Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church


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At an "Awake America!" meeting in Denver (June 2, 1998), there was no message and

the preaching was replaced by frenzy. David Works, an obvious advocate of the chaos,

gleefully reported: "the drummer pounded a drum for 10 minutes while the crowd was

led in a chant of “Jesus, Jesus!”

I well remember the meeting organised by Restoration groups to introduce Celtic

theology to British Christians. The meeting was scripted, and while the script was

intoned in a portentous voice, huge screens behind the audience displayed swirling

shapes and colours, to the accompaniment of a bang, bang, bang of a single drum. Is

this Christian preaching or indoctrination?

Either 'In' or 'Out'

TACTIC 2 - Establish control over the person's social environment, time and sources of

social support by a system of often-excessive rewards and punishments. Social

isolation is promoted. Contact with family and friends is abridged, as is contact with

persons who do not share group-approved attitudes. Economic and other dependence

on the group is fostered.

TACTIC 3 - Prohibit opposing information and non supporting opinions in group

communication. Rules exist about permissible topics to discuss with outsiders.

Communication is highly controlled. An "in-group" language is usually constructed.

I think that many who have been involved as members in "restoration" or "shepherding"

fellowships as well as revivalist churches would agree that their lives were swallowed up

by the people and events such that "normal life" disappeared and all social interaction

took place with church people and in the meetings.

When the "blessing" hit Toronto Airport Church the meetings were held almost every

day and lasted for hour after frenzied hour. People were already "drunk" in the meetings

and their minds were further eroded by tiredness, constant loud music and unnerving

spiritual activities. In an atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos there was little time to

think clearly. Some were left incapacitated and could not continue their normal daily

routines, such was the bombardment to their senses.

All of this tended to remove the members from their normal environment, in which they

could have reflected on their previous life and beliefs, and made comparisons. No,

reflection and conscious choice were discouraged, and all those who were "truly

seeking God" had to "jump in the river" immediately without regard to the


The waves of power came upon them; the leaders urged everyone to receive (or be left

behind) and under this intense pressure and haste most people caught up in the frenzy

gave into the conditioning.

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