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Pages 1-76 - Springfield-Greene County Library

Pages 1-76 - Springfield-Greene County Library


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Sportethat Is the maln topic of Con- Lucile says she had her Hrst aeroplane MAINTENANCE OF WAY DEPT.<br />

atio ion-it used to be horse races. n0-A' ride in Minneal~olis while on vacation<br />


it is baseball mostly, with golf. swim- and says she has been somewhat in the<br />

ming and tennis as a side line.<br />

air ever since.<br />

BERNICE HEIXBACH, Reporter<br />

Baseball-Thus far I am not So well The Frisco picnic at Nonett. June 25.<br />

acquainted with the ball team that I was some big affair, a number of shop<br />

~~cngnize them in their uniform. HOW-<br />

Mr. Forrest Short, draftsman in this<br />

mcn and their families attcnrlcd. And the<br />

eyer, at the game at Campbell's lakc<br />

ofeice, celebrated the Fourth by havsunday<br />

I saw Bill Walsh make a three-<br />

Kansas City FFrtsco ball club brought ing his tonsils removed. He took<br />

back the money for the ball game. longer to recover from the efCects of<br />

bagger. Also noticed Wayne Land and<br />

~ O O ~ Abercro~nbie S<br />

in uniform giving Tom Iiehoc says he is one of thc 11x1- the ooeration than expected, however.<br />

he is -now back to work.<br />

support to their pitcher. Alonzo fortunatcs-after working at the rate of Xr. Earl Long- was appoint'ed road-<br />

Finn, while he isn't signed up with the ninety to nothing all Saturday morning master on the 30th track division, efteam<br />

thls year, every Sunday you And in order to get the afternoon off "strange- fective July 1st. Mr. Long took uo<br />

him warming up with the boys and giv- ly enough" mhrn he got to his car and the duties of JIr. Pat Herx who was<br />

ing them his moral support. The ball was all ready for a care-frce afternoon.<br />

&Id at Campbell's lake is in pretty fiOo(1 the car rcfuscs to pcrk antl Tom sl)cnrls<br />

condition, the ball club are grateful for most of the afternoon persunding the car<br />

the assistance given them by other to movc. He says if times were more<br />

Frijro employes getting the fleld in prosperous he'd junk the baby and buy<br />

shape. It is hoped that the proceed^ a new one, but due to the depression<br />

from the garnos this season \\'ill be large hr'll have to coclclle her along anothrr<br />

enough to build a grandstand next year.<br />

season.<br />

I.. J. T.cifi-h, assistant general car fore-<br />

Golf-If I were only better infnrmetl man, w-ife and son, L. J., Jr., spent the<br />

alon~ this line am quite sure would be first half of July in Denison, Texas.<br />

able to give you some very interesting Nrs. Leigh's former homc.<br />

items along the lines of "Who's Who" in 311's. FI. (!. Kina, wire of rngineer. is<br />

golf. being very 1nuc.h of a beginner in spending the summer with relatives in<br />

~olf I'll hold my comments in abeyance P'rcdrricton. Ncw Rrunswirk.<br />

for the time being. However, I do un- Mrs. Joe Take and claughtcr. Clara, of<br />

derstand that Nir.1~ Fracul pla~s a very Acme. Wyo.. visited thc Mecllocks the<br />

pd game of golf. usinr only one club. Arst half of .Tunr.<br />

and he isn't Scotch elther.<br />

Engineer D. J. Spencer will visit<br />

Swimming - With the thcrnmometrr Quanah, Floydada and Amarillo, Texas.<br />

soaring around 100. the big question is brfore returning to Kansas City.<br />

where to flnd the birgcst and the coolest C. 0. Edmisson. rxr foreman, spent his<br />

pool and the one that has the best look- vacation visiting relatives in Jcffcrson<br />

Ins life guards is the onr sought by the City and Springfleld.<br />

fairer sex. The ~irls frnrn this oflicr Wc wcrc vcry happy to have Nlss<br />

and Frances T,ailedti, Prom the freight .Jessie Robards, of Sprin~Hel~l. with up<br />

office, hntl a tlcli~:htfr~l swim in Quivcru the last wcck of June. Miss Robards rr-<br />

1.1kes recently. Thanks to Mr. Grueinger licved Miss IVittel, while on vacation.<br />

for the courtesy card. Pauline Hoffman<br />

is consldercd n second Crrtrude Etherton.<br />

Failed to mcntion the fnrt that Mrs.<br />

hoaever, she is brg-inninc to "look to hrr<br />

Carol Barnctt, of JIemphis, renewed aclaarcls"<br />

since other girls of this office<br />

quuintenanceu in this office recently. 31'11's.<br />

are taklng swimming lcssons.<br />

Ihrnntt, nee Miss Leotn June Campbell.<br />

was formerly stcnographcr in this officc.<br />

Tennls-Agnes Lynch. the red haired<br />

flie rlrrk, holds thc title Ace at tennis.<br />

Mrs. 13'. I?. Berry is rlsiting relatives<br />

However, this title is being closely conin<br />

San Antonio. Texas.<br />

tested and it remains to bc seen who I%-. B. McGaugh, car clerk. Tulsa, spent<br />

holds this tltlc this time nest month. a recent S~turtlny and Sunday in Kansas<br />

Niazes Irene ancl Esther Rigdon, now<br />

City.<br />

of Lon Angeles. Calif.. were guests of Friends of C. C. Irish, locomotive enthe<br />

writers rrcently. The bIlsscs Ria- ,cineel werc grieved to learn of his death<br />

dun had been to Ciiat'fee visiting fricncts .Tllnc 26. 3Ir. Irish received fatal in-<br />

.and relatives. ant1 were on their rcturn juries whcn lie xteplw~l fronr a street<br />

to California. Did wn mjoy sceing then1 car and was hit by n truck.<br />

anu rehearsins tile good clays an(l the Ed\\,. 3IcC.!ormirli, Inron~otivc inspector.<br />

bad d:lys spcnt together on the Rivcr Pt. Scott, died as rcsult of hcart failure<br />

divi~ion? We did ! -4s usual wc Ant1 nt his home in E't. Scott. JIonda>-. July<br />

!here wrre a .meat many things we for- 13.<br />

rot to talk about and arc anxinusly Our new aencrol forrman E. -7.<br />

:traiting their next "Home Comin

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