New choral titles Autumn/Fall 2018

A selection of new choral publishing from OUP. Gathering together sacred, secular and Christmas titles for both mixed and upper voice choirs.

A selection of new choral publishing from OUP. Gathering together sacred, secular and Christmas titles for both mixed and upper voice choirs.


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10<br />

Psalm 112: 1, Psalm 37: 23<br />


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for Ian Keatley and the Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin,<br />

marking the 80th birthday of, and dedicated to, Canon Dr John Bartlett, former Precentor of Christ Church Cathedral<br />

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Slow and gentle, with much expression q = c.50<br />

p espress.<br />

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Bless - - ed is the man, bless - ed<br />

p espress.<br />

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Bless - ed<br />

is the man, the man that<br />

p espress.<br />

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Slow and gentle, with much expression q = c.50<br />

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p espress.<br />

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Lord, that fear - eth the Lord,<br />

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is the man that fear - eth the Lord,<br />

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fear - eth the Lord, that fear - eth the Lord,<br />

3<br />

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is the man that fear - eth the Lord, the man that fear - eth the Lord,<br />

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Blessed is the man<br />

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Duration: c.2 mins<br />

© Oxford University Press <strong>2018</strong> Printed in Great Britain<br />


The Moral Rights of the Composer have been asserted. Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL.<br />


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Bless - - ed is the man that fear - eth the<br />

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for online perusal only<br />

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a little to the fore<br />

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