Aldersgate or Fetter Lane

Historical comparison of the work of the Holy Spirit in the Methodist movement in the seven months following John Wesley's Aldersgate experience of May 24, 1738 and the seven months following the Fetter Lane love feast experience of January 1, 1739. The conclusions drawn are that the Spirit-led movement did not begin after Aldersgate as much as it began after Fetter Lane. The primary source material is John Wesley's journal entries of 1738 and 1739.

Historical comparison of the work of the Holy Spirit in the Methodist movement in the seven months following John Wesley's Aldersgate experience of May 24, 1738 and the seven months following the Fetter Lane love feast experience of January 1, 1739. The conclusions drawn are that the Spirit-led movement did not begin after Aldersgate as much as it began after Fetter Lane. The primary source material is John Wesley's journal entries of 1738 and 1739.


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