1950 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook


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AlthO\lj{h few llW~l illg~ of the j a rvi,<br />

Ca mera Club have been held .'0 far thi ...<br />

vea r, OIW max nOI say that it is inac tive.<br />

"It is practica lly im (~ )ssiblt' to g"l't into<br />

the myst erious little "cupboard" between<br />

room 2i and 28 without haying- rcserv...d<br />

it for \I"et'b in advance. Everv night.<br />

the darkroom is occupied hy son{!;' promisilll{<br />

young photographer, who has . most<br />

likelv. learned tha t wonderful art of enlarg-11l<br />

1-:" under the ahh- gui d<br />

and fa r between, serves onlv to ma ke<br />

them more illlt'ft'sting. At a recent meeting",<br />

some of Xlr. Cars~'all(,tt'.,.; fine colour<br />

sli.I(,,.; were shown, and, to contrast with<br />

thes e, (;l'org-l' )'Ia rcus showed some<br />

"lighter" slide-s. T he att ention of the<br />

mem bers showed their interest in Loth<br />

the landscape an d animal slides a nd in<br />

·'eh lTsl'('akc". · At t h l~ next tlI~Tting- . a<br />

talk was g-i\"en by George Marcus, nil the<br />

use of filters, the various typl'S and ma kes<br />

of films , chemicals. :111 11 photographic<br />

pap.:r:s.<br />


Back Row: O. Ha uraney, S, Scbaeler, G. Ma rCU$. J. Stemberq, T. Spi ro, W. Russ ell.<br />

front Ro w: N. Wolfi$h, I, Milebelt, J. Head, C. Hudson, C. McElroy, V, Lotto.

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