1950 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute\'s 1950 Jarvis Magnet Yearbook


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Back Row; (Left to Riqhtl-' . Effer, J. Hudson, A. Come lla , D. Cram, D. Carna ha n, G. Huy cke,<br />

B. Fe rtuck.<br />

Front Row: (Left to Riq htl-B. Tippin, I. Goldman, Mr. Broke nshire. M. Weir. K. Jew ell, J. Shin ,<br />

50<br />

Elizabeth Bal'o ll-:\Ir, Ft"r~'U -'(JIl 's gal<br />

with the gig/:Il·. Ambition ;- Finish<br />

norse's training- a nd then-c-an air<br />

hostess.<br />

:\Iary :\ l on t gt )l lW r~·-I ' t· rt redhead from<br />

St. Ctcmem's. Has a /:rt'at pass ion<br />

for all "port". Plan" to enter the<br />

field of n ursing,<br />

Dorothy Bumcu-c-jarvi-' staunch Simpson<br />

Re p. and popular member o f the<br />

A thlet ic Council. Dot i" I:oin/: to<br />

Western next vcar 10 enter social<br />

wo rk training. "<br />

Helen Bo"wn- A livelv la"" who not<br />

onl y loves horses "" ut ritle s them<br />

wl'11also. Xumcrous vocations beck­<br />

011 to her hut "Hossv" is not ma ki ng"<br />

u p her min d yet . "thoug-h occ upa ­<br />

tional therapy svvms to ht~ tilt' best.<br />

Eleanor Cbudeik-c-This blonde proH'"<br />

that bcautv and bra ins mi x. " EI"<br />

plans to study Art and A rchaeology<br />

at L', of T ,<br />

l-.abt°l :\IcXab---..\ quiet I;"irl who has her<br />

own interpreta tion of everything.<br />

Has decided on ;" Iodl'rn Languages<br />

at Yic plus a Bu"ine"" Course later.<br />

S neja :\ Iatoff-"~fl('j" is contemplating<br />

a n Arts course at L'ni ver-itv College-c-later<br />

joumalism at Coiumbia.<br />

Ent husiastic about summer counselling<br />

and athletics.<br />

l n-m- Goldma n- :\Iodl"rll lanl:uag-n at<br />

C , of T . appeal to " Rt'l1 it'''-hopl'''<br />

to ht.0 an interpreter someday. Tbo-c<br />

beautiful sweaters "ht' ' Hoa r" are<br />

produ ct" of her own talent.<br />

~ I ar~' \\ "{·jr-Our ,, It-l'P~' time g-al-ha~<br />

the ~r {'a te "t difficulty in k{'1;'p iul:<br />

those eyelids open during- morn ingperiods.<br />

~ r a i n ambition is to g-l'I her<br />

~'l1i f)r :\Ialric and then ma vb.., nursin<br />

g" will take her into it" rank,; .<br />

Anm- Comiort-50 '.. blonde Girl,' Club<br />

!{l'I', Plans to ente r A rt~ course at<br />

Univer-itv College next war. Her<br />

);:'r..'a t int~'n·"t in dramatics absorbs<br />

1110'" o i her ..pa re time.<br />

~h ir [ ...y Ik ll- F ulI-Io\'ing- Shi rl ma nal:"'"<br />

1Ia"..'1" 1I O il the At hl..-tic Council.<br />

Fu ture i" undecidt-d hut "hl' is con ­<br />

..icll'r illg" \\\·"tl'TIl for ~l od"' TIl La n­<br />

j.,'Ual:t'".<br />

DO Tl' a ~ Carll·,,- A ill'r leaving j arvis. "Ill'<br />

is g-oing" 10 wa ste a wonderful Spanish<br />

accent on -ix and l'ig-ht yl'ar old"<br />

- yq ), a not her "school mann", Favourit.."<br />

pa~t inlt''' includ.. pla\'ing- Ihl '<br />

ha rmonica and collectin g old coin..,<br />

Barbara Smvthe-c-A student with out­<br />

...tanding-" scholastic abifity-c-she copped<br />

the oral F rench prize, Barb<br />

will probably goo into :\ Iod~rn" at<br />

Varsity next year,

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