Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church


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Knowing that the system worked, and that few people can withstand the onslaught of

hours of such mental pressure, the revival leaders would frequently manipulate the guiltfeelings

of their critics and say: "You cannot justify criticising the revival until you have

personally attended a meeting. Come along and then you'll see."

"I was just wondering how someone could speak of these things negatively without

experiencing them himself. I do believe in what you call "Holy Laughter" because I have

experienced it and do experience it quite often. ... Many people, when they don't

understand something, tend to criticize it, just because they don't understand it with their

mind. Here is something very important. We will never figure out God, or understand His

power shown through signs, wonders and miracles. I would encourage you and many

others to go for yourself and not just base your opinion on what others have said. When

you get into the presence of God and allow the Holy Spirit to move, things happen. We

may not understand them with our mind, but we don't need to." [e-mail in possession of

the author]

This attitude has been taught from the pulpit right from the beginning of the revival. "You

can't know anything is wrong until you experience it". Really? How do we know

spiritualism is wrong? - or adultery? - or heroin?

People do not urge you to taste the fruit because they know you'll get an opportunity to

search the scriptures and test the spirits. No, they want you to get into the revival

atmosphere charged with deceiving spirits so you'll "let it happen". They want you to

come under the pressures of mind-control and "receive"!

I know some fine ministers who started out by writing critical articles against the Toronto

Blessing, were manipulated into attending the meetings, but were caught up,

conditioned, converted to the new paradigm, received the "blessing" and thereafter

became revival addicts just like everyone else!

Alternative Information Discouraged

Members are actively discouraged from relationships outside the church, even

with family members, if they do not approve of what is going on.

The church and its leadership and goals becomes the believer's only point of reference

and anything outside of that doctrine or experience is frowned upon or actively

discouraged. Anything contrary to the "approved" doctrine is viewed as evil and

"negative". Websites, people, books, tapes and anything else that would give an

opposing viewpoint are off limits.

Anyone within the church who dares to offer opposition or to raise a question about

doctrine is publicly castigated and pilloried, and members are commanded to ostracise

them. They then find that backs are turned on them in the street, phone calls stop, and

they are considered outcasts.

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