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autism free before this time. That, and<br />

not the use of the preservative thimerosal<br />

in measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine,<br />

is the reason for the increase in autism<br />

rates. They also mention that the “Center<br />

for Disease Control and Prevention<br />

denies the link between the ingredients<br />

within vaccines, thimerosal more specifically,<br />

is a causing factor of autism, and<br />

the Hannah Poling case is evidence of<br />

this” (Mulvihill para 8).<br />

Fig 26: “Hannah Poling.” AGE OF AUTISM. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2017.<br />

The Hannah Poling case came to trial in<br />

2007, five years after her parents filed<br />

an autism claim in the federal vaccine<br />

court. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation<br />

Program awarded the family<br />

1.5 million dollars for the measles,<br />

mumps and rubella vaccines role in her<br />

autism diagnosis. Hannah is no ordinary<br />

case, as she had an unknow mitochondrial<br />

disorder that was triggered when<br />

she received vaccines for nine diseases,<br />

including measles, mumps and rubella.<br />

The court came to the decision to award<br />

the family money because of this medical<br />

disorder, and made no statement<br />

which would indicate that vaccines cause<br />

autisms, as some believe. This case is a<br />

rare instance where vaccines might be at<br />

fault for causing something such as autism,<br />

and that is only because there were<br />

other medical problems lying under the<br />

surface that reacted with the vaccines.<br />

Some have taken this case with acquiesce<br />

36 that vaccines cause autism. On a<br />

different note, they link the first diagnosis<br />

of autism to vaccinations in the 1930s<br />

that just started to contain the preservative<br />

thimerosal. Again, this is not backed<br />

up by scientific evidence and is just speculation.<br />

It is just a coincidence that both<br />

showed up around the same time, and<br />

are not connected whatsoever. The Environmental<br />

Protection Agency makes<br />

many reccomendations when it comes to<br />

certain substances in the medical field.<br />

They say that “Despite reccomendations<br />

from the Institute of Medicine back in<br />

1999, infants today are still receiving<br />

mercury from multidose vial flu shots”<br />

(Mulvihill para 13). When consulting the<br />

Environmental Protection Agency website<br />

for thimerosal within vaccines, we<br />

are linked to the U.S. Food and Drug<br />

Administration website with information<br />

about the use of it in vaccines. There,<br />

they state that “all vaccines routinely reccommended<br />

for children 6 years of age<br />

and younger in the U.S. do not contain<br />

the preservative thimerosal” (FDA para<br />

1). In the past, the preservative was used<br />

to prevent the growth of micribes within<br />

the vaccine, and the use of thimerosal<br />

has decreased because of reformulation<br />

of vaccines, new preservatives becoming<br />

available, and also with the development<br />

of new vaccines that are single<br />

use. Single dose vaccnes do not require<br />

a preservative, while a preservative is required<br />

in a multidose vial of vaccinations.<br />

Organizations such as Focus for Health<br />

bring evidence that is not supported by<br />

facts, scientific evidence, or major organizations<br />

such as the Center for Disease<br />

Control and Prevention, the Environmental<br />

Protection Agency, or the U.S. Food<br />

and Drug Administration.<br />

May 31, 2017 TIME 25

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