Types of Lens Filters
What are the different types of lens filters, and are they useless now with editing software? This guide will walk you through what they are for, and why they are still good. http://xlightphotography.com/types-of-lens-filters/
What are the different types of lens filters, and are they useless now with editing software? This guide will walk you through what they are for, and why they are still good. http://xlightphotography.com/types-of-lens-filters/
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HELLO<br />
My name is Mee Kia Tah.<br />
I love photography and share the passion<br />
by giving free presentations.<br />
You can find me @meekaitah
“Photography deals exquisitely with<br />
appearances, but nothing is what it appears<br />
to be.”<br />
– Duane Michals
• <strong>Lens</strong> filters usually come in 3<br />
shapes – Circular, square and<br />
rectangular.<br />
• Circular filters are the most<br />
common.<br />
• Square and rectangular are less<br />
common, but they are usually<br />
larger in size, making them easier<br />
to fit onto different lenses.
• As the name implies, this is a filter<br />
that is clear.<br />
• Does pretty much nothing.<br />
• Used to protect the lens from<br />
scratches and dust.<br />
• Scratch the cheap filter, not<br />
destroy the expensive lens.
2) UV FILTER<br />
• UV filters reduces the amount <strong>of</strong><br />
ultra-violet light entering the<br />
camera, thus reducing the blue<br />
tint.<br />
• Also commonly used as a “better<br />
clear filter” to protect the lens.
3) CPL FILTER<br />
• Circular polarizers (CPL) are<br />
normally used to reduce<br />
reflections and glares.<br />
• Some good CPL filters also boost<br />
the contrast as well.<br />
• A landscape photographer’s<br />
4) ND FILTER<br />
• Neutral <strong>Filters</strong> (ND) are like pieces<br />
<strong>of</strong> sunglasses.<br />
• They block out excessive<br />
brightness, and allows you to<br />
capture more recovered details.<br />
• Another landscape photographer’s<br />
5) IR FILTER<br />
• Infra-red (IR) filters are kind <strong>of</strong><br />
specialized.<br />
• They block all visible light and<br />
only allow IR to pass into the<br />
camera.<br />
• This usually result in a dark red<br />
photo, but after some editing to<br />
remove the red tint, you will get a<br />
nice surreal photo.
You can find the full guide at X-Light<br />
Photography.<br />