNA is a Zimbabwean<br />
lady looking for domestic<br />
work. Phone: 071 923<br />
9892<br />
LILIAN SHOTANA is looking<br />
for any kind of work.<br />
Shes reliable and honest.<br />
Phone: 083 527 7404<br />
MANDISA is looking for<br />
full/part time domestic<br />
work. Phone: 073 148<br />
5191/ 083<br />
435 4811<br />
NOZI is looking for<br />
domestic work. Tuesdays,<br />
Wednesdays & Fridays<br />
only. For reference please<br />
phone: 073 3930 574<br />
is<br />
seeking housekeeping<br />
work. Full/part time.<br />
Available immediately.<br />
Phone: 084 4170 570<br />
6170<br />
Estate Agents<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
6170<br />
Estate Agents<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Ǧ<br />
Ǧ<br />
<br />
All Tenants are screened and<br />
Credit checks are done.<br />
We update payment profile<br />
at the national credit bureau.<br />
Contact us for professional<br />
and Experienced property<br />
management.<br />
Contact Arlene Du Plessis<br />
at Remax Kowie<br />
Tel: 046 624 1110<br />
arlene@remaxkowie.co.za<br />
7<br />
7090<br />
Houses to Let<br />
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Business Premises<br />
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<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 19<br />
Motor Mate<br />
Tel: 046 624 5508<br />
CAR WASH<br />
Phil's Car Wash + numberplates<br />
Cell: 082 600 2885<br />
L&W Couriers<br />
Tel: 046 624 8043, Cell: 072 711 0094<br />
Dr. D. de Vos<br />
Tel: 046 624 5111<br />
Help<br />
Guide<br />
The Shade Factor<br />
Murray & Sandy: 082 366 9878<br />
Trimax Construction - Jacques Broodryk<br />
Cell: 082 367 7801 or Cell: 082 565 3205<br />
Sunshine Cleaning / Homecare<br />
Michael: 076 792 4884 or 083 442 8208<br />
DSTV<br />
Volcanik<br />
Tel: 046 624 3630<br />
Icon Hair<br />
Tel: 046 624 1265<br />
BARBER<br />
Just Mens Hair & quality hair products<br />
083 237 6612<br />
Kwikdri Cleaners/Carpets/ Walls etc.<br />
Darryl Holland 071 429 0028<br />
Call Malcolm @ Noel Cartage<br />
Cell: 084 580 9896<br />
Com Office<br />
Tel: 046 624 3123 / 3175<br />
Nationwide Port to Port Couriers<br />
Tel: 046 624 1215, Cell: 087 354 0804<br />
JD Electrical<br />
John Dacombe 083 276 4627<br />
LP Gaz<br />
Tel: 046 624 8070<br />
PG Glass - Grahamstown<br />
Tel: 046 622 2950, Cell: 082 800 9276<br />
Sotheby's - Angelique Tzouves<br />
Tel: 046 624 5607 | 060 986 7677<br />
Harcourts - Glynis Mather-Pike<br />
Tel: 046 624 5222, Cell: 082 604 2733<br />
Mr. Water Yamaha<br />
Landline: 046 624 4012<br />
Andre: 082 566 7774, Karen: 084 814 1139<br />
<br />
ŚĂŝŶŐŽůĚ<br />
TYRES<br />
Tyre Mart<br />
Tel: 046 624 3390<br />
Supa Quick<br />
Tel: 046 624 4190<br />
BestDrive<br />
Tel: 046 624 9034<br />
ŽĨĂůĞŵĞŶĚŽ<br />
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ĂŵĨŽŚŝ<br />
ŵĞŵŽŝĂůĞŝĐĞ<br />
D.M. Radue Optometrists<br />
Tel: 046 624 4558<br />
The Frameworks & Sign Co.<br />
Kerry: 046 624 1716, Cell: 082 730 7573<br />
TRAVEL<br />
GoTravel.co.za - Port Alfred<br />
Tony King: 046 624 4044<br />
Investment required<br />
Farming company requires<br />
R4m long term loan to<br />
purchase farm for<br />
expansion.<br />
Excellent track record and<br />
first bond security offered.<br />
Will pay interest monthly.<br />
Tel: 0832617076<br />
for more details.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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S u p e r- c h a rg e d<br />
action sequel<br />
Mechanic:<br />
Resurrection, with<br />
Jason Statham,<br />
Jessica Alba,<br />
Michelle Yeoh,<br />
Tommy Lee Jones.<br />
Directed by Dennis<br />
Gansel. 4/5<br />
YOU could view it as<br />
a positive or negative,<br />
but action man Jason<br />
Statham seems to play<br />
the same character in<br />
every movie he is in.<br />
From the Transpor ter<br />
movies to Crank,<br />
S t at h a m ’s stock-in-<br />
-trade is being an<br />
unstoppable killing<br />
machine. Sometimes<br />
reluctantly so; it’s just<br />
that the bad guys<br />
won’t leave him alone<br />
and are virtually lining<br />
up to be killed.<br />
He invariably has a<br />
background in special<br />
forces training, is an<br />
expert in hand-to-hand<br />
combat, and equally<br />
skilled at handling an<br />
array of weapons – or<br />
the closest object that<br />
can serve as a<br />
weapon.<br />
Sometimes he’s a<br />
down-on-his-luck<br />
survivor (Redemption)<br />
and other times a<br />
suave man, with a<br />
taste for the finer<br />
things in life – all<br />
acquired from his<br />
HARD TO BEAT: Jason Statham as assassin Arthur Bishop in ‘Mechanic:<br />
Resurrection’, now showing at Rosehill Cinema<br />
amoral skill set,<br />
as in the<br />
Transpor ter’s<br />
Frank Martin and<br />
his character<br />
here, Arthur<br />
Bishop.<br />
But Statham is<br />
good at what he<br />
does, and clearly has<br />
an audience who<br />
wants what he<br />
delivers.<br />
The final scene of<br />
The Mechanic in 2011<br />
left an opening for a<br />
sequel, and so we find<br />
the former assassin for<br />
hire, Bishop, enjoying<br />
his new identity in Rio,<br />
living on a yacht and<br />
getting his regular<br />
table at his favourite<br />
r e st a u r a n t .<br />
<br />
ŶůŽŝŶŐŵĞŵŽŽĨŽůŝůĞŽĂůůŝĞ<br />
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ĂůůŬŶŽŝŶŐŽŝůůďĞŝŚĂůůŚĞŵĞ<br />
NEEDS YOU!<br />
Please join<br />
“Port Alfred Residents and<br />
Ratepayers Association”<br />
Facebook page.<br />
ſ<br />
Let’s make PA work together!<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />
AT THE<br />
MOVIES<br />
What’s hot or not at the box office<br />
But his life of<br />
comfortable obscurity<br />
is rudely shattered by<br />
an unwelcome guest<br />
at his table with a<br />
demand from a<br />
“client” that he<br />
resume his role as an<br />
assassin.<br />
Of course, Bishop is<br />
not one to cave in to<br />
demands, so a melee<br />
ensues with a bunch<br />
of henchmen and<br />
Bishop making a<br />
getaway James<br />
Bond-st yle.<br />
He resurfaces at one<br />
of his isolated<br />
safehouses off the<br />
coast of Thailand,<br />
where an old friend<br />
Mei (Michelle Yeoh)<br />
keeps an eye on his<br />
property. But trouble<br />
keeps following<br />
Bishop, and he is<br />
pressured to help a<br />
woman in distress<br />
(Jessica Alba).<br />
It’s all a<br />
set-up by his<br />
arch-nemesis,<br />
Riah Crain (Sam<br />
Hazeldine) to<br />
force him to<br />
undertake three<br />
a s s a s s i n at i o n s<br />
and make them look<br />
like accidents. Each is<br />
nearly an impossible<br />
target, but Bishop is<br />
the best at what he<br />
does. It also helps<br />
soothe the conscience<br />
that each target is a<br />
scumbag, from an<br />
African warlord in a<br />
Malaysian prison, to<br />
an Australian tycoon<br />
human-t rafficker<br />
surrounded by the<br />
best security.<br />
The wildcard is arms<br />
dealer, Max Adams, (a<br />
fairly brief role by<br />
Tommy Lee Jones),<br />
who may prove useful<br />
to Bishop to finally be<br />
rid of Crain.<br />
The action is<br />
spectacular, the<br />
scenery beautiful and<br />
the storyline solid.<br />
Good entertainment all<br />
round.<br />
<br />
20 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
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Both Vulnerable<br />
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À<br />
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All other scores were below average.<br />
CROWING GLORY: Carl Wiersma as<br />
the rooster<br />
Farming fun at Happy Hours concert<br />
THE annual Happy Hours Pre-primary concert<br />
is one of the most popular shows in town,<br />
always drawing a full house of parents,<br />
grandparents and other family members of<br />
the little ones who put on a delightful<br />
performance under the skilful direction of<br />
principal Tracy Lloyd. This year’s concert was<br />
called The GiggleBellies Farm, and was a<br />
journey in song of all the characters<br />
inhabiting the farm, from the farmer and his<br />
wife, to their mouse-catching cat, chickens,<br />
ducks, sheep and bulls, farm mechanics,<br />
cowboys and scarecrows. JON HOUZET took<br />
the pictures.<br />
PIGLETS: Jacques Grové and Jordan Plaaitjies<br />
Results for Monday, 05 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />
A Section <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
C Section<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Board 8: Dealer W, love all.<br />
<br />
DATE: Wednesday 21st <strong>September</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />
TIME: 11H30 FOR 12H00<br />
<br />
083 267 0010<br />
º Agrees hearts as trumps and asks opener to cue bid controls, starting with<br />
the lowest.<br />
À<br />
<br />
À<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Bidding can then proceed as shown in the table.<br />
À<br />
<br />
<br />
Results by section<br />
A Section <br />
C Section <br />
Full results at:www.pabridge.co.za, including details of all the hands.<br />
Need a partner, or want to improve your bridge? Contact us; phone Joy at 084 242 7777<br />
FARMING COUPLE: Hayley Coetzee and Owen Heny as the farmer’s wife and farmer<br />
CAKE: Farmer’s wife<br />
Hayley Coetzee with<br />
one of the birthday<br />
fairies, Chloe Cullen<br />
DOG-EARED: Casper<br />
Janse van Rensburg as<br />
Bingo<br />
Elizabeth<br />
Henderson as one<br />
of the busy bees<br />
W H AT ’S UP DOC: Lilitha Vithi as one of the<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 21<br />
Grahamstown<br />
THE Graeme College astronomy quiz team members –<br />
and the rest of the school for that matter – were on<br />
‘cloud nine’ last week, when they won the regional<br />
finals of the Grade 7 Astroquiz competition held at the<br />
University of Fort Hare.<br />
The team comprised Bayanda Mthetho, Moyiso<br />
Nyoka, Cee-Jay Porthen and Cameron Rafferty.<br />
Congratulations lads!<br />
An archer for many years, and in recent years an<br />
archery judge of note, Dave Martin of Grahamstown<br />
flew out of South Africa earlier this week headed for<br />
Brazil, where he will act as an archery judge at the<br />
Rio <strong>2016</strong> Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.<br />
Martin is manager of the engineering and transport<br />
maintenance department at Rhodes University.<br />
He has previously acted as judge at several<br />
national and international archery competitions,<br />
including the World Para-Archery Championships in<br />
Bangkok, Thailand in 2013.<br />
Final judging has been completed for the 27th Sasol<br />
New Signatures art competition, with 100 artworks<br />
shortlisted from around South Africa, and seven<br />
selected as finalists for <strong>2016</strong>.<br />
Among the seven finalists are two from Port<br />
Elizabeth and one each from Grahamstown, Pretoria,<br />
Johannesburg, Cape Town and Stellenbosch.<br />
The Grahamstown finalist is Mosa Anita Kaiser,<br />
currently studying for her BA degree at Rhodes<br />
Universit y.<br />
The winner of the New Signatures competition was<br />
due to be announced in Pretoria last night, and<br />
received R100000, the runner-up R25000 and the five<br />
other finalists R10000 each.<br />
Newsdesk: sidp@imaginet.co.za; Cell: 071-969-6330<br />
It may have rained cats and dogs, and drizzled, for<br />
much of the weekend up at PJ Olivier High School,<br />
but dog owners at the national dog show on the<br />
school’s sports fields said they have seen it all before.<br />
In fact, I was told it snowed at a dog show in<br />
northern KwaZulu-Natal a couple of months ago,<br />
while it rained heavily throughout a show in the<br />
Western Cape earlier this year.<br />
The main rugby field on the hill took a hammering<br />
from all the vehicles, and will take a few days to<br />
recover, no doubt.<br />
Participants included a variety of breeds of all<br />
shapes and sizes, and their owners tagged along as<br />
well, driving from Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg<br />
and many Eastern Cape centres.<br />
Despite the less-than-ideal conditions, judging went<br />
ahead in the various categories and disciplines<br />
including showing, obedience and negotiating<br />
obstacle courses.<br />
Victoria Girls’ High School has announced its portfolio<br />
heads for next year. They are Uviwe Songca from<br />
Mthatha, Sara Goodes (Grahamstown), Sesethu<br />
Mqomboti (Mthatha), Meeca Green (Grahamstown)<br />
and Janet Okoh (Grahamstown).<br />
The school does not have a prefect system as such,<br />
but rather a system whereby five pupils are elected by<br />
the school and staff to oversee the various<br />
committees on which the matric pupils serve.<br />
Each portfolio head is then linked to a committee<br />
and serves on that committee.<br />
For the past 27 years, PJ Olivier Primary School Grade<br />
7 pupils have undertaken educational tours at this<br />
time of the year. Amazingly, the staff member in<br />
charge on each occasion has been Mr Manie Cronje.<br />
The <strong>2016</strong> tour group, comprising 28 Grade 7 pupils,<br />
left Grahamstown on Sunday and is due to return to<br />
the school on the hill tomorrow.<br />
Cronje said the first tour in 1989 visited Graaff-<br />
Reinet and the surrounding district, and he has led<br />
the tour group every year since.<br />
He was accompanied this year by Hennie and Rene<br />
Pienaar (the school’s estate manager and hostel<br />
matron respectively) and the under-13 rugby coach,<br />
Riaan Havenga.<br />
They headed down the Garden Route and up to<br />
Oudtshoorn, visiting numerous places of interest and<br />
enjoying plenty of activities along the way.<br />
Their itinerary included visiting the oyster farm at<br />
Knysna, canoeing at Wilderness, zip-lining in forests<br />
near Sedgefield, sampling strawberries at<br />
Redberry farm outside George, exploring the<br />
Cango Caves outside Oudtshoorn, visiting<br />
Diaz Maritime Museum and Cape St Blaize<br />
lighthouse at Mossel Bay, and taking a<br />
trip aboard the Romonza around Seal<br />
Island, off Mossel Bay.<br />
The tour group’s apparel and tog bags<br />
were sponsored by local businesses, and<br />
representatives visited the school prior to<br />
the group’s departure to hand over the kit.<br />
For the 16th consecutive year, PG Glass<br />
sponsored the touring bags, and Tim Dold and<br />
Kevin van der Merwe handed them over to the excited<br />
group.<br />
Settler City Toyota’s Nathi Mbabela and Wayne<br />
Weber handed over sweaters, while Joos Vos from<br />
Xtreme Embroidery handed over a set of T-shirts to<br />
the tour group. Cronje expressed his thanks to the<br />
sponsors for their continued support.<br />
The topic for this year’s English Olympiad was “A<br />
Journey into Darkness”, with the 6535 candidates<br />
countrywide required to read a series of setwork<br />
pieces before answering a variety of questions in<br />
the three-hour exam.<br />
Victoria Girls’ High School was elated to<br />
learn last week that two of its pupils – Mila<br />
Lang and Uviwe Songca – achieved gold<br />
status for scoring above 80%, while four<br />
achieved silver for scoring between 70%<br />
and 79%. They are Mivuyo Dalasile, Ilse<br />
de Vos, Meeca Green and Jacqui James.<br />
Mila Lang finished 76th overall out of<br />
the thousands of candidates.<br />
DSG matric pupil and pianist Tegan van der Merwe<br />
will play works from Scarlatti, Rachmaninoff and<br />
Rautavaara at a concert at Rhodes University next<br />
week.<br />
The university’s Department of Music will present<br />
its annual series of Wednesday lunch-hour concerts<br />
showcasing senior performance students, and the<br />
series begins in the Beethoven Room on Wednesday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 14, with free entry.<br />
A participant in a number of national music<br />
competitions, Van der Merwe was a finalist and<br />
prize-winner at last year’s national Grahamstown<br />
Music Competition.<br />
Best wishes to the Rhodes University Chamber Choir,<br />
conducted by Dr Andrew-John Bethke, as it enters the<br />
semi-final stages of the national “Varsity Sing”<br />
competition organised by Varsity Sports and kykNET.<br />
Also in the semis are the choirs of the University of<br />
the Western Cape, Stellenbosch University and<br />
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.<br />
Following its 10am service on Sunday <strong>September</strong> 11,<br />
St Cyprian’s Anglican Church in the Highlands<br />
district, to the west of Grahamstown, will hold a<br />
country fair offering fresh produce, a white elephant<br />
stall, tea garden, pony rides and a jumping castle.<br />
Earlier that morning there will be a hike to the top<br />
of Highlands mountain for those interested, while an<br />
auction will take place at 1pm.<br />
For country fair inquiries contact Rob Wilmot on<br />
082-579-6886, and for hike inquiries Helen Averbuch<br />
on 082-841-0790.<br />
Graeme College is no doubt hoping for good weather<br />
for its annual athletics day on Somerset field on<br />
Thursday <strong>September</strong> 15.<br />
Oatlands Prep School holds its sports day for Grade 3<br />
to 7 pupils on Graeme College’s Somerset field from<br />
8am on Wednesday <strong>September</strong> 14. Meanwhile, the<br />
school raised the healthy sum of R8400 at its recent<br />
Big Walk through the Makana Botanical Gardens.<br />
A fortnight ago I spent a few days in the hills above<br />
Victoria Bay near George. Looking across the bay and<br />
the mountains in the direction of Wilderness and<br />
Sedgefield, I was reminded of the days when<br />
Grahamstown schoolboys joined others from across<br />
the country and spent part of their holidays there at<br />
Veld and Vlei.<br />
I haven’t heard or read about Vlei and Vlei for many<br />
years, and wonder whether the outward-bound type<br />
courses still exist there. If I remember correctly, a<br />
former colleague of mine in the Grahamstown<br />
municipality attended Veld and Vlei about three<br />
decades ago.<br />
Is there anyone out there who can supply me with<br />
more info on Veld and Vlei? Send me an e-mail on<br />
sidp@imaginet.co.za<br />
Staff members of the SA National Blood Service in<br />
Port Elizabeth spend much time on the road,<br />
travelling from town to town collecting units of the<br />
life-saving fluid from donors. And they’re back on the<br />
N2 to Grahamstown on Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 13, when<br />
they’ll be in the NG Kerk hall (corner of Hill and<br />
Beaufort streets) from 1pm to 6pm.<br />
TUNNEL VISION: One of the participants in the<br />
obstacle course at the Grahamstown Dog Show<br />
at PJ Olivier at the weekend is seen emerging in<br />
determined fashion from the tunnel. Other<br />
obstacles included hurdles, pole obstacles and<br />
more<br />
... with Sid Penney<br />
Friday afternoons are proving popular at the Belmont<br />
Golf Club to the south of town, what with the ninehole<br />
sundowner competitions attracting good<br />
numbers each week.<br />
Last Friday’s winner was Allan James (24 points),<br />
with Sean Killian runner-up on 21 and Charles<br />
Rose-Innes third on 20.<br />
ON THE RUN<br />
The youth committee of the President’s Award will<br />
hold a fun run on Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 21, an event<br />
being supported by Pam Golding Properties.<br />
The event starts at the Albany Sports Club at 5pm<br />
(registration from 4.30pm), entry fee is R10, and<br />
prizes will be awarded.<br />
The impressive addition to the Westhill suburb, the<br />
National English Literary Museum (NELM) in Worcester<br />
Street, has been a hive of activity in recent weeks.<br />
Staff members are reported to be settling into the<br />
new building quite nicely, and are busy unpacking the<br />
large collection of books transferred across town from<br />
its former premises in Beaufort Street.<br />
The photographs hanging on the walls inside the Old<br />
Mutual sports building on the Rhodes University<br />
campus are mostly of former students who have<br />
long-since graduated and moved on.<br />
However, there is one among them who is still<br />
studying, albeit at another university. Marli Vlok<br />
completed her BSc degree, Honours and Masters at<br />
Rhodes, and is currently nearing completion of her<br />
PhD at the University of British Columbia in Canada in<br />
marine virology and microbiology.<br />
While a student at Rhodes, Marli Vlok made quite a<br />
name for herself on rifle shooting ranges throughout<br />
South Africa and England, winning numerous<br />
competitions, titles and trophies.<br />
But, most importantly as far as Rhodes is<br />
concerned, she was named the university’s<br />
“Sportswoman of the Year” on more than one<br />
occasion. She attended PJ Olivier, and her parents<br />
Gerrit and Lizette still live in Grahamstown.<br />
Entry forms for the BUCO junior bass fishing classic<br />
at Settlers Dam on Sunday October 2 are obtainable<br />
from BUCO in Bathurst Street and Tip Top Butchery in<br />
lower High Street. Entry is R50. Prizes are on offer.<br />
Graeme College’s senior round-the-mountain relay<br />
race has been won in a time of 1:14:33 by the first<br />
hockey team. The team comprised Jeremy Beyleveld,<br />
Seth Faltain, Nazeem Berenisco, Hlumelo Shelle, Seth<br />
Milne and Eric Barnard.<br />
I’m still shaking my head in astonishment after an<br />
incident in Pepper Grove Mall last week.<br />
Walking past Mr Price Home, I noticed a car<br />
attempting to make its way to the New Street exit.<br />
However, it came to an abrupt halt, simply because,<br />
if it proceeded an inch further, it would have bumped<br />
into and scraped against a smart-looking grey sedan.<br />
I went over and told the woman driver, who was<br />
alone in the car, she could not continue in that<br />
direction. A security guard who also spoke to her told<br />
me she was a learner driver. Alone in the car?<br />
A four-page advertising feature in The Herald last<br />
week caught my eye. It was placed by Denys<br />
Edwardes Collision Repair Centre that has been<br />
involved in the motor body repair industry in Port<br />
Elizabeth for 80 years. Well, that was a first for me, I<br />
think, calling such a business a collision repair<br />
centre. I’ve always known them to be panel beaters.<br />
Back in the ‘60s there were Herbie de la Mare’s<br />
panel beaters in Anglo-African Street and Albany Auto<br />
Services in lower Beaufort Street, but the Anglo-<br />
African Street operation closed several years later.<br />
In later years, Grahamstown Motor Body Works<br />
made an appearance in Chapel Street, and it’s still<br />
there to this day. Are there any other panel beaters in<br />
town from the past or the present?<br />
A reminder that the deadline for contributions to<br />
Grahamstown This Week is 8am on Mondays,<br />
e-mailed to sidp@imaginet.co.za<br />
DAMP DOGS: It rained and drizzled for much of the weekend at the staging of this year’s<br />
Grahamstown Dog Show on the PJ Olivier sports fields. Here an owner, dressed appropriately in<br />
raincoat and hoodie, has just completed a routine, and her dog waits for a treat Pictures: SID PENNEY<br />
IN AND OUT: The obstacle course at the<br />
Grahamstown Dog Show at PJ Olivier at the<br />
weekend proved popular with dogs, their<br />
owners and spectators. Here one of the entrants<br />
weaves its way through the pole obstacles in a<br />
light drizzle on Sunday morning<br />
GOING UP: Victoria Girls’ High School Grade 11<br />
pupils recently spent three days at Hobbitonon-Hogsback<br />
outdoor camp. Here, one of the<br />
teams helps lift and pull a member up a wooden<br />
wall and onto a platform, in one of the many<br />
obstacles and tasks encountered during their<br />
stay<br />
22 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
PA ’s talented Downey<br />
sisters also going for gold<br />
JUST as Britain has the Downie sisters who competed at<br />
the Rio Olympics, Sunshine Coast Gymnastics (SCG) has<br />
its very own talented “Downey sisters” of Port Alfred.<br />
“These two sisters are not only talented but extremely<br />
hardworking,” said SCG coach Carol-Ann Stiekema.<br />
Both sisters qualified to represent the Eastern Cape<br />
this year. Bekie, the youngest, for level two artistic<br />
gymnastics and Amelia, the eldest, for level four.<br />
Levels one to three recently competed at South Zone<br />
in Uitenhage.<br />
“Bekie and her teammate, Zuki Marr, received silver<br />
quality performances for their beautiful performances.<br />
“Zuki is also a very diligent gymnast, and we foresee<br />
great things for both these junior gymnasts in the<br />
future,” Stiekema said.<br />
Amelia, who was promoted from level two to four this<br />
year, will be competing in Cape Town in her first ever<br />
South African Games during the October school holidays.<br />
MOTOR<br />
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* Vehicle Service and Repairs<br />
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* And Much More<br />
Tel (046) 624 5508<br />
33 North Street<br />
S t i e ke m a ’s daughter Kayla, a level nine gymnast,<br />
mentors Amelia in the gym.<br />
“We usually let Amelia train alongside Kayla as often<br />
as possible. This is a technique the Americans use to<br />
inspire and motivate talented junior gymnasts.<br />
“Kayla also has insight into the skills Amelia needs to<br />
learn, which helps her achieve tricks faster,” she said.<br />
All of the competitive Sunshine Coast gymnasts<br />
represent Anderson’s in Port Elizabeth when competing.<br />
They train during the week in Port Alfred and once a<br />
month or more, in Port Elizabeth.<br />
“Head coach Debbie Gordon in Port Elizabeth is<br />
extremely experienced and identifies potential problems<br />
instantly. The SCG gymnasts all train on the Anderson’s<br />
programme in Port Alfred, with adjustments, to increase<br />
strength and to give them an edge on other Eastern<br />
Cape gymnasts,” S t i e ke m a said.<br />
As a word of encouragement to her students,<br />
Stiekema said: “Congratulations artistic team, you are<br />
lifting the bar in the Eastern Cape higher each time you<br />
compete. Keep shining, you can do all things through<br />
Christ who strengthens you – Philippians 4:13.”<br />
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ON FORM: The Downey<br />
sisters of Sunshine<br />
Coast Gymnastics,<br />
Amelia, left, and Bekie<br />
... what’s happening<br />
Port Alfred Bowling and<br />
Croquet Club<br />
LAST Wednesday produced a<br />
heatwave of note during the Doris<br />
Ford at Kenton.<br />
It started promptly at 1.30pm, with<br />
the thermometer sitting at 40°C, but<br />
after four ends played, the game was<br />
abandoned.<br />
A lot of the ladies were overcome<br />
with the heat, which was proving<br />
detrimental to their health.<br />
After ice-cold drinks and rest we<br />
were able to drive back.<br />
The men played the Les Clarke at<br />
the Port Alfred Club and pushed<br />
through the heat, with the<br />
temperature sitting at 38ºC.<br />
The Colleen Timm and Moore Shield<br />
was scheduled to be played at Kowie,<br />
but the heavens opened and a deluge<br />
of rain flooded the Port Alfred area,<br />
which saw the games cancelled.<br />
Our Ladies Classic was held last<br />
Tuesday and Wednesday and the<br />
results will be in next week’s TotT.<br />
Unfortunately, our Radue-sponsored<br />
tournament was rained off, and the<br />
date for this event will be announced.<br />
A reminder that tabs-in green fees<br />
have increased to R25 from<br />
<strong>September</strong> 1.<br />
Good bowling to all the men taking<br />
part in the Kenton Men’s Classic<br />
on the weekend of <strong>September</strong><br />
10 and 11.<br />
The Ocean Basketsponsored<br />
competition will<br />
be played on Tuesday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 13.<br />
Birthday night will also be on<br />
the 13th. Gird your loins girls and do<br />
some baking, especially after all the<br />
catering we have had to do for the<br />
classic.<br />
Duties for the week <strong>September</strong><br />
13-17: Tabs – Rosemary Wood and<br />
Dallas Cowie, Bar – Vic Wicks, Ron<br />
Orford and Gaynor Renaud, Ironing –<br />
Noel Heale.<br />
Kenton-on-Sea Bowling Club<br />
Last Wednesday, the hottest day of<br />
the year so far, saw four of our men’s<br />
teams travel to Port Alfred Bowling<br />
Club for the bi-monthly Les Clarke<br />
competition.<br />
The quality of bowls on the green<br />
was as hot as the air temperature<br />
above the green.<br />
We shared the games, two wins<br />
each, but Port Alfred were the winners<br />
on the day with 22 points out of a<br />
possible 40.<br />
Our ladies played Port Alfred at<br />
home in the bi-monthly Doris Ford<br />
competition.<br />
Some of the players were overcome<br />
by the heat and play had to be<br />
abandoned. It was decided to share<br />
the points to be carried forward to the<br />
annual total.<br />
Seeff Supa Thursday Trips attracted<br />
a field of 26 players and Hermy<br />
Scholtz’s team walked off with the<br />
spoils.<br />
In a generous gesture, the team<br />
... runners with pride<br />
ĞĐŝĂůŝŝŶŐŝŶůĂ<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
decided to donate the prize money<br />
(R325) to the club’s President Fund.<br />
Fr i d ay ’s attendance draw was<br />
forfeited by Don Baillie. Apart from<br />
not being at the club to win the<br />
money he also missed out on a lovely<br />
lasagne dinner prepared by Keith and<br />
E st e l l e .<br />
Addie Wolf won the whiskey draw.<br />
Next week’s draw will be for R900.<br />
Welcome rain managed to wash out<br />
all play on Saturday. Our planned<br />
competitions with Kowie Bowling Club<br />
will be rescheduled for a later date.<br />
Coming events:<br />
<strong>September</strong> 10-11: Personal Trust<br />
Men’s Classic<br />
<strong>September</strong> 14: Dias Insurance<br />
Brokers Jackpot<br />
Birthdays: <strong>September</strong> 9 Ivor Rule<br />
Kowie Bowling Club<br />
On Tuesday, August 30, we played our<br />
internal Megabucks competition with<br />
a very good turnout.<br />
The winner was Rob Owsley’s team<br />
of trips, with Judy Hunter and Rob<br />
Sandiland, who beat Pieter<br />
Stegmann’s team with the only full<br />
house of 10 points and shot profit of<br />
seven.<br />
The runner-up position was shared<br />
by Harold Bodill’s team of fours and<br />
Keith Kolesky’s team of fours on eight<br />
points and 11 shot profit.<br />
Sadly, the runners-up do not<br />
qualify for the Megabucks<br />
prize and only Rob Owsley’s<br />
team took home the big<br />
bucks.<br />
Last Thursday we played our<br />
snowball competition with<br />
another good turnout of bowlers.<br />
The ends were drawn (four) and<br />
then a score of eight came out and<br />
none of the teams could match it.<br />
Some of the guys thought they<br />
could add their two scores together to<br />
make eight to claim the Snowball<br />
prize, but it does not work like that –<br />
so the Snowball rolls over.<br />
On Saturday, some members<br />
reported 2.5 inches of rain and we<br />
were forced to call off the Colleen<br />
Timm/Moore Shields inter-club<br />
competition.<br />
I was at the club at 11.30am and the<br />
A green was just a sheet of water, as<br />
well as the kitchen, with the rain<br />
being blown in under the outside<br />
d o o r.<br />
The drainage system was clearing<br />
the water away, so there was no<br />
build-up.<br />
The club now has to find another<br />
date but there does not appear to be a<br />
date available this month, with all the<br />
competitions scheduled. A midweek<br />
date may have to be considered.<br />
A reminder to all members: The<br />
AGM is on Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 15.<br />
Duties for week <strong>September</strong> 12-18:<br />
Greens – (Roll) Siegie Rohrs, (Mark)<br />
Rod Allin and Stan Richter, Tabs –<br />
(Cash) Margaret Stegmann, (Select)<br />
Sally Moffat, Bar – Lawrie May and<br />
Rob Sandiland.<br />
Time Trials: August<br />
30<br />
5km Run<br />
Andrew Kinon 23:31<br />
Sticks Stiglingh 24:10<br />
Andrew Philpott 24:37<br />
Yvo Suijs 24:44<br />
Olivia Lange 25:20<br />
Lungisani Mtsatse<br />
26:09<br />
Justin Philpott 26:58<br />
Rob Joiner 28:50<br />
Chaardi Bosman<br />
2 8 : 57<br />
Megan Walwyn 28:57<br />
Chris Pike 29:17<br />
Louw Grobbelaar<br />
29:17<br />
Dudley Emslie 35:20<br />
8km Run<br />
Sizakele Dayimani<br />
3 0 : 07<br />
Rick Betts 34:00<br />
Allan Rob 44:19<br />
5km Walk<br />
Annamarie Hockly<br />
(walk/run) 37:01<br />
Louise Hepburn<br />
(walk/run) 38:43<br />
Nikki Lange<br />
(walk/run) 39:38<br />
Stella Kamedien<br />
43:35<br />
Imran Kamedien<br />
43:35<br />
Clare Wood 44:16<br />
Sharon Dacombe<br />
44:16<br />
Dianne Emslie 45:20<br />
Billy Futter 45:20<br />
3km Walk<br />
Jo Betts 25:45
<strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong> ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />
Talk of the Town 23<br />
QUALIFIED: Local lad<br />
Cuan Macgregor<br />
recently passed his<br />
international certificate<br />
for surf coaching, which<br />
enables him to provide<br />
surfing lessons with an<br />
emphasis on water<br />
safet y<br />
Picture: ROB KNOWLES<br />
Let law of ocean<br />
be surf master<br />
Learn how to surf safely with ISA coach<br />
ACCORDING to Cuan Macgregor,<br />
learning to surf is not just about<br />
having a surfboard, and many<br />
surfing accidents are due to a<br />
lack of understanding of the<br />
ocean and the rules for its use.<br />
Macgregor, who comes from a<br />
family of surfers, recently<br />
attended a surfing coaching<br />
course in Durban by the<br />
International Surfing Association<br />
(ISA), and qualified as a level one<br />
surfing coach.<br />
“This means I am able to give<br />
lessons to anyone who wants to<br />
learn how to surf safely,” said<br />
M a c g r e g o r.<br />
The ISA courses are intended to<br />
establish an international system<br />
of coaching and instructing<br />
courses, improving the safety and<br />
efficacy of surf instruction around<br />
the world.<br />
It also intends to further<br />
develop, through educational<br />
programmes, a body of<br />
knowledge on which coaches and<br />
instructors may draw. The ISA<br />
further provides coaches and<br />
instructors employment<br />
opportunities, along with<br />
encouragement and support to<br />
enable them to standardise the<br />
way people are taught to surf.<br />
“I learned all the basics of how<br />
to surf and, more importantly,<br />
how to get the concepts across to<br />
those who want to learn how to<br />
sur f,” said Macgregor, who is one<br />
of only a few people in the<br />
Eastern Cape now ISA-qualified to<br />
teach surfing.<br />
“The course was pretty<br />
intensive, and it is the industry<br />
standard for surf instructors, and<br />
is used by quality surf schools<br />
around the world.”<br />
Macgregor said that a lot of the<br />
course was dedicated to water<br />
safet y.<br />
“We learnt all about evacuation<br />
planning, surf etiquette and the<br />
rules of the ocean; critical things<br />
that could save a life,” he said.<br />
Looking to the future,<br />
Macgregor said that he wanted to<br />
continue surf coaching locally,<br />
and teach people the proper way<br />
to surf safely. He said he would<br />
happily give one-on-one lessons,<br />
but that group lessons would<br />
work out cheaper for the<br />
par ticipants.<br />
“I realise I might have to put in<br />
around 3 000 hours to qualify for<br />
the ISA level two course,” he<br />
said. Level two coaching is<br />
intended for elite surfer contest<br />
p r e p a r at i o n .<br />
“I have no idea where I will be<br />
in five years’ time,” said<br />
Macgregor. “I might travel to<br />
Dubai or Costa Rica. All I know is<br />
that it will be near the ocean.<br />
“Although, as a surfer, I have<br />
always known safety is important,<br />
through this course I have come<br />
to appreciate safety is the most<br />
important aspect of surfing.<br />
“But I also know that the best<br />
surfers are those who have the<br />
most fun in the water.”<br />
Wednesday August 31:<br />
Sibuya Game<br />
Reserve/Arabella Wines<br />
Individual Stableford, with 79<br />
p l ay e r s .<br />
Results:<br />
1st: Dale Wisener – 43<br />
2nd: Trevor Taylor – 39<br />
3rd: At Nel – 39<br />
4th: Rowland Clayton – 38<br />
5th: Grant Acton – 38<br />
Two Clubs:<br />
6th: A Schultz, N van der<br />
Linde<br />
11th: A Nel<br />
13th: R Clayton, R Dales<br />
Best gross: 73 – Trevor Taylor,<br />
Grant Acton, Peter Thompson,<br />
Wayne Osborne<br />
Best nett: 64 – Dale Wisener<br />
Nearest the pins:<br />
Debonairs Pizza – 6th: Joos<br />
Vo s<br />
Kowie River Cruises – 8th:<br />
Derek Sinclair<br />
The Wharf Street Brew Pub –<br />
11th: Neil van der Linde<br />
Dulux – 13th: Gordon Bunting<br />
Wimpy longest drive – 14th:<br />
Grant Acton<br />
VW Nearest the pin for two on<br />
the first: Mark Shelton<br />
1820s GOLF<br />
Monday August 29: 24<br />
players in fine conditions.<br />
Winners on 41: Andy Simpson,<br />
Peter Rinaldi, Rick Hill, Dudley<br />
K i e s e r.<br />
GOLFW E E K LY<br />
... the results<br />
Moosehead on 45: Gordon<br />
Todd, Chris Day, Lionel Timm,<br />
Louis van der Walt.<br />
Good scores: 49 – Alber t<br />
Whitfield, 47 – Ted Bains, Rick<br />
Hill.<br />
Two clubs: 13th: Rick Hill.<br />
Thursday <strong>September</strong> 1: 19<br />
players in fine conditions.<br />
Winners on 38: Mick Parker,<br />
John Lardner-Burke, Rick Hill,<br />
Ram Piers.<br />
Moosehead on 45: Peter<br />
Rinaldi, Mike Reid, Don<br />
Howarth, Dudley Kieser.<br />
Good scores: 49 – Alber t<br />
Whitfield, Mike Reid, 48 –<br />
Dave Fraser, 47 – Ram Piers.<br />
Two clubs: 11th John<br />
L a r d n e r - B u r ke .<br />
Victoria Girls' High<br />
School athletes were<br />
recently selected for<br />
the final round of the<br />
Sarah Baartman trials.<br />
From left, Faith Eddie<br />
(bronze medal for<br />
under-16 4km run),<br />
Attiya Mansoor<br />
(bronze medal for U17<br />
4km run) and Bianca<br />
Banfield (gold medal<br />
for U19 4km run). Not<br />
pictured are Linique<br />
Denston who got silver<br />
for the U16 4km run<br />
and Lukhanyiso Cuka,<br />
silver for the U17 4km<br />
run. By being placed in<br />
the top three, these<br />
girls were all selected<br />
to attend the Eastern<br />
Cape team trials<br />
... rolls that count<br />
THE rain that we have<br />
received these past few days<br />
was most welcome and we<br />
look forward to having our<br />
lawns in perfect condition<br />
when we host the SA<br />
nationals in November.<br />
The list for players who will<br />
be playing in the friendly day<br />
against East London has<br />
closed. Those playing must<br />
be at the club by 8.30am on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 18.<br />
There is great excitement<br />
for our monthly rollover,<br />
which will take place on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 14 as there is a<br />
record kitty and up to four<br />
numbers will be drawn to find<br />
a winner. Remember you have<br />
to be present at the draw to<br />
win it! Our Radue-sponsored<br />
afternoon will take place on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 20. Again, many<br />
thanks to Radue Optometrist<br />
for their generous<br />
sponsorship.<br />
Birthday wishes to Correen<br />
Gie for the 2nd – hope you do<br />
not have to spend much more<br />
time in hospital and that you<br />
will soon be back home. We<br />
are pleased to hear that<br />
Barbara Davisson is back<br />
home after a long stay in<br />
hospital.<br />
We also wish Veronica van<br />
Coller a happy birthday for<br />
the 9th and Laura Perry for<br />
the 11th.
Contact us with any sports news: (046) 624-4356 (Jon Houzet)<br />
Sp ort<br />
Thursday <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2016</strong><br />
Karate master Shihan Koos Burger,<br />
right, presents Gary Grapentin of<br />
local dojo East Cape Shotokan-Ryu<br />
with his rokudan (6th dan) grading<br />
certificate. Grapentin completed<br />
the grading in Grahamstown<br />
recently<br />
Nemato teen hits<br />
gymnastic heights<br />
Indo Pacific champs<br />
a trampoline jump<br />
away for golden boy<br />
HE flies through the air with<br />
the greatest of ease – t h at ’s<br />
a good way to describe<br />
African junior champion<br />
Onke Mangele, a 14-year-old<br />
gymnast from Nemato who<br />
has taken the world of<br />
trampolining by storm over<br />
the past year or so, and will<br />
be representing South<br />
Africa in the Indo Pacific<br />
Championships next month.<br />
Mangele is a member of<br />
the Nemato Gymnastics<br />
Club, itself part of the<br />
Nemato Change a Life<br />
(NCAL) foundation,<br />
specifically designed to<br />
help the poorer youth in the<br />
Ndlambe community excel<br />
academically or in their<br />
chosen sports. Mangele is<br />
no stranger to Talk of the<br />
Town, which has been<br />
reporting on his gymnastics<br />
career since he began in<br />
2013.<br />
Mangele competed in the<br />
Top Ten gymnastics<br />
competition in Pretoria<br />
earlier this year and<br />
brought home gold on the<br />
double mini trampoline.<br />
“Many of the routines<br />
were more difficult than<br />
those any other junior in<br />
South Africa is jumping,”<br />
NCAL founder Jan Blom<br />
said. “It was combined with<br />
trials for African<br />
Championships and for Indo<br />
Pacific Championships in<br />
New Zealand.”<br />
Blom’s dreams for<br />
Mangele came true at the<br />
African Championships,<br />
held in Walvis Bay in<br />
Namibia from August 28 to<br />
<strong>September</strong> 3, when his<br />
mentee brought home two<br />
gold medals, one for<br />
individual mini tramp in the<br />
junior section, and the other<br />
as part of the South African<br />
team.<br />
“I really enjoyed<br />
competing and have made<br />
lots of new friends,” said<br />
the shy and modest<br />
Mangele. “I feel good.”<br />
Next up for the golden<br />
boy is a trip to Cape Town<br />
<br />
for the national<br />
championships, then it’s off<br />
to Namibia again for the<br />
Junior Commonwealth<br />
Games and finally, the Indo<br />
Pacific Championships in<br />
New Zealand next month<br />
where Mangele is touted to<br />
top the medal tables in the<br />
trampoline events.<br />
“We are all very<br />
proud of Onke,” said<br />
Blom, who also had a<br />
discussion with<br />
president of the<br />
South African<br />
Spor ts<br />
Confederation and<br />
Olympic Committee<br />
(Sascoc) Gideon<br />
Sam at the African<br />
Championships.<br />
“Gideon was very<br />
impressed, and said<br />
that Onke was the<br />
best gymnast on the<br />
trampoline in the<br />
country at the moment<br />
and has excellent<br />
potential to reach<br />
Olympic gold in Tokyo in<br />
2020.”<br />
In fact, another<br />
up-and-coming gymnast<br />
with equal potential,<br />
Khanyile Mbolekwa, is also<br />
a member of the Nemato<br />
Gymnastics Club.<br />
“Gideon said that<br />
Khanyile also had great<br />
‘Olympic potential’,”<br />
<br />
À<br />
according to Blom.<br />
However, sending<br />
gymnasts to these events is<br />
a very expensive exercise,<br />
and has already cost the<br />
club more than R100 000 in<br />
expenses.<br />
“It would be nice to have<br />
some sponsorship from<br />
local businesses in order for<br />
us to send even<br />
more of our<br />
talented<br />
youngsters to<br />
events both in<br />
South Africa and abroad,”<br />
Blom said.<br />
It is also rumoured<br />
that the South African<br />
Gymnastics Federation<br />
might want to set up a<br />
high-per formance<br />
facility in Ndlambe,<br />
specifically on the<br />
strength of the<br />
talent based in<br />
the area.<br />
FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY: Onke Mangele could be<br />
one of South Africa’s premier gymnasts and, at<br />
just 14 years of age, is already lighting up the<br />
world with his skills on the mini trampoline.<br />
Pictured here, Mangele showed off his gymnastic<br />
prowess at Nemato Change a Life and the Nemato<br />
Gymnastics Club this week Picture: ROB KNOWLES<br />
Do you have a sports story?<br />
E-mail houzetj@timesmedia.co.za