Pegasus Post: May 10, 2016

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Land size Land sizeBedroom<br />

Land size Bedroom Bedroom Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Lounge<br />

Garage<br />

Lounge Lounge Dining<br />

Garage Garage Carport Carport CarportCar pad Car pad Car pad Boat pad Boat pad Boat Pool pad<br />

Land size<br />

Bedroom<br />

Bathroom<br />

Dining Toilet Dining Garage Toilet Shower ToiletShower<br />

Carport Study Shower Study<br />

1 21 12 3<br />

23 4<br />

3 4 5<br />

4<br />

65 7 65 87 6 89 7 89 <strong>10</strong><br />

9 <strong>10</strong> 11<br />

<strong>10</strong> 11 12<br />

11 1213 12<br />

14 13 13 14<br />

14<br />

Study Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <strong>10</strong> 11 12 13 14<br />

Pool Tennis Pool courtTennis court Tennis court<br />

Dining<br />

Pool<br />

Toilet<br />

Shower<br />

Tennis court<br />

Study<br />

FREE<br />

TUESDAY MAY <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />


379 7<strong>10</strong>0<br />


<strong>Post</strong><br />

Proudly locally owned and<br />

published by Star Media<br />

Award winning publishing group<br />

SHOW<br />

1ST-3RD JULY <strong>2016</strong><br />


Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />

Godwit plan grounded<br />

Planned<br />

site in<br />

no-man’s<br />

land<br />


Plans to put sculptures of<br />

godwits in South New Brighton<br />

are on hold because the<br />

proposed site is in<br />

“no-man’s land.”<br />

The South Brighton Residents’<br />

Association wants to put the<br />

seven sculptures on the banks<br />

near the south-eastern entrance<br />

of the Bridge St bridge.<br />

The association presented a<br />

report to the Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

Community Board last week.<br />

The board approved a<br />

$3974.25 grant for Southshore<br />

artist Bon Suter to begin work<br />

on the seven godwits, and ringfenced<br />

a further $8000 for the<br />

project until a location had been<br />

decided upon.<br />

Godwits are wading birds that<br />

visit the eastern suburbs every<br />

year, travelling long distances<br />

to get here in time for summer.<br />

They live in Alaska before<br />

undertaking a record non-stop<br />

ARTWORK: A concept of what the sculptures would look like near the Bridge St bridge, South New Brighton.<br />

migratory flight south to New<br />

Zealand’s coastline.<br />

But city council staff told the<br />

board members that after extensive<br />

research, it was found that<br />

the land didn’t belong to Land<br />

Information New Zealand, the<br />

city council, or the Crown.<br />

The land is classed as a common<br />

marine coastal area, and<br />

therefore “doesn’t belong to<br />

anyone.”<br />

City council’s community<br />

development adviser Heather<br />

Davies said the<br />

residents’ association<br />

would have<br />

to find somewhere<br />

else to install the<br />

artwork.<br />

“The land . . . is<br />

incapable of being<br />

owned. I’ve spoken to the South<br />

Brighton Residents’ Association<br />

and have suggested that they<br />

relocate to a different space .<br />

. . they have no right to put it<br />

there,” she said.<br />

But association chairman Hugo<br />

Kristinsson (left) said he will<br />

continue to push for the sculptures<br />

to be installed near the bridge.<br />

“It’s the most desirable spot,<br />

but if that’s not an option we<br />

will have to think about others.<br />

If it’s put in no man’s land and<br />

it’s not a nuisance, who would<br />

challenge it? I’d like to see if<br />

anyone has objections to us using<br />

that land,” he said.<br />

Mr Kristinsson said he has<br />

considered having the sculptures<br />

installed alongside the ‘welcome<br />

to South New Brighton’ sign.<br />

“That’s one of the options<br />

that has been identified, but the<br />

thing is it would look really nice<br />

where we had initially planned<br />

for it, so we will pursue that,”<br />

he said.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you<br />

think the sculptures should<br />

be installed in no-man’s land?<br />

Where would you like to see<br />

them installed? Email fraser.<br />

walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

INSIDE: • Owners happy parakeet alive, p7• Pastor with sense of adventure, p8<br />

JO HAYES<br />



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Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Community<br />

Events Email<br />

fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Girls’ Night Out<br />

Thursday, 6-9pm<br />

Goodie bags, styling advice,<br />

fantastic discounts and a grand<br />

prize draw. Go to The Palms<br />

Shopping Centre to see what all<br />

the talk is about. This event is<br />

for all ages.<br />

The Palms Shopping Centre,<br />

free entry.<br />

NZ Music Month – Captain<br />

Kina and Molly Mawk<br />

Saturday, 11-11.45am<br />

Go to the Shirley Public<br />

Library for the wildly popular<br />

Captain Kina and Molly Mawk<br />

children’s music show. This is<br />

an interactive show of traditional<br />

and original New Zealand<br />

folk, pop and children’s songs.<br />

Stick around for a hands-on<br />

demonstration for kids of a<br />

range of unusual instruments,<br />

including the mandolin,<br />

bouzouki, accordion and more.<br />

Shirley Public Library, 36<br />

Marshland Rd. Free entry<br />

Andrew Dawson Display<br />

for <strong>May</strong><br />

Runs through to <strong>May</strong> 29,<br />

<strong>10</strong>am-4pm daily<br />

Brighton Gallery will for<br />

the month of <strong>May</strong> feature<br />

works from Andrew Dawson’s<br />

collection. Mr Dawson is a<br />

South Brighton artist who<br />

produces many collages, and<br />

paints in both oil and acrylic.<br />

More recently, he has produced<br />

a number of sculptures from a<br />

range of materials.<br />

Brighton Gallery, New Brighton<br />

Pedestrian Mall. Free entry<br />

New Brighton Ukulele Jam<br />

Every Friday night, from<br />

7.30pm<br />

The group meets to play<br />

KITE DAY: Go to New Brighton beach to experience kite flying. Big kites are flown on the beach near the<br />

pier, almost every day when conditions are suitable, between 11am-4pm. Go along and watch, or take<br />

a kite and join in. Recapture your childhood, and let your children experience the joy of kites instead of<br />

playing with electronic gadgets. Free event.<br />

ukulele and other instruments<br />

and sing all kinds of songs.<br />

From folk and country, to pop,<br />

jazz, rock, Latin and even<br />

reggae. Anything that is in the<br />

spirit of Joyful Anarchic Music<br />

(JAM). There will be a data<br />

projector so all the lyrics and<br />

the chords are available to all.<br />

Everyone is welcome. Tea,<br />

coffee and biscuits free.<br />

Antidote Cafe, Brighton Mall.<br />

$2 admission<br />

Morantics Exhibition<br />

Runs until Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 28,<br />

11am-4pm<br />

Keith and Trish Morant have<br />

always enjoyed making art, and<br />

now is the time for their first<br />

exhibition. Trish loves pottery<br />

art, while Keith has had art<br />

exhibitions overseas, but they<br />

have never joined forces before.<br />

Linwood Community Arts<br />

Centre, 388 Worcester St. Free<br />

entry<br />

ContaCt us<br />

General Manager: Steve McCaughan<br />

Communities Editor: Shelley Robinson<br />

Sales Manager: Joan Smith<br />

Circulation: Mark Coulthard<br />

P: 379-7<strong>10</strong>0<br />

NEWS<br />

Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

Ph: 364 7424<br />

fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Gail Henry<br />

Ph: 364 7450<br />

gail.henry@starmedia.kiwi<br />

WOF $35<br />




Drop off or buy<br />

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• Bag & Bulk - pick up or delivered<br />

David, Carol & Mike<br />

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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 3<br />

neighbourhood NEWS<br />

News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

Your opinion? Facebook us on https://www.facebook.com/pegasuspost<br />

Long wait for proposed<br />

Waitikiri playground<br />


A playground that was first<br />

proposed for Waitikiri Square<br />

in February last year, won’t be<br />

installed until this Christmas.<br />

The Waitikiri Square<br />

Landscape Plan, including<br />

the installation of playground<br />

equipment, trees, a football<br />

goal, and seating went up<br />

for public consultation last<br />

February.<br />

But the city council says it is<br />

still in the detailed design stage,<br />

and the projected end date “is<br />

Christmas this year.”<br />

City council’s head of parks<br />

Andrew Rutledge said the<br />

community shouldn’t worry, as<br />

the budget that was talked about<br />

well over a year ago is still safe.<br />

“Funding is available for<br />

the installation of the play<br />

equipment, picnic table, park<br />

bench and post and bollard<br />

fence in (this) financial year,<br />

following annual plan approval.<br />

$137,000 has been set aside for<br />

this project,” he said.<br />

Mr Rutledge said construction<br />

estimates for the playground are<br />

still the same as they were during<br />

the consultation process.<br />

The park will be bordered by<br />

Waitikiri Square and Bluestone<br />

Drive, in the Waitikiri subdivision<br />

in Marshland.<br />

Waitikiri Residents’ Association<br />

chairman Rod Miller said<br />

people should be getting more<br />

for the rates they’re paying.<br />

“We do want<br />

to see it at the<br />

end of the year<br />

but I mean we<br />

could’ve said<br />

that this time<br />

last year. We are<br />

looking forward to seeing it, but<br />

it is taking a long time,” he said.<br />

Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community<br />

Board member Linda Stewart<br />

(left) said the concept plan for<br />

the playground did not meet the<br />

expectations of residents.<br />

“It just doesn’t meet the<br />

expectations set by the<br />

residents. It’s a measly budget,<br />

and it’s not living up to what the<br />

developers had planned either,”<br />

she said.<br />



Travis Medical Centre’s Dr<br />

Sue French has asked the<br />

Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community<br />

Board to support them in<br />

lobbying to keep their car<br />

park. The lease on the car<br />

park could be in jeopardy if<br />

the QE II Park land sale deal<br />

is confirmed. The Ministry of<br />

Education has signalled it may<br />

want the land where the car<br />

park is situated. Community<br />

board chairwoman Andrea<br />

Cummings told Dr French that<br />

during the ongoing hearings<br />

process, the board cannot<br />

support the medical centre<br />

until a decision has been made<br />

either way. She said after a<br />

decision had been made the<br />

board would reconvene to<br />

make a decision.<br />



The Penrith Panthers and<br />

Warriors will visit some lucky<br />

schools in the east this week<br />

before their match on Saturday.<br />

The schools that will be visited<br />

by the Panthers on Thursday<br />

are South New Brighton<br />

School at 11.45am, and Aranui<br />

Primary and Chisnallwood<br />

Intermediate at 1.15pm. The<br />

Warriors will visit Waitakiri<br />

Primary School and Linwood<br />

College on Friday at 11.30am.<br />

The match will be at AMI<br />

Stadium, 5pm.<br />

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4<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

your local Views<br />

Readers respond to the<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> article on the<br />

fireworks display being moved<br />

away from New Brighton for<br />

the next two years:<br />

Paul Jennings: I have read<br />

about the fireworks being<br />

canned from the pier until<br />

repairs are complete. I think<br />

Hagley Park would be a better<br />

place than Scarborough.<br />

Think about the traffic. There<br />

is only one way in and out of<br />

Scarborough. Hagley Park is<br />

more central for all.<br />

Louise Macdonald: If we lose<br />

the fireworks to somewhere<br />

else, for example Sumner, we<br />

definitely won’t see the venue<br />

back in New Brighton. Also<br />

has anyone thought of the oneway<br />

road into Sumner, on Guy<br />

Fawkes night? It would be a<br />

nightmare for parents taking<br />

their families on the night of<br />

November 5.<br />

Can you imagine the chaos<br />

on the road into, and back out,<br />

especially in the dark? And<br />

don’t forget November 5 doesn’t<br />

always fall on a Saturday night,<br />

so children have to be back to<br />

school the next morning, and if<br />

it’s late, then hitting one-way<br />

traffic out of Sumner could<br />

mean they don’t get back home<br />

until after 11pm.<br />

It is bad enough driving home<br />

Something on your mind? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi in 200 words or less.<br />

Facebook us on https://www.facebook.com/riseupchristchurch/<br />

out of New Brighton – I know<br />

because one year our family<br />

went up from South Brighton<br />

to New Brighton, and when<br />

the fireworks finished, it took<br />

an hour or more to get back to<br />

South Brighton, with all the<br />

traffic. So from then on we<br />

just go over to the beach and<br />

watched from there.<br />

New Brighton certainly<br />

doesn’t need to lose any venues,<br />

it’s already suffering through<br />

lack of shops. Compared that<br />

to what it was like in its hay<br />

day. I agree with Tim Sintes’<br />

comment, “promises have a<br />

habit of being broken around<br />

here” – meaning New Brighton.<br />

So true.<br />

Flame files<br />

Attending to need<br />




Only about 30 per cent of the<br />

calls we attend now actually<br />

involve fires. The other 70 per<br />

cent includes false alarms, car<br />

crashes, hazardous substance<br />

incidents and medical<br />

emergencies where we provide<br />

manpower with first aid skill<br />

to back up the experts from St<br />

John.<br />

Some of our work does not<br />

neatly fit into any of the normal<br />

categories. An elderly caller last<br />

Thursday had knocked a cushion<br />

that had fallen down the side<br />

of her hot water cylinder. She<br />

wondered if it was a fire risk. It<br />

probably wasn’t. But St Albans<br />

Red Watch crew went to her<br />

house and retrieved the cushion<br />

which almost certainly saved her<br />

days and nights of worry.<br />

We also saw the Wainoni crew<br />

travelling to Collingwood St in<br />

New Brighton the same day to a<br />

child who had managed to trap<br />

their leg in a gate. All the efforts<br />

of the locals were to no avail. A<br />

tool known as a hooligan bar,<br />

a kind of short crowbar, was<br />

utilised by the crew to bend the<br />

railings enough to release the<br />


SUSPICIOUS: Wednesday’s fire on<br />

the Port Hills.<br />


trapped leg.<br />

There were a couple of<br />

potentially serious fires in the<br />

week. Both were of a suspicious<br />

nature. A camper van at the back<br />

of a vehicle dealer in St Asaph<br />

St was set alight and destroyed<br />

recently and on Wednesday<br />

night, fireworks were apparently<br />

utilised to ignite a fire on the<br />

Port Hills that was visible across<br />

the city.<br />

I’m sure police would<br />

appreciate any information<br />

that might identify either set of<br />

culprits.<br />

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*On total cost over $40 & within 4KM radius.<br />

• Fast Dryers<br />

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• Bedding<br />

• Washers<br />

• Domestic Laundry<br />

Other Locations:<br />

289 Colombo Street, Sydenham<br />

47 Carmen Road, Hornby<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 5<br />

neighbourhood NEWS News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

‘Risky’ alleyways a concern<br />

Residents worry over Haeata student safety<br />


Avondale and Wainoni residents<br />

are concerned that when Haeata<br />

Community Campus opens next<br />

year, students will be unsafe<br />

walking home from late-night<br />

events, due to a number of<br />

“dangerous” alleyways.<br />

The opening of Haeata will see<br />

the closure of Avondale, Wainoni,<br />

Aranui Primary, and Aranui High<br />

Schools, and is only three terms<br />

away from opening its doors.<br />

But concerns have been raised<br />

over the safety of students<br />

attending Haeata, who would walk<br />

to and from the school, and use<br />

these alleyways.<br />

At a recent Active and Passenger<br />

Transport Working Group meeting,<br />

the concerns were raised by<br />

Living Streets spokeswoman Meg<br />

Christie.<br />

Mrs Christie said that in daylight<br />

hours residents living around the alleyways<br />

didn’t think it was risky using<br />

them, but in the night and early<br />

morning, they saw a risk involved.<br />

“It’s the moving around to<br />

rugby training or church events or<br />

something that is the problem. If<br />

students are walking or cycling to<br />

and from their after-school events,<br />

they need to feel safe,” she said.<br />

In the Avondale-Wainoni<br />

suburbs, six alleyways have been<br />

named as needing more lighting,<br />

some back onto parks, and most<br />

are in residential areas.<br />

The alleyways of concern are<br />

between Mervyn Drive and Woolley<br />

St, Pembroke St and Emlyn<br />

Pl, Wainoni Rd and Aldershot St,<br />

Ben Rarere Ave and Aldershot St,<br />

Ventor and Corhampton Sts, and<br />

Meon and Warblington Sts.<br />

Mrs Christie said a lot of residents<br />

said they wouldn’t feel safe<br />

walking down certain alleyways,<br />

and wouldn’t recommend others<br />

to either.<br />

“The neighbours said ‘we don’t<br />

want to encourage people to walk<br />

down there’. They said it’s really<br />

scary at night. They lived there<br />

and felt it wasn’t safe,” she said.<br />

Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community<br />

Board member Tim Baker said he<br />

was fully supportive of the alleyways<br />

receiving more lighting.<br />

FREE<br />

UPGRADE:<br />

Your local<br />

community<br />

centre could<br />

receive a free<br />

$150,000<br />

upgrade, if you<br />

get your vote<br />

in. SmartLift,<br />

which<br />

specialises in<br />

re-levelling<br />

building<br />

foundations is<br />

giving away a<br />

‘lift and level’<br />

to one of five<br />

community<br />

facilities. These<br />

are the Breezes<br />

Rd Youth<br />

Community Church, Delta Community Support Trust, Parklands<br />

Baptist Community Church, Kaiapoi Gray Raven Scout Group,<br />

and Te Waka Aroha South Brighton. Te Waka Aroha is currently<br />

leading the votes with 1437, but there is still three weeks<br />

remaining. If you’d like to vote, go to Facebook, and search<br />

SmartLift.<br />


A man suffered moderate<br />

injuries after he was allegedly<br />

assaulted last week in New<br />

Brighton. St John sent an<br />

ambulance to the incident, on<br />

Marine Parade, at about 7.30pm<br />

last Tuesday. The man, in his<br />

50s, was taken to hospital.<br />


From today Travis Rd, between<br />

Blue Gum Place and Atlantis<br />

St, will be closed for Stronger<br />

Christchurch Infrastructure<br />

Rebuild Team wastewater, storm<br />

water and road repairs. This<br />

is expected to take about two<br />

months. Traffic will be diverted<br />

around the site using the former<br />

QE II slip road. Meanwhile,<br />

traffic going east towards The<br />

Palms Shopping Centre is being<br />

detoured, because of culvert<br />

repairs. Traffic management is<br />

scheduled to be uplifted by late<br />

<strong>May</strong>. Work will be undertaken at<br />

night on North Parade, between<br />

Banks Ave and Randall St, and<br />

is due to finish early this week.<br />


A speed bump will not be<br />

installed on Saltaire St, North<br />

New Brighton, after a report<br />

by city council staff told a<br />

community board there was no<br />

need for one. The report was<br />

heard at last week’s Burwood-<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community Board<br />

meeting, and said the estimated<br />

cost of installing a speed bump<br />

on the street would be more than<br />

$30,000.<br />


Customers visiting their local<br />

Robert Harris café throughout<br />

<strong>May</strong> can order off the menu<br />

and <strong>10</strong> per cent of their meal<br />

purchase will be donated to the<br />

New Zealand Breast Cancer<br />

Foundation’s Pink Ribbon<br />

Appeal. The company is aiming<br />

to raise $<strong>10</strong>0,000 by the end of<br />

the campaign.<br />

BELFAST <strong>10</strong>0TH<br />


The Belfast Rugby Club will<br />

celebrate its <strong>10</strong>0th anniversary on<br />

Queen’s Birthday weekend, June<br />

3, 4 and 5. The club is calling all<br />

current and former members to<br />

register their interest as soon as<br />

possible to enable them to arrange<br />

the weekend’s activities. To register<br />

email belfastrugby<strong>10</strong>0years@<br />

gmail.com or phone facility<br />

manager Glenda Spillane on 323<br />

8024 or 027 435 9762.<br />

Rebuilding stronger in your community<br />

• Rebuilding stronger is in our very name - for good reason.<br />

• The Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT)<br />

is committed to rebuilding pipes, bridges and retaining walls that<br />

will stand up better in the future.<br />

• SCIRT is using modern materials, best practice construction<br />

standards and the latest technologies in your area.<br />

• New resilient underground sewerage systems have been installed<br />

in Shirley, Dallington, Wainoni and Aranui.<br />

• These systems have pipes that are more flexible when the<br />

ground moves and they do not rely on gravity to move the area’s<br />

wastewater to the Bromley Treatment Plant.<br />

• <strong>2016</strong> is SCIRT’s final year.<br />

• Thank you for your patience, your support is helping us to get the<br />

job done.<br />

Want<br />

more<br />

info?<br />

Email:<br />

info@scirt.co.nz<br />

Phone:<br />

941 8999<br />

Find out about work<br />

in your area:<br />

www.scirt.co.nz<br />

Email us on:<br />

info@scirt.co.nz to get our:<br />

Weekly Traffic Update<br />

Monthly e-Newsletter<br />

Follow us on Twitter:<br />

@SCIRT_info<br />

#chchtraffic<br />

• John Kissel, a member of SCIRT’s City Care three<br />

waters crew.<br />

Thank you Christchurch for your<br />

patience and making us feel<br />

welcome in your communities<br />

Programme funded by

6<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 7<br />

neighbourhood NEWS News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

School space draws interest<br />

from community groups<br />


Help for the Homeless is one of<br />

more than 50 community groups<br />

that has registered its interest<br />

in the use of a classroom at the<br />

former Central New Brighton<br />

School.<br />

Central New Brighton, along<br />

with Freeville and North New<br />

Brighton schools were merged to<br />

make way for Rawhiti School at<br />

the end of last year.<br />

ReNew Brighton has volunteered<br />

to help line up the use of<br />

the former school site with the<br />

best wishes of the community.<br />

The site has been split up into<br />

three sections. The hall, the pool,<br />

and the school sites.<br />

ReNew Brighton co-ordinator<br />

Sylvia Smyth said the hall site<br />

has not seen any changes, and<br />

is currently being used by the<br />

Christchurch Circus Trust.<br />

Meanwhile, a decision to<br />

demolish the pool site is being<br />

lobbied by the Strategic Urban<br />

Rejuvenation Force, after it<br />

was announced without public<br />

consultation.<br />

Ms Smyth said this has left the<br />

school site, which contains nine<br />

usable classrooms, up for community<br />

use.<br />

COMMUNITY USE: The former Central New Brighton School site is<br />

currently being negotiated for community use by ReNew Brighton.<br />

“We don’t know<br />

how long we will<br />

have this (site) for.<br />

The school has<br />

gone to the disposal<br />

process, which<br />

is what happens<br />

when the Ministry of Education<br />

doesn’t need the school anymore,<br />

and they’re in the process<br />

of getting rid of it,” she said.<br />

Help for the Homeless founder<br />

Amy Burke (above) said the group<br />

is “very interested” in using one of<br />

the classrooms for storage.<br />

“We are very interested in the<br />

site. We’re hoping for it, because<br />

then we can get a new space for<br />

storing furniture, although we<br />

haven’t been in contact with the<br />

organisers since then,” she said.<br />

She said getting a classroom for<br />

storage would “make things really<br />

easy”, because furniture currently<br />

has to be placed all over town.<br />

Ms Smyth said ReNew<br />

Brighton will continue<br />

negotiations with the Ministry of<br />

Education.<br />

“There was a huge variety of<br />

ideas and among that a strong art<br />

theme. We don’t know how we<br />

will operate just yet . . . we’re<br />

at the point now that we’ve said<br />

we’ll continue lease negotiations<br />

with the ministry,” she said.<br />

Owners just happy<br />

parakeet is alive<br />


A family who lost their parakeet<br />

two years ago have been<br />

reunited with their feathery<br />

friend, but they won’t take him<br />

back home, they’re just happy<br />

to see he’s alive.<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />

reported last<br />

week that a parakeet<br />

had made<br />

itself at home in<br />

a Burwood resident’s<br />

trees.<br />

A Shirley resident<br />

contacted<br />

the <strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong> to say she<br />

thought the<br />

bird could be<br />

her “best fiend”<br />

Tweety Bird,<br />

who she lost two<br />

years before.<br />

Shahna Hira said she lost<br />

her pet parakeet two years ago<br />

when it managed to escape<br />

outside and fly away.<br />

“We did post things on Facebook<br />

and Trade Me and tracked<br />

him for a month after he flew<br />

away. We went to all the locations<br />

that people had said they’d<br />

seen him, but couldn’t find<br />

him,” she said.<br />

But, after reading last week’s<br />

article, Ms Hira was convinced<br />

that Tweety Bird had reappeared<br />

at Burwood residents<br />

Roger and Veronica Foley’s<br />

house. She made contact with<br />

the couple, who<br />

have had the<br />

parakeet visit them<br />

every day since<br />

they moved in last<br />

year.<br />

Ms Hira said<br />

she visited the<br />

Foleys twice to<br />

have a look at the<br />

parakeet, and was<br />

“certain” it was<br />

the same bird she<br />

had lost two years<br />

before.<br />

But she said as<br />

much as she wanted<br />

to catch Tweety<br />

Bird and take him home, she<br />

knew she had to leave him.<br />

“As much as we’d love to<br />

have caught him and taken him<br />

home, we’re just happy to know<br />

he’s happy, and happy to know<br />

he’s being looked after. I will be<br />

visiting him but it’s never going<br />

to be about us trying to catch<br />

him,” she said.

8<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

our PEOPLE<br />

> Do you know someone who should be our next Our People?<br />

Nominate them now by emailing fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Colin Wood<br />

Pastor with a sense of adventure<br />

Newly-appointed<br />

Parklands Baptist<br />

Community Church<br />

pastor Colin Wood<br />

talks to Fraser Walker-<br />

Pearce about how he<br />

proposed long distance<br />

to his wife of 25 years,<br />

why his body doesn’t<br />

bounce like it used to,<br />

and why he chose to<br />

work in Parklands.<br />

Hi Colin, when did you come<br />

to Parklands, and why?<br />

I started at Parklands Baptist<br />

Community Church the week<br />

before Easter, and what brought<br />

me out here was, after pastoring<br />

in other places, I found they<br />

had a really strong community<br />

connection. Part of me wanted<br />

to become a pastor in a really<br />

interesting community.<br />

So it was the community<br />

connection that drew you in?<br />

It has a really strong community<br />

connection. We had<br />

friends who went through the<br />

earthquake and we really wanted<br />

to be here, but obviously at the<br />

same time I didn’t want to be<br />

here. The church is very involved<br />

in community. I can’t<br />

give you exact numbers but it’s<br />

an astonishing number of people<br />

coming through every week.<br />

There is a craft group, a move<br />

and groove group for toddlers,<br />

babies groups, and they show<br />

movies. They’re really very<br />

involved. It was very attractive<br />

for me.<br />

Where were you in 2011?<br />

I was in Invercargill, working<br />

with the Invercargill Central<br />

Baptist Church in 2011. When<br />

the earthquake rolled around,<br />

the Parklands church really did<br />

very well. They opened up their<br />

building, became an earthquake<br />

support area for the community<br />

and ran meals for everyone for<br />

about six weeks. I wasn’t here<br />

for it but I have heard from people<br />

around the area who say: ‘Oh<br />

Previously<br />

United Travel<br />

COMMUNITY LEADER: Colin and Linda Wood have recently moved to the eastern suburbs from Invercargill,<br />

and Colin is the new pastor of the Parklands Baptist Community Church.<br />

yes, I’ve had a meal there’ or<br />

something like that, about their<br />

experiences with the church.<br />

Wow, sounds like you’ve<br />

picked the right one. Where<br />

did you train to become a pastor?<br />

I trained at Carey College and<br />

also the University of Auckland.<br />

So I have a bachelor in theology,<br />

and have pastored in Ilam for<br />

eight years and another eight in<br />

Invercargill before that.<br />

And what did you do before<br />

that?<br />

Well this is where it gets interesting.<br />

I actually spent four years<br />

in Hong Kong and helped drug<br />

addicts for some of that.<br />

Well I wasn’t expecting that<br />

answer. How did you help<br />

them?<br />

It was astonishing, and probably<br />

one of the reasons I’ve ended<br />

up working as a pastor, is seeing<br />

a number of people change their<br />

lives. My background is with<br />

computers, and although computers<br />

are great, it’s even better<br />

seeing people change their lives<br />

for good, it’s just magnificent.<br />

So did you go over there<br />

specifically to work with drug<br />

addicts?<br />

I went over to work with<br />

computers, and wanted to see if<br />

I could live in another culture. I<br />

got involved with a church that<br />

was working specifically with<br />

heroin addicts. After we’d been<br />

involved with the church for a<br />

few years, full-time, we began<br />

running houses that housed recovering<br />

addicts. And that would<br />

probably have been for 24 hours<br />

a day, six days a week.<br />

So it was a successful exercise?<br />

A lot of those guys have overcome<br />

that now and they have<br />

lives now, it’s just fantastic. We<br />

do keep in touch with a few and<br />

they’re doing well, from what<br />

looked like dead-end stories, have<br />

now got lives and they’re out<br />

making a difference. That was for<br />

two years full-time, and a year<br />

and a half were volunteering.<br />

So if you were volunteering<br />

did you have to have a job<br />

there too?<br />

When we first got there I<br />

worked with computers, and<br />

my wife worked as a nurse, and<br />

is now a district nurse here in<br />

Christchurch. But we actually<br />

lived off our savings back then. I<br />

think it was in the mid-90s.<br />

So how old does that make<br />

you now?<br />

Hmm . . . let’s just say I’m in<br />

my 50s.<br />

Okay fair enough. Where did<br />

you meet your wife?<br />

I met my wife in Wellington.<br />

Fly Direct to Fiji<br />

Children Fly, Stay & Eat From $199. * Limited to the first 70 children.<br />

No, it wasn’t love at first sight<br />

(laughs) – love is a process.<br />

When I left to go to Hong Kong<br />

I actually called her from my<br />

hotel in Boston (during a stopover)<br />

and I proposed to her over<br />

the phone, while she was back in<br />

Wellington.<br />

What – really?<br />

I missed the engagement party<br />

and everything – don’t do it the<br />

way I did. I guess you could say<br />

I came to my senses right then<br />

and there, and have not regretted<br />

it ever since. We’ve now been<br />

married 25 years.<br />

Do you have any children?<br />

Yes, I have two daughters.<br />

They’re both university age. One<br />

is at Canterbury and one is in<br />

Dunedin, they’re both studying.<br />

And what do you do in your<br />

spare time?<br />

Well I surf . . . badly. I’m a<br />

bit of an old fogey, so I have a<br />

longboard, but my friend has<br />

leant me a shortboard so I will<br />

be trying out the shortboard<br />

soon. I’m really enjoying riding<br />

the mountain bike around Bottle<br />

Lake Forest as well. And I’m<br />

also an old school whitewater<br />

kayaker, which I don’t do as<br />

much anymore unfortunately,<br />

and I also play guitar.<br />

Would you say you like extreme<br />

sports?<br />

I actually skateboard to church<br />

sometimes. It’s just such a fun<br />

thing to do. It’s just really good<br />

getting some exercise. But I’m<br />

too old to get into the really extreme<br />

sports, I don’t take it down<br />

hills, you become aware that<br />

once you’re past 50 your body<br />

doesn’t bounce like it used to.<br />

Where were you born?<br />

I grew up in Christchurch on<br />

the Port Hills, from about age<br />

seven upwards. I wasn’t born<br />

here, I was born in Australia.<br />

Oh no, not an Aussie-born<br />

Kiwi?<br />

I won’t respond to what rugby<br />

team I support (laughs). I have a<br />

New Zealand passport but I was<br />

born in Manly.<br />

What schools did you attend?<br />

I went to Cashmere Primary<br />

and Cashmere High after that.<br />

Family Package<br />

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*Special conditions apply. Sales until 16 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2016</strong> or until sold out. Subject to seats and hotel availability. Blackouts over school holidays. Travel from 1 June <strong>2016</strong> - 31 March 2017. Package costs are based from 1 August - 16 September <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Package price may vary depending on month of travel. Children eat free only when dining with parents in selected restaurants.

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 9<br />



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<strong>10</strong><br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


your<br />

LOCAL<br />

Schools<br />

Tell us what’s<br />

happening at<br />

your school.<br />

Email fraser.<br />

walker@<br />

starmedia.kiwi or<br />

phone 364 7424<br />

Singing and signing<br />

Buddy classes at Banks Avenue School last week had a ‘singing and<br />

signing’ lesson. The school celebrated New Zealand Sign Language<br />

Week by learning letters and words from a pupil who has cochlear<br />

implants, with the help of her mother. Natalia and mother Liz<br />

Kay taught junior and senior buddy classes a fun way of learning<br />

sign language, through singing and dancing. New Zealand Sign<br />

Language Week started yesterday and runs until Sunday.<br />

EXCITED: These Rawhiti School<br />

pupils were among hundreds<br />

from South New Brighton and<br />

Rawhiti schools who will count<br />

down the sleeps until they watch<br />

the Warriors take on the Penrith<br />

Panthers. Last week nearly 500<br />

pupils and parents were handed<br />

tickets to attend the National<br />

Rugby League match thanks to<br />

the generosity of a number of<br />

local businesses. The Panthers will<br />

visit both schools on Thursday in<br />

the lead-up to the Saturday clash<br />

at AMI Stadium.<br />

New equipment, facilities<br />

welcome back Marshland pupils<br />


Marshland School pupils came<br />

back after the holidays to find<br />

they had a whole range of new<br />

equipment, a cricket pitch, and<br />

more seating for lunchtime.<br />

They were all installed at the<br />

school during the holiday<br />

break.<br />

Principal Jacqui Pascoe<br />

said the pupils have spent<br />

their morning tea and<br />

lunch breaks testing out<br />

the new equipment all<br />

week.<br />

“The children, teachers<br />

and parents at Marshland<br />

are all very excited to have<br />

the new equipment,” she<br />

said.<br />

The pupils have also been<br />

training for their upcoming<br />

cross-country event, which will<br />

be the first at the new site.<br />

Mrs Pascoe said the new track<br />

will be testing for the pupils.<br />

“At the new school, the crosscountry<br />

track is much more<br />

interesting with mounds for the<br />

children to<br />

run up and down,” she said.<br />

In addition to the pupils coming<br />

back from their holiday<br />

break, Mrs Pascoe said the second<br />

stage of development to the<br />

school is about to begin.<br />

“(Stage two) will<br />

consist of a new learning<br />

hub and da Vinci<br />

making space for our<br />

intermediate students,<br />

and a learning hub<br />

for a group of students<br />

from Ferndale<br />

School,” she said.<br />

She said the da<br />

Vinci space will be<br />

where pupils can<br />

design, create and<br />

collaborate on new ideas using<br />

technology.<br />

PLAY TIME: New playground equipment at Marshland School has seen<br />

the kids outside testing it out for the past week.<br />



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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 11<br />


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Saturday, Sunday and<br />

Public Holidays: 8:00am–6:00pm<br />

mitre<strong>10</strong>mega.co.nz<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical<br />

stocked product locally we will beat it by 15%.<br />

If you find the same product cheaper from another<br />

Mitre <strong>10</strong> store or Mitre <strong>10</strong> website we’ll match that price.<br />

Excludes trade and special quotes, stock liquidations<br />

and commercial quantities. The in-store price may be<br />

lower than that advertised.<br />

Offers available at Mitre <strong>10</strong> Mega Ferrymead only, until Tuesday 17th <strong>May</strong> <strong>2016</strong>, while stocks last.

12<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


The power<br />

of community<br />

Orion is privileged to<br />

have been associated<br />

with Community Energy<br />

Action (CEA) for more<br />

than twenty years.<br />

CEA is a charitable<br />

trust that provides<br />

insulation and energy<br />

advice services to<br />

the most vulnerable<br />

in our community<br />

with the overriding<br />

objective of creating<br />

warmer, healthier<br />

and more energy<br />

efficient homes.<br />

Results of the Healthy<br />

Homes Project, a recent<br />

study undertaken by the<br />

Canterbury District Health<br />

Board and CEA, shows a<br />

direct correlation between<br />

insulated homes and a<br />

reduction in hospital bed<br />

days by up to 30%.<br />

Working in a collaborative<br />

partnership with CEA has<br />

enabled a great deal to<br />

be achieved where it is<br />

most needed.<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 13<br />

Many benefits from insulating homes<br />

HEALTHY: A workman installing insulation under the floor of a<br />

Canterbury home.<br />

A successful partnership<br />

between community, health<br />

and commercial organisations<br />

has helped save Canterbury<br />

DHB nearly $1m, by providing<br />

insulation and/or heating to high<br />

health needs patients.<br />

As well as reducing hospital<br />

costs, it has also assisted in ensuring<br />

people can remain in their<br />

own homes.<br />

In 2011, a Healthy Homes programme<br />

was created between the<br />

Canterbury DHB and the three<br />

Canterbury primary health care<br />

organisations, Community Energy<br />

Action, Environment Canterbury<br />

and the Energy Efficiency<br />

Conservation Authority. Orion<br />

and MainPower also contributed<br />

funding into this programme.<br />

The programme was developed<br />

to keep people in their own<br />

homes and communities rather<br />

than using hospital services. This<br />

recognised Canterbury’s compromised<br />

housing stock following<br />

the 20<strong>10</strong> and 2011 earthquakes.<br />

The Canterbury DHB and partnering<br />

organisations understood<br />

the potential benefits for frequent<br />

users of the health system of living<br />

in warm and dry homes, including<br />

improved physical and<br />

mental health.<br />

The programme initially focused<br />

on people who had been in<br />

the Christchurch Hospital at least<br />

twice within a year prior to the<br />

programme starting (defined as<br />

being the highest-needs patients).<br />

In July 2013, the programme was<br />

extended to include general practice<br />

patients, for example families<br />

with children under 17 years<br />

of age identified as being at risk<br />

and parents with newborn babies.<br />

The programme ran from 2011<br />

to late 2014 and the whole programme<br />

provided over 1500 insulation<br />

installations and 450<br />

heating appliances. Partnerships<br />

amongst the organisations meant<br />

many Healthy Homes’ clients<br />

were referred to other organisations<br />

and services, as additional<br />

needs were identified.<br />

A qualitative report was completed<br />

by <strong>Pegasus</strong> Health in June<br />

2015 on the whole programme.<br />

Canterbury DHB invested<br />

$1.7m over 2.5 years between<br />

2011 and 2014, covering 22 per<br />

cent of the total programme costs.<br />

Around half of the $1.7m invested<br />

went towards intervention<br />

costs for the 900 highest-needs<br />

patients, as defined above. The<br />

remaining partnering organisations<br />

covered the balance of the<br />

total costs. Of those 900 highest-need<br />

patients, a significant<br />

number of them were aged over<br />

65. There was an approximately<br />

60 per cent/40 per cent split between<br />

home owners and tenants.<br />

After reviewing the health<br />

data, comparing the year prior<br />

to the interventions with the year<br />

following, the findings showed a<br />

29.2 per cent reduction in hospital<br />

bed days of those 900 patients.<br />

This equates to a reduction of<br />

five bed days per annum, a cost<br />

saving to the Canterbury DHB of<br />

nearly $1m.<br />

“This means the programme<br />

was extremely successful for the<br />

community and all involved including<br />

the Canterbury DHB,”<br />

says Caroline Shone, chief executive<br />

of CEA.<br />

“Whilst the cost for insulation<br />

and heating is a one-off, the<br />

benefits last for years. I’m sure<br />

for the Canterbury DHB the return<br />

on investment can be spent<br />

on other health needs. This programme<br />

was a first for CEA and<br />

the other organisations involved,<br />

I am really happy that we have<br />

helped so many people working<br />

in partnership with Government,<br />

private and public sector organisations.”<br />

Greg Hamilton from the Canterbury<br />

DHB said he was “delighted<br />

with the results.”<br />

David Meates, CEO of Canterbury<br />

DHB said: “This is just<br />

brilliant to see the hard evidence<br />

being brought to life.”<br />

The above analysis only takes<br />

into account one of a number of<br />

benefits (hospitalisation) which<br />

result from improving a home’s<br />

insulation. There are other considerable<br />

benefits to this programme<br />

including:<br />

Hospital benefits after the first<br />

12 months – a single intervention<br />

has a 40-year life span taking into<br />

account the life of the insulation;<br />

benefits to partners, children and<br />

others living in the same dwelling;<br />

benefits to future occupants;<br />

reduction in other primary and<br />

community services required for<br />

intensive post-discharge rehabilitation;<br />

reduction in absenteeism<br />

from work/school for all home<br />

occupants due to improved overall<br />

health; people living in their<br />

own homes with better wellbeing<br />

and feeling safer; and empowerment<br />

through improved physical<br />

health, mental health and/<br />

or an improved general state of<br />

mind/well-being; establishment<br />

of other successful working relationships<br />

with a range of organisations,<br />

with a focus to assist<br />

vulnerable families.<br />

To date, EECA has provided<br />

approximately $450m worth of<br />

subsidies for insulation nationwide<br />

through their programmes,<br />

including Warm Up New Zealand.<br />

The Healthy Home Programme<br />

analysis shows the need to continue<br />

with programmes such as<br />

these, particularly when EECA<br />

and CEA through their own surveys,<br />

have identified that there<br />

are still over 30,000 low income<br />

family homes in Canterbury<br />

alone, with inadequate or no insulation.<br />

There have been other relevant<br />

New Zealand studies and discussions<br />

over the years around the<br />

need to improve housing quality<br />

and the associated health benefits.

14<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



Horncastle Arena<br />

Thursday 9am-3pm / 5pm-7pm Friday 9am-3pm<br />

Saturday <strong>10</strong>am-3pm<br />

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OF<br />

The NZ Careers Expo is your one-stop-shop for careers advice and information from a wide<br />

range of employers, training providers and industry bodies.<br />

Check out the ‘World of Work’ - Find out what employers are looking for in new applicants.<br />

Checkout the huge range of job videos on the kiosks to see what it is really like to work in the<br />

field you’re interested in, and much more..<br />

Visit careersexpo.org.nz for more details<br />

Brought to you with the support of:

2<br />

PEGASUS [Edition POST datE]<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 15<br />


Kids love CASPA!<br />

CasPa (Creative after school Programmed activities) offers<br />

children the opportunity to be creative, make new friends and<br />

try new experiences all within a safe, nurturing environment.<br />

CasPa offers working parents an affordable after school and<br />

school holiday programme that their kids just love!<br />

CASPA is now pleased to advise they have a new CASPA<br />

After School Programme at Harewood School on Harewood<br />

Road.’<br />

CasPa attributes its success to the variety of activities on offer<br />

as well as the convenience and affordability for parents. CasPa<br />

kids enjoy an exciting range of activities including sports, music,<br />

games, drama, arts and craft as well as fun trips. Previous themes<br />

and activities have included a Karaoke dance Party, CasPa<br />

Fear Factor, healthy art, out of africa and hundreds of other<br />

amazing themes/activities!<br />

CasPa parents enjoy peace of mind, knowing their kids<br />

are safe and enjoying the benefits of a quality after school<br />

programme. some parents and caregivers also enjoy government<br />

subsidies for CasPa. CasPa is Child Youth and Family<br />

approved for the osCar subsidy and in some circumstances,<br />

the full CasPa fee will be covered by the subsidy.<br />

For more information or to enrol, call Caroline, rachel or<br />

Tania on 349 9260 or visit www.caspa.org.nz<br />

Fast growing region<br />

The boundaries of Canterbury Plunket cover a lot of<br />

ground with volunteer groups and clinics based from Kaikoura<br />

to the rakaia river and from the alps to akaroa. Canterbury<br />

Plunket is the 4 th fastest growing Plunket region in new Zealand<br />

and we are proud support the largest amount of volunteers in the<br />

country also.<br />

Perceptions of Plunket usually centre on our government<br />

funded Well Child/Tamariki ora nurses that run drop in<br />

centres, clinics and provide home visits for new families. This<br />

is distinct from our Community services that make up almost<br />

a quarter of our total contacts a year. Community services are<br />

completely self-funded and reliant on volunteers.<br />

While administered and lead at a Canterbury area level, these<br />

Community services are run for and by the communities they<br />

are based in, responding directly to community need.<br />

Through Community services we offer the following services<br />

for rural families free or very cheap:<br />

• Tumbling Toddlers<br />

• Parenting Education (PEPE)<br />

• Toes and Giggles<br />

• Coffee/Support/Parent Groups<br />

• General Playgroups<br />

• Toy Libraries<br />

we are in a<br />

A warm welcome<br />

awaits you<br />

LindisFarne Was established in<br />

1987 and is a small privately run nursery<br />

school. The separate nursery building<br />

caters for up to fourteen babies, and the<br />

preschool is licensed for up to thirty six<br />

children. We pride ourselves on providing<br />

as much a home like environment as<br />

possible for all of the children who attend<br />

Lindisfarne. our team consists of all<br />

trained and registered teachers, a teacher’s<br />

aide, a teaching assistant, and a cook and<br />

cleaner.<br />

We pride ourselves on being a multicultural<br />

centre, both through the<br />

nationalities of the children who attend,<br />

and the nationalities of our teaching staff.<br />

The large private play area allows the<br />

children to engage in lots of physical<br />

activities as well as imaginative play. our<br />

on-site primary school teacher ensures<br />

all children are well prepared to start<br />

primary school.<br />

Families are more than welcome to call<br />

in at any time to view the programme and<br />

meet the teachers.<br />

• Central location<br />

• Cooked healthy heart meals<br />

• Large private outdoor play area<br />

• Casual care available<br />

• Enrolments available now<br />

• 7.30am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday<br />

call us<br />

noW<br />

CASPA<br />

After School<br />

& Holiday Programme<br />

Take the stress out of childcare<br />

Creative<br />

After<br />

School<br />

Programmed<br />

Activities<br />

P: 349 9260 or 027 352 1638<br />

E: info@caspa.org.nz<br />

W: www.caspa.org.nz<br />

•We provide a safe, creative<br />

Environment for 5-13 year olds<br />

•Our staff are trained<br />

•A range of fun activities<br />

•7.15-8.30am and 3-6pm Mon—Fri<br />

•8am-6pm Holidays<br />

•Kids just LOVE it!<br />

Subsidies<br />

Apply<br />

EST 1987<br />

389 2483<br />

375 Worcester Street • Christchurch<br />

Keep up to date with<br />

Plunket events and<br />

groups for parents<br />

‘like’ and follow us on www.facebook.com/canterburyplunket/

2<br />

16<br />

Advertising Feature<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Trying out the trombone at Try an Instrument Day<br />

UC Christchurch Youth Orchestra in rehearsal<br />


2015 was a really busy year for the<br />

Christchurch school of Music with lots of<br />

exciting things happening. In september<br />

the school celebrated its Diamond Jubilee<br />

– 60 years of providing excellent music<br />

tuition and ensemble opportunities to<br />

thousands of Cantabrians.<br />

Other highlights of 2015 were working<br />

with G&a Creative to develop a new<br />

website, logo and brand for the school and<br />

the signing of a sponsorship arrangement<br />

with the University of Canterbury for our<br />

flagship orchestra, now known as the UC<br />

Christchurch Youth Orchestra.<br />

Most exciting of all, in December, the<br />

school moved back home onto the site of<br />

the old Music Centre. with the support<br />

of the Catholic Diocese, the school is<br />

housed in four portable buildings on<br />

the site adjacent to Catholic Cathedral<br />

College where all the instrumental and<br />

voice teaching takes place on a saturday<br />

morning and after school. The buildings<br />

will officially open on Friday 13 <strong>May</strong><br />

with a celebration to say thank-you to<br />

all the organisations that have supported<br />

us to get to this stage. Many hours of<br />

work have gone into fitting out the new<br />

buildings with furniture, shelving, storage<br />

and teaching materials to ensure it is a<br />

friendly, welcoming and efficient place<br />

for the school to operate from. Particular<br />

thanks to Creative New Zealand and Rata<br />

Foundation who have provided financial<br />

support for the fit out<br />

so along with its new branding, a new<br />

user-friendly website and a great new<br />

place to call home the CsM is in good<br />

heart and enjoying a fantastic year of<br />

music making in <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

From pre-schoolers to septuagenarians,<br />

the CsM caters for a wide range of ages<br />

and musical styles offering opportunities<br />

for group or individual tuition in all<br />

instruments and an ensemble to suit<br />

everyone. with orchestras, choirs, jazz<br />

and rock bands, world music ensembles,<br />

wind ensembles and concert bands every<br />

taste is catered for. all ensembles take part<br />

in regular concerts including saturday<br />

soirees and the popular annual showcase<br />

Concert, which will be held this year in<br />

the beautiful Isaac Theatre Royal. Recitals<br />

where individuals can perform are also<br />

Proud to support Christchurch School<br />

of Music’s 60th Jubilee.<br />

Supplier of the new Portabuild office’s and<br />

ablutions for Christchurch School of Music.<br />

0800 668 322<br />

www.portabuild.co.nz<br />

Local Expertise,<br />

Global Perspective<br />

WT Partnership –<br />

Quantity Surveyor to the<br />

Christchurch<br />

School of Music.<br />

Phone: 03 365 7669<br />

www.wtpartnership.co.nz<br />

Make Music.<br />

Study<br />

• Large Ensemble<br />

• Small Ensemble<br />

• Collaborative Project<br />

• Performance<br />

• Studio Pedagogy<br />

• Conducting<br />

• Internships<br />

MUSIC<br />


[Edition datE]<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 17<br />

3<br />

- WE ARE BACK!<br />

Trying out the tuba at Try an Instrument Day<br />

held regularly.<br />

CsM also provides a comprehensive<br />

music education to participating primary<br />

schools via its Outreach programmes.<br />

with programmes offered in band,<br />

strings, recorder and ukulele in a wide<br />

range of Christchurch schools this is an<br />

area of the school, which has grown fast<br />

over the last few years.<br />

another area that has grown rapidly<br />

over the last few years is the Late starters<br />

programme thanks to the great work of<br />

well-known Cantabrian and CsM alumni<br />

Mark walton. adults approaching<br />

retirement with more time on their<br />

hands have really enjoyed learning an<br />

instrument they never had the chance<br />

to play in their early years and join an<br />

ensemble with other like-minded adults.<br />

short courses are offered in subjects<br />

such as theory and aural perception and<br />

the school strives to meet the needs of<br />

our students and families in every way we<br />

can.<br />

The Christchurch school of Music was<br />

established in 1955 by Robert Perks, MBE,<br />

to provide an education in instrumental<br />

music for primary schools. since then the<br />

school has extended it activities to include<br />

students of all ages and has also added<br />

vocal lessons and choral opportunities.<br />

as well as our opening there are some<br />

important events coming up.<br />

On 21 <strong>May</strong>, the UC Christchurch Youth<br />

Orchestra will present its first concert<br />

of the year under the baton of new<br />

conductor, Helen Renaud at the Charles<br />

Luney auditorium at st Margaret’s<br />

College starting at 7.30pm. The concert is<br />

titled “Metamorphosis” and will feature<br />

works by sparke, Vaughan williams,<br />

Hindemith, Brahms and Rossini. Tickets<br />

are available through Eventfinda and<br />

there will also be door sales.<br />

The CsM also has two Kidsfest events<br />

in the July holidays. The Composer is<br />

Dead by Lemony snicket is a really good<br />

fun, engaging concert that will teach the<br />

children all about the instruments of the<br />

orchestra and is being held on Tuesday<br />

12 July at 11.30am and 1.00pm in the<br />

Charles Luney auditorium Tickets will<br />

be available through Dash ticketing from<br />

the beginning of June.<br />

If you have always wanted to play an<br />

instrument but you’re not sure which<br />

one or you want to give your children a<br />

chance to have a go on all the instruments<br />

to help them decide, come along to our<br />

popular and free Try an Instrument Day<br />

on Tuesday 19 July from 11am-1pm in<br />

the Hall at Catholic Cathedral College.<br />

You will get to hear the experts playing<br />

the instruments and then have a go<br />

yourself. Heaps of fun guaranteed and<br />

a great opportunity to find out what<br />

instrument really appeals. we look<br />

forward to seeing you.<br />

Please contact us via our website www.<br />

csm.org.nz and let us start you on a<br />

musical journey that will bring pleasure<br />

for a lifetime.<br />

LISTEN UP!<br />

Whether you’re 2 or 92, a complete<br />

beginner or an experienced player, CSM<br />

offers something for you.<br />


218<br />

[Edition Tuesday datE] <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



Tips to improve your running<br />

Running should be as easy as<br />

putting one foot in front of the other<br />

right? Anyone can run, but having good<br />

technique can make it feel so much<br />

easier.<br />

good running technique will make<br />

your runs feel less tiring, reduce<br />

your risk of injury, and ultimately<br />

be more enjoyable. Muscle People<br />

Physiotherapists specialise in assessing<br />

and improving running technique<br />

whether you are a competitive runner or<br />

just running for fun.<br />

start getting better now with these basic<br />

tips:<br />


• Keep your head straight<br />

look straight ahead of you, about 30-40<br />

metres out in front and avoid looking<br />

down at your feet. looking down will<br />

create tension in your neck and shoulders.<br />

• shoulders back and down<br />

Your shoulders should be back and down<br />

not up by your ears. Keep them relaxed<br />

and avoid tensing them. don’t hunch<br />

over as this restricts breathing.<br />

• Keep your elbows at 90 degrees<br />

Your elbows should be bent at a 90 degree<br />

angle. Try to swing your arms forward<br />

and back, not across your body. This arm<br />

movement helps to propel you forward.<br />

Your hands should be relaxed, but don’t<br />

let them flop. Tight hands can cause<br />

tension all the way up to the back and<br />

shoulders.<br />

• solid core<br />

Focus on keeping your core (trunk) firm,<br />

though not rigid, and straight and your<br />

RunFit<br />

The technical edge<br />

Join our running groups<br />

• Physio and Personal Trainer<br />

lead<br />

• For beginners - learn to run<br />

with good technique and<br />

professional guidance<br />

• For regular runners - run<br />

with more energy and<br />

improved technique<br />

musclepeople.co.nz<br />

hips and shoulders level and relaxed.<br />

Keeping this position in your hips can<br />

help prevent low back and hip pain.<br />


• don’t strike the ground too heavily<br />

good running is light and quiet. You<br />

should land in the middle of your foot<br />

with a slightly bent knee. Whatever your<br />

weight, your feet should not slap loudly<br />

as they hit the ground. light steps are<br />

more efficient and cause less stress to the<br />

body and landing on the middle of your<br />

foot is the safest way to land for most<br />

recreational runners.<br />

That’s the basics but there’s always more<br />

we can do to help. Try these:<br />

RUNFIT – The technical edge<br />

Muscle People Physiotherapy &<br />

the YMCA gym have a running<br />

group in hagley Park – RunFit, led<br />

by a Physiotherapist and Canterbury<br />

competitive runner, and a Personal<br />

Trainer from the YMCA gym. RunFit<br />

focuses on running technique which<br />

is vital to improving speed, reducing<br />

injuries and making running more<br />

enjoyable for both regular runners<br />

and the beginner. RunFit is ideal for<br />

regular runners who are looking to<br />

challenge themselves, as well as the<br />

beginning runner who wants to start<br />

with good technique and the guidance of<br />

professionals.<br />

diane and Celia have recently<br />

completed a RunFit programme had this<br />

to say:<br />

diane, from st Martins “i’ve had<br />

Call us today on 961 0236<br />

Muscle People Physiotherapy clinics<br />

in the Central City and Bishopdale<br />

three calf injuries in the last 18 months<br />

and i wanted to make sure my running<br />

technique wasn’t contributing to that.<br />

over the course of the RunFit programme<br />

i improved my technique, got faster and<br />

i’m injury free. My training plan is on<br />

track for my first marathon in June.”<br />

Celia, works in sydenham, “RunFit is<br />

the perfect combination of running drills,<br />

core strength and running and i enjoyed<br />

the variety. The core strength training<br />

has helped with my tennis and posture<br />

and i’ve learnt a lot about running form<br />

to help with training in my solo sessions.<br />

The physiotherapist and personal<br />

trainer are fantastic and work really well<br />

together, their on-hand knowledge is<br />

invaluable. The small group environment<br />

is very encouraging and works for all<br />

abilities. i highly recommend RunFit - in<br />

fact i’ve just signed up for more!”<br />

Sports Injury?<br />

Specialising<br />

in Injury<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

$5 discount for<br />

SuperGold Card holders<br />

Physiotherapy Associates<br />

Finding Solutions<br />

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Ph/Fax 03 389 7196 86A Wainoni Rd<br />

Email: physioassoc@clear.net.nz www.physioA.co.nz<br />



cOAhING<br />

The physiotherapists at<br />

Muscle People specialise<br />

in assessing and improving<br />

running technique for all<br />

running abilities. if you’re<br />

after some professional<br />

advice get in touch with them<br />

at their hereford st Clinic<br />

Tel: 961 0236 or Bishopdale<br />

Clinic Tel: 360 3606 or email:<br />

admin@musclepeople.co.nz<br />

SuPER<br />


Over 60 health products<br />

on special every day.<br />

Locally owned and operated.<br />

Giving health advice since 1992.<br />

The Palms: 385 0364<br />

The Hub Hornby: 349 5150<br />

Bush Inn Centre: 348 7867<br />

Worried about a MOLE?<br />

Offers:<br />

n Affordable Melanoma Diagnosis<br />

n Latest Computer aided technology<br />

n Immediate Results<br />

n Dermoscopy inspection<br />

n SIAscope examination<br />

n See image results on screen<br />

n On-site management or referral<br />


122 Opawa Road, Christchurch<br />

Ring Now:<br />

332 7366<br />

Dr John L. Dewsbury<br />

M.B., Ch. B. (Otago) D.R.C.O.G.<br />

(Lond.) F.R.N.Z.C.G.P<br />

EAT<br />

TALK<br />

SMILE<br />

Live life<br />

confidently with<br />

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and denture care.<br />



Merivale 03 375 4444<br />

Beckenham 03 375 4443<br />

Fendalton 03 375 4449<br />

Linwood 03 375 4448<br />

Kaiapoi 03 375 4442<br />

QEII Dental 03 388 0881<br />

Dentistry with a Smile 03 338 82<strong>10</strong><br />

Halswell Dental 03 322 9577<br />

Canterbury’s leading company specialising<br />

in complete denture services.<br />


2<br />


[Edition<br />

POST<br />

datE]<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 19<br />

A solid choice for smart buyers<br />

2/57 Withells Rd, Avonhead<br />

Auction: <strong>May</strong> 19, <strong>2016</strong><br />

3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 2 toilets | 1 dining room | 1 living room | 2 car-garage | Listing #: PI42934<br />

Invest your hard-earned money with<br />

confidence: this townhouse ticks all the<br />

boxes for great real estate. Start with the<br />

security of permanent materials – clad in<br />

timeless brick with aluminium joinery, this is a<br />

home that will retain its classic good looks with<br />

the minimum of maintenance.<br />

Add in good proportions that will suit many<br />

– three light, bright bedrooms (master with en<br />

suite bathroom) and a separate lounge adjacent<br />

to the open-plan kitchen and dining area will<br />

appeal to families, couples or investors. An<br />

aspect that ensures the home soaks up sunlight<br />

throughout the day and an easy flow from<br />

indoor living spaces to the sunny and secure<br />

garden will keep entertainers, children and pets<br />

equally happy. The convenience of a double<br />

internal-access garage plus additional off-street<br />

parking adds further practical appeal.<br />

A very sought-after location underpins the<br />

value of this investment: handy to schools and<br />

shops, family-friendly and standing on solid<br />

TC1 land. Presented in immaculate condition,<br />

this is a home you can move straight into or<br />

rent out from day one, but astute buyers will<br />

realise there is plenty of potential here for those<br />

wanting to enhance the property and further<br />

capitalise on their investment.<br />

The vendors have already purchased their<br />

next property so 2/57 Withells Road is very<br />

definitely for sale on or before auction day.<br />

Open Homes: Saturday and Sunday, 2pm<br />

to 2.30pm.<br />

See you at the Open Home or for a private<br />

viewing, contact Cameron Bailey of Harcourts<br />

Gold Papanui (Licensed Agent REAA 2008) on<br />

352 6166 or mobile 027 555 7079.

<strong>10</strong>0% NEW ZEALAND OWNED AND OPERATED<br />





OWNED<br />

OWNED TUESDaY, aUGUST 27, 2013 PROUDLY 384<br />

384 CHRISTCHURCH 0600<br />

0600<br />


OWNED WEDENSDaY <strong>10</strong> JULY, 2013 384 0600<br />

384 0600<br />

A Mainland<br />

Media Publication<br />

Kea<br />

(Nestor Notabilis)<br />

Ladbrooks, Tai Tapu, Leeston, Lincoln, Southbridge, Prebbleton, Halswell, Rolleston, Templeton, Burnham, West Melton, Darfield, Arthurs Pass<br />

Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Sumner, Redcliffs, Mt. Pleasant, Ferrymead, Woolston, Lyttelton & Akaroa Harbours<br />

Black Billed<br />

Gull<br />

A Mainland<br />

New Zealand<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Swamp Hen (Pukeko)<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />



OWNED MONDaY JUNE 24, 2013 384 0600<br />

Bellbird<br />

(Korimako)<br />

A Mainland<br />

A Mainland<br />

New Zealand<br />

Fantail<br />

A Mainland<br />

Pigeon (Kereru)<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

(Piwakawaka)<br />

Newspaper<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Harewood, Burnside, Bishopdale, Bryndwr, Fendalton, Merivale, St Albans, Mairehau, Papanui, Casebrook, Redwood, Regents Park, Styx Mill, Northwood, Spreydon, Belfast Hoon Hay, Hillmorton, Cracroft, Cashmere, St Martins, Somerfield, Sydenham, Addington, Waltham, Opawa, Beckenham, Huntsbury, Woolston Templeton, Islington, Hei Hei, Broomfield, Halswell, Oaklands, Westlake, Hornby, Wigram, Sockburn, Church Corner, Ilam, Russley, Hyde Park, Avonhead, Riccarton Park, Riccarton<br />

20<br />

Cars<br />

$4,001 - $8,000<br />


only have a work visa?<br />

We can help. Only have<br />

Learners licence? We can<br />

help. Call or txt Leon at<br />

Baylis Motor Company<br />

022 625 2232 (T.A.P)<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1<strong>10</strong>0<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

Direct<br />

Cremation<br />

No frills, No Service,<br />

No fuss, simply<br />

straight to the crem.<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR Other options available<br />


Ph: 379 0178<br />

WORRIES SOLVED! for our brochure<br />

*$30.00 off your first or email office@<br />

service with this coupon!*<br />

undertaker.co.nz<br />

No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

business networks. PC<br />

slow? An end to Viruses,<br />

Spyware, and Clogged<br />

Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing. Gardening<br />

Lost files recovered. & Supplies<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

A GARDEN<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years PROFESSIONAL<br />

experience. Call Andrew NEEDED? Qualified<br />

Buxton this week on 326- Horticulturist, offering<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596 expert pruning, garden<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom makeovers, garden design<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Curtains<br />

and landscaping, for free<br />

quotes call Bryce 027 688-<br />

8196 or 0508 242-733<br />

We’re for every gardener<br />

• Regional planting<br />

• Plant Doctor<br />

• Design ideas<br />

• Seasonal edibles<br />

and flowers<br />

• Small-space<br />

gardening<br />

and so much<br />

more...<br />



UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. <strong>10</strong><br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

www.mandolin.com.au<br />

Pets & Supplies<br />


Grooming $44 small,<br />

$52 med, experienced<br />

and qualified groomer/<br />

veterinary nurse,<br />

Redwood, ph June 03 354-<br />

6414 or 027 746-5295<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />




From plot to plate<br />


Honeywort’s connection<br />

to World War One<br />


GROW<br />

A mint apple jelly<br />

recipe<br />

$5.90 incl. GST<br />

ISSN 1174-8656<br />

For passionate gardeners and green-fingered beginners<br />

mums<br />

Issue 412 | April 2 – April 15, 2015 | www.weekendgardener.co.nz<br />

all about<br />

Grow show-stopping<br />

chrysanthemums<br />

InsPIred by<br />

AustrAlIA<br />

Ideas from Melbourne<br />

International Flower<br />

& Garden Show<br />


A community space<br />


12 ISSUES<br />

delivered to your door<br />

$<br />

FROm ONly<br />

49. 00<br />

Call us & we’ll help<br />

you place your<br />

classified advert in our<br />

community papers<br />

Nobody knows<br />

Christchurch<br />

like a local<br />

We’re local, we’re<br />

in Christchurch, we<br />

speak your language!<br />

Phone: 379 1<strong>10</strong>0<br />

Selwyn<br />

Times<br />

Nor’West<br />

News<br />

SUBSCRIPTIONS FREEPHONE 0800 77 77 <strong>10</strong><br />

subs@gardener.kiwi<br />

$5.90 incl. GST<br />

ISSN 1174-8656<br />

autumn planting • moon calendar • the lone pine • plant doctor<br />

We’re for every gardener<br />

FlAnders PoPPy<br />

Its significant story<br />

Public Notices<br />

Bay Harbour<br />

A<br />

News<br />

Southern<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong><br />

Western<br />

View Press<br />

News<br />

Classifieds<br />

Our community papers are published every<br />

Tuesday (Bay Harbour, Wednesdays) focusing<br />

on local issues & local people.<br />

<strong>10</strong>0%<br />

What it means<br />

mAke It eAsy<br />

Low-maintenance<br />

gardening<br />

Projects to<br />

remember<br />

Making wreaths<br />

and poppies<br />

Issue 413 | April 16 – April 29, 2015<br />

KIWI<br />

to be<br />

<strong>10</strong>0%<br />

Public Notices<br />

Rexellent Rentals<br />

Cars, Vans, Brisbane , Coolangatta<br />


0800 601 508<br />

www.rexellent.com.au<br />

Weka Pass Railway<br />

Waipara, North Canterbury<br />

We Are Running<br />

SunDAY 15th <strong>May</strong><br />

Running 1st & 3rd<br />

Sundays of every month<br />

Phone 0800WEKAPASS<br />

Depart Glenmark Station<br />

11.30am & 2.00pm<br />

www.wekapassrailway.co.nz<br />



From Monday, <strong>May</strong> 9th to<br />

Monday, July 4th <strong>2016</strong><br />

Stolen Lights NZ Limited<br />

will be constructing a film<br />

set facade / shooting a film<br />

in Mt Vernon Park. There<br />

will be some restricted<br />

access at time during this<br />

period. facebook.com/<br />

TheStolenFilmProduction<br />


With care and respect we<br />

will remove your dwelling.<br />

Our policy is to recycle as<br />

much as we can. We are a<br />

local company specialising<br />

in residential properties. We<br />

will endeavor to cater for<br />

your individual needs.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

Rexellent Rentals<br />

Cars, Vans, Brisbane , Coolangatta<br />


0800 601 508<br />

www.rexellent.com.au<br />

Check out<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

To Let<br />


SPACE?<br />


Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

Three convenient sizes<br />

from $70 p/w:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our display cabins at<br />

95 Beach Road or<br />

470 Cranford Street or call<br />

0211277227 for a free brochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Personals<br />

JOin OTher neW ZealanDers<br />

lOOKinG FOr ThaT sOmeOne sPeCial<br />

Place your<br />

advertisement now<br />

Only $<strong>10</strong>.00<br />

yearly membershiP<br />

FOr FUll DeTails,<br />

PhOne 341 3888<br />

Trades & Services<br />



Professional, friendly<br />

Service Always<br />

Ph. 03 329 4806<br />

or 027 827 0505<br />



- Re-roofing and<br />

new roofing<br />

- Quality roofing at<br />

the best price around<br />

- Licensed building<br />

practitioner<br />

Robinson<br />

Roofing Ltd<br />

Call Hamish for a<br />

quote 03 347 90 45<br />


Paling, picket,<br />

iron, trellis<br />

Demolition and<br />

removal<br />

Phone Bevan<br />

021 231 1860<br />

Fencing Uprite<br />

Your Eastside<br />

Specialist<br />


Trades & Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you moving<br />

house?<br />

Let All Clear Canterbury<br />

take care of your<br />

unwanted items.<br />

You identify what you want<br />

to keep & we will dispose<br />

of the rest!!<br />

Mob: 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />


Services, tree removal,<br />

trimming, stump grinding,<br />

shelterbelt clean up,<br />

section clearing, rubbish<br />

removals, excavation<br />

work, ph 027 728 5688<br />


full renovation specialists,<br />

LBP, repairs &<br />

maintenance ph 03 387-<br />

0770 or 027 245-5226<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

30 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Licensed Building<br />

Practitioner number<br />

BP<strong>10</strong>5608. Insurance<br />

work. EQC repairs.<br />

Heritage brickwork a<br />

speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governors Bay.<br />

Home 329-9344, Cell<br />

027 684 4046, email<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 21<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1<strong>10</strong>0<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Entertainments<br />


For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />


available for all aspects of<br />

building. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />


experienced, friendly,<br />

trade-me purchases, single<br />

items to truck loads,<br />

furniture to whatever,<br />

removals & trade<br />

deliveries a specialty. Ph<br />

GEH 341-5069<br />


AND GRINDING Cutting<br />

of walls and floors; Small<br />

break and remove jobs;<br />

Grinding concrete level;<br />

Cracks filled; Concrete<br />

polishing and sealing. Call<br />

Danny at Stoneshine on<br />

021 063 8833<br />

Professional<br />

Movers<br />

Making Local<br />

& International<br />

Moving Easy<br />

0800 4 world<br />

(03) 341 2060<br />

www.worldmoving.co.nz<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over <strong>10</strong> yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />


All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

027 331-3223<br />


Staining Quality at a<br />

reasonable price. Free<br />

quotes. Phone Warren<br />

today on 980-1676 or 027<br />

2014713<br />


Large Trucks $95 +<br />

GST per hour 7 day NZ<br />

wide, packing & moving,<br />

Professional Company,<br />

Professional Service.<br />

Canterbury Relocations<br />

Ltd. ph 0800 359 9313<br />



Lawns, paving, water<br />

features, irrigation,<br />

planting, decks,<br />

driveways, kerbing, ponds,<br />

retainer walls, fencing.<br />

Free quotes, Phone Tony<br />

021-034-8555<br />


Professional cleans<br />

$50.00. Gift Vouchers<br />

avail. Phone 0800 683-<br />

6253 or 027 228-0025<br />


All aspects in painting.<br />

Very competitive in roofs<br />

and fences. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />


& Decorating interior<br />

& exterior, gib fixing,<br />

plastering, paperhanging,<br />

Est 50 yrs in ChCh, ph<br />

Wingfields Ltd, ph Mark<br />

021 171-1586 or 355-5994<br />


Top quality work, interior/<br />

exterior, pensioners<br />

discount, free quotes, 30<br />

years experience, I stand<br />

by Canterbury, ph Wayne<br />

your friendly painter. 03<br />

385-4348 or 027 274-3541<br />


both ext & int work,<br />

Scottish Tradesman with<br />

over 30 yrs experience,<br />

FREE Quotes, ph Donald<br />

354-5153 or 021 023<br />

26186<br />


For prompt service for all<br />

plumbing maintenance,<br />

repairs and alterations.<br />

Phone Michael 364 7080<br />

or 027 438 3943<br />



PLUMBING Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

350-231<br />


For prompt service for all<br />

plumbing maintenance,<br />

repairs and alterations.<br />

Phone Michael 364 7080<br />

or 027 438 3943<br />


Paling, picket,<br />

iron, trellis<br />

Demolition and<br />

removal<br />

Phone Bevan<br />

021 231 1860<br />

Fencing Uprite<br />

Your Eastside<br />

Specialist<br />

RooFING<br />

Qualified & Licenced<br />

Practitioner. Re-Roof &<br />

Repairs, all types. Member<br />

New Zealand Roofing<br />

Association. Over 35 years<br />

experience. Phone John<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-9147<br />

email johnmill@ihug.co.nz<br />


Spouting Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

Trevor 384-3435 or 021<br />

043-2034<br />

SToNEMASoN<br />

BRICK<br />

&<br />


Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too smal.Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />

TREE WoRK<br />

Hedge trimming, stump<br />

grinding, rubbish removed,<br />

small job specialty Ph<br />

Andrew 03 322-8341 or<br />

027 435-8759<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


Dining Chairs, Lounge<br />

suites, Caravan Squabs<br />

etc. recovered. Free<br />

Quotes. Phone Graeme<br />

383-1448<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping, weddings, twenty<br />

firsts, special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />


Quality Job, Quick Service<br />

by skilled tradesman, Ph<br />

Richard Severin at Jet-X<br />

0800 538 969 Free quotes,<br />

visit www.jetx.co.nz<br />


Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

2170<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

A+ Household effects,<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

machines, ovens. Good<br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

0891 671<br />

Thursday 5th <strong>May</strong> - Wednesday 11th <strong>May</strong><br />






Wanted To Buy<br />



paid for estate lots,<br />

antiques and good<br />

quality furniture.<br />

Ph Rick 347 4493<br />

or 021 376 883<br />

A Records and Hi-Fi<br />

gear wanted, excellent<br />

prices paid for good<br />

records especially kiwi<br />

and overseas bands 60’s<br />

- 90’s PennyLane 430<br />

Colombo St Sydenham<br />

7 days www.pennylane.<br />

co.nz ph 3663278 or 021<br />

2226144<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />




INFINITY (M)<br />


MOTHER’S DAY (M)<br />

EYE IN THE SKY (M)<br />

Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1<strong>10</strong>0

22<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

NOW OPEN<br />

Cooks and Cocktails offers<br />

affordable family dining<br />

with an international menu<br />

and amazing cocktails.<br />

Come and enjoy our<br />

great family environment<br />

and meet our amazing staff.<br />

Papanui's newest<br />

family friendly<br />

dining experience<br />

77 Main North Road, Papanui<br />

Ph 352 4242<br />

www.cooksandcocktails.co.nz<br />

Open Monday - Friday 11am - late;<br />

Saturday & Sunday 8am - late<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />

«WHAT'S ON«<br />


FRIDAY<br />

13 <strong>May</strong>, 7PM<br />



14 <strong>May</strong>, 4.30PM<br />


8PM<br />

IAN MAC<br />

SUNDAY<br />

15 <strong>May</strong>, 2PM<br />



An afternoon of outstanding entertainment<br />

and dancing featuring music of<br />


Jon Palmer<br />


Odette Meares<br />


Tony Gregory-Hunt<br />

Backed by NEVILLE WILKINS<br />

& the VISCOUNTS<br />

with special guest CHRISSI<br />

$15 entry<br />

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Avonhead<br />

Hornby WMC<br />

ph 03 349 9026<br />

17 Carmen Road<br />

Hornby<br />

«COMING UP«<br />

FRIDAY 20 MAY, 7.30pm<br />




AND<br />


Tickets $15 at the club office<br />

or Barb Lloyd 03 3<strong>10</strong> 0355<br />

FRIDAY 27 MAY, 8pm<br />







Tickets $<strong>10</strong> at the club office<br />

www.hornbyworkingmensclub.co.nz<br />

Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />


NEW family friendly restaurant<br />

RECENTLY OPENED in Papanui is an<br />

exciting new family friendly restaurant<br />


Occupying the former Flying Burrito<br />

Brothers site at Northlands Mall,<br />

Cooks and Cocktails offers a la carte<br />

menu featuring old food classics that<br />

have been given a fresh, creative<br />

twist,<br />

Scanning the extensive menu, it is<br />

crammed with choice. From seasonal<br />

favourites such as braised Pork Belly,<br />

Lamb Shanks through to a nice cross<br />

section of steak, chicken, fish<br />

mains. But what is<br />

immediately evident is the<br />

affordable pricing. Kids are<br />

spoilt for choice too with their<br />

own menu priced at only<br />

$12.50 per meal.<br />

"Our restaurant is a child<br />

friendly environment catering<br />

for groups, couples, families<br />

and special occasions. We aim to<br />

please with friendly staff, amazing<br />

atmosphere and unique flavours," said<br />

Corey, co-owner. "For those who enjoy<br />

outdoor dining, we have a fully heated<br />

courtyard with amazing decor. We<br />

also provide private areas for intimate<br />

meals or functions."<br />

In the bar there is a uniquely<br />

creative cocktail menu that blends<br />

and merges cultures and flavours that<br />

are explosively delicious!<br />

Cooks and Cocktails, 77 Main North<br />

Rd, ph 352 4242 is open daily for lunch<br />

and dinner. Make your booking now!<br />

Cheer up winter with a night out!<br />


winning post.<br />

Christmas packages give you the Your experience includes gourmet<br />

perfect excuse to catch up with Christmas buffet dinner, premium<br />

family, friends or colleagues.<br />

drinks package (beer, wine and soft<br />

Twiggers: Get your group together drink), race books, on-site car parking,<br />

for a fun night out and dance the and newcomers insight to harness<br />

night away to 'The Great Pretenders', racing.<br />

who will have you on the dance floor Dates 17 and 30 June; 8, 15, 22 and<br />

before you can say “Greased<br />

29 July. Pricing $98 per person.<br />

Lightning”!<br />

Private Venues: We have a range of<br />

Evening includes Christmas versatile venues available for your<br />

theming, a gourmet Christmas buffet, private party. Let us take the hassle<br />

on-site car parking and live<br />

out of organising your party by<br />

entertainment with The Great choosing one of our all inclusive<br />

Pretenders.<br />

packages.<br />

Dates 11, 18 and 25 June 2, 8, 15, 23 Phone the team at Addington 338<br />

and 30 July. Pricing $56 per person. 9094 today to discuss the best<br />

Trackside Dining: Enjoy the ultimate option for your special mid-winter<br />

race night experience with the best Christmas celebration!<br />

seats in the house overlooking the<br />

LIVE<br />


8PM FRIDAY<br />



BAND<br />

13 top musicians playing<br />

authentic 70s disco party hits<br />

$25 pre sales<br />

$30 door sales<br />



The newly refurbished<br />

Woolston Club...<br />

A classic, contemporary<br />

club experience<br />

Dining, bar, entertainment,<br />

sport, and so much more!<br />

Cafe open from 11am<br />

Happy Hour 4.30pm - 5.30pm<br />

TAB & Gaming, Function Facilities,<br />

HOUSIE Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday<br />

SHUTTLE Tuesday - Sunday<br />

Newly renovated<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

Restaurant open<br />

from 5.30pm!<br />

With a selection of<br />

main meals for $20<br />

Retro Roast Lunch<br />

12pm Wednesdays<br />

$<strong>10</strong> Members/$12 Non<br />

Roast of the Day<br />

$16.00 Members<br />

$18.00 Non

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 23

24<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


$<br />

6 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Pork Shoulder Roast<br />

(Excludes Free Range)<br />

$<br />

4 99<br />

kg<br />

First Of The Season Seedless<br />

Easy-Peel Mandarins<br />

2<br />

for<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

5 00<br />

$<br />

2 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

each<br />

Tegel Frozen Chicken<br />

No 14<br />

Ploughmans Bakery Bread<br />

750g<br />

MeadowLea Spread 500g<br />

(Excludes Heart Plus)<br />

Meadow Fresh Yoghurt 1kg<br />

(Excludes Greek)<br />

WINE<br />

DEAL<br />

OF THE<br />

WEEK<br />

2<br />

for<br />

$<br />

17 99<br />

pack<br />

$<br />

8 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

4 00<br />

each<br />

$<br />

4 50<br />

Oranjeboom/NZ Pure<br />

12 x 330ml Bottles<br />

Montana Classic<br />

750ml<br />

Keri Fruit Drink/Juice<br />

2.4-3L<br />

Coke/Sprite/Fanta/Lift/<br />

L&P 1.5L<br />

Exclusive stockists of Wainui Farms’<br />

Canterbury grown pure Angus beef<br />

parklands<br />

Prices apply from Tuesday <strong>10</strong>th <strong>May</strong> to Sunday 15th <strong>May</strong><br />

<strong>2016</strong>, or while stocks last.<br />

Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day.<br />

All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available<br />

in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale.<br />

FreshChoice.co.nz<br />

FreshChoiceNZ<br />

FreshChoice Parklands<br />

60 Queenspark Drive, Christchurch.<br />

Phone 383 <strong>10</strong>04.<br />

Open 7am-11pm, 7 days.<br />


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