1950 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook


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mv even ' dav lo){a. wh en all th e ot hers<br />

were ){:;rt .ed in those st r:ul/{e, hrig"ht<br />

costume s }. ~I ayhe next week we'll pa y<br />

tha t visit to O lympus!<br />

XU \ ' E.\I HER IX<br />

Dear Diary ,<br />

Ah me, 1'111 so tired thai I ca n<br />

scarcely keep my eyes open, hili I Just<br />

had to te fl you about t he " Huddle<br />

Hop " to-ni/{h"t. The music wa:, wonderiul<br />

- I must pe rsua de Diana to have<br />

Buddy Hill's orchestra play at her party<br />

nex t week, And didn't ~I r . \Yarren<br />

an d ~ I r , .\ k Xair look happy when the<br />

teams they had worked so ha rd with<br />

all iall pres ented those IOH·ly g"iit :'?<br />

Bu t I was disappointed in the refresh ­<br />

me nts: no t a drop o i nectar or ambrosin<br />

in si/{ht !<br />

XO\ 'E~ I HER 25<br />

T o-nig-ht, Com me n ce nn-n t ! \\'ilh<br />

pride in my heart (and a to uc h oi sor ­<br />

row 1(0) I wntchcd , as slowlv mv beloved<br />

[arvisites filed in to the a uditori<br />

um : so man v of them ior the last<br />

time, \\'ho co u'ld ever ior/.:'et La wler<br />

Lo udon '" splendid Valedictory address<br />

: the wonderful contr jhu tion oi<br />

the orchestra and choir ; the heart-.<br />

warming" applause which rewarded the<br />

scholars hip and prize -winners (or the<br />

presentation. by ~ I r. .Allin himself, oi<br />

that one diploma long niter all the<br />

othe rs ha d bee n gi\'en "ut)? \ \ 'hen the<br />

fina l dip loma had been award ed and<br />

the fina l :,pee..: h made I congrat ulated<br />

rnv wnv down to the cafeteria. where<br />

th'e g't1~ s t " chatt ed ove r th eir coffe e<br />

cup:" then up auain to th e auditorium<br />

to watch 111\' children at th e dan ce<br />

wh ich l;"IHled this mem nrnhle evening.<br />

j .\ Xli.\I< Y .\<br />

Dear I )jar~ ',<br />

It's .l.:'0ocl til see all my jnrvisites<br />

back after the C hristmas holida\'salt<br />

hough a few seemed rather unwillin<br />

.l.:' to return, T he halls were remarkably<br />

qu iet wit ho ut tho-,e hurrvine<br />

feet !<br />

j ,\X UAR Y 19<br />

"Three 0 11 t wu seats" wns the o rde r<br />

lI j the clay rhi s afternoon as my chil-<br />

69<br />

dren flocked into the au di toriu m to<br />

hea r Cesar Borre conduct a pa rt oi the<br />

Toro nto Symphony O rchestra th rough<br />

several delight ful select ions. Orpheus<br />

slipped in the back doo r just a:, the<br />

concert started. {An d ho w jeaulous he<br />

\\'as when Ellis Xlc l.inroc k played his<br />

trumpet SO]lI ! ) E \'(' 11 he ha d to admit<br />

thou /{h thai the hour came to an end<br />

far too quickly ami that the lapse between<br />

these welcome even t s :,eem :,<br />

muc h, much too 10llg,<br />

F EB RC.\RY 1<br />

j upi ter will he :'() an,l{ry because I<br />

mis sed the annual Dienes' Dinner tHday,<br />

hut I just had to stay till the end<br />

oi that ba ..ketball game with Centra l<br />

Commerce! It wa.. so exciting that I<br />

qu ite forgot my d i,,"tlity ami cheered<br />

and ap plauded wi th the rest. H ow I<br />

hope thai my boys will keep up their<br />

\\'in nin l-:' ways !<br />

),IARCII 4<br />

Even ~I e l pomene sm iled toniuht<br />

wh en the cu rtains swis he d log-ethe r for<br />

the last lime on " Io lan the" , Peers an d<br />

fairies filled the halls afterwards as<br />

thron/.:'.. o i sisters, cousins and aunt:'<br />

poured out oi the auditorium to congratulate<br />

our huddinJ.:' ope ra star..,<br />

T he -e productions seem to improve<br />

each vea r and the fin nights oi this<br />

opercna were no exception. Perhaps<br />

now Orpheus will believe me wh en I<br />

tell him that he has :,,,me serious com ­<br />

petition here on ea rth!

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