Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church


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A century ago, the modernists believed that the triumph of naturalism would lead to the

total transformation of Christianity.

It must have seemed thrilling for these leaders to think they were at the vanguard of

reformation, that they were the pivot point of Christianity’s inevitable future. But such

was not the case. Traditional stalwarts like Machen and G.K. Chesterton (who were

criticized as hopelessly “backward” back then) still have books in print. The names of

most of their once-fashionable opponents are largely unrecognizable.

It’s commonplace to assume that contemporary society’s redefinition of marriage,

gender and the purpose for sexuality will eventually persuade the church to follow

along. But if we were to jump forward into the 22nd century, I wonder what we would


Most likely, we would see a world in which the explosive growth of Christians in South

America, China and Africa has dwarfed the churches of North America and Europe. And

the lesson we learn from a century ago will probably still be true: The churches that

thrived were those that offered their world something more than the echo of the times.


Will the Church Survive the 21st Century?

Rick Renner

It is no secret that the spiritual environment in the world is undergoing a radical change.

A great gulf is beginning to divide those who reject absolute truth and those who see

what is happening and respond by renewing their commitment to the faith.

The winds of change are blowing, separating the wheat from the chaff. Even identifying

who is "wheat" and who is "chaff" can become a point of contention, depending on the

group to which one belongs. Unfortunately, what we currently see and feel is only the

beginning of the rift that is developing within the Church world. Unless a major revival

occurs, this rift will only grow deeper and wider. If repentance doesn't melt the hearts of

people throughout the Church world, it will eventually seem like there are three


• A Church that holds fast to the truth and faces the brunt of opposition because it

refuses to bend.

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