1950 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook


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.A<br />

Room 48 is ca r n'i ll ~ Oil its ;l; ~(" old tra ­<br />

dition o f h i ~h sch;)!:tst ie achievements.<br />

T he room is \n- II rep resen ted in rhrschool's<br />

s JXl rt i n~ circles as well . .\ nU111­<br />

be r of the boys played in the school<br />

rll~by and bask etball reams. T he ~i rb<br />

also broug-ht hon our to tho: room by maki<br />

n ~ the finals in both basehall am i volleyball.<br />

Gt'Orge F..a/{Il'son- Sl·nior rug-by, , , the<br />

boy who shows ul. for th e gam es.<br />

\\'hat about the pra"tin 's ????<br />

DOll Brown-e-started the St'a son as a<br />

quarter b ack a nd was moved up to<br />

half back position Oil Ihe senior rUg"by<br />

team.<br />

Dick Ki rkup-c-played junior rtlg"by and<br />

junior basketball.<br />

I.au rit' Lith gow-c-was an outstandi ng"<br />

endman 0 11 the junior ru g-by team.<br />

V ic Paterson-s-in junior rug-hy, played a<br />

good gamt· a!' an insi, lt'.<br />

John E vanoff-c-a good all-round player in<br />

junio r ru~y, also int erested in<br />

hockev.<br />

Ron RO~t'r ,o-R olI cxcell-, in jun ior baskerball.<br />

T he 1.0\' von-d mo-t likd\"<br />

10 become a eol:l,wl, .<br />

J im Ru ssell-c-in junior basketb••ll, makes<br />

up for his size by amazi n ~ co-ordination<br />

and a bilitv.<br />

Ted \ 'an/{d - Tt·,i is an Olllst:l.Ildi nf{<br />

scholar.<br />

I >On \ \'addell- st'('Il1 S 10 thrive Oil island<br />

life,<br />

!)oug' Daw son - l'xn 'lltill11al -chola-tic<br />

abilitv.<br />

J lhly Cross and Bd ty Robcrtscm-c-helped<br />

keep up the spir its of the school TlIJ::'­<br />

hv teams this fall In' their cheer -<br />

I(:adin~ ,<br />

'<br />

J une Barber-s-helps out in Eng-lish class<br />

by an sweri ng :\Ir, Ft'rgu ,o.(m ' :o< qnvstions.<br />

Ak i :\Iorishita- nu r (;ir"" Club I ~t, p,<br />

:\Iolh' Herma n-c-repre-eut- -L \ in the orch('stra,<br />

Barb \\'il:

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