1950 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook


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Back Row : D. Barcla y, E. Besle r. B. Miller, L. Ra ile y, W. McG rillin, M. Loney .<br />

Front Row; D. Jacques, R. Einhorn, R. Walke r. N. Ya komin, E. Buczynski, W. Broo ks.<br />

j arm-, Forwa rd: Yours truly has his t"yc<br />

-ct 0 11 :\Iedicine. Chid interest is<br />

tht· Cht""" Club wh ere ht"" President .<br />

.st'hool Champion ,Tearn Captain. etc..<br />

et c.c-.<br />

j ack l Iuigh : Big' j ack tOPIk....1 the class ill<br />

the Ch ristmas Ex am", ht'sidt's ht'illg'<br />

0 11 the Staze Cre w. Chartered Accocnting<br />

will tit.' hi" fu ture cccu pa ­<br />

tion.<br />

Fern H uneault : T he man with the fun ­<br />

nic..1 jokt·... Fern will be a Field<br />

Secretarv for the Xational Insti tute<br />

for the -Blind when he graduates.<br />

J~JlI g-l a s j acques : Our ba..h ful f rierul<br />

f rom \ \ ' inn illt'g' i.. g'l'tt ing" alon g- all<br />

rig-hi althoug-h ),Ii..:o ),kRht"rt<br />

doesu't think :'0, He's headed ior<br />

J:"eotog'Y·<br />

\\"i lliam Lan gs ford : Bt'side:, bt'ing' the<br />

S iag-l' C rew ma nager, Bilt ab o participates<br />

in such extra-curricula r<br />

act ivities as Gl'ollld ry and T rig-.<br />

Carl Linetski : A fn-qucut vis itor to the<br />

Ches s Club. Xcxt w ar hc'Il be taking'<br />

.1 Business Cour"t·.<br />

:\Iilton LOIl('\" : Plan .. to enter ),It...ls. H i"<br />

favourite p.",tinw - hunti ng' deer<br />

( nol dea rs).<br />

J ohn :\I.a,g-def : A basket ball "tar on the<br />

Senior Tearn. Xext )"t"a r he plan..<br />

to go 10 Boulder Lniver..itv in Colorado<br />

to play ba ..ketbal l anti "tudy<br />

:'. It"dil'ill t·,<br />

Rolx-rt :\kGug"an : Always Iwlping' the<br />

.seil'!lt'l' teacher.., Bob'" am bition is<br />

to god h is year,<br />

W illiam :\kCuffin : A newcomer 10 J.c.1.<br />

f rom Danforth T ech. H("", planniug<br />

to ..tudy joumali..m.<br />

Hruo- :\lil1er : H i.. iut en-st : "G irl... my<br />

boy, g'irl,;!" He'll pur..uc a sci t' n e~"<br />

course next year.<br />

Li-n k allev: Pre..idrnt of the Bon ' Athlctic<br />

.Council. 1.A.'n is plan'uing- 10<br />

enter Va r..ity nex t year.<br />

Don Richmond : A faithful attendant to<br />

),1i"" ),fc Rooe n 's slide rule class.<br />

Don plan.. for S. P. S. and engineerilll{<br />

next yt"ar,<br />

John Scmc: He pla n" to get hi.. metric.<br />

Hk hard Walker : I-It', too, plan " S .I' .S.<br />

and t'll,g-illt't'ring'. A member of the<br />

Ru~,\' T earn and C r'r.C.<br />

Xick Yakomin : It's S. P.S_ a nd en ginee r ­<br />

ing' for him next vear. Xi ck ..tar.. O il<br />

the Senior Ba..kt:tball Squad .

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