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APRIL, <strong>2017</strong> 1<br />


APRIL, <strong>2017</strong><br />


Eggs, bunnies, and candy?<br />

Just like other holidays, the<br />

celebration of Easter has come<br />

to include many traditions, decorations,<br />

and fun events which<br />

have nothing to do with the real<br />

meaning of the day. Colouring<br />

and hunting for Easter eggs,<br />

eating candy, and enjoying a big<br />

family dinner are fun things to<br />

do, but the true meaning of<br />

Easter is not found in any of<br />

them.<br />

What is Easter really about?<br />

Easter is the time of year<br />

when Christians remember and<br />

celebrate the death and resurrection<br />

of Jesus Christ. You may<br />

notice that the date of Easter<br />

changes each year. This is because,<br />

historically, the timing of<br />

Easter has been linked with the<br />

Jewish Passover feast, which<br />

was taking place at the time Jesus<br />

died and rose again. In fact,<br />

the Bible links the sacrificial<br />

death of Jesus with that of the<br />

Passover lamb: “Christ our<br />

passover is sacrificed for us” (1<br />

Corinthians 5:7).<br />

Why celebrate someone’s<br />

death?<br />

It might seem strange to<br />

some people that we remember<br />

and even celebrate the death of<br />

Jesus Christ. Why do we do it?<br />

Just like we would honour the<br />

loss of a soldier who died for our<br />

country, or a hero who lost his<br />

life while rescuing someone<br />

dear to us, Christians commemorate<br />

the death of Jesus Christ<br />

because He died for us—He<br />

died to rescue us.<br />

You see, each of us has a<br />

problem called sin. Sin is the Bible’s<br />

word—God’s word—for<br />

everything we do that goes<br />

against what God wants. We all<br />

sin by doing things we shouldn’t<br />

do like lying, stealing, or swearing.<br />

We also sin in other ways,<br />

like having improper thoughts<br />

and attitudes—even by not doing<br />

things we know we should<br />

do (Matthew 5:28; James 4:17).


What does this have to do<br />

with Jesus? Well, Jesus, the<br />

Son of God, is the only person<br />

who ever lived a perfect life without<br />

any sin. Because He is sinless,<br />

He was perfectly qualified<br />

to become our substitute: “Christ<br />

also hath once suffered for sins,<br />

the just for the unjust, that He<br />

might bring us to God” (1 Peter<br />

3:18). That is the very reason<br />

God sent Jesus here: He came<br />

to open the way of salvation by<br />

bearing “our sins in His own<br />

body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24).<br />

Did Jesus really rise from the<br />

dead?<br />

Yes, He did. The Bible is<br />

very clear on this, and even<br />

gives a list of witnesses who<br />

saw Him alive again. In addition<br />

to the apostles and others who<br />

are named, Jesus appeared to<br />

more than 500 people at one<br />

time (read John chapters 20 and<br />

21; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8). The<br />

fact of Jesus’ resurrection is not<br />

only a demonstration of God’s<br />

power and majesty, it is a proof<br />

that God is satisfied with the<br />

work Jesus did on the cross<br />

when He suffered for our sins.<br />

Because of who He is and<br />

what He has done, Jesus—the<br />

living Saviour—is the only way<br />

to Heaven. He said, “I am the<br />

way, the truth, and the life: no<br />

man cometh unto the Father, but<br />

by Me” (John 14:6).<br />

What does this mean for me?<br />

Do you want to be free from<br />

your sin—free from the burden<br />

and weight of sin which is dragging<br />

you down to Hell? Turn to<br />

Jesus. You need a Saviour who<br />

can stand between you and<br />

God, one who can make peace<br />

with God for you (Romans 5:1).<br />

Jesus died for you and rose<br />

again; He is the saviour you<br />

need!<br />

God’s message to you is<br />

simple: repent and believe (Acts<br />

20:21). Acknowledge that you<br />

are a lost sinner in need of the<br />

Saviour. Reach out by faith and<br />

lay hold of what Jesus has done<br />

for you. He will take away your<br />

sins (1 John 3:5), give you<br />

peace with God, and make you<br />

a new person (2 Corinthians<br />

5:17)! “If thou shalt confess with<br />

thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and<br />

shalt believe in thine heart that<br />

God hath raised Him from the<br />

dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans<br />

10:9).<br />

“Jesus said unto her, I am<br />

the resurrection, and the life: he<br />

that believeth in Me, though he<br />

were dead, yet shall he live”<br />

(John 11:25).

APRIL, <strong>2017</strong> 3<br />

So they took Jesus … they crucified Him, and two others with<br />

Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the centre. (John 19:16-18)<br />

On a dark day nearly 2000<br />

years ago, three men died on<br />

three crosses on a hillside near<br />

Jerusalem. You may have heard<br />

about Jesus dying on the centre<br />

cross, but have you ever wondered<br />

why there were three<br />

crosses that day? What about<br />

the other two people?<br />


Then one of the criminals who<br />

were hanged blasphemed Him,<br />

saying, “If You are the Christ,<br />

save Yourself and us.” (Luke<br />

23:39)<br />

The first cross held a criminal<br />

who remained hardened in sin.<br />

Even in the final hours of life, this<br />

man showed no remorse for his<br />

actions and blasphemed the<br />

Lord with his words. In this cross<br />

we have a picture of all who reject<br />

the salvation offered by God<br />

through His Son. Just like the unrepentant<br />

thief, we are condemned<br />

to death because of our<br />

sin. The Bible says, “The wages<br />

of sin is death; but the gift of God<br />

is eternal life through Jesus<br />

Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).<br />

God sent His own Son, Jesus, to<br />

take the punishment for our sins.<br />

All who reject Jesus Christ will<br />

die in their sins and spend eternity<br />

under God’s judgment in the<br />

Lake of Fire.<br />


ANCE<br />

But the other, answering, rebuked<br />

him, saying, “Do you not<br />

even fear God, seeing you are<br />

under the same condemnation?<br />

And we indeed justly, for we receive<br />

the due reward of our<br />

deeds; but this Man has done<br />

nothing wrong.” Then he said to<br />

Jesus, “Lord, remember me<br />

when You come into Your kingdom.”<br />

And Jesus said to him,<br />

“Assuredly, I say to you, today<br />

you will be with Me in Paradise.”<br />

(Luke 23:40-43)<br />

On the second cross we find a<br />

thief who admitted that his actions<br />

were wrong and that he deserved<br />

the punishment he was<br />

receiving. This change of heart<br />

and mind is called repentance,<br />

and is something we all must do.<br />

We must see the error of our<br />

ways and turn to God’s way. Jesus<br />

said, “Except ye repent, ye


shall all likewise perish” (Luke<br />

13:5). Turning to Jesus in complete<br />

humility, this thief called out<br />

to Him for salvation. Think of the<br />

great faith this required: Jesus<br />

was bleeding and dying right beside<br />

him, yet this poor sinner<br />

trusted his eternal soul to Him.<br />

Because of his repentance and<br />

faith in Jesus Christ, he received<br />

the promise of everlasting life in<br />

Heaven with His Lord.<br />


And they sang a new song,<br />

saying: “You are worthy to take<br />

the scroll, And to open its seals;<br />

For You were slain, And have redeemed<br />

us to God by Your blood<br />

Out of every tribe and tongue<br />

and people and nation… (Revelation<br />

5:9)<br />

On the third and final cross we<br />

see Jesus, our Redeemer. To redeem<br />

means to buy back. Our<br />

sins are like a debt far greater<br />

than we can pay. Jesus was sinless<br />

and holy, yet chose to take<br />

upon Himself the punishment for<br />

our sin and the death we deserved.<br />

Then, three days later,<br />

He rose triumphantly from the<br />

grave. It is only through His<br />

blood that our sins can be<br />

washed away. He paid the price<br />

for us, so that we can live forever<br />

with Him. The Bible says that we<br />

are “redeemed … with the precious<br />

blood of Christ, as of a<br />

lamb without blemish and without<br />

spot” (1 Peter 1:18,19).<br />


Just as we have seen with the<br />

two thieves, there are two responses<br />

to Jesus—and two eternal<br />

destinies. Jesus died on the<br />

cross to redeem you from sin,<br />

and rose from the dead to offer<br />

you eternal life. I pray that you<br />

will see yourself as you really<br />

are—a condemned sinner—and<br />

that you will turn to God, trusting<br />

Jesus Christ as your Saviour.<br />

The choice is yours to make.<br />

Which do you choose today: rejection<br />

or repentance?<br />

“For God so loved the world<br />

that He gave His only begotten<br />

Son, that whoever believes in<br />

Him should not perish but have<br />

everlasting life. He who believes<br />

in Him is not condemned; but he<br />

who does not believe is condemned<br />

already, because he<br />

has not believed in the name of<br />

the only begotten Son of God.”<br />

(John 3:16,18).<br />


SYDNEY: 51-57 Kingsway, KINGSGROVE, 2208, Sundays 10:00-11:30am<br />

MELBOURNE: 161-167 Peel Street, NTH Melbourne, Sat 7:00-8:00pm, Sun 11-12:15 pm<br />

Radio - Melbourne: AM 1422 3XY, Mondays 9:30-10pm<br />

Also, please visit our website: www.GreekFreeChurch.org.au<br />

Printed by Good News Magazine, PO Box 17, Northcote, VIC 3070

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