Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church


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concepts of undue influence, can be even MORE effective than pain, torture, drugs, and

use of physical force and legal threats...

".. The relationship between the person and the coercive persuasion tactics are dynamic

in that while the force of the pressures, rewards, and punishments brought to bear on the

person are considerable, they do not lead to a stable, meaningfully SELF-CHOSEN

reorganization of beliefs or attitudes. Rather, they lead to a sort of coerced compliance

and a situationally required elaborate rationalization, for the new conduct.

"... Truly peaceful religious persuasion practices would never attempt to force, compel

and dominate the free wills or minds of its members through coercive behavioral

techniques or covert hypnotism. They would have no difficulty coexisting peacefully with

U.S. laws meant to protect the public from such practices.

"But appearing to be 'peaceful persuasion' is precisely what makes coercive persuasion

less likely to attract attention or to mobilize opposition. It is also part of what makes it

such a devastating control technology. Victims of coercive persuasion have no signs of

physical abuse, convincing rationalizations for the radical or abrupt changes in their

behavior, a convincing "sincerity, and they have been changed so gradually that they

don't oppose it because they usually aren't even aware of it." ('How Does Mind Control

work', from FACTNet.org - see all links below)

Already is it becoming apparent that compulsion, pressure, threats, and domination are

the methodologies of mind control, and we see these very tactics employed in many

churches today!

Do Churches Use Coercion?

Apart from the central, most obvious, pointer to abusive church systems - controlling

leadership - we can see some further indicators of the use of mind control as we

examine a textbook on the subject and compare its findings with common practise in

revival churches.

When I did so, I was disturbed to discover that every one of the tactics employed by

mind-control experts outside the churches (i.e., in politics, cults or military intelligence)

was also apparent in the churches! Could this be a coincidence or is it proof that a

subtle brainwashing is taking place in order to implant the new, unbiblical, doctrines of

the Global Church?

Below is part of a document called "Coercive Mind Control Tactics: A Short

Overview". I think you will agree that we can see almost all of the tactics listed at work

in the churches.

"Coercive psychological systems are behavioral change programs which use

psychological force in a coercive way to cause the learning and adoption of an ideology

or designated set of beliefs, ideas, attitudes, or behaviors. ...In such a program the

subject is forced to adapt in a series of tiny "invisible" steps. Each tiny step is designed

to be sufficiently small so the subjects will not notice the changes in themselves or

identify the coercive nature of the processes being used.

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