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Pages 1-76 - Springfield-Greene County Library


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Frisco Mechanic Familu News I<br />

JOPLIN. MO.<br />

--<br />

R. C. FLETCHER, Reporter<br />

greatly enjoyed an old-fashioned dance,<br />

wlth refreshments, at the home of Mr.<br />

Henn in the early part of the month.<br />

Electrician C. 8. Turner reports quite a<br />

thrill attending the title match between<br />

Wrestlers Londos and Pojello.<br />

We nre reliably informed Boilermaker<br />

Cliff Barnett has bargained for a new<br />

Plymouth cou2e.<br />

Elmer (Runt) Foster. of the car department<br />

at Ruth Yards. has a new Chevrolet<br />

~~dan. Thls new car evidently had the<br />

818#bired effect on Mlss Helen Davis of 1905<br />

(;rand Avenue as she became the wlfe of<br />

Mr Foster on July 5th at the home of Mr.<br />

Foster's brother in Nevada. No. airs.<br />

Fokterwas formerly connected wit11 the<br />


Bell Telephone Company of thls clty. The<br />


cou~le are at home to their frlends at 509<br />

Test 16th Street JIWSR I,. BRASDOS. Reporter<br />


Freight Check Clerk A. P. Wells and<br />

Mrs. Wells returned recently from Washington,<br />

D. C. While there they visited<br />

with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boyd, formerly<br />

of Sprinafleld, and Mr. and Mrs. Justice<br />

Moll. They re2ort an interestlug sightseclng<br />

tour made via the Green Linp that<br />

included the rose gardms of Mrs. Woodrow<br />

Wllson. Nt. Vernon, home of Georgr<br />

could not cl~ange her name. We wish<br />

tl~em a long and happy journey together.<br />

Jack Stewart, son or Arthur Stewart,<br />

machinist, and a former employee of thc<br />

~wlamatlon vlant, but now on the signal<br />

extra board,-wns married to Niss Hazel<br />

George in <strong>Springfield</strong> on June 27. Congratulations<br />

and best of luck, Jack !<br />

Fred Sicholson said he .\vent to White<br />

River July 3rd to fish durlng the Fourth,<br />

but next morning there was no whistle to<br />

awaken him, so he slept most or' the day<br />

before he awoke to think ahout fishing.<br />

Ira Jones attended the Frlsco picnlc at<br />

Monett on June 25th, and reports havlng<br />

a fine time. While there he met two of<br />

hls friend< J. H. White and J. L. Mc-<br />

Duffy fro; Sherman. Texas. who are also<br />

employees of the Frisco, and understand<br />

they had a delightful vlsit.<br />

Jess Sanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellery<br />

Sanford, has gone to Camp Arrowhead<br />

at Marshflclld, Xlissouri. to take the<br />

Boy Scout camp tralning course, which is<br />

very popular in thls viclnity. The camp<br />

is always filled to capacity during the<br />

tralning season.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rltchie spent July<br />

4th on the Pommc dc Tarre River at Warsaw,<br />

Missourl, fishing. Homer says they<br />

werc well rewarded for their efforts and<br />

A. C. IIASSICN, Reporter<br />

--<br />

Sfr. C. J. Snook, former agent for Frlsco<br />

at Blrmlngham terminals, was a welcome<br />

visitor at the freight house last week. All<br />

former employees were very glad to see<br />

3fr ~- . Snook. - ~ ~ -<br />

Washlngton. Arlington and the tomb of had a splendld trip.<br />

Wm. C. Benton, messenger, recently the Unknown Soldier, and the home of<br />

General Lee. Mrs. Wells tells that durlng<br />

Guy Timmonx met with an accident relnok<br />

for himself a helpmate, in the person<br />

sf Uss Marie Cogeland of Birmingham. their evening s2ent at Glen Echo Park cently which Injured his foot and ankle to<br />

"A. P." returned to childhood to ride thc the extcnt of his belng forced to take a<br />

,411 wish the couoie much ha~~iness . . and<br />

prosperity In the future.<br />

150-foot high scooter dip.<br />

vacatlon. The accldent occurred when he<br />

Aubrey Hoover, bill clerk, was seized Mrs. Jesse L. Brandon is now in Colo- was trucking a box down a sllght incline<br />

suddenly with an acute attack of appendi- rado visiting her son, who resides in and In some manner fell under the truck.<br />

citis. and was hurrled to the hosoltal in Crowley with his famlly and will remain We hope for his speedy recovery and reuntil<br />

cooler weather arrlves in JIiaaouri.<br />

tlll'n.<br />

Bimtngham. but after an operation he is<br />

...<br />

now on duty and seems none the worse Slr. Joe Epperson. coach repair man. is Miss Mary Murphy of the statlonery defor<br />

the Illness.<br />

away for a few days of vislting and is partment, has been very reticent about<br />

I W. X. Hubbard. soecial ofTicer at Bir- belng relleved by Mr. Carl Dashney. telling us of her marriage which, we unmingham<br />

terminals. while rldlng a cut ol Mr. Jack Twlgger Is going clown on the derstand, took place in Kansns City about<br />

r,m. fell and has hls leg cut off by mov- Slangua for two days soon, where he es- June 30 to Mr. Walter Hyer. of the State<br />

in: cars. He was rushed to the local pects to make a blg catch. Local streams, of caliiornia, where they went on their<br />

I~osnllal where the limb was amautated accordlng to Jack. contain nothlng but honeymoon. We offer congratulations and<br />

nnd he Is reported out of danger at pres- minnows.<br />

best wishes. Cecil Banta will have charge<br />

ent JIuch sympathy Is felt for him by Mr. Walter Pittman of the freight plat- of the work heretofore performed by Miss<br />

all employees of the frelght house force. form and his family spent the Fourth<br />

Niss Elvlna Smlth. stenozrapher. just wlth hls daughter and famlly in Kansas<br />

vturned from an extensive vacation in-the Citv. Mlss Dorothy Plttman remained to<br />

wthern parts of Alabama and Missins- vlsit wlth her slster, Nrs. Rushing, a few<br />

ipai, but failed to nurchase her new coat weeks.<br />

of ran as is usual to the tourists of thc Mr. Pete Sweeney. lead inspc~ctor. was was a head-on collision between hls car<br />

Southern coast.<br />

away Sunday, the 12th, and MI. Louis and another on a narrow ad. whlch Is<br />

R. A 411en. clerk was entered In St. Runch acted for him.<br />

said to have been condemned, near ~Mlaml,<br />

~inceni Hospital recently to treatment.<br />

Oklahoma. Hls leg was broken and he<br />

.411en was serving as bill clerk in the ab-<br />

reccived other injurles from which It is<br />

amce of Aubrey Hoover, who was a180 ill LOCAL No. &PITTSBURG, KAN. feared he may not recover. He was cared<br />

in the same hosnltal at thls tlme. Both<br />

for In a hospltal at Miami for a whlle, but<br />

Ihve now been dismlssed from the hos-<br />

S. T. AIAHAS. I:epor.tr.~<br />

l~as recovered sufRclently to be taken on<br />

~ttal.<br />

to 111s home In Guthrie.<br />

,<br />

Specla1 Offlcer Kerr was rccently pro- We are sorry to 1~2or.t tllnt S. C. F:~'iler Mrs. Charley Sash and chlldren have<br />

moted to the rank of sergeant, filling a is atlll off slck, DTe wish him a speedy gone to Alttba~na and Mlssissippl to spend<br />

the summer with relatives near thelr for-<br />

8 vacancy In Birmlngham terminals.<br />

3y.<br />

Mr. L. G. AntwIne has bcen absent from J. H. Grubb. coacl~ cleaner from Ft. mir home,-<br />

$is duties at the freight house due to 111- Scott. has moved to Pittsburg to take care Fred Chambers says he went out to<br />

nes. While still abseut, he Is reported of the motor car that runs out of here. SIcDanlel Lake to catch a strlng of "crop-<br />

' improving. His dutles are belng per- Fireman Willard, who has been ofl dutv py," whlch so many of the Frisco boys<br />

' formed by J. H. Sherman. Frlsco clerk. a few weeks. has returned to work. have landed this season. The evening<br />

Nlght Foreman McDonald Is taking two was warm, and he was drowsy, and after<br />

-<br />

weeks' vacation. He is reliercd by Fore- throwing out a few his interest waned<br />

when a few mlnutes lmsed that he dld<br />


man Earl Henson.<br />

not get a bltc. Then he suddenly awakened<br />

from the nao he was enjoyfng by<br />

D. F. TOBIAS. Reportcr<br />


his rod and reel being drawn qulckly from<br />

hls grasp lnto the deep water. He looked<br />

Falr and warmor! The weather man<br />


after It into the blue sparkling twenty<br />

sure knows his barometer at this wrltiG.<br />

feet of water lnto whlch It had disap-<br />

Foreman Jos. Forstncr and wile re- T. 0. CHAPMAS. Reporter<br />

peared for some time and then made vaturned<br />

from a two weeks' vacatlon In the<br />

rious atteppts to regaln his reel, and the<br />

hills of Vlrzlnla. Joe savs the weather Stephen Smith. power plant engineer, ix suDPosedl~ blz fish that was on the end<br />

there was id-eal and also 6roight home a off at thls report on account of sickness. of 'li but bas -unsuccessful.<br />

new supplv of fishlng tales.<br />

We are pleased to report that Willian- ~Anry Hedley, son of Mr. and hlrs.<br />

Foreman A. F. Maly dldn't brag mucm SIattocks has improved In health sum- Charles Hedley. is attending the summer<br />

, about the fish he cauaht on hls vacation ciently to vlsit the shop and we hope to session at the Northwestern Universlty.<br />

but Insisted he had enough to eat.<br />

see hlm return to work in the near futurr'. Chlcago, Illinois. Mr. Hedley has wrlt-<br />

Inspector L. R. Schutte and wife vlslted Eddie Fuerst, scale department fore- ten several articles for some of the leadfriends<br />

et Wellsville. Missourl. over July man, spent his two weeks at St. Louis ing newspapers of the country, and has<br />

and surrounding terrltory. visltinq his par- won a number of debates while in school<br />

rnts and other relations. Mrs. Fuerst ac- as an extempore soeaker. Two of his<br />

companied hlm and they spent somc time "pen pictures" of the life of a va*Frant on<br />

with her relatlons.<br />

Madlson SFreet in Chicago, and West of<br />

Georae Falk fished a few davs in Cur- the River were published In the Springpaned.<br />

rent Rher and returned with he largest field ~res's in the issues of July 6th and<br />

Foreman T. J. Doyle and familv re- cashon cat caught by any employee of 7th. He vlslted hls parents In <strong>Springfield</strong><br />

turned June 29th from n two weeks' va- the reclamatlon plant thls ycar. It and hls brother In St. Louls before golng<br />

I cation trip to polnts in Callfornla.<br />

welghpd thlrty-two pounds and he had to take UD his studies in Chlcago thls<br />

I<br />

Fir~man Hugh Sweatt and famllp left three that weirhed over one hundred summer.<br />

July 8th Por a vislt wlth his mother and pounds combined; sack and all. \Tfe pre- Andrew Long says someone got next to<br />

grandmother at Tulsa.<br />

dlct thls record will stand for this year. him and touched him for his hlodel A<br />

Bollermaker E. 0. Skelton on the night We are authorlzed to report that Sam Ford sedan. The last time he heard of it<br />

shift has returned from a vlslt wlth home Robinson. machlnlst heloer. has taken it was found stripped and burned near<br />

ialks at <strong>Springfield</strong>, and reports success unto himself a wife. which' occurrrd In Hartvllle. Bllsnouri.<br />

on some important business.<br />

the month of roses. Her name was Nettie The flrst death by drownlng In the vi-<br />

Frlends of Wm. Jamison and F. C. Henn Roblnson of Republic. >Iissouri, so Snm<br />

clnity of Sprlngfleld thls summer occurred

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