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Pages 1-76 - Springfield-Greene County Library

Pages 1-76 - Springfield-Greene County Library


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"7'lrc rlrost pofcct baby i~r Slrrlby<br />

Cort,rty," is little A4iss Jrarrrrr Cor~rrrll.~.<br />

tlrrcc-yrov-old darrglrtrr of Mi.. arid illrs.<br />

llflltt collrlcll~ of fl4clrlplris, Tcrrrt. 111r..<br />

Corrrrclly is solicitirrg f,rcight orrd pus-<br />

scrrgcr- ogclrt for- tlrc PI-ISCO.<br />

IIcr titlc .itus worr at tlrc Iioocl (Iroz~~,<br />

held in thr Attditoril~rrr nt dlc~rrphis i-r-<br />

cmtly, nrrd AIiss Jmrrrre rorrrprtrd ~;itlr<br />

si.7-ty otlrcr. babics. A prrfrrt brrtvrtte,<br />

zclitlr rich colorirrg irr /rev clrrrks, Jliss<br />

Jrnrrrrc toas mumvdrd fltc first pri;~, orui<br />

wns jrrd.qetl fvont rvcry possible Ircoltlr<br />

ulrglr. Dr. I:dzunrd Clny !llitcheIl ucfrti<br />

ns jrrdgr.<br />


There is great interest manifested<br />

in a new forage crop which is being<br />

used for the first time in the vicinity<br />

of <strong>Springfield</strong>, Mo. It is known as<br />

Lespedeza or Japanese clover, and is<br />

grown on land without lime.<br />

Except on alluvial bottom lands, it<br />

does not make sufficient growth to<br />

justify its being cut for hay. neverthe-<br />

iess -its widespread adaptation tc~<br />

grazing conditions gives it a value<br />

that is difficult to estimate. It will<br />

grow in open woodlands, on the poor-<br />

est upland hius, along roadsides and<br />

in other waste places. It produces<br />

sufficient seed, even under close graz-<br />

ing to reseed itself, aild therefore is<br />

as useful as if it were a perennial.<br />

It is relished by a11 classes of live-<br />

stock. It is believed that Col. J. B.<br />

McGehee of Laurel Hill. La.. probably<br />

was the first man in this country to<br />

grow Lespedeza on an extensive scale.<br />

and his efforts greatly stimulated cul-<br />

tivation.<br />

Frisco Employes' Hospital Association<br />

Rerrlptrr nnd ~irrbrntcn~cnts niter Xnrch 31, 1931. throlrfih June 30. 1931,<br />

Ilalsnte brought forward Pron~ March :t. Trust CtPs. of 1923, ~luo Nay<br />

13, 1931 sold April 3. 1931. 11t par .................... $ 5,000.00<br />

nccrueil int. 4 mas. 18 days ....................... . ....... 86.2.5 53,086.23<br />

" ~)rocrrils sale of 54.000 St. L.-S. F. Ry. Co.<br />

Grn'l hIt~e. 3' Gold Bonds. (lun July 1, 1931,<br />

sold April 8. 1931. @ 100',1. ............................... ... 4,020.00<br />

accrued Int. 3 nos. 7 days ........................................ 53.89 4,07:?.89<br />

" r)roceeds sale of S3.5.000 1'. S. Fourth Libertv<br />

Loan Bonds (lue Oct. 15. 1938, sold Jhy 8.<br />

1931. $15.000 (coupon bonds) sold liZ 104.6/32 S15.fi28 13<br />

520.000 (registered bonds) sold @ 104.4/32 ....... 20,823.00<br />

accrued interesl 23 days .......................................... 9.i.03 36.3 19.16<br />

pryeerls sale of $5.000 C. R. J. ant1 P. Ry. Co.<br />

.I% Equipt. Trust Ctfs. Series hI. (luo April<br />

1. 1932, sold May 27. 1931 ro' 10l):.(L .................. 8 5.028.00<br />

accrued Int. 1 mo. 26 days ...................................... 38.89 5.063.89 50.i<br />

--<br />


For payrolls ............................................................................................ $27.988.58<br />

$1211.81<br />

-<br />

" professional, ordinary and emergency servlces .................. 15.211.27<br />

" labor. mnterlal and su~~lles ...................................................... 1384.10<br />

" provisions ........................................................................................ 7.248.49<br />

" drugs ................................................................................................ 7.183.40<br />

" llght, water, Ice, gas, fuel and telephones .......................... 2,262.77<br />

" all other expenses .......................................................................... 958.15 8 6i,2<br />

3.5.000. Pace amount, of The Xew York Central<br />

Rt1. Cn. RrPuntling and Imnrnremrnt hltre.<br />

4'<strong>76</strong> Gold Bonds, Series A, duc Oct. 1, 2013.<br />

purchased April 3. 1931, fi' par ............................ $ 3.000.00<br />

accrued Intcrest 2 dnya ......................................... 1.25 $3,001.?:<br />

$4.000, face amount, of Pennsylvanla Pnwer SI<br />

1,ight Co. First i\Itge. 4 Y: % Gold Bonds. due<br />

Aoril 1. 1951, purchnsctl April 8. 1931. @<br />

96% . $ 3.860.00<br />

arcroe11 intercrt 7 days ............................................ X.50 3,863.30<br />

" $45.000. Pace amount. of K. C. 31. and E. Rd.<br />

Co. a% Assented Tnconle Bonds, due Narch 1.<br />

1934. ~urcl~asetl May 8. 1981. f3 101.3/9 ............ $35,481.25<br />

accrucd int. 2 mos. 7 days ....................................... 82.5.70 35,806.9.5 44,6'<br />

--<br />

Dalancc June 30. 1931, p. rn.. at:<br />

First Xational Bank. St. Louis. Mo ................................................................. 8.8:<br />

-<br />

$120.8L1.0<br />

'Subject to $397.58 of pas-drafts and vouchers outstanding at close of buslnes?<br />

June 30. 1931.<br />

St. Louls. NO.. July 3. 1981. F. H. HAJIILTOK.<br />

It has been grown in the South for<br />

some time, but it is new to the lands<br />

of Nissouri. Only recently, a group<br />

of southern farmers made a trip from<br />

Tennessee to <strong>Springfield</strong>, Mo., for the<br />

sole purpose of advertising the<br />

growth of this Japanese clover, and<br />

the flrst seed to be planted in and<br />

around <strong>Springfield</strong> came from Ten-<br />

nessee.<br />

It grows to a height of two to two<br />

and a half feet and resembles the<br />

three-leaf clover, except that it grows<br />

in bush shape, with the green leaves<br />

shooting out from all branches abun-<br />

(Corrfirrrted orr 1 1 ~ x 1 1Uu:gr)<br />

Treasurer.<br />

dantly, and makes excellent grazing<br />

The new clover is being aavertised<br />

throagh the agricultural departmen!<br />

of Frisco Lines and representatives of<br />

that department met the delegatinr<br />

from Tennessee and told them of the<br />

interest of Missourians, and of the<br />

efPorts of Frisco Lines to promote tbr<br />

production of this clover.<br />

\Vaiter: "Sorry, but we have no<br />

grapefruit this morning."<br />

Diner: "That's all right. Just brinz<br />

me a wet sponge and a spoonful oi<br />


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