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Infertility<br />

772<br />

Happy News<br />

25,80<br />

HAPPY NEWS is used for the treatment of infertility due to a depletion of Jing, blood and Kidney Qi.<br />

This herbal remedy reinforces the postnatal source of the JING, nourishes the blood, consolidates the<br />

Kidney Qi and fills the Chong and Ren channels. HAPPY NEWS protects and nourishes the foetus and<br />

can be taken together with HOLDING THE ESSENCE to prevent miscarriage and YIN ROOT or SAN<br />

BAO TEA to nourish even thoroughly the kidney essence. This herbal remedy should no be used in case<br />

of damp heat or cold accumulation in the lower jiao.<br />

The patient should stay away from microwaves, deep frozen food, junk food, smoking, coffee and cold<br />

food.<br />

Damp Heat - Lower Burner - Zhong Liu<br />

711<br />

Water Separation<br />

25,80<br />

Water Separation is used to drains secondary damp heat from the lower burner. This herbal remedy<br />

tonifies the spleen qi, transforms the dampness, opens the elimination channels and promotes<br />

diuresis, clears damp heat and toxins from the lower jiao, Jue Yin (liver and blood layer) and calm the<br />

mind. Water separation can be used with many other damp heat draining medicines like: Cold<br />

Stream in case of secondary bladder infection, Red and Big Pearl for the treatment of prostatitis,<br />

Cold and Hot Damp Belt to treat white/yellowish leucorrhea.<br />

This Herbal remedy should not be used in case of yin deficiency with empty heat and dysuria.<br />

The average dosage should be between 3 x 3 until 6 Tablets a day . In acute situation it is possible to<br />

increase the dosage up to 3 x 10 tablets. It is also good to take this herbal remedy together with some<br />

solidago virgaurea herba - goldenrods tea. The combination will promotes the elimination of<br />

damp heat from the lower burner .<br />

It is important that the patient refrains from sugar, sweet and cold food, fried and greasy food, sea<br />

food, hot spices, garlic, onion, leek, alcool, vinegar, cheese and animal proteins. Water Separation<br />

Veganism - Vegetarian - Side Effects<br />

954<br />

Red Gate<br />

25,80<br />

Red Gate has been created for vegetarien and specially veganer people. This herbal composition<br />

boost the spleen qi, harmonises spleen and stomach, nourishes the blood, promotes the blood<br />

circulation in the upper part of the body and specially the brain, transforms internal dampness<br />

andeliminates food stagnation. This is an excellent remedy for cold constitution because of the wrong<br />

diet and can be taken over a long period of time. The patient should take 3 x 4 til 6 tablets a day during<br />

at least 120 days. It is also good to take this formula with some ginger tea during the winter time.<br />

The patient should refrain from deep frozen, microwaves, cold food and drinks and specially salad,<br />

fruits, fruit juices, sugar, reduce the intake of carbohydrates, coffee, black tea, green tea and<br />

pepperminttea.<br />

Red Gate can be also taken with Yang Root und Warming the Root (Yang deficiency), Secret<br />

Power ( SexVeganism - Side Effectsual weakness) Rinchen Tee (Yang and Qi deficiency), Sea of Qi<br />

(Hypotension), Life Energie (Qi deficiency, internal damp and blood deficiency), Quick Belly<br />

Movement (Food stagnation), Regeneration (Qi, Yin, Yang, Blood deficiency), Great Harmony<br />

(Qi deficiency and internal damp), Iron Drops (Great Blood deficiency) many other formulas could<br />

be also added to the treatment. The major idea is to stay away from bitter and cold herbs.<br />

This medecine do not replace a proper diet , with cooked food, proteins, spices and aromatic herbs.<br />

Despite all the medical efforts. it is sometimes necessary to add some animal products to improve the<br />

energy and the blood quality.<br />

Medical soups with chicken (blood, jing), beef (qi), mutton (yang) can improve greatly the energy and<br />

counter balance the side effect of a cold diet over a long period of time.

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