Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church


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too). My favorite way is including them in a cell or a Sunday meeting, but it doesn’t have

to be that. There are lots of things we can do. Maybe you can list another.

The last thing we need is a new law, dictating by a holier-than-thou thought police. Even

the most extreme people, including the IS, have their reasons for what they do.

Responding with truth and love to them may actually change their hearts. That goes to

all of our enemies; whether they are in Lynchburg or Iraq.


Responding to Modern-Day Sadducees

Christianity 201

May 24, 2014

Modern Sadducees & Taking the Holy Bible Literally

Even 2000 years ago there were those who declared portions of God’s law shouldn’t be

taken literally. They were the counterparts to today’s Liberal Protestants. Who were

they? Why they were the infamous Sadducees!

They ran things in the Temple. They were the money changers, wealthy and corrupt.

They outwardly hated the Romans but secretly cut deals with them. They had a low

view of the Hebrew Bible accepting only the parts of it they watered down. They

questioned or rejected the writings of the prophets. They had a secret admiration for

Greek philosophy. In short they were the rationalist, liberal theologians of their day.

They didn’t believe in miracles, the virgin birth, the Christ’s resurrection, nor in angels,

the Holy Spirit, or Hell.

Like the Sadducees modern day Liberal Protestants, or Pseudo Christians, teach that

the bible is filled with myths. They deny the infallibility of scripture and in effect undercut

the authority of the Gospel they say they believe. They reject that Hell is eternal, or that

non-believers will go there. They promote universalism believing there are many ways

to paradise which leads to things like abortion and homosexuality.

Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, despised and condemned them then as He will do to all

like them now. Don’t be caught dead siding or following anyone who calls or implies

that God is a liar or believing their answer to the question: “Should we take the Holy

Bible literally?”

Below are a few of the dominate criticisms to the word of God with all responses from

Dr. Curt D. Daniel, pastor of Faith Bible Church, of Springfield, Illinois,


“The Bible contains many errors. It is neither infallible nor inerrant.” But: Jesus

said, “Thy Word is truth” (John 17:17) and “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35).

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