Pegasus Post: September 17, 2019

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

Shannon gets<br />

his wish for a<br />

pump track<br />

Page 3 Page 6<br />

Call to stop<br />

vehicles using<br />

reserve track<br />

Bebe Frayle Greg Sugrue<br />

People’s Choice - Labour<br />

Burwood Community Board<br />

Authorised by J McLellan, 6 Braddon Street, Addington<br />

Young artists display work in Phillipstown<br />

• By Claire Booker<br />

YOUNG ARTISTS have<br />

been given a taste of what it’s<br />

like to display their art in a<br />

competition at the Windsor<br />

Galley in Phillipstown.<br />

Rangi Ruru Girls’ School<br />

year 13 student Georgina Jolly<br />

took out the Canterbury high<br />

school art competition’s top<br />

prize with an oil painting of<br />

her mother and aunt.<br />

Second place went to<br />

Cashmere High’s Phoebe<br />

Rouse, and Holly Murrell,<br />

of Avonside Girls’ High, was<br />

third.<br />

This was the third year<br />

the event has been held,<br />

and gallery owner Tracey<br />

Wynands was impressed with<br />

the entries.<br />

“The skill level of entries is<br />

of a very high calibre and it<br />

really is a pleasure to see the<br />

techniques and subject content<br />

of each entry,” she said.<br />

“The event has been<br />

designed to give year 13<br />

students in Canterbury<br />

the opportunity to exhibit<br />

their works in a professional<br />

gallery.”<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

TALENT: Georgina Jolly won<br />

the top prize in the Windsor<br />

Gallery Canterbury high<br />

school art competition with<br />

an oil painting of her mother<br />

and aunt (inset).<br />

Hot pools<br />

get $15k<br />

boost from<br />

Pier and<br />

Foreshore<br />

Society<br />

THE FUNDRAISING efforts of<br />

a New Brighton group will enable<br />

extra elements to be added to the<br />

planned He Puna Taimoana hot<br />

pools.<br />

The Pier and Foreshore Society<br />

raised $15,000 to support the hot<br />

pools’ development<br />

through<br />

fundraising activities<br />

at the annual<br />

New Brighton<br />

Duke Festival of<br />

Surfing. It has<br />

now donated the<br />

money to Development<br />

Christchurch<br />

Limited.<br />

Rob Hall<br />

DCL chief executive Rob Hall<br />

said the donation will be used<br />

to add elements to He Puna<br />

Taimoana, which are not included<br />

in the existing budget.<br />

“DCL will work with the society<br />

to decide exactly what that will be.<br />

Initial ideas include the possibility<br />

of extra accessibility features<br />

or seating, but decisions will be<br />

made collaboratively.”<br />

•Turn to page 4<br />

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2<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

get in touch<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media,<br />

a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

news<br />

18 and a real estate agent<br />

The city’s youngest agent is on the hunt for listings. Jonty Downes<br />

pursues his interest in property.<br />

Page 7<br />

tasty bites<br />


Treat yourself during spring<br />

Fresh produce is becoming more prominent on supermarket<br />

shelves, so why not enjoy a blended drink?<br />

NEWS<br />

Matt Slaughter<br />

Ph: 021 910 788<br />

matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Elaine Moon<br />

Ph: 364 7436<br />

elaine.moon@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 13<br />

community events<br />

Paintings on show<br />

An exhibition of representational and abstract artwork will<br />

be held at New Brighton Library on Tuesday from open to<br />

close.<br />

Page 15<br />

The best-read local newspaper,<br />

delivered to 15,657 homes<br />

every Tuesday<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />

Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />

Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton.<br />

• The Star<br />

• North Canterbury News<br />

• Selwyn Times<br />

• Ashburton Courier<br />

also publishing:<br />

• Bay Harbour News<br />

• Southern View<br />

• NorWest News<br />

• Western News<br />

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VOTE<br />

SOOziE Bragg<br />

f<br />

Coastal Community Board<br />

Independent Candidate<br />

facebook.com/Soozie-Bragg-For-Coastal-Community-Board<br />

Authorised by - Susan Bragg, 256 Pine Ave South Brighton<br />

Want to be<br />

elected?<br />

• Local Council<br />

• Community Board<br />

• Ecan<br />

• CDHB<br />

Star Media can help you.<br />

Talk to us today about your campaign.<br />

NEW<br />


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PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you think the pump track and table will be good for the Shirley<br />

area once they are installed? Email your views to matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Green light for pump track<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

A PUMP track and table will be<br />

installed at 10 Shirley Rd.<br />

The Papanui-Innes Community<br />

board unanimously approved<br />

the landscape plan for the installation<br />

of a multi-use table tennis<br />

table and pump track at the former<br />

Shirley Community Centre<br />

site at a meeting last week.<br />

This will cost about $93,000.<br />

The landscape plan went up<br />

for consultation in July.<br />

At the close of the consultation<br />

period, 71 submissions were<br />

received with 60 submitters supporting<br />

the landscape plan, nine<br />

submitters not supporting it and<br />

two submitters not indicating<br />

either way.<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> reported in April<br />

Shirley Primary School pupil<br />

Shannon Smith presented a petition<br />

with 30 signatures to the<br />


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A $5000<br />

multi-use<br />

table tennis<br />

table will<br />

also be<br />

installed<br />

near the<br />

pump track.<br />

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board asking for a permanent<br />

scooter, skateboard and bike track<br />

to be built at MacFarlane Park.<br />

However, city council investigation<br />

found the site at Shirley<br />

Community Reserve was more<br />

appropriate.<br />

In spite of the pump track,<br />

which has been approved only<br />

being temporary, it can be relocated<br />

and could remain in this<br />

site for up to 10 years if this is<br />

what the community wants.<br />

Shannon’s father Tim Weir<br />

said he and Shannon were at the<br />

meeting when the pump track<br />

was approved and they were<br />

pleased with the result.<br />

“We’re really excited about it<br />



Shirley Primary<br />

School pupil<br />

Shannon Smith<br />

has got his wish to<br />

have a pump track<br />

installed in Shirley.<br />

and looking forward to it going<br />

ahead hopefully before Christmas<br />

season. They [the board]<br />

were discussing that if the staff<br />

get it in by then that would be<br />

fantastic for all the kids over the<br />

school holidays.”<br />

Said Papanui Ward city<br />

councillor Mike Davidson: “It<br />

was unanimous to approve<br />

the landscape plan and the<br />

multi-use table. Everyone was<br />

very excited about that, and the<br />

process was one that was run<br />

really well.”<br />

Kelly Barber<br />

People’s Choice - Labour<br />

Council & Community Board for Coastal<br />

Your People’s Choice - Labour candidate, Kelly Barber<br />

is proud to stand for Council and Community Board in<br />

Coastal. He’s spent the last 30 years living in the East<br />

and loves it: the place, the people, the whole thing.<br />

He wants to see our roads fixed, businesses thrive and<br />

to bring more vibrant events to our community as well<br />

as chlorine out of our water.<br />

He serves as chairman of a high school football<br />

club, he serves at church and helped start the<br />

Burwood East Residents Association. He knows<br />

how to listen and how to work with people<br />

to get things done. You don’t become a 15<br />

time Coast to Coast athlete and author of two<br />

books without knowing the value of hard work,<br />

perseverance and determination.<br />

In Brief<br />


City council staff have been asked<br />

to update the Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board on the<br />

collaborative work between the<br />

city council and the New Zealand<br />

Transport Agency to fix flooding<br />

issues in the Pages Rd/Anzac<br />

Drive intersection turning lanes.<br />

The board has also asked for city<br />

council staff advice on future<br />

plans to reduce flooding in the<br />

red zone from Pages Rd bridge to<br />

Anzac Drive.<br />


The time frames for the<br />

Southshore South New Brighton<br />

Earthquake Legacy Project<br />

programme of works have come<br />

into question. The Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Board has<br />

asked city council staff to clarify<br />

when these works will take place<br />

after it was announced last month<br />

that this project will go-ahead.<br />


The replacement of some old<br />

wastewater main pipes in<br />

Linwood started this month and<br />

is set to be completed in mid-<br />

October. The wastewater mains<br />

stretch between Edgeware and<br />

Caledonian Rds and have reached<br />

the end of their economic life.<br />

Increased maintenance costs<br />

make replacement necessary.<br />

Councillor, CCC<br />

Independent<br />

Coastal Ward<br />

• Extensive local<br />

experience<br />

• Stands up for<br />

the community<br />

EAST for the EAST<br />

Authorised by David East, 16 Sea Eagles Place, Christchurch 8083

4 Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

McMaster & Heap<br />

Veterinary practice<br />

Max’s new heart<br />

Max loves life (and bones)!<br />

A while ago though, he had just run<br />

out of puff. He would collapse with<br />

excitement or exercise and more than<br />

once his Dad was worried that he had<br />

lost him.<br />

Dr Richard Lucy examined him,<br />

performing a barrage of tests<br />

including ECGs and heart ultrasound<br />

(echocardiography). He diagnosed<br />

a 3rd degree heart block. This is a<br />

condition where the heart’s normal<br />

electrical impulses are not conducted<br />

through the normal tissues. The heart<br />

rate is very slow and the patient<br />

is unable to increase heart rate in<br />

response to exercise or excitement.<br />

Left untreated, it is fatal.<br />

Richard used to work in the Cardiology<br />

Department at Christchurch<br />

Public Hospital and has extensive<br />

postgraduate Veterinary qualifications<br />

in Veterinary Cardiology, Ultrasound,<br />

X-ray and Medicine. He has worked<br />

in universities in New Zealand,<br />

Australia and the UK and has scanned<br />

everything from people to tigers,<br />

cheetahs, chimpanzees, gorillas and<br />

guinea pigs. Richard works almost<br />

exclusively at McMaster and Heap<br />

Veterinary Practice performing Referral<br />

Ultrasonography for vets from all over<br />

the South Island.<br />

He organised the surgical implantation<br />

of a pacemaker with the kind help and<br />

immense technical skills of Rose - the<br />

Senior Cardiac Electrophysiologist from<br />

Medtronic. Medtronic are one of the<br />

largest producers of human cardiac<br />

electrophysiology devices in the world.<br />

Although our patients are four legged,<br />

their hearts still work in the same basic<br />

way as two legged patients!<br />

After a day or two of rest, Max was<br />

ready and rearing to go again. In fact<br />

keeping him properly rested while he<br />

healed was the main problem!<br />

He gets regular ultrasounds to check<br />

his heart function and the pacemaker<br />

is regularly rechecked at the same<br />

time. The pacemaker is often fine<br />

tuned a little to ensure that it is<br />

working optimally for Max. Cleverly,<br />

the device records and stores all the<br />

electrical activity of the heart (and the<br />

pacemaker). All the data is available to<br />

be examined using another machine<br />

that “talks” to the pacemaker directly<br />

through the skin!<br />

Max loves his new lease on life, loves<br />

chewing bones and his parents love<br />

having their Max bright and happy<br />

again.<br />

News<br />

Bringing life to suburb<br />

•From page 1<br />

“From the beginning, the<br />

development of hot pools<br />

in New Brighton has been<br />

a community project. The<br />

Pier and Foreshore Society<br />

has been a champion of the<br />

development right from<br />

the start and its support<br />

has helped make He<br />

Puna Taimoana happen.<br />

The donation of $15,000<br />

represents a massive<br />

fundraising effort by a<br />

community group and<br />

I’d like to thank everyone<br />

involved in making this<br />

happen,” said Mr Hall.<br />

“I’d also like to<br />

acknowledge the support<br />

of the Pier and Foreshore<br />

Society throughout the<br />

development of the hot<br />

pools; they have played a<br />

key role in keeping the idea<br />

alive and making it become<br />

a reality.”<br />

Pier and Foreshore<br />

Society chair Stewart<br />

McNeice said He Puna<br />

Taimoana is an exciting<br />

development for the whole<br />

city.<br />

“We’ve promoted the hot<br />

pools development for a<br />

long time and it’s fantastic<br />

to see it progressing. We’re<br />

excited by what we see so<br />

MORE FUNDS: Extra elements will be added to the<br />

He Puna Taimoana hot pools outside of the budget.<br />

far and look forward to<br />

opening day. The design<br />

has really reflected the<br />

local environment and<br />

taken care to accommodate<br />

existing businesses and<br />

organisations. It’s going<br />

to be a real asset for<br />

Christchurch.”<br />

He Puna Taimoana is<br />

starting to take shape,<br />

with the roof now on the<br />

building.<br />

All five pools are in<br />

place, with fibreglass<br />

linings being laid during<br />

<strong>September</strong>.<br />

The sauna room<br />

blockwork is complete<br />

and service works are<br />


progressing well. The<br />

finishing touches are under<br />

way on the seawall and<br />

this will be followed by<br />

landscaping.<br />

The development is<br />

just one part of a wider<br />

project to regenerate<br />

New Brighton, attracting<br />

life and activity to the<br />

suburb and boosting local<br />

businesses.<br />

DCL is leading the<br />

project on behalf of the<br />

city council, which has<br />

allocated $19.2 million<br />

to projects along the<br />

foreshore. He Puna<br />

Taimoana is due to open on<br />

Marine Pde early next year.<br />

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McMaster & Heap<br />

21 - 22 <strong>September</strong>

PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 5<br />

ON SHOW: The Windsor Gallery will be home to student art works until Friday as part of the<br />

Canterbury high school art competition.<br />

Encouraging ‘creativity’<br />

•From page 1<br />

“(The competition gives)<br />

students exposure to the<br />

art world, encouragement<br />

to explore and extend their<br />

creativity and develop new skills<br />

as upcoming New Zealand<br />

artists,” said Mrs Wynands.<br />

Year 13 students from 14<br />

schools were selected by their<br />

art teachers to take part.<br />

The competition was judged<br />

by Christchurch Art Gallery<br />

director Blair Jackson and<br />

Canterbury University head of<br />

fine arts Aaron Kreisler.<br />

Each finalist was given a $50<br />

framing voucher to use towards<br />

the cost of having an art piece of<br />

their choosing framed.<br />

Rangi Ruru head of visual arts<br />

Kate Rivers said Georgina is a<br />

wonderful colourist who has a<br />

love of expressive style.<br />

“Georgina’s work shows a<br />

gestural approach with her<br />

oil paint applied confidently<br />

through the use of expressive<br />

mark and rich colour,” she said.<br />

Mrs Wynands said she hopes<br />

the competition will continue to<br />

grow and reach more students<br />

in the years to come.<br />

“It is such a thrill to see the<br />

students excited about their<br />

work, their parents proud to<br />

see their son or daughter’s work<br />

in a gallery and the teachers’<br />

enthusiasm and support of their<br />

students,” she said.<br />

The art will be available to<br />

view until Friday.<br />

‘Ratbag’ plant thief hits<br />

Abberley Park again<br />

• By Claire Booker<br />

PLANT THIEVES have struck<br />

again in St Albans and Richmond.<br />

Flowers have been stolen from<br />

Abberley Park in recent weeks,<br />

frustrating a community group<br />

which regularly uses the park.<br />

Pink cyclamens, a clump of<br />

daffodils, and some miniature iris’<br />

were taken from the park, and a<br />

note left on a sign said the park<br />

user was disappointed to see the<br />

plant thief was back again.<br />

A post on the Facebook page<br />

read: “Warning: Abberley Park’s<br />

ratbag plant thief is back. By the<br />

south entrance to the Scented Garden,<br />

there were four beautiful deep<br />

red cyclamens planted in a group.<br />

On Tuesday evening, there was<br />

only one left. The thief didn’t even<br />

bother to cover over the holes.”<br />

In December last year, it was<br />

estimated more than half the<br />

plants put into the park by city<br />

council staff were stolen in less<br />

than a month.<br />

A city council spokesman<br />

said the reason for thefts is not<br />

known, but in many cases across<br />

Christchurch, the city council<br />

has replaced some plants, he said<br />

there are various species stolen.<br />

“For example, young native<br />

plants, azaleas, pieris, phormium<br />

and rhododendron.”<br />

BARE: Plants at Abberley Park<br />

have been stolen . ​<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Have<br />

you had plants stolen from<br />

your property? Do you have<br />

any idea why this might be<br />

happening? Email your<br />

views to claire.booker@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

The city council does not keep<br />

records of where plant thefts occur,<br />

so it doesn’t know which area<br />

is more prevalent.<br />

“These species [mentioned<br />

above] were taken from areas such<br />

as Coastal, Spencer Park, Travis<br />

Wetland, Beckenham Gardens,<br />

Karman Reserve and Sunny Side<br />

Heritage Gardens,” the spokesman<br />

said.<br />

Meanwhile, about 30 plants<br />

were taken from a newly-planted<br />

city council plot, in Petrie St,<br />

Richmond.<br />

VOTE<br />

1<br />


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Linda<br />

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Independent<br />







Say YES<br />

with a TICK<br />

Burwood Community Board<br />

Vote For<br />

experienced advocacy<br />

Centred on BUrwOOd ward’S FUtUre<br />

Authorized by L. Stewart 168 northbrook Rd, Rangiora<br />


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6<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


News<br />

Call to close reserve track to vehicles<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

PEDESTRIANS AND cyclists<br />

using Bowenvale Reserve are<br />

being put in danger by motorists<br />

in four-wheel-drive vehicles.<br />

And the track, which is at<br />

the top of Huntsbury Ave and<br />

leads to the Summit Rd, is being<br />

ripped up by the vehicles.<br />

The Spreydon-Cashmere Community<br />

Board has asked for the<br />

track to be closed to vehicles permanently<br />

so it can be repaired<br />

and used by walkers and cyclists<br />

only.<br />

Huntsbury Ave resident and<br />

Port Hills Trust Board treasurer<br />

David Drayton, who has been<br />

walking the track weekly for<br />

years, said although this idea<br />

sounds great, this may not stop<br />

four-wheel-drive vehicles from<br />

using the track.<br />

“I don’t know how they’re going<br />

to stop it, he said.<br />

“You can’t lock the road or<br />

shut it off, you’ve got to be accessible.”<br />

However, Mr Drayton said<br />

four-wheel drives are “tearing<br />

up the road [track]” and putting<br />

walkers and cyclists off using it.<br />

Said board member Lee Sampson:<br />

“I think this is the worst it<br />

[the track] has ever been in terms<br />

of condition.”<br />

Mr Drayton said something<br />

needs to be done to at least deter<br />

vehicles from using the track and<br />

make it more useable for walkers<br />

and cyclists.<br />

“You’ll never stop it, but if they<br />

could improve it or cut it down<br />

in some way that would be great,<br />

definitely.”<br />

Board member Lee Sampson<br />

agreed something has to be done.<br />

He said last time he was walking<br />

on the track he had a near-miss<br />

with a four-wheel-drive.<br />

“When I was leaving, a guy<br />

was literally just hooning up the<br />

hill ready to hit the trail, so he<br />

was in a four-wheel-drive, he<br />

was hooning up Huntsbury Ave,<br />

literally nearly wiping me out on<br />

a corner.”<br />

Closing the track to vehicles<br />

would be the best way to keep its<br />

users safe and encourage more<br />

people to use the track, said Mr<br />

Sampson.<br />

“It [Bowenvale Reserve] would<br />

be so well used because we’ve<br />

got so many limited safe options<br />

to get up to the Summit Rd and<br />

I think if we repaired it and<br />

spent a little bit of money on it,<br />

I think it would be really, really<br />

RUTTED: David Drayton says more needs<br />

to be done to stop four-wheel-drive<br />

vehicles causing damage to Bowenvale<br />

Reserve at the top of Huntsbury Ave.<br />


well used and it would be really<br />

embraced by the community and<br />

safer.”<br />

A council spokesperson said it<br />

has received “several” complaints<br />

about four-wheel-drives using<br />

the track and was acting on<br />

these.<br />

“All other areas of concern will<br />

be addressed on a case-by-case<br />

basis.”<br />



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PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 7<br />

News<br />

City’s youngest real estate agent at 18<br />

• By Hayley Tate<br />

JONTY DOWNES might not<br />

own his own home yet, but he is<br />

already working towards selling<br />

his first house.<br />

The 18-year-old is<br />

Christchurch’s youngest real<br />

estate agent, and he has 10<br />

buyers wanting him to find them<br />

their new home.<br />

He is also the second youngest<br />

licensed real estate agent in New<br />

Zealand. The youngest a person<br />

can be registered for a real estate<br />

licence is 18.<br />

He has been interested in real<br />

estate since he was a small boy.<br />

As a seven-year-old, Jonty<br />

would cycle around his neighbourhood,<br />

see “for sale” signs<br />

and be interested in new houses<br />

built in the area.<br />

By the time he was in year<br />

12 at Hagley College he was attending<br />

auctions and putting his<br />

foot in the door of the real estate<br />

industry.<br />

“I’ve always had a real passion<br />

for houses,” he said.<br />

But he found people could not<br />

understand his passion or take<br />

him seriously for wanting to leap<br />

into real estate straight out of<br />

high school.<br />

Traditionally, real estate is a<br />

second or third career for people,<br />

entering the industry as a career<br />

KEEN: Jonty Downes searching possible homes for buyers. PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN<br />

change from their previous job.<br />

Real Estate Authority Statistics<br />

show 2071 people aged 53 to 57<br />

were issued with their licences in<br />

the first half of <strong>2019</strong> in New Zealand,<br />

compared with <strong>17</strong>1 people<br />

aged 18 to 22.<br />

Avonhead Harcourts branch<br />

manager Lisa Yardley-Vaiese<br />

decided to give Jonty a chance,<br />

offering him a place on the<br />

Grenadier graduate programme.<br />

She said it was more difficult<br />

for young people in terms<br />

of credibility because, usually,<br />

younger people had not yet<br />

bought a house.<br />

Older people tended to create<br />

the perception that they know<br />

the industry better and buyers<br />

were more likely to have confidence<br />

in them.<br />

Real Estate Authority head of<br />

regulatory services Josh Doherty<br />

said the number of people aged<br />

18 to 21 issued with a salesperson’s<br />

licence in New Zealand had<br />

remained relatively stable over<br />

the last five years.<br />

More young people have<br />

joined Grenadier’s graduate programme<br />

in recent years, though<br />

Mrs Yardley-Vaiese said she had<br />

never mentored someone as<br />

young as Jonty.<br />

In spite of his age, Jonty has<br />

proved his worth and knowledge<br />

with colleagues and buyers.<br />

“I’ve nicknamed him Wikipedia<br />

because he just knows so<br />

much,” Mrs Yardley-Vaiese said.<br />

To enter real estate, agents<br />

must complete 13 papers before<br />

registering for a licence.<br />

Jonty remembers the moment<br />

he got his licence and said it was<br />

his best achievement so far.<br />

“I was quite excited to just<br />

call buyers and do anything real<br />

estate-related, because I think it<br />

had been inside of me for ages<br />

and I just wanted to let it out.”<br />

He does not yet own a home,<br />

but said it was on the cards.<br />

He is not looking for anything<br />

fancy – a one-bedroom flat<br />

would be perfect.<br />

The Breeze<br />

Walking Festival<br />

28 <strong>September</strong> –13 October <strong>2019</strong><br />

ccc.govt.nz/walkingfestival<br />

Explore Christchurch and Canterbury<br />

with over 50 free walks including:<br />

Dogs Day out in the Zone - Sun 29 Sep<br />

Register your dog at 10.30am,<br />

guided walks start at 11.30am<br />

Richmond Community Gardens, 9 Evelyn Couzins Avenue<br />

5km<br />

The Generation Game – Sun 6 Oct<br />

Start anytime between 10am – 1pm<br />

Travis Wetland Education Centre, 280 Beach Road<br />

3.5km<br />

Adventure on Te Ara Ihutai Christchurch Coastal Pathway – Sun 13 Oct<br />

Start between 10-11am and<br />

finish by 2pm<br />

Scott Park, Main Rd,<br />

Mount Pleasant<br />

6.5km<br />

*above walks will be cancelled if wet<br />

Kelly Barber<br />

Community Board Coastal<br />

Glenn Livingstone<br />

Council Burwood<br />

Yani Johanson<br />

Council Linwood<br />

Greg Sugrue<br />

Community Board Burwood<br />

Bebe Frayle<br />

Community Board Burwood<br />

Jackie Simons<br />

Community Board Linwood<br />

The<br />

People’s<br />

Choice.<br />

Authorised by J McLellan, Braddon Street Addington

8 Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


News<br />

HANDS-ON: The ACE Festival of Adult Learning saw people take part in a number of activities<br />

such as hazelnut weaving. ​<br />

Adults learn at free festival<br />

AVEBURY HOUSE and the<br />

Richmond Community Garden<br />

came together to deliver a week<br />

of free activities for the ACE<br />

Festival of Adult Learning.<br />

More than 250 adults attended<br />

a variety of activities, including<br />

yoga, composting, tartmaking,<br />

pilates, hazel weaving,<br />

relaxation, getting a taste of<br />

culture, massage techniques,<br />

gardening and preserving.<br />

Said Avebury House<br />

manager Tanya Didham:<br />

“The ACE festival of learning<br />

was a great opportunity to share<br />

what we do in the house. We<br />

are always keen to find ways<br />

to reach out and engage with<br />

the community, and the ACE<br />

team provided us with a great<br />

platform to do it.”<br />

Both organisations are<br />

grateful for the opportunity<br />

to be part of the festival and<br />

grasped the chance to engage<br />

with the community.<br />

Richmond Community<br />

Garden co-ordinator<br />

Cathy Allden said she<br />

“really enjoyed the positive<br />

engagement for resourceful<br />

learning within our community<br />

space, what we can create, make<br />

and eat from hazel weaving to<br />

how to compost.”<br />

Crafted hearts on<br />

display at gallery<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

A HOME has been found for<br />

thousands of crafted hearts<br />

following the March 15 attacks.<br />

Just under 2000 crafted and<br />

knitted hearts have been put on<br />

display at the Christchurch Art<br />

Gallery.<br />

Barkers Wool And Haberdashery<br />

manager Jacquie Jewell<br />

was behind the initiative called<br />

Muslim Hearts of Christchurch.<br />

With a goal to collect as many<br />

hearts as possible, the initiative<br />

generated more than 5000 along<br />

with messages of support from<br />

around the world.<br />

Mrs Jewell said it was nice to<br />

be able to show support for those<br />

affected by the March 15 events<br />

through the knitted hearts,<br />

especially since the six-month<br />

anniversary was on Sunday.<br />

As part of the display, details<br />

outline the story behind the<br />

hearts and people are allowed to<br />

take one home.<br />

On TVNZ’s Breakfast,<br />

journalist John Campbell wore<br />

one of the knitted hearts while<br />

interviewing Shadia Amin, who<br />

lost her husband in the attacks.<br />

In June, Mrs Jewell brought<br />

the matter of finding a home<br />

for the hearts to the Halswell-<br />

HEARTFELT: More than<br />

5000 crafted hearts were<br />

sent to Jacquie Jewell from<br />

around the world.<br />

Hornby-Riccarton Community<br />

Board.<br />

Earlier this year about 3000<br />

crafted hearts, along with copies<br />

of the messages, were delivered<br />

to the Al Noor Mosque,<br />

Linwood Islamic Centre, police<br />

and St John.

PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 9<br />

CHristCHurCH CAsiNO<br />

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10<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Shirley BHS put up good showing at<br />

SHIRLEY BOYS’ High School<br />

finished fifth at the South<br />

Island under-15 tournament<br />

in Christchurch following a<br />

43-7 loss to Marlborough Boys’<br />

College.<br />

The school’s senior basketball<br />

team finished fourth at the South<br />

Island tournament in Nelson<br />

which qualified them for nationals.<br />

later this month.<br />

The Shirley Boys’ B basketball<br />

team finished sixth at the<br />

Southern Cup tournament in<br />

Christchurch after a 69-65 loss to<br />

Christ’s College.<br />

Hockey<br />

Christchurch Boys’ High was<br />

the best placed boys team at the<br />

national Rankin Cup competition<br />

finishing sixth.<br />

St Andrew’s College finished<br />

eighth, Christ’s College finished<br />

11th.<br />

St Bede’s College won the India<br />

Shield and earned a national<br />

ranking of <strong>17</strong> in the process.<br />

Burnside High School finished<br />

22nd.<br />

Christchurch Girls’ High<br />

were runners-up in the Federation<br />

Cup tournament in Auckland,<br />

earning a No 2 ranking<br />

nationally in the process.<br />

The team lost the final 1-0 to St<br />

Cuthberts College.<br />

St Margaret’s College finished<br />

third after a 3-2 win on penalty<br />

strokes against Diocesan School<br />

for Girls.<br />

Rangi Ruru finished<br />

BATTLE: The Shirley Boys’ High School B basketball team finished sixth at the Southern Cup in<br />

Christchurch. ​<br />

seventh, St Andrew’s managed<br />

eighth.<br />

Villa Maria College finished<br />

18th nationally and earned a<br />

silver medal at the Marie Fry<br />

tournament after losing on penalty<br />

strokes to Westlake Girls’<br />

High School.<br />

Burnside High finished 22nd.<br />

Cashmere High finished third<br />

at the Johnson Cup in Invercargill,<br />

Shirley Boys’ High finished<br />

seventh.<br />

Lincoln High School won<br />

the Coaches Cup in Ashburton<br />

by beating Nelson’s Nayland<br />

College 4-3 on penalty<br />

strokes.<br />

St Bede’s finished eighth at the<br />

Galletly Cup in Oamaru.<br />

Marian College finished ninth<br />

in the Audrey Timlin Memorial<br />

tournament at Timaru.<br />

Papanui High School finished<br />

ninth at the Jenny McDonald<br />

Cup in Cromwell while Avonside<br />

Girls’ High School managed<br />

11th, Middleton Grange were<br />

13th and Riccarton High School<br />

16th.<br />

SPORT<br />

St Margaret’s were runnersup<br />

at the Chris Arthur Cup at<br />

Stratford.<br />

Villa Maria were fifth, Rangi<br />

Ruru sixth and Christchurch<br />

Girls’ High ninth.<br />

Football<br />

St Thomas’ of Canterbury were<br />

the best placed Canterbury boys<br />

school at the premier tournament<br />

at Napier.<br />

They finished <strong>17</strong>th after a 2-1<br />

win over Wellington’s St Patrick’s<br />

High School.<br />

Burnside finished 23rd, Cashmere<br />

24th and Christ’s College<br />

26th while Selwyn finished 31st.<br />

St Andrew’s College finished<br />

25th at the premier girls’ tournament<br />

at Christchurch, while<br />

Lincoln managed 29th.<br />

Middleton Grange finished<br />

10th at the Rex Dawkins tournament<br />

at Taupo while St Bede’s<br />

finished 11th.<br />

St Andrew’s won the Malcom<br />

Cowie tournament at Papakura,<br />

beating Waitakere 3-1 in the<br />

final.<br />

Christchurch Girls’ were<br />

runners-up at the Kathy Seaward<br />

tournament at Whangarei after a<br />

1-0 loss to Glendowie College.<br />

Selwyn finished sixth at the<br />

same tournament.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 11<br />

winter tournament<br />

Avonside Girls’ finished eighth<br />

at the Grant Jarvis tournament at<br />

Wellington.<br />

Marian College won the<br />

Gary Sowden tournament at<br />

Timaru’s Sir Basil Arthur Park<br />

on Thursday after a 3-0 win over<br />

Cashmere High in the final, on<br />

Thursday.<br />

Rangi Ruru finished seventh.<br />

Table Tennis<br />

Burnside High School won<br />

their third consecutive national<br />

secondary schools’ table tennis<br />

title, in Tauranga.<br />

The Burnside High team<br />

defeated Auckand’s Macleans<br />

College in the final.<br />

Netball<br />

Christchurch Girls’ were crowned<br />

South Island Secondary School<br />

netball champions after a tense<br />

29-27 win over Dunedin’s St<br />

Hilda’s Collegiate at Nelson Saxton<br />

Stadium.<br />

Villa Maria finished third<br />

after beating fellow semi-finalist<br />

Ashburton College 39-30 while St<br />

Margaret’s College finished fifth<br />

and grabbed the last national<br />

secondary school competition<br />

qualification spot with a 36-34<br />

win over St Margaret’s.<br />

Rugby<br />

Christchurch Girls’ High made<br />

the national secondary school<br />

girls’ national final.<br />

They beat Onehunga High<br />

School 57-7 in the semi-final<br />

before going down 58-7 to Hamilton<br />

Girls’ High School in the<br />

final.<br />

The Christ’s College<br />

under-15 rugby team won their<br />

South Island competition, beating<br />

Timaru Boys’ High School<br />

<strong>17</strong>-12 in a wet final at Christ’s<br />

College.<br />

NEXT STEP: The Shirley Boys’ High School basketball team will head to the nationals later this<br />

month after finishing fourth in the South Island.<br />

Split points decisions<br />

go against junior boxers<br />

• By Jacob Page<br />

TWO WOOLSTON junior<br />

boxers have had a taste of<br />

representing New Zealand as<br />

part of a development squad<br />

which competed against<br />

fellow cadets and juniors from<br />

Australia at Canberra last week.<br />

Ryley Sutherland and Hamuera<br />

Tainui were both part of a<br />

New Zealand development team<br />

that also got to train at the Australian<br />

Institute of Sport during<br />

their stay.<br />

While both Ryley and Hamuera<br />

lost their respective bouts<br />

by split points decisions, it is<br />

hoped the opportunity will keep<br />

KIWI REPS:<br />

Wooston<br />

boxers<br />

Ryley<br />

Sutherland<br />

(left), and<br />

Hamuera<br />

Tainui<br />

before they<br />

represented<br />

New<br />

Zealand in<br />

Canberra<br />

last week.<br />

them in the sport and offer a<br />

pathway for promising boxers as<br />

they get older and push towards<br />

the senior ranks.<br />

The pair backed up from recent<br />

success at the South Island<br />

Golden Glove titles by defeating<br />

their North Island equivalents to<br />

claim national honours in July.<br />

Hamuera claimed the 66kg<br />

junior title, while Ryley won the<br />

48kg cadet title.<br />

Both have close family ties in<br />

the sport. Hamuera’s father and<br />

uncle both boxed for Woolston,<br />

while Sutherland has been<br />

coached by his father since the<br />

age of nine.<br />

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12<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

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Indoor Track<br />

FUN<br />

FOR ALL<br />

AGES<br />

35 Woodgrove Ave, North Beach, Chch<br />

Ph. 03 382 5858 | info@cartridgerefills.co.nz<br />

91 Buchan Street, Sydenham<br />

Phone 03 374 9425

PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 13<br />

Tasty Bites<br />

Liquid treats with a bite to enjoy over spring<br />

Spring is here and that means freshness, colour, warmth, sunshine and being outdoors. Fresh produce is becoming more abundant and some flavours are<br />

more prominent on supermarket shelves. Along with your standard juice blends, try these more exciting and less traditional combinations<br />

•Sunshine<br />

Ingredients<br />

Fresh pawpaw<br />

Apple juice<br />

Ice<br />

30ml Midori<br />

15ml Malibu<br />

Directions<br />

Blend pawpaw and apple juice.<br />

In a glass filled with ice, pour<br />

over the Midori and Malibu. Top<br />

gently with the juice mix.<br />

•Sugar plum<br />

Ingredients<br />

Ice<br />

30ml vodka (optional)<br />

15ml Cointreau liqueur<br />

(optional)<br />

Orange and plum bitters<br />

15ml elderflower cordial<br />

1 lemon<br />

Soda<br />

Directions<br />

Add ice to a glass. If using<br />

spirits, pour vodka and<br />

Cointreau over the ice. Spritz<br />

the ice with bitters and add<br />

elderflower cordial.<br />

Top with soda and squeeze<br />

over two wedges of lemon.<br />

•Turkish delight<br />

Ingredients<br />

Green tea infused with rose<br />

petals (available online)<br />

30ml Irish whiskey<br />

15ml Galliano original<br />

Dash sugar syrup<br />

Ice<br />

Lime wedges to garnish<br />

Directions<br />

Steep rose petal-infused green<br />

tea as per instructions and allow<br />

to chill. Add ice to a glass and<br />

pour over whiskey, Galliano and<br />

sugar syrup.<br />

Serve with lime wedges.<br />

•Garden party<br />

Ingredients<br />

1/2 glass of apple cider<br />

1/2 glass of V8 carrot and orange<br />

juice<br />

Frozen berries to garnish<br />

Directions<br />

Blend together the apple cider<br />

and juice, pour into glass and<br />

garnish with berries.<br />

•Zestful bounty<br />

Ingredients<br />

1 pear, peeled and cored<br />

Sprig of mint<br />

1 cup grapefruit juice<br />

11/2 cups ice<br />

Beetroot, pomegranate and<br />

raspberry juice<br />

Directions<br />

Blend (in a high-speed blender<br />

or NutriBullet) the pear, mint,<br />

grapefruit juice and one cup of<br />

ice.<br />

Fill glass with remaining ice<br />

and pour over juice to taste.<br />

Then pour pear mixture over the<br />

top.<br />

•Afternoon delight<br />

Ingredients<br />

30ml gin<br />

15ml lemoncillo<br />

Citrus bitters or 30ml Seedlip<br />

Garden<br />

15ml fresh lime juice<br />

Ice<br />

Sparkling Chi (original herb<br />

blend)<br />

Lemon and cucumber, to garnish<br />

Directions<br />

In a glass filled with ice, spritz<br />

the ice with citrus bitters (if<br />

using), add gin and lemoncillo or<br />

seedlip and lime juice.<br />

Top with sparkling Chi.<br />

Garnish with fresh lemon and<br />

cucumber.<br />

TRAVEL<br />

BE IN TO<br />

WIN<br />



Including return flights to Europe<br />

and a 6-day ‘European Highlights’<br />

Trafalgar Guided Holiday.<br />

Prize Value $8000<br />

EXPO<br />

SUNDAY 22 SEP 10 -3<br />

AM PM<br />




WIN A 4 NIGHT<br />



Including return flights to Nadi.<br />

Prize Value $7299*<br />

T&<br />

C’s apply.<br />


HOT.CO.NZ<br />

BARRINGTON 331 7182 | CHRISTCHURCH CITY 365 7687 | FERRYMEAD 376 4022 | HIGH ST LANES 335 3722 | HORNBY 344 3070 | MERIVALE 355 2200<br />

NORTHLANDS 352 4578 | RANGIORA 313 0288 | RICCARTON 341 3900 | SHIRLEY 385 0710 | UPPER RICCARTON 343 0869<br />

Terms & Conditions for the UK Prize *you can enter by attending the House of Travel Expo & registering your details on the day. Competition is available for entry nationwide and one winner will be drawn and notified on the 1st of November <strong>2019</strong>. Further terms and conditions apply, visit www.hot.co.nz/expo for full details.

14 Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


We have real people, delivering real customer service<br />

and have for over 100 years!<br />


spring<br />

FREE<br />

3 SEATER<br />


THE 2 SEATER!<br />

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Phoenix 2 Seater Fabric Sofa with<br />

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Available NOW in selected stores & online.<br />

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JBL Portable<br />

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than<br />

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less per<br />

than<br />

$24 week^<br />






403L ActiveSmart Bottom<br />

Mount Fridge Freezer<br />

RF402BRPW6 & RF402BRPX6<br />

WHITE<br />

$ 1344<br />

less per<br />

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$ 3849<br />

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3850<br />


55” UHD<br />

Colosseum Queensize Bed<br />

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$20 week^<br />

Hurry in-store,<br />

while stocks last!<br />

4K UHD Smart TV 55UM7660<br />

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Proudly New Zealand owned, helping Kiwis feel at home since 1918<br />

Some products on display in selected stores only – please call us on 0800 764 847 to check for availability at your local store. All offers in this advertisement are valid Wednesday 18th until Tuesday 24zth <strong>September</strong> <strong>2019</strong>, while stocks last or unless otherwise stated. *Discount is off our full retail price and not in conjunction<br />

with any other offer. *Discount is off our full retail price and not in conjunction with any other offer and excludes clearance. #Apple products, selected computers, game consoles, gift cards, flooring, clearance items and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Carpet available on a<br />

maximum of 18 months interest free. ^ Exclusions, fees, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts over finance period of 36 months (unless otherwise stated) and exclude insurance. Booking fee $45.00, Annual fees $45.00 P.A., Security registration fee $8.05. Current interest rate of 23.95% Applies to<br />

any unpaid balance after expiry of (any) interest free period. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz/terms-conditions for details.<br />

JT5983<br />

550 Colombo Street | Cnr Belfast and Radcliffe Road Northwood, CHRISTCHURCH MEGASTORES

PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 15<br />

Senior Net New Brighton<br />

Tuesday, Wednesday and<br />

Thursday, 10am-noon (by<br />

appointment)<br />

This group offers<br />

assistance to mature<br />

people with modern<br />

technology, including<br />

computers, tablets,<br />

smartphones, email,<br />

Facebook, Skype, Word,<br />

cellphones and the<br />

internet. Phone 382 6048<br />

for more information.<br />

202 Marine Pde (next to<br />

the New Brighton Club)<br />

JP Clinic at Shirley<br />

Library<br />

Tuesday, 10am-1pm<br />

A justice of the<br />

peace will be available<br />

to members of the<br />

community to witness<br />

signatures and documents,<br />

certify document copies,<br />

hear oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations<br />

as well as sign citizenship,<br />

sponsorship or rates<br />

rebates applications. No<br />

charge.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

SAYGo Steady As You<br />

Go Falls Prevention<br />

Exercise Class<br />

Tuesday, 10am<br />

This is a speciallydesigned<br />

class to help<br />

you avoid a fall. There<br />

is a $2 koha entry but<br />

no booking fee. Those<br />

interested are invited to<br />

turn up on the day and see<br />

what it can do for them.<br />

Parklands Community<br />

Centre<br />

Ascot Sit and Be Fit<br />

Wednesday, 1-2pm, and<br />

Thursday, 9.30-10.30am<br />

Complete a class<br />

of exercises without even<br />

leaving your chair. The<br />

cost of the class is $4 and<br />

you’ll get a cup of tea or<br />

coffee.<br />

Ascot Community Centre<br />

Rocket Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30-<br />

4.30pm<br />

Go along and take part<br />

in different activities based<br />

on local and current events<br />

in a learning environment.<br />

Homework help is<br />

available during this time.<br />

Free and no bookings<br />

required.<br />

Aranui Library<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Tuesday and Wednesday,<br />

1.30-3.30pm and 1-2.45pm<br />

Go along to the Scrabble<br />

Club. No obligation, just<br />

go along when you can<br />

and join the friendly<br />

group. All materials are<br />

supplied. No fee.<br />

Shirley and Parklands<br />

libraries<br />

CV help<br />

Thursday, 10-11.30am<br />

A librarian will be on<br />

hand to assist customers<br />

who need help with their<br />

CV or resume.<br />

New Brighton Library<br />

Technology Help Dropin<br />

Sessions<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to a drop-in<br />

session for help with email,<br />

searching the internet,<br />

using the library catalogue,<br />

eBooks, and general<br />

computer queries.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

Cards Club<br />

Friday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />

This weekly club will<br />

be held every Friday, just<br />

go along and join the<br />

fun. Free, no bookings<br />

required.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

Email matt.slaughter@starmedia.kiwi by<br />

5pm each Wednesday<br />

Brighton Gallery Art Trust’s exhibition event will be held at New Brighton<br />

Library on Tuesday from open until close. Go and see original paintings by<br />

members of the Brighton Gallery Art Trust. A mixture of representational and<br />

abstract works, each one reflects an interest of the artist. ​<br />

Makerspace<br />

Friday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to a weekly<br />

Makerspace session<br />

and get hands-on with<br />

activities for all ages.<br />

Something new every<br />

week.<br />

Aranui Library<br />

Culture Exchange<br />

Friday, 3.45-4.45pm<br />

Go along and make new<br />

friends, practice English<br />

and learn about New<br />

Zealand and Christchurch.<br />

Shirley Library<br />

New Brighton Seaside<br />

Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />

Go and enjoy a warm<br />

and fun atmosphere beside<br />

the seaside. With live<br />

entertainment, food and<br />

free face-painting.<br />

New Brighton Pedestrian<br />

Mall<br />

Golden Oldies Movie<br />

Screening – Born Free –<br />

Virginia Mckenna, Bill<br />

Travers<br />

Monday, 1.30pm<br />

Virginia Mckenna and<br />

Bill Travers star in this<br />

1966 adventure. Go along<br />

for the story of George<br />

and Joy Adamson and the<br />

orphaned lion cub, Elsa,<br />

they adopt. $2, go early for<br />

a cuppa and a chat.<br />

New Brighton Museum,<br />

8 Hardy St<br />

Marshland Table<br />

Tennis Club<br />

Monday, 7.30-9.30pm<br />

Go along every Monday<br />

night until October<br />

14. Casual players are<br />

welcome – $5 for adults<br />

per night, $3 for juniors<br />

under-18.<br />

Marshland Hall, 430<br />

Marshland Rd<br />


Superior new magnesium<br />

offers more health benefits!<br />

Magnesium deficiency is widespread with<br />

researchers estimating up to 90% are not<br />

receiving adequate magnesium in their diet.<br />

According to medical researcher Dr. James<br />

DiNicolantonio magnesium deficiency<br />

increases the risk of numerous types of<br />

cardiovascular and other diseases, costing<br />

nations around the world an incalculable<br />

amount of healthcare costs and suffering, and<br />

should be considered a public health crisis.<br />

Some of the typical signs of a magnesium<br />

deficiency are: muscle cramps – especially<br />

in the legs, muscle spasms and twitches,<br />

fatigue, high blood pressure, poor<br />

circulation, sore – heavy or uncomfortable<br />

legs, irregular heart-beat, muscle and back<br />

pain, insomnia, headaches, migraines and<br />

anxiety. Sub-optimal magnesium levels are<br />

also associated with many diseases including<br />

diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s,<br />

cardiovascular, ADHD and kidney.<br />

There are many popular magnesium<br />

supplements on the market, however most<br />

use low cost sources of magnesium that are<br />

also poorly absorbed offering little benefit.<br />

Seeing the serious impact on health that<br />

low magnesium levels are having a New<br />

Zealand company “Biosphere Nutrition”<br />

have developed a new magnesium that offers<br />

superior absorption and more health benefits<br />

compared to most other products available.<br />

Biosphere Magnesium has been created to<br />

be the cleanest, most bioavailable magnesium<br />

supplement available. It combines three<br />

types of the most bioavailable forms of<br />

magnesium to create the ideal dose with<br />

optimal absorption. Each serving provides<br />

a therapeutic dose of 400mg elemental<br />

magnesium to help people maintain<br />

optimum magnesium levels. It is also easy<br />

to take as it comes as a great tasting, easy to<br />

mix powder that is also free of binders, fillers<br />

and artificial ingredients. It is flavoured with<br />

a natural lemon flavour and sweetened with<br />

natural stevia and monk fruit extracts and<br />

coloured with a dash of turmeric.<br />

Magnesium Citrate is the first of the three<br />

magnesium’s. Biosphere have used a natural<br />

marine based magnesium citrate as it has a<br />

great absorption rate and mixes well with<br />

water.<br />

Next is Magnesium Lyscinate Glycinate<br />

Chelate a stable magnesium designed to be<br />

the most bioavailable possible as well as easy<br />

on the stomach.<br />

The last is Di Magnesium Malate a<br />

fantastic form of magnesium for people<br />

suffering from fatigue, since malic acid is<br />

a vital component of enzymes that play<br />

a key role in ATP synthesis and energy<br />

production.<br />

Optimal magnesium levels have been<br />

shown to: Improve Energy, Improve<br />

Sleep, Normalise Blood Pressure, Control<br />

Inflammation, Reduce Pain, Regulate Blood<br />

Sugar, Stop Cramping, Support Normal<br />

Nerve and Muscle Function, Support Healthy<br />

Bones and Help Maintain Good Health.<br />

Biosphere Magnesium and further more<br />

detailed information is available from<br />

the Natural Health Advisers at Marshall’s<br />

Health & Natural Therapy, 101 Seaview<br />

Road, New Brighton, and Phone: 388-5757.<br />

We are always happy to help you!<br />

New magnesium offers<br />

enhanced health benefits!<br />

Magnesium deficiency is widespread with<br />

researchers estimating up to 90% are not receiving<br />

adequate amounts. According to Dr. James<br />

DiNicolantonio this deficiency is increasing the risk<br />

of cardiovascular & numerous other diseases as well<br />

as reducing lifespan & quality of life.<br />

There are many popular magnesium supplements<br />

on the market, however most use low cost sources<br />

of magnesium that are poorly absorbed & offer little<br />

benefit. Seeing the serious impact on health that<br />

low magnesium levels is having a New Zealand<br />

company “Biosphere Nutrition” have developed<br />

a new magnesium that offers superior absorption<br />

& more health benefits compared to most other<br />

products available.<br />

Biosphere Magnesium comes as an easy to<br />

mix lemon flavoured powder that makes a very<br />

pleasant drink.<br />

sPecial<br />

offer<br />

Some common symptoms of magnesium deficiency:<br />

• Muscle & leg cramps<br />

• Twitches<br />

• Tremors of hands<br />

• Restlessness<br />

• Poor sleep<br />

• Irregular heartbeat<br />

• High blood pressure<br />

• Poor circulation<br />

• Dizziness<br />

• Headaches & migraines<br />

• Poor concentration<br />

• Muscle fatigue &<br />

weakness<br />

• Sore, heavy or<br />

uncomfortable legs<br />

• RSI & Nerve problems<br />

• Muscle & Back Pain<br />

• Chronic fatigue syndrome<br />

• Fibromyalgia<br />

• Mild to moderate<br />

depression<br />

marshalls health & NatUral theraPY<br />


101 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />

- kNowledge makes the differeNce -<br />

30 sachets (1 month supply)<br />

only $33.90, save $6.09<br />

275g powder (2 month supply)<br />

only $59.90, save $10.09<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health! MAIL ORDER AVAILABLE

16 Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


We’re for<br />

local<br />

sport<br />

From Kaikoura,<br />

to Christchurch,<br />

to Ashburton,<br />

we have it<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>17</strong><br />


View-vacious!<br />

5 Peregrine Close, Mt Pleasant<br />

Auction: 03 Oct <strong>2019</strong> Unless Sold Prior<br />

3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 3 toilets | 2 living rooms | 1 dining room | 2 car-garage | 2 off-street parks - Listing Number: SM0232<br />

Experience executive living and magnificent<br />

unobstructed, 180° views from its front row position<br />

in ‘The Ridge’ subdivision incorporating the coastline,<br />

Kaikoura Ranges, the estuary, city and Alps.<br />

Streamlined open plan living with a gas fire, heatpump<br />

and an additional snug living space is complimented<br />

with a built-in bookcase and TV unit. Enjoy the large<br />

modern kitchen with an island and engineered stone<br />

benchtops, walk in pantry, dish-drawers and ceramic<br />

hob. The home has been designed to maximise all<br />

day sun and the views from all the downstairs kitchen<br />

and living areas. From here 5 sets of doors provides<br />

excellent indoor-outdoor flow to the large patio and<br />

terraced garden for wonderful alfresco entertaining.<br />

The three generous bedrooms are up-stairs, and<br />

all bask in the sea to city views. The master bedroom<br />

comes complete with a walk-in robe and a tiled ensuite<br />

with a separate shower and spa bath.<br />

The main bathroom has plenty of space with a walkin<br />

shower and services the other two bedrooms. Level<br />

access to double internal garage with room for an offstreet<br />

parking spot.<br />

Needless to say, this functional yet stylish executive<br />

home has a well laid floor plan spread over 227m2<br />

mixes the convenience of family living with many<br />

sought after luxuries. Look no further, don’t buy until<br />

you have seen this, as unforgettable views can be yours<br />

daily!<br />

Auction date Thursday 3 Oct 12:00 p.m. (Grenadier<br />

House, 98 Moorhouse Ave) Unless Sold Prior<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 1:00<br />

p.m. - 1:45 p.m.<br />

See you at the open homes or for a private viewing<br />

or for more information contact Alison Carter of<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead/Sumner (Licensed<br />

Agent REAA 2008) on 384 7950 or mobile 0274 318 960.<br />


18<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


If you want more information about an item or to contact a<br />

seller, visit www.postanote.co.nz and search the ID#<br />

Tandem Trailer<br />

Toyota Avensis Li Wagon<br />

Frejoth 10” Table Saw<br />

2005 Toyota Isis 7-seater<br />

Concrete Mixer & Barrow<br />

Mixed Breed Pigs & Piglets<br />

$900<br />

ID 31009<br />

$7,250<br />

ID 31105<br />

$400<br />

ID 31062<br />

$7,950<br />

ID 31106<br />

$150<br />

ID 30992<br />

$80<br />

ID 27514<br />

Extendable Large Glass Table<br />

GPS Golf Rangefinder Watch<br />

1978 Ford Mustang Cobra 11<br />

Kimona Set<br />

2004 Honda Fit<br />

RICCAR Sewing Machine<br />

$200<br />

ID 30613<br />

$300<br />

ID 31111<br />

$25,300<br />

ID 14800<br />

$10<br />

ID 10016<br />

$3,700<br />

ID 31057<br />

$20<br />

ID 31104<br />

Quality Grey Chest<br />

Grill, Front Fenders Running Boards<br />

2005 Suzuki Swift 1.3 Manual<br />

Chinese Fan Palms<br />

Large Silver Floor Mirror<br />

Work Bench by Wooden Thingz<br />

$260<br />

ID 30346<br />

$600<br />

ID 31093<br />

$5,500<br />

ID 30879<br />

$20<br />

ID 31086<br />

$150<br />

ID 30612<br />

$395<br />

ID _8887<br />

4WD SUV BMW Tiptronic<br />

4-stroke Lawnmower<br />

88 Daihatsu Delta Truck<br />

2 Reclining Chairs<br />

4-stroke Petrol Lawn Mower<br />

Wooden Glory Box c 1950s<br />

$4,000<br />

ID 30591<br />

$125<br />

ID 30874<br />

$6,000<br />

ID 30851<br />

$200<br />

ID 30590<br />

$75<br />

ID 30640<br />

$60<br />

ID 30652<br />

1993 Toyota Windom Chest Freezer<br />

Horse Cover<br />

Toyota corolla 1.8 NZ New<br />

FREE: Upright Piano<br />

Garmin DriveSmart 50LMT GPS<br />

$1,900<br />

ID 26961<br />

$200<br />

ID 30856<br />

$60<br />

ID 30650<br />

$6,700<br />

ID 30618<br />

FREE!<br />

ID 30651<br />

$60<br />

ID 30630<br />

Fiat 1000 Super<br />

Antique French Mirror Door<br />

Free-standing Oven<br />

Electric Golf Trundler<br />

Exercise Cycle<br />

Subaru Legacy B4 RSK<br />

$9,500<br />

ID 30600<br />

$300<br />

ID 30610<br />

$50<br />

ID 24963<br />

$495<br />

ID 30772<br />

$50<br />

ID 30757<br />

$5,000<br />

ID 30232<br />

Vintage Petanque Set<br />

Commuter/Shopping Bike<br />

2000 Ford Modeo GLX 2.5 V6<br />

Seagull Outboard Motor<br />

1997 Mondeo<br />

2003 Honda Accord<br />

$60<br />

ID 30326<br />

$225<br />

ID 30574<br />

$2,200<br />

ID 30439<br />

$400<br />

ID 30576<br />

$900<br />

ID 30742<br />

$2,600<br />

ID 30189<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 19<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Collision Repairs<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Public Notices<br />

QEII Collision Repairs.<br />

Free Courtesy Cars<br />

(conditions apply). All<br />

Insurance work, rust<br />

repairs & private work.<br />

Spray-painting.<br />

Free pickup & delivery.<br />

Ph. 03 388 5187<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink that’s<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Curtains<br />

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Discontinued Designs<br />

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★Garden Clean-ups<br />

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Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

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Lawns, Gardens<br />

& Home Cleaning<br />

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Professional, personalised<br />

service. Regular &<br />

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Ph: 377-5814<br />

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Trained, insured & security<br />

screened owner/operators<br />

Multi-award winning<br />

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Franchises Available<br />

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rooF<br />

painting<br />

Book now for<br />

Summer and<br />

receive 20%<br />

discount.<br />

Rope and harness<br />

a speciality.<br />

No scaffolding<br />

required.<br />

30 years<br />

experience.<br />

Free quotes,<br />

call Craig<br />

021 060 2392<br />


licensed carpenter<br />

LBP, all property and<br />

building maintenance,<br />

repairs, bathroom/shower<br />

installations, with free<br />

quotes 03 383 1927 or 027<br />

245 5226 ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience.Uk trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers Bay.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />

Villa Restoring, New<br />

Homes, Weatherboards.<br />

Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />

Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />

9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />

0374<br />


Qual builder, over 40 yrs<br />

exp. Avail for all sorts<br />

of building construction<br />

work incl decks, fences,<br />

carports, bthrm, kitchens &<br />

general maintenance jobs.<br />

For a free quote contact 03<br />

925 0876 or 027 641 3681.<br />

Email donaldlord626@<br />

gmail.com<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />


25 yrs exp. Fencing, all<br />

styles & gates. Ph Mark<br />

0273 313 223<br />


Gardening, All Lawn and<br />

garden services. Prompt<br />

efficient local operator.<br />

Great rates. Ph Paul 022<br />

620 6412 .<br />


Push mow & Ride On.<br />

Fully insured. Ph John or<br />

Jo on 021 027 99392<br />


Specialising in roof &<br />

fence painting. Very<br />

competitive. Phone Brent<br />

027 241 7471<br />


Best price guarantee<br />

Tony 0275 588 895<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

audio amps, soundbars.<br />

.Aerial & satellite<br />

installations, kitsets, 480D<br />

Moorhouse Ave, ph 03 379<br />

1400<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />


Locally owned & operated with<br />

over 30 years experience.<br />

• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />

• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />

• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />

• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />

Phone Dave 981 0278<br />

or 021 223 4200<br />

E: dave@beaumontroofing.co.nz<br />



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advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

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UV<br />

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Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Trades & Services<br />


BE HERE<br />

Let us help take<br />

your business to<br />

new heights<br />

Advertise your business in our<br />

Trades and Services column.<br />

For assistance contact Vicky<br />

Phone 03 364 7419 or email<br />

vicky.sayers@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Complete a 20 minute<br />

survey and be in to win<br />

1 of 8 $50 Westfield<br />

vouchers<br />

I am a PhD student researching the<br />

effects of the earthquake on people's<br />

wellbeing. If you wish to take part<br />

you will be sent a 20-25 minute online<br />

survey. The results of this survey will<br />

be anonymous. I invite anyone to<br />

take part even if you feel unaffected<br />

by the quake.<br />

Contact me at<br />

jenny.brown@pg.canterbury.ac.nz<br />

or 027 424 6046<br />

ROOF<br />


Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

moss and mould<br />

treatment and<br />

waterblasting<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Public Notices<br />

3 issues $20 • 6 issues $44.50 • 10 issues $65<br />

rugbynews.co.nz 0800 77 77 10

20<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



NOW ON. ENDS 30.09.19.<br />

refresh<br />

& revive...<br />

Real Leather!<br />

ZEN<br />


ON SALE<br />

Dining Chair NOW $ 120<br />

Dining Table NOW $ 599<br />

Livorno 3 Seater<br />

NOW $1899<br />

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Mattress Base<br />

FROM $<br />

550<br />

Aubrey Chair<br />

NOW $459<br />

add a pop of<br />

ON SALE<br />

colour...<br />



ON SALE<br />

6 Drawer Tallboy NOW $ 399<br />

6 Drawer Bedside NOW $ 169<br />

Large Bookcase NOW $ 279<br />

Charleston 3 Seater<br />

NOW $999<br />

Caribbean<br />


ON SALE<br />

Single NOW $ 299<br />

King Single NOW $ 349<br />

Double NOW $ 379<br />

Queen NOW $ 399<br />

King NOW $ 459<br />

Charleston 2 Seater<br />

NOW $799<br />

Ritz<br />

Ottoman<br />

NOW $129<br />

Available in a range of colours.<br />

SPRING CLEAN SALE ENDS 30.09.19.<br />

Shop<br />

Online<br />

Nationwide<br />

Delivery<br />

Finance<br />

Options<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Cnr Blenheim & Curletts Rds, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 30/09/19.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 21

22 Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 23

24 Tuesday <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


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