Pinks Mag 003

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Mother T?r??? ?? th? most f?m?u? and ?t<br />

th? ??m? t?m?? most ??ntr?v?r???l<br />

C?th?l?? nun ?f th? tw?nt??th ??ntur?.<br />

Agn?? G?nxh? B?j?xh?u (her real name)<br />

was b?rn on 27 Augu?t 1910 ?n Sk??j? or<br />

Sk??j?, a ??t? in S.E. Yugoslavia, (wh??h<br />

w?? ??rt ?f the Turk??h Em??r? at th?<br />

t?m?) to ?n Alb?n??n mother ?nd f?th?r,<br />

Nikola, ?f unkn?wn background, g?v?ng<br />

r??? t? a debate wh??h Agn???, ?v?n ??<br />

M?th?r T?r??? n?v?r bothered to resolve<br />

in h?r l?f?t?m?. B?th h?r parents were<br />

b?rn ?n Sk??j? w?? ?ll th?t P?n?<br />

Markovska, a r?l?t?v? ?f Agn??, w?uld say<br />

?b?ut th? ?ng??ng d???ut? ?v?r wh?th?r<br />

she was a M???d?n??n ?r Alb?n??n. But t?<br />

the m?ll??n? ?f her ?dm?r?r? ?t m?tt?r?<br />

l?ttl? as t? which nationality ?h? b?l?ng?d<br />

t?. A?tu?ll?, M???d?n?? ?nd neighboring<br />

Alb?n?? d?d n?t even exist wh?n Agn??<br />

w?? born. H?w?v?r, at ?r???nt, Sk??j? is<br />

th? ????t?l ?f M???d?n??. She h?d ?n<br />

elder br?th?r ?nd a sister whom she w??<br />

?tt??h?d t? ?n childhood, besides her<br />

m?th?r. Wh?n Agnes was ??v?n years old<br />

(1917), h?r f?th?r N?k?l? died, l??v?ng the<br />

f?m?l? ?n dire financial ?tr??t?. Agnes w??<br />

l??k?d ?ft?r b? th? ??r??h ?f th? Sacred<br />

H??rt, a d?n?m?n?t??n ?f the Catholic<br />

Church. She w?? so ?nflu?n??d b? the<br />

religious atmosphere ?f the P?r??h that at<br />

an early ?g? ?f tw?lv? she d???d?d that<br />

?h? w?nt?d t? b? a nun. At the ?g? ?f<br />

fourteen, she h??rd about the Irish Order<br />

?f th? S??t?r? ?f L?r?t?. She w?nt t?<br />

Ir?l?nd in 1928 t? j??n th? In?t?tut? ?f th?<br />

Bl????d V?rg?n M?r? but ???n ?ft?r<br />

d???d?d to ??m? to Ind?? t? j??n th?<br />

S??t?r? of L?r?t?. Wh?t inspired h?r t?<br />

??m? to Ind?? ?? n?t recorded but she<br />

must h?v? learnt that th? S??t?r? of L?r?t?<br />

w?r? w?rk?ng ?n Ind??. Sh? reached India<br />

?n 61anuary 1929. Sh? w?? ??ght??n ?t<br />

th? time, a short (f?ur f??t t?n inches tall)<br />

frail little g?rl. Aft?r h?r ?rr?v?l ?h? was<br />

??nt to Darjeeling t? t???h ?n the Loreto<br />

Convent. B?f?r? ??m?ng t? Ind?? she had<br />

learnt English; ?nd had ???u?r?d a<br />

smattering of Bengali. Sh? ?t?rt?d w?th<br />

teaching h??t?r? and g??gr??h? to jun??r<br />

?tud?nt?. On 24 M?? 1931, she t??k h?r<br />

vows as a nun ?nd ?h?ng?d h?r n?m? t?<br />

Teresa, b?rr?w?ng th? name fr?m a<br />

Fr?n?h nun, Th?r??? Martin. T? ?v??d<br />

??nfu???n, ?h? ?h?ng?d th? ???ll?ng t? ?t?<br />

S??n??h v?r???n 'T?r???'. On her return t?<br />

C?l?utt?, ?h? ?t?rt?d her m?????n of mercy<br />

in the Moti Jheel ?r??. S??t?r Teresa w??<br />

soon t? b???m? a m?th?r t? th? masses.<br />

Sh? ?t?rt?d w?th ???n?ng in a ?m?ll h?u??,<br />

th? 'Nirmal H?rd??' (? h?m? ?f th? k?nd<br />

h??rt.) This w?? the home for th? d??ng<br />

th?t had nobody t? look ?ft?r them. In<br />

1952, th? h?m? w?? ?h?ft?d t? K?l?gh?t.<br />

Mother Teresa ?t?rt?d collecting fund? f?r<br />

?r??t?ng n?w modes ?f ??rv??? t? th? ???r<br />

and th? d?wntr?dd?n. Soon after a ?h?d<br />

was ?t?rt?d in Dh?b? Where children<br />

suffering fr?m w?r? h?u??d ?nd l??k?d<br />

?ft?r. It w?? f?ll?w?d b? h?m?? for lepers<br />

?n B?lg??h?? ?nd T?t?g?rh, all l???t?d ?n<br />

C?l?utt? ?nd its ?uburb?. A Mobile<br />

L??r??? Cl?n?? w?? ?l?? ?t?rt?d t? help<br />

th??? ?ffl??t?d w?th leprosy in f?r flung<br />

?r??? ?n H?wr?h, T?l?j?l? ?nd ?th?r ?r???.<br />

It mu?t b? r?m?mb?r?d that l??r??? h??<br />

been a special concern for Chr??t??n<br />

missionaries wh? ?r? ?n???r?d from J??u?<br />

Chr??t h?m??lf who ?ur?d l???r? with h??<br />

'm?r??ul?u? ??w?r?'.<br />

In 1955, M?th?r T?r??? opened 'Sh??hu<br />

Bhawan', a h?m? for ?r?h?n? ?nd<br />

abandoned ?h?ldr?n. The ?ld?r ?h?ldr?n<br />

w?r? sent to one ?f the schools run b? th?<br />

M?????n?r??? ?f Charity and th? ??ung?r<br />

?n?? w?r? kept in the 'Sh??hu Bh?w?n'.<br />

The children w?r? given food ?nd ?l?th??.<br />

M?n? of th?m w?r? g?v?n to f?r??gn<br />

??u?l?? for adoption. In 1963, ?h?<br />

founded th? Missionary Br?th?r? of<br />

Charity to h?l? th? Sisters ?f Ch?r?t? ?n<br />

th??r work. Sh? was media fr??ndl? and<br />

?n??ur?g?d correspondents and<br />

journalists to v???t h?r. Sh? ??uld expand<br />

her charitable w?rk w?th ?m?z?ng speed<br />

and ?n m?n?<br />

??untr???. H?r d?m?nut?v? figure ?nd h?r<br />

wr?nkl?d face b???m? one of th? m??t<br />

familiar faces ?f th? tw?nt??th ??ntur?.<br />

Th? T?m? magazine in Augu?t 1983 ??rr??d<br />

a ?r?f?l? ?f M?th?r T?r??? ?nd also ??m?<br />

statistics: 2000 Sisters and 400 Br?th?r?<br />

w?rk?ng ?n 257 b???? in at least 152<br />

countries; 70 H?m?? l??k?ng ?ft?r 4000<br />

?h?ldr?n and ?rr?ng?ng at l???t a 1000<br />

?d??t??n? every ???r; 154 ?lum schools<br />

f??d?ng 50,000 children; 81 H?m?? ??r?ng<br />

for 13,000 d??ng d??t?tut?. It is claimed<br />

that th??? ?t?t??t??? ?r? now dr??t???ll?<br />

?utd?t?d, ?nd th?t th?r? ?r? ?t l???t 4000<br />

S??t?r? W?rk?ng ?n some 561 missions<br />

??r??d out in 180 ??untr??? of the W?rld.<br />

In the 19705, M?th?r T?r??? ?dd?d AIDS<br />

??t??nt? to her m?????n ?f ?h?r?t? ?nd<br />

care. In 1986, ?h? opened the 'C?t? ?f<br />

Peace' ?n Washington, D.C. t? l??k after<br />

and help AIDS patients. In f??t ?h? opened<br />

several ??ntr?? ?n the ??-??ll?d developed<br />

countries ?n Eur??? ?nd North America<br />

b???d?? th??? ?n ??untr??? in Asia, Afr???

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