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• property – market value.<br />

Notes to the Core Financial Statements<br />

The change in the net pension’s liability is analysed into the following components:<br />

• current service cost – the increase in liabilities as a result of years of service earned this year – allocated<br />

to the revenue accounts of services for whom the employees worked;<br />

• past service cost – the increase in liabilities arising from current year decisions whose effect relates to<br />

years of service earned in earlier years – debited to the Net Cost of Services as part of Non Distributed<br />

Costs;<br />

• net interest on the net defined benefit liability – this is made up of two elements: (1) the value of the<br />

liabilities increases as a year’s worth of interest is added on; and (2) the increase in assets used to fund<br />

pensions in line with the discount rate. This is charged to the Financing and Investment Income and<br />

Expenditure line of the CI&ES;<br />

• return on plan assets – the funds that are built up to finance the pension payments are the plan assets<br />

and this shows the return on them excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit<br />

liability. This is charged to the Pensions Reserve as Other Comprehensive Income and Expenditure;<br />

• changes in financial/democratic assumptions, loss of defined benefit obligation, other losses and return<br />

on assets less interest – changes in the net pensions liability that arise because events have not<br />

coincided with assumptions made at the last actuarial valuation or because the actuaries have updated<br />

their assumptions. These are charged to the Pensions Reserve as Other Comprehensive Income and<br />

Expenditure;<br />

• contributions by scheme participants – cash paid by staff as employee contributions to the KCC Pension<br />

Fund;<br />

• employer contributions – cash paid by the Council to the KCC Pension Fund; and<br />

• benefits paid – payments made directly to pensioners from the KCC Pension Fund.<br />

The negative balance that arises on the Pensions Reserve measures the beneficial impact to the General Fund of<br />

being required to account for retirement benefits on the basis of cash flows rather than as benefits are earned by<br />

employees.<br />

The Fund’s Actuary determines employers’ contributions to the pension scheme on a triennial basis. The last<br />

actuarial valuation took place on 31 March 2013 and the change in contribution rates as a result of that valuation<br />

took effect from 1 April 2014.<br />

Estimation Techniques<br />

Estimation techniques are the methods adopted by the Council to arrive at estimated monetary amounts,<br />

corresponding to the measurement bases selected for assets, liabilities, gains, losses and changes in reserves.<br />

Details of where these have been used are contained in the relevant note to the Accounts. Where a change in an<br />

estimation technique is material, an explanation is also provided of the change and its effect on the results for the<br />

current period.<br />

Financial Instruments<br />

Financial instruments are recognised on the Balance Sheet only when the Council becomes a party to the<br />

contractual provisions of the instrument. Trade receivables are an exception as they are not recognised when the<br />

Council becomes committed to supply the goods or service but when the ordered goods or services have been<br />

delivered or rendered. Similarly, trade payables are recognised when the ordered goods or services have been<br />

received.<br />

Financial assets are classified as one of:<br />

• available-for-sale – this category includes;<br />

o Money Market Funds (MMFs) and are initially measured and carried at fair value;<br />

o British Government Stocks which are shown in the Balance Sheet at cost; and<br />

o Investment in CCLA Property Fund carried at fair value.<br />


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