New Mobility
Easing global gridlock
Global Investor, 02/2013
Credit Suisse
Easing global gridlock
Global Investor, 02/2013
Credit Suisse
Global Investor 2.13, November 2013 Expert know-how for Credit Suisse investment clients New Mobility Easing global gridlock
- Page 2 and 3: Fold out the handle, and check in w
- Page 4 and 5: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 Contents — 0
- Page 6 and 7: Introduction MOBILE LIVES The New M
- Page 8 and 9: 3,000,000 Chapter I MODERN MIGRATIO
- Page 10 and 11: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 10 MIGRATI
- Page 12 and 13: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 12 origina
- Page 16 and 17: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 16 “The
- Page 18 and 19: Chapter II TECHNOLOGY ENABLERS Mobi
- Page 20 and 21: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 20 More an
- Page 22 and 23: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 22 Richard
- Page 24 and 25: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 24 MOBILE
- Page 26 and 27: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 26 Where b
- Page 28 and 29: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 28 TWO SUC
- Page 30 and 31: CN Low Middle High Inequality of ec
- Page 32 and 33: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 32 SOCIAL
- Page 34 and 35: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 34 drop o
- Page 36 and 37: The golden rule Inequality lowers m
- Page 38 and 39: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 38 Colling
- Page 40 and 41: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 40 Home ma
- Page 42 and 43: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 42 “Most
- Page 44 and 45: 75% 50-75% 0-50% Percentage of popu
- Page 46 and 47: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 46 URBAN C
- Page 48 and 49: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 48 communi
- Page 50 and 51: GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 50 Giselle
Global Investor 2.13, November 2013<br />
Expert know-how for Credit Suisse investment clients<br />
<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong><br />
Easing global gridlock
Fold out the handle, and<br />
check in with Global Investor!<br />
The briefcase handles are perforated,<br />
so just punch them out and flip<br />
them up to form the handle. You’ve<br />
now got a little briefcase of sorts, and<br />
you’re good to go, as Global Investor<br />
explores the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong>. Be it just<br />
up the street, across the continent,<br />
or around the world, we’re moving in<br />
new directions.<br />
Important disclosures are found in the Disclosure appendix.<br />
Credit Suisse does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research<br />
<br />
that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as<br />
only a single factor in making their investment decision. For a discussion of the risks of<br />
investing in the securities mentioned in this report, please refer to the following Internet link:<br /><br />
Martina Lubyová Labor migration entails costs as<br />
well as benefits. Ian Goldin An expert weighs in<br />
on the modern migration debate. Pedro Conceição<br />
Economies and education have improved, but<br />
in Africa there’s still a paradox that exists.<br />
Dario Hidalgo Mass transit is stretched to the limit,<br />
and in serious need of a sustainability rethink.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 Editorial — 03<br />
Photos: Chou Chiang | Martin Stollenwerk<br />
Responsible for coordinating the focus<br />
themes in this issue:<br />
Nilanjan Das, CFA, is Research Editor<br />
of Global Investor and Head of Global<br />
Research KPO. He leads a crossasset<br />
research team covering global<br />
equities, bonds, currencies, economic<br />
and thematic research. He joined<br />
Credit Suisse in 2009, bringing 15 years<br />
of research and banking experience,<br />
including positions at J. P. Morgan Global<br />
Research and ICICI Bank. He is a<br />
postgraduate from the Indian Institute<br />
of Management, Bangalore.<br />
Sara Carnazzi Weber joined Credit<br />
Suisse in 1999 and is currently a senior<br />
economist responsible for long-term<br />
macroeconomic issues. She has<br />
ten years of experience in regional and<br />
spatial economics and contributed<br />
significantly to the development of the<br />
regional analysis unit within Research.<br />
She holds a doctorate from the<br />
University of Fribourg.<br />
At certain moments in history, a cluster of innovations reaches a point<br />
of maturity and comes together to create radical change. Steam<br />
power, railways and the assembly line came together in the mid-19th<br />
century’s wave of industrial globalization. After World War II, efficient<br />
air-conditioning, electricity grids and cold-chain logistics triggered a<br />
US productivity boom as factory conditions improved, and allowed<br />
rapid development of the US Sun Belt and then Asian hubs such<br />
as Singapore and Hong Kong. Typically, these clusters occur when<br />
new technologies combine with relatively old ones to create something<br />
radically new that is greater than the sum of the parts.<br />
Today, we see three such clusters, all related to mobility. First,<br />
low-cost Internet-based communications like Skype and cheaper<br />
money transfers combine with the existing technology of long-haul<br />
air travel to transform the concept of immigration from the old model<br />
of lifelong change requiring permanent separation from friends and<br />
family, into a temporary, intermittent activity in which close contact is<br />
maintained with home. Second, the application of modern informationbased<br />
control systems to relatively old automotive and bicycle technologies<br />
presages a revolution in urban and eventually interurban transport.<br />
And a third is waiting in the wings: the explosion of Internet-based<br />
learning can help social mobility, for which education is key.<br />
In this issue, we examine how this <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong> is set to transform<br />
economies, lives and social interactions around the world. These effects<br />
may prove vital in emerging countries, where trend economic<br />
growth seems to have slowed. Lack of infrastructure, income uncertainty<br />
and in some cases labor bottlenecks are all possible causes.<br />
The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong> offers some potential solutions, reducing the scale<br />
of physical infrastructure investment needed to relieve urban gridlock,<br />
supporting consumption by opening new income streams from migrant<br />
workers, and upping temporary labor supply in countries facing shortages.<br />
Those countries that embrace these solutions will benefit from<br />
a new potential way to reinvigorate growth.<br />
Giles Keating, Head of Research and Deputy Global CIO
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 Contents — 04<br />
MODERN<br />
If there’s one constant when it comes to human nature and activity, it’s the<br />
fact that we’re perpetually on the move – whether it’s the search for<br />
safety and security as millions flee war-torn regions of the world,<br />
the hope for a brighter economic future elsewhere, simply<br />
trying to make sure we get through the morning<br />
commute without being delayed, or making<br />
a concerted effort to climb the rungs<br />
toward a higher standing within<br />
the social order.<br />
> Pages 08, 18, 30, 44
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 Contents — 05<br />
<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong><br />
06<br />
The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong><br />
Information technologies are reconfiguring the way we travel,<br />
work and communicate. Giles Keating explores how the <strong>New</strong><br />
<strong>Mobility</strong> will impact economic growth.<br />
10<br />
Migration: Good or bad?<br />
Is international migration posing a problem, or rather a solution?<br />
Ian Goldin separates fact from fiction, providing a deeper<br />
understanding of a complex topic.<br />
14<br />
Top shots on the move<br />
Global Investor presents a collection of portraits featuring ten<br />
top shots from around the world. Find out where they are<br />
from, and where they are deployed. Each is unique, but what<br />
is it that they all have in common?<br />
20<br />
Keeping cities moving<br />
According to Dario Hidalgo, as cities continue to expand,<br />
the need for effective mass rapid transit becomes all the more<br />
important. He explains why more roads aren’t the answer.<br />
24<br />
So far, yet so near<br />
With over a billion smartphone users, mobile technologies are<br />
already transformative. But, says Uwe Neumann, the real boom<br />
comes once people, processes, things and data are all linked.<br />
26<br />
Innovation welcome in a USD 40 billion business<br />
Remittances from migrants to their home countries have a<br />
major economic impact. Christine Schmid and Javier Lodeiro<br />
explain why and look at the role that mobile communication<br />
technology plays in getting money to those who need it most.<br />
32<br />
Moving ahead in Africa<br />
Where 40% of primary school students drop out,<br />
there’s a need for more accessible education in Africa.<br />
But as Pedro Conceição reports, learning and earnings<br />
aren’t always directly linked.<br />
36<br />
(Un)equal opportunity<br />
Earnings mobility is something that citizens of all the rich<br />
countries value. Miles Corak examines the roles that socioeconomic<br />
background and education play in that regard.<br />
38<br />
Managing migration<br />
National migration policies are a complex matrix where demographics<br />
and economics intersect. Martina Lubyová explores<br />
the topic of managing labor mobility in a globalized world.<br />
46<br />
<strong>New</strong> mobility models needed<br />
Urban streets are chronically congested, slowing commuters<br />
and goods while choking residents with pollution.<br />
Andrea Schnell and Thomas Rühl present some new solutions<br />
to what has become a long-standing problem.<br />
50<br />
How ideas spread<br />
If there’s something worth sharing, Duncan Watts wants to<br />
know about it. He’s made a career of studying how and why it<br />
is that some ideas get passed up, passed along or “go viral.”<br />
52<br />
The China travel surge<br />
Tourism from China is booming – to such a degree that<br />
China plans to build 70 new airports by 2015. Scott Booker<br />
reports on the travel explosion that was worth USD 102 billion<br />
last year.<br />
Disclaimer > Page 56<br />
Podcast on
Introduction<br />
The <strong>New</strong><br />
<strong>Mobility</strong><br />
The information revolution is opening up new ways to leverage the “old” economy.<br />
<strong>New</strong> control systems ease traffic on congested highways, teaching<br />
expands beyond the classroom, family ties are no longer broken by distance.<br />
Does this offer hope for improving the disappointing growth rates<br />
now affecting both developed and emerging countries?<br />
TEXT Giles Keating, Head of Research and<br />
Deputy Global CIO, Credit Suisse<br />
The digital technologies are starting to transform mobility,<br />
affecting people, traffic and ideas. First, new cheap<br />
ways to transfer small sums of money across borders and<br />
almost free international communication (Skype, Facebook<br />
...) are now combining with low-cost long-haul air<br />
travel to change mass migration from the traditional<br />
model of lifelong upheaval to a new era in which mass<br />
migration can be temporary, and close contact with home<br />
is retained. Second, the application of modern information-based<br />
control systems to the old technologies of<br />
automobiles, bicycles and public transport promises a<br />
revolution in urban and eventually interurban transport,<br />
squeezing far more passenger journeys from existing overstretched<br />
infrastructure. Third, Internet-based learning,<br />
still in its infancy but growing rapidly, has the potential<br />
to reach vast numbers of people, greatly magnifying the<br />
social mobility that education brings. Taken together, we<br />
call these three phenomena “The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong>.”<br />
The changing shape of migration is difficult to measure<br />
directly, but some telltale indicators give an idea of what<br />
is happening. In the Philippines, one-tenth of national<br />
income is now earned abroad and sent home to help support<br />
children and other family members. Much of this<br />
money seems to come from people who have traveled<br />
abroad to work temporarily rather than permanently, in<br />
places such as Hong Kong, Singapore and the Gulf. Javier<br />
Lodeiro and Christine Schmid analyze the growth of these<br />
money flows on page 26.<br />
Large numbers of people also travel from the former<br />
Soviet Republics to get temporary work in Russia. As an<br />
example, in Tajikistan this brings in income worth almost<br />
half of domestic output, the world’s highest figure. Martina<br />
Lubyová (page 38) provides color on both the benefits<br />
and problems faced by Russia as it receives these large<br />
numbers of temporary workers. Gulf states Dubai and<br />
Qatar rely heavily on temporary workers from the subcontinent<br />
to fuel all levels of their economy from construction<br />
and domestic service to fund management, while,<br />
within Europe, London is a clear temporary migration<br />
hot spot.<br />
Modern telecommunications ease pain of leaving home<br />
Physical separation from family and friends will always<br />
be an issue, but modern telecommunications mitigate its<br />
effects substantially. Long-distance international phone<br />
calls now cost pennies – barely two decades ago, they were<br />
an almost unaffordable luxury for people on low incomes.<br />
And seeing people at a distance, largely the preserve of
expensive corporate videoconferences ten years ago, is<br />
now available via Internet street cafés across emerging<br />
countries using Skype, while low-end cell phones help<br />
spread messaging systems like WhatsApp (which send<br />
text, photos and audio clips) toward the lower end of the<br />
income scale. Arguably, the impact of these changes in<br />
boosting temporary migration is only just beginning.<br />
“Physical separation<br />
from family and friends will<br />
always be an issue, but<br />
modern telecommunications<br />
mitigate its effects<br />
substantially.”<br />
Going abroad to work for a while can bring substantial<br />
economic benefits. For example, in the Philippines, income<br />
from abroad has risen consistently for 15 years, providing<br />
support even when the domestic economy was slowing<br />
down. Of course, there are adverse effects as well, and<br />
both good and bad effects have been widely analyzed for<br />
traditional (permanent) migration, as described by Professor<br />
Ian Goldin in his excellent article on page 10. The<br />
newer phenomenon of temporary mass migration is clearly<br />
more flexible and so should be able to offer a better<br />
balance of good effects compared to bad. We believe that<br />
it will grow in scale, as the cost of sending money home<br />
falls further, cheap airfares proliferate, and services like<br />
Skype become even more widely used.<br />
A need for multimodal transit and smarter planning<br />
Urban transport is starting to be reshaped by information<br />
technology. Automated bicycle rental is now commonplace<br />
in many cities around the world (see just one example on<br />
page 23). Remote-controlled lanes for cars and other vehicles<br />
are set to move from the lab to public roads within<br />
the next few years; smartphone apps already allow passengers<br />
to see when their bus is arriving and to identify<br />
the nearest taxi. And in future, the boundary between<br />
buses and taxis may become blurred, with a unified vehicle<br />
fleet able to switch between shared and exclusive use,<br />
and between fixed and variable routes, depending on demand.<br />
Andrea Schnell and Thomas Rühl review these developments<br />
(page 46) while Eric Höweler (page 49) discusses<br />
their application to interurban travel. With traffic<br />
in cities such as Jakarta, Beijing, Mumbai and Manila<br />
clearly a major constraint on economic growth and highly<br />
pollutive, and mass transit systems expensive and disruptive<br />
to build, a new approach is badly needed. Costeffective<br />
solutions such as bus-ways (see the interview with<br />
Darío Hidalgo on page 20) can help, but a broader solution<br />
is to use information technology to increase the passenger-carrying<br />
capacity of a given road system. This has the<br />
potential to be far cheaper and less disruptive than massive<br />
physical construction programs.<br />
Education is often seen as key to social mobility, but<br />
this does not apply everywhere. Miles Corak (page 36)<br />
shows that poor education often persists across generations<br />
in developed countries, while Pedro Conceição<br />
(page 32) shows that in sub-Saharan Africa, education does<br />
not necessarily mean getting a job. Could the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong><br />
help? It could allow adults to use Internet learning to<br />
catch up on skills they missed at school, and it could help<br />
educated young Africans to find worthwhile work abroad<br />
for a while, without having to leave home permanently.<br />
Already, Internet-based learning is growing rapidly. Lectures<br />
by professors from top universities are now available<br />
to a worldwide audience and online courses like those<br />
offered by Rosetta Stone provide an intuitive and yet rigorous<br />
way to learn new languages. Even social networks play<br />
a role, complementing formal education by spreading key<br />
ideas, as analyzed by Duncan Watts (page 50).<br />
Economic growth has slowed recently in many emerging<br />
countries and their stock markets have seen periods<br />
of major underperformance. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mobility</strong> may help<br />
offer solutions. It can bring relief to the urban gridlock<br />
that is inhibiting development; it can help to boost consumption<br />
by opening new income streams from local<br />
people who are temporarily working abroad, while boosting<br />
labor supply in other places where it is needed; and it<br />
may also be able to help relieve educational bottlenecks.<br />
All this can be helpful for growth in developed countries<br />
as well. Crucially, it is not just that the technologies are<br />
there to do this; it is also that the economic incentives to<br />
apply those technologies are rising. ●<br />
Giles Keating is Global Head of Research and Deputy<br />
Global CIO for Credit Suisse. His team conducts the<br />
fundamental research key to the investment process<br />
for Credit Suisse clients. As Deputy CIO he plays<br />
a core role in those investment decisions. He joined<br />
Credit Suisse over 25 years ago and has degrees<br />
from the London School of Economics and Oxford,<br />
where he is an Honorary Fellow. He is chair of<br />
Tech4All and techfortrade, charities aiming to reduce<br />
poverty via use of technology.
3,000,000<br />
Chapter I<br />
MODERN<br />
Immigration remains a hot political topic, though only 231 million<br />
people, representing 3.2% of the world’s total population,<br />
are living outside their country of origin. In absolute terms,<br />
however, their figure has increased by 50% since 1990.<br />
13,000,000<br />
people<br />
2,000,000<br />
1,000,000<br />
500,000<br />
The arrow’s width shows the<br />
number of people who have migrated<br />
from one country to another<br />
In 2013, 231 million people worldwide<br />
had left their country of origin<br />
and emigrated, with the USA being<br />
their preferred destination. The<br />
USA is home to nearly a fifth of the<br />
world’s international migrant stock.<br />
Migration: Good or bad?<br />
page 10<br />
The Silicon Valley advantage<br />
page 13<br />
CANADA<br />
Source: UN DESA<br />
50<br />
5<br />
10<br />
Immigrants<br />
in millions, 2013<br />
USA 45,785,090<br />
RUSSIAN FEDERATION 11,048,064<br />
GERMANY 9,845,244<br />
SAUDI ARABIA 9,060,433<br />
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 7,826,981<br />
UNITED KINGDOM 7,824,131<br />
FRANCE 7,439,086<br />
CANADA 7,284,069<br />
AUSTRALIA 6,468,640<br />
SPAIN 6,466,605<br />
15<br />
5<br />
Emigrants<br />
in millions, 2013<br />
INDIA 14,179,627<br />
MEXICO 13,201,181<br />
RUSSIAN FEDERATION 10,820,372<br />
CHINA 9,333,211<br />
BANGLADESH 7,725,622<br />
PAKISTAN 5,617,297<br />
UKRAINE 5,552,689<br />
PHILIPPINES 5,491,607<br />
AFGHANISTAN 5,102,409<br />
UNITED KINGDOM 5,005,941<br />
Source: UN DESA<br />
Cities with 1 million or more<br />
foreign-born residents<br />
The points on the map are the cities<br />
attracting one in five of the world’s<br />
immigrants. Combined, these<br />
metropolitan areas have 37 million<br />
foreign-born residents.<br />
DUBAI United Arab Emirates<br />
HONG KONG China<br />
JIDDAH Saudi Arabia<br />
LONDON United Kingdom<br />
MELBOURNE Australia<br />
MOSCOW Russia<br />
PARIS France<br />
RIYADH Saudi Arabia<br />
SINGAPORE Singapore<br />
SYDNEY Australia<br />
TORONTO Canada<br />
USA<br />
MEXICO<br />
USA<br />
Population: 320,051,000<br />
Immigrants: 45,785,090<br />
14.3% of population<br />
Migrant native countries<br />
MEXICO 12,950,828<br />
CHINA 2,246,840<br />
INDIA 2,060,771<br />
PHILIPPINES 1,998,932<br />
PUERTO RICO 1,685,015<br />
VIETNAM 1,381,076<br />
EL SALVADOR 1,371,767<br />
CUBA 1,201,164<br />
NEW YORK<br />
DALLAS<br />
MIAMI<br />
Source: MPI
Population: 63,136,000<br />
Immigrants: 7,824,131<br />
12.4% of population<br />
Migrant native countries<br />
INDIA 769,540<br />
POLAND 687,444<br />
PAKISTAN 405,878<br />
IRELAND 360,263<br />
CHINA 330,659<br />
GERMANY 315,024<br />
SOUTH AFRICA 258,990<br />
BANGLADESH 207,915<br />
Population: 82,727,000<br />
Immigrants: 9,845,244<br />
11.9% of population<br />
Migrant native countries<br />
TURKEY 1,543,787<br />
POLAND 1,146,754<br />
RUSSIAN FED. 1,007,536<br />
KAZAKHSTAN 717,753<br />
ITALY 433,127<br />
ROMANIA 383,626<br />
GREECE 238,220<br />
CROATIA 233,064<br />
The stock of international migrants has increased by 50% since 1990. The number<br />
of migrants rose by 77 million between 1990 and 2013, from 154 million to<br />
more than 231 million, with Southeast Asians and Southern Africans most likely<br />
to leave their home country.<br />
International migrant stock as a percentage of the total population<br />
43<br />
40 %<br />
LONDON<br />
PARIS<br />
MOSCOW<br />
30 %<br />
20 %<br />
10 %<br />
9<br />
14<br />
25<br />
29<br />
0 %<br />
1990<br />
2000<br />
2010<br />
2013<br />
Source: UN DESA<br />
UNITED<br />
FRANCE<br />
POLAND<br />
SPAIN<br />
TURKEY<br />
CHINA<br />
JORDAN<br />
UAE<br />
SAUDI<br />
ARABIA<br />
INDIA<br />
DUBAI<br />
Population: 28,829,000<br />
Immigrants: 9,060,433<br />
31.4% of population<br />
RIYADH<br />
JIDDAH<br />
Migrant native countries<br />
INDIA 1,761,857<br />
PAKISTAN 1,319,607<br />
BANGLADESH 1,309,004<br />
EGYPT 1,298,388<br />
PHILIPPINES 1,028,802<br />
YEMEN 461,042<br />
INDONESIA 379,632<br />
SUDAN 234,564<br />
SYDNEY<br />
> 20% 10–20% 1–10% < 1%<br />
International migrant stock as a<br />
percentage of the total population<br />
More than a fifth of the population<br />
in Australia, Saudi Arabia, the United<br />
Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Kazakhstan<br />
and Switzerland are non-nationals.<br />
Source: UN DESA<br />
Population: 23,343,000<br />
Immigrants: 6,468,640<br />
27.7% of population<br />
Migrant native countries<br />
UNITED KINGDOM 1,277,474<br />
NEW ZEALAND 582,761<br />
CHINA 447,407<br />
INDIA 364,764<br />
ITALY 231,650<br />
VIETNAM 225,749<br />
PHILIPPINES 189,969<br />
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 10<br />
GOOD OR<br />
BAD?<br />
Throughout history, migration has always been the most important driver of human<br />
progress and dynamism. Indeed, economic evidence indicates that migration helps economies,<br />
both in the developed and developing world. Yet arguments around migration are<br />
often driven by fear rather than facts. Ian Goldin brings a nuanced view to a complex topic.<br />
TEXT Ian Goldin, director, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 11<br />
We live in an era of two competing narratives. The first suggests that<br />
migrants are flooding across our borders, and that they are stealing<br />
jobs and eroding our country’s social fabric in the process. Alternatively,<br />
the second argues that in spite of minor short-term dislocations,<br />
international migration is a boon: it generates innovation and dynamism<br />
while fueling long-term economic growth. My view is that both of<br />
these caricatures are too simplistic. The costs of migration are felt in<br />
the short term and are local, so they have real social and political<br />
consequences, while the benefits are more diffuse and longer term.<br />
As with debates on trade, where protectionist instincts tend to overwhelm<br />
the longer-term need for more open societies, the core role<br />
that migrants play in economic development is often overwhelmed by<br />
defensive measures to keep migrants out. The economic evidence is<br />
clear: migration helps economies, both in the developed and developing<br />
world. As is the case with trade and in the realm of the free flow<br />
of ideas, shutting ourselves off from each other is harmful.<br />
More people, more borders<br />
Globally, the estimated 231 million migrants in the world make up<br />
about 3% of the world’s population. Before passports became widely<br />
adopted about 100 years ago, and particularly in the age of mass<br />
migration of the 19th century, up to one-third of parts of Europe<br />
emigrated and over a quarter of the population of the USA were immigrants.<br />
While the share of our societies that are migrants may well<br />
be lower today than in previous centuries, the number of migrants<br />
has certainly grown. In part, this reflects the fourfold increase in<br />
the number of independent countries over the past 100 years. This<br />
proliferation means that people who previously moved within a country<br />
– such as the Soviet Union – are now recorded as migrants. But<br />
not only has the number of countries quadrupled over the past century,<br />
so too has the number of people to more than seven billion<br />
people. More borders and more people result in more migrants, even<br />
if their relative contribution to our populations or economies declines.<br />
At the end of 2012, three out of four migrants live in a small group<br />
of 24 countries, with the USA being the most significant home for<br />
migrants. Approximately 70 million migrants have migrated from one<br />
developing country to another, and approximately 65 million have gone<br />
from developing to richer countries, with about 55 million migrants<br />
having moved between the different OECD countries, and a rapidly<br />
growing number – currently around 20 million – having left the OECD<br />
for emerging markets, where job opportunities are multiplying most<br />
rapidly. The European Union is the world’s largest experiment with<br />
visa-free labor migration. Even though emigration from comparatively<br />
less rich countries such as Romania and Poland was substantial,<br />
Germany, Italy and the UK were both leading sources and leading<br />
recipients of migration. The main lesson from Europe is how few<br />
people migrate, with migration levels seldom much higher than those<br />
in the periods when greater restrictions applied. Given the levels of<br />
youth unemployment of over 50% in Greece and Spain, it is remarkable<br />
that so few young people have migrated. This highlights how the<br />
arguments around migration are often driven by fear rather than facts.<br />
Opportunities regarding employment as well as housing and other key<br />
determinants of demand are at least as important as the supply-side<br />
push factors that contribute to migration.<br />
Why do they go?<br />
It is dangerous to generalize about migration. Of the annual flow of<br />
around 15 million migrants, most fit into one of four categories of<br />
Ian Goldin is Professor and Director of the Oxford Martin<br />
School and Professor of Globalization and Development<br />
at the University of Oxford. This article draws on his widely<br />
acclaimed book “Exceptional People: How Migration<br />
<br />
by Princeton University Press in 2012.<br />
cross-border movement: economic, student, social and refugee/asylum.<br />
There are around 5 million economic migrants each year. Highskill<br />
migrants bring special talents or training across borders to fill<br />
gaps in the native workforce. Low-skill migrants tend to fill shortages<br />
in physical labor or jobs that are less desired by the native labor<br />
force. About 3.5 million students migrate each year. While some<br />
countries, such as the UK, insist that students leave, others such as<br />
Australia and the USA have gained talent by allowing certain students<br />
to stay. For example, 68% of foreign students who received doctorates<br />
in the USA in 2000 were still there five years after graduation.<br />
Social and family reasons account for about 2 million migrants a year,<br />
as individuals and families aim to be reunited with loved ones. This is<br />
most common in the nations built largely by more recent generations<br />
of immigrants (the USA, Canada and Australia) as well as the former<br />
colonial empires (especially the United Kingdom and France). Conflict<br />
and persecution push people from their homes and across borders.<br />
Refugee and asylum seekers account for an average of about two<br />
million migrants per year. At the end of 2012 there were 15.4 million<br />
officially recognized refugees worldwide, with 80% of these refugees<br />
hosted by developing countries, up from 70% ten years ago. It is<br />
impossible to know how many undocumented migrants there are<br />
in the world, but in the USA the estimates are that there are about<br />
11 million out of a total number of around 50 million migrants, or about<br />
22% of the total.<br />
By the mid-1990s, more than 30% of documented migrants into<br />
the USA were highly skilled. Similar trends exist in Europe. Germany<br />
launched a “green card” program in 2000 to entice workers to fill gaps<br />
in labor, particularly in healthcare and information technology. Concurrently,<br />
France worked to attract scholars, scientists and computer<br />
professionals. As a result, the percentage of skilled migrants into<br />
EU countries climbed from 15% in the early 1990s to 36% in the >
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 12<br />
original 14 EU countries by 2011. This increase in high-skill labor<br />
movement reflects the priorities of business. Firms recognize that<br />
they are engaged in a war for talent with their competitors. Govern-<br />
<br />
beneficial arrangement. Firms are more agile, adaptive and profitable.<br />
Governments receive more revenue and thrive off the dynamism that<br />
high-skilled migrants bring. Yet it is not only higher-skilled migrants<br />
that are vital. In the USA, unskilled migrants are an essential part of<br />
the construction and services sector. In the Middle East, the success<br />
of Dubai or other emirates and Qatar rests on over 90% of the labor<br />
force being skilled and unskilled migrants.<br />
“The European<br />
Union is the world’s<br />
largest experiment<br />
with visa-free<br />
labor migration.”<br />
Debunking migration myths<br />
If migrants play such a vital role, why is there so much concern? The<br />
first myth is that migrants take jobs and destroy economies. The truth<br />
is the opposite: migration makes economies more dynamic, creates<br />
jobs and sparks long-term growth. In the USA, migrants have been<br />
founders of companies such as Google, Intel, PayPal, eBay and<br />
Yahoo. In fact, skilled migrants account for over half the Silicon Valley<br />
start-ups and over half of patents, even though they are around 15%<br />
of the population. There have been three times as many immigrant<br />
Nobel laureates, National Academy of Science members and Academy<br />
Award film directors than native ones. Such anecdotal results<br />
are echoed systematically on a large scale. Research at the Federal<br />
Reserve Bank of San Francisco recently concluded that “immigrants<br />
expand the economy’s productive capacity by stimulating investment<br />
and promoting specialization… This produces efficiency gains and<br />
boosts income per worker.” Research on the net fiscal impact of the<br />
immigration of Polish, Czech and other migrants to the UK from the<br />
ten countries that joined the European Union in 2004 showed that the<br />
migrants contributed “significantly” more in taxes than they received<br />
in benefits and services. On a global scale, according to the World<br />
Bank, increasing migration equal to 3% of the workforce in developed<br />
countries between 2005 and 2025 would generate worldwide economic<br />
gains of USD 356 billion. Some economists predict that if<br />
borders were completely open and workers were allowed to go where<br />
they pleased, it would produce gains as high as USD 39 trillion for ><br />
continued on page 16<br />
Historical overview of migration flows<br />
The infographic below depicts a number of migratory trends throughout<br />
the 20th century. Both the source and target destination are shown.<br />
The reasons are varied, but economic, conflict and social migration were<br />
the primary drivers of these migratory trends. Source: BBC<br />
1918 –1919<br />
Eastern Europe to<br />
USA and Canada<br />
1918 <br />
Britain to Australia,<br />
South Africa and<br />
<strong>New</strong> Zealand<br />
1939 –1940<br />
Russia to Siberia<br />
1940 <br />
European Jews<br />
to USA<br />
1945 <br />
Turkey to Germany<br />
1947 <br />
India, Pakistan and<br />
Sri Lanka to UK<br />
1950 <br />
Mexico and<br />
Central America<br />
to USA<br />
1950 –1960<br />
North Africa<br />
to France,<br />
Spain and Italy<br />
1950 –1960<br />
West Indies to UK<br />
1973 <br />
Ugandan Asians to UK<br />
1975 <br />
Vietnam to Malaysia,<br />
Australia and USA
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 13<br />
The Silicon Valley<br />
advantage<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
TEXT Vivek Wadhwa, VP of innovation and research, Singularity University, Mountain View, CA<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
96%<br />
74%<br />
52%40%<br />
5.5%1.6%<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Silicon Valley<br />
<strong>New</strong> England<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
S. California<br />
NY Metro<br />
United Kingdom<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
52%<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Venture capital amount<br />
raised in 2012. Top five<br />
regions make up 53%<br />
of global VC funding<br />
of USD 42 bn.<br />
Source: Ernst & Young<br />
Vivek Wadhwa holds research positions<br />
at Singularity University and Duke University,<br />
among others, and is the author of<br />
“The Immigrant Exodus: Why America<br />
Is Losing the Global Race to Capture<br />
Entrepreneurial Talent.”
At first glance, the individuals below appear to have nothing in common other than their impressive titles. Take a closer look.<br />
All of them are well or extremely well qualified and seven out of ten have a multinational and/or a multilingual background.<br />
With organizations becoming ever more global, managers with strong educations and cross-cultural networks<br />
are more mobile and in greater demand – than ever. Place of birth Place of work<br />
Photos: Bain & Co, Deutsche Bank, <strong>New</strong>scast, Nokia, Stéphane de Bourgies, PepsiCo, Nestlé, ABB, Anheuser-Busch InBev ®, Coca-Cola<br />
BAIN & CO<br />
Orit Gadiesh, an Israeli-American<br />
corporate strategist and chairwoman of<br />
Bain & Company, holds degrees from The<br />
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and<br />
Harvard Business School. Through her work<br />
and her involvement in an array of international<br />
business organizations, Gadiesh<br />
has worked with hundreds of CEOs and<br />
senior executives on strategy development<br />
and, in particular, change management<br />
within corporations. She divides her time<br />
on client work between North America,<br />
Europe and Asia.<br />
Anshuman Jain, a British citizen now<br />
living in London, is co-chairman of the<br />
Management Board of Deutsche Bank along<br />
with Jürgen Fitschen. Born in Jaipur, India,<br />
he studied economics at Sri Ram College of<br />
Commerce at Delhi University and business<br />
administration at the University of Massachusetts<br />
Amherst. At the helm of a genuinely<br />
global financial institution, Jain – a fluent<br />
English and Hindi speaker, with some<br />
German knowledge – is always on the move<br />
and used to operating across cultural and<br />
linguistic barriers.<br />
Tidjane Thiam, a dual Ivorian and<br />
French citizen and CEO of Prudential plc<br />
since 2009, studied in France and has a<br />
background in advanced mathematics and<br />
physics. He started his professional career<br />
at McKinsey in Paris and <strong>New</strong> York before<br />
relocating to Côte d’Ivoire to become CEO<br />
and later chairman of the National Bureau<br />
for Technical Studies and Development;<br />
as Secretary of Planning and Development,<br />
he was also a cabinet minister. Thiam<br />
held senior positions at McKinsey and<br />
Aviva before joining Prudential in 2008.<br />
Stephen Elop was born in Canada, and<br />
studied computer engineering and management<br />
at McMaster University before<br />
embarking on a management career in IT<br />
and telecommunications. Elop has held<br />
senior positions at several companies,<br />
including Macromedia, Adobe Systems and<br />
Microsoft. He was appointed Nokia’s first<br />
non-Finnish CEO in 2010, but moved<br />
back to Microsoft as Nokia Executive Vice<br />
President of Devices and Services when<br />
the latter acquired Nokia’s Devices and<br />
Services business in September 2013.
NESTLÉ<br />
Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlé S.A. since<br />
2008, may have stuck loyally to his employer<br />
since 1979, but his career has taken him<br />
to all corners of the globe. Born in Belgium,<br />
Bulcke has worked, or been responsible<br />
for markets, in places as diverse as Switzerland,<br />
Germany, Spain, Peru, Portugal,<br />
the Czech and Slovak Republics, the USA,<br />
Canada and the Caribbean. Unsurprisingly,<br />
Bulcke is something of a polyglot, speaking<br />
French, English, Spanish, Portuguese<br />
and German in addition to his native Dutch.<br />
Carlos Ghosn, French-Lebanese-Brazilian<br />
manager and simultaneously chairman<br />
and CEO of Paris-based Renault and<br />
Japan-based Nissan, is a global citizen.<br />
Of Lebanese descent, Ghosn was born in<br />
Brazil but returned to Lebanon with his<br />
mother at the age of six. He then moved to<br />
Paris to study engineering, graduating<br />
from École Polytechnique in 1978. The first<br />
18 years of Ghosn’s career were spent at<br />
Michelin (in Brazil and the USA); he has<br />
been CEO at Nissan and Renault since 2001<br />
and 2005, respectively.<br />
AB INBEV<br />
Carlos Brito is CEO of Anheuser-Busch<br />
InBev, the leading global brewer and one<br />
of the world’s top five consumer products<br />
companies. A Brazilian citizen, Brito<br />
earned a degree in mechanical engineering<br />
from the Universidade Federal do Rio de<br />
Janeiro in Brazil and an MBA from Stanford<br />
University. He joined Anheuser-Busch<br />
InBev in 1989 and was appointed CEO<br />
in December 2005. Prior to joining the<br />
company, he held positions at Shell Oil<br />
and Daimler Benz.<br />
ABB<br />
Ulrich Spiesshofer, who holds a<br />
master’s in business administration and<br />
engineering and a PhD in economics from<br />
the University of Stuttgart, hails from<br />
Germany. He became CEO of the ABB Group –<br />
a world leader in power and automation<br />
technologies – in September 2013. Spiesshofer<br />
has worked in multiple jurisdictions,<br />
including Germany, Switzerland and<br />
Australia, and now runs a company with<br />
global revenues of nearly USD 40 billion,<br />
approximately 145,000 employees<br />
and operations in around 100 countries.<br />
Indra Nooyi, chairwoman and CEO of<br />
PepsiCo since 2006, is a US citizen, but was<br />
born in Madras (now Chennai), India. Nooyi<br />
received a bachelor’s in physics, chemistry<br />
and mathematics from Madras Christian<br />
College in 1974 and a master’s in public and<br />
private management from Yale School of<br />
Management in 1978. Before joining PepsiCo<br />
in 1994, Nooyi served, inter alia, as Senior<br />
Vice President of Strategy and Strategic<br />
Marketing for Asea Brown Boveri and<br />
Vice President and Director of Corporate<br />
Strategy & Planning at Motorola.<br />
Muhtar Kent, a <strong>New</strong> York-born Turkish-<br />
American, has been chairman and CEO<br />
of The Coca-Cola Company since 2009,<br />
having originally joined the firm in Atlanta<br />
in 1978. In the course of his career, he<br />
has held a variety of leadership positions,<br />
including General Manager of Coca-Cola<br />
Turkey and Central Asia, President of<br />
the East Central Europe Division and Senior<br />
Vice President of Coca-Cola International,<br />
with responsibility for 23 countries. He<br />
sits on numerous high-level international<br />
business committees.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 16<br />
“The core role that<br />
migrants play in<br />
economic development<br />
is often overwhelmed<br />
by defensive measures<br />
to keep migrants out.”<br />
the world economy over 25 years. There are, however, legitimate<br />
concerns about large-scale migration. The possibility of social dislocation<br />
is real. Just like globalization – a strong force for good in the<br />
world – the positive aspects are diffuse and often intangible, while<br />
the negative aspects bite hard and tangibly for a small group of people.<br />
The second myth is that migration destroys developing economies<br />
by siphoning talent away from the places that need it most. There is<br />
some truth to this. For example, 65% of university graduates from<br />
Morocco, 60% from Gambia, 25% from Iran and 10% from the Philippines<br />
leave their home country, usually to move to a developed<br />
economy. However, the so-called “brain drain” is mitigated twice over.<br />
First, when these countries become professional training centers,<br />
they can produce far more skilled laborers at home than they did<br />
before the “drain” began. The Philippines, for example, provides one<br />
of the largest sources of migrant nurses to developed economies. But<br />
while doing so, it now also has more nurses per capita in its domestic<br />
labor market than comparable countries and even some much<br />
richer ones, including Great Britain. Second, remittances (money sent<br />
home from migrant workers to their families and friends) from abroad<br />
are integral to many developing economies. Remittance payments lift<br />
people out of poverty. Their impact, if used for entrepreneurship or<br />
investment at home, is often many times the original value. In 2012,<br />
officially recorded remittance flows to developing countries reached<br />
an estimated USD 401 billion. For Tajikistan, these flows amount to<br />
almost half of GDP and for Liberia and Lesotho around 30%. If managed<br />
appropriately, with good governance and smart investments, the<br />
“brain drain” can become the “brain gain” for developing economies.<br />
Promoting “brain circulation” by which skilled migrants are able to<br />
return to their home countries and bring with them the technologies<br />
and investment opportunities derived from their migrant experiences<br />
can also play an important role in launching domestic growth, as<br />
Taiwan, Israel and Bangalore in India demonstrate.<br />
The bottom line<br />
In the future, it will become even more imperative to ensure a strong<br />
labor supply augmented by foreign workers. Globally, the population<br />
is aging. There were only 14 million people over the age of 80 living<br />
in 1950. There are well over 100 million today, and current projections<br />
indicate nearly 400 million people over 80 by 2050. With fertility collapsing<br />
to below replacement levels in all regions except Africa, rapidly<br />
rising dependency ratios and a decline in the OECD workforce<br />
from around 800 million to close to 600 million by 2050 is projected.<br />
The problem is particularly acute in Europe, North America and Japan.<br />
But the developing world will feel the pinch too; by 2050, some 20%<br />
of India’s population and a total of 31% of China’s are projected to<br />
be aged 65 or older.<br />
Migrants: a key component of the workforce in major developed markets<br />
Migrants are a vital part of the total population in a number of countries in the<br />
developed world. The large pies show what percentage of the entire populace are migrants.<br />
The smaller colored charts indicate the proportion that migrants make up within<br />
specific age groups. Source: UN DESA<br />
International migrant<br />
stock as a percentage<br />
of the nation’s overall<br />
population.<br />
14.3%<br />
12.4%<br />
USA<br />
United Kingdom<br />
Of the nation’s 25–29 age<br />
group, the percentage<br />
who are migrants.<br />
Of the nation’s 30–34 age<br />
group, the percentage<br />
who are migrants.<br />
Of the nation’s 35–39 age<br />
group, the percentage<br />
who are migrants.<br />
18.7% 22.7% 25.4%<br />
22.8% 25% 21.4%
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 17<br />
Additional<br />
details on our<br />
map MODERN<br />
on page 8<br />
Reasons for migration<br />
The grounds for moving are many. But the main driver is<br />
economic, as high-skill migrants bring specialized<br />
talents, while lesser-skilled laborers fill short-term gaps.<br />
Conflict migration<br />
Source: Ian Goldin<br />
2 million<br />
Despite the fact that migration is a vital element in global development,<br />
there is no global organization up to the monumental task of assisting<br />
the flow of people across borders. International migration is the orphan<br />
among the alphabet soup of global governance organizations. The<br />
International Organization for Migration is not part of the United<br />
Nations and could be transformed to play a more active, treaty-based<br />
global role. A first task is to establish an agreed definition of migration<br />
and develop a global database, as there is no common statistical<br />
basis for analysis and to inform shared policies. The second objective<br />
is to develop rules that can assist migrants, not least with respect to<br />
pension portability, temporary work permits and basic rights. Migration<br />
has always been the key driver of human progress and dynamism. In<br />
the age of globalization, the rising barriers being erected to migrants<br />
pose a threat to economic growth and the sustainability of our economies<br />
and societies. Free migration, like totally free trade, remains a<br />
utopian prospect, even though within regions such as Europe this has<br />
proved workable. Greater attention needs to be given to the management<br />
of migration. As John Stuart Mill argued, we need to ensure<br />
that the real local and short-term social costs of migration do not<br />
<br />
Social migration<br />
Economic migration<br />
Student migration<br />
Other reasons<br />
2 million<br />
5 million<br />
3.5 million<br />
2.5 million<br />
28.9%<br />
11.9%<br />
Switzerland<br />
Germany<br />
35.2% 42.9% 43.9%<br />
17.1% 20.3% 22.4%
Chapter II<br />
Mobile technology has radically changed the world over<br />
the past decade, with mobile penetration soaring, impacting<br />
banking, travel and many other key industries.<br />
Keeping cities moving<br />
page 20<br />
So far, yet so near<br />
page 24<br />
Innovation welcome<br />
in a USD 40-billion<br />
business<br />
page 26<br />
CANADA<br />
Mobile payment<br />
users by region<br />
USA<br />
North America<br />
3,502,000<br />
The total number of users of mobile payments rose<br />
by 55% between 2009 and 2010, to 109 million.<br />
The greatest number of mobile payment users is found<br />
in Asia Pacific, far ahead of any other region.<br />
MEXICO<br />
23.4<br />
Source: KPMG<br />
The number of mobile subscriptions per 100 people<br />
increased by more than 60 between 2007 and<br />
2012 in countries such as the Russian Federation,<br />
Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Indonesia.<br />
Change in mobile subscriptions per 100 people<br />
in 2012 compared to 2007<br />
Latin America<br />
8,010,000<br />
> 60 40 – 60 2 0 – 40 < 2 0<br />
Source: UN, World Bank
13.9<br />
VOLUME IN 2012<br />
The total volume of funds raised<br />
through crowdfunding grew by<br />
81% to reach USD 2.7 billion in 2012.<br />
In million USD<br />
North America<br />
1,606<br />
Europe<br />
945<br />
Three Belgian cities rank among the<br />
ten most congested European and<br />
North American cities – a quite<br />
unenviable track record. In the USA,<br />
the two worst-affected cities are<br />
Los Angeles and San Francisco. Only<br />
commute trips made during peak<br />
hours, during the week, were used to<br />
compile this data.<br />
0.5<br />
1<br />
5<br />
10<br />
20<br />
Bilateral remittances estimates<br />
for 2011 using migrant stocks,<br />
host country incomes<br />
and origin country incomes<br />
in billion USD<br />
South America<br />
0.8<br />
Source: Statista/massolution<br />
Africa<br />
0.1<br />
Asia<br />
33<br />
Oceania<br />
76<br />
over<br />
the last 12 months<br />
BRUSSELS Belgium 85.4<br />
LONDON United Kingdom 81.7<br />
ANTWERP Belgium 76.7<br />
ROTTERDAM Netherlands 65.1<br />
LOS ANGELES USA 62.8<br />
PARIS France 60.0<br />
STUTTGART Germany 59.9<br />
COLOGNE Germany 56.8<br />
GHENT Belgium 54.8<br />
Nearly a quarter of the total international<br />
remittances sent stem from<br />
the USA, while India and China are by<br />
far the largest remittance-receiving<br />
countries.<br />
Source: WorldBank<br />
Source: Inrix<br />
Western Europe<br />
7,127,000<br />
UNITED<br />
FRANCE<br />
ITALY<br />
SPAIN<br />
CHINA<br />
JAPAN<br />
SAUDI<br />
ARABIA<br />
UAE<br />
INDIA<br />
<br />
62,828,000<br />
Total 46.4<br />
18.9<br />
Total 42.5<br />
Europe,<br />
Middle East and Africa<br />
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 20 More and more of the world’s people are living in (sub-)urban settings.<br />
Keeping<br />
cities<br />
moving<br />
This is stretching many mass transport systems to the breaking point.<br />
Sustainable transport expert Dario Hidalgo says governments need to rethink<br />
public transport, focusing on quality, safety and integration.<br />
INTERVIEW by Richard Hall
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 21<br />
Guangzhou Specially<br />
marked BRT (bus rapid transit)<br />
lanes connect the city’s mass<br />
rapid transit stations, ensur -<br />
ing that there are practically<br />
no delays in getting riders<br />
to their destinations on time.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 22<br />
Richard Hall: How did you get into<br />
mass rapid transit (MRT) and bus rapid<br />
transit (BRT)?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: After completing a PhD in<br />
urban transport planning in 1997, I joined<br />
Mayor Enrique Peñalosa’s team and worked<br />
on planning the TransMilenio bus system<br />
in Bogotá. The government had initially wanted<br />
a metro, but it became clear that a BRT<br />
network could be built more quickly and at<br />
lower cost. It was part of a large-scale urban<br />
transformation in my home city and was<br />
an instant success. I have since been involved<br />
in more than 20 projects worldwide –<br />
including in cities in Mexico and others as<br />
diverse as Lima, Accra, Istanbul and Indore.<br />
The TransMilenio BRT project in Bogotá<br />
has become quite famous. Why?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: TransMilenio is a lowcost,<br />
high-impact system. The first phase<br />
(40 km) was completed in just three years<br />
(1998–2000). It captured international attention<br />
due to its high capacity – more than<br />
40,000 passengers per hour, per direction –<br />
and an innovative public-private partnership<br />
model. The city builds the infrastructure, and<br />
local entrepreneurs (currently seven groups<br />
with nearly 2,000 buses) own and operate<br />
<br />
Today the BRT is 106 km long and carries<br />
more than two million passengers a day.<br />
Its success helped mainstream the concept<br />
worldwide. Our database<br />
indicates that 150 cities have BRT and bus<br />
corridors; 115 of these have been created<br />
since 2000.<br />
Dario Hidalgo has spent the last 24 years helping local<br />
and national governments in Latin America, Asia and Africa<br />
plan sustainable public transport systems. He publishes<br />
regularly in academic journals and holds training courses<br />
worldwide. Dr. Hidalgo is based at NGO EMBARQ’s<br />
in Bogotá, Colombia.<br />
Can you describe some of the typical pitfalls<br />
you face when building a BRT network?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: Experience around the<br />
globe shows the great potential of BRT, but<br />
planning, financing and organizational difficulties<br />
should not be papered over. The important<br />
thing is not to rush into implementation<br />
until all the planning has been thought<br />
through. Also, every city is unique, so copy/<br />
paste doesn’t work. Most of the obstacles<br />
are institutional rather than technical. Such<br />
projects are inherently complex as they<br />
involve aligning a baffling array of interests.<br />
Strong political leadership and well-crafted<br />
communications are essential. One of the<br />
big advantages of BRT systems is that they<br />
can frequently be realized within an elected<br />
leader’s term of office.<br />
A new report written by the Institute for<br />
Transportation and Development Policy and<br />
EMBARQ is titled “The Life and Death of<br />
Urban Highways.” Your thoughts?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: Traditionally, urban transport<br />
planning has been all about moving<br />
cars, not necessarily people. As a result,<br />
most cities in the world have focused on<br />
expanding road networks. The result has<br />
been appalling. Clearly, creating more roads<br />
does not solve congestion; it brings more<br />
cars to the streets. It’s like trying to fight<br />
obesity by expanding the size of our pants!<br />
Several cities – Seoul, San Francisco,<br />
Toronto, Vancouver – have actually begun<br />
removing urban highways and replacing<br />
them with public-transport infrastructure.<br />
We urgently need to reallocate funding from<br />
urban parking and highways to sustainable<br />
transport.<br />
Where are you currently involved in BRT<br />
projects? How important is it to be on site?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: We support sustainable<br />
mobility and urban development initiatives<br />
in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Turkey, India and<br />
China. We also work with researchers from<br />
Chile, USA, Portugal and Australia via the<br />
ALC-BRT Centre of Excellence (,<br />
and support 30 Latin American transit<br />
agencies in their quest for quality and<br />
integration ( On-site<br />
meetings are particularly important when<br />
it comes to convincing decision makers.<br />
Where are the biggest BRT projects today?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: The construction of a<br />
150 km BRT network in Rio de Janeiro in<br />
preparation for the FIFA World Cup and<br />
2016 Summer Olympics, and the expansion<br />
of Metrobús in Mexico City from 95 to 200 km<br />
are two notable examples. The introduction<br />
of BRT in Mumbai and Bangalore may be<br />
among the most challenging, and capacity<br />
enhancements in the saturated corridors of<br />
Bogotá and Istanbul will certainly be major<br />
undertakings. We expect around 30 cities<br />
to introduce BRT<br />
primarily in Asia – but also, in the near<br />
future, Africa.<br />
How is MRT/BRT changing mobility<br />
patterns in both the<br />
developed and developing world?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: We have observed a<br />
cultural shift in Europe and, increasingly,<br />
the USA. People used to aspire to live in a<br />
house in the suburbs and commute. Today,<br />
more and more people want to live in the<br />
city itself – in denser, mixed-use areas.<br />
We don’t know how this trend will evolve in<br />
“Urban transport planning<br />
has been all about moving cars,<br />
not necessarily people.”
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 23<br />
1<br />
1 Bogotá A combination of pedestrian crossings,<br />
footbridges, cycle paths, roads and bus<br />
lanes ensures that commuters and other<br />
travelers can reach their destinations safely and<br />
efficiently, regardless of the mode they opt for.<br />
2 Guangzhou China’s bike-sharing<br />
programs are the biggest in the world.<br />
As in Hangzhou, there will also be well over<br />
100,000 bicycles provided for public<br />
sharing programs in Guangzhou by 2020.<br />
2<br />
Photo: Institute for Transportation & Development Policy<br />
the developing world, but mass transit planning<br />
provides an excellent opportunity to<br />
influence the future shape of cities. Places<br />
such as Copenhagen, Curitiba and Singapore<br />
show how successful strategies that<br />
dovetail land use and transport planning<br />
can be. We must adapt these models to fit<br />
the needs of rapidly emerging economies.<br />
This needs to happen fast before car-centric<br />
urban sprawl takes root. Interestingly,<br />
the Chinese cities of Wuhan and Hangzhou<br />
have set up the two largest bike-sharing<br />
programs in the world (90,000 and 60,000<br />
bicycles, respectively). Hangzhou plans to<br />
expand to 175,000 bikes by 2020. It’s a<br />
revolution on two wheels! China now also<br />
leads the world in metro systems, with<br />
Beijing and Shanghai already surpassing<br />
London as the longest networks.<br />
Public transport usage is very high in<br />
Latin America. In US cities, it accounts for<br />
just 3%–4% of urban trips. How do<br />
you see this evolving?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: Transit ridership is growing<br />
rapidly in the USA. More people are<br />
choosing urban lifestyles. In the major urban<br />
centers a culture of membership rather<br />
than ownership is emerging thanks to<br />
social networks and car-sharing programs.<br />
In Latin America, on the other hand, we see<br />
the opposite trend: a growing middle class<br />
is now able to own more cars and motorcycles,<br />
and public transport usage is declining<br />
in most cities. The key in Latin America is<br />
to improve service and safety, which may<br />
require subsidies, and to introduce congestion<br />
charging and parking management<br />
schemes.<br />
How do you see the future of MRT/BRT as<br />
cities expand and technology develops?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: Some of the key innovations<br />
are in vehicle technology. Trains are<br />
<br />
are catching up with cleaner propulsion<br />
technologies such as natural gas and hybrid<br />
electric. The overarching goal must be to<br />
create multimodal, integrated public-transport<br />
networks with “last mile” connectivity<br />
to onward transit services as well as car and<br />
bike sharing. Mobile user interfaces, which<br />
are improving all the time as smartphone<br />
penetration rises, play an increasingly<br />
important role here. Smart ticketing systems,<br />
including electronic purses, are likewise<br />
becoming available on mobile devices. I see<br />
these technologies being further integrated<br />
ing<br />
innovation turning everything on its head.<br />
Can you describe your most unusual<br />
MRT/BRT journeys?<br />
Dario Hidalgo: Crossing the Bosporus<br />
Strait and jumping on and off the fast and<br />
frequent Istanbul Metrobüs; gliding through<br />
The Strip in Las Vegas on a shiny golden<br />
bus-cum-tram; and rattling through hectic<br />
and historic Mexico City in a hybrid bus.<br />
My most surreal experience was sharing<br />
a train carriage with 700-plus people in<br />
Mumbai, which has the world’s highest
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 24<br />
So far,<br />
yet so near<br />
As mobile technologies increasingly facilitate Internet access from anywhere<br />
and at any time, a new economy is arising. It is not only reshaping the<br />
way people interact, work and learn, but also increasing productivity – bringing<br />
people, processes, data and things closer to build a smarter world.<br />
TEXT Uwe Neumann, Senior Equity Analyst, Credit Suisse<br />
In the 1990s, the PC was the “go-to” device to access the<br />
Internet. Not anymore. The rising penetration of mobile<br />
phones has placed the Internet in our pockets (mobile Internet).<br />
According to Ericsson’s mobility report, total global<br />
smartphone subscriptions hit the one-trillion mark in 2012,<br />
and will reach 4.5 trillion by the end of 2018, covering more<br />
than 60% of the world’s population. Making use of this immense<br />
potential means exploring new ways of communicating<br />
– possibly redefining the concept of mobility altogether.<br />
The next step is connecting people, processes, data and<br />
things. Cisco calls this the “Internet of Everything” and predicts<br />
that things connected to the Internet will surge from<br />
10 trillion to 50 trillion by 2020, essentially creating many<br />
new networks. This will likely reshape the way people work,<br />
interact and learn. It can, in turn, be capitalized on by companies<br />
globally through improving productivity, accessibility<br />
and visibility. Imagine that a medical procedure is not conducted<br />
in a doctor’s office anymore, but that a patient waiting<br />
for a check-up receives a scanner in the form of a pill<br />
delivered to the home. The pill is then swallowed and the<br />
information is automatically transferred to the treating doctor<br />
over the Internet. Here, for the patient, mobility means not<br />
having to travel while still receiving a service. According to<br />
Cisco, USD 2.5 trillion of value over the next ten years will<br />
likely be generated globally through higher labor efficiencies<br />
and improving collaboration. Technology trends, such as cloud<br />
and mobile computing, virtualization, Big Data and increased<br />
processing power, are driving this “Internet of Everything”<br />
economy. Given the huge opportunities of the market environment,<br />
CIOs worldwide have become more attuned to the<br />
mobile-first technologies, and are increasingly noting the<br />
critical importance of a mobility strategy to remain competitive<br />
in future.<br />
A mobility strategy ticks several boxes. One major box is<br />
enabling employees to better collaborate and use the exponential<br />
power of networks. Metcalfe’s Law – named after the<br />
founder of network equipment company 3Com, Robert Metcalfe<br />
– states that the value of a network increases proportionately<br />
to the square of the number of users. This means<br />
that people not only simply use the network, e.g. a virtual<br />
Internet meeting, to gain information about a company’s initiatives,<br />
but that a “network effect” can also be achieved,<br />
allowing people to quickly find the person best suited to<br />
provide advice/services for customers or process development.<br />
Other examples are virtual research and development<br />
teams, which increase the mobility of knowledge. Mobile<br />
virtual collaboration teams are enhancing and managing creativity,<br />
increasing knowledge-sharing, adding cultural aspects<br />
and improving organizational performance. However,<br />
this is not limited to large firms or the office workspace in<br />
general. Smaller companies (SMEs) can now gain access to<br />
information, education and advice from experts in highly<br />
specialized fields transcending geographic boundaries. Virtual<br />
platforms enable finding specialized employees easily<br />
and even find temps for one-off tasks, without having to<br />
provide a workspace. Some SMEs can even take shape in a<br />
virtual mobile Internet world, where like-minded people work<br />
together on a project without ever meeting in person. On a<br />
private basis, shared painting applications offer an opportunity<br />
to participate in a painting project where various painters
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 25<br />
from around the world work on a single picture. While this<br />
does not (yet) replace meeting in person, it enables people<br />
to acquaint themselves with their counterparts and to lay the<br />
foundation for relationships.<br />
Another box that a successful firm’s mobility strategy<br />
needs to tick is the ability to share large digital files and<br />
provide intelligent digital work platforms to bridge the physical<br />
gap and share both work and ideas immediately on a<br />
global basis. Tele- and video-conferencing solutions should<br />
be accessible from a variety of mobile devices. According to<br />
IT research firm IDC, one interesting trend is the use of more<br />
web-based software solutions, such as Microsoft Lync, over<br />
traditional ones that require special hardware in cases such<br />
as video-conferencing. In this context, two IT infrastructure<br />
trends support the increasing use of software-defined mobility<br />
solutions. First there is the already well-known Bring Your<br />
Own Device (BYOD) trend. It enables an employee to stay<br />
connected with family and friends, while also with the company’s<br />
network by using their own mobile devices. Second<br />
is the Bring Your Own Application (BYOA) trend whereby<br />
employees can use cloud-based applications from external<br />
providers and the corporate network at the same time on<br />
their own devices. For example, a single department of a<br />
firm could decide to use a meeting application, such as<br />
CloudOn, GoToMeeting or Asana, downloaded from an external<br />
provider to arrange or attend meetings virtually, share<br />
files or collaborate on projects. This could turn out to be<br />
Collaboration, video, mobility drive value in the IoE economy<br />
In the Internet of Everything (IoE), there continues to be exponential<br />
increase in the connectivity between people, processes, data and things. By<br />
2020, the number of such connections is predicted to grow from 10 trillion<br />
to 50 trillion. Cisco foresees that an incredible USD 14.4 trillion will be at<br />
stake in the new IoE economy, as the ever-changing capabilities of collaboration,<br />
video and mobility will facilitate the sharing of insights and data<br />
while cutting costs, accelerating innovation and reducing time to market.<br />
Source: Cisco<br />
M2M<br />
USD 6.4 tn<br />
People-to-people<br />
Machine-to-machine<br />
Machine-to-people<br />
M2P<br />
USD 3.5 tn<br />
P2P<br />
USD 4.5 tn<br />
Uwe Neumann, CEFA, joined Credit Suisse Private<br />
Banking in 2000 as an equity analyst responsible<br />
for the telecom and technology sector. He has<br />
28 years of experience in the securities and banking<br />
business, including 18 years in research. He holds<br />
a Master in Economics from the University of<br />
Constance, Germany.<br />
much more efficient compared to the company’s own collaboration<br />
tools, which may not be specialized enough for<br />
the department’s own purposes. In addition, employees can<br />
even create their own applications, which they can use or<br />
share with others over the companies’ communication networks.<br />
However, these initiatives on the part of companies<br />
to encourage employees to take advantage of a highly connected<br />
virtual world require investments in IT infrastructure.<br />
Companies are thus setting up cloud-based and virtualized<br />
IT infrastructures that make their operating systems independent<br />
of the hardware.<br />
But there is also a flip side. The BYOD and BYOA<br />
business practices also leave companies vulnerable to<br />
cybercrime. With the proliferation of data communication in<br />
the virtual world, the number of cyberattacks is increasing<br />
exponentially. According to a United Nations report, more<br />
than USD 1 trillion was lost in cyberspace in 2008 due to<br />
online fraud, identity theft and loss of intellectual property<br />
globally. In addition, demand for privacy is rising, as not<br />
only can people’s online activities be tracked and monitored,<br />
but also their offline ones as a result of location<br />
signals from mobile devices.<br />
Swifter data processing, greater efficiency, independency<br />
of location, instant information retrieval and cost reductions<br />
are all benefits waiting to be reaped and are likely<br />
to outweigh the risks and disadvantages. The new opportunities<br />
allow us to become smarter in everything that we are<br />
doing together – from receiving medical care to developing<br />
ideas and realizing their benefits – be it in a virtual space or<br />
face-to-face in the real world when we move beyond the
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 26<br />
Where brick-and-mortar retail banking<br />
doesn’t exist, smartphone technology<br />
and other modern systems are enabling<br />
those in emerging economies to access<br />
mobile financial services.<br />
Photo: BFG Images
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 27<br />
Innovation welcome<br />
in a USD 40-billion<br />
business<br />
Countless millions in poorer regions of the world depend on the cash transfers that<br />
migrant family members remit from abroad. But accessing those payments and obtaining<br />
other vital financial services have not always been easy. The situation is beginning<br />
to change, as banks and telecom operators are now establishing partnerships.<br />
TEXT Christine Schmid, Head of Global Financials Research, and Javier Lodeiro, Equity Research Analyst, Credit Suisse<br />
Migrants transferring remittances to their home countries have an<br />
important economic impact on many developing economies. As large<br />
sums are transferred through informal channels, the exact figure is<br />
USD 406 billion<br />
was sent home by migrants to developing countries in 2012, representing<br />
roughly the combined 2012 gross domestic product (GDP)<br />
<br />
to developing countries will grow to USD 534 billion by 2015. On<br />
average, each of the 231 million migrants sends USD 1,800 to her or<br />
his family per year. This cash flow is critical as many of these payments<br />
are made to poorer parts of the world population that struggle<br />
to make up for money shortfalls, especially in times of economic<br />
turbulence. As such, remittances exhibit a countercyclical behavior<br />
and contribute to reducing poverty. Often excluded from traditional<br />
forms of banking, the beneficiaries rely on such payments for their<br />
consumption of daily goods or financing projects. These days, classic<br />
remittances are supported by new service models and technological<br />
development, which thus helps to support economic growth.<br />
Owing to the increasing adoption of smartphones worldwide, and<br />
with Internet data traffic growing at high double-digit rates, traditional<br />
forms of banking such as branching and ATMs (automated<br />
teller machines) are no longer sufficient. As a result of modern technology,<br />
new companies are entering this line of services with an increasingly<br />
bright future. Modern forms of banking can supplement<br />
remittances and diversify a country’s financing needs.<br />
Over the last 15 years, growth in remittances has been fastest in<br />
Asia and the Pacific, followed by Africa, while the slowest growth has<br />
occurred in the Middle East. The graph on page 28 shows remittance<br />
growth in selected countries, highlighting a stable growth pattern. In<br />
total, the 2008 financial crisis had no significant impact on remit-<br />
10% of GDP in many<br />
countries, such as the Philippines, Bangladesh and Haiti.<br />
Today’s remittance service providers at risk<br />
Given the dependence on remittances in some countries, public awareness<br />
is focusing on the transaction costs of remittances. Accord-<br />
10% or<br />
USD 40 billion of funds remitted annually. In some countries, remittance<br />
fees can exceed 15% (e.g. in Japan it is 18%). The estimated annual<br />
remittance fees of USD 40 billion are a sizeable amount considering<br />
that in particular it is migrant families with modest backgrounds<br />
who rely on them. To maximize the impact of remittances on local<br />
economies, the G8 embarked on the “5x5” objective in 2009, aimed<br />
at reducing the cost of remittances by 5% p.a. within five years. >
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 28<br />
This company is active in offering a peer-to-peer social<br />
network in the USA that brings borrowers and investors<br />
together online and leaves the banks out of the picture.<br />
Lending Club checks the borrower’s request for a loan,<br />
based on the information submitted, and assigns the loan<br />
with respective interest payments if approved. The investors<br />
buy “Notes” which represent a portion of a loan.<br />
The company earns money by collecting small fees from<br />
both the borrower (one-time processing fee) and investors<br />
(service fee). For the low 10% of applications that are<br />
successfully granted a loan (thus implying a focus<br />
on creditworthy borrowers), the result is lower rates<br />
and quicker processing, while lenders obtain higher<br />
rates. As such, investors have earned an average net<br />
annualized return of over 9.5% since 2007.<br />
M-PESA<br />
A highly successful example of how to succeed in a developing<br />
country with mobile money technology is Kenya’s<br />
M-PESA, which is used by 40% of the country’s adult population.<br />
The number of domestic transactions now exceeds<br />
Western Union’s transactions worldwide, making up 17%<br />
of Kenya’s GDP in 2011. The system is based on an idea<br />
from Vodafone whose affiliate Safaricom cooperated with<br />
the Central Bank of Kenya and successfully recognized the<br />
ability of mobile phones to lower the costs of transactions<br />
for poor people. Without even visiting a bank, customers<br />
are able to deposit cash, exchange it for electronic value<br />
at retail outlets such as gas stations, and withdraw or use<br />
it for payments if desired. The company has capitalized<br />
on strong latent demand for domestic remittances, a lack<br />
of different systems and competition, transparent pricing,<br />
a supportive banking regulator and its presence in rural<br />
areas, thereby quickly establishing a critical mass of<br />
customers. Crucially, these customers gained trust in the<br />
system very quickly due to the advanced technology of<br />
the company Rackspace, which used a satellite streaming<br />
strategy and experienced professionals to enable security,<br />
constant real-time transaction data and 24-hour customer<br />
support. M-PESA’s ability to make every transaction<br />
profitable distinguishes it from banks that often struggle<br />
to make money from small-value customers, without<br />
engaging in business relationships with them.<br />
Growth of remittances in selected countries Remittances from migrant family members abroad to those living in emerging countries have seen a steady increase<br />
over the last two decades. This rate accelerated, in some cases significantly, as we entered the new millennium. Remittances to Nigeria increased ninefold between 2004 and 2009,<br />
surpassing the amounts sent home to those in Pakistan, Bangladesh and, briefly, the Philippines. Source: World Bank<br />
Remittances of selected countries (USD bn)<br />
25<br />
Bangladesh Nigeria Pakistan Philippines<br />
20<br />
15<br />
10<br />
5<br />
0<br />
2012<br />
2011<br />
2010<br />
2009<br />
2008<br />
2007<br />
2006<br />
2005<br />
2004<br />
2003<br />
2002<br />
2001<br />
2000<br />
1999<br />
1998<br />
1997<br />
1996<br />
1995<br />
1994<br />
1993<br />
1992<br />
1991<br />
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 29<br />
Thus, the final savings in remittance fees over the five-year period<br />
would exceed USD 9 billion by 2014.<br />
<br />
costs have contracted by 9.8% since 2008 (and by 15.9% if special-<br />
<br />
savings achieved are definitely positive for the receivers, the targets<br />
have been missed so far, and more has to be done. As usual, competition<br />
is a key driver for lowering transaction fees. Mobile banking<br />
or modern banking models in general could reduce the transaction<br />
costs of remittances. <strong>New</strong> models could also be used to underwrite<br />
loans for projects and ultimately fund the economy using new technology<br />
to circumvent the lack of traditional banks.<br />
<br />
tial<br />
of mobile phones to capitalize on the “unbanked” population, reduce<br />
costs and facilitate remittance payments, there are a few pitfalls that<br />
need to be avoided. After all, mobile financial services do not have a<br />
high penetration in all growth markets yet. In many emerging economies<br />
such as Tanzania, Ghana and Kenya (see the box on M-PESA)<br />
people have never done business with a bank, but are using mobile<br />
financial services regularly. In countries such as Pakistan, Nigeria,<br />
Argentina and India there is still considerable potential to improve the<br />
use of mobile financial services. One difficulty lies in the fragmented<br />
structure and lack of convergence in the mobile technology systems.<br />
Other problems include the reluctance of banks to engage in partnerships<br />
with telecom operators, the unregulated nature of the business,<br />
network security, customer privacy, liability, fraud prevention and<br />
standardization. Hence, governments need to assist by creating a<br />
regulatory framework, and companies need to adapt their business<br />
models to their customers.<br />
Under these circumstances, it follows that traditional companies<br />
offering financial services such as banks are only partially key to ac-<br />
<br />
points in the right direction, a solo attempt by banks will not suffice<br />
to minimize costs. Instead, mobile network operators with the technological<br />
know-how to develop relevant services and systems should<br />
contribute to increasing the use of mobile devices for transacting<br />
remittances, and thus lower costs. Moreover, innovative attempts<br />
by companies to build on their clients’ Internet presence in order to<br />
evaluate their credit ratings help to generate additional sources of<br />
loans in developing countries. This can be especially fruitful where a<br />
large proportion of the population does not have access to banks and<br />
loans, but are avid users of new technologies. Similarly, in the case<br />
of developed markets, companies like Lending Club (see box) also<br />
aim at reducing transaction costs by omitting an intermediary financial<br />
institution. Last but not least, willingness among banks to engage in<br />
partnerships with mobile operators as seen by the Kenyan company<br />
M-PESA (see box) is also critical to ensuring the ongoing success of<br />
<br />
<br />
Christine Schmid CFA, is Head of Global Financials<br />
<br />
has covered Financials for 14 years and coordinates the<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Javier Lodeiro CFA, FRM<br />
<br />
insurance sector and US<br />
<br />
<br />
Additional<br />
details on our map<br />
on page 18
CN<br />
Low Middle High<br />
Inequality of economic<br />
opportunity index<br />
No<br />
information<br />
Chapter III<br />
Countries with low inequality of economic opportunity, such<br />
as Norway, are those that have a higher degree of intergen -<br />
er ational or social mobility. Countries characterized by<br />
greater inequality of economic opportunity, such as Brazil,<br />
have a higher degree of income inequality.<br />
Source: IZA<br />
Countries with low inequality of economic opportunity have<br />
the highest social mobility. A rising number of university<br />
graduates choose to emigrate, among them many scientists.<br />
Moving ahead in Africa<br />
page 32<br />
(Un)equal<br />
opportunity<br />
page 36<br />
Managing<br />
migration<br />
page 38<br />
US<br />
46.9 CANADA 23.7<br />
CN US UK<br />
38.4 USA 5.0<br />
CA UK AU DE<br />
The proportion of recent migrants to OECD countries holding<br />
a university degree rose by 5 percentage points to 31% between<br />
2000 and 2010. Luxembourg, Denmark and the Netherlands<br />
benefited most from this trend. Among the native-born population<br />
the proportion increased 4 percentage points to 29%.<br />
IN<br />
University graduates as % of total, percentage-point change 2000–2010<br />
Recent immigrants<br />
Native born<br />
CANADA<br />
USA<br />
FRANCE<br />
NORWAY<br />
SWEDEN<br />
ITALY<br />
SPAIN<br />
GREECE<br />
–10 –5 0 5<br />
10 15 20<br />
25<br />
TOP 10% VS. BOTTOM 10%<br />
After taxes and transfers, the richest<br />
10% of the population in OECD<br />
countries earned 9.8 times the<br />
income of the poorest 10% in 2010,<br />
with the largest gaps recorded<br />
in Mexico, Chile and the USA, and<br />
the lowest in Denmark, Finland and<br />
Belgium.<br />
PERU<br />
Multiplier<br />
10.0<br />
5.0<br />
AR<br />
PE CO FR<br />
9.8<br />
CANADA<br />
8.9<br />
7.1 BRAZIL 8.3<br />
USA<br />
15.9<br />
US CA DE<br />
MEXICO<br />
28.5<br />
CHILE<br />
26.5<br />
Sources: Economist/OECD<br />
Source: OECD
CN<br />
UK<br />
US<br />
UK<br />
US<br />
Amount of<br />
immigrated scientists<br />
Native scientists<br />
going abroad<br />
% %<br />
Other<br />
origins<br />
Other<br />
destinations<br />
Switzerland has the highest percentage<br />
of immigrant scientists. More<br />
than half of its researchers are<br />
non-Swiss, a large proportion being<br />
German. On the other hand, a third<br />
of the Swiss scientists emigrate,<br />
with the USA and Germany being their<br />
main destinations. On the other<br />
extreme, Japan was the most insular<br />
country surveyed, exchanging the<br />
least scientific talent with the rest of<br />
the world.<br />
US UK DE<br />
37.6 SWEDEN 13.9<br />
RU DE<br />
US CA AU<br />
32.9 UNITED KINGDOM 25.1<br />
IT DE<br />
UK US<br />
21.8 DENMARK 13.3<br />
DE<br />
US UK DE<br />
27.7 NETHERLANDS 26.4<br />
IT DE<br />
FR US UK<br />
18.2 BELGIUM 21.7<br />
IT FR DE<br />
US CH UK<br />
23.2 GERMANY 23.3<br />
US DE<br />
56.7 SWITZERLAND 33.1<br />
DE<br />
US UK CA<br />
17.3 FRANCE 13.2<br />
IT<br />
US DE UK FR<br />
7.3 SPAIN 8.4<br />
US UK FR DE<br />
ITALY 16.2<br />
Source: IEEE Spectrum<br />
IT<br />
FR<br />
AR<br />
3.0<br />
ES DE FR<br />
INDIA<br />
US<br />
39.8<br />
CHINA<br />
5.0 JAPAN 3.1<br />
KR CN<br />
45.5 AUSTRALIA 18.3<br />
13.1<br />
15.1<br />
13.6<br />
9.1<br />
10.0<br />
6.0 6.1<br />
5.3 5.4 5.6<br />
NORWAY<br />
SWEDEN<br />
6.9<br />
6.7<br />
6.0<br />
POLAND<br />
7.7<br />
FRANCE<br />
7.2<br />
SPAIN<br />
9.3<br />
ITALY<br />
10.2<br />
10.8 10.7 10.7<br />
8.9<br />
8.0<br />
GREECE<br />
TURKEY<br />
ISRAEL<br />
JAPAN<br />
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 32<br />
Moving<br />
ahead in<br />
Africa<br />
Education is often seen as playing a crucial role in improving social mobility and raising<br />
incomes. However, these remain elusive goals in modern sub-Saharan Africa, which cannot yet<br />
guarantee the supply of talent it needs to industrialize nor fully absorb the talent it produces.<br />
Pedro Conceição reflects on the paradox of mobility and educational attainment in Africa.<br />
TEXT Pedro Conceição, chief economist, regional bureau for Africa, United Nations Development Programme, <strong>New</strong> York
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 33<br />
Malawi Phoya, an author and blogger,<br />
takes a few minutes out to relax in his<br />
office in the center of the city in Blantyre.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 34<br />
<br />
drop out of primary school.”<br />
Giselle Weiss: Broadly speaking, how<br />
would you characterize the educational<br />
landscape across Africa?<br />
Pedro Conceição: First off, it’s very<br />
important to recognize the economic progress<br />
that has been achieved across the<br />
continent since the turn of the millennium.<br />
From the mid-1970s until around 2000,<br />
economic performance in Africa (and here<br />
I mean sub-Saharan Africa) was terrible.<br />
In fact, for many years, per capita growth<br />
was actually negative. Along with the<br />
resurgence in economic growth since about<br />
2000, the share of people living on less<br />
than a dollar a day has been going down,<br />
quite rapidly. And education, too, has<br />
been improving fast.<br />
How do you measure that ?<br />
Pedro Conceição: Around 1990, which<br />
is the benchmark year for the Millennium<br />
Development Goals (MDGs – something we<br />
use a lot at the UN to measure progress),<br />
about half of the population of school<br />
age was not enrolled in either primary or<br />
secondary school. The figure for enrollees<br />
is now close to 80%. The MDG is to get<br />
to 100% enrollment in primary education<br />
by 2015. We are unlikely to meet that<br />
target. But you can see that the progress<br />
has been dramatic, especially in the<br />
context of rapid population growth. That<br />
creates huge pressure to increase educational<br />
opportunities.<br />
According to the UNDP’s Human Development<br />
Index (HDI), sub-Saharan African<br />
countries actually come out on top with<br />
respect to speed (not level) of progress<br />
based on indicators of income, education<br />
and health. But you’ve also said Africa<br />
is the most unequal region in the world.<br />
Pedro Conceição: When we look at the<br />
developmental challenges in Africa, we tend<br />
to focus on extreme poverty. What is less<br />
emphasized is the level of inequality in the<br />
distribution not only of income, but also<br />
education and health. In other words, a very<br />
poor child in Africa is much less likely to<br />
get to a school and to be healthy than a child<br />
from even a middle-income family. That is<br />
true everywhere, obviously, but it’s much<br />
more accentuated in Africa. When we<br />
adjust the HDI (which is just an average)<br />
to account for inequality, Africa takes<br />
the largest hit.<br />
How does that affect social<br />
mobility in everyday life?<br />
Pedro Conceição: About 80% of the<br />
people who are employed in Africa are<br />
in what is called vulnerable employment.<br />
They are working, but they are working<br />
for their family, for their farm, for their own<br />
consumption – activities that do not necessarily<br />
pay a wage. If you break this down<br />
between men and women, you find that<br />
85% of women in Africa work in vulnerable<br />
employment compared to 70% for men.<br />
Moreover, the literacy rate for women is<br />
about 65% compared to about 75% for men.<br />
This is particularly troublesome because<br />
we know that education of girls and women<br />
is very effective in driving many developmental<br />
outcomes.<br />
A companion article to this interview states<br />
that, in the industrialized West, education<br />
is the single most important determinant of<br />
an individual’s earnings prospects. Is that<br />
also true of Africa?<br />
Pedro Conceição: Things are changing a<br />
little bit in parts of the developed world<br />
now as a result of the financial crisis. But in<br />
general, in a country like the USA, the<br />
higher the level of education, the higher the<br />
income and level of employment. In Africa<br />
we actually don’t see that everywhere.<br />
What we see in some countries – and here<br />
statistics are very poor, and a challenge –<br />
is that the higher the level of education, the<br />
higher the level of unemployment.<br />
Why?<br />
Pedro Conceição: The structure of the<br />
economy of those countries is not yet<br />
able to fully absorb highly educated people.<br />
Of course, it varies from place to place.<br />
For example, in cities like Nairobi, where<br />
you have a very sophisticated financial<br />
sector emerging, and companies building<br />
around information and communication<br />
technology (ICT), you can indeed absorb<br />
skilled workers. In fact, countries where<br />
opportunities exist in natural gas and oil<br />
have a dearth of the engineers, lawyers,<br />
accountants and financial analysts they will<br />
need to fully exploit these opportunities.<br />
At the same time, two-thirds of the labor<br />
force in Africa still live in rural areas.<br />
Pedro Conceição: Yes, and there the<br />
challenge is very different. Unlike Asia and<br />
Latin America, Africa has not had a green<br />
revolution. Agricultural productivity levels<br />
are still very low.<br />
The American economist Robert Reich<br />
has asked, “If we had a strategy designed<br />
to increase jobs and wages, what would<br />
it look like?” How would you answer that<br />
question for Africa in the context of mobility<br />
and educational attainment ?<br />
Pedro Conceição: I go back to this point<br />
about agricultural productivity because the<br />
Pedro Conceição is Chief Economist at the United Nations Development Programme’s<br />
(UNDP) Regional Bureau for Africa. He previously served as Director of UNDP<br />
Development Studies. He is a specialist in global public goods and on the economics<br />
of technological innovation and development.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 35<br />
1<br />
Additional<br />
details on our<br />
map SOCIAL<br />
on page 30<br />
Photos: Dawin Meckel, Ostkreuz (2) / Michel Gounot, Godong, Corbis<br />
benefits would increase farmers’ income,<br />
reduce prices of food staples, and in crease<br />
the purchasing power of people in both<br />
rural and urban areas. This could trigger<br />
demand for nonagricultural activities in<br />
rural areas, which would be a stepping<br />
stone toward industrialization. Africa has<br />
been deindustrializing. So investing in<br />
agricultural productivity is critical, as well<br />
as removing barriers to entrepreneurship<br />
and creating new business opportunities.<br />
And making the most of the technological<br />
opportunities that do exist, like ICT.<br />
Among young people who do have<br />
oppor tunities, to what extent have returns<br />
on educational investment in Africa<br />
been affected by brain drain?<br />
Pedro Conceição: It’s a challenge. But<br />
there are now efforts by some countries<br />
to draw on the diaspora through remittances<br />
and sometimes by endeavoring to<br />
attract professionals in medicine or finance<br />
or law to come home.<br />
What are the opportunities for and barriers<br />
to the mobility of talent, both within<br />
and between African countries, and abroad?<br />
Pedro Conceição: We are not yet there<br />
at all. In fact, enhancing regional integration<br />
in Africa is a big focus of attention. For<br />
example, intra-African trade is very low –<br />
below 10%. The figure for the European<br />
Union is much higher – close to 70%. And<br />
that is just for goods, which are much easier<br />
to move than people. I was recently in<br />
Maputo, in Mozambique, which is still one<br />
of the poorest countries in the world, but it<br />
is having a commodity boom in natural gas<br />
and coal. Companies there need people<br />
and skills that are not available. As a result,<br />
workers are coming from outside the<br />
continent, less so from other countries in<br />
Africa. In general, moving around Africa<br />
is difficult everywhere.<br />
What are the challenges to creating<br />
greater mobility through education?<br />
Pedro Conceição: The key challenge is<br />
to ensure that children master basic literacy<br />
and numeracy skills. For this to happen, we<br />
have to avoid children dropping out of<br />
school. In Africa, two out of five students<br />
drop out of primary school. We also have<br />
to focus on the quality of the education<br />
that is provided, not just in basic skills, but<br />
also in agriculture and new technologies.<br />
Could we come back to this issue<br />
of Africa and industrialization?<br />
Pedro Conceição: Africa is at an advantage<br />
when it comes to industrialization<br />
because salaries are very low. In fact, if<br />
you look at labor costs alone, Africa could<br />
compete with China, Bangladesh, and<br />
many countries in East and Southeast<br />
Asia. But industrial activities are being<br />
squeezed between nonproductive agricultural<br />
expansion and low-value-added<br />
services. Moreover, the problem of indirect<br />
costs – such as good roads and a stable<br />
power supply – makes it very tough<br />
for manufacturing to progress in Africa.<br />
Yet it must progress to create the<br />
high- or even decent-paying jobs that<br />
it needs to move ahead.<br />
2<br />
1 Sokouraba, Burkina Faso<br />
Open learning: an adult literacy class pays<br />
close attention to their instructor.<br />
2 Lilongwe, Malawi A doctor is at work<br />
examining specimens under a microscope in<br />
the parasitology lab at a local hospital.
The golden rule<br />
Inequality lowers mobility. In "equal" countries like Denmark,<br />
children`s prospects do not depend on their parents` standing.<br />
In contrast, in the United Kingdom, high inequality<br />
shapes opportunity at both ends of the income ladder.<br />
Source: Miles Corak, in The Economics of Inequality, Poverty and Discrimination in the 21st Century (ABC-CLIO, 2013),<br />
and Tom Hertz et al., B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 7, pp. 1–46 (2007).<br />
0.5<br />
1<br />
Association<br />
between parent<br />
and child earnings<br />
USA<br />
Italy<br />
United Kingdom<br />
0.4<br />
France<br />
0.3<br />
Sweden<br />
Japan<br />
Germany<br />
<strong>New</strong> Zealand<br />
Canada<br />
Australia<br />
0.2<br />
Finland<br />
0.1<br />
Norway<br />
Denmark<br />
2<br />
Association<br />
between parent and<br />
child years of schooling<br />
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6<br />
1_The vertical axis is the strength of the relationship between parent and child earnings: as you move from bottom to top, the lower the degree of<br />
income mobility across the generations. 2_The horizontal axis is the strength of the tie between parent and child years of education (i.e. how much higher<br />
a child’s education is for each extra year of parental education). As you move from left to right there is less education mobility across the generations.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 37<br />
(Un)equal<br />
opportunity<br />
Education is the single most important determinant of an individual’s<br />
earnings prospects, says Miles Corak, especially in this era of<br />
increased globalization and technological change. Income gaps within<br />
countries make a good start in life all the more important.<br />
TEXT Miles Corak, economist, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa<br />
In the USA and the United Kingdom, where income inequality was<br />
the greatest among rich countries a generation ago, about 50% of<br />
the earnings advantage of relatively well-to-do parents is passed on<br />
to their children. The advantages of birth, or for that matter the disadvantages,<br />
are similar in Italy and France, where the level of earnings<br />
inequality is comparable, but much less in Finland, Norway and Denmark,<br />
where labor market outcomes are not as polarized.<br />
In this relative, intergenerational sense, earnings mobility is something<br />
that citizens of all the rich countries value. It speaks for equality<br />
of opportunity, and the notion that children can grow up to become<br />
all that they can be. Talents and energies, not the happenstance of<br />
birth, ultimately determine life prospects.<br />
Systems play a major role too<br />
between schooling levels across the generations is barely noticeable.<br />
The OECD has gone so far as to state that “the United States is one<br />
of only three OECD countries that on average spend less on students<br />
from disadvantaged backgrounds than on other students.” Education<br />
is the key to one’s earnings prospects. This is all the more true in an<br />
era of increased globalization and technological change. Those with<br />
the right skills have managed to ride this wave of change that has<br />
affected all of the rich countries. As a result, income gaps have grown<br />
within countries, making it all the more important for children to have<br />
a good start in life. The best-educated parents have more resources<br />
and incentives to invest in the future prospects of their children. But<br />
where inequality has grown the most, education mobility is the lowest,<br />
<br />
Photo: iStockphoto<br />
And while intergenerational earnings mobility is not the result of any<br />
one public policy, cultural value or labor market institution, the nature<br />
and quality of schooling certainly play a central role in offering both<br />
an escalator to the top for those from disadvantaged backgrounds,<br />
and a trampoline that preserves the status of the advantaged.<br />
Affordable, high-quality and accessible schooling from the early<br />
years onward is surely the most significant gateway to higher incomes<br />
for children born to lower-income parents. But, at the same time, an<br />
education system with early tracking, varying quality and selective<br />
access preserves existing socioeconomic inequalities. It is no surprise<br />
that earnings mobility across the generations varies to such a<br />
significant degree across the OECD countries: these countries have<br />
very different education systems that are associated with differences<br />
in education mobility.<br />
In the UK, a child with university-educated parents is virtually assured<br />
not to be a high school dropout. Every extra year of parental<br />
schooling is associated on average with six tenths of an extra year<br />
for the child. But in Finland, Norway and Denmark, the association<br />
Miles Corak is a full professor at the University of Ottawa, working on social<br />
mobility, inequality and social policy in the rich countries. You can learn more<br />
about his research at or on Twitter@MilesCorak.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 38<br />
Collingwood Estate, in East London’s Whitechapel<br />
district. It has a distinctly multi<br />
home to many new immigrants and asylum seekers.<br />
Photo: Stuart Franklin/Magnum Photos
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 39<br />
Managing<br />
migration<br />
Around the world, nations are only too aware of the strategic importance of labor<br />
mobility, as well as its benefits and the obstacles to achieving it. Reliance<br />
on migrants, both skilled and unskilled, is a complex proposition in the context of<br />
fragile domestic economies, no matter how sensible it seems. Martina Lubyová<br />
reviews some of the major policy trends in managing migration and their implications.<br />
TEXT Martina Lubyová, director, Institute of Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava<br />
Immigration policies run in cycles. In the 19th century and early 20th<br />
century, the USA generally encouraged immigration, not least to<br />
settle the West and to build the railroads, but became more selective<br />
after 1920. Similarly, during the UK’s period of rapid expansion during<br />
the 1950s and 1960s, <strong>New</strong> Commonwealth immigrants from metal<br />
workers to doctors could enter and stay in the country at will until the<br />
Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1962 ushered in an era of ever<br />
greater restriction. Today, as labor becomes increasingly mobile, most<br />
national immigration policies are geared toward managing migrant<br />
flows with the primary goal of securing economic growth.<br />
The OECD’s International Migration Outlook 2013 observes that,<br />
in recent years, migration policies have tended to follow broader labor<br />
market (and, to a lesser extent, demographic) objectives. Since the<br />
1990s, policies on both sides of the Atlantic have been tested by<br />
economic booms and busts, new patterns of movement, post-9/11<br />
concerns about terrorism and recently the Arab Spring. Many countries<br />
are currently in the process of fundamentally revising immigration<br />
legislation in response to these developments.<br />
When a domestic population is aging, declining or inactive – here,<br />
the European Union, the USA and Russia are prominent examples –<br />
bringing in foreign workers provides much-needed hands. Governments<br />
everywhere aspire in particular to attract skilled labor to enhance<br />
productivity. Two major policies employed by governments to<br />
attract skilled labor are points-based systems and quotas. For example,<br />
a special skilled-worker visa program created in 1990 called<br />
H-1B is credited with fueling the information technology boom in the<br />
USA. The flip side of government strategizing is the needs and ambitions<br />
of individuals. Naturally, mass migration flows are also a perpetual<br />
feature of armed conflicts and humanitarian crises worldwide.<br />
But, according to the UN Population Fund, fueled by globalization,<br />
economic migrants are the world’s fastest-growing group of migrants.<br />
Policies track the labor market<br />
<br />
of the recession, with a tendency toward greater stringency. In Australia,<br />
Canada and the UK, for example, recruitment procedures for skilled<br />
migrants have been made more selective. The UK especially, where<br />
net migration (the difference between immigration and emigration)<br />
peaked in 2010 at 252,000, has increased funds requirements for all<br />
migrants and restricted work placements and permit duration for students.<br />
In the USA, an effort to overhaul the country’s immigration<br />
rules – including cutting red tape for employers and easing the path<br />
to citizenship for America’s 11 million undocumented immigrants – has,<br />
of this writing, stalled in the House of Representatives.<br />
To address issues related to the EU’s labor shortages and aging<br />
population, in 2009 the European Parliament passed the so-called<br />
Blue Card Directive, which aims to fast-track and harmonize the<br />
procurement of work permits for highly skilled non-EU citizens. Neither<br />
a points-based nor a quota system, Blue Cards are contracts<br />
of limited duration, though they can be extended. Not all EU states<br />
have implemented the Directive, though those that have include Germany,<br />
the Slovak Republic and Hungary, which are all moving to ><br />
continued on page 42
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 40<br />
Home may be where the heart is,<br />
but for one family it’s a long way<br />
from where the work is<br />
CHINA<br />
1,850 KM<br />
Photos: Patrick Zachmann/Magnum Photos
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 41<br />
The divided family Zhu Qi Yong and his wife Wang<br />
Gui Qin are migrant workers living in the poor area of<br />
Pudong in Shanghai – 1,850 kilometers separate them<br />
from their children, who live with their grandparents in<br />
their native village Xin Zhou Zen in Guizhou Province.<br />
To provide for their family, they cook in their tiny<br />
apartment for other migrant workers laboring on big<br />
construction sites. They deliver the meals directly to<br />
the construction site. Their two sons, seven-year-old Zhu<br />
Hai Xing and five-year-old Zhu Hai Nan, see their<br />
parents just once a year when they return home for two<br />
weeks during the Chinese Spring Festival.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 42<br />
“Most national<br />
immi gration policies<br />
are geared toward<br />
managing migrant<br />
<br />
goal of securing<br />
economic growth.”<br />
attract new skilled migrants. Indeed, the German government announced<br />
in July 2013 that it had already issued 8,879 cards.<br />
Not all migration takes place between nations. Especially in large,<br />
emerging market countries where the level of local development<br />
dictates job opportunities and needs, policies reflect the efforts of<br />
governments to direct the flow of labor from region to region. In<br />
China, for example, the “hukou” (household registration) system persists<br />
as a means of pumping low-cost rural labor into the country’s<br />
booming urban economies. However, securing the social rights of<br />
migrant workers and their integration remains a challenge. Ongoing<br />
talk of reform has as of yet produced no concrete results. In India,<br />
the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act,<br />
passed in 2005, is intended in part to stem “distress” migration to<br />
cities by promising 100 days of minimum wage employment to a third<br />
of India’s rural households.<br />
legal residence and working status, it does not provide access to<br />
social benefits or insurance.<br />
Owing to the dire state of their economies, countries such as Spain,<br />
Greece and Portugal have reduced their budgets for measures aimed<br />
at promoting labor market integration of migrants. At the same time,<br />
in 2011 and 2012, Spain enacted new measures aimed at providing<br />
vocational training to the unemployed who had lost their benefits, not<br />
explicitly for, but including migrants. Greece lowered the number of<br />
proof-of-work days required for permit renewal from 200 to 120 per<br />
year, and extended voting rights to migrants. In the face of a continuing<br />
weak labor market, Portugal’s new National Integration Plan<br />
promotes rights and training for immigrants.<br />
In 2011, Denmark reversed its decade-long trend toward stricter<br />
immigration laws. Among other things, the government eased family<br />
reunification rules. Moreover, changes to the Immigration Act of 1999<br />
now entitle immigrants to social assistance from the moment they<br />
arrive in Denmark, and discourage residential segregation. An initiative<br />
titled “We Need Everyone,” rolled out in 2012, targets immigrants<br />
struggling to find a job due to personal or social problems.<br />
Today, migration policies are a tool for addressing the economic<br />
and social challenges of the globalizing world. Developed countries<br />
attract migrants to boost economic growth or to mitigate the consequences<br />
of population aging and decline. Developing countries<br />
that cannot generate sufficient job opportunities use emigration as<br />
a valve for excess labor or as a source of remittances. While today<br />
migration policies are primarily governed by immediate economic<br />
concerns, their long-term consequences will mainly concern the<br />
social sphere. Successful integration of foreign populations and<br />
building inclusive multicultural societies should thus be a priority of<br />
<br />
<br />
Mitigating social pressures relating to migration<br />
Whatever its impulse or manifestation, labor migration entails benefits<br />
as well as costs for the receiving and sending countries (see the<br />
article by Ian Goldin in this issue). As a result, the national migration<br />
policies of developed countries are often governed by their integration<br />
agendas. Although these agendas differ, the Scandinavian countries<br />
represent one distinct group that generally offers open, publicly supported<br />
and relatively generous schemes aimed at integrating foreign<br />
residents into their societies. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands,<br />
Japan and the USA, in contrast, opt for more restrictive schemes<br />
characterized by limited migrant entitlements and a shift of the costs<br />
and responsibility for integration to migrants themselves.<br />
So, too, does Russia, whose economy depends on migrant workers.<br />
Most immigrants come from the former Soviet republics, which<br />
have a visa-free travel regime with the Russian Federation. Yet the<br />
majority of immigrants must have a work permit, for which there is a<br />
quota. Many migrants thus end up in the shadow economy. In 2010<br />
the Russian authorities introduced so-called patents for illegal migrant<br />
workers who work for private households, primarily as gardeners,<br />
drivers, cooks and housemaids. While the purchase of a patent grants<br />
is Director of the Institute of Forecast-<br />
<br />
and Associated Fellow at CERGE-EI in Prague. She<br />
com pleted her PhD at CERGE-EI in 2002 and worked at<br />
the International Labor Organization’s Sub-regional<br />
<br />
and Central Asia. She is a co-author of the OECD’s<br />
International Migration Outlook 2013.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 43<br />
Photo: Caro/Muhs/Keystone<br />
n-Friedrichshain, the new S-n-Ostkreuz<br />
concourse. To cater for the growing number of<br />
<br />
upgrading its current infrastructure.
75% 50–75% 0–50%<br />
Percentage of population living in urban<br />
areas exceeding 100,000 people<br />
Chapter IV<br />
2030 — AN URBAN WORLD?<br />
By 2030, 92% of French, 91% of Brazilians<br />
and 87% of Americans will live in urban<br />
areas. The corresponding figures in China<br />
and India will only reach 62% and 40%<br />
respectively.<br />
Source: UNICEF<br />
Global mobility will continue to rise in the coming decades,<br />
creating millions of jobs and generating more air passenger<br />
traffic. More people will also move to urban areas.<br />
<strong>New</strong> mobility models needed<br />
page 46<br />
How ideas spread<br />
page 50<br />
The China<br />
travel surge<br />
page 52<br />
The global travel and tourism (T&T) sector today employs nearly<br />
100 million people, representing 3% of all employment. When<br />
indirect jobs are taken into account, the industry contributes to<br />
around 1 in 11 jobs. These figures are likely to rise further, with<br />
approximately 66 million direct jobs set to be created worldwide<br />
by 2022, with Asia benefiting most.<br />
USA<br />
87% URBAN<br />
MEXICO<br />
105M URBAN<br />
83% URBAN<br />
USA = 1,139 KM<br />
Regional contribution of the global travel and tourism sector’s total<br />
employment growth between 2012 and 2022, in thousands of jobs<br />
ASIA<br />
OCEANIA 289<br />
7,348<br />
9,820<br />
OTHER<br />
6,580<br />
EUROPE<br />
2,437<br />
4,709<br />
NORTH<br />
23,947<br />
4,513<br />
465<br />
1,413<br />
4,513<br />
ASIA<br />
LATIN<br />
1,689<br />
AFRICA<br />
Countries forecast to have<br />
the most developed high-speed<br />
train lines in 2025<br />
China, Japan and Spain have the<br />
densest high-speed rail networks in use<br />
today – lines where trains can travel<br />
at more than 250 kilometers per hour.<br />
In 2025, the number of high-speed lines<br />
is forecast to have more than doubled<br />
worldwide to 51,677 kilometers.<br />
BRAZIL<br />
198M URBAN<br />
91% URBAN<br />
Source: Oxford Economics<br />
Worldwide high-speed train lines in 2013,<br />
in kilometers<br />
IN OPERATION = 21,365 km<br />
UNDER CONSTRUCTION = 13,964 km<br />
PLANNED = 16,347 km<br />
2025 = 51,677 km<br />
Source: UIC
World air passenger traffic is forecast to annually grow by 5% between 2011 and 2031, with the greatest<br />
increase in air passenger flows to take place within South Asia, as well as between South Asia and Southeast<br />
Asia during these two decades.<br />
Source: ICAST, India<br />
PORTUGAL = 1,006 KM<br />
SPAIN = 5,525 KM<br />
FRANCE = 5,200 KM<br />
GERMANY = 2,257 KM<br />
ITALY = 1,318 KM<br />
in South Asia 524%<br />
from Southeast Asia 417%<br />
from Europe 320%<br />
from Middle East 306%<br />
in Southeast Asia 334%<br />
from China 281%<br />
from Africa 285%<br />
from Africa 285%<br />
in South America 280%<br />
SWEDEN = 750 KM<br />
TURKEY = 2,805 KM<br />
in China 281%<br />
RUSSIA<br />
99M URBAN<br />
77% URBAN<br />
FRANCE<br />
61M URBAN<br />
92% URBAN<br />
TURKEY<br />
70M URBAN<br />
78% URBAN<br />
IRAN<br />
72M URBAN<br />
80% URBAN<br />
121M URBAN<br />
46% URBAN<br />
CHINA<br />
62% URBAN<br />
JAPAN<br />
86M URBAN<br />
73% URBAN<br />
JAPAN = 3,622 KM<br />
CHINA = 22,619 KM<br />
144M URBAN<br />
64% URBAN<br />
INDIA<br />
40% URBAN<br />
73M URBAN<br />
58% URBAN<br />
146M URBAN<br />
54% URBAN<br />
In 2012, international tourist arrivals exceeded the 1-billion mark globally<br />
for the first time ever, up from 940 million in 2010. Europe will remain the most<br />
visited region over the next decades, though Asia Pacific will be catching up.<br />
International tourist arrivals received (in million)<br />
AFRICA<br />
EUROPE<br />
2010 2030<br />
50.3<br />
60.9<br />
134<br />
149<br />
7.4 %<br />
8.2 %<br />
149.7 248<br />
13.7 %<br />
204<br />
535<br />
29.6 %<br />
475.3 744 41.1 %<br />
Source: UNWTO
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 46<br />
new<br />
mobility<br />
models<br />
needed<br />
The appeal of cities is unstoppable, and half the world’s population now lives in urban surroundings.<br />
Traffic in some cities regularly slows to a crawl, while noise and air pollution reduce the quality<br />
of life. With more and more people crowding themselves into a limited space, existing road and<br />
rail links are impeding the expansion of capacities. The situation calls for new solutions.<br />
TEXT Thomas Rühl, Head of Swiss Regional Research, and Andrea Schnell, Research Analyst, Credit Suisse
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 47<br />
Developing into an industrial center has transformed Shenzhen<br />
into China’s most densely populated city. The number of private cars<br />
has risen from 1 million to 2.25 million in the last six years alone.<br />
According to the IBM Commuter Pain Index, only Mexico City is less<br />
commuter-friendly. The young Asian metropolis is a good example of<br />
the main problem currently afflicting large cities: jobs in the services<br />
sector are primarily being created in the center and at transportation<br />
hubs, while housing is largely provided in the surrounding agglomeration.<br />
The capacities of the transportation infrastructure are unable<br />
to keep pace with the enormous growth of the population and commuter<br />
numbers so that traffic congestion and delays are the order of<br />
the day. Alongside the urban sprawl an “urban crawl” is emerging as<br />
commuters and goods move at a snail’s pace.<br />
Cities as melting pots of ideas and places for the efficient exchange<br />
of knowledge are thus forfeiting their economic strength, while emissions,<br />
air pollution, noise and accidents reduce the quality of life of<br />
the inhabitants. Time losses throw a monkey wrench into the works<br />
of cities and impede economic growth. According to Texas A & M, the<br />
average commuter in Washington D.C. loses 67 hours a year sitting<br />
in traffic jams, with corresponding setbacks in terms of recreation,<br />
consumption and working time. Few cities were laid out for major growth<br />
at the outset. <strong>New</strong> York City is an exception: the Commissioner’s Plan<br />
of 1811 gave Manhattan its characteristic street pattern – the visionary<br />
basis for subsequent growth. Cities with medieval structures – such<br />
as the large European cities – were never planned for any similar type<br />
of growth. Capacity expansions are considerably more difficult owing<br />
to the lack of space.<br />
The “smart” city<br />
The example of Masdar City in Abu Dhabi is an attempt to plan a<br />
climate-neutral and mobility-enhanced city in the open countryside.<br />
As well as the revolutionary supply of energy from renewable sources,<br />
the city was originally planned to be completely car-free. <strong>Mobility</strong> was<br />
to be ensured largely through public transportation. However, the<br />
introduction of personal driverless “podcars” has now been dismissed<br />
and replaced by electric vehicles. This way, the different mobility needs<br />
of the 50,000 or so planned inhabitants and around 60,000 additional<br />
commuters are to be met. The approach adopted by Masdar<br />
City serves to illustrate both the possibilities and technical and financial<br />
limitations of mobility planning.<br />
The ideal planned city has a secure, reliable, low-emission and<br />
comfortable transportation system for passengers and goods, offering<br />
maximum efficiency. Infrastructure and land use planning need<br />
to be designed in a manner that enables the city to grow further<br />
without resulting in congestion. Most global metropolises are confronted<br />
with significantly more complex challenges than Masdar City:<br />
major adjustments to the transportation networks are impossible or<br />
enormously expensive. The most promising enhancement options are<br />
described in the adjacent boxes.<br />
Road to the smart city is a bumpy one<br />
Investments in transportation systems have extremely long-term returns.<br />
The risks of opting for the wrong technology are illustrated by<br />
examples such as the failed “future technology” of monorail. Various<br />
cities such as Sydney and Seattle introduced this technology, but<br />
owing to the high investment costs, monorail has been unable<br />
to achieve major success as a mass means of transportation. Different<br />
incentives for governments, businesses and the scientific ><br />
Modern ICT solutions allow people to work anywhere.<br />
Home offices and decentralized, company-independent<br />
shared desks in residential areas help reduce commuting.<br />
For production enterprises, the campus model offers<br />
homes for employees close to the production sites.<br />
Adaptive control elements (traffic lights, speed limit signs,<br />
lane signs, adaptive public transportation connections<br />
and information apps for passengers, e.g. Hot<br />
can enhance the capacity and reliability of existing road,<br />
bus and rail links. Commuters should be able to plan<br />
in detail the best possible modal split of transportation<br />
means (car, train, bike, foot) depending on the current<br />
traffic situation. Indicators at bus stops and on mobile<br />
phones enable travelers to react to delays and connection<br />
breakdowns. The Future Urban <strong>Mobility</strong> Project in<br />
Singapore, an example of an integrated mobility management<br />
project being implemented in cooperation with<br />
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is based on realtime<br />
data and a profound understanding of traffic flows.<br />
The road pricing system in Singapore and carpool lanes<br />
are successful examples of incentive mechanisms to make<br />
roads more efficient for all users. The sharing economy<br />
trend has fostered the emergence of new business models<br />
such as the <strong>Mobility</strong> car-sharing system in Switzerland,<br />
Barclays Cycle Hire in London and Zimride in San<br />
Francisco. Real-time ridesharing or taxi-sharing based on<br />
mobile phone apps transforms private mobility into<br />
ad hoc public transport models. Data about disruption<br />
is shared by users with other road users via apps such as<br />
Waze.<br />
The latest developments in IT, sensor and communication<br />
technology mean that new solutions may soon become<br />
reality: interacting vehicles can form “trains” over longer<br />
distances, thereby making road traffic more efficient<br />
and environmentally friendly. Another step is the driverless<br />
car (e.g. from Google) that allows the driver to<br />
sleep or work during the journey. As the vehicle parks by<br />
itself, parking spaces can be some distance from the<br />
user’s destination, thereby significantly enhancing the<br />
flexibility of cities in terms of spatial planning.<br />
The efficiency of trains can be massively enhanced if they<br />
no longer have to stop. Priestmangoode design consultancy<br />
in London proposes a system that allows trams to be<br />
connected to the side of non-stop high-speed trains and<br />
thereby simultaneously combine the role of platform and<br />
local distribution. Further ideas are innovative rail systems<br />
such as the proposed Hyperloop between Los Angeles and<br />
San Francisco, a linear-induction-powered train-in-a-tube.
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 48<br />
community are exacerbating the problem of selecting a technology.<br />
Furthermore, the Google driverless car serves to exemplify the innovation-hampering<br />
impact of regulations and insurance issues:<br />
California had to carry out legal changes prior to the first road test.<br />
The legal consequences in the event of an accident have not been<br />
clarified: Is it the passenger who is liable or the car manufacturer?<br />
We therefore think that innovative technologies will prevail more among<br />
users (smart vehicles) than among infrastructures (smart roads).<br />
Since the origins of civilization, cities have decisively shaped history.<br />
<strong>Mobility</strong> and the exchange of ideas are the crucial benefits of cities<br />
and key to the competition for attracting businesses. Cities that<br />
tackle the “urban crawl” will thrive. Those unable to adapt their mobil-<br />
<br />
Andrea Schnell joined Credit Suisse in 2012 as an economist focusing<br />
on the Swiss economy, particularly locational quality and public<br />
-<br />
<br />
<br />
Thomas Rühl joined Credit Suisse in 2005 as an economist responsible<br />
<br />
<br />
and tax competition, he has been a consultant for several Swiss can-<br />
<br />
Ring Roads of the World<br />
The graphic on the left is a<br />
composite image consisting<br />
of stacked layers, all in the<br />
same scale, representing<br />
the ring roads surrounding<br />
some 27 international cities.<br />
Houston, Texas, has the<br />
largest such system, with<br />
Beijing, China, coming in<br />
at number two. This awardwinning<br />
image, titled Ring<br />
Roads of the World, was<br />
originally created by the<br />
Rice School of Architecture,<br />
located in Houston, Texas.<br />
Source: Thumb Projects<br />
1 mile<br />
Illustration: Thumb/<strong>New</strong> York, originally for Rice University School of Architecture
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 49<br />
SHAREWAY 2030<br />
Navigating<br />
a megalopolis<br />
The American dream of seamless commutes, suburbia and big cars<br />
has turned into something of a nightmare for many. Architect Eric Höweler<br />
contemplates a radically different model for the USA’s Northeast Corridor.<br />
INTERVIEW by Richard Hall<br />
Richard Hall: How did the<br />
“Shareway 2030” project take shape?<br />
Eric Höweler: Some auto manufacturers<br />
are realizing that streetscapes<br />
are being transformed to deprioritize<br />
the car and they want to understand<br />
the wider urban context better. So<br />
Audi’s research team asked six archi -<br />
tecture firms to submit “visions” for<br />
the future of urban mobility. We chose<br />
to pitch a remake of the Boston-to-<br />
Washington (BosWash) megaregion<br />
envisioned by Jean Gottmann in his<br />
1961 book, “Mega lopolis.”<br />
What exactly is BosWash?<br />
Eric Höweler: At the heart of<br />
BosWash is the notion that many cities<br />
in the USA are no longer discrete<br />
entities; one metropolitan area often<br />
spills over into the next. The megalopolis<br />
1960s futurists imagined for the<br />
year 2000 is now a reality. Within the<br />
BosWash region, which is now home<br />
to over 53 million people and generates<br />
one-third of the nation’s GDP,<br />
America developed a number of (sub-)<br />
urban prototypes – cul-de-sacs, strip<br />
malls, drive-thrus – which have been<br />
exported all over the globe. These<br />
experiments are no longer sustainable.<br />
So we tried to reimagine mobility<br />
and collective consumption patterns<br />
in such a megaregion in 2030.<br />
So, it’s an alternative<br />
American dream?<br />
Eric Höweler: In a way, it is.<br />
Car ownership and the wider narrative<br />
of freedom and social mobility are<br />
certainly intertwined in the USA.<br />
As architects, though, we tried to conceive<br />
of urban mobility in its widest<br />
sense. The Shareway encompasses<br />
housing and suburbs, the train/plane/<br />
car/bike interface, “last-mile”<br />
strategies, house sharing and urban<br />
agriculture.<br />
How would the transport<br />
component of Shareway work ?<br />
Eric Höweler: The core consists<br />
of a bundled transit system connecting<br />
public and individual transport to a<br />
single artery running along the<br />
400-mile stretch of Interstate 95.<br />
The Shareway is a network of hubs<br />
and pathways (including a high-speed<br />
train running above the I-95) in<br />
which people and cargo would travel<br />
along a “stacked” route. Bundling<br />
allows passengers to switch between<br />
the different transport modes and local<br />
and national transit. To help reduce air<br />
traffic in BosWash and accommodate<br />
larger planes and cargo ships, the<br />
Shareway would link the high-speed<br />
transport network to a multilevel<br />
“Superhub” in <strong>New</strong>ark.<br />
What other innovations<br />
does Shareway propose?<br />
Eric Höweler: In addition to these<br />
mobility scenarios, we imagined a<br />
“Sharestay” time-share system for<br />
houses where you only pay for the<br />
time you actually spend in a building.<br />
And we experimented with urban<br />
agriculture schemes (“Farmshare”)<br />
and an innovative rotating road<br />
surface (“Tripanel”) that would flip<br />
between city street, park and energy<br />
source. Shareway ultimately aims to<br />
replace isolated, unimodal commutes<br />
and inefficient, dispersed infrastructures<br />
in the BosWash region with<br />
a tightly meshed transport ecosystem<br />
orchestrated by smart software and<br />
social media. In this world, access –<br />
switching and sharing – would matter<br />
more than ownership. <br />
Eric Höweler is a registered architect,<br />
architectural writer and co-founder of Höweler<br />
+ Yoon Architecture LLP, an interdisciplinary<br />
<br />
Assistant Professor at Harvard University’s
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 50<br />
Giselle Weiss: Your early research is associated<br />
with the wildly popular idea of six<br />
degrees of separation, which far predates<br />
you. How did that idea spread?<br />
Duncan Watts: I don’t know. But the<br />
notion that we are all connected through<br />
a short chain of acquaintances has been<br />
around for a long time. It shows up in<br />
a 1929 short story called “Chains” by the<br />
Hungarian poet Frigyes Karinthy. And<br />
the urbanist Jane Jacobs speculated about<br />
it in her famous book, “The Death and<br />
Life of Great American Cities.”<br />
They didn’t call it six degrees<br />
of separation, though.<br />
Duncan Watts: No. That label comes<br />
from the title of a Broadway play of the<br />
1990s by John Guare. The actual history is<br />
a little involved. But in any event, in 1967<br />
psychologist Stanley Milgram set out to test<br />
the idea by having people in Boston deliver<br />
letters to people (“targets”) in Omaha,<br />
Nebraska, through the intermediary of<br />
others known only on a first-name basis.<br />
He found that the average length of the<br />
letter chains that reached the targets was<br />
six. He called it the small world problem.<br />
How ideas<br />
spread<br />
Every human advance, and what we call culture, relies on the<br />
human capacity to embrace new ideas en masse. But how does that<br />
happen? How does an idea become so compelling that it is worth<br />
sharing? More important, how is it that ideas come to be adopted?<br />
Duncan Watts has made a career of studying how ideas spread.<br />
INTERVIEW by Giselle Weiss<br />
“Some things<br />
do spread quite<br />
a lot … but they<br />
are very rare,<br />
one in a million<br />
events.”<br />
Where did your research come in?<br />
Duncan Watts: In the 1990s, I was<br />
studying synchronization among crickets –<br />
who chirps with whom. Then one day<br />
on the phone, my dad asked me whether<br />
I’d ever heard of the idea that everyone<br />
is only six handshakes away from the<br />
president of the United States. It occurred<br />
to me that both problems involved networks,<br />
and that interested me.<br />
What makes the idea so powerful?<br />
Duncan Watts: We’re attracted to<br />
the Enlightenment idea of ourselves as<br />
independent individuals who decide<br />
what we want to do and go out and do it.<br />
But the reality is that we’re very much<br />
enmeshed in social relations. Everything<br />
we do and care about involves other<br />
people. These are network concepts.<br />
Recently, you’ve been working on the<br />
structure of viral diffusion, for example,<br />
of tweets on Twitter. What’s that about ?<br />
Duncan Watts: We’ve been mapping<br />
the spread of information, particularly<br />
online. When you think about how information<br />
spreads, it’s natural to liken it<br />
to the spread of a disease. In fact, people<br />
have been doing that for a long time<br />
in marketing. And it’s been popularized<br />
in recent years by people like Malcolm<br />
Gladwell, author of “The Tipping Point,”<br />
who very explicitly draws the analogy<br />
between the spread of behaviors or beliefs<br />
and diseases.<br />
That sounds reasonable.<br />
Duncan Watts: At a certain level,<br />
it is. But it’s tempting to go a step further<br />
and apply the same mathematical models<br />
that have been developed to understand<br />
the spread of a disease to the spread<br />
of ideas or products.<br />
What’s wrong with that?<br />
Duncan Watts: There are all sorts<br />
of models of how things spread, and they’re<br />
often incompatible with each other. Moreover,<br />
we have very little data to test any<br />
of these models. For example, if you want<br />
to trace the spread of an idea, you have<br />
to be able to observe that person A has that<br />
idea, and then that person tells B, and then<br />
person B has the idea, and now person B<br />
tells person C. Mapping this out in a population<br />
of millions of people with hundreds of<br />
thousands and millions of things to observe<br />
is a tremendously difficult process.<br />
So how do you approach it ?<br />
Duncan Watts: We’ve done a lot of work<br />
using Twitter data – news, media, images –
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 51<br />
where we can, to some approximation,<br />
observe everything. And we can also track<br />
exactly where everything is at a given point.<br />
People who study diffusion are generally<br />
looking for a critical threshold where ideas<br />
go from not spreading to spreading like<br />
wildfire.<br />
And what have you found?<br />
Duncan Watts: Initially, we found that<br />
nothing really spreads like that. In a study of<br />
millions of observations, 99% of everything<br />
that happened, every “adoption” of an<br />
idea, was within one degree of the source.<br />
Which is almost the opposite of spreading.<br />
In other words, I tweet something and<br />
you re-tweet it. Your followers see your<br />
re-tweet, but they don’t do anything.<br />
It’s the re-tweet that we pay attention to.<br />
When we described this result to our<br />
colleagues, however, they often didn’t like it.<br />
Why?<br />
Duncan Watts: People are convinced<br />
that certain things “go viral,” and that’s what<br />
interests them. So they would say, “We<br />
know some things spread. Look at ‘Gangnam<br />
Style’ or the use of Hotmail or Facebook.<br />
Maybe you didn’t see anything<br />
spread, but you must only have looked at<br />
things that weren’t any good.” So then we<br />
did a second study where we really looked<br />
at everything on Twitter – a billion observations<br />
– for an entire year. And sure enough,<br />
we found that some things do spread<br />
quite a lot. But they are very rare, one in<br />
a million events. And even they don’t<br />
look like “social epidemics.”<br />
Why not? Surely “Gangnam Style”<br />
is a social epidemic?<br />
Duncan Watts: Epidemic models<br />
assume that ideas become popular by viral<br />
word of mouth. But in the media world,<br />
information can also spread because some<br />
major channel or site picks it up – it gets<br />
on the front page of Yahoo! or the “<strong>New</strong><br />
York Times” or whatever – and a million people<br />
or a hundred million people see it. And<br />
a bunch of them re-tweet it. That would still<br />
be popular, but we wouldn’t say it had<br />
spread virally. So when something becomes<br />
popular, is it a “broadcast” or is it “viral”?<br />
Intuitively, you might guess one or the<br />
other. But when we looked, we found tremendous<br />
diversity: some popular things<br />
are pure broadcasts, and some display<br />
pure viral spreading. We also found about<br />
every conceivable mixture of the two.<br />
There’s no typical way in which things<br />
become popular.<br />
“This is not<br />
about cat videos<br />
going viral –<br />
it’s about changing<br />
people’s<br />
minds, and their<br />
behavior.”<br />
Duncan Watts is a principal researcher at Microsoft<br />
Research NYC and an A. D. White Professor-at-Large<br />
at Cornell University. From 2000 to 2007, he was<br />
at Columbia University, then at Yahoo! Research.<br />
He is the author of “Everything is Obvious (Once You<br />
Know the Answer): How Common Sense Fails Us”<br />
(Crown, 2011).<br />
<br />
Duncan Watts: Unlike diseases, where<br />
in general you only have one thing spreading<br />
at a time, in ideas, it’s always a contest.<br />
Everything that’s spreading on ing<br />
for oxygen with everything else that’s<br />
spreading on Twitter. It’s hard to be exposed<br />
to one particular idea because there’s just<br />
so much other stuff to pay attention to.<br />
Occasionally something is able to rise above<br />
the noise, and everybody hears about it and<br />
pays attention to it. But that is extraordinarily<br />
rare and somewhat arbitrary. If you’re a<br />
social media strategist or a digital advertising<br />
agency, basing a marketing or other<br />
strategy on triggering a social epidemic is<br />
probably not the best use of your resources.<br />
You are also investigating the nature of<br />
cooperation between people. How is that<br />
related to the spread of ideas?<br />
Duncan Watts: The spread of information<br />
and the spread of cooperation are both<br />
examples of social influence, so they’re<br />
related, at least in principle. But it’s also important<br />
to understand that different types of<br />
influence are likely to spread in different<br />
ways. Me persuading you to change your<br />
political views is very different from me persuading<br />
you to click on a video.<br />
How so?<br />
Duncan Watts: People do not easily<br />
adopt ideas that involve changing their conception<br />
of themselves. Not accepting the<br />
idea of climate change might be tied up<br />
with your political ideology, your suspicion<br />
of government and your dislike of elite<br />
intellectual types. When is an idea something<br />
that you can adopt just because it’s<br />
obviously right or obviously interesting?<br />
And when is it something that is going<br />
<br />
it’s tied up with all these other things?<br />
What are the stakes?<br />
Duncan Watts: This is not about cat<br />
videos going viral, even if sometimes that’s<br />
what we study because it’s what we have<br />
the most data about. Really, it’s about<br />
changing people’s minds, and their behavior;<br />
and one way or another, everyone –<br />
governments, corporations, marketers, policymakers<br />
– is in the business of trying to<br />
change people’s minds. Understanding how<br />
that happens is one of the big questions<br />
of social science. It’s frustrating that we’ve<br />
been thinking about this for so long and<br />
have very little in the way of concrete answers.<br />
But maybe this particular period of
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 52<br />
Comparison of Chinese travelers who travel<br />
abroad for business and for leisure<br />
96%<br />
for leisure<br />
52%<br />
for business<br />
and education<br />
Comparison of Chinese travelers who travel independently and those<br />
who travel as part of arranged groups, according to hoteliers<br />
70%<br />
of guests travel<br />
independently<br />
30%<br />
of guests<br />
travel as part<br />
of arranged<br />
groups<br />
Sources of information that Chinese travelers use, and rely on most<br />
<strong>New</strong>spapers<br />
Social media<br />
27 % 4 % 2 % 16 %<br />
16 %<br />
Loyalty schemes<br />
Use<br />
Rely on most<br />
Travel magazines / brochures<br />
Promotions / deals<br />
42 % 6 % 8 %<br />
35 %<br />
Travel agents<br />
Family<br />
46 % 11 % 15 %<br />
45 %<br />
Online accommodation / travel websites<br />
Online review sites<br />
50 % 12 % 16 %<br />
47 %<br />
Friends<br />
Travel guides<br />
60 % 15 % 11 %<br />
55 %<br />
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 53<br />
The China<br />
travel surge<br />
Thanks to more relaxed government restrictions on foreign travel and the rise<br />
of the Chinese middle class, with higher disposable incomes, Chinese outbound<br />
tourism is enjoying remarkable growth despite the economic slowdown<br />
of recent months. A survey by highlights current trends.<br />
TEXT Scott Booker, president,<br />
According to the China Tourism Academy, China became the world’s<br />
largest outbound tourism market in 2012, overtaking Germany and<br />
the USA, with an estimated 83 million overseas trips made by Chinese<br />
citizens. That number is estimated to rise to 200 million by 2020. Earlier<br />
this year, the Chinese government published its Outline for National<br />
Tourism and Leisure, which, among other topics, is aimed at<br />
sparking an increase in outbound tourism by encouraging employers<br />
to promote the use of leave days and also to give Chinese workers<br />
more freedom and flexibility of where and when to travel.<br />
Presently, most outbound travel from China originates in the three<br />
major cities, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. China plans to build<br />
70 new airports by 2015 and to expand its existing 100 airports. Lowcost<br />
carrier activity and route expansion in Asia continues to increase,<br />
many with China as a key part of their future networking planning. Air<br />
Asia, Scoot by Singapore Airlines, Jetstar, Peach by ANA, Cebu Pacific<br />
and others are all helping to build Chinese inbound and outbound<br />
flows. Several airlines have also announced new non-stop long-haul<br />
services to China beginning in 2013. In 2012, we carried out our firstever<br />
Chinese International Travel Monitor (CITM), examining the impact<br />
of the huge growth in Chinese outbound tourism and the response<br />
by the global hotel industry to benefit from this rapidly<br />
developing trend. The 2013 CITM ( is<br />
richer in data than last year’s, as we also surveyed 3,000 international<br />
travelers from China to gain a better understanding of the consumer’s<br />
viewpoint. The results point to some interesting trends.<br />
Governments paving the way<br />
Many governments around the world are helping to invigorate the market<br />
by relaxing visa requirements. The China 2020 Strategic Plan is<br />
a core element in the Australian 10-year tourism strategy. Chinese<br />
visitors to European countries participating in the Schengen agreement<br />
only need to have a visa from one of the countries in order to<br />
be able to visit all 26 members comprising 22 EU countries and 4 from<br />
the European Free Trade Association. The UK has pledged to review<br />
the visa application process for Chinese tourists by seeking a joint application<br />
for the UK and Schengen countries.<br />
Tourist boards are funding aggressive marketing campaigns. For<br />
example, VisitBerlin aims to position Berlin as the most important new<br />
Gateway to Central Europe in the Chinese market and to double the<br />
visitor numbers in two years. Mexico expects to boost the number of<br />
Chinese travelers visiting the country in 2013 by 30%, helped by a<br />
relaxation in visa restrictions. Russia Tourism Year, with more than 200<br />
events staged in China in 2012, prompted 343,000 Chinese tourists<br />
to visit the country that year, a 47% increase over the previous year.<br />
Bucking the group trend<br />
China’s international travelers are still among the wealthier of China’s<br />
citizens, with an average yearly household income of RMB 109,922<br />
(USD 17,752) compared with the Chinese average of RMB 49,920<br />
per year. However, nearly a quarter of travelers have household incomes<br />
of less than RMB 70,000 per year. Nearly all of the Chinese<br />
international travelers surveyed have been abroad for leisure reasons,<br />
while over half have visited other countries for business or educational<br />
purposes. In a growing trend, nearly two-thirds of Chinese travelers<br />
say they prefer to travel independently and not as part of a group. This<br />
development has also been confirmed by hoteliers. Overall, 61% of<br />
hotels say they have seen an increase in the number of independent<br />
Chinese travelers in the past two years. This figure rises to 74% in<br />
the Asia-Pacific region, 69% in Latin America and 62% in North<br />
America, but falls to 46% in Europe. Independent travelers are also >
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 54<br />
Scott Booker is President of, a leading online<br />
accommodation booking website that started as a telephone<br />
<br />
2002. There are now more than 85 sites worldwide.<br /> is part of the Expedia group.<br />
younger and equally likely to be male or female. Many will have already<br />
studied abroad, and thus are more familiar with how to fit comfortably<br />
into a foreign environment. These travelers tend to avoid travel<br />
agents for advice, preferring to use online travel, accommodation and<br />
review websites. They also consult a wider range of information<br />
sources before booking. Social media play a much higher role in their<br />
decision-making process. When it comes to accommodation choices,<br />
independent travelers’ decisions are more widespread: three-star hotels<br />
followed by four-star, with 10% plumping for five-star properties;<br />
but hostels and back-packing establishments and B&Bs are also significant.<br />
As with Chinese travelers as a whole, sightseeing, dining and<br />
shopping are still the most popular activities when traveling internationally.<br />
Nonetheless, cultural attractions such as the theater, concerts,<br />
comedy shows are slightly more appealing to this group.<br />
Knowing the customer<br />
Nearly six out of ten travelers state that the ability to accept Chinese<br />
payment methods is the single most important offering from international<br />
hotels. With a bias among wealthier travelers, most respondents<br />
choose language-related items, such as translated literature, website,<br />
TV programs and newspapers, as among the more important services<br />
a hotel can provide. Also on the wish list, in decreasing order of importance,<br />
are more Mandarin-speaking staff, on-site restaurants serving<br />
Chinese food, Chinese breakfast and Chinese room service.<br />
Many countries now recognize the potential of the Chinese traveler<br />
boom. The UN World Tourism Organization has reported that Chinese<br />
travelers spent USD 102 billion on international tourism in 2012,<br />
40% more than in 2011, overtaking Germany and the USA as the<br />
world’s biggest spenders. This remarkable growth in travel in Chinese<br />
outbound tourism, largely due to more relaxed government restrictions<br />
on foreign travel and the rise of the Chinese middle class with higher<br />
disposable income, does not appear to have been impacted by the<br />
slowdown in overall economic growth seen in China over recent<br />
months. The desire to explore foreign lands and enjoy new experi-<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
The wish list<br />
The reality<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Interested in far away lands, but staying closer to home The top ten<br />
destinations Chinese travelers want to travel to compared to the destinations they<br />
actually travel to, based on hotel bookings. Source:<br />
Rank<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Top spenders in international tourism: China jumps to first place. In the<br />
last three years, China has vaulted past both Germany and the USA in terms of international<br />
tourism expenditure. Source: <br />
Rank<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
International<br />
tourism expenditure<br />
billion USD<br />
2011 2012<br />
Population<br />
millions<br />
2012<br />
Consistently among the big spenders on hotels Countries where Chinese<br />
travelers are among the top spenders on accommodation Source:
GLOBAL INVESTOR 2.13 — 55<br />
Mixing business<br />
and pleasure<br />
<br />
Hotel des Bergues in 2005, it now caters to the global business and diplomatic community.<br />
<br />
INTERVIEW by Giselle Weiss<br />
Giselle Weiss: What is the single<br />
biggest change you’ve observed in<br />
the hotel industry in recent times?<br />
José Silva: We are historically a<br />
business hotel. Today, people combine<br />
work and pleasure. It’s no longer<br />
just a matter of going to the gym.<br />
Sightseeing used to be something<br />
leisure guests did. Now you have<br />
a business partner booking an hour<br />
at a museum between meetings,<br />
or going for a bike ride.<br />
What explains the change?<br />
José Silva: Technology has<br />
transformed people’s business lives.<br />
It is so in our face! We are always on<br />
the phone, or dealing with e-mail or<br />
checking company websites. Consequently,<br />
work and play have merged.<br />
Which nationalities stay at the hotel ?<br />
José Silva: Geneva’s a bit different<br />
from other areas of Switzerland.<br />
So while we do see an uptick in clients<br />
from emerging markets, at present<br />
our base is still primarily Europeans<br />
and North Americans, unlike Interlaken<br />
or St. Moritz, which are more specialized.<br />
We have 500 international<br />
organizations here, which contributes<br />
to a more global clientele.<br />
And yet India and China each<br />
have over a billion people. When<br />
they start to travel more …<br />
José Silva: … they will change the<br />
nature of the hotel industry. Like<br />
Americans changed the nature of the<br />
hotel industry. You can get eggs<br />
and bacon for breakfast now anywhere<br />
around the world.<br />
What are today’s guests looking for ?<br />
José Silva: Personalization. It used<br />
to be that what people wanted was<br />
choice. So you’d offer a big breakfast<br />
buffet. Now people expect you to<br />
know their preferences, whether<br />
that’s family activities or DVDs. Our<br />
hotel has 115 rooms, and each room<br />
is assigned one of our six personal<br />
assistants who do nothing but<br />
personalize the preferences of every<br />
guest. That kind of service requires<br />
careful observation.<br />
A 2011 report by the IBM Institute for<br />
Business Value, titled “The Personalization<br />
Paradox,” cites the power<br />
of social media as a source of information<br />
about guests’ unique preferences,<br />
but also the challenges it poses.<br />
José Silva: People want personalization,<br />
and value the effort we take<br />
to know about them. But we are very<br />
careful to use only information clients<br />
have told us or made public elsewhere.<br />
Is TripAdvisor complicating your life?<br />
José Silva: TripAdvisor and<br />
distribution channels have obviously<br />
drastically changed the world. Instant<br />
value-for-money comparisons can<br />
be done at the tip of a finger. As a<br />
hotelier, you can’t avoid it. And if you<br />
are good at what you do, the increased<br />
transparency pays off because<br />
success is rewarded so much faster<br />
than in the past, and sometimes<br />
overnight.<br />
How would you sum up the<br />
significance of mobility for the travel<br />
and tourism industry ?<br />
José Silva: Some people still see<br />
traveling as a nice but expensive<br />
thing to do. In fact, compared with<br />
other human activities, traveling is not<br />
so expensive. It has become part<br />
of entertainment and culture, and it’s<br />
here to stay. Traveling has become<br />
a way of life, a basic need. <br />
<br />
Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues Geneva.<br />
He previously worked for Four Seasons<br />
<br />
and beverages division, and later opened<br />
a Four Seasons in Lisbon, Portugal,<br />
before making the move to Switzerland.
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BUY<br />
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SELL<br />
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BUY<br />
HOLD<br />
SELL<br />
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Authors<br />
Credit Suisse Global Research<br />
Nikhil Gupta<br />
Thematic Research Analyst<br />
Nikhil Gupta joined Credit Suisse Private Banking<br />
in 2011, and is currently part of the thematic<br />
research team. He has six years of experience,<br />
<br />
research. He is a postgraduate from the Indian<br />
School of Business, Hyderabad.<br />
> Pages 8–9, 18–19, 30–31, 44–45<br />
Uwe Neumann<br />
Senior Equity Analyst<br />
CEFA, joined Credit Suisse Private Banking<br />
in 2000 as an equity analyst responsible<br />
for the telecom and technology sector. He has<br />
28 years of experience in the securities and<br />
banking business, including 18 years in<br />
research. He holds a Master in Economics<br />
from the University of Constance, Germany.<br />
> Page 24–25<br />
Imprint<br />
Credit Suisse AG, Investment Strategy & Research,<br />
P.O. Box 300, CH-8070 Zurich<br />
Publisher<br />
Giles Keating<br />
Editors<br />
Nilanjan Das, Sara Carnazzi<br />
Editorial deadline<br />
21 October 2013<br />
Production management<br />
Markus Kleeb, Katharina Schlatter<br />
Concept<br /><br />
Design and realization<br /><br />
Angélique Bolter, Claudia Veit, Maja Davé,<br />
<br />
Sacha Steiner, Rahel Frick (project management)<br />
Editorial support<br /><br />
Giselle Weiss, Dorothée Enskog, Richard Hall, Robin Scott<br />
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Copies of this publication may be ordered via your customer<br />
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Cover photo: Mathias Hofstetter<br />
Cover inside: Matteo Rinaldi / Gettyimages<br />
Illustrations: Martin Mörck<br />
neutral<br />
Printed Matter<br />
No. 01-13-865170 –<br />
© myclimate – The Climate Protection Partnership<br />
Christine Schmid<br />
Head of Global Financials Research<br />
CFA, is Head of Global Financials within the<br />
single security research unit. She has covered<br />
14 years and coordinates the<br />
<br />
in 1993 in accounting, and later portfolio<br />
management. She holds a Master in Economics<br />
from the University of Zurich.<br />
> Page 26–29<br />
Javier Lodeiro<br />
Equity Research Analyst<br />
CFA, FRM, joined Credit Suisse in 2010 as an<br />
equity analyst responsible for the global insurance<br />
sector and US banks. Javier has 18 years<br />
of experience as a buy- and sell-side analyst.<br />
He holds a Master in Economics from the University<br />
of Bern.<br />
> Page 26–29<br />
Andrea Schnell<br />
Research Analyst<br />
Joined Credit Suisse in 2012 as an economist<br />
focusing on the Swiss economy, particularly<br />
ly,<br />
she held positions in the public sector as<br />
<br />
Swiss National Bank, and as a researcher at<br />
ETH Zurich. She holds a Master of Science in<br />
Business and Economics from the University<br />
of Basel.<br />
> Page 46–48<br />
Thomas Rühl<br />
Head of Swiss Regional Research<br />
Joined Credit Suisse in 2005 as an economist<br />
providing Swiss economic analysis. He leads<br />
the Swiss Regional Research team, focusing<br />
<br />
systems, tax competition, regional business<br />
<br />
consulting mandates for several Swiss cantons<br />
and the Swiss Confederation. He holds a Master<br />
in Economics from the University of Zurich.<br />
> Page 46–48
Order GI<br />
Global Investor provides background analyses on current topics, as well as long-term<br />
trends and their possible effects on financial markets and investments. Earlier editions<br />
of Global Investor have addressed the following topics, among others:<br />
You can order these research publications at (Publication Shop).<br />
Beside the above-mentioned issues, you can also order or download issues of Global Investor covering<br />
other investment themes, as well as a wide range of interesting reports and handbooks.<br />
GI 2.09<br />
Global megatrends<br />
GI 1.10<br />
<br />
GI 2.10<br />
Urbanization<br />
GI 1.11<br />
Emotions and markets<br />
Over coming decades, the<br />
impact of megatrends on<br />
global economic growth,<br />
<br />
companies, and the stance<br />
of policymakers and regulators<br />
will be profound. We<br />
are now focusing on the<br />
massive forces of change<br />
unleashed by the rise<br />
of a multipolar world, by demographics<br />
and by pressing<br />
issues of sustain ability and<br />
human powers of inventiveness.<br />
This edition of Global<br />
Investor explores how these<br />
megatrends will play out,<br />
where the opportunities lie<br />
and which old certainties<br />
could fall by the wayside.<br />
cial<br />
crisis, governments<br />
and central banks took<br />
drastic steps to stabilize<br />
<br />
But there are risks arising<br />
from government intervention,<br />
such as the<br />
<br />
<br />
balances in the developed<br />
economies. Thus, investors<br />
may face considerable<br />
market volatility<br />
going forward. To restore<br />
stability, governments<br />
<br />
<br />
ative and global solutions.<br />
A failure to do so could<br />
result in a prolonged<br />
period of economic –<br />
and political – disorder.<br />
In the advanced countries,<br />
80% of the population<br />
lives in urban centers.<br />
Worldwide the share is<br />
50%, and by 2050 it will<br />
likely be two thirds. Cities<br />
of all kinds will remain<br />
the key locus of wealth<br />
creation. Where wealth is<br />
on the rise, the demand<br />
for diverse consumer services<br />
steadily increases.<br />
The drivers of successful<br />
urbanization – from highquality<br />
transport infrastructure<br />
and modern<br />
telecommunications to the<br />
provision of innovative<br />
cultural services – may<br />
offer exciting opportunities<br />
for astute investors.<br />
enced<br />
by behavioral traits<br />
that obstruct the cold logic<br />
of rational investment<br />
goals. Who can honestly<br />
say they are as willing<br />
to sell an asset at a loss as<br />
they are to sell one at a<br />
<br />
outlook is the same for<br />
mune<br />
from collective panic<br />
<br />
Academic studies have<br />
sought to understand how<br />
such behavioral factors<br />
drive markets. Investment<br />
professionals have used<br />
these insights to try to<br />
improve their judgments<br />
about where the market<br />
is going.
Global Investor 2.12, November 2012<br />
Expert know-how for Credit Suisse investment clients<br />
Global Investor 1.13, June 2013<br />
Expert know-how for Credit Suisse investment clients<br />
Healthcare<br />
Entering the digital era<br />
Big Data<br />
Taking a quantum leap<br />
Bernardino Fantini It’s a long way from hand washing to the Human<br />
Genome Project. Dr. Devi Shetty A visit with a cardiac surgeon who has<br />
big ideas – and a bigger heart. S.Yunkap Kwankam<br />
How healthcare<br />
is just a phone call away. José Gómez-Márquez<br />
Clever minds are hard<br />
at work engineering better healthcare.<br />
Michael Chui The race is on to capture value and gain insight – by looking for<br />
the diamonds in the proverbial data haystack. Florian Michahelles Big Data<br />
enables decision-making based purely on the data, not opinion or experience.<br />
Katy Börner<br />
Her data-based cartography helps us to see and recognize<br />
Jürgen g Galler<br />
Big Data analytics is shaping<br />
the future of almost every industry: Quo imus?<br />
GI 2.11<br />
Inheritance<br />
GI 1.12<br />
Design<br />
GI 2.12<br />
Healthcare<br />
GI 1.13<br />
Big Data<br />
In the face of slowing<br />
economic growth, inherited<br />
wealth could regain some<br />
of its former primacy.<br />
The many facets of inheritance<br />
range from assets<br />
and institutions to the<br />
passing on of ideas to<br />
future generations. In the<br />
latest edition of Credit<br />
Suisse’s Global Investor,<br />
a roster of expert authors<br />
and Credit Suisse specialists<br />
look at the effects<br />
of inheritance on people,<br />
society and economies.<br />
Great design in business<br />
goes beyond innovation<br />
and marketing to create an<br />
icon that sells itself.<br />
Successful design can<br />
turn a small company into<br />
a big one, a struggling<br />
second-ranker into a<br />
dominant player. A few<br />
designs are timeless.<br />
<br />
certain Zeitgeist or stage<br />
of technology. When<br />
that passes, the company<br />
may be weakened if it<br />
cannot repeat the design<br />
success.<br />
Across the vast universe<br />
of modern global healthcare,<br />
probably the single<br />
most important driver of<br />
change, with the greatest<br />
potential for innovation, is<br />
information and communication<br />
technology. Examples<br />
range from using<br />
genomics and computers<br />
to simulate disease treatment<br />
and outcomes, to<br />
making patients partners<br />
in their own healthcare,<br />
to designing low-cost<br />
medical tools in resourcepoor<br />
settings.<br />
Companies have always<br />
needed to know their<br />
customers, and doctors<br />
have always needed to<br />
know their patients. Big<br />
Data provides a way for<br />
them to do this on a scale<br />
and speed that are vastly<br />
larger and faster than<br />
could ever have been conceived<br />
in the past – and<br />
that can detect previously<br />
invisible connections<br />
between diverse aspects<br />
of people’s commercial,<br />
medical and social lives.
Expert know-how for investors<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
a collection of Global Investor publications downloadable free of charge<br />
in PDF format. The main articles are also available via podcast.<br />
Demographics<br />
Multipolar world<br />
Economy<br />
Sustainability<br />
You can download all the Global Investor<br />
editions since 2005 in PDF format.<br />
See the Global Investor knowledge<br />
website for animations and special features.
GIE 1545764<br />
TEXT by Richard Hall<br />
<strong>Mobility</strong> means different things to different people,<br />
but the topic invariably stirs strong emotions.<br />
Being mobile is about much more than getting from<br />
A to B; it ties into far-reaching trends – industrialization,<br />
innovation, migration, wealth creation –<br />
as well as deep-seated human experiences of<br />
hope, ambition, progress and self-betterment. The<br />
dream of mobility, in its broadest sense, is the<br />
lifeblood of economies and a catalytic force in individual<br />
biographies. This booklet showcases, in<br />
vivid photographic form, some of the many facets<br />
of mobility referenced in the main publication:<br />
making the most with the least, off-piste entrepreneurial<br />
thinking, finding ingenious solutions to<br />
age-old problems, the rise and fall of cities, visions<br />
of wearable technology, the quest for ever more<br />
extreme pastimes, the limits of mass tourism in<br />
emerging countries, shifting definitions of the<br />
workplace, the future of hypermobility in the USA,<br />
transience and permanence, the reshaping<br />
of traditional rituals through technology and<br />
the fantasy of instantaneous travel.
By the sweat of his brow<br />
There is something impressive and simultaneously absurd about this Shanghai street scene<br />
from French artist Alain Delorme’s “Totems” series. The teetering mass this worker is pulling has<br />
intentionally been augmented using Photoshop – perhaps to emphasize the human cost of the<br />
Chinese economic miracle? The diminutive profile of the individual against the soulless concrete<br />
monoliths in the background highlights some of the complexities of mass rural-urban migration.
Onshoring tech talent – offshore<br />
Visa restrictions can make it hard for foreign entrepreneurs seeking funding to operate in the USA. Blueseed intends<br />
to solve this problem by creating a unique start-up community on a cruise ship off the coast of San Francisco,<br />
in international waters. This scheme would potentially enable entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world to launch or<br />
expand their business(es) a stone’s throw from Silicon Valley, but without the need for a US work visa. Blueseed<br />
aims to convert the vessel into a co-working and co-living space equipped with high-speed Internet access and will offer<br />
daily transportation to the mainland. So far, over 1,400 individuals from 68 countries have expressed interest in<br />
living on Blueseed. Successful companies will receive advice on how to transition to Silicon Valley proper.
Breaking<br />
the mold<br />
After fracturing his arm<br />
and having to endure the<br />
constraints of a heavy,<br />
rigid plaster cast for several<br />
months, Jake Evill, a recent<br />
architecture/design graduate<br />
from Victoria University,<br />
<strong>New</strong> Zealand, decided to explore<br />
better ideas. The<br />
result – the Cortex cast – is<br />
a 3D-printed brace that<br />
maps the contours of the<br />
patient’s arm, but provides<br />
support where the wrist<br />
needs it. It also allows freer<br />
movement of the thumb<br />
and fingers. Though still at<br />
the prototype stage, the plan<br />
is to manufacture a product<br />
that is not only flexible,<br />
but lightweight, washable,<br />
ventilated and recyclable.
Motor City<br />
running<br />
on empty<br />
Long a major port and center<br />
of US automobile manufacturing,<br />
Detroit has suffered<br />
disproportionately from the<br />
forces of deindustrialization<br />
and global competition, losing<br />
25% of its population between<br />
2000 and 2010. In July 2013,<br />
Detroit filed the largest<br />
municipal bankruptcy case<br />
in US history.
The<br />
wearable<br />
web<br />
Google Glass, currently<br />
still in the testing phase,<br />
is the Internet giant’s first<br />
foray into truly mobile,<br />
head-mounted augmentedreality<br />
devices. Among<br />
many other things, the<br />
smart specs respond to<br />
voice commands and<br />
allow you to share what<br />
you see in real time.<br />
They also display satnav<br />
directions on a miniature<br />
From hands-free to zero G<br />
Virgin Galactic, part of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group, plans to offer suborbital spaceflight to individuals<br />
willing to pay USD 250,000 plus a USD 20,000 deposit. Passengers will experience a brief period of weightlessness<br />
on their journey to an altitude of over 62 miles. The first operational flights are scheduled for next year.
Swimming<br />
with the<br />
crowd<br />
Keen to escape the searing<br />
summer heat, thousands of<br />
visitors pile into an artificialwave<br />
pool at a tourist resort<br />
in Daying County, Sichuan<br />
Province, southwest China.<br />
The saltwater attraction has<br />
apparently been luring an<br />
average of 12,000 guests a day<br />
during the summer months<br />
as temperatures broke the<br />
40-degrees-Celsius mark. Extreme<br />
overcrowding has forced<br />
management to reinforce<br />
safety procedures at the site.
Making office<br />
shares work<br />
Assuming participants have complementary needs,<br />
office sharing can be an attractive option and<br />
alleviate the isolation some freelancers associate<br />
with working exclusively from home. It may also<br />
be a pragmatic way to minimize rental costs<br />
in desirable locations.
Getting there<br />
ultrafast<br />
Billionaire investor and PayPal<br />
founder Elon Musk has revealed<br />
plans for a “Hyperloop”<br />
transport system that could<br />
one day shuttle passengers and<br />
cars between Los Angeles<br />
and San Francisco in aluminum<br />
pods at up to 800 mph.
Always on<br />
the move<br />
French artist Xavier Veilhan<br />
is known for his highly<br />
distinctive, site-specific creations,<br />
often statues or<br />
large-format sculptures,<br />
which he installs in cities,<br />
parks and other spaces.<br />
While many of his works are<br />
about deconstructing or<br />
redefining classical iconographies,<br />
this series of giant<br />
mobiles explores process:<br />
movement, flux and the interface<br />
between object and<br />
abstraction. The installation’s<br />
motions seem hypnotic<br />
and repetitive, but can any<br />
single sequence of dances<br />
ever be repeated identically?
A mobile<br />
wedding<br />
More and more Chinese newlyweds<br />
are choosing to travel to<br />
Europe to repeat their marriage<br />
vows in landmark tourist<br />
spots such as Neuschwanstein<br />
Castle, Germany – one of<br />
the most popular destinations.
Picture sources: Totem #7, 2009-2011 © Alain Delorme | Blueseed | Jake Evill Design | Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre | Frazer Harrison, Getty Images | Virgin Galactic |<br />
Stringer China, Reuters | | Tesla Motors | © Veilhan / 2013, ProLitteris, Zurich | Michael Dalder, Reuters | Trevor Williams/Fiz-iks, Getty Images<br />
The dream of be(am)ing there ... now<br />
Star Trek popularized it, but the vision of instant “travel” (quantum teleportation or “beaming” in modern sci-fi<br />
speak) has been around since time immemorial. Although the notion of zapping from one place to another without<br />
passing through the space in between may seem ludicrous, this may be possible at the subatomic level where the<br />
normal laws of motion do not apply. The idea is that minute particles can become “entangled” and that whatever<br />
you do to one particle will instantaneously affect the other, irrespective of the distance between them. Rather than<br />
traveling from point A to point B, information appears at point B and simultaneously disappears from point A.