New choral titles Autumn/Fall 2018

A selection of new choral publishing from OUP. Gathering together sacred, secular and Christmas titles for both mixed and upper voice choirs.

A selection of new choral publishing from OUP. Gathering together sacred, secular and Christmas titles for both mixed and upper voice choirs.


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#<br />

& #<br />

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˙ Œ œ<br />

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#<br />

& #<br />

# #<br />

Lord,<br />

haste the<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

day when my<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

faith shall be<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

sight, the<br />

˙ Œ œ<br />

clouds be rolled<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

Lord,<br />

haste the<br />

day<br />

when my<br />

faith<br />

shall be<br />

sight,<br />

the<br />

clouds<br />

be rolled<br />

#<br />

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# #<br />

Lord,<br />

haste the<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

day<br />

when my<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

faith<br />

shall be<br />

œ œ œ œ<br />

sight,<br />

˙<br />

Œ<br />

the<br />

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clouds<br />

be rolled<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

#<br />

& #<br />

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# #<br />

Lord,<br />

haste the<br />

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day when my<br />

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faith shall be<br />

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? # #<br />

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& #<br />

# #<br />

back as a<br />

˙ œ # œ<br />

scroll;<br />

the<br />

˙ Œ œ<br />

trump<br />

shall re<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

-<br />

for online perusal only<br />

sound<br />

and the<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

Lord shall de -<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

back as a<br />

scroll;<br />

the<br />

trump<br />

shall re<br />

-<br />

sound<br />

and the<br />

Lord<br />

shall de -<br />

#<br />

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back as a<br />

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scroll;<br />

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trump<br />

shall re<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

-<br />

sound<br />

and the<br />

˙ œ œ<br />

Lord<br />

shall de -<br />

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back as a<br />

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shall re<br />

˙<br />

-<br />

sound<br />

and the<br />

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˙ ˙<br />

Lord<br />

shall de -<br />

˙ œ œ w<br />

? # #<br />

# #<br />

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