1950 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook


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Back Row: (Lelt to Rig ht l-Bill Sor okolit, Slua rt Hill, Barbara Smythe, Isobel MacNab, Anne<br />

Comfort. Allon Biggs, Tom Ja me s.<br />

f ront Row: (Left 10 Rightl-Sneja Ma tofl, Eleanor Chudzik, Dorcas Carles, Dorothy Burn et t.<br />

Helen Boston, Ma ry Montg ome ry.<br />

Allan H i ,g g- ~- :~d i l i t a ry life aplwaJ.:, to him<br />

greatly. H op- .. ~ 10 enter Royal Xlili­<br />

Ian' College.<br />

C. C "",~-lla- f fa i b from St. 'IiV,_ ](,-,1<br />

~'~ ta lt· or Finance at C. of T. next<br />

vvar for th i~ lad,<br />

I )ou~ Cram-c-jarvis Rep. on Eaton's<br />

runior Executive Council. T cr ritic<br />

half -back in action. Plan , 10 return<br />

next vcar.<br />

J im E fTer:"-A "' l'riou~ little fellow who i~<br />

rdllrtling: to jarvi, 10 complete his<br />

Senio r Xl atric.<br />

Ha ~ i l Fertuck-c-undecidcd ahou t the futun',<br />

T his lanky chap is, con centrutinl{<br />

all efforts 011 ge lti ng- his :;ellior<br />

Xlatric.<br />

Stuart H ill- " Slu" is headed ior the<br />

Xlath s<br />

o f T ,<br />

anti Phvsics<br />

'<br />

course at C .<br />

John Hud-on-c-A quiet. unobn-usive cha p<br />

around the classroom. jarvis,' portals<br />

will welcome him back next war.<br />

Grarnu- II1Ivrh-On(' of the topimcn<br />

Oil thi~ "vcar's rug-by :«IUa(1. Ii not<br />

C . of T. next war. he will tackle<br />

the bu siness \\"orld.<br />

Tom [ames-c-School and basketball are<br />

this lad's passion s. }I(, i s espcciallv<br />

skillful in the latter. Plans to "ItHI\'<br />

dentistry at Varsity. .<br />

Ken Jel\"eu - 5D\ A thletic Rep . Business<br />

Administration at \\'('stertl will haw<br />

this ('a,ger recruit in i t ~ files next<br />

vear.<br />

.ft-rr;· ]{t'adin g"- Om' of the f ricndlicst<br />

and most conscientious p l' r ~ (J ll S in<br />

the school. B (' ~ t of tuck, J er ry.<br />

Bill Sorokolit-c-Is cousidcrinc COllllllen'('<br />

and Fi nance at Universitv.<br />

Ken St eph cnson-c- Ls hound f(Jr the Onta<br />

rio Chirop ractic College.<br />

Bert Tipton-c- Beam -, for the day when<br />

he ran issue pink pilb-.<br />

lt 's :\ I ed~<br />

ne xt vcar !<br />

JrX' Shin-=-The fellow with the shy smile .<br />

A rts at Vn r sitv see-m to ln- his bes t<br />

bel.<br />

'<br />

5E<br />

Giyh:<br />

Annie Hercnstcin : Righi now "he'~ busy<br />

gl'1ting hig-h marks and etliting- the<br />

humour section of the :\ 1a '~ 1 1t' 1. F lIrurc<br />

plans ? A dtTp, dark ~{'(n't !<br />

[ovc c Brown: l ovce. who hails from<br />

, . Caprcol. Ontario, is headed for a<br />

ca reer in either music or nur-sing.<br />

Spends some of he r s;lare lime singing<br />

in the Operetta.<br />

Gertrude Ch ink : Xext vear collld lind<br />

her at the Ryerson I~~t i t u (t' of T ech-

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