
AAF catalogue 2017

AAF catalogue 2017


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Selection procedures

Competition organisers are not to be envied. Well before the competition starts, they

worry not only about the financing, but also whether their event will attract enough

participants. How many will apply? And indeed, even up to two weeks before the deadline,

it may happen that only few applications have arrived. The organisers get nervous and

consider to extend the deadline. But, most of the applications usually arrive at the last

moment. Another worry is what to do when there are too many applications?


There are various ways to conduct a preselection. It has almost become a standard

requirement for applicants to supply a recording. Not so long ago, an audio recording on

CD would suffice, but now, it has become usual that a video recording must be provided.

Video links or a video upload are encouraged as an alternative to sending a DVD.

Not many competitions organise Live auditions or a preliminary round that precede the

main competition. In 2017, live auditions are held by the New York Concert Artists

(NYCA), the Moscow Krainev Competition, the Cliburn, the Liszt Competition in Utrecht

and by the new Shigeru Kawai Competition in Japan. Pianists may also audition for the

Hastings Concerto Competition, and the WPTA in Novi Sad. Live auditions will also be

organised for Leeds, Santander, the Bachauer and the Honens Competition in 2018.

The first 50 are accepted …

Some competitions limit the number of participants by accepting only the first 50 (or 70)

applicants. The clear advantage for the organisers is that they do not have to carry out an

elaborate preselection procedure. But, there is also a disadvantage: pianists who already

have some concert engagements may find it difficult to plan everything and will wait until

the very last moment to apply. So, these pianists would then have to be refused and the

competition might miss some interesting performers …

Online competitions

no travelling

Online competitions exist where pianists may send their recordings or provide an internet

link, after which a committee announces the laureates and invites them: the WPTA

Competition, the first Cochran Competition in Poland and the Gawon Award in Korea.

The advantage for the participants is that they do not need to travel to compete, and the

organisers do not need to rent a hall for one or two weeks. However, the excitement and

great experience of a live event and the special atmosphere with an audience is missing.

The true sound of the piano should really be heard in a concert hall, and to make a fair

comparison, the conditions should be the same for all participants.

More online competitions: the Manhattan and Berliner IMC. Winners receive a concert at

Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, the Berliner Philharmonie, CDs, management and more.

Alink - Argerich Foundation | 51

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