Pegasus Post: March 19, 2019

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TUESDAY, MARCH <strong>19</strong>, 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

How the east<br />

is preparing for<br />

emergencies<br />

Page 7 Page 8<br />

Rebuilding<br />

churches in<br />

Richmond<br />

Shirley kids get breakfast from a champion<br />

SERVED: Jorja Shearman, 10, was served the 30 millionth KickStart Breakfast by champion shot putter Tom Walsh.<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

TOM WALSH may not have<br />

been the champion shot putter<br />

he is today if he hadn’t eaten<br />

breakfast.<br />

Shirley Primary School pupils<br />

were delighted last week when<br />

Walsh served them up Weet-Bix<br />

as part of the KickStart Breakfast<br />

programme, which has served 30<br />

million breakfasts over the last<br />

10 years to Kiwi kids.<br />

Jorja Shearman, 10, was the<br />

lucky pupil to revive the 30 millionth.<br />

The school has been part of the<br />

programme since 2015 and was<br />

the only school to have Walsh<br />

make a special visit.<br />

Deputy principal Jo Meyrick<br />

said the pupils didn’t know how<br />

to react when Walsh greeted<br />

them at the breakfast counter.<br />

“They were super excited. I<br />

think they didn’t really know<br />

what to expect.”<br />

•Turn to page 4<br />

2SURF<br />

CITY<br />

CITY<br />

on this<br />

2<br />

with Les Mills<br />

weekend<br />

2SURF<br />

sunday 24 <strong>March</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

city2surf.co.nz<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

with Les Mills<br />

Pier cash<br />

should go<br />

back to<br />

the east<br />

CALLS HAVE been made to<br />

make the $2 million saved on<br />

the New Brighton Pier repairs<br />

available for other projects in the<br />

east.<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board chairwoman Kim Money<br />

has asked the city council to<br />

consider it.<br />

Ms Money<br />

was told by the<br />

city council the<br />

$2 million had<br />

gone back into its<br />

capital delivery<br />

programme<br />

for the 2018/<strong>19</strong><br />

financial year.<br />

Kim Money<br />

The repairs to all 17 of the pier’s<br />

support columns were completed<br />

for $7.84 million, rather than<br />

the $9.88 million originally<br />

budgeted, a new report shows.<br />

Coastal Ward city<br />

councillor David East said<br />

the savings within the capital<br />

programme could not go towards<br />

other projects.<br />

However, Ms Money said<br />

the city council should<br />

reconsider its stance, starting<br />

with the $2 million saved from<br />

the pier repairs.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Poto WILLIAMS<br />

MP for Christchurch East<br />

For information and advice:<br />

P 03 382 0288<br />

E poto.williams.mp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Electorate office: 133 Brighton Mall<br />

PO Box 18898<br />

New Brighton 8641<br />

Office Hours<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

9:30 - 3:00pm<br />

Authorised by Poto Williams, Parliament Buildings, Wellington<br />

Cnr Keyes & Bowhill Rd<br />

North New Brighton<br />

Ph: 382 0867<br />

Email: info@framencopy.co.nz<br />

www.framencopy.co.nz<br />

Design & Print<br />

Business Cards<br />

Flyers<br />

Photocopying<br />

Typing<br />

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Signage<br />

Picture Framing<br />

and so much more…….<br />


2 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

get in touch<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

THOUSANDS OF people will be<br />

pounding the pavements and roads at the<br />

annual City2Surf on Sunday.<br />

It’s Christchurch’s iconic event, which<br />

The Star has put on for decades.<br />

This year it will be the 45th time the<br />

event has been held. It used to go from the Square out to<br />

QE II, but a certain event on February 22, 2011, changed all of<br />

that. It now goes from Centennial Park and Hansen Park to<br />

Ferrymead.<br />

Each year there is a buzz as thousands gather in the parks<br />

for the challenge that lies ahead – whether it be going as fast<br />

as you can, or simply completing the journey for personal<br />

satisfaction.<br />

On page 11 today, we talk to some of the people taking part.<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

news<br />

Saying goodbye to Linwood College<br />

Events are planned for April 5 and 6 to farewell the school’s<br />

buildings.<br />

Page 8<br />

city2surf<br />

Are you up for it?<br />

We talk to some of the people taking up the challenge at the<br />

45th Star Media City2Surf on Sunday.<br />

Page 11<br />

community events<br />


Adult Literacy Upskilling Course<br />

Visit the Aranui Library on Friday, 9.30am-noon for this free<br />

course on reading, writing, maths and computer skills.<br />

NEWS<br />

Matt Slaughter<br />

Ph: 021 910 788<br />

matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Elaine Moon<br />

Ph: 364 7436<br />

elaine.moon@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 15<br />

The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />

15,657 homes every Tuesday<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />

Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />

Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton.<br />

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Buy a main meal & get another<br />

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Tuesday quiz nights<br />

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Sky Sports<br />

Courtesy van<br />


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Wigram - 341 1226 104 Hayton Rd<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Celebrating Brighton’s surfing culture<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

SURFING HAS taken New<br />

Brighton by storm for another<br />

year.<br />

The Duke Festival of Surfing<br />

saw up-and-coming and<br />

established surfers and artists hit<br />

the waves and their canvases to<br />

celebrate the sport.<br />

Organiser<br />

Warren Hawke<br />

said the festival,<br />

which was in<br />

its fourth year, was<br />

Warren<br />

in recognition of<br />

New Brighton’s<br />

rich history of the<br />

Hawke<br />

surfing culture that had shaped<br />

its character for over a century.<br />

The week was headlined by<br />

The Duke Surfing Competition<br />

on Friday, Saturday and Sunday<br />

– an open entry event, which<br />

saw surfers of moderate and<br />

high skill levels compete.<br />

The next generation of surfers<br />

also had a chance to show off<br />

their skills, with pupils from<br />

South New Brighton School,<br />

Rāwhiti School, New Brighton<br />

Catholic School and Haeata<br />

Community Campus receiving a<br />

free lesson.<br />

This was followed by a<br />

surfing and beach themed art<br />

exhibition curated by New<br />

SURFS UP: Free lessons were given to South New Brighton School pupils as part of the Duke<br />

Festival.<br />

Brighton artist Josh O’Rourke,<br />

featuring pieces by <strong>19</strong> artists<br />

from New Brighton and abroad.<br />

Open-air screenings of An<br />

Endless Summer and Finding<br />

Nemo inspired viewers to get<br />

into the waves and a concert<br />

later in the week brought surf<br />

rock to audience members.<br />

The festival is inspired by<br />

great Hawaiian surfer Duke<br />

Kahanamoku, who visited New<br />

Brighton in <strong>19</strong>15 to surf.<br />

Mr Hawke said a statue of the<br />

Duke, who was widely regarded<br />

as the father of surfing, was<br />

unveiled 100 years later after his<br />

visit beside the New Brighton<br />

Pier. The Duke Festival of<br />

Surfing began in 2016.<br />

He said the Duke “had this<br />

creed of aloha, which was to<br />

treat people with respect and<br />

love and it will be returned . . .<br />

that’s the message behind the<br />

Duke that we’re still promoting<br />

today.”<br />

Mr Hawke said the message<br />

had been embodied throughout<br />

the week.<br />

LEGEND: Duke Kahanamoku<br />

rode a wooden surfboard at<br />

New Brighton beach in <strong>19</strong>15.<br />

Recognise<br />

a community<br />

volunteer<br />

Community Service Awards<br />

nominations open now<br />

until 12 April 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Apply at<br />

ccc.govt.nz/csa<br />

Big Bargain<br />

Book<br />

Sale<br />

Friday 22 <strong>March</strong><br />

9am–7pm<br />

Saturday 23 <strong>March</strong><br />

9am–4pm<br />

Pioneer Recreation<br />

and Sport Centre<br />

75 Lyttelton Street<br />


4 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


News<br />

McMaster & Heap<br />

Veterinary practice<br />


Meet “Lucy”, a courageous 3 year old Staffy<br />

cross who in the past 6 weeks has overcome<br />

many hurdles, but still has a wee way to go.<br />

I first met Lucy at the end of January as a<br />

second opinion. She had been intermittently<br />

unwell for the past month with swallowing<br />

difficulties, coughing, lethargy , pain and<br />

intermittent extremely high temperatures. A<br />

weird clinical picture. She had short courses<br />

of antibiotics and anti inflamatories but still<br />

appeared painful and lethargic and was<br />

deteriorating.<br />

When I first met Lucy, her painfulness struck<br />

me first. I see many uncomfortable patients,<br />

but Lucy was different. She never verbalized<br />

her pain but she was<br />

incredibly tucked up in<br />

the abdomen, walking<br />

slowly and stilted and her<br />

face wore all the pain. She<br />

was brave and lovely to<br />

treat but it was horrible<br />

for me to see her in that<br />

much pain. She was<br />

admitted for a full blood<br />

work up, sufficient pain<br />

medications, intravenous<br />

fluids and xrays..<br />

We got no conclusive<br />

results back from Day 1.<br />

On paper she appeared<br />

healthy but she clearly<br />

wasn’t. Next step was an<br />

ultrasound with Catherine.<br />

Large abdominal lymph nodes measuring up<br />

to 7 cm long were seen dotted throughout.<br />

Catherine wasn’t sure if we may have a<br />

migrating foreign body so it was decided to<br />

open Lucy up. Again no conclusive results<br />

after her exploratory. Kirsty biopsied her<br />

enlarged lymph nodes as a cancerous process<br />

was a possibility. Again we drew blanks as the<br />

lymph node pathology was normal.<br />

Despite our best diagnostic efforts to<br />

find a cause for her unexplained pain and<br />

lethargy, we just had no answers. We were<br />

unsuccessfully managing her pain despite<br />

a myriad of treatment medications. It was<br />

worrying and what was worse was that Lucy<br />

was getting weaker in her hindquarters,<br />

struggling to walk or support her weight.<br />

A contrast CT scan At Pacific Radiology<br />

under sedation was the next diagnostic<br />

tool employed. I was very worried about<br />

spinal cord compression or other diseases<br />

affecting the disc spaces and vertebral bodies.<br />

Interesting findings were seen. Lucy had<br />

large granulomatous masses underneath<br />

a few lumbar vertebrae no doubt causing<br />

compression on her spinal cord, a contributor<br />

to her paralysis. Her vertebral bodies also<br />

looked diseased. Many huge intra-abdominal<br />

lymph nodes were also seen. The scanner<br />

likened it to findings you would see with<br />

Tuberculosis in a person. We also weren’t<br />

expecting her to develop a large pus filled<br />

abscess over her lumbar back that required<br />

surgical draining.<br />

Interestingly Lucy had killed 2 possums a few<br />

months back but after specialized diagnostic<br />

testing for TB on<br />

tissue samples<br />

taken we came up<br />

with blanks. Also<br />

TB hasn’t yet been<br />

isolated in possums<br />

in the Canterbury<br />

area although we<br />

did have her on<br />

TB medication for<br />

several weeks.<br />

As you can see this<br />

case is still providing<br />

challenges for us.<br />

Lucy has since<br />

had more surgery,<br />

ultrasounds, blood<br />

testing and referral<br />

consultations with specialists to try to get a<br />

handle on what caused her pain, CT findings<br />

and paralysis. Our best guess is an inhaled,<br />

migratory Foreign body like a grass seed, that<br />

traveled to beneath her spine somehow. No<br />

other disease process has been found.<br />

The UP side to this story is how Lucy<br />

is handling her immobility and all the<br />

medications she has to consume 2-3 times<br />

daily. She is a terrific dog that has just adapted<br />

to life without walking. She has a ravenous<br />

appetite, appears pain free and happier now<br />

and even wags her tail and twitches and<br />

withdraws her hindlegs. Her improvement is<br />

slow but I guess any disease involving spinal<br />

cord injury takes time to heal. She hasn’t given<br />

up and her dedicated owner hasn’t given up<br />

hope either. Margaret has changed her whole<br />

life this past month to give Lucy the chance to<br />

recover – working from home, learning how<br />

to drain a urinary catheter, managing her care<br />

in terms of massage, reiki, getting her into a<br />

wheelchair – not an easy task when you are<br />

dealing with a 30 kg dog! Amazingly Margaret<br />

has managed all her care from home, which<br />

is better than caged hospital care for Lucy at<br />

this stage.<br />

We all love Lucy at the clinic. We often do<br />

our clinical exams and treatments from the<br />

boot of Margarets car to avoid tiring Lucy.<br />

Our nurses have been patient and gentle to<br />

Lucy and Lucy responds positively to us. We<br />

are ALL hoping and praying for a full recovery.<br />

Follow us on FB to see Lucy’s progress.<br />

Dr Michele McMaster<br />

Walsh gets pupils<br />

off to a good start<br />

•From page 1<br />

Mrs Meyrick said<br />

Walsh joined pupils at the<br />

breakfast table and talked<br />

about what he ate for<br />

breakfast.<br />

She said the pupils were<br />

left with full tummies and<br />

a spark of inspiration.<br />

“I actually think the kids<br />

have really taken on board<br />

that breakfast is really,<br />

really important and, if<br />

you’re a sporting type, it’s a<br />

cool thing to do.<br />

“It makes us feel better as<br />

people and achieve what we<br />

can achieve each day.”<br />

Said Walsh said: “It’s<br />

awesome to see the positive<br />

effect that a healthy,<br />

nutritious meal can have<br />

on the kids performance<br />

both in the classroom and<br />

also in their daily lives.<br />

It’s so important to start<br />

the day with a healthy<br />

breakfast in order to fuel<br />


Julliana Kolio,<br />

Alex Krakowiak,<br />

deputy<br />

principal Jo<br />

Meyrick, Ari<br />

Mckenzie,<br />

Pietro Moses,<br />

Noah<br />

Keepa-<br />

Tauamiti,<br />

Ashley<br />

Masters, Jorja<br />

Shearman,<br />

Jahvani<br />

Sila-Ki, and<br />

Devon Myall<br />

with Tom<br />

Walsh,<br />

the body and mind for the<br />

day ahead.”<br />

KickStart Breakfast is<br />

a joint initiative between<br />

Fonterra, Sanitarium and<br />

the Ministry of Social<br />

Development which aims<br />

to ensure pupils get a<br />

healthy start to the day.<br />

Volunteers help run 1000<br />

breakfast clubs in schools<br />

across New Zealand,<br />

serving more than 30,000<br />

children each week.<br />


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McMaster & Heap<br />

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Phone: 03 388 3630<br />

40 Hawke St (behind Z Petrol Station)

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 5<br />

News<br />

Pier savings should stay east<br />

•From page 1<br />

“It’s just making sure that what<br />

is in the ward can stay in the<br />

ward and we get the best bang<br />

for our buck,” she said.<br />

Burwood Ward city councillor<br />

Glenn Livingstone said though<br />

it was rare for the city council<br />

to put savings from completed<br />

projects towards others in the<br />

same area, this had happened in<br />

the past.<br />

“I managed to get the QE II<br />

land sale money from the Ministry<br />

of Education to come back to<br />

QE II for the master plan work,”<br />

Cr Livingstone said.<br />

“I would like the savings to go<br />

back into other projects in the<br />

Burwood Ward, such as roading.<br />

Whether it can be is another<br />

question.”<br />

Cr East agreed with Cr<br />

Livingstone, saying he would<br />

support the city council making<br />

these funds available, it wasn’t<br />

necessarily that easy.<br />

“It’s a notion that I’d like to<br />

support entirely, but I’ve got to<br />

be cognizant of the fact that we<br />

READY: The New Brighton Pier repairs came in 2 million under budget at $7.84 million.<br />

run budgets for programmes<br />


and we have to think big picture<br />

about which programmes have were a number of projects still to the New Brighton area for years. •HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you<br />

gone over budget and where the be completed in New Brighton Why couldn’t that funding go think the $2 million savings<br />

money will come from for the that could benefit from the extra towards the completion of New should go back to projects in<br />

over-run.”<br />

funding.<br />

Brighton Rd, which has been the east? Email your views to<br />

Paper Plus New Brighton “There’s tonnes of other stuff put off for a few more years?” he Matt.Slaughter@starmedia.<br />

Owner Blair Hughs said there that has been underfunded in said.<br />

kiwi<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


The repair of the damaged<br />

driveway and car park in Travis<br />

Wetland Nature Heritage Park<br />

is planned for completion mid-<br />

May. The project is currently in<br />

the design and cost estimating<br />

stage. Another project to fix the<br />

boardwalk and paths prone to<br />

flooding is in the early design<br />

phase and is scheduled to be<br />

completed next year.<br />


Photography students from<br />

Canterbury University’s Ilam<br />

School of Fine Arts will work<br />

with the Woolston community<br />

to document the area this year in<br />

conjunction with the city council.<br />

Students are in the early stages of<br />

planning for the project, which<br />

will be exhibited in November.<br />


Regenerate Christchurch has<br />

sent the draft Ōtākaro Avon<br />

River Corridor plan to Greater<br />

Christchurch Regeneration<br />

Minister Megan Woods for<br />

approval. The plan provides a<br />

vision for the 602ha red zone<br />

and has previously included a<br />

proposed 11km green spine that<br />

would connect the central city<br />

to New Brighton. However, it<br />

will not be publicly released until<br />

it has been considered by Dr<br />

Woods.<br />

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6 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


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Thursday 8am – 5pm<br />

Friday 8am – 4.30pm<br />

302 Travis Road, North New Brighton, Christchurch | P: 03 388 5187 | E: qe2collisionrepairs@outlook.com

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 7<br />

News<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

The east prepares for emergencies<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

The Save Our Suburbs<br />

Expo brought residents<br />

in the east together with<br />

emergency services<br />

and community groups<br />

for discussions on<br />

how they could work<br />

together to keep the<br />

community safe. Matt<br />

Slaughter reports on the<br />

key advice given<br />

EMERGENCY services and<br />

community groups in the east<br />

say residents need to work<br />

together to keep safe.<br />

This was<br />

the message<br />

that came out<br />

of the Save<br />

Our Suburbs<br />

Community<br />

Safety Expo on<br />

<strong>March</strong> 9 held<br />

Darlene<br />

Herd<br />

at the former<br />

central New<br />

Brighton School<br />

site.<br />

Emergency services, Civil Defence,<br />

neighbourhood support,<br />

mental health professionals,<br />

insurance, security, technology<br />

experts, city council and Age<br />

Concern representatives all came<br />

together.<br />

About 120 people, mostly from<br />

the eastern suburbs, attended the<br />

event which was organised by<br />

North New Brighton residents<br />

Darlene and Jeremy Herd and<br />

South New Brighton resident<br />

Soozie Bragg.<br />

Houses and roading in the east<br />

suffered major damage in the<br />

2010 and 2011 earthquakes and<br />

residents clogged roads when a<br />

tsunami warning forced them to<br />

evacuate after the 2016 Kaikoura<br />

earthquake.<br />

Mrs Herd said her home had<br />

been burgled on Boxing Day,<br />

which had inspired her to do<br />

something to make the east safer.<br />

She said the collective message<br />

delivered by all of the organisations<br />

was the importance of residents<br />

knowing their neighbours<br />

and the tools available to keep<br />

themselves and others safe from<br />

crime and natural threats out of<br />

their control.<br />

“After you get burgled or have<br />

a tragedy, it forces you to think<br />

about these things,” she said.<br />

“The core message was to take<br />

some personal responsibility for<br />

your own safety and see what<br />

you can do as a person and also<br />

a member of the community to<br />

make some changes.”<br />

Constable Nathan Wilson said<br />

the first piece of advice was how<br />

people could protect themselves<br />

against crime before it occurred.<br />

“We were targeting on burglaries<br />

and ensuring everything’s all<br />

locked and secure all of the time.<br />

It’s even getting to the point<br />

where during the day if you’re<br />

going out to the back of your<br />

property to do some gardening,<br />

make sure that your front door is<br />

all locked. With alarms, if you’ve<br />

got them, make sure they’re<br />

being used. A big one is getting<br />

to know your neighbours . . . If<br />

you’re going away, touch base<br />

with your neighbours and let<br />

them know.”<br />

Constable Wilson said the<br />

best ways to help police when<br />

crime did occur was the next big<br />

topic of conversation. If people<br />

felt they were not in immediate<br />

danger, it was still important to<br />

report any suspicious behaviour,<br />

he said.<br />

“When people don’t report<br />

things, we don’t know about it<br />

and we can’t get out there to try<br />

and prevent it from happening.”<br />

City council head<br />

of Civil Defence and<br />

emergency management<br />

Rob Orchard said<br />

information was given on<br />

how people could prepare<br />

themselves for disasters,<br />

particularly tsunamis,<br />

which had posed a risk to<br />

the beach suburbs in the east in<br />

the past.<br />

“On display were the current<br />

tsunami evacuation zones . . .<br />

and where they could find the<br />

tsunami evacuation zones.”<br />

Bruce Irvine<br />

“Emergencies can be anything<br />

from not being able to get home,<br />

to the impacts of natural hazards<br />

like earthquakes, storms, or<br />

tsunamis. It’s really important<br />

that we get prepared for such<br />

disruptions.”<br />

Fire and Emergency New<br />

Zealand senior fire<br />

risk manager Bruce<br />

Irvine said fire posed an<br />

extreme risk along the<br />

beach front.<br />

“Our topic of discussion<br />

was related to<br />

occupied properties and<br />

having an escape plan<br />

with an identified meeting<br />

place for when your smoke<br />

alarm activates.”<br />

Ensuring the safety of the high<br />

number of vacant and insecure<br />

houses in the east was also emphasised,<br />

Mr Irvine said.<br />

“A request has gone out to<br />

SAFE: The importance<br />

of residents in the<br />

east knowing their<br />

neighbours, reporting<br />

crime and preparing<br />

themselves for natural<br />

disasters, like the<br />

evacuations after the<br />

Kaikoura earthquake<br />

in 2016, was the<br />

key advice given by<br />

emergency services<br />

and community groups<br />

during the Save Our<br />

Suburbs Expo.<br />

property owners to secure their<br />

asset with improved fencing,<br />

other security measures<br />

including boarding of broken<br />

windows, along with managing<br />

the vegetation on the properties<br />

better to reduce the potential fire<br />

risk.”<br />

Mrs Herd said the Save Our<br />

Suburbs Expo was just one of the<br />

many steps needed to make the<br />

east. She said she was already<br />

in conversations about the<br />

possibility of the expo becoming<br />

an annual event.<br />

In February, the Ministry of<br />

Civil Defence and Emergency<br />

Management community<br />

resilience coordinators<br />

participated in the South<br />

Brighton preparedness day.<br />

They talked to residents about<br />

preparedness, in particular<br />

about tsunamis and emergency<br />

mobility alerts.<br />

26x BULK BINS<br />


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8<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

News<br />

Disc golf<br />

could be<br />

made<br />

permanent<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

THE DISC golf course at<br />

Queenspark Reserve could become<br />

a permanent feature.<br />

The Parklands Residents<br />

Association has asked the<br />

city council to take over the<br />

ownership and maintenance of the<br />

course.<br />

Chairman David Baines said this<br />

was the only way the course could<br />

stay in the park.<br />

City council community parks<br />

manager Al Hardy said it has been<br />

trialling the disc golf course in<br />

Queenspark for the last year<br />

and the trial period was almost<br />

over.<br />

But Mr Baines said the<br />

association could not afford the cost<br />

of maintaining and looking after<br />

the course.<br />

The association and Parklands<br />

residents raised $10,000 for the<br />

equipment needed to make a<br />

nine-hole course in February last<br />

year.<br />

Mr Baines said the course had<br />

become a huge attraction, which<br />

was used by a large number<br />

of residents and visitors to<br />

Queenspark Reserve.<br />

“We’ve observed that there are<br />

quite a few family groups that use it<br />

and there’s also a weekly visit by the<br />

local disc golf club, who see it as a<br />

unique course.”<br />

Mr Hardy said the Parklands<br />

Residents Association met with<br />

the Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board governance team last month<br />

to discuss making the course a<br />

permanent feature.<br />

City council staff had since been<br />

in contact with the association,<br />

asking for the information required<br />

to support this request, he said.<br />

“We are now waiting for the<br />

association to submit information<br />

requested by the city council<br />

to support their request for a<br />

permanent course.”<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Church rebuild gets under way<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

A CHURCH is being rebuilt in<br />

Richmond.<br />

North Avon Baptist Church<br />

was damaged beyond repair<br />

in the February 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake.<br />

The new church will be a<br />

shared space between the North<br />

Avon Baptist Church and the<br />

Delta Community Support<br />

Trust.<br />

Delta’s old building on North<br />

Avon Rd will be demolished and<br />

replaced with a new church for<br />

Crossway Community Church.<br />

The work is part of a $5.8<br />

million project to develop a<br />

large-scale spiritual facility,<br />

which will stretch from 99 to 105<br />

North Avon Rd and be used for<br />

both worship and community<br />

activities.<br />

North Avon Baptist Church<br />

treasurer Tim Weir said this<br />

was so the three communityfocused<br />

organisations could<br />

work together and improve the<br />

way they served the Richmond<br />

community.<br />

“We decided that due to the<br />

age of the buildings and the<br />

number of repairs required<br />

A CELEBRATION is planned<br />

for April 5 and 6 to celebrate<br />

the past 65 years of educational<br />

history of Linwood College.<br />

In mid-20<strong>19</strong>, the school’s<br />

buildings will be demolished in<br />

preparation for a full rebuild on<br />

site.<br />

At $44 million the rebuild<br />

budget is one of the largest<br />

of any of the Ministry of<br />

Education’s rebuild programme<br />

since the February 22, 2011,<br />

earthquake.<br />

Students enrolled at the school<br />

will be relocated to old Avonside<br />

Girls’ High site for the full<br />

duration of the rebuild.<br />

When news of the rebuild was<br />

released, approaches were made<br />

to the school for an opportunity<br />

to celebrate its past.<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

that it was actually more cost<br />

effective to rebuild, but we<br />

couldn’t do that alone . . . We<br />

realised we could get a much<br />

better facility for the wider<br />

community if we worked<br />

together.”<br />

“It really is about providing the<br />

At the time it was built in<br />

<strong>19</strong>54, Linwood High was the<br />

first post-war co-educational<br />

school to open in the entire<br />

country.<br />

While the school looked more<br />

like a building site than an<br />

educational campus on opening<br />

day, the community soon<br />

proudly rallied around its new<br />

high school and ensured it had<br />

the resources equivalent to any<br />

existing school in the city.<br />

To mark the demolition<br />

of the buildings a ticketed<br />

Conversazione event is being<br />

hosted on April 5 and a free<br />

open day on April 6.<br />

The event will end with a<br />

farewell ceremony at 3pm. This<br />

event is open to anyone in the<br />

community to attend.<br />

best facilities for the whole community<br />

and also about church<br />

communities working together<br />

across denominations.”<br />

North Avon Baptist Church<br />

senior pastor Mary Allan said<br />

she and its members were excited<br />

to see work underway on the<br />

Past students from all over<br />

New Zealand and Australia<br />

have bought tickets to attend<br />

the farewell says the chair of the<br />

event’s organising committee<br />

Linda Rutland.<br />

“People have a real attachment<br />


Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

FRESH<br />

START: North<br />

Avon Baptist<br />

treasurer<br />

Tim Weir is<br />

pleased a<br />

project to<br />

rebuild the<br />

church on<br />

North Avon<br />

Rd is in full<br />

swing.<br />

project after years of challenges<br />

after the earthquakes.<br />

“I think people are happy and<br />

relieved and looking forward to<br />

a new future.”<br />

Work is on track for the entire<br />

project to be completed by late<br />

2020.<br />

Saying goodbye to Linwood College<br />


Events will be<br />

held on April 5<br />

and 6 before<br />

the demolition<br />

of Linwood<br />

College.<br />

to their old school with the<br />

original <strong>19</strong>54s remaining a very<br />

tight-knit group.”<br />

•Contact Linda Rutland<br />

on 021 239 8946 or linda.<br />

rutland@xtra.co.nz<br />

3 issues $20 • 6 issues $44.50 • 10 issues $65<br />

rugbynews.co.nz 0800 77 77 10

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 9

10 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


2<br />

A<br />

EVENT<br />


with Les Mills<br />

Sunday 24 <strong>March</strong><br />

#Areyouupforit?<br />

14km, 6km Community<br />

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on this sunday<br />

Entry $25 (children 10 and under free)<br />

Available online now from city2surf.co.nz or at these outlets

with Les Mills<br />

2SURF<br />

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 11<br />

Who’s taking part in the<br />

It’s the 45th anniversary<br />

of the Star Media<br />

City2Surf. Reporter<br />

Anan Zaki spoke to<br />

some of the participants<br />

aiming to be at the start<br />

line on Sunday<br />

Aaron Cooper, 43<br />

Mr Cooper is set to take part<br />

in his first City2Surf and will do<br />

the 14km race.<br />

“I just want to keep fit and test<br />

the legs on running the distance.”<br />

Mr Cooper plans to run a<br />

half marathon<br />

(21km) – which<br />

is on his bucket<br />

list – and<br />

believes this is a<br />

step towards the<br />

goal.<br />

“It’s the<br />

Aaron Cooper<br />

first time I’m<br />

running 14km.<br />

I’m a surfer,<br />

I’m not really a runner. I used<br />

to play rugby until I was 21 . .<br />

. and, yeah, it [running] is just<br />

something I’ve always wanted to<br />

do,” he said.<br />

Mr Cooper’s wife often takes<br />

part in multi-sport events but<br />

she will greet him at the finish<br />

line as the couple have two young<br />

children.<br />

“When she gets fit, we’ll<br />

definitely be doing other races as<br />

a team,” he said.<br />

David Clark,<br />

29<br />

Taking part in<br />

the 14km event,<br />

Mr Clark is<br />

looking for a new<br />

challenge. It will<br />

be his second<br />

David Clark time entering the<br />

City2Surf.<br />

“It’s just a wee challenge to just<br />

test myself for a bit of fitness,” he<br />

said.<br />

“[The first time] was good. I<br />

want to try something further, I<br />

did the 6km [last year] and want<br />

to try the 14km.”<br />

He has been training hard<br />

for the event and says he will be<br />

ready for the race on <strong>March</strong> 24.<br />

NEWBIE: Hailey McConchie will be running in her first<br />

City2Surf this year.<br />

“Currently I’m doing it myself<br />

but we’ll see if my partner does it.<br />

That will be just a wait and see.”<br />

Hailey McConchie, 25<br />

The mother of two used to be<br />

focus on body building, but since<br />

having her second child last year,<br />

she’s switched to running.<br />

It will be her first City2Surf.<br />

“I’ve never been a runner.<br />

People who tend to lift weight do<br />

not like cardio whatsoever,” Mrs<br />

McConchie said.<br />

To lose weight after pregnancy,<br />

she took up running. “I’ve lost a<br />

lot of my baby weight . . . I started<br />

an eight-week challenge and lost<br />

about 6kg,” she said.<br />

Getting into running was<br />

difficult.<br />

“At first it felt like a long time<br />

to get running, even that first<br />

kilometre. It felt like ages,” Mrs<br />

McConchie said.<br />

She will be taking part in the<br />

6km event. “Every time I see a<br />

race I just enrol myself and just<br />

build myself in it.”<br />

Mrs McConchie has heard<br />

great things about the City2Surf<br />

but couldn’t take part in it last<br />

year as she had just given birth to<br />

her second child a month before<br />

the event. “I’d like to keep my<br />

running up [this year]. It’s not<br />

something I really enjoy but once<br />

I find my rhythm 2-3km in, that’s<br />

when I can see why some people<br />

are addicted to running,” she<br />

said.<br />

Kelly Clements, 46<br />

Mrs Clements<br />

doesn’t live<br />

far from the<br />

start line near<br />

Centennial Park.<br />

She says the<br />

City2Surf is a<br />

good excuse to<br />

Kelly<br />

Clements<br />

not pay for a gym<br />

membership.<br />

“It’s just my<br />

one thing that makes me head<br />

out and train each year. It’s<br />

not too far being only 14km.<br />

Rather than paying for a gym<br />

membership, I sign up and it<br />

makes me run,” Mrs Clements<br />

said.<br />

This will be her fourth<br />

consecutive City2Surf. “A friend<br />

got me into running and it was<br />

that whole give it a go, it’s a<br />

reasonably flat course and lots of<br />

fun,” she said.<br />

Unfortunately her friend<br />

Learn<br />

has rolled her ankle and Mrs<br />

Clements will be running the<br />

event solo for the first time.<br />

“I’ll be on my own but that<br />

doesn’t matter because it’s so well<br />

set up you don’t really care, you<br />

just run.<br />

“I haven’t stopped [training]<br />

all year but I probably stepped<br />

up distances in the last six weeks.<br />

There might have been a few 5km<br />

runs but I stepped it up to a few<br />

10km.”<br />

Nory Lansing, 28<br />

Being a personal trainer,<br />

Ms Lansing has many friends<br />

and clients taking part in the<br />

City2Surf.<br />

“I’m a runner<br />

in general, I<br />

always like a<br />

challenge in a<br />

run. Living in<br />

Christchurch,<br />

it’s part of the<br />

routine here,”<br />

she said.<br />

It’s her second<br />

time doing the City2Surf. “<br />

It was good fun [last year]<br />

Computer Skills<br />

How to get involved in the<br />

City2Surf<br />

•Entry forms are available<br />

online, at Pak’n Save and<br />

New World supermarkets,<br />

and at The Athlete’s Foot<br />

Northlands and Riccarton<br />

•Standard entry can be<br />

purchased until <strong>March</strong><br />

24 for $25. Late entry on<br />

the day, <strong>March</strong> 24, will be<br />

$30. Children aged 10 and<br />

under are free<br />

Nory Lansing<br />

knowing so many runners in the<br />

field. It’s a challenging course<br />

but in saying that it’s just for<br />

yourself really, not so much a<br />

competition,” she said.<br />

“I do heaps of running with my<br />

clients so I think it’s motivating<br />

and encouraging to be on the<br />

course for them.<br />

I mention it every week<br />

in a [gym] newsletter and during<br />

my running sessions to sign<br />

up and do whatever they can,<br />

running or walking,” Ms Lansing<br />

said.<br />

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Kristyn Ferry and Simon<br />

Bradshaw<br />

Simon Bradshaw, 30<br />

Mr Bradshaw was<br />

convinced by his partner<br />

Kristyn Ferry to take part in<br />

the 14km event.<br />

“She did it last year and<br />

enjoyed it and this year she’s<br />

going to do it again. She said<br />

she’d like me to do it with her<br />

and I said why not.”<br />

“She’s doing it more for a<br />

social, keep fit aspect than it is for<br />

a competitive aspect. So I’ve got<br />

the same kind of idea to be doing<br />

it to keep fit and healthy rather<br />

than making the top 10,” he said.<br />

Mr Bradshaw trains most days.<br />

He has never entered a running<br />

event before.<br />

“I think I’ll be a bit nervous on<br />

the day [of the race]. Just nervous<br />

trying to get to the end,” Mr<br />

Bradshaw said.<br />

Seamus Tredinnick, 30<br />

Running in the 6km event, Mr<br />

Tredinnick, who is a keen sailor,<br />

will be returning<br />

to the event<br />

for the second<br />

consecutive year.<br />

“My wife [Emily]<br />

is a keen runner<br />

and has done a<br />

few marathons<br />

so she’ll be doing<br />

the 14km run,”<br />

he said.<br />

“Basically, at<br />

Seamus<br />

Tredinnick<br />

least if I sign up for an event, it<br />

gives me a bit of motivation to<br />

work towards to getting me out<br />

and running, which is probably a<br />

good thing,” Mr Tredinnick said.<br />

“When you’ve got a peg in<br />

the ground it’s easier to move<br />

towards that goal,” he said.<br />

Mr Tredinnick’s goal is to<br />

finish the event.<br />

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50 Hazeldean Road, Addington

12 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


The<br />

Mairehau<br />

Challenge<br />

Achievement<br />

Responsibility<br />

Empathy<br />

Way<br />

Encouraging<br />

excellence in our<br />

community<br />

20<strong>19</strong> Senior Executive Students<br />

Mairehau Games<br />

Ms Kyla Boocock and Year 13<br />

student Josh Schuurman<br />

Staff and students go crazy with<br />

their Waka colours<br />

Neave & Sabrina with Rachael Froggat<br />

CEO of Women in Sport Aotearoa,<br />

celebrating International Women’s Day<br />

Mairehau High School, Hills Road, Christchurch P. 385 3145 F. 385 3143 admin@mairehau.school.nz www.mairehau.school.nz

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 13<br />

This is who we are.. students and<br />

staff focusing on our C.A.R.E values<br />

An enjoyable start to 20<strong>19</strong><br />

We have had a busy and enjoyable start to 20<strong>19</strong>, with sailing<br />

lessons for our Year 11 Outdoor Education class, Mairehau<br />

Games, Get to Know You days with our new Year 9 students, and<br />

achievement presentations.<br />

Mairehau High School is prioritizing the key value of<br />

“Responsibility’ this year.<br />

First Foundation Scholarship<br />

We are extremely proud<br />

to announce that Year 13<br />

student and Head Boy<br />

Jesse Jeffries, is a recipient<br />

of the First Foundation<br />

Scholarship to the value of<br />

$12,000.00<br />

Jesse will be matched with<br />

a mentor, whose role is to<br />

assist students through the<br />

major transitions from High<br />

School to University and<br />

guide him through new<br />

experiences within the scholarship<br />

programme.<br />

Jesse Jeffries, recipient of the First<br />

Foundation Scholarship<br />

The scholarship also provides a Scholarship Partner or Work<br />

Experience Partner which will give Jesse a minimum four to five<br />

weeks paid work experience per year which will allow him to<br />

develop skills in a safe work environment and build new networks.<br />

Year 11, 12 & 13 students<br />

collecting for the SPCA<br />

A gift from our year 9’s<br />

As the tree grows, so do our students<br />

Spacifically Pacific Awards<br />

Recently Year 13 students Ene Suisala, Sebastian Anae-Ah Sue,<br />

Darrell Suaesi Faamau and Amelia Fonua were celebrated as<br />

Mairehau’s top Pasifika student leaders at the annual Spacifically<br />

Pacific Awards held by the Ministry of Education.<br />

The evening celebrated Pasifika students from all secondary<br />

schools across the city.<br />

Pacifika Students with Deputy Principal<br />

Ms Siobhan Murphy at awards<br />

Mairehau High School, Hills Road, Christchurch P. 385 3145 F. 385 3143 admin@mairehau.school.nz www.mairehau.school.nz

14<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Calling for exhibitors<br />

weddingshow<br />

Sunday 25th August, 20<strong>19</strong> Air Force Museum, Christchurch<br />

To exhibit at this fantastic show, please email mark.sinclair@starmedia.kiwi for more info.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 15<br />

Email matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi by<br />

5pm each Wednesday<br />

JP CLINIC at Shirley Library<br />

Tuesday, 10am-1pm<br />

A justice of the peace will<br />

be available to members of<br />

the community to witness<br />

signatures and documents,<br />

certify document copies, hear<br />

oaths, declarations, affidavits<br />

or affirmations as well as sign<br />

citizenship, sponsorship or<br />

rates rebates applications. No<br />

charge.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd<br />

SAYGo Steady As You Go<br />

Falls Prevention Exercise Class<br />

Tuesday, 10am<br />

This is a specially-designed<br />

class to help you not to fall. There<br />

will be a $2 koha entry. There is<br />

no booking fee required, those<br />

interested are invited to just turn<br />

up on the day and see what the<br />

class can do for them.<br />

Parklands Community Centre<br />

Ascot Sit and Be Fit<br />

Wednesday, 1-2pm and<br />

Thursday, 9.30am-10.30am<br />

Go along and complete a class,<br />

which lets you do a number of<br />

exercises without even leaving<br />

your chair. It costs $4 and you’ll<br />

get a cup of tea or coffee.<br />

Ascot Community Centre on<br />

Ascot Ave<br />

Wā Pēpi / Babytimes<br />

Tuesday, 11.15-11.45am,<br />

Wednesday and Thursday, 10.30-<br />

11am<br />

Go along with your little one<br />

for an interactive programme<br />

including music, movement,<br />

rhymes and a story.<br />

Aranui Library, Tuesday; New<br />

Brighton Library, Wednesday;<br />

Shirley Library Thursday<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Wednesday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />

Go along to the Scrabble<br />

Club. No obligation, just go<br />

along when you can and join the<br />

friendly group. All materials are<br />

supplied. No fee.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd<br />

Technology help drop-in<br />

sessions<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to a drop-in session<br />

for help with email, searching<br />

the internet, using the library<br />

catalogue, eBooks, and general<br />

computer queries.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd<br />

Cards Club<br />

Friday, 1.30–3.30pm<br />

This weekly club is on every<br />

The Adult Literacy Upskilling Course will be at Aranui Library on Friday from 9.30am<br />

until noon. Go along for this free course, which will assist with a variety of skills including<br />

reading, writing, maths and computer skills. This course can go towards NZQA unit<br />

standards.<br />

Friday, just go along and join the<br />

fun. Free, no bookings required.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd<br />

Shirley Library’s Culture<br />

Exchange<br />

Friday, 3.45-4.45pm<br />

Go along and make new<br />

friends, practice English and<br />

learn about New Zealand and<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd<br />

New Brighton Seaside Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />

Held at Brighton mall every<br />

Saturday, just across the road<br />

from the beach and the new<br />

children’s playground.<br />

New Brighton Pedestrian Mall<br />

Mahjong Group<br />

Saturday, 2-4pm<br />

Learn to play Mahjong at<br />

Shirley library. For beginners and<br />

advanced players alike. If you<br />

have your own set, please take<br />

it along, otherwise go along and<br />

join in a friendly game.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd<br />

Golden Oldies Movie<br />

Screening – Tycoon<br />

Monday, 1pm<br />

Go along and see this <strong>19</strong>47<br />

Romance starring John Wayne<br />

where an American engineer<br />

is hired by South American<br />

tycoon to bore a tunnel for a new<br />

railroad in the Andes Mountains.<br />

Viewing time is 2hr 9min. $2,<br />

arrive early for a cup of tea.<br />

New Brighton Museum, 8<br />

Hardy St<br />

The Monday Makers Club<br />

Monday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to weekly after school<br />

making sessions for kids! A range<br />

of activities varying in theme,<br />

week by week. Free of Charge, no<br />

booking required.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde<br />

Discover Christchurch’s<br />

best priced pet<br />

accommodation<br />

• Daycare - all breeds<br />

• Long stay/short stay<br />

Call now to<br />

book in your<br />

fur baby,<br />

inspections<br />

welcome<br />

anytime!<br />

aLameDa<br />

kenneLs & cattery<br />

271 Dyers Road | Ph 384 1297<br />

www.alameda.nz<br />

style<br />

noun<br />

elegance and sophistication.<br />

synonyms: flair, grace, poise,<br />

polish, suaveness, urbanity,<br />

chic, finesse, taste, class,<br />

comfort, luxury, affluence,<br />

wealth, opulence, lavishness.<br />



RiccaRton<br />

37 Main South Road<br />

massive<br />

shoe<br />

clearance<br />

now on<br />

18 th -29 th MaRch at ouR Main South Road clinic<br />

RedcliffS<br />

2 augusta Street<br />

MaRShlandS<br />

427 Marshland Road<br />

daRfield<br />

darfield Pharmacy<br />

Ph 348 7910 | www.feetfirst.co.nz<br />

now servicing<br />

oXfoRd<br />

Save up to $450.00<br />

on selected Mitsubishi Electric<br />

HyperCore high wall heat pumps. *<br />

Phone us now for a free quotation on 03 379 4832<br />

* Special valid for confirmed orders in <strong>March</strong> and April 20<strong>19</strong> or while stocks last<br />

* Terms and Conditions apply<br />


16<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Hip pain: Do I have arthritis or<br />

could it be mainly my muscles?<br />


The team at Physical Sense in Sydenham<br />

sees clients with a range of symptoms but<br />

many of their middle-aged and senior<br />

clients visit complaining of pain in one or<br />

both hips.<br />

Physiotherapist Ietje van Stolk suggests<br />

that a major part of the pain could be due<br />

to muscle pain rather than simply arthritis.<br />

“Even if an x-ray shows arthritis, the reason<br />

for the pain may be the muscles around<br />

the joint,” she explains. Alternatively, a<br />

back muscle could also be the cause, as<br />

shown in the image.<br />

Ietje recalls one case where an 89 year<br />

old client with severe arthritis who walked<br />

with a stick, told her, “I will end up in<br />

a wheelchair, I cannot put any weight<br />

through my right leg due to pain in my hip<br />

and buttock”. “Within 4 treatments, she<br />

was walking with her stick but without the<br />

severe pain,” says Ietje. “The arthritis was<br />

one of the factors that made her muscles<br />

spasm but the other was that older people<br />

move less and the flexed position the hip<br />

is in when we sit is particularly bad for<br />

the hip.” Ietje is happy with the fact that<br />

although the client was 89 and could have<br />

been “given up on” or told to live with the<br />

pain, she made a difference to her health<br />

Hip muscle that causes hip pain<br />

(the crosses are the areas of the muscle spasms, the red areas is where the pain is felt)<br />

and wellbeing.<br />

At Physical Sense, hands-on techniques<br />

(massage and triggerpoint deactivation<br />

techniques) are used to release the muscles.<br />

The client also gets a home exercise<br />

program designed to mobilize and stretch<br />

the hip, strengthen the important core<br />

muscles and increase general strength and<br />

balance. They teach a movement sequence<br />

that stretches the hip in all directions<br />

whilst the client is able to lie safely on their<br />

bed, perfect for older or less mobile clients.<br />

In many cases having the muscles<br />

released and being taught how to maintain<br />

it, is enough to stay on top of the problem.<br />

If severe arthritis is the underlying cause,<br />

some maintenance therapy may be<br />

necessary, but that is often more affordable<br />

and, for older patients, better tolerated than<br />

surgery. In very few treatments the client<br />

Back hip muscle that causes hip pain<br />

will know if it is going to work for them or<br />

not, without financial commitment.<br />

Physical Sense Gym & Physio is located<br />

at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham.<br />

There is a bus stop in front of the door<br />

and there is ample parking. To enquire<br />

about specialised exercise classes or<br />

physiotherapy treatment, phone 377-2577<br />

or visit www.triggerpoints.co.nz.<br />

Physical Sense Gym and Physio is located at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham. The Blue Line Bus stops in front of the door and there is ample<br />

parking. To enquire about specialised exercise classes or physiotherapy treatment, phone 377-2577 or visit www.triggerpoints.co.nz<br />

It’s our<br />

45th<br />

Anniversary<br />

year!<br />

#areyouupforit<br />

45th Anniversary<br />

Retro T-shirt<br />

available now<br />

Sunday 24th <strong>March</strong>, 20<strong>19</strong> www.city2surf.co.nz

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 17<br />


More health benefits<br />

with Advanced<br />

Omega-3-PC Fish Oil<br />

It is well known how important omega-3<br />

fatty acids are to good health. It is estimated<br />

most people don’t even get a third of the<br />

recommended omega-3 fatty acids on<br />

a weekly basis. Countries with a higher<br />

amounts of omega-3 in the diet are known<br />

to have lower cardiovascular disease and<br />

in many cases better overall health. Recent<br />

research has shown inflammation to be a<br />

big part of disease and the ageing process.<br />

Fish oil can help reduce inflammation by<br />

providing essential fatty acids required by<br />

the body to heal itself and maintain good<br />

health. Fish oil supplements have become<br />

hugely popular for this reason. Until now<br />

most fish oil only contained omega-3 fatty<br />

acids in triglyceride form. Fish however<br />

naturally contain omega-3 in<br />

triglyceride and phospholipid<br />

form but until recently the<br />

phospholipid form was lost due to<br />

the manufacturing process.<br />


3-PC sets new standards in<br />

fish oil as it contains omega-3<br />

attached to both triglycerides and<br />

phospholipids. Studies have shown<br />


be far better absorbed leading to<br />

increased levels of vital omega-3<br />

fatty acids in the organs thru giving<br />

the potential for more health benefits.<br />


produced from fresh wild deep sea cold<br />

water fish using a new advanced and more<br />

natural cold extraction process that better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile found<br />

in fish. It is manufactured to high GMP<br />

standards and is molecularly distilled to<br />

remove any containments, toxins and<br />

heavy metals like mercury.<br />

Further information on this<br />

revolutionary new fish oil and how it may<br />

benefit you is available from the Natural<br />

Health Advisers, at Marshall’s Health &<br />

Natural Therapy, 101 Seaview Road, New<br />

Brighton, Phone: 388-5757. We are always<br />

happy to help!<br />

Modern diet leads to illness!<br />

It’s not what you eat but what you absorb<br />

Two Australian Naturopaths Stephen<br />

and Shane noticed at the end of the 20th<br />

century more and more of their patients<br />

were experiencing gut, bowel and digestive<br />

issues that were often leading to more<br />

serious chronic health conditions. Being<br />

Naturopaths they wanted to find what was<br />

going wrong and began extensive research.<br />

What they found was although their clients<br />

were generally eating good food they were<br />

not obtaining all the nutrients required for<br />

good health from this food. Further research<br />

showed one of the main problems was the<br />

digestive system, “it’s not what you eat but<br />

what you absorb.” Another well-known<br />

problem is the soils the crops are grown in<br />

have been depleted of many trace elements<br />

and other nutrients that are known to be<br />

essential for good health and therefore the<br />

crops and food are also depleted. If we do<br />

not obtain all the nutrients we require the<br />

body will compensate to some degree but<br />

a lack of too many nutrients will eventually<br />

lead to health issues.<br />

Based on this they<br />

developed VITAL<br />

GREENS, now call<br />


ONE, a nutrient dense<br />

powdered formula<br />

that provides superior<br />

absorption as well<br />

as comprehensive<br />

nutrition. They<br />

decided on a<br />

powdered formula<br />

that could be made<br />

as a great tasting drink because liquid<br />

nutrition is the easiest way for the body<br />

to absorb nutrients especially if digestive<br />

issues are present. The formula provides<br />

78 vital ingredients that work together in<br />

synergy optimising each other’s absorption<br />

and benefits. Vital Greens contains a<br />

carefully balanced blend of nutritionally<br />

rich greens, vegetables, fruits, minerals,<br />

vitamins, essential fatty acids, plant and<br />

herbal extracts, superfoods, powerful<br />

antioxidants, probiotics, essential amino<br />

acids, digestive enzymes, fibre plus a<br />

uniquely alkalising pea protein. It provides<br />

superior nutrition to a multivitamin and<br />

just about anyone will benefit from it. It is<br />

designed to provide all the nutrients the<br />

body requires for good health. It is also ideal<br />

for those in poor health, those recovering<br />

from injury or sickness, children, athletes,<br />

poor eaters and the elderly. It is also suitable<br />

for people with dietary restrictions and is<br />

gluten, wheat and dairy free. VITAL ALL-<br />

IN-ONE will help remove toxic waste from<br />

the body while supporting all organs. You’ll<br />

often notice more energy and endurance,<br />

better sleep, a more positive mood,<br />

skin problems improving, less sickness,<br />

improved eyesight and overall better more<br />

optimum health.<br />

Further information and how to obtain<br />

the maximum benefits from VITAL ALL-<br />

IN-ONE as well as tastings is available<br />

from the Natural Health Advisers at<br />

Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy,<br />

101 Seaview Road, New Brighton, Phone:<br />

388-5757. We are always happy to help!<br />

NOT all FISH OIl IS CreaTed eQUal!<br />

ONLY GO OMEGA-PC retains the natural Phospholipids that have been shown to be so beneficial for Good<br />

Health BUT are lost in other brands of fish oil due to the less natural manufacturing processes used!<br />


Omega-3 fish oil normally contains the vital Omega-3 fatty acids in a triglyceride form. Fish however naturally<br />

contain Omega-3 in a triglyceride & phospholipid form but until recently the phospholipid form was lost due to the<br />

manufacturing process. GO OMEGA-PC is produced using a new more natural cold extraction process that better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile found in fish. Studies show GO OMEGA-PC offers superior absorption with<br />

increased omega-3 fatty acids in organs giving the potential for more health benefits.<br />


• Superior absorption of vital Omega-3, as<br />

shown in research<br />

• Advanced new cold extraction better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile<br />

found in fish<br />

• Naturally contains phospholipids to<br />

support cellular health<br />

• Contains vitamin D3 to support immune,<br />

bone & cardiovascular health<br />

• Supports cardiovascular health - Countries with<br />

a higher Omega-3 intake have much lower rates<br />

of heart disease<br />

• Supports blood circulation, healthy cholesterol &<br />

healthy blood pressure<br />

• Supports joint health, joint mobility & repair<br />

• Supports overall health & wellbeing<br />

• Natural anti-inflammatory - can help reduce pain<br />

Look for<br />

Omega/PC<br />

on the label<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />



200 Softgels ONLY $<strong>19</strong>.90 SAvE $16.00<br />

400 Softgels ONLY $38.90 SAvE $32.90<br />

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101 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />


Take the VITAL ALL-IN-ONE 12 day Challenge to Better Health!<br />

VITAL ALL-IN-ONE has been developed to provide superior nutritional<br />

support to your body. It is near impossible to obtain all the nutrients your<br />

body requires from a modern diet. VITAL ALL-IN-ONE contains 78 vital<br />

nutrients in a balanced & highly absorbable form to help you receive<br />

all the nutrients you require for optimum health. It consists of a blend<br />

of nutrient dense greens, fruits, herbs, superfoods, vitamins, minerals,<br />

antioxidants, prebiotics & 14 billion probiotics, essential fatty acids, fibre,<br />

digestive enzymes, plus a uniquely high alkalising pea protein.<br />

- Increased Energy & Endurance<br />

- Better Digestion & Assimilation of Nutrients<br />

- Optimised Immune Function<br />

- Reduced Brain Fog<br />

- More Balanced Blood Sugar<br />

- 78 Vital Nutrients to Support Optimal Health<br />

- Superior to a Multivitamin Tablet<br />

- Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan Friendly, Wheat Free<br />

- Gently Detoxifies, Cleanses & Energises Every Cell in Our Body<br />


Super Low Prices<br />

120g only $25.90, save $9.00<br />

300g only $54.90, save $20.10<br />

600g only $94.90, save $44.10<br />

1kg only $138.90, save $60.10<br />



Bringing You the Best<br />

in Natural Health!<br />



101 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />


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18 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


CARZ & VANZ<br />

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FOR YOU<br />

AA appraised Serviced presale Band expander fitted<br />

$2000<br />


*Terms and conditions apply<br />

2008 ToyoTa<br />

Vellfire 7 seaTer<br />

2400cc, 18'' alloys, air cond, reversing camera,<br />

power slide door, 89,705kms.<br />

$25,990<br />

JUST $170 PER WEEK<br />

2015 ToyoTa<br />

land Cruiser Prado TX l<br />

4WD, 7 seater, leather, diesel, 44,260kms, ABS,<br />

cruise control, 17" alloys, airbags, spotlights.<br />

$59,990<br />

JUST $384 PER WEEK<br />

SALE<br />

SALE<br />

SALE<br />

2011 nissan<br />

CaraVan long dX<br />

Very low 26,000kms, 2 litre petrol,<br />

manual, remote locking, twin sliders.<br />

Was $23,990 $22,990<br />

JUST $151 PER WEEK<br />

2012 nissan<br />

CaraVan nV350 dX<br />

2 litre petrol, low 58,000kms, auto,<br />

remote locking, twin sliders.<br />

Was $25,990 $24,990<br />

JUST $164 PER WEEK<br />

2011 ToyoTa<br />

HiaCe lWB dX<br />

<strong>19</strong>90cc, Auto, EFI, Digital Display,<br />

Alloys, Factory Tinted Windows,<br />

All Electrics, Facelift Model.<br />

$21,990<br />

Was $22,990<br />

JUST $145 PER WEEK<br />

2007 CHrysler 300C V6<br />

20" alloys, 4 door sedan, auto, power steering,<br />

central locking, remote locking .<br />

$12,990<br />

JUST $86 PER WEEK<br />

2006 nissan skyline 350 gT<br />

PreMiuM<br />

auto, 126,300km.<br />

$7,495 $38,990<br />

JUST $52 PER WEEK<br />

2010 suBaru WrX sTi 2.0<br />

STI 2.0 - 4WD, Manual, turbo, 18" alloys, airbags,<br />

central locking, push start, partial leather, EFI.<br />

JUST $251 PER WEEK<br />

2005 nissan fuga<br />

Matt & Magz Version Petrol, auto, 20" alloys,<br />

airbags, V6, MFS, dual exhausts, rear spoiler.<br />

$12,990<br />

JUST $76 PER WEEK<br />

SALE<br />

2011 ToyoTa aurion 3.5P Touring<br />

Auto, 2WD, 16" alloys, alarm, ABS, V6,<br />

central locking, air cond, remote locking.<br />

$10,990<br />

JUST $63 PER WEEK<br />

2009 nissan skyline 370gT<br />

2 door coupe, leather seats, 16” alloys,<br />

power seats, reversing camera.<br />

Was $<strong>19</strong>,990 $18,990<br />

JUST $126 PER WEEK<br />

2007 nissan fairlady Z TraCk<br />

ediTion Version sT<br />

3490cc, V6, 3 Door Coupe, Auto, Dual Exhausts.<br />

$16,990<br />

JUST $111 PER WEEK<br />

Electric & Hybrid Vehicles<br />

2004 nissan fairlady Z Version T<br />

3.5 litre, 17" alloys, black leather seats,<br />

rear spoiler, dual exhausts.<br />

$15,990<br />

JUST $107 PER WEEK<br />

SALE<br />

2 in stock!<br />

Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid EV<br />

2012 ToyoTa Prius l<br />

2013 ToyoTa aqua s<br />

2011 Honda fiT HyBrid<br />

2014 nissan leaf s eleCTriC<br />

5 door liftback, low kms, 1.8L hybrid, alloys, 1500cc, 5 door hatchback, 69,810kms, auto, 1300cc, hybrid, 5 door, 75,700km, auto, ABS, Electric, auto, factory tinted windows, push button<br />

black rear spoiler, auto, 43,990km. factory tinted windows, fog lights, digital display. air cond, alloys, cruise control, airbags.<br />

start, heated seats, reversing camera.<br />

Was $21,990 $18,990 $14,990 $12,990 $15,990<br />


HOURS: Mon – Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm, Sat 8.30am - 5pm, Sun 10am - 4pm<br />

* Finance quotes available. Terms & conditions apply. ON-ROAD COSTS are $350 for petrol vehicles and $495 for Diesel

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> <strong>19</strong><br />



(subject to credit criteria and a repayment term of 48 months)<br />

Trade in your old vehicle today<br />

• All trades welcome • Come in and price your trade<br />

4x4 Selection<br />

All Vehicles AA appraised<br />

All Vehicles Serviced<br />

All Vehicles Come with<br />

1 Year Warranty<br />

*T&Cs apply<br />

working<br />

for you<br />

SALE<br />

<strong>19</strong>95 ToyoTa LaNd Cruiser VX LTd<br />

4200cc, diesel, 4WD, 24 valve, turbo,<br />

automatic, sunroof, alloys.<br />

<strong>19</strong>98 ToyoTa LaNd Cruiser<br />

Prado TX<br />

4WD, 8 Seater, Reversing Camera, Sunroof!!<br />

$25,990 $14,990<br />

JUST $171 PER WEEK<br />

JUST $101 PER WEEK<br />

<strong>19</strong>96 ToyoTa HiLuX surf ssr-X Wide<br />

3000cc, diesel, 188,260km, factory tinted<br />

windows, spot lights, side steps.<br />

$15,990<br />

JUST $108 PER WEEK<br />

<strong>19</strong>96 NissaN TerraNo r3M-r<br />

2660cc, alloys, CD player, sun roof, nudge bar,<br />

factory tinted windows, low 133,000kms.<br />

Was $12,990 $11,990<br />

JUST $83 PER WEEK<br />

Come and view our massive selection of<br />

Commercial Vehicles in Stock!!<br />

2007 MiTsubisHi deLiCa d5 C2 G<br />

Power Package, 8 seater, auto, air cond, alloys,<br />

ABS, cruise control, rear spoiler.<br />

$14,990<br />

JUST $101 PER WEEK<br />

2008 ToyoTa HiaCe<br />

Matt and Magz edition, 3000cc diesel<br />

automatic 20" Alloy wheels.<br />

$21,990<br />

JUST $146 PER WEEK<br />

2010 ToyoTa HiaCe (reGius)<br />

LWb LoNG suPer GL<br />

2 litre petrol auto, reverse cam, ABS, air con.<br />

2010 ToyoTa HiaCe (reGius) LWb<br />

LoNG dX dieseL 4Wd<br />

3000cc, diesel,auto, 4WD, air cond, ABS, airbags.<br />

$24,990 $26,990<br />

JUST $164 PER WEEK<br />

JUST $107 PER WEEK<br />

SALE<br />

3 in stock!<br />

2011 ToyoTa ToyoaCe dieseL MaNuaL<br />

4000cc, Central Locking, Digital Display, New<br />

Battery and Tyres, Factory Tinted Windows.<br />

$18,990<br />

JUST $127 PER WEEK<br />

2009 NissaN aTLas<br />

2 litre petrol, manual, central locking,<br />

flat deck with drop sides.<br />

$16,990<br />

JUST $113 PER WEEK<br />

2008 ToyoTa HiaCe (reGius) LWb<br />

LoNG dX dieseL<br />

3000cc, diesel, auto, ABS, airbags, air cond.<br />

$18,990<br />

JUST $<strong>19</strong>0 PER WEEK<br />

2013 NissaN NV200 dX<br />

1600cc, petrol, auto, great low km and<br />

has just been serviced.<br />

$14,990<br />

JUST $101 PER WEEK<br />

SALE<br />

2005 ToyoTa HiaCe GraNd CabiN<br />

10 Seater, 2.7 litre petrol, auto, low 113,000kms,<br />

a/c, tinted windows, reversing camera.<br />

JUST $189 PER WEEK<br />

2006 ToyoTa HiaCe LWb LoNG<br />

GraNd CabiN 10 seaTer HiGH roof<br />

2.7 litre petrol, auto, air con, ABS, reverse camera.<br />

Was $31,990 $28,990 $24,990<br />

JUST $164 PER WEEK<br />

2008 NissaN CaraVaN CoaCH<br />

10 seaTer<br />

2480cc, Petrol, auto, 139,899km.<br />

$21,990<br />

JUST $146 PER WEEK<br />

2008 ToyoTa HiaCe LWb LoNG dX<br />

3000cc, diesel, ABS braking, high roof, 5 door,<br />

airbags, factory tinted windows.<br />

$21,990<br />

JUST $164 PER WEEK<br />

247 Main South Rd, Hornby, Chch. (03) 341 8973<br />

christchurch@carznvanz.co.nz Tom 022 3<strong>19</strong> 1527, Kevin 022 184 2682

20<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />


An elevation sensation<br />

52 Morgans Valley, Heathcote<br />

Auction: Thursday, 21 <strong>March</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> Unless Sold Prior<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 2 living rooms | 2 car-garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing Number: SM0170<br />


Considerably sized and displaying modern<br />

finishes this impeccably styled home rises<br />

above the rest and offers unparalleled views<br />

from the highest position in Morgans Valley.<br />

The sizeable 2717m 2 site and its favourable<br />

microclimate location deliver outstanding<br />

peace and serenity with the exceptional<br />

outlook stretching from the hillside across to<br />

the city and out to the Southern Alps.<br />

Drawing on the contemporary aesthetic<br />

of the exterior, the interior of the home is<br />

streamlined and modern, with an exquisite<br />

kitchen and expansive open plan living area<br />

found at its heart.<br />

Granite benchtops, an entertainer’s oven and<br />

a breakfast bar ensure the kitchen is equally<br />

practical and eye-pleasing while a second<br />

lounge provides an alternative living area and<br />

contributes great flexibility for families.<br />

Tremendous gallery windows drench<br />

the home in natural light and capture the<br />

captivating vista, and when the sun is shining,<br />

you can soak up this scene and the sunshine<br />

from the balcony or private outdoor setting.<br />

Arranged over three floors and hosting a<br />

total of four bedrooms and two bathrooms, the<br />

upper level is naturally devoted to the master<br />

suite which features a walk-in wardrobe and<br />

ensuite.<br />

Also forming part of the floor plan is a<br />

separate laundry, an internal access garage<br />

with storage and two heat pumps which offer<br />

comfort and convenience.<br />

Situated in the calming environment of<br />

Heathcote Valley by Heathcote Valley school,<br />

it’s an easy drive from Lyttelton Port and<br />

various coastal suburbs, and the CBD is less<br />

than 20 minutes’ drive away. This property<br />

also provides a large back section which is<br />

a blank canvas for growing fruit trees or for<br />

those garden lovers wishing to potter away.<br />

The vendors are firmly committed to selling,<br />

and their immaculately presented home is<br />

destined for a change of ownership.<br />

Current GV: $870,000.<br />

Auction date: Thursday 21 <strong>March</strong> 12:00pm<br />

(Grenadier House, 98 Moorhouse Ave) Unless<br />

Sold Prior<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday 13 <strong>March</strong><br />

5:00pm - 6:00pm, Saturday 16 <strong>March</strong> 11:00am<br />

- 11:45am, Sunday 17 <strong>March</strong> 11:00am -<br />

11:45am and Wednesday 20 <strong>March</strong> 5:00pm -<br />

6:00pm.<br />

See you at the open homes or for a private<br />

viewing or for more information contact<br />

Alison Carter of Harcourts Grenadier<br />

Ferrymead/Sumner (Licensed Agent REAA<br />

2008) on 384 7950 or mobile 0274 318 960.<br />

growing with you June 2018 | 100%<br />

Plants For<br />

winter wow<br />

Cool Choices<br />

For Colour<br />

& Contrast<br />

From swamp<br />

to sea views<br />

The journey<br />

begins with sarah<br />

the Gardener<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

Snap it up<br />

Enter our annual<br />

Birdlife Photo<br />

Competition to win<br />

great prizes!<br />

clear the air<br />

Why groWing<br />

indoor PLAnTs is<br />

so good for you<br />

give it a grow<br />

from gArLic<br />

To chinese<br />

ArTichokes,<br />

We hAve your<br />

groWing TiPs<br />

covered<br />

the latest releases<br />

into the rose world<br />

+ rose care<br />

through winter<br />

The magazine for<br />

gardeners who like to get<br />

their hands dirty<br />


$43. 50*<br />

*6 issues/6 months<br />


0800 77 77 10<br />


2<br />

PEGASUS [Edition POST datE]<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 21<br />


The facts about<br />

Home<br />

Ventilation<br />

Balanced Pressure<br />

vs Positive Pressure<br />

Choosing the<br />

right heat pump<br />

for your home<br />

Are you struggling with the heat of<br />

Summer or wanting to get organised for<br />

Winter? With the ever changing weather<br />

patterns, heat pumps have the flexibility<br />

of being able to heat and cool which is an<br />

advantage no other appliance can offer. This<br />

represents great value for your investment<br />

as you can use it all year round. The team<br />

at Enviro Master Ltd can help keep you<br />

cool this Summer either at home or work.<br />

Enviro Master supplies, installs and services<br />

all the leading brands including Panasonic,<br />

Fujitsu, Mitsubishi and Daikin. This means<br />

our team can show you which system and<br />

brand will best suit your needs.<br />

With new regulations coming in for<br />

Landlords to provide heating in rentals,<br />

now is a great time to beat the 1st of<br />

July deadline. Inadequate heating and<br />

ventilation can lead to mould growth and<br />

dampness in your property, leading to<br />

costlier maintenance and an unhealthy<br />

living environment. Providing a fixed<br />

heater with a higher heat output and lower<br />

running costs, like a heat pump, will enable<br />

your tenants to heat the area effectively.<br />

It will also discourage them from using<br />

unflued gas heaters which can make a<br />

house damp and mouldy.<br />

It is important to remember, when<br />

selecting an installer, the manufacturer’s<br />

warranty does not cover the installation<br />

and consumers could be responsible for<br />

any repair or damage caused to the system<br />

due to poor installation. Enviro Master’s<br />

five-star installation guarantee ensures<br />

correct installation, and a demonstration<br />

so customers have an understanding on<br />

how it will best meet their needs.<br />

For a free in home consultation, call<br />

Enviro Master on 366 0525 or visit our<br />

showroom at 41A Shakespeare Rd,<br />

Waltham, Christchurch.<br />

Under the New Zealand Building Code,<br />

all buildings, including residential, need<br />

to be suitably ventilated, either with<br />

opening windows or forced ventilation.<br />

Clause G4.1 states: “The objective of this<br />

provision is to safeguard people from<br />

illness or loss of amenity due to lack of<br />

fresh air.” There are many benefits to forced,<br />

or mechanical, ventilation over opening<br />

windows, including warmth, security,<br />

reduction of outside noises and reduction<br />

of condensation.<br />

Traditional domestic ventilation systems<br />

are ‘positive pressure’. They bring air in<br />

from outside via the roof space and force<br />

the stale air out through gaps around<br />

windows and doors. The incoming air<br />

from these systems has to be heated or<br />

cooled to keep the house warm in winter or<br />

cool in summer.<br />

The Smooth-Air HEX390 is a ‘balanced<br />

pressure’ system. It extracts air from the<br />

house and at the same time brings in fresh<br />

air. These two streams of air pass through<br />

a heat exchanger, which warms incoming<br />

air in winter and cools in summer if air<br />

conditioning is being used. This means that<br />

up to 80% of the energy which would be<br />

wasted using a traditional positive pressure<br />

system is recovered, resulting in significant<br />

energy savings and therefore lower heating<br />

or cooling costs.<br />

Until recently, balanced pressure<br />

ventilation systems have been considerably<br />

more expensive than traditional positive<br />

pressure systems. However, with Smooth-<br />

Air’s unique manufacturing capabilities, a<br />

HEX390 balanced pressure system can be<br />

installed for a similar price as a traditional<br />

positive pressure system.<br />

You can contact Smooth-Air on 0800<br />

SMOOTH (0800 766684).<br />

Smooth-Air<br />

Ventilation Equipment Suppliers<br />

totrade<br />

retail<br />

The most efficient way<br />

to ventilate your home<br />

HEX 390<br />

For Healthy Indoor Air<br />

Heat is transferred to the<br />

incoming filtered fresh air<br />

&<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ Autumn Specials!!<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 17 years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />


PHONE 03 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”<br />

Substantial energy savings<br />

over traditional domestic<br />

ventilation systems.<br />

0800 SMOOTH<br />

(0800 766 684)<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

Made in New Zealand,for New Zealand conditions<br />

Fresh air<br />

from outside<br />

Warm, stale<br />

air from house<br />

264 Annex Rd<br />

Riccarton<br />

Christchurch<br />

03 343 6184<br />

Exhaust air<br />

to outside<br />

Warm fresh air<br />

to house<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

7.30am - 5pm<br />


22<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Exhibitors<br />

Book now<br />

Don’t miss your opportunity to<br />

showcase your business in front of<br />

10,000+ qualified attendees<br />

lisa.lynch@starmedia.kiwi or 021 800 809

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 23<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Caravans, Motorhomes<br />

& Traliers<br />

CARAVAN Wanted to<br />

buy. Up to $5000 cash<br />

today 027 488-5284.<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Public Notice<br />

Collision Repairs<br />

QEII Collision Repairs.<br />

Free Courtesy Cars<br />

(conditions apply),All<br />

Insurance work,Rust<br />

Repairs &Private work.<br />

Spray-painting.<br />

Free pickup & delivery.<br />

Ph. 03 388 5187<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink that’s<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink that’s<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />

Australia QLD<br />


COAST<br />

RESORT<br />


All Units Have Ocean Views.<br />

Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna,<br />

Free Wifi, Tennis<br />

& Mini Golf.<br />



www.mandolin.com.au<br />

0061 7 5443 5011<br />

JUNE to AUG temps 20C<br />

Trades & Services<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />

Locally owned & operated with<br />

over 30 years experience.<br />

• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />

• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />

• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />

• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />

Phone Dave 981 0278<br />

or 021 223 4200<br />

E: dave@beaumontroofing.co.nz<br />


Trades & Services<br />


GLASS & GLAZING 2017 LTD<br />


• PET DOORS<br />



• MIRRORS<br />







322 7999 OR 021 CAT DOOR<br />

(228 3667)<br />

Trades & Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you<br />

moving house<br />

or trying to<br />

downsize?<br />

Call All Clear<br />

Canterbury. We work<br />

with you to recycle,<br />

sell and dispose of<br />

unwanted items.<br />

Ph: 03 260 0934<br />

or 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />

junk<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Lawns, Gardens<br />

& Home Cleaning<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Professional, personalised<br />

service. Regular &<br />

one-offs. Fixed price.<br />

Ph: 377-5814<br />

For all your property and<br />

cleaning requirements<br />

Trained, insured & security<br />

screened owner/operators<br />

Multi-award winning<br />

systems & Franchises<br />

Franchises Available<br />

www.viphomeservices.co.nz<br />


Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />

Villa Restoring, New<br />

Homes, Weatherboards.<br />

Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />

Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />

9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />

0374<br />

*****************<br />

CARPET & VInyL<br />

LAyIng<br />

Exp Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Email jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

ph John on 0800 003 181<br />

or 027 2407416<br />

Why go to the Dump? Junkman comes to you!<br />

Items too big for the rubbish bin?<br />

Or too heavy for you to move?<br />

Junkman comes to FROM<br />

you & takes it away $<br />

65 *<br />

*Prices vary depending on items and volume – minimum charge $65<br />

Trades & Services<br />


For electrical work, no job<br />

to small, affordable, tidy &<br />

experienced, HEATPUMP<br />

servicing, & perfomance<br />

test $70 + gst, ph or txt 027<br />

432 9755 or 03 326 49922<br />

FEnCIng<br />

All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

0273 313-223<br />

FEnCIng<br />

All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

0273 313-223<br />

gLAZIER<br />

Glass repairs - pet doors<br />

- conservatory roofs. Exp<br />

Tradesman. Call Bill on<br />

022 413 3504 or 981-<strong>19</strong>03<br />

PAInTER<br />


All int /ext painting.<br />

Comp rates. I stand by<br />

Canterbury. Wayne 385-<br />

4348, 027 274 3541<br />



PLUMBING Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

350-231<br />

SPOUTIng CLEAnIng<br />

Spouting Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Call Trevor 332 8949<br />

or 021 043 2034<br />

0800 586 5626<br />

www.junkman.co.nz office@junkman.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />


& BLOCKLAyER<br />

Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />

STUMP gRInDIng<br />

Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />

T.V. SERVICE<br />

CEnTRE<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

audio amps, soundbars.<br />

.Aerial & satellite<br />

installations, kitsets, 480D<br />

Moorhouse Ave, ph 03 379<br />

1400<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />

Tuition<br />


25 yrs experience. All<br />

styles, all levels. Ph 0274<br />

677 457<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Public Notices<br />


Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100

24 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


FRIDAY 22/3 - SUNDAY 24/3<br />

5 - 7 OCTOBER 2018<br />

72 HOUR SALES<br />








$2,000 MINIMUM TRADE-IN*<br />






To avoid disappointment,<br />

we urge you to call us<br />

to arrange a personalised<br />

appointment and vehicle<br />

pre-appraisal prior to this<br />

sales event.<br />

* $2,000 Minimum Trade-in applies only to vehicles that are currently warranted and registered. 0 days no repayments available to any used Honda purchased from Honda Christchurch. Minimum 20% deposit, maximum term 36 months, first payment 90 days from<br />

vehicle delivery. Establishment Fee $468, PPSR Fee $10.35, Monthly Account Fee $2 apply. Interest applies from the date of funds being advanced. HFS lending criteria apply.<br />

Honda Cars Christchurch:<br />

104 St Asaph Street<br />

Christchurch<br />

Phone: 03 940 3000<br />

Opening Hours:<br />

Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 5:30pm<br />

Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm<br />

Sunday: 10:00am – 5:00pm<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 25<br />


It’s our<br />

45th<br />

Anniversary Year!<br />

Sunday <strong>March</strong> 24<br />

Under 10’s free<br />

Enter now at Pak’NSave | New World | The Athlete’s Foot<br />

or online at city2surf.co.nz<br />

A Star Media Event

ENTRY<br />

ENTRY<br />

26 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


You choose your distance: 14km, 9am start or 6km, 10am start<br />

76<br />

OPAWA<br />

74<br />

Colombo Street<br />


76<br />

74A<br />

Ferry Road<br />

Wilsons Road<br />

H 2 0<br />

6KM START<br />

Hansens<br />

Park<br />

H 2 0<br />

Grange Street<br />

Barrington Street<br />

14KM START<br />


Centennial<br />

Park<br />


Port Hills Road<br />

76<br />

FINISH<br />

Ferrymead<br />

Playing<br />

Fields<br />

CITY<br />

2SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

H 2 0<br />

Water<br />

Toilets<br />

H 2 0<br />

CITY<br />

2SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

74<br />

2<br />

Hawford Rd<br />


with Les Mills<br />

6km<br />

Site<br />

Map<br />

P<br />

P<br />

ENTRY<br />

Butler St<br />

HANSEN<br />

PARk<br />

Les Mills<br />

Warm Up<br />

STAGE<br />

Aynsley Tce<br />

6km<br />

runners<br />

Grange St<br />

ENTRY<br />

Pioneer Stadium<br />


PARK<br />

Lyttelton Street<br />

2<br />


with Les Mills<br />

14km<br />

Site Map<br />

First Aid<br />

Free Sunscreen<br />

STAGE<br />

Les Mills<br />

Warm Up<br />

P<br />

WALkERS<br />



Participants<br />

assemble<br />

here<br />

START<br />

14km runners<br />

Heathcote River<br />

STAGE<br />

START<br />

First Aid<br />

Free Sunscreen<br />

Toilets<br />

Clothing Drop Off<br />

8.30-10am<br />

Late Registrations<br />

8.30am-10am<br />

9am-10am Les Mills<br />

Warm Up & Entertainment<br />

Start Line. 10am start<br />

6km Runners<br />

14km Runners<br />

P<br />

Participants<br />

assemble here<br />




Rose Street<br />

START<br />

Cashmere View<br />

STAGE<br />

START<br />

Toilets<br />

Clothing Drop Off<br />

Late Registrations<br />

7am-9am<br />

8am-9am Les Mills<br />

warm up & entertainment<br />

Start Line, 9am start<br />

FIT FOR FREE *<br />

SAT + SUN<br />



PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong> 27<br />

CITY<br />

2SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

CITY Need to know<br />

2SURF<br />

Online Order: Selected collect? Bring your e-ticket confirmation to Smiths<br />

City Colombo street on Friday 22 <strong>March</strong> between 11-5pm Or Saturday 23<br />

2with Les Mills<br />

<strong>March</strong> between 9-5pm. Selected courier? You will receive your entry shortly.<br />

• The 14km starts at 9am at Centennial Park, Pioneer Stadium.<br />

The Sport Canterbury 6km starts 10am at Hansens Park, Opawa.<br />


• Warm up with our Christchurch Les Mills fitness team.<br />

• At the finish line grab your free Pump Water or Powerade<br />

• Enjoy free children’s entertainment 2and our live DJ.<br />

with Les Mills<br />

• Look out for our social media squad. See your photo on The Star City2Surf<br />

Facebook Page.<br />

• Prize giving starts at mid-day.<br />

• Please be aware that we are no longer using McCormacks with Les Bay Mills for Parking<br />


• Enjoy free entry to Ferrymead Heritage Park with you entry bib<br />

76<br />

CITY<br />

2SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

Routes<br />

Look the part<br />

CITY<br />

2 SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

Routes<br />

Available in 3 different colours<br />

T-Shirt $35 Singlet $30<br />

Children’s T-shirt $30<br />

WOOLSTON Available now at The Athlete’s Foot<br />

74A<br />

Riccarton, Northlands and on event day<br />

P1<br />

P1<br />

Pre-Run bus route<br />

Ferrymead - 14km-6km<br />

<strong>Post</strong>-run bus route<br />

Ferrymead - 6km - 14km<br />

Limited free parking<br />


with Les Mills<br />

Christchurch 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Pre-Run bus route<br />

Ferrymead - 14km-6km<br />

<strong>Post</strong>-run bus route<br />

Ferrymead - 6km - 14km<br />

Limited free parking<br />

74<br />

Colombo Street<br />


76<br />

OPAWA 6 KM<br />

DROP OFF<br />


76<br />

74A<br />

74A<br />

Ferry Road<br />

P2<br />

Grange Street<br />

74<br />

14 KM<br />

START<br />

Centennial & DROP<br />

Park OFF<br />

14 KM<br />

START<br />

Centennial & DROP<br />

Park OFF<br />


Barrington Street<br />

Barrington Street<br />



Colombo Street<br />

Wilsons Road<br />

Wilsons Road<br />

Hansens 6 KM<br />

OPAWA 6 KM START Park<br />

DROP OFF<br />

76<br />

Hansens 6 KM<br />

START Park<br />

Grange Street<br />

74A<br />

Port Hills Road<br />

76<br />

Port Hills Road<br />

76<br />

Ferry Road<br />


P2<br />

INFO<br />


P1<br />

FINISH<br />

LINE<br />

INFO<br />

MOUNT<br />


FINISH<br />

LINE<br />

74<br />

P1<br />

MOUNT<br />



BAY<br />



$6<br />

BAY<br />

BUY NOW AT<br />





74<br />





• Purchase pre and post run bus tickets prior to event day to avoid hassle.<br />

• Limited INFORMATION<br />

bus sales on the day, however can be purchased from the PRE EVENT<br />


finish line info tent.<br />

• Buses to startline from 7.15am<br />

• Limited on street parking available at both start lines. FINISH LINE<br />

• Purchase pre and post run bus tickets prior to event day to avoid hassle. BUS<br />

• Show bus drivers e-tickets printed, on phone, or show on the day • SERVICE<br />

Last bus to 14km at 8.15am for 9am SERVICE<br />

start • <strong>Post</strong> event bus runs from Ferrymead PARKING finish to 14km NEAR<br />

• Limited bus sales on the day, however can be purchased from the<br />

• Spaces available at parking zones P1 & P2 as<br />

wristband.<br />

and 6km starting point<br />

finish line info tent.<br />

• Buses • to Last startline bus from to 6km 7.15am at 9.30am for 10am • Limited start on street parking available at both start lines. FINISH LINEshown on map<br />

• No • Show cash bus on drivers buses e-tickets - sales only printed, at info on phone, tent on or day. show on the day • Last bus • Buses to 14km only at 8.15am stop at for start 9am line startdrop offs • <strong>Post</strong> event bus • runs Buses from run Ferrymead from 10am finish to 14km<br />

• Spaces available at parking • See zones separate P1 & finish P2 as line parking maps for<br />

• Children wristband. under 10 ride free with participating adult.<br />

• Last bus to 6km at 9.30am for 10am start and 6km starting point<br />

• Buses only stop at start lines<br />

shown on map more details<br />

• No cash on buses - sales only at info tent on day.<br />

• Buses run from 10am<br />

• Please note - No parking across vehicle entrances or in business parks. • Buses only stop at start line drop offs<br />

• Last bus from finish line is 1.25pm • See separate finish line<br />

• Children under 10 ride free with participating adult.<br />

• Parking parking maps in the for reserve on Bridle Path Road<br />

• Buses only stop at start lines<br />

more details<br />

• Please note - No parking across vehicle entrances or in business parks.<br />

• Last bus from finish line is 1.25pm<br />

• Parking in the reserve on Bridle Path Road<br />

Proud to support<br />

Sunday<br />

24th<br />

<strong>March</strong><br />

Spot Prizes<br />

WiFi Range Extender, Belkin Powerbanks, Power<br />

Shaver, Lightning Cable , Bluetooth Headphones<br />

Corporate Prize<br />

TCL 55” 4K UHD<br />

Smart TV<br />

School Prize<br />

HP 11.6” 32GB<br />

Chromebook<br />

Family Prize<br />

Fisher & Paykel 12kg<br />

ActiveIntelligence TM Washer<br />

Kids Prize<br />

Bauer Ambush<br />

20 Kids Bike

28 Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


CITY<br />

2SURF<br />

with Les Mills<br />

2<br />


with Les Mills<br />

<strong>March</strong> 24 $25<br />

Enter now at Pak’NSave | New World | The Athlete’s Foot | or online at city2surf.co.nz<br />

Be into win 2x return<br />

flights to Singapore in<br />

Premium Economy on<br />

Singapore Airlines.<br />

Prize announced midday on Sunday 24<br />

<strong>March</strong> 20<strong>19</strong>. You must be wearing your<br />

registration sticker to be eligible.<br />

Find the giant Singapore Airlines suitcase to<br />

enter into the draw to win return<br />

Economy flights for two to Singapore.<br />

singaporeair.com<br />

1<br />




Proud Sponsors

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