Aktive's Strategic Framework 2020-2040
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Auckland<br />
Tāmaki Makaurau<br />
The world’s most active city<br />
Te tāone ngangahau rawa o te ao<br />
Our vision is for Auckland to be the world’s<br />
most active city. This is founded in our belief<br />
that everyone has the right to an active life,<br />
free from barriers that limit access to and<br />
participation in sport, play and active recreation.<br />
The evidence is clear that being<br />
physically active has a positive effect<br />
on society, improving the wellbeing<br />
of people and communities and<br />
contributing to the hauora (health<br />
and wellbeing) of our young people.<br />
Participation in sport, play and active<br />
recreation leads to:<br />
• Healthier bodies: Improved<br />
individual and community health<br />
• Healthier minds: Improved<br />
educational achievement and<br />
mental wellbeing<br />
• Stronger communities:<br />
Increased social connection and<br />
enhanced community wellbeing<br />
• A stronger economy:<br />
More productive employees and<br />
economic benefits from a strong<br />
sport and active recreation sector.<br />
Auckland is a great place to live,<br />
work and play. It’s one of the world’s<br />
most liveable cities and is a place<br />
where people have a wide variety of<br />
opportunities to be physically active<br />
as part of daily life. With its beaches,