Types of Camera Lenses
There are literally hundreds of lenses on the market now, what are the different types of lenses, what are they used for? This guide will walk you through - http://xlightphotography.com/types-of-camera-lenses/
There are literally hundreds of lenses on the market now, what are the different types of lenses, what are they used for? This guide will walk you through - http://xlightphotography.com/types-of-camera-lenses/
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<strong>Types</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Camera</strong><br />
Hello!<br />
I am Mee Tai Mak<br />
I love photography and share the passion by<br />
giving free presentations.<br />
You can find me at @meetaimak<br />
“<br />
“In photography there is a<br />
reality so subtle that it<br />
becomes more real than<br />
reality.”<br />
– Alfred Stieglitz<br />
1) Zoom Lens<br />
▫ <strong>Lenses</strong> with zoom feature, as the<br />
name implies.<br />
▫ Convenient lens to use. No need<br />
to go on frenzy to change lenses.<br />
▫ Zoom lenses may be convenient,<br />
but they are more complex<br />
mechanically.<br />
▫ May break if the zoom mechanism<br />
is badly designed or have poor<br />
quality.<br />
2) Prime Lens<br />
▫ Opposite <strong>of</strong> zoom lens. Prime<br />
lenses have fixed focal length.<br />
▫ But without zoom mechanics,<br />
prime lenses are generally less<br />
complicated and more well-built.<br />
▫ Prime lenses also typically last<br />
longer than zoom lenses.<br />
3) Wide-Angle Lens<br />
▫ <strong>Lenses</strong> that are capable <strong>of</strong><br />
capturing a wide angle <strong>of</strong> view.<br />
▫ Normally around the focal length<br />
range <strong>of</strong> 16-35mm.<br />
▫ Good for landscape and<br />
environmental portrait<br />
photography.<br />
▫ Good for tall buildings.<br />
4) Normal/General Lens<br />
▫ Focal length range <strong>of</strong> about 35-<br />
50mm; Also close to our human<br />
eyes.<br />
▫ Generally used for almost<br />
everything – Casual, street,<br />
portrait, food, products, etc…<br />
▫ Don’t really have disadvantages,<br />
just a generic range <strong>of</strong> lens.<br />
5) Telephoto<br />
▫ The “bazooka” lens. Big and bulky.<br />
▫ Capable <strong>of</strong> shooting things far far<br />
away.<br />
▫ Normally used by nature and<br />
wildlife photographers who do not<br />
want to disturb the animals.<br />
▫ Also sometimes used by sports<br />
photographers, because they<br />
cannot get too close to the action.<br />
6) Macro<br />
▫ Made to focus up close.<br />
▫ Somewhat like a microscope.<br />
▫ Used to take close up shots <strong>of</strong><br />
insects, flowers and products.<br />
▫ Opens up a new world <strong>of</strong><br />
photography, otherwise invisible to<br />
the naked eye.<br />
Thanks!<br />
For the complete list, please visit -<br />
http://xlightphotography.com/types-<strong>of</strong>-camera-lenses/<br />